Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: badger4life on September 23, 2011, 06:06:10 PM

Title: PayPal - good or bad?
Post by: badger4life on September 23, 2011, 06:06:10 PM
I've never had a paypal account so I wanted to try and get some feedback from the bitcoin community about the service.  I understand how a paypal account can have value and why someone would want to create one.  I've also heard bad things about paypal and how they can be very heavy handed. 

Any constructive replies will be very much appreciated  :)

Title: Re: PayPal - good or bad?
Post by: idontknow on September 24, 2011, 02:05:58 AM
You should ask yourself what do you want to use it for exactly?

I get chills down my spine if I use them and think they're "evil" but that's personal. Sorry not very consturctive.

Title: Re: PayPal - good or bad?
Post by: annelions on September 24, 2011, 02:09:56 AM
I dislike PP's policies, but they're easier to use (IMO) than Google Checkout. I don't know about Google Checkout, but PayPal is very quick to freeze accounts with 'suspicious' activity. Then, from what I've heard, it can be near impossible to unfreeze the money.

Suspicious activity tends to be actually processing a lot of payments.

Title: Re: PayPal - good or bad?
Post by: bitwiser on September 24, 2011, 01:31:46 PM
I've never had a paypal account so I wanted to try and get some feedback from the bitcoin community about the service.  I understand how a paypal account can have value and why someone would want to create one.  I've also heard bad things about paypal and how they can be very heavy handed. 

Any constructive replies will be very much appreciated  :)

PayPal is very convenient because it's a fast and easy way to transfer funds using a credit card which offers the most protection when doing business online in what
may be lets say, uncertain situations where there might be more risk of something going. Also you're protected against fraud by the credit card company and PayPal
itself to a lesser extent. PayPal also supports multiple currencies so it's convenient and cheap for dealing with buyers/sellers in other countries using other currencies.

But the problem with using PayPal for Bitcoins is two-fold:

1. PayPal doesn't allow its service to be used to buy or sell Bitcoins and they will instantly close an account if they discover you doing that.

2. If you're selling Bitcoins and taking PayPal as payment, there is nothing to stop the buyer making a chargeback against your PayPal account/credit card.

Title: Re: PayPal - good or bad?
Post by: Turbor on September 25, 2011, 10:01:52 AM
I dislike PP's policies, but they're easier to use (IMO) than Google Checkout. I don't know about Google Checkout, but PayPal is very quick to freeze accounts with 'suspicious' activity. Then, from what I've heard, it can be near impossible to unfreeze the money.

Suspicious activity tends to be actually processing a lot of payments.

+1 I used a VPN connection once to make a payment and they called me at 2am the same day to let me verify that i made the payment. Short after, they froze my account for no real reason. Did not lose any money but i dislike their policies much. They are much too restrictive. Sad, because the idea behind PayPal is good and payment works without problems (when it works).

Title: Re: PayPal - good or bad?
Post by: deepceleron on September 25, 2011, 05:45:40 PM
There is good and bad, and then there is evil.

Title: Re: PayPal - good or bad?
Post by: omarabid on September 25, 2011, 09:30:12 PM
PayPal is too restrictive, they say. Well, PayPal is not available in my country; and as a turn around I'm using a french PayPal account with a Virtual Credit Card. It's more than 3 years now, and I might have processed more than $10K in payments. Never had a problem. I even did a charge back, and had a conversion with a PayPal agent.

Well, I think I'm lucky. Still, I don't leave more than $500 in my PP balance. Everything is fine. PayPal is really great for payment, I hope one day it becomes available.

Title: Re: PayPal - good or bad?
Post by: lord on September 25, 2011, 10:00:19 PM
well it is widely accepted all over the net, so if ur doing business online, you have to have a paypal account - so far i didn't have any serious probs.

but nevertheless i hope bitcoin will blow them away in the next few years.

Title: Re: PayPal - good or bad?
Post by: mizike29 on September 25, 2011, 10:07:23 PM
Paypal is very very good, easy to use, VERY VERY SAFE, secure, fast, been using it forever with ebay, amazon, newegg.  Now with bitcoin its another story, but you can still be safe with bitcoin and paypal just have to take some extra precautions and be smart with it, but for anything else, paypal is awesome, but you do pay a litte for what they provide.

