Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: r0ach on February 03, 2014, 05:11:49 AM

Title: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: r0ach on February 03, 2014, 05:11:49 AM
As everyone, or at least some of you know, Doge was stated to have a finite number of coins at release, one hundred billion to be exact.  It took a while, but people eventually discovered the source code was set to taper down block rewards until they hit X number of units, and continue there until infinity, possibly through coding error, but nobody really knows.  This results in Doge having a 5% annual inflation.  The inside story at Dogecoin is supposedly the block times will be changed to around Litecoin levels, and this annual inflation will also be changed to 2.5%.

How does this relate to Quark?  Most people are aware that Quark's distribution model was vastly different than Bitcoin and Litecoin.  Bitcoin stops giving out block rewards and relies on transaction fees alone somewhere around the year 2140.  Quark seems to have accelerated this model by over 100 years and released basically all of their coins already, but with an annual 0.5% inflation for block rewards.  As you've probably noticed, there has recently been an enormous push by Quarkcoin bagholders on the forum to tell you how great the currency is, and to try and get you to buy it.  This is not a random coincidence, it's a desperate last stand.  Quark is currently in a state where it's value isn't that high in comparison to things like Bitcoin, and it's block rewards for mining it are almost non-existent.  It either has to go to the moon within a short time span, fail, or possibly rely on some kind of real time check pointing for security..

There are many variables to how crypto works, and many of these issues were already forecast by design of Bitcoin.  Bitcoin gives the world decades to develop a robust economy around the crypto unit before transaction fees actually need to do anything to incentivize miners.  Quark gives the world basically zero time to build a crypto infrastructure, and just dumps 250 million Quark on your face.  Anyone examining these facts can come to the conclusion that Quark is not a valid distribution model for a PoW coin, and you can see why there are so many complaints of it being a pump and dump scam.

The dead, American politican, Ted Stevens, does a good job of explaining it:

Now that we've covered why Quark is screwed, and why people like Freetrade are either high on bath salts, or just flat out scam artists telling you it's a good buy, let's move on to Doge.    And by the way, I refuse to believe that Freetrade doesn't know these issues exist.  He's a coin dev himself focused entirely on CPU coins and probably mined Quark with a botnet and is trying to pump a coin he owns stake in.

So, back to Dogecoin.  Doge distribution is more front loaded than BTC, but not nearly as front loaded as Quark.  Doge inflation is also higher than Quark, but this is where it gets interesting.  Due to the many ways coins can be lost in Crypto, I refer to it as hyper deflationary in nature.  Most people are familiar with stories about people losing hundreds of thousands of dollars on a laptop somehow, but that's just a small aspect of it.

What happens when BTC has more penetration in society?  Coins will be rendered unspendable staggeringly often.  Rich people crashing their Lamborghinis or yachts into a parked car and having their private keys stored on USB stick going up in a fireball will happen on a daily basis.  I call this, "The Paul Walker Effect".  If BTC was more widespread at the moment, he probably would have taken out at least $10,000 in BTC with him.  Anyone with a few million in the bank is going to be carrying that amount around just in case they need to buy a $500 pair of sunglasses.

You don't need to be famous to lose massive amounts of BTC in a kamikaze, fireball attack though.  Plenty of normal businessmen will be carrying around unsecured private keys with no backup and drop it in a toilet or other misfortune.  What about when a Tsunami hits Japan?  How much BTC do you think will be lost in one of those?  What about when a computer illiterate person dies, who for some reason owns BTC, which is then inherited by their computer illiterate relatives?  What about when a Russian criminal (redundant term) steals millions of BTC from an exchange and gets himself killed evading police?  Welp, those BTC are gone too.

Some people seem to believe that Bitcoin's main strength is it's deflationary aspect.  This is not true at all.  It's main strength is it's decentralized aspect and the security it brings.  You can also notice the deflationary and security aspect are an inverse function of each other as long as you can keep miners distributed.  Does it make sense to sacrifice Bitcoin's most important aspect in order to see just how deflationary of a currency you can create?  

Most people who know how Bitcoin works will agree the system is deflationary enough to satisfy anyone's needs.  Most will also agree that it does have many security issues, especially with end of life block rewards, or relying solely on transaction fees in a PoW system.  We're already seeing this with Quark now because it's an outlier, extreme example of how to do things wrong.

The main conclusion someone can draw from all these facts is, PoW block rewards don't have to go to 0 to be deflationary.  They can be set to a non-zero number infinitely, solve many block chain security problems in the process, and still maintain a coin that's either deflationary in nature, or sitting at equilibrium at the very least.  I believe all PoW coins in the future will be forced to adapt to this model, even if they don't want to for whatever reason.

It's very hard to pinpoint just what percent can be used and still maintain a deflationary model, but when you have to weigh the option of having a coin that's very deflationary, but collapses to worthless, or having a coin that's only slightly deflationary, and very secure, it's pretty obvious what the choice should be.  Instead of 0.5% like Quark uses, I would personally say 1% is an extremely safe number to use, and I will be pushing for Vertcoin to try and adapt to this model even though it really won't matter for a long long time.

As for Dogecoin's role in all this, they'll be testing the upper limits of end of life currency supply before you can be labeled as "helicopter Bernankedoge".  I'd prefer they used an absolute maximum of 2%, but whatever happens, they'll still be in a far better off position than something like Quark is currently in.  Contrary to what the topic might look like, I'm not saying Doge is a good buy, it gets pumped above real market value too much.  What I am saying is, Doge as a currency will survive because they're actually rewarding miners to keep the thing up.  Even if Doge lost 75% of it's value overnight somehow, a year from now it will still be around, and probably more valuable than it is currently.  If a coin like NXT lost 75% of it's value in a flash crash (which probably will happen due to horrendous distribution), you would probably never see the coin again after a week.

