Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: hyunsookmom on February 01, 2014, 10:07:38 AM

Title: Is BCNext Satoshi? Discuss and analyze their language.
Post by: hyunsookmom on February 01, 2014, 10:07:38 AM
I know the temptation will be to send this to Alt coin section but this deserves a wider audience.

I looked though BCNext's posts and also Satoshi and you can't help but see a strong language correlation between the two.

What I thought would be interesting is to find language similarities and differences. Some are hard to place your finger on and are more about a certain tone or voice but still they can be discussed. I think it has value cause if he/she is the same person then it has ramifications for Bitcoin whether you like them or not.

After a short read though I noticed a few things.

1) Both often start sentences with I.
2) Both use spaces after punctuation.
3 Both have a very educated and well spoken tone.
4) Both want to be anonymous.
5) Both use lists just like this one often.

Its a hunch but I recon they are the same person. I wonder if there is anyone on here with forensic skills as language identifying or have their own opinions on similarities or differences. list them maybe...

Satoshi posts:;u=3;sa=showPosts

BCNext posts:;u=152600;sa=showPosts

Title: Re: Is BCNext Satoshi? Discuss and analyze their language.
Post by: El Dude on February 01, 2014, 10:37:03 AM
what a sad way of trying to pump a scamcoin.

Title: Re: Is BCNext Satoshi? Discuss and analyze their language.
Post by: hyunsookmom on February 01, 2014, 10:39:08 AM
what a sad way of trying to pump a scamcoin.

Don't understand something,try to kill it.

I know its just one ignorant person but I'm going to post this topic over at Alt coins for more unbiased responses. Mods can delete this thread...some people don't deserve to be helped...

Title: Re: Is BCNext Satoshi? Discuss and analyze their language.
Post by: BldSwtTrs on February 01, 2014, 10:46:42 AM
The space after punctuation is the more troublesome.

But maybe it is a programmer thing? How many people do that here at bitcointalk?

Title: Re: Is BCNext Satoshi? Discuss and analyze their language.
Post by: guybrushthreepwood on February 01, 2014, 11:08:12 AM
The space after punctuation is the more troublesome.

? You mean like people are supposed to?

Title: Re: Is BCNext Satoshi? Discuss and analyze their language.
Post by: hyunsookmom on February 01, 2014, 11:09:53 AM
The space after punctuation is the more troublesome.

But maybe it is a programmer thing? How many people do that here at bitcointalk?

I don't think you can ever pin things on one similarity more a collection to make a decent case OR dismiss the idea unless you can find some strange term or spelling error that almost nobody usually uses.

I'm not saying they are the same person I'm suggesting its a pretty interesting discussion to look at each of their posts and form an opinion, qualified or not.

Title: Re: Is BCNext Satoshi? Discuss and analyze their language.
Post by: DieJohnny on February 01, 2014, 11:37:14 AM
Look through their posts and find words that are seldom used, like quagmire. Also, try and find words that are spelled wrong and see if they are repeatedly spelled wrong in both, like Funnelling. Also, look for word usage that may seem common to you but when compared across two people would be unlikely like "arms race", and "fairly equally" and "get seeded"

Title: Re: Is BCNext Satoshi? Discuss and analyze their language.
Post by: 5flags on March 07, 2014, 08:19:44 AM
1) Both often start sentences with I.

You mean like you just did in your OP?

2) Both use spaces after punctuation.

You mean like you just did in your OP?

3 Both have a very educated and well spoken tone.

You mean like you do in your OP?

4) Both want to be anonymous.

OMG - you're posting under a pseudonym!

5) Both use lists just like this one often.

OMG - you have 200 posts!

Are you.....? Is that what you're telling us?

