Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: celtic99 on June 07, 2018, 03:19:19 PM

Title: Why are these posts deleted?
Post by: celtic99 on June 07, 2018, 03:19:19 PM
Are the following posts considered offensive or something?

1.  A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by a Bitcoin Forum moderator. Posts are most frequently deleted because they are off-topic, though they can also be deleted for other reasons. In the future, please avoid posting things that need to be deleted.

Yes most of us are brainwashed. We spend a large amount of time watching advertisements to buy useless products and services.  We are brainwashed to eat processed gmo garbage foods that only make us sick in the long run.

2.  A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by a Bitcoin Forum moderator. Posts are most frequently deleted because they are off-topic, though they can also be deleted for other reasons. In the future, please avoid posting things that need to be deleted.

A lot of people already consider China the most poewrful contry in the world.  Of course USA has the biggest military budget but they could be in another economic financial crisis soon.

3.  A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by a Bitcoin Forum moderator. Posts are most frequently deleted because they are off-topic, though they can also be deleted for other reasons. In the future, please avoid posting things that need to be deleted.

The sad thing is barely anyone cares.  As long as these mega corporations keep pulling in massive profits while  destroying the environment everything is fine in their eyes.

Title: Re: Why are these posts deleted?
Post by: LoyceV on June 07, 2018, 03:23:49 PM
Looking at your post history, you take about 1 to 3 minutes between posts. I'd say they're generic shitposts.

1. Do you have any evidence for your claim?

2. "poewrful contry"? Really?

3. It lacks context here, but my guess it it's post #2836 in a spam megathread.

Title: Re: Why are these posts deleted?
Post by: seoincorporation on June 07, 2018, 03:40:14 PM
Taking a look at your posting activity the real question is why aren't you banned.

Title: Re: Why are these posts deleted?
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on June 07, 2018, 04:30:01 PM
Yes most of us are brainwashed. We spend a large amount of time watching advertisements to buy useless products and services.  We are brainwashed to eat processed gmo garbage foods that only make us sick in the long run.

A lot of people already consider China the most poewrful contry in the world.  Of course USA has the biggest military budget but they could be in another economic financial crisis soon.

The sad thing is barely anyone cares.  As long as these mega corporations keep pulling in massive profits while  destroying the environment everything is fine in their eyes.
All of these posts are of a pretty much standard length and are empty of anything resembling good content.  They deserve to be deleted along with the thousands of other posts like it.  Nobody cares to read shit like this.  It's amusing to me that you think a post has to be offensive to be deleted.  

Looking at your post history, you take about 1 to 3 minutes per post.
Not even.  Get a stopwatch and see how long 3 minutes actually is.  This guy spends more like 15 seconds on his posts.

I'd say they're generic shitposts.
Yep, that's exactly what they are.

Shorter posts are fine if it gets straight to the point and are on topic. 
That's true, but in your case you're writing posts as if you're answering a test question, and that's not what this forum is for.  Either write something interesting or don't write anything.  I could write two sentence responses for every single thread on bitcointalk--but that doesn't mean I should.

Title: Re: Why are these posts deleted?
Post by: celtic99 on June 07, 2018, 04:48:47 PM
I don't see a need to make long rambling posts like a lot of users here.  Shorter posts are fine if it gets straight to the point and are on topic.  Yes, I am a very fast reader and typer so I don't always take a long time in between posts.

I just wanted to make sure my posts weren't being deleted because of my political views.

Title: Re: Why are these posts deleted?
Post by: LoyceMobile on June 07, 2018, 04:59:13 PM
I don't see a need to make long rambling posts like a lot of users here.  Shorter posts are fine if it gets straight to the point and are on topic.
You're missing the point, the point is there is no point to your posts. See my point?

Title: Re: Why are these posts deleted?
Post by: Flying Hellfish on June 07, 2018, 05:37:38 PM
I don't see a need to make long rambling posts like a lot of users here.  Shorter posts are fine if it gets straight to the point and are on topic.  Yes, I am a very fast reader and typer so I don't always take a long time in between posts.

I just wanted to make sure my posts weren't being deleted because of my political views.

Read the sticky at the top of P&S board, you should note that low/no value posts are always in danger of being deleted.

Exactly zero fucks are given about what your political views are.  Just don't shit post and you can say damn near anything you want.

Title: Re: Why are these posts deleted?
Post by: digaran on June 07, 2018, 06:25:07 PM
Would you stick around and post like that if you have no signature on your profile? if the answer is yes, I'd suggest you to do it. remove your signature and start posting like that then come here to say why your posts were deleted.

If the answer is no, then FHF has done his job correctly.

Title: Re: Why are these posts deleted?
Post by: Vod on June 07, 2018, 06:28:29 PM
I just wanted to make sure my posts weren't being deleted because of my political views.

I'm sure they are not.  I've posted a lot worse, and the only time my post was deleted was in a self-modded thread where I asked Quickseller if he could prove he repaid the stolen 20btc. 

I think the mods are starting to focus on the megathreads.  If you see a generic off topic thread with more than a couple pages, move on.  No one reads the posts that are made there.

Title: Re: Why are these posts deleted?
Post by: TianaStam on June 07, 2018, 07:20:19 PM
Just the thread creator counted your post not on theme or off-topic and he simply reported to  the moderator who deleted your post. Everything is individual and you are not the one with the same kind of problems.