- The dread shibe r0ach
Only non-scam artist on the entire forum

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: El Dude on February 03, 2014, 05:35:48 AM
Just make sure your dump these 2 crap coins and buy Litecoin before the dump happens.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: extee on February 03, 2014, 05:57:37 AM
summary : he spent the whole week mining DOGE and now he's pissed cos its price crashed, while quark is still somehow on the rise (although I agree with him there's nothing to justify the current quark rise)

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: r0ach on February 03, 2014, 06:31:55 AM
Just make sure your dump these 2 crap coins and buy Litecoin before the dump happens.

I don't see Litecoin as a horrible buy or anything, but it's limited utility puts it in a position to be replaced entirely.  The real story behind the scenes is how weak of a coin Bitcoin is.  Litecoin has a more ideal network propagation characteristics due to it's block time, it's more secure due to Gambler's ruin, and it's network will be more distributed due to ASICs still being strong in scrypt, but not playing as big of a factor as in SHA.

This is why anyone that mentions an "altcoin" in places like freenode #bitcoin is instantly banned by the current BTC devs.  They know they have a walking dinosaur on their hands.  They just try and push bit-fascism all day to try and have only one cryptocurrency and block chain on earth, then when BTC gets big, the government can just take it over or destroy it at will.  That's why it's extremely important we have at least 5-10 strong currencies to avoid government takeover or destruction.

All the higher up guys in the BTC pecking order I run into, such as the developers, all come across as kind of robots with no personality.  It really wouldn't surprise me if Bitcoin has already been co-opted and half these guys are now government employees.  Gavin even looks like a CIA poster boy and went to an Ivy League school, a place they're notorious for recruiting from.  I don't trust any of them.

Unless one of them wants to step forward claiming to be Satoshi, their hostility towards altcoins, pretending that you're stealing their work by creating one, or talking about one, seems to be completely unfounded when they're all standing on the shoulders of giants themselves.

I'm almost positive Charlie Tuna over at Coinbase has enough pull to get Litecoin/USD pairing added by now.  If that doesn't happen in the foreseeable future, maybe we actually do have a Bitcoin conspiracy going on.  Unless he just doesn't believe in his own coin.

As for Vertcoin (it's up 50% today), it was created to replace Litecoin and solve the mining distribution problem scrypt ASIC brings, which currently makes Bitcoin a not very secure currency.  Maybe Charlie knows ASIC is going to wreck Litecoin like it did BTC, so he doesn't bother to add it.

summary : he spent the whole week mining DOGE and now he's pissed cos its price crashed, while quark is still somehow on the rise (although I agree with him there's nothing to justify the current quark rise)

I was probably one of the first 50 people on the planet to mine Doge, but I currently own 0 of them.  I currently own only BTC, LTC, and VTC, then a few other coins on the side.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: AtlasONo on February 03, 2014, 03:35:36 PM
Your theory is flawed, it assumes that widespread adoption of bitcoin (or any crpyto) would not prompt aqueduct advances in the ease and understanding of private key security. We already have an insured bitcoin vault and hardware wallets are coming soon if they're not here already.

"I will be using my influence on the Vertcoin team to try and adapt to this model. "

Please god no! You are going to be dead long before vert is mined out.

Quark was a failure for numerous reasons not just because it was mined out.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: MisO69 on February 03, 2014, 04:07:10 PM
Vertcoin will go nowhere.

see all it took was 4 words.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: mfpowernl on February 03, 2014, 04:12:25 PM
Vertcoin will go nowhere.

see all it took was 4 words.

Whahah read youre message back in a few months and you will see that youre so wrong!

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: Zzzack on February 03, 2014, 04:14:25 PM
summary : he spent the whole week mining DOGE and now he's pissed cos its price crashed, while quark is still somehow on the rise (although I agree with him there's nothing to justify the current quark rise)

I didn't read his piece of shit writing, but I know about cryptos.

Quark's rise is not surprising this week. It was directly linked to China. Some of our American alt coins are dominating in China - and we can't figure out why the Chinese choose specific coins - but Quark is one of them. They are also massively trading some random coins not on our popular exchanges. Still, its interesting that the Chinese like Quark so much.

Doge has a flawed economic model (if you plan on investing) although I support it because of how great they are for the crypto community! Keep getting newbs into cryptos with Doge, and let them learn how/where to invest later.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: r0ach on February 03, 2014, 04:16:14 PM
Your theory is flawed, it assumes that widespread adoption of bitcoin (or any crpyto) would not prompt aqueduct advances in the ease and understanding of private key security. We already have an insured bitcoin vault and hardware wallets are coming soon if they're not here already.

"I will be using my influence on the Vertcoin team to try and adapt to this model. "

Please god no! You are going to be dead long before vert is mined out.

Quark was a failure for numerous reasons not just because it was mined out.

People are going to read too much Keynesian in that statement, I should have made myself more clear.  The goal is just to keep a non-zero block reward indefinitely for block chain security that would also not negatively affect inflation in any meaningful way.  As you said, the point at which that happens is a long way off and not something anyone should be concerned about for short term, or even long term price value.

Doge has a flawed economic model (if you plan on investing) although I support it because of how great they are for the crypto community! Keep getting newbs into cryptos with Doge, and let them learn how/where to invest later.

If you read what I wrote, or know anything about crypto, you would know Quark is even worse off than Doge.  Quark has checkpoints for a reason.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: glerant on February 03, 2014, 04:47:34 PM
The situation is so bad, they had to install checkpoints to prevent a 51% attack from occurring by a random, homeless man with a laptop.


