Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Bitlibber on February 04, 2014, 08:51:41 PM

Title: Cryptoxchange and the rest of scammers are going down!
Post by: Bitlibber on February 04, 2014, 08:51:41 PM
I joined this forum to reach out to bitcoiners that were scammed by Cryptoxchange not having gotten their money back. I personally lost over $10,000 of money I saved from working 2 jobs.  Some people feel like no big deal but that would be the case when you’ve mined them.  I earned mine the old fashion way through some long ass days at work and drinking lots of coffee.  My plan was to take a chance with bitcoins and grow the money to start my own business.  My bitcoins would be worth just under $100K now and I am doing everything in my power to get some of that money back.  For over a year and a few months I have been after Cryptoxchange and Ken and Colin Armitt (founders).  Since sending many strong letters from my attorney and dozens of un-answered calls I decided to take it upon myself and proactively pursue this group of A-holes.  The trail always led to Panama.  

In an attempt to find out for myself I have taken time from work and bought a ticket to Panama 10 days ago. I kept bumping into walls and getting nowhere…until I met this Panamanian couple on the bus.  Of course my Spanish sucked but they spoke great English and new their way around the bureaucracy and the many public officials.  With help I have been able to accomplish more in 2 days than alone in 10.  With their help I have been able to sit with a licensed attorney and take a serious look at my case (to see if Panama law could help).  I contracted with the investigator that works with the attorney and we are now searching for their business location and or servers.  It’s a long shot but I’m here now and wouldn’t be leaving for a little longer in hopes of getting somewhere with this.  .  This is Panama you can run but you can’t hide forever.  For those that didn’t know Kenseycol PTY Ltd. (the PTY is Panama airport country code) and their hiding out somewhere here (at least their servers are) and here it’s who you know that can make the difference.  

I will post important information to the forum when I receive it.  I have just sold my laptop to cover my stays at the hostel for another week.  As I said before I want to stay as long as time and money allows but I have ran out of money and would like to ask anyone that has some extra to donate to the cause I am pursuing.  I think is we continue to allow these scammers to get away with stuff like this it would be hard for legitimate businesses to startup and succeed.  If any victims which to contact me PM me at anytime.  I hangout at the internet café (my current office) when not running about in trying to find justice for myself.  If you feel like helping out please send donations. Any and all donations are appreciated.

FYI these scammers are listed on Localbitcoins as local sellers in Australia and their business there is basically in bankruptcy (except that they’ve kept the bitcoins….virtually) >:(.  They still operate MrBitcoins selling what they stole.  Hell, I’ve become good at this international investigative stuff....might offer my service to other victims. 8)

Title: Re: Cryptoxchange and the rest of scammers are going down!
Post by: dottom on February 04, 2014, 09:44:35 PM
Need proof before people will donate.

How about a picture at the town square with today's newspaper?

Title: Re: Cryptoxchange and the rest of scammers are going down!
Post by: Bitlibber on February 12, 2014, 06:17:14 PM
I took some photos out at Old Panama but WTF how do you attach that shit here....after camping out looking for these scammers dont have a lot of time to figure this out.  Have new information but you guys seek proof that im where I said I would be but no luck attaching the photos.  what's the trick?