Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Service Announcements => Topic started by: beriberiberi on February 02, 2014, 03:36:11 PM

Title: Bitcoin app store
Post by: beriberiberi on February 02, 2014, 03:36:11 PM
Hi there, I think i have a million dollar idea that would promote bitcoins very much. :o


It would be an android app store which would use bitcoins as payment.
with app prices being changed everyday according to bitcoin usd exchange

Now, why am I here
the issue is i have no programming skills and I need money to pay someone to write code for me
even though I dont know how to program i know what i want:

  addresses will be linked to accounts using sql database
      user bitcoins will be kept on one  wallet and my profit
     after payments on another
      backups will be made every 2 hours,
      the amount of bitcoins a certain person has will be kept in sql database and managed using php/javascript.

So I was wondering, could you guys donate me some money.
I think 5000 dollars would be enough to pay programmers, hosting, domain, and advertising.
I just need a kickstart

Why wouldn't someone take my idea
He can, but he will still promote bitcoins which is my main goal and there will be at least one more reason
why is android better than ios


Why do I think this will work
Simply, because nobody has ever tried it and idea is really smart and well thought off and most
important its plausible, there are a lot of people getting rich on stupid ideas and a lot of people
getting even more rich on smart ideas

How would I attract developers
I would set lower fees than google and apple do.
They take 30 percent from app profit, I would take 10 and bitcoin is growing wildly so its a god investment
and developers know that too

So please give me a little kickstart my BTC address is 12Pp63gpWGnx6EaX79DxeqreAX5LaY4Wge, I will keep you noted on how much
i raised and people who give me a little more money will be mentioned PLEASE KICKSTART ME AND THANKS  :)


ooh and here is the qr code,

Title: Re: Bitcoin app store
Post by: PinkPotatos on February 02, 2014, 06:37:03 PM
I think this is indeed a good idea. Isnt google supposed to accept btc soon? So if so, then this might be better for an altcoin like FRK

Title: Re: Bitcoin app store
Post by: beriberiberi on February 03, 2014, 08:35:16 AM
Sadly or probably lucky for me google is just exploring the function
They find bitcoins too risky so they probably wont accept bitcoins
any time soon

Title: Re: Bitcoin app store
Post by: Initscri on February 03, 2014, 04:35:26 PM
What if Google decides to kick you off Google Playstore because you are offering cheaper app fees?

$5000 would not be enough to create an "app-store" anyways. You would need to have a full functioning API and be able to have the app run standalone from Google Play if need be, WHICH would be difficult as well as possibly hard for the user to actually install. Not to mention the cost of creation would be greater because you have no framework to build off of.

By the time your development is over, they could be accepting Bitcoins though; we will never know when companies accept what (until a statement is made).

Title: Re: Bitcoin app store
Post by: Avalaxy on February 03, 2014, 06:27:52 PM
Why would anyone ever donate money to someone who is so childish that he writes stuff like:


Come on man, no investor or programmer is going to take you serious.

Btw, thinking that you can hire decent programmers for $5000 AND complete the project is ridiculous. $5000 equals around 50 hours of work. That's not nearly enough to deploy a decent system.

Title: Re: Bitcoin app store
Post by: beriberiberi on February 05, 2014, 11:14:31 AM
First nobody is forcing you to donate, its your will and second I may be childish but my idea isnt
and I'm going to do it with or without your help, your help would only boost things

And I also got some more details about my idea

Authentication would be google, facebook or twitter, its google by default but user
will have the option to add facebook or twitter later so people on those social networks
can see his/her comments on apps
and when users first installs app store he will be asked for btc address wich would be
linked to his account so server can know how much money he has because probably
all the user money will be on same address, i was thinking of using sql for this

and I will publish you website demo by the end of next week

List of installed apps will be kept both at server, and client
everytime client connects list would be synced with server,
so a user can manage his apps from pc kinda like what google play has

App would have layout simmilar to one from 1 mobile market
but website would be more simillar to google play

app name would be BTCmarket

currently i have 2 icon designs so u can choose which one is better

Title: Re: Bitcoin app store
Post by: Initscri on February 05, 2014, 02:06:46 PM
You have completely ignored any problems and concerns I have proposed. Some of which you are bound to hit within the release of your app.

You're right. Your idea isn't childish; but it is unplanned and won't be well executed.

The last thing I'm sure anyone wants to see is someone's work hard on something only for a company like Google to drop it because they can. Sit down, and research every possibility, and evaluate the situation. Don't go into something blind.