Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Development & Technical Discussion => Topic started by: Fakhoury on June 23, 2018, 12:50:15 AM

Title: How to sync the Bitcoin Core wallet where I've moved the 'blockchain' folder
Post by: Fakhoury on June 23, 2018, 12:50:15 AM
Hey all,

So, I've Bitcoin Core 0.14.2 on my SSD single partition and everything was working well.

Now the capacity of SSD can't handle the blockchain anymore and I've a backup of the complete 'blocks', 'chainstate' ..... etc. folders and files on my other connected HDD.

Since I've more free space now on my HDD, I want to program the Bitcoin Core wallet to continue syncing the blockchain from the backup till I reach the recent blocks.

How can I do that ?

Thanks in advance  :)

Title: Re: How to sync the Bitcoin Core wallet where I've moved the 'blockchain' folder
Post by: nc50lc on June 23, 2018, 05:14:11 AM
Using Windows?
If yes, create a shortcut from the Bitcoin-qt.exe then add -datadir=(your preferred location) to the target file.
Example: "C:\Users\(username)\Desktop\bitcoin-qt.exe" -datadir=E:\BitcoinData
Then use that shortcut to access bitcoin-qt with the new data directory.

Title: Re: How to sync the Bitcoin Core wallet where I've moved the 'blockchain' folder
Post by: Jet Cash on June 23, 2018, 10:05:43 AM
I move various blockchain and wallet combinations in and out of core. If a directory isn't connected, then core gives me a prompt and allows me to select the directory to use. If you rename the old directory, then you should get a prompt, and you can select the new directory from the pull down menu.

Title: Re: How to sync the Bitcoin Core wallet where I've moved the 'blockchain' folder
Post by: cellard on June 23, 2018, 03:34:46 PM
Remember that you can just go pruned mode (if you understand and trust the tradeoffs of running a pruned mode and are ok with that) and continue enjoying the extra speed of an SSD and have the Bitcoin Core software as a wallet without taking massive space. After I tried SSD, I just can't go back to running a full node with HDD, it's too slow. Also the high i/o activity on HDDs from running a full node takes a big toll on it, I wonder if it decreases it's long term health. Thankfully 2TB SSD are becoming really affordable these days and must last for a while.

If you are interested:

Afaik (never ran a pruned node) if you are running a pruned node and for some reason it blows up then you'll need to download from scratch so keeping a full node on the HDD may also be a good idea for a backup.