No I didn't think so! You should wait until the end and have wasted much more of peoples time before you come out with stuff that even a three year old would find hard to believe!  ROFL!  ;D

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: hellscabane on February 03, 2014, 04:47:51 PM
Two words: Irrational Markets

To put it simply and concisely, we all know that different markets act and function differently. There doesn't necessarily have to be a reason for something to spike, although usually those things have strong fundamentals. But you can never count out something just because it goes against the grain.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: Netnox on February 03, 2014, 05:10:59 PM
What a bunch of bollocks from OP. It's clear he is trying to spread fud to promote his own coin. He probably fears Quark since it's a contender and is growing rapidly.
That's why he is desperately trying to bash it.

First of all, your doubts are pretty much debunked in this thread. Here someone has similar questions like you without being an ass.

Second QRK is designed to give less emphasis on mining incentive due to its rat-race of over emphasis on mining (Bitcoin's mining arm-race) which is not the only main reason that a currency exist. Also it makes the constant dumping by miners less effective because of it's model.
Mining has become controversial and sensitive issue due to rat-race of rich miners (ASIC rigs cost 10-15K), environmental hazards, PnD scheme etc. Mining is just an aspect of coin's feature not a zero-sum game. That's why Doge is desperately trying to change their algorithm to scrypt-jane because of their fear for asics, guess what Quark already thought about that and didn't just blindly copy and past LTC to regret it after.

Quarks distribution model is genius, because it needs a low daily maintenance cost to keep it's current price. Even if it would hit $1 now, it would only need $11,000 to maintain it's price, even less when the block reward halves. Again this is made possible by it's well thought economic model, where doge does horribly since it needs over $1million to maintain it's price, that's why it crashed from 230 to 130 causing many naif investors to get burned, because of it's flaws. They cared more about tricking people into believing that they have many coins which is causing problems right now.

Doge is just Feathercoin 2.0 with tight spreads and big sell walls, making it very hard to bypass. Without a meme it would have been faded into obscurity. Quarks infrastructure and community is only growing. Get your flaming elsewhere shibe.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: Iter on February 03, 2014, 05:36:41 PM
What a bunch of bollocks from OP. It's clear he is trying to spread fud to promote his own coin. He probably fears Quark since it's a contender and is growing rapidly. That's why he is desperately trying to bash it.

First of all, yours doubt are pretty much covered in this thread. Here someone has similar questions like you without being an ass.

Second QRK is designed to give less emphasis on mining incentive due to its rat-race of over emphasis on mining (Bitcoin's mining arm-race) which is not the only main reason that a currency exist. Also it makes it the constant dumping by miners less effective because of it's distribution model.
Mining has become controversial and sensitive issue due to rat-race of rich miners (ASIC rigs cost 10-15K), environmental hazards, PnD scheme etc. Mining is just an aspect of coin's feature not a zero-sum game. That's why Doge is desperately trying to change their algorithm to scrypt-jane because of their fear for asics, guess what Quark already thought about that and didn't just blindly copy and past LTC to regret it after.

Quarks distribution model is genius, because it needs a low daily maintenance cost to keep it's current price. Even if it would hit $1 now, it would only need $11,000 to maintain it's price, even less when the block reward halves. Again this is made possible by it's well thought economic model, where doge does horribly since it needs over $1million to maintain it's price, that's why it crashed from 230 to 130 causing many naif investors to get burned, because of it's flaws. They cared more about tricking people into believing that they have many coins which is causing problems right now.

Doge is just Feathercoin 2.0 with tight spreads and big sell walls, making it very hard to bypass. Quarks infrastructure and community is only growing. Get your flaming elsewhere shibe. "crash" "rapid growth"

The charts disagree.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: Netnox on February 03, 2014, 05:41:20 PM
^^ That doesn't prove anything, look at a smaller Doge timeframe then you will see what i mean. Also Quark had a huge uprise, you can compare it to Bitcoin rocketing to $266 and coming back. Quark is now rising more steadily and healthy and thats how it should be. Also that Quark graph happened to every coin it was when Bitcoin/Litecoin and many others crashed down. Doesn't only apply to Quark

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: r0ach on February 03, 2014, 05:48:10 PM
He probably fears Quark since it's a contender and is growing rapidly.
That's why he is desperately trying to bash it.

No, I actually have nothing against Quark.  I investigated it in an unbiased manner to see if I should buy some just to cover all my bases.  My personal analysis of the coin's fundamentals was grim, and just about anyone I saw talking about the coin in the Quark community, even pro-Quark people, all agreed that the coin is currently not in a very good state.

If you want to keep the coin forever check pointed, then can ignore those criticisms, but most people don't want centrally check pointed coins.

The Quark moderator flat out loses in technical point discussion to that guy, no name calling or anything.  And after his presentation, all they come up with is "Please don't attack our moderators and spread FUD in our community."   You got to be kidding me.  They're basically admitting the coin distribution model is broken, but it's rude to talk about it!

Quarks distribution model is genius

It might be genius if it was a proof of stake coin, but it's not.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: achillez on February 03, 2014, 05:51:16 PM
dogecoin mined 6.5% (12B) in 3 days. there is no way dogecoin should be a long-term "valid" currency. Early speculators who own millions of the coin are jumping up and down sucking in newbs. If you're a newb that bought a couple million of these... sry mate you got suckered.

as for quarkcoin, sure it also had an early high reward but this was over many weeks (if not months). It wasn't a 3-day sucker like dogecoin

lastly dogecoin = scrypt, not unique, clone, built for the gpu farms. quarkcoin = cpu, unique algorithm built for the masses.  The gpu farm guys absolutely mined the @#$ out of dogecoin in the first 3 days.

