Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Development & Technical Discussion => Topic started by: NeoMA on June 28, 2018, 12:14:26 PM

Title: Building a blockchain solely to encrypt names - is it possible?
Post by: NeoMA on June 28, 2018, 12:14:26 PM
Hello together,

I hope this is the right subcategory and this question is not too stupid.

Background is that I would like to build a small blockchain after reading this post:

I have limited coding knowledge and I´m currently doing a python beginner course.

Therefore I wanted to ask, simply as a nice gimmick, if it is possible to build a blockchain (application) which has the sole purpose of encrypting and decrypting names, phrases, etc.?

Why would somebody want to do this you might ask?
On the one hand because I see if a person with limited programming knowledge can succeed in creating such a system.
On the other hand because I think it could be a cool gimmick for people to introduce them to the blockchain environment.

I know this might seem a bit an odd question, but are there any technical barriers that I should be aware of?
Would it also be possible to host this blockchain solution on a homepage so everyone could access it?
Sort of a replication of this homepage:
I know that probably I wouldn´t even need a blockchain for it, but it would be great to combine these two things!

Thanks a lot in advance!

Title: Re: Building a blockchain solely to encrypt names - is it possible?
Post by: Kakmakr on June 28, 2018, 12:57:59 PM
The strength of a Blockchain is in the amount of people running full nodes and supporting it. A lot of people are running their own forks or
Alt coins with their own Blockchain. If you can think of a better use case for your Blockchain, then people will support it.

You should also learn how to use some C++ / Go / Java / Python / Ruby to create some Alt coins. A Blockchain to keep track of voting will be more than welcome.  ;) <include some Smart contracts>  ;D  

Title: Re: Building a blockchain solely to encrypt names - is it possible?
Post by: odolvlobo on June 29, 2018, 02:42:58 PM
I don't understand your question. A blockchain is a database. It holds information. It doesn't make sense to use a blockchain for encrypting information. Why would you need a blockchain for that?

Maybe you could explain why you want to encrypt names and what you would do with the encrypted names.

Title: Re: Building a blockchain solely to encrypt names - is it possible?
Post by: pebwindkraft on June 29, 2018, 05:49:44 PM
I don't understand your question. A blockchain is a database. It holds information. It doesn't make sense to use a blockchain for encrypting information. Why would you need a blockchain for that?

Maybe you could explain why you want to encrypt names and what you would do with the encrypted names.
Because it is sexy to start with the two most complex topics in computer world: cryptography and blockchain technology.  :D
Artificial intelligence is just a combination of many (very fast) “what-if” connections. This is really lame.But with Crypto and blockchain: one could go to all the friends and say “look what I have done”, and maybe have all the girls in your lambo?

Going into like a “play” mode (or for learning purposes) must not reveal anything useful. Too many inventions were found by accident (or in play mode, because it is fun - look at Crypto kitties on Ethereum - what would be the answers, if someone asked at the beginning, if implementing a Darwin model for virtual kitties on a payment/smart contacts platform makes sense?)

Probably OP’s idea involves a deep learning curve, but as it is not about money, we can strike out two years of intense data security knowledge.