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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: nachius on January 31, 2014, 04:22:26 PM

Title: Migraines - Who gets them how do you deal with them?
Post by: nachius on January 31, 2014, 04:22:26 PM
I've got migraines as part of my normal life for the past 25ish years.  In grade school I received a concussion and 2 weeks later they began.

Many doctors, specialists, chiropractor etc. we still don't have a cause and no cure but to treat the symptoms.

I get them in waves sometimes it will be months without sometimes it will be a few times a week for a month.

Sleep, Ice, Darkness, and Silence is my "best" treatment, but with a family this is sometimes difficult.

I have tried altering diet removing caffeine, chocolate, msgs etc to no avail.  I've medicated with everything from C0Q10 to imitrex to treximet to anti seizure meds of different types sometimes things seem to help others there is no stopping the freight train.

When I was taking topomax (anti-seizure med) nightly, seeing the chiropractor regularly and treximet at onset they seemed to be managed as in less frequent but that became expensive and funds went elsewhere.  I know oxygen is supposed to help, but that again isn't something I can pick up from the pharmacy on a whim.  Percy Harvin (NFL Receiver) suffers from them as well and has somewhat brought it into the spot light in the US over the last few years, but thoughts on what maybe hasn't been tried or how you deal?

Title: Re: Migraines - Who gets them how do you deal with them?
Post by: guybrushthreepwood on January 31, 2014, 04:25:58 PM
Have you tried medical cannabis?

Cannabis was a standard treatment for migraines from 1874 to 1942.[19] It has been reported to help people through an attack by relieving the nausea and dulling the head pain, as well as possibly preventing the headache completely when used as soon as possible after the onset of pre-migraine symptoms, such as aura.[19]

Title: Re: Migraines - Who gets them how do you deal with them?
Post by: hilariousandco on January 31, 2014, 04:51:07 PM
You'll probably get a load of stoners touting cannabis as a miracle drug in here now haha, but maybe it's worth a try if you've tried everything else.