In short, the gpu guys took your dogecoin, your btc, and probably your kitty cats when you weren't looking.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: Iter on February 03, 2014, 05:53:40 PM
dogecoin mined 6.5% (12B) in 3 days. there is no way dogecoin should be a long-term "valid" currency. Early speculators who own millions of the coin are jumping up and down sucking in newbs. If you're a newb that bought a couple million of these... sry mate you got suckered.

as for quarkcoin, sure it also had an early high reward but this was over many weeks (if not months). It wasn't a 3-day sucker like dogecoin

lastly dogecoin = scrypt, not unique, clone, built for the gpu farms. quarkcoin = cpu, unique algorithm built for the masses.  The gpu farm guys absolutely mined the @#$ out of dogecoin in the first 3 days.

In short, the gpu guys took your dogecoin, your btc, and probably your kitty cats when you weren't looking.

Quark algorithm is not unique, it was stolen from Sif coin.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: r0ach on February 03, 2014, 05:57:47 PM
dogecoin mined 6.5% (12B) in 3 days. there is no way dogecoin should be a long-term "valid" currency

Thanks for replying to my post without actually having read any of it.  I specifically stated, "Contrary to what the topic might look like, I'm not saying Doge is a good buy".

I stated that while the price of Quark is currently going up, and Doge going down, Quark is actually in a worse position than Doge is.

How many people are going to post in this thread pretending like having a PoW coin with no miners that uses central check pointing is a good thing?

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: achillez on February 03, 2014, 05:59:33 PM
dogecoin mined 6.5% (12B) in 3 days. there is no way dogecoin should be a long-term "valid" currency. Early speculators who own millions of the coin are jumping up and down sucking in newbs. If you're a newb that bought a couple million of these... sry mate you got suckered.

as for quarkcoin, sure it also had an early high reward but this was over many weeks (if not months). It wasn't a 3-day sucker like dogecoin

lastly dogecoin = scrypt, not unique, clone, built for the gpu farms. quarkcoin = cpu, unique algorithm built for the masses.  The gpu farm guys absolutely mined the @#$ out of dogecoin in the first 3 days.

In short, the gpu guys took your dogecoin, your btc, and probably your kitty cats when you weren't looking.

Quark algorithm is not unique, it was stolen from Sif coin.

Ah I stand corrected. I wouldn't say "stolen", seems Quark was leveraged from SIC(?) coin. Interestingly SIC didn't go anywhere, and died by the vine(?). This is offtopic but I'm kind of curious why SIC died. Perhaps the developers refocused their time on Quark.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: Netnox on February 03, 2014, 06:01:37 PM
dogecoin mined 6.5% (12B) in 3 days. there is no way dogecoin should be a long-term "valid" currency. Early speculators who own millions of the coin are jumping up and down sucking in newbs. If you're a newb that bought a couple million of these... sry mate you got suckered.

as for quarkcoin, sure it also had an early high reward but this was over many weeks (if not months). It wasn't a 3-day sucker like dogecoin

lastly dogecoin = scrypt, not unique, clone, built for the gpu farms. quarkcoin = cpu, unique algorithm built for the masses.  The gpu farm guys absolutely mined the @#$ out of dogecoin in the first 3 days.

In short, the gpu guys took your dogecoin, your btc, and probably your kitty cats when you weren't looking.

Quark algorithm is not unique, it was stolen from Sif coin.

Lies. " Sifcoin authors did not add a copyright notice. I ADDED a copright notice for Sifcoin to acknowledge their contribution. Baritus did the opposite and removed the Quark copyright notice." This came from Quarks dev himself.

Also Quark is different than sifcoin.

1. Instead of 6 rounds of hashing, 9 rounds of hashing, with 3 of the rounds applying a random hash algorithm.
2. Different difficulty adjustment algorithm.
3. Different reward calculation algorithm.
4. Quark supports transaction comments (similar to Florin). This functionality will be exposed in the UI and RPC interface in a future release.

Go spread fud somewhere else.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: galbros on February 03, 2014, 06:08:16 PM
Your article made me want to buy BTC and dump doge.  Doge may get used more, as it looks like a survivor at this point, but without the limit on the number of coins you would always be better off holding bitcoin.

The Doge developers should have done what they said they were going to do and cap it at the 100 billion.  Even that is probably too many coins.

I understand the benefits of inflation and would have had no objection to them not having a cap, but you should do what you say you are.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: Iter on February 03, 2014, 06:10:24 PM
dogecoin mined 6.5% (12B) in 3 days. there is no way dogecoin should be a long-term "valid" currency. Early speculators who own millions of the coin are jumping up and down sucking in newbs. If you're a newb that bought a couple million of these... sry mate you got suckered.

as for quarkcoin, sure it also had an early high reward but this was over many weeks (if not months). It wasn't a 3-day sucker like dogecoin

lastly dogecoin = scrypt, not unique, clone, built for the gpu farms. quarkcoin = cpu, unique algorithm built for the masses.  The gpu farm guys absolutely mined the @#$ out of dogecoin in the first 3 days.

In short, the gpu guys took your dogecoin, your btc, and probably your kitty cats when you weren't looking.

Quark algorithm is not unique, it was stolen from Sif coin.

Lies. " Sifcoin authors did not add a copyright notice. I ADDED a copright notice for Sifcoin to acknowledge their contribution. Baritus did the opposite and removed the Quark copyright notice." This came from Quarks dev himself.

Also Quark is different than sifcoin.

1. Instead of 6 rounds of hashing, 9 rounds of hashing, with 3 of the rounds applying a random hash algorithm.
2. Different difficulty adjustment algorithm.
3. Different reward calculation algorithm.
4. Quark supports transaction comments (similar to Florin). This functionality will be exposed in the UI and RPC interface in a future release.

Go spread fud somewhere else.

lol, so if I created a coin right now and used that same algorithm but added 10 rounds of hashing instead of 9, my coin would be considered unique? That's just silly.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: reRaise on February 03, 2014, 06:18:46 PM
What a bunch of bollocks from OP. It's clear he is trying to spread fud to promote his own coin. He probably fears Quark since it's a contender and is growing rapidly.
That's why he is desperately trying to bash it.