Title: Re: PayPal - good or bad?
Post by: quartz92 on September 25, 2011, 11:45:42 PM
Paypal is secure, but at the same time your money can get locked away for a very long time. It can go either way

Title: Re: PayPal - good or bad?
Post by: FreeTrade on September 26, 2011, 04:12:54 AM
Paypal is generally pretty good these days if you're a buyer. You should try to fund the account through a credit card, but they'll hassle you for your bank details more and more as time goes by. They'll suspend your account if they see suspicious activity (like VPN login above, or if you're accessing from a different country), but this generally means you'll just have to jump through some hoops. However, as a buyer, things will be in your favor.

As a seller, you're in a much more precarious position. It'll be easy for your customers (see above), but it is easy for dishonest customers to request a charge back, and the stories of PP suspending accounts for months, and just stealing the balance are legion.

Paypal's business model is to process the 95% of transactions that are 'no hassle' and low-probability of fraud. They don't want the other 5% of transactions and if you think your transactions fall into this category, you'll want to avoid PP. PP doesn't want to spend time sorting the wheat from the chaff on these transactions, it would much rather that you just go away.

This is gap in the market for Bitcoin. If you're buying from Nigeria, or you want shipping to a different address, or you're travelling in Asia, or you have very low margins on your product, or you're not eligible for a credit card, and you still have the temerity to want to be part of the largest marketplace on earth, then Bitcoin is for you.

Title: Re: PayPal - good or bad?
Post by: nefanon on September 26, 2011, 03:08:44 PM
Simple Answer:

If not selling bitcoins: PayPal is AWESOME! :D

If selling bitcoins: PayPal is RISKY!  :o

Title: Re: PayPal - good or bad?
Post by: fireball500 on September 26, 2011, 04:12:22 PM
its a necessary evil if you want to buy/sell on ebay  :-\

Title: Re: PayPal - good or bad?
Post by: Albert Schweitzer on September 26, 2011, 05:29:24 PM
paypal is american = evil ;-)

Title: Re: PayPal - good or bad?
Post by: nefanon on September 26, 2011, 05:42:51 PM
paypal is american = evil ;-)

Ouch! My red, white, and blue heart hurts, lol.

Title: Re: PayPal - good or bad?
Post by: codymanix on September 26, 2011, 09:09:39 PM
Paypal isn't supported anymore by lots of Bitcoin market sites because Paypal is unsafe (Payer can revert Transaction thereafter).
Additionally Paypal is cancelling transaction by themselves if they find out that the transaction was used to pay for bitcoin. I have heard this, but cnnot find a source.

Title: Re: PayPal - good or bad?
Post by: nefanon on September 26, 2011, 11:31:05 PM
Blackout, a regular on these forums, has gotten PayPal to fight chargebacks successgully using block explorer records recently. We should get him in here.

I think the thread he said that in was called "the current ebay paypal fiasco" (i cant find it atm).

Title: Re: PayPal - good or bad?
Post by: cruikshank on September 27, 2011, 01:33:54 AM
I've never had a paypal account so I wanted to try and get some feedback from the bitcoin community about the service.  I understand how a paypal account can have value and why someone would want to create one.  I've also heard bad things about paypal and how they can be very heavy handed. 

Any constructive replies will be very much appreciated  :)

Used it in the past for online purchases since it was easy enough, though I never kept any kind of balance; I would have the amount needed for payment wired to the account, and pay from there.

If you are going to make any transfers to it from a bank/credit union, see what, if any, fees your bank has for doing transfers.

Title: Re: PayPal - good or bad?
Post by: annelions on September 27, 2011, 03:19:56 AM
I've never had a paypal account so I wanted to try and get some feedback from the bitcoin community about the service.  I understand how a paypal account can have value and why someone would want to create one.  I've also heard bad things about paypal and how they can be very heavy handed. 

Any constructive replies will be very much appreciated  :)

Used it in the past for online purchases since it was easy enough, though I never kept any kind of balance; I would have the amount needed for payment wired to the account, and pay from there.

If you are going to make any transfers to it from a bank/credit union, see what, if any, fees your bank has for doing transfers.

I've never seen any bank with fees for PP withdrawals/deposits. From what I can tell, as far as the bank is concerned, PP withdrawals and deposits work like regular checks. More or less. It's not an account to account transfer, which DOES cost money (I think my bank charges about $35 for that).

Title: Re: PayPal - good or bad?
Post by: LittleRichie on September 27, 2011, 06:58:39 AM
paypal is american = evil ;-)

Ouch! My red, white, and blue heart hurts, lol.

Haha! I agree.

