Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: Piggy on June 01, 2018, 12:33:01 PM

Title: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: Piggy on June 01, 2018, 12:33:01 PM
After i made this graph ( where you could see for each section in the forum where the merit were distributed, i decided to do something similar, to show who actually gives most merits for each board and with which frequency.
This combination is a good indication to identify active users in a particular board, which are reading posts and awarding merits.

I compiled a list of the top 30 users for each board of the forum.

Top 30 Merit per board: (

Top 30 Transaction Merit per board: (

Instructions on how to use the data:

You can drill down into each board of the forum by clicking on the rectangles and at the same time see who awarded more merits (or awarded merits more often). The size of the rectangles is directly proportional to the number of merits or transactions. To go back to the previous parent board click on the top header.

These tool-graphs could also be useful to a certain extent in identifying/confirming new merit sources, since are highlighting people which are actively awarding merits in a board and possibly (this need to be verified) awarding them to quality posts. This is quite an important aspect, as some person who would actually make a good merit source maybe is simply not interested in assigning merits.

How we could use these information to spot possible merit sources?

We can try for example with the Italian local board, i actually have some knowledge of people posting there and already have an idea of who could be a good candidate:

You can immediately see by the size of the rectangles where most of the merits are awarded, and it seems mostly are flowing under this section:

You can also see who awarded the most merits: (
We notice Micio(218 Mrt) and redsn0w (90 Mrt), which are already merit sources and Babo (85 Mrt), which is not (there are others perhaps worth looking into it).
Now we can look how many times he awarded merits on the transaction graph: (

it says Babo (84 Tx), so he has been giving in average ~1 merit per post, looks good :)

I invite everyone to play around, have a look into boards you know and see if any name comes up, in particular in the Local one, or simply use the tool to satisfy your curiosity.

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: Jet Cash on June 01, 2018, 12:41:28 PM
I just seem toget a lot of empty rectangles. Do I need to enable something to view the figures?

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: Piggy on June 01, 2018, 12:50:05 PM
I just seem toget a lot of empty rectangles. Do I need to enable something to view the figures?

You should be able to see the descriptions, like in the pictures, with any modern web browser. Do you have some particular setting or using a particular web browser?

If you want you can send me a pm with a screen so there may be some clue.

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: Jet Cash on June 01, 2018, 01:03:39 PM
I cut this out of one of the enlarged images.

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: Piggy on June 01, 2018, 01:08:16 PM
Not sure i understood the problem, the live graph data is here through these links here:

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: shahzadafzal on June 01, 2018, 01:28:05 PM
I just seem toget a lot of empty rectangles. Do I need to enable something to view the figures?

Mouse over on a rectangles and it will show you merits given in particular board.
Drilldown (click) and you will see the merit counts with sender name.

Good work OP.
I guess legend is required and colors would make this graph more amazing.
Please also add option to go back or drill up.

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: DdmrDdmr on June 01, 2018, 03:17:21 PM
OP, I'm trying to find myself on the Spanish Boards and have not been able to. I've awarded over 15 sMerits in all there, and in the subsections I see users with 1Tx onwards, therefore I should be able to see myself there shouldn't I?

You got me wondering if Jet Cash is awarding more to my local board than me ... I hope so, but I'm still intrigued as to why I'm not there.

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: botany on June 01, 2018, 04:25:54 PM

Please also add option to go back or drill up.

That option is already there. All you have to do is click on the top (header row above all the rectangles).
This definitely is excellent work by the OP.

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: seoincorporation on June 01, 2018, 04:43:48 PM
OP, I'm trying to find myself on the Spanish Boards and have not been able to. I've awarded over 15 in all there and in the subsections I see users with 1Tx onwards therefore I should be able to see myself there shouldn't I?

I've neither been able to find you, even when I appear when I'm not so active in our local.
Maybe some stats are wrong.

Crystal clear, JC needed to become a merit source, he's active in many boards and active in the giving-away activity. But, still, some of the data seems to be missing.

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on June 01, 2018, 04:46:09 PM
Please also add option to go back or drill up.
That would be nice, yes.