First of all, your doubts are pretty much debunked in this thread. Here someone has similar questions like you without being an ass.

Second QRK is designed to give less emphasis on mining incentive due to its rat-race of over emphasis on mining (Bitcoin's mining arm-race) which is not the only main reason that a currency exist. Also it makes the constant dumping by miners less effective because of it's model.
Mining has become controversial and sensitive issue due to rat-race of rich miners (ASIC rigs cost 10-15K), environmental hazards, PnD scheme etc. Mining is just an aspect of coin's feature not a zero-sum game. That's why Doge is desperately trying to change their algorithm to scrypt-jane because of their fear for asics, guess what Quark already thought about that and didn't just blindly copy and past LTC to regret it after.

Quarks distribution model is genius, because it needs a low daily maintenance cost to keep it's current price. Even if it would hit $1 now, it would only need $11,000 to maintain it's price, even less when the block reward halves. Again this is made possible by it's well thought economic model, where doge does horribly since it needs over $1million to maintain it's price, that's why it crashed from 230 to 130 causing many naif investors to get burned, because of it's flaws. They cared more about tricking people into believing that they have many coins which is causing problems right now.

Doge is just Feathercoin 2.0 with tight spreads and big sell walls, making it very hard to bypass. Without a meme it would have been faded into obscurity. Quarks infrastructure and community is only growing. Get your flaming elsewhere shibe.

This, these damn shibes are gettng annoying.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: digitalindustry on February 03, 2014, 06:40:11 PM
dogecoin mined 6.5% (12B) in 3 days. there is no way dogecoin should be a long-term "valid" currency. Early speculators who own millions of the coin are jumping up and down sucking in newbs. If you're a newb that bought a couple million of these... sry mate you got suckered.

as for quarkcoin, sure it also had an early high reward but this was over many weeks (if not months). It wasn't a 3-day sucker like dogecoin

lastly dogecoin = scrypt, not unique, clone, built for the gpu farms. quarkcoin = cpu, unique algorithm built for the masses.  The gpu farm guys absolutely mined the @#$ out of dogecoin in the first 3 days.

In short, the gpu guys took your dogecoin, your btc, and probably your kitty cats when you weren't looking.

Quark algorithm is not unique, it was stolen from Sif coin.

Lies. " Sifcoin authors did not add a copyright notice. I ADDED a copright notice for Sifcoin to acknowledge their contribution. Baritus did the opposite and removed the Quark copyright notice." This came from Quarks dev himself.

Also Quark is different than sifcoin.

1. Instead of 6 rounds of hashing, 9 rounds of hashing, with 3 of the rounds applying a random hash algorithm.
2. Different difficulty adjustment algorithm.
3. Different reward calculation algorithm.
4. Quark supports transaction comments (similar to Florin). This functionality will be exposed in the UI and RPC interface in a future release.

Go spread fud somewhere else.

Heeeey is Baritus and the team making another currency in my honour ?

Digitalcoin is pretty cool, what's the new one ?

* there is no possibility that I'm reading the topic , zero .

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: r0ach on February 03, 2014, 06:45:53 PM
Your article made me want to buy BTC and dump doge.  Doge may get used more, as it looks like a survivor at this point, but without the limit on the number of coins you would always be better off holding bitcoin.

The Doge developers should have done what they said they were going to do and cap it at the 100 billion.  Even that is probably too many coins.

I understand the benefits of inflation and would have had no objection to them not having a cap, but you should do what you say you are.

It's actually more complicated than that.  Doge was way more front loaded than most other coins, with the exception of quark (dump truck method), NXT (full premine), and Doge blocks are going to taper down faster than most other coins as well.  This means that even if you purposely designed Doge to be inflationary, it can still be less inflationary than other coins for the foreseeable future...

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: mr_random on February 03, 2014, 07:00:50 PM
Vertcoin is a smart bet.

Anytime people complain about Litecoin ASICs people will mention vertcoin, in the same way Litecoin got a boost from Bitcoin ASICs,

Crucially, Vertcoin is ASIC resistant whilst still being accessible to GPU miners. And of course it has the Kimoto gravity well difficulty adjustment.

I'm a Litecoin holder and supporter but they are too scared to make the necessary adjustments to Litecoin that the Litecoin community has voted for time and time again. This is why Vertcoin is gaining traction.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: Zzzack on February 03, 2014, 07:16:15 PM
If you read what I wrote, or know anything about crypto, you would know Quark is even worse off than Doge.  Quark has checkpoints for a reason.

Are all coins with checkpoints bad then? Is PPC bad because of checkpoints?

Checkpoints are a safeguard that Quark probably won't have to use. Quark is resistant to 51% attacks because of it (much more resistant than many crypto-coins), and as the value of Quark goes up, the mining incentive will go up and further secure the network..

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: GigaCoin on February 03, 2014, 07:43:50 PM
Quark is far from being a loser. Sure it won't net you 100x, the main run is over. But it's got potential for at least 10x for this year, and then it stabilizes there in value and will then go up slowly as market cap increases (the way it was designed) as a day to day currency.

My bet on Quark is due to its growing infrastructure that can't be overlooked.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: r0ach on February 03, 2014, 07:46:49 PM
Are all coins with checkpoints bad then? Is PPC bad because of checkpoints?

Checkpoints are a safeguard that Quark probably won't have to use. Quark is resistant to 51% attacks because of it (much more resistant than many crypto-coins), and as the value of Quark goes up, the mining incentive will go up and further secure the network..

Lol?  Federal reserve notes are also resistant to 51% attacks.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: greentea on February 03, 2014, 08:06:07 PM
If you read what I wrote, or know anything about crypto, you would know Quark is even worse off than Doge.  Quark has checkpoints for a reason.
Checkpoints are bad?