Title: Re: Is BCNext Satoshi? Discuss and analyze their language.
Post by: jabo38 on March 26, 2014, 01:48:32 PM
Hi Hyunsook, I wondered about this too at one point so I was really happy to see your post.  At first glance, the styles are very similar indeed.  That leads me to believe that they must have a similar way of thinking about things or similar personality.  But when looking at it closer, I noticed some differences that would be hard to fake.  I found that Satoshi likes to use words that end in "ly" and BCnext doesn't.  That is a pretty difficult aspect of one's language to change because it shows how they interpret and comprehend the world.  Satoshi is concerned with and referring to the quality of of something and how well it is performing.  BCnext isn't.  Also, there are a few other points that are different, one that jumps out at me is that Satoshi is regularly getting into deep technical explanations and BCnext isn't.  I can definitely see how they are similar in a lot of ways, but there are a few key differences setting them apart in my eyes.   

Title: Re: Is BCNext Satoshi? Discuss and analyze their language.
Post by: Spoetnigga on March 26, 2014, 01:55:02 PM
WHAT... i am Satoshi nigga!

Title: Re: Is BCNext Satoshi? Discuss and analyze their language.
Post by: TTM on March 26, 2014, 02:19:43 PM
1) Both often start sentences with I.

You mean like you just did in your OP?

2) Both use spaces after punctuation.

You mean like you just did in your OP?

3 Both have a very educated and well spoken tone.

You mean like you do in your OP?

4) Both want to be anonymous.

OMG - you're posting under a pseudonym!

5) Both use lists just like this one often.

OMG - you have 200 posts!

Are you.....? Is that what you're telling us?

So i guess Huyn Sook Mom (aka Satoshi aka BCNext ) gonna dump his stash of 1.2 million BTC to the market in order to pump NXT, right ? OMG we're doomed  :D

Title: Re: Is BCNext Satoshi? Discuss and analyze their language.
Post by: tacotime on March 26, 2014, 02:52:17 PM

Title: Re: Is BCNext Satoshi? Discuss and analyze their language.
Post by: ShroomsKit_Disgrace on March 26, 2014, 02:58:28 PM
People make a whole thread  to laugh at my face but I keep with my shit-talk and my hateful comments.

Do you refer to this thread El Dude?:

 Yes!!! We had some good laughs there because of you!  :D

Title: Re: Is BCNext Satoshi? Discuss and analyze their language.
Post by: r0ach on March 26, 2014, 03:38:50 PM
Let's see, Satoshi releases a fair mine coin.  BCNext releases a 100% premine, IPO scam coin.  The similarities are overwhelming !

Title: Re: Is BCNext Satoshi? Discuss and analyze their language.
Post by: ShroomsKit_Disgrace on March 26, 2014, 03:52:37 PM
Let's see, Satoshi releases a fair mine coin.  BCNext releases a 100% premine, IPO scam coin.  The similarities are overwhelming !

LOL at "fair mine coin" . I didn't know that having more than 1M BTC for yourself can be described as FAIR  ::)

Title: Re: Is BCNext Satoshi? Discuss and analyze their language.
Post by: tk808 on March 26, 2014, 04:04:26 PM
1) Both often start sentences with I.

You mean like you just did in your OP?

2) Both use spaces after punctuation.

You mean like you just did in your OP?

3 Both have a very educated and well spoken tone.

You mean like you do in your OP?

4) Both want to be anonymous.

OMG - you're posting under a pseudonym!

5) Both use lists just like this one often.

OMG - you have 200 posts!

Are you.....? Is that what you're telling us?


OP is Satoshi Nakamoto.

Title: Re: Is BCNext Satoshi? Discuss and analyze their language.
Post by: r0ach on March 26, 2014, 04:09:25 PM
Let's see, Satoshi releases a fair mine coin.  BCNext releases a 100% premine, IPO scam coin.  The similarities are overwhelming !

LOL at "fair mine coin" . I didn't know that having more than 1M BTC for yourself can be described as FAIR  ::)

Well, it's not like he didn't tell people about it.  There was just not much interest in making your computer run 100c for something that has 0 profit.