I like the data presentation for the most part, but I'm also seeing a bunch of empty blocks and I'm not sure if that's all there is.  Also, though I'm one of the top merit-givers in Meta, I'm not a merit source.  You would be mistaken if you drew that conclusion--it just so happens that it's my favorite section and the one in which I see the best posts, so I've given the large majority of sMerits for posts there. 

The other users who dwarf me in terms of merits given out (like Vod, TMAN, Foxpup, and suchmoon), yeah I'd suspect they're merit sources even though they're also some of the top merited users and thus would have a lot of sMerits to give.  I don't know who's come out of the closet as sources and who hasn't, so I could be stating the obvious.  Nice job with the data.  I likey-likey.

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: Piggy on June 01, 2018, 05:55:36 PM
OP, I'm trying to find myself on the Spanish Boards and have not been able to. I've awarded over 15 sMerits in all there, and in the subsections I see users with 1Tx onwards, therefore I should be able to see myself there shouldn't I?

You got me wondering if Jet Cash is awarding more to my local board than me ... I hope so, but I'm still intrigued as to why I'm not there.

can it be that was in different child board under it? In that case would not be appearing as a total but would be spread around, this way you can see most effective people on each individual board/child board.

I should have a look at rhe raw data otherwise to be sure

Please also add option to go back or drill up.

That option is already there. All you have to do is click on the top (header row above all the rectangles).
This definitely is excellent work by the OP.

Yes to go back just click the header on the top, it should highlight when you move your mouse over

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: DdmrDdmr on June 01, 2018, 06:01:52 PM
I've debugged the Spanish board a bit further (may as well put my tool's update to use right?). In the "Esquina Libre" subsection I've encountered for example:

- Dihari (1 Merit): This user is Indonesian, so I thought it strange that he would be related to the Spanish Board. I checked all the posts he merited and there are no Spanish posts there.

- Kinsey (1 Merit): Merited someone in the Ann Section, but that's it.

- Kisk (7 sMerits): Has awarded a total of 4 sMerits in the miming section, but not 7 in the Spanish board.

Something seems wrong ..

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: Piggy on June 01, 2018, 06:53:30 PM
Please also add option to go back or drill up.

 Also, though I'm one of the top merit-givers in Meta, I'm not a merit source.  You would be mistaken if you drew that conclusion--it just so happens that it's my favorite section and the one in which I see the best posts, so I've given the large majority of sMerits for posts there.

The basic idea would be exactly to spot people like you or like the person in the example i have given in the Italian section, people that are not merit source, but being avctive on a certain board, could become quite an effective one.


I need to have a better look if there is some problem for some cases, for the moment if the big givers are pointed out then can serve some purpose  :)

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: Hhampuz on June 01, 2018, 08:29:46 PM
This is really cool! Thank you for making this :)

EDIT; How accurate is this? 100%? After browsing through my native board (collectibles) I found some names there that I never see in any threads or replies. Might just be me missing out when and where they gave out merit but would be interesting to know.

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: Piggy on June 02, 2018, 03:49:45 AM
This is really cool! Thank you for making this :)

EDIT; How accurate is this? 100%? After browsing through my native board (collectibles) I found some names there that I never see in any threads or replies. Might just be me missing out when and where they gave out merit but would be interesting to know.

There was indeed a problem with the conversion userid - username, my list had some problem when i generated it, so some user would pop up where didn't belong.

Now seems i got the right one in, if you see a number is just the user id of the forum  ;D

This is now updated to 25th of May, so it may change a little but still show the right tendency to spot active people.

DdmrDdmr now you should be able to see yousrself as well, your userid is appearing ( username was not mapped)  :)

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: Coin-1 on June 02, 2018, 06:06:21 AM
Good work, topic starter. But such kind of representation has a disadvantage. When the user count is large, there is no place on the page to show all of their names. As a result, some user names are superposing on each other, and none of these user names is readable. In fact they are shown as a black spots full of letters. It usually happens in the most right bottom corner of the board. I guess you need to omit some user names in these cases. Or you can show the user list in the text format below of the board.

