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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: 2bfree on February 09, 2014, 04:20:01 AM

Title: Why you American's hate freedom?
Post by: 2bfree on February 09, 2014, 04:20:01 AM
So I born in Communist freedom hating regulation loving country. I think you american't love liberty and rule of law but when i investigate you american's love to regulate move then Communist. Why is that? Also your founders where agains income tax now you love that and demand more like the communist, why? Help me understand?

Title: Re: Why you American's hate freedom?
Post by: dank on February 09, 2014, 04:47:05 AM
Americans love freedom.  Our government and the industries that own it do not.

Title: Re: Why you American's hate freedom?
Post by: Nik1ab on February 09, 2014, 05:46:44 AM
Putting the blame on the gov and companies doesn't always work...

Title: Re: Why you American's hate freedom?
Post by: dissident on February 09, 2014, 05:47:03 AM
Americans love freedom.  Our government and the industries that own it do not.

To a degree. I like freedom within reason. I think america has a good balance of freedom relative to security. It's not perfect and faces the same problems much of the world does as far as automation and cheap labor robbing us of living wage jobs.  There's a bit too much over-regulation on alcohol, tobacco, and drugs... blame both parties for that really... old fashioned religious nutjobs who think everything is a sin, and liberal nanny staters who want to protect everyone from themselves... also big corporate interests that would rather not have drugs decriminalized and have their expensive prescription drugs undermined... it's a pretty big hurdle to overcome when so many powerful interests want this regulation... we also have this thing where people are hypocritical on some of their viewpoints... for example they want to ban smoking everywhere but would have no problem decriminalizing  marijuana smoking in these same establishments... rather inconsistent if you ask me.

What do you mean by freedom? A lot of European nations have many of the same regulations as the US, cannot own guns, etc. Many of these nations also face budget and debt problems due to increases in the influx of illegal immigrants who don't pull their weight.

The conspiracy part of me would say the media is bought and run by the central bankers world wide. The Federal Reserve act was passed Dec 23, 1913.. just over 100 years ago. The country has been bought by the banks ever since... but is it really so bad? I'd rather live here then in one of the few remaining nations that does not have a 'central bank' or one of the many nations that does not embrace forms of economic capitalism.

I'm curious what activities people want to do that they feel they cannot do in America that they can do in another nation.... List some if you will and we'll see if our lifestyle preferences match up.

Title: Re: Why you American's hate freedom?
Post by: dank on February 09, 2014, 08:39:19 AM
Putting the blame on the gov and companies doesn't always work...

Because they never take responsibility for the blame.

We're all responsible to one extent or another.   But the one's who need to be held responsible are the one's that force others to partake in their responsibility.

Title: Re: Why you American's hate freedom?
Post by: thetruth on February 09, 2014, 11:42:56 AM
Not all Americans are sheeple. The government of America was subverted and the war on freedom was declared.
Educate yourself

Title: Re: Why you American's hate freedom?
Post by: Mike Christ on February 09, 2014, 12:04:49 PM
Because their government has a monopoly over the educational system.  I'm sure you can draw valid conclusions from that as to what kind of people monopolized education produces: i.e., whatever the owner of the monopoly--the state--desires, and it does not desire you to be free, for this would threaten its existence.

You simply don't forget 12-14 years of propaganda in a heartbeat.

Title: Re: Why you American's hate freedom?
Post by: 2double0 on February 09, 2014, 01:44:09 PM
Pretty sure, Americans love freedom, or have I been misled?

Title: Re: Why you American's hate freedom?
Post by: Taras on February 10, 2014, 06:51:47 PM
Americans love freedom.  Our government and the industries that own it do not.

Title: Re: Why you American's hate freedom?
Post by: joshv06 on February 10, 2014, 08:55:44 PM
I love freedom, love the Constitution. And I'm actually thankful when I am able to do Free things. I'm sure most Americans take it for granted.

It is true that the people at the top don't exactly represent us 100% and have been chipping away at our freedoms.

At the same time, some people at the bottom haven't been doing much about it. Maybe they will realize what freedom was when it's gone.

Title: Re: Why you American's hate freedom?
Post by: TheButterZone on February 11, 2014, 02:35:32 AM
If voting could change anything for the better of all innocents (all election tampering was eliminated so the worst possible evil would no longer "win" every election that matters), then it would be a summary-executable offense.

Title: Re: Why you American's hate freedom?
Post by: hilariousandco on February 11, 2014, 03:27:09 PM

Americans love freedom.  Our government and the industries that own it do not.

I think any decent person should love freedom, but unfortunately people have different opinions on what people should and shouldn't be able to do, and a a lot of the time it shouldn’t be anybody else’s business as long as it doesn't enroach on anybody elses freedom or cause them harm. Governments don't like people to be truly free or do what they want as it'd cause them a lot of problems. The laws and fear they spread are how they keep their power.

Title: Re: Why you American's hate freedom?
Post by: Westin Landon Cox on February 11, 2014, 05:41:55 PM
A country full of people who elected FDR 4 times and Obama twice cannot claim to love freedom. Lots of Americans want to live in a Soviet style system. They think Americans will finally get collectivist authoritarianism right, and having good American lefties in charge to make all the decisions will make things "fair." They're disgusting.

I hope Texas will secede.

Title: Re: Why you American's hate freedom?
Post by: Westin Landon Cox on February 11, 2014, 06:21:26 PM
The Frankfurt School is generally considered to be part of the left, yes. In another sense, National Socialism and International Socialism really aren't that far apart, so the way many people use the terms "right" and "left" don't mean much.

Title: Re: Why you American's hate freedom?
Post by: sase007 on February 11, 2014, 06:28:32 PM
So I born in Communist freedom hating regulation loving country. I think you american't love liberty and rule of law but when i investigate you american's love to regulate move then Communist. Why is that? Also your founders where agains income tax now you love that and demand more like the communist, why? Help me understand?

My country has been destroied by communism...

We were poor, had nothing and could not study on schools if we or some of ours relatives were anticommunist activist...

Take a look at Czech Republic and Germany... or Austria...

They are way ahead of us in every way (economy, technology, science)...

And YES, I love my freedom... I visited many countries (UK, Canada etc.), which I would not visit If I had communist goverment...

Title: Re: Why you American's hate freedom?
Post by: BawsyBoss on February 11, 2014, 06:36:26 PM

Americans love freedom.  Our government and the industries that own it do not.

I think any decent person should love freedom, but unfortunately people have different opinions on what people should and shouldn't be able to do, and a a lot of the time it shouldn’t be anybody else’s business as long