I use Paypal almost daily, it's the easiest way I have of moving money around.  The invoice feature is also nice.  Sure, they charge you for transactions, but it's worth it for the seller security.

Title: Re: PayPal - good or bad?
Post by: sandor111 on September 27, 2011, 09:42:18 PM
2 words - Paypal sucks

Title: Re: PayPal - good or bad?
Post by: Leissa on January 25, 2013, 05:50:26 PM
If you have business and you want to sell goods via internet AVOID PAYPAL!!!!!!

It will work fine some days and when you have some money in your business account they will restrict your withdraw without any reason and you will be not be able to pay your suppliers.

They are very nice and open with those who pay and they will use them money and will not let the seller to touch this money only if they pay a lot of money to them and is some strange personal conditions which can ruin the seller. They can smile using buyer's money!

I have a business like this, made a PayPal business account and everything was fine 2 weeks. After that when I had more than 10.000 euro in this account they suddenly limit my account and ask about more papers. Was ok , I sent what they asked but after some days when they verified and open back my account they put a limit of $500 for withdraw.

I mention that my business is legally register and I sent the official papers to Paypal.
I use common currency as $, euro and CHF - Swiss Franc.

I have contracts with the suppliers and I cannot keep the terms for paying them because I cannot withdraw my money. This caused serious problems to me.

When I asked about the reason first, they said that my bank limited my bank account. I asked my bank and they confirmed that is not like this.
I asked Paypal again and they said that "of course we limited your account". They lied and put me in a very stupid situation to go to my bank.

Is ok to check out everything to keep safe but this is something else.

Anyway I called and after 1 hour of stupid conversation with some Paulina I found out that "This is our standards" and I have no possibility to talk with somebody who can decide. She will make a request in my name and IF THEY WANT they will send me a mail.

IS VERY SERIOUS! Is about people's money. I cannot pay my suppliers, the shipping company and so on. I cannot register this money and pay the taxes cause I don't have it!


No person or private company in this world can keep and use YOUR money without a good reason! IS NOT LEGAL!
They done it without any reason just because they want to do this. And nobody will explain or talk with you!

They will not tell you from the beginning all this things and when you already start can be too late!
Take care and if you think that this will not happened in your case, think twice.
Nobody informed me about this and nowhere I could find this "little detail".

Title: Re: PayPal - good or bad?
Post by: 21after2 on January 25, 2013, 06:49:11 PM
I've never had a paypal account so I wanted to try and get some feedback from the bitcoin community about the service.  I understand how a paypal account can have value and why someone would want to create one.  I've also heard bad things about paypal and how they can be very heavy handed. 

Any constructive replies will be very much appreciated  :)

PayPal is very convenient because it's a fast and easy way to transfer funds using a credit card which offers the most protection when doing business online in what may be lets say, uncertain situations where there might be more risk of something going. Also you're protected against fraud by the credit card company and PayPal itself to a lesser extent. PayPal also supports multiple currencies so it's convenient and cheap for dealing with buyers/sellers in other countries using other currencies.

But the problem with using PayPal for Bitcoins is two-fold:

1. PayPal doesn't allow its service to be used to buy or sell Bitcoins and they will instantly close an account if they discover you doing that.

2. If you're selling Bitcoins and taking PayPal as payment, there is nothing to stop the buyer making a chargeback against your PayPal account/credit card.

+1 to this post. PayPal is good for what it is. PayPal is not good for BitCoin related endeavors. I've never had trouble with PayPal when it comes to buying and selling (buying anywhere that accepts it, selling on eBay). But they can be strict if you break their rules, and they're not fond of BTC.

Title: Re: PayPal - good or bad?
Post by: dan9575 on January 26, 2013, 07:08:26 AM
Paypal should give you an option to make a non-reversible transaction, all you need is added protection, like a verification of your ssn and bank info. You'd think that a corp as big as paypal would let their customers have more freedom with their own money.#sarcasm

Title: Re: PayPal - good or bad?
Post by: happyworld3000 on January 26, 2013, 04:26:57 PM
Paypal is shit  >:( >:( >:( >:(

Title: Re: PayPal - good or bad?
Post by: happyworld3000 on January 26, 2013, 04:50:33 PM
Paypal is shit  >:( >:( >:( >:(

Title: Re: PayPal - good or bad?
Post by: bitsource on January 26, 2013, 08:36:47 PM
I have bad experience with Paypal, and will not use them again. They are fast to freeze money and fast to give back to scammers. Result is that I loose the product I sell and the money - and Paypal will not listen.