Title: Re: Is BCNext Satoshi? Discuss and analyze their language.
Post by: ShroomsKit_Disgrace on March 26, 2014, 04:19:48 PM
Let's see, Satoshi releases a fair mine coin.  BCNext releases a 100% premine, IPO scam coin.  The similarities are overwhelming !

LOL at "fair mine coin" . I didn't know that having more than 1M BTC for yourself can be described as FAIR  ::)

Well, it's not like he didn't tell people about it.  There was just not much interest in making your computer run 100c for something that has 0 profit.

The same exactly thing happened to BCNext with his initial announcement and IPO for NXT. Few people got interested to pay for something that had 0 value.

Title: Re: Is BCNext Satoshi? Discuss and analyze their language.
Post by: solid12345 on March 26, 2014, 04:22:12 PM
There is no Satoshi, only the NSA.

Title: Re: Is BCNext Satoshi? Discuss and analyze their language.
Post by: Nxtblg on March 26, 2014, 04:54:16 PM
I came in here assuming that "Discuss and analyze their language" meant comparing their programming styles. Silly me  ::)

Title: Re: Is BCNext Satoshi? Discuss and analyze their language.
Post by: DubFX on March 26, 2014, 04:56:35 PM
Ask NSA they can analyse it deeper lol.

Title: Re: Is BCNext Satoshi? Discuss and analyze their language.
Post by: r0ach on March 26, 2014, 05:46:04 PM
Let's see, Satoshi releases a fair mine coin.  BCNext releases a 100% premine, IPO scam coin.  The similarities are overwhelming !

LOL at "fair mine coin" . I didn't know that having more than 1M BTC for yourself can be described as FAIR  ::)

Well, it's not like he didn't tell people about it.  There was just not much interest in making your computer run 100c for something that has 0 profit.

The same exactly thing happened to BCNext with his initial announcement and IPO for NXT. Few people got interested to pay for something that had 0 value.

Not even close to a valid comparison.  We all know IPO is a scamfest distribution method.  The only valid distribution method is one which doesn't directly enrich the creator, otherwise it's no different from "The Creature from Jekyll Island" system we have now.  Five guys get in a room together, instantly create the currency out of thin air, and become billionaires in under one second.  The idea is ridiculous.

It's in everyone's best interest on the entire planet earth for NXT to die, except the 30 people who own it.

Title: Re: Is BCNext Satoshi? Discuss and analyze their language.
Post by: instacalm on March 26, 2014, 05:57:54 PM
Not even close to a valid comparison.  We all know IPO is a scamfest distribution method.  The only valid distribution method is one which doesn't directly enrich the creator, otherwise it's no different from "The Creature from Jekyll Island" system we have now.  Five guys get in a room together, instantly create the currency out of thin air, and become billionaires in under one second.  The idea is ridiculous.

It's in everyone's best interest on the entire planet earth for NXT to die, except the 30 people who own it.
Let's see, Satoshi releases a fair mine coin.  BCNext releases a 100% premine, IPO scam coin.  The similarities are overwhelming !

You sure do realise that over 50% of Bitcoin is held by <1000 people [1] ( Calling NXT a scam makes as little sense as calling Bitcoin a scam.

Your allegedly high morals are nice to listen to -- but money is and will not be fair. Cryptocurrencies are not fair, Capitalism is not "fair".

Anyhow, this thread is another story which I'm not addressing now.

Title: Re: Is BCNext Satoshi? Discuss and analyze their language.
Post by: r0ach on March 26, 2014, 09:23:40 PM
You sure do realise that over 50% of Bitcoin is held by <1000 people [1] ( Calling NXT a scam makes as little sense as calling Bitcoin a scam.

You're trying to derail the idea that IPOs are scams and replace it with a different argument about distribution, which is also another NXT problem.

Title: Re: Is BCNext Satoshi? Discuss and analyze their language.
Post by: instacalm on March 26, 2014, 09:32:54 PM
You're trying to derail the idea that IPOs are scams and replace it with a different argument about distribution, which is also another NXT problem.

