Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: myself on September 20, 2011, 12:39:28 PM

Title: del
Post by: myself on September 20, 2011, 12:39:28 PM

Title: Re: Gini Coefficient
Post by: Litt on September 20, 2011, 01:36:25 PM
Thanks for this. I enjoyed reading the info.

Title: Re: Gini Coefficient
Post by: speeder on September 20, 2011, 01:43:49 PM
Brazil suck...

But that is unevitable, the country is TOO BIG and has too different cultures inside it.

It encompass the europe-style rural people in the south, highly industrialized São Paulo in southeast (with much of its culture now resembling Japan), huge farmlands in center, native americans in the north, and desert people in northeast.

native americans, obviously have crap income... but they are not poor, they just do not need income, they live from their own resources, outside the world stupid economy that think that more spending means more progress...

desert people, shock many visitors with their behavior of being non-greedy and avoiding work... But that is necessary, in the desert, you work only to live... being consumerist in the desert is the fastest (and most stupid) way to die there.

And so on...

But also, gini coefficient in Brazil show some realities... like that:

Some interesting ethinic information: most people in the high-rise building are caucasians.

Most people in the favela, are mixed, black or desert inhabitant that decided to have a "better life" and went south in search of work.

Title: Re: Gini Coefficient
Post by: Brunic on September 20, 2011, 02:49:26 PM
Woah! I'm surprised by the coefficient of the US. It's pretty bad compared to the others developed country. Even Russia is slightly better.  :o

Props to the Scandinavian countries. They are the reference, as always.

Title: Re: Gini Coefficient
Post by: Etlase2 on September 24, 2011, 04:50:27 AM
Woah! I'm surprised by the coefficient of the US. It's pretty bad compared to the others developed country. Even Russia is slightly better.  :o

Props to the Scandinavian countries. They are the reference, as always.

3rd largest oil exporter and socialism couldn't possibly have anything to do with Norway's success by this measure.  :P

Title: Re: Gini Coefficient
Post by: Gavin Andresen on September 24, 2011, 06:34:50 PM
Props to the Scandinavian countries. They are the reference, as always.

I seem to recall (but am too lazy to look up) some interesting research on the gini coefficient for subgroups in the United States; if I recall correctly (and it is very likely I don't), Scandinavian Americans as-a-group have a lower gini coefficient than Scandinavians.

That is either evidence for economic oppression of underprivileged groups in the US, or evidence that culture matters when it comes to economic success, depending on whether you're left-leaning or right-leaning.