Checkpoints are there to make the code more secure, even Bitcoin has checkpoints.
Looks like bitcoin developers added one 16 days ago unless Im reading that wrong, added at block 279000:

It's very easy to assume, you don't own any Quark and don't like to see it rising.

You own doge and vertcoin so hope people buy these to support your coins ...

I own Quark and Doge but am way more bullish on Quark than Doge for numerous reasons.

Doge offers zero innovation, as it is just a scrypt clone with too many coins.  The community is great but its economic model/distribution is somewhat flawed.  

Quark although based off of Sifcoin, is now the leader of CPU, ASIC resistant, coins.  Its unique hashing algorithm and speedy transactions combined with very little capital dilution going forward & its growing community make it a very attractive investment.  You can still get some as the price is still cheap ...

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: r0ach on February 03, 2014, 08:30:37 PM
From my understanding, BTC just drops in a snapshot of the most recent consensus chain whenever they do an update.  Quark on the other hand, seems to rely entirely on the checkpoints for all of it's security currently, and would need to broadcast checkpoints practically in real time for it's network to be secure.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: GreenWins on February 03, 2014, 08:47:21 PM
I don't even know why people bother replying to this thread.

He literally just wrote a wall of words.

Mark Twain once said “I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.”

Just check out the video. (

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: WompRat on February 03, 2014, 09:04:54 PM
Doge brings users.  Lots and lots of users.  I don't know why anything else matters to you guys.  Maybe those users will suddenly decide to switch to Quark, but it seems highly doubtful.  More likely they will continue to spread the word of Doge like a virus.  600,000 addresses in 6 weeks.  They are eclipsing everything, but Bitcoin.  Personally I couldn't give a crap about the current market cap only that this trend continues.

I am trying to run the Quark numbers, but I keep showing that overall Quarkcoin addresses are 3000 less than yesterday.  Is this some peculiar Quark issue with the blockchain?  Honest question, I am trying to make sure my numbers are accurate.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: Zzzack on February 03, 2014, 09:48:46 PM
Doge brings users.  Lots and lots of users.  I don't know why anything else matters to you guys.  Maybe those users will suddenly decide to switch to Quark, but it seems highly doubtful.  More likely they will continue to spread the word of Doge like a virus.  600,000 addresses in 6 weeks.  They are eclipsing everything, but Bitcoin.  Personally I couldn't give a crap about the current market cap only that this trend continues.

I am trying to run the Quark numbers, but I keep showing that overall Quarkcoin addresses are 3000 less than yesterday.  Is this some peculiar Quark issue with the blockchain?  Honest question, I am trying to make sure my numbers are accurate.

I really doubt that your info is right then.

Agreed that Doge is bringing many new users to crypto - but I don't agree that they won't consider other crypto options even if 'doge' is fun.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: MakeBelieve on February 03, 2014, 09:53:04 PM
Your article made me want to buy BTC and dump doge.  Doge may get used more, as it looks like a survivor at this point, but without the limit on the number of coins you would always be better off holding bitcoin.

The Doge developers should have done what they said they were going to do and cap it at the 100 billion.  Even that is probably too many coins.

I understand the benefits of inflation and would have had no objection to them not having a cap, but you should do what you say you are.

Bitcoin is always a better choice in little to no time doge will have no real time because you can have unlimited coins which is just pointless doge will not survive.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: r0ach on February 03, 2014, 09:55:01 PM
Just check out the video.

This is what's insulting to people's intelligence.

People have been doing nothing but spamming that video all over the forum all week with a Disney world explanation of Quark.

In reality, an unbiased viewer with enough knowledge of how crypto works would define Quark as the following:

Quark (noun):  A proof of work cryptocurrency that either through sheer incompetence, or an attempt to run a pump and dump scam, sacrificed all block chain security with an accelerated block reward model, reaping windfall profits, and possibly utilizing a close sourced GPU miner kept from the public.  The coin now resides on life support, and only through a checkpoint system, which needs to be run in real time to prevent a homeless man with laptop from 51% attacking the network does the coin still exist at all.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: reRaise on February 03, 2014, 10:17:42 PM
Just check out the video.

This is what's insulting to people's intelligence.

People have been doing nothing but spamming that video all over the forum all week with a Disney world explanation of Quark.

In reality, an unbiased viewer with enough knowledge of how crypto works would define Quark as the following:

Quark (noun):  A proof of work cryptocurrency that either through sheer incompetence, or an attempt to run a pump and dump scam, sacrificed all block chain security with an accelerated block reward model, reaping windfall profits, and possibly utilizing a close sourced GPU miner kept from the public.  The coin now resides on life support, and only through a checkpoint system, which needs to be run in real time to prevent a homeless man with laptop from 51% attacking the network does the coin still exist at all.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: Zzzack on February 03, 2014, 10:33:03 PM
Just check out the video.

This is what's insulting to people's intelligence.

People have been doing nothing but spamming that video all over the forum all week with a Disney world explanation of Quark.

In reality, an unbiased viewer with enough knowledge of how crypto works would define Quark as the following:

Quark (noun):  A proof of work cryptocurrency that either through sheer incompetence, or an attempt to run a pump and dump scam, sacrificed all block chain security with an accelerated block reward model, reaping windfall profits, and possibly utilizing a close sourced GPU miner kept from the public.  The coin now resides on life support, and only through a checkpoint system, which needs to be run in real time to prevent a homeless man with laptop from 51% attacking the network does the coin still exist at all.

You just lost all credibility and established yourself as the bitcointalk dunce.

Yeah, Quark developers created a private GPU-miner that no one else has been able to make and used it to exploit their coin and none others that they also could have profited off...  ::)

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: r0ach on February 03, 2014, 10:49:12 PM
You just lost all credibility and established yourself as the bitcointalk dunce.