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: DdmrDdmr on June 02, 2018, 06:21:57 AM
DdmrDdmr now you should be able to see yousrself as well, your userid is appearing ( username was not mapped)  :)
Yep, I saw the fix this morning (first thing I read!). Seems fine now. It’s fun to use and visual to see forum active awarders.

As to using it for detecting possible Merit Sources, I still believe that the sMerit network size needs to be considered as a primal indicator over awarded sMerit, in order to avoid identifying as potentials those that award to alts and so on. Regardless, nice tool.

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: nc50lc on June 02, 2018, 06:38:13 AM
There's no clear user interface or guidelines, so it's quite not user-friendly. Not for me, at least.

These might help the visitors:
  • If the box is light blue (which is a link as default in HTML pages), it is clickable and expandable.
  • To Zoom out, click the top row (current position/location) which highlights in orange when properly hovered by the mouse pointer.
    Because sometimes, it seems like not responding to clicks.
  • I works with a javascript and some users set their browser's javascript disabled, some may report issues.
Overall, it's useful for merit source/huge merit trading search.

Can you add a space where the small merit senders are listed?

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: puzzling_rvat on June 02, 2018, 07:41:00 AM
Truly speaking i like statistic very much.
You had to work hard for long time to analyze all data. But this interface and the way to submit this result not very clear and not attractive for me (agree with nc50lc). Sorry it only my private opinion.
I think the main task of such type of work is a representativity.
But lots of merits were sent and seems people like it.
Btw well done!

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: sncc on June 02, 2018, 04:30:18 PM
Nice work.  OP, I checked Japanese local board and found that several accounts including me are not shown by username but by account id numbers.  It would be good to fix it and see all the usernames.

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: Piggy on June 02, 2018, 05:14:23 PM
Is not easy to find the most appropiate way to show the data or make it available sometimes, in particular when there are multiple dimensions, but i understand it may not be the most intuitive way  :)

As to using it for detecting possible Merit Sources, I still believe that the sMerit network size needs to be considered as a primal indicator over awarded sMerit, in order to avoid identifying as potentials those that award to alts and so on. Regardless, nice tool.

The merit network looks indeed interesting and i would like to find a way to be able to navigate it under the shape of a tool, but for the moment has proven to be quite hard to do since there is ton of data to show there, which could easily melt a pc.  ;D

It would be good to fix it and see all the usernames.

Yes that i can do. I saw LoyceV has an update list he is sharing i may use that.

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: babo on June 02, 2018, 09:13:54 PM
After i made this graph ( where you could see for each section in the forum where the merit were distributed, i decided to do something similar, to show who actually gives most merits for each board and with which frequency.
This combination is a good indication to identify active users in a particular board, which are reading posts and awarding merits.

I compiled a list of the top 30 users for each board of the forum.

Top 30 Merit per board:


it says Babo (84 Tx), so he has been giving in average ~1 merit per post, looks good :)

I invite everyone to play around, have a look into boards you know and see if any name comes up, in particular in the Local one, or simply use the tool to satisfy your curiosity.

I will try to become merits source
For community of course, but i have little time in these weeks becsuse hot period of work hard
When i found some minuts i try to apply

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: coinlocket$ on June 02, 2018, 10:35:52 PM
Nice work, the list it's almost done on my pc also :D.

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: Piggy on June 04, 2018, 12:45:52 PM
- Updated the usernames that were not mapped and shown as user id and updated the data till the 1st of June

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: Piggy on June 25, 2018, 05:04:34 AM
This is now updated with the latest data, 22th of June.

In general i'm trying to keep it updated weekly as the data is released.

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: funcho on June 26, 2018, 05:55:27 AM
I cut this out of one of the enlarged images.
now its clear

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: Octmath on June 26, 2018, 07:46:50 AM
Great work,  I like the data vistual thing,  however, some names are overlaping on each other, and not readable accordingly.  I guess you'd better delete some names  Or you can show the name list in text format. ;D

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: Piggy on July 08, 2018, 06:44:48 AM
This is now updated to the 6th of July data

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: Piggy on July 20, 2018, 03:25:19 PM
The tool is updated with the data from today, 20th of July.

