Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Press => Topic started by: bbc.reporter on June 18, 2018, 01:57:05 AM

Title: [2018-06-18] Bitcoin Could Break the Internet, Central Bank Overseer Says
Post by: bbc.reporter on June 18, 2018, 01:57:05 AM
Clickbait title of the day, straight from mainstream news media hehehe. The content is also worse and rich in FUD that I would not recommend you to read.

But if you want to start your day with some comedy then read the news excerpt below hehehe.

In one of its most poignant findings, the BIS analyzed what it would take for the blockchain software underpinning Bitcoin to process the digital retail transactions currently handled by national payment systems. As the size of so many ledgers swell, the researchers found, it would eventually overwhelm everything from individual smartphones to servers.

“The associated communication volumes could bring the Internet to a halt,” the report said.

Read in full

Title: Re: [2018-06-18] Bitcoin Could Break the Internet, Central Bank Overseer Says
Post by: NeuroticFish on June 18, 2018, 05:08:59 AM
“The associated communication volumes could bring the Internet to a halt,” the report said.

I've read this over the week-end and it made me smile. Maybe also because it resembles so much with one of the episodes of IT Crowd when they've broken the box that was the Internet (

Title: Re: [2018-06-18] Bitcoin Could Break the Internet, Central Bank Overseer Says
Post by: davis196 on June 18, 2018, 11:47:39 AM
Yeah,bitcoin can create the apocalypse and destroy the human kind.
Satoshi Nakamoto is the antichrist,all the bitcoin supporters are servants of the devil. ;D
The electricity consumption caused by bitcoin mining will destroy the global civilization.You were warned!
And, off course,all big crypto whales are illuminati,and they want to conquer and manipulate the world. ;D

Title: Re: [2018-06-18] Bitcoin Could Break the Internet, Central Bank Overseer Says
Post by: TraderTimm on June 18, 2018, 02:57:26 PM
Bitcoin murdered me in my sleep.

But I got better.

Seeing a bankster bitch about Bitcoin is hilarious. That's right asshole, we're coming for you. Enjoy your monopoly while you can.

Title: Re: [2018-06-18] Bitcoin Could Break the Internet, Central Bank Overseer Says
Post by: richardsNY on June 18, 2018, 06:31:43 PM
Seeing a bankster bitch about Bitcoin is hilarious.

They do that for your wellbeing man.  :D

I remember last year during the rally that a bankster when asked for his opinion on Bitcoin, he said that he doesn't want people to lose their savings because Bitcoin can become worthless even in the next few minutes. I have seen people talk about Bitcoin becoming worthless overnight, but in the next few minutes is beyond retarded. Some times I really wonder if they are trash talking on purposely or actually believe their own nonsense. In both cases it's pathetic obviously. It costs only a few minutes of research to figure out what Bitcoin is about....

Title: Re: [2018-06-18] Bitcoin Could Break the Internet, Central Bank Overseer Says
Post by: darkangel11 on June 18, 2018, 07:29:30 PM
Watch out guys, at some point your hard disks won't be enough to store your coins, you'll need quantum drives. This reminds me of the famous quote by Bill Gates about the hard disk sizes. Or that when the computer industry hit the highest frequency a processor could handle and people predicted it will bring the industry into a stop because around 3,5 Ghz was all that they could do. And then came dual cores, quad cores, and so on. :D

Title: Re: [2018-06-18] Bitcoin Could Break the Internet, Central Bank Overseer Says
Post by: Theb on June 18, 2018, 07:59:27 PM
I am beginning to think that finding a good news source seems to be limited at this point. It's a shame to see even mainstream news media doing this kind of tactic when it comes to cryptocurrency related news. I just thought that misleading headlines are only seen on unreliable news provider, but seeing Bloomberg itself create such headline is a shameful and embarrassing thing to see, for one they are a reputable website meaning they have more viewers compared to other click bait news providers. I just thought that it won't be their way for this kind of news industry, creating a conclusion of a quote for a headline seems to be not right in anyway. Even if they added some kind of (worthless) analysis it doesn't even connect to their headline given to the article.

Title: Re: [2018-06-18] Bitcoin Could Break the Internet, Central Bank Overseer Says
Post by: bbc.reporter on June 19, 2018, 02:18:50 AM
Bitcoin murdered me in my sleep.

But I got better.

Seeing a bankster bitch about Bitcoin is hilarious. That's right asshole, we're coming for you. Enjoy your monopoly while you can.

There was a famous saying by Gandhi hehehe. I reckon it will not be long before the cryptospace wins. If we keep using bitcoins and other altcoins and run our own nodes to keep the crusade alive, we will be unstoppable.