Yeah, Quark developers created a private GPU-miner that no one else has been able to make and used it to exploit their coin and none others that they also could have profited off...  ::)

Please stop the biased, Quark shilling.  The GPU miner exists and was close source.  I didn't make it up.  Whether it's affiliated with the creators or not doesn't really matter.  It just adds to the long list of Quark problems.  It's not the "sole defining problem".

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: knightcoin on February 03, 2014, 11:03:05 PM
Goats ... Buzz Aldrin took a masonic apron to the moon... I going to invest in doge because I want to see a cryptocoin idea on the moon as well

for me, now doge have a purpose ...  ;D (

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: reRaise on February 03, 2014, 11:03:26 PM
Please stop the biased

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: Lauda on February 03, 2014, 11:07:27 PM
If the supply was within a normal limit (much lower than it currently is), i'd probably be more okay with it.
The numbers are off the chart. I wonder what will happen at the next subsidy.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: r0ach on February 04, 2014, 01:32:00 AM
Apparently, the Doge reserve is now going with 5% dogeflation, even though it was basically unanimous that everyone wanted them to halve it, so my original post is slightly off on Doge numbers.  It then hits 3% Dogeflation in 2029, then 2% in 2045.  With the aforementioned, crashing your Lamborghini into a tree, and sending up your dogecoin USB drive up in a fireball, "Paul Walker Effect", that 2% number will probably be more like 1% or 0%.  Full details here:

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: extee on February 04, 2014, 02:09:15 AM
r0ach all you care about is if a coin allows your gpu mining rig to make money.  :D  that is the summary of this thread.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: achillez on February 04, 2014, 02:19:29 AM
Just check out the video.

This is what's insulting to people's intelligence.

People have been doing nothing but spamming that video all over the forum all week with a Disney world explanation of Quark.

In reality, an unbiased viewer with enough knowledge of how crypto works would define Quark as the following:

Quark (noun):  A proof of work cryptocurrency that either through sheer incompetence, or an attempt to run a pump and dump scam, sacrificed all block chain security with an accelerated block reward model, reaping windfall profits, and possibly utilizing a close sourced GPU miner kept from the public.  The coin now resides on life support, and only through a checkpoint system, which needs to be run in real time to prevent a homeless man with laptop from 51% attacking the network does the coin still exist at all.

Lol - dogecoin is 10x worse

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: cryptohunter on February 04, 2014, 02:20:09 AM
...lots of these pro vertcoin threads being spammed daily.

Next sucker some people in .........then the dump starts.  Waiting for the smack down anytime now. I predict seeing a -50% + stat on coinmarket cap any day now. Invest now and you will be taking on a serious risk for very little potential upside.

What they don't realise is that the size of your coin community is probably the single most important thing.

Vertcoin?  even the name just sounds terrible.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: achillez on February 04, 2014, 02:28:13 AM
dogecoin mined 6.5% (12B) in 3 days. there is no way dogecoin should be a long-term "valid" currency

Thanks for replying to my post without actually having read any of it.  I specifically stated, "Contrary to what the topic might look like, I'm not saying Doge is a good buy".

I stated that while the price of Quark is currently going up, and Doge going down, Quark is actually in a worse position than Doge is.

How many people are going to post in this thread pretending like having a PoW coin with no miners that uses central check pointing is a good thing?

Here's your topic --> "Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin"

You should change it.. You make Doge seem like a "winner". There isn't anything winning about a 6.5% 3 day initial mine (hell might as well call it a pre-mine).

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: cryptohunter on February 04, 2014, 02:35:02 AM
dogecoin mined 6.5% (12B) in 3 days. there is no way dogecoin should be a long-term "valid" currency

Thanks for replying to my post without actually having read any of it.  I specifically stated, "Contrary to what the topic might look like, I'm not saying Doge is a good buy".

I stated that while the price of Quark is currently going up, and Doge going down, Quark is actually in a worse position than Doge is.

How many people are going to post in this thread pretending like having a PoW coin with no miners that uses central check pointing is a good thing?

Here's your topic --> "Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin"

You should change it.. You make Doge seem like a "winner". There isn't anything winning about a 6.5% 3 day initial mine (hell might as well call it a pre-mine).

Yeah why not change it to be nearer the truth

"Quark the winner, Doge not too bad a bet and Vertcoin about to crash after being pumped and now spammed daily with threads like this"  -

whenever you see consistent spamming about a coin.... avoid it, it is part of a co-ordinated pump to extract BTC from your pocket.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: r0ach on February 04, 2014, 05:07:05 AM
whenever you see consistent spamming about a coin.... avoid it, it is part of a co-ordinated pump to extract BTC from your pocket.

That was the entire point of this thread, talking about how everyone is spamming that Quark video nonstop lately.  I actually had no idea VTC was going to the moon today.  It was already on an upward trend, and all of a sudden people started throwing around walls of 35 BTC on Coinedup.  I've never even seen anyone put that much cash on that exchange before since the only contact information for the site is a random PO Box in California.  It's an excellent site for hassle free trading, but nobody actually knows if it will still exist when you wake up in the morning.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: GigaCoin on February 05, 2014, 08:12:29 AM
...lots of these pro vertcoin threads being spammed daily.

Next sucker some people in .........then the dump starts.  Waiting for the smack down anytime now. I predict seeing a -50% + stat on coinmarket cap any day now. Invest now and you will be taking on a serious risk for very little potential upside.

What they don't realise is that the size of your coin community is probably the single most important thing.

Vertcoin?  even the name just sounds terrible.

Well vertcoin went up like 1500% in 2 days, it seems to me before any pump for a few days you witness a large number of threads or newbie accounts advertising how good a certain coin is and then suddenly boom the price goes up 1000%. Vertcoin was pumped by a pump group and then masses joined in. I like Vertcoin its good tech, though with a horrible name, but i know the current price rise is due to a pump group rather than sudden interest by the masses.