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: Piggy on July 28, 2018, 02:22:15 PM
The tools are updated with the data from yesterday, 27th of July.

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: Piggy on August 20, 2018, 07:05:46 PM
Updated with the latest data

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: Piggy on September 01, 2018, 05:26:02 AM
The tools are updated with the data from yesterday, 31st of August.

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: babo on September 01, 2018, 09:32:24 AM
i'm second after micio (369) with 111 mrts :)

i'm not merit source and my merits are near to end

I hope my application will be successful soon..

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: Piggy on September 01, 2018, 11:01:50 AM
i'm second after micio (369) with 111 mrts :)

i'm not merit source and my merits are near to end

I hope my application will be successful soon..

Yes it looks good and i don't see any reason why not make you one. I guess is just matter of waiting.

At this point, in general, is quite evident who is more active in awarding merits in the local sections and could/should be picked to be a merit source.

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: Piggy on September 14, 2018, 12:14:50 PM
The tools are updated with the data from today, Friday 14th of September.

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: cabalism13 on September 14, 2018, 01:19:06 PM
The tools are updated with the data from today, Friday 14th of September.

What's the time cap for the data? Is it done by weekly analysis?
If that's the case, then it seems our Local Board isn't that lively :D
Only few have given merits or should I say only few deserves to be merited (What a sad thing, IMO):D

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: Piggy on September 14, 2018, 01:45:46 PM
The tools are updated with the data from today, Friday 14th of September.

What's the time cap for the data? Is it done by weekly analysis?
If that's the case, then it seems our Local Board isn't that lively :D
Only few have given merits or should I say only few deserves to be merited (What a sad thing, IMO):D

what you see is all time data, since the beginning of the merit system, out of curiosity, which local board you are talking about?

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: cabalism13 on September 14, 2018, 02:29:58 PM
out of curiosity, which local board you are talking about?

It's better to stay quiet :)
Let's just hope some improvements will come later on.
By the way, thanks for this, now I know that there are quite few Merit givers in our LOCAL :) (or Merit Worthies ;D )

Note: Watching this thread as for I'm expecting our Local to improve before the introductory of the new forum.

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: Piggy on September 14, 2018, 04:21:05 PM
out of curiosity, which local board you are talking about?

It's better to stay quiet :)
Let's just hope some improvements will come later on.
By the way, thanks for this, now I know that there are quite few Merit givers in our LOCAL :) (or Merit Worthies ;D )

Note: Watching this thread as for I'm expecting our Local to improve before the introductory of the new forum.

If you have somebody that it may be a good candidate for a merit source just push him/her forward. This tools may give you an indication already. In general we are going to need a lot more merit surces than we have now to keep the system healthy and sustainable.

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: Piggy on September 24, 2018, 11:47:51 AM
The tools are updated with the data from Friday 21st of September.

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: Piggy on September 28, 2018, 10:42:24 AM
The tools are updated with the last data from Friday 28th of September.

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: Piggy on October 05, 2018, 10:50:03 AM
The tools are updated with the last data from Friday 5th of October.

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: Piggy on October 12, 2018, 11:15:53 AM
The tools are updated with the last data from Friday 12th of October.

If somebody haven't look yet or looked into it a back in June, it may be interesting to have a look again now, after 3 months have passed.
In some cases, for those local board which are still lacking merits, this could give you a hand in identifying possible local merit source candidates.

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: Piggy on November 11, 2018, 12:03:46 PM
This is now updated with latest data from 9th of November. Even if sometimes i don't bump it, i always update it weekly.  :)

Title: Re: Top 30 Merit givers per board - Interactive Tool to spot possible Merit Sources
Post by: Infinixhot1996 on November 11, 2018, 01:30:59 PM
for those local board which are still lacking merits, this could give you a hand in identifying possible local merit source candidates.
You'd statistics and work put in will actually be of help to them really,lately we've been getting some "we need merits sources in our local board" kinda thread, so I think with the possibility of identity the most generous merit givers,then they could just be identifying potential merit sources...

You're really putting much work into this I must say, kudos mate!!!