Nonsense, I was addressing your statement about Bitcoin being a "fair mine coin".

"IPOs" can be honest or dishonest, and the far majority on BCT are indeed the latter. As a matter of fact, in the case of Nxt dishonesty was clearly not the case. Your argument is invalid (no offense!).  [As a side note, Nxt's initial IPO was meant for distribution of the genesis block, not to make big bucks.]

Disliking Proof of Stake distribution is your right, but educate yourself a bit. The world is not black and white.

Title: Re: Is BCNext Satoshi? Discuss and analyze their language.
Post by: r0ach on March 26, 2014, 10:29:32 PM
You're trying to derail the idea that IPOs are scams and replace it with a different argument about distribution, which is also another NXT problem.

Nonsense, I was addressing your statement about Bitcoin being a "fair mine coin".

"IPOs" can be honest or dishonest, and the far majority on BCT are indeed the latter. As a matter of fact, in the case of Nxt dishonesty was clearly not the case. Your argument is invalid (no offense!).  [As a side note, Nxt's initial IPO was meant for distribution of the genesis block, not to make big bucks.]

Disliking Proof of Stake distribution is your right, but educate yourself a bit. The world is not black and white.

I've already written extensively why IPOs should be banned from the site, and even with massive amounts of NXT shills voting, the vote to ban them won by 1.8% :

Title: Re: Is BCNext Satoshi? Discuss and analyze their language.
Post by: wangdaniel2014 on March 26, 2014, 10:40:19 PM
You have a great imagination.

Anyway, OP starts with the assumption which BCNext may be Satoshi.
While this thread will evovle into the arguement of if the NXT is a scam.

Title: Re: Is BCNext Satoshi? Discuss and analyze their language.
Post by: r0ach on March 26, 2014, 10:45:25 PM
You have a great imagination.

Anyway, OP starts with the assumption which BCNext may be Satoshi.
While this thread will evovle into the arguement of if the NXT is a scam.

Most posts on this forum revolve around "Is NXT/Quark a scam?"

100% of NXT/Quark holders agree that it's not a scam.

100% of people who don't own NXT/Quark agree it is.

Title: Re: Is BCNext Satoshi? Discuss and analyze their language.
Post by: msin on March 27, 2014, 02:56:42 AM
You have a great imagination.

Anyway, OP starts with the assumption which BCNext may be Satoshi.
While this thread will evovle into the arguement of if the NXT is a scam.

Most posts on this forum revolve around "Is NXT/Quark a scam?"

100% of NXT/Quark holders agree that it's not a scam.

100% of people who don't own NXT/Quark agree it is.

Seeing how you joined crypto after the Nxt IPO and launch, I can see why you would think its a scam.  I'll break it down for you since you're new here; people who own Nxt, people who don't own Nxt, people who are jealous that they didn't invest during the two month IPO of Nxt.

Title: Re: Is BCNext Satoshi? Discuss and analyze their language.
Post by: doublespend timestamp on June 21, 2020, 04:44:14 PM
I know the temptation will be to send this to Alt coin section but this deserves a wider audience.

I looked though BCNext's posts and also Satoshi and you can't help but see a strong language correlation between the two.

What I thought would be interesting is to find language similarities and differences. Some are hard to place your finger on and are more about a certain tone or voice but still they can be discussed. I think it has value cause if he/she is the same person then it has ramifications for Bitcoin whether you like them or not.

After a short read though I noticed a few things.

1) Both often start sentences with I.
2) Both use spaces after punctuation.
3 Both have a very educated and well spoken tone.
4) Both want to be anonymous.
5) Both use lists just like this one often.

Its a hunch but I recon they are the same person. I wonder if there is anyone on here with forensic skills as language identifying or have their own opinions on similarities or differences. list them maybe...

Satoshi posts:;u=3;sa=showPosts

BCNext posts:;u=152600;sa=showPosts

Yes.  He superceded his own invention in Java.