Good for vertcoin nonetheless, those who invested early made huge rewards. I indeed missed the massive price rise, I only have a small stash from mining so i'm mainly an observer.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: Jeezy911 on February 05, 2014, 08:32:42 AM
Quark gets bigger than doge? Good luck with that. Again, there are so many people that scream how important innovation is in crypto, but the market tells a different story. Doge is alt king, at least for now.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: deltree on February 05, 2014, 10:38:23 AM
What a bunch of bollocks from OP. It's clear he is trying to spread fud to promote his own coin. He probably fears Quark since it's a contender and is growing rapidly.
That's why he is desperately trying to bash it.

First of all, your doubts are pretty much debunked in this thread. Here someone has similar questions like you without being an ass.

Second QRK is designed to give less emphasis on mining incentive due to its rat-race of over emphasis on mining (Bitcoin's mining arm-race) which is not the only main reason that a currency exist. Also it makes the constant dumping by miners less effective because of it's model.
Mining has become controversial and sensitive issue due to rat-race of rich miners (ASIC rigs cost 10-15K), environmental hazards, PnD scheme etc. Mining is just an aspect of coin's feature not a zero-sum game. That's why Doge is desperately trying to change their algorithm to scrypt-jane because of their fear for asics, guess what Quark already thought about that and didn't just blindly copy and past LTC to regret it after.

Quarks distribution model is genius, because it needs a low daily maintenance cost to keep it's current price. Even if it would hit $1 now, it would only need $11,000 to maintain it's price, even less when the block reward halves. Again this is made possible by it's well thought economic model, where doge does horribly since it needs over $1million to maintain it's price, that's why it crashed from 230 to 130 causing many naif investors to get burned, because of it's flaws. They cared more about tricking people into believing that they have many coins which is causing problems right now.

Doge is just Feathercoin 2.0 with tight spreads and big sell walls, making it very hard to bypass. Without a meme it would have been faded into obscurity. Quarks infrastructure and community is only growing. Get your flaming elsewhere shibe.

Dude you may be a senior member with lots of experience, but I think you're too invested in a coin that could never really make it. I think the Quark rocket to the moon did take off but like the 1986 shuttle disaster Quark's o-ring failure has either happened or about to happen, in my view it's an accident rooted in history. Look below and tell me where Quark stands on the map? (

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: reha on February 09, 2014, 10:09:18 PM
Vertcoin?  even the name just sounds terrible.

Look at the design of this forum. It's pretty awful. Still you are using it. And imho dogecoin is a wtf name - and it's one of the most popular coins.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: Spoetnik on February 09, 2014, 10:27:47 PM
I have much bag.
And i need very buyers..

Doge is useless scamcoin clone that offers nothing bad a sad pathetic gimmick.. a dog icon.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: mek300 on February 10, 2014, 12:28:23 AM

Quark is an awkward name to pronounce. Doge has much better name.

The best all time pun belongs to "GOOGLE".

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: r0ach on February 10, 2014, 01:06:49 AM
I like Vertcoin its good tech, though with a horrible name

Translates to "Greencoin" in French.  The Chinese also refer to it in a similar manner. 

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: Spoetnik on February 10, 2014, 06:34:39 AM

Quark is an awkward name to pronounce. Doge has much better name.

The best all time pun belongs to "GOOGLE".

doge is a scrypt clone that offer no new features in any way.

Quark is an innovation and a massive mile stone for the entire Altcoin scene..
it was the first coin to use a brand new algo and not just one but a bunch of them at once.

You guys showed up late so you missed flash mining Quark..
You showed up just in time to get in on flash mining Doge.. nuff said.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: achillez on February 10, 2014, 08:29:59 PM

Quark is an awkward name to pronounce. Doge has much better name.

The best all time pun belongs to "GOOGLE".

doge is a scrypt clone that offer no new features in any way.

Quark is an innovation and a massive mile stone for the entire Altcoin scene..
it was the first coin to use a brand new algo and not just one but a bunch of them at once.

You guys showed up late so you missed flash mining Quark..
You showed up just in time to get in on flash mining Doge.. nuff said.

I think it goes a little further than that. the GPU miners were pissed they couldn't mine QRK, so they started DOGE

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: greentea on February 10, 2014, 09:19:10 PM
Quark seems to really divide people, either way it'd be wise to buy at these low prices before the next leg up ...

android wallet in development about to be released :)

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: sakkosekk on February 10, 2014, 11:15:13 PM

It might be genius if it was a proof of stake coin, but it's not.

That's what makes MINT so interesting, 5 week PoW.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: thejepper on February 11, 2014, 12:09:09 AM

It might be genius if it was a proof of stake coin, but it's not.

That's what makes MINT so interesting, 5 week PoW.

that window is way too short

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: Mr.V on February 11, 2014, 03:27:20 AM
both coins are pieces of shet

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: YoyodyneSystems on February 11, 2014, 03:52:15 AM

I was the 10th person to mine DOGE. I still buy it sometimes. And it could reach 500 million cap within 12-24 months.
It will always... always be around. Humor is not something to overlook. It's big business.

VTC is the perfect replacement for LTC. At the very least is will stand beside it.

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: dzejmsdin on February 11, 2014, 06:44:22 AM
Looser in 2014?? In my country it's February!;-)

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: dadon on February 11, 2014, 08:35:01 AM
so many people will bitch when all there money is lost in doge, and i'm going to laugh out loud!!!!!!

Title: Re: Why Quark is a loser in 2014, Doge is a winner, and how this relates to Vertcoin
Post by: Acidyo on February 11, 2014, 09:28:31 AM
Vertcoin will go nowhere.

see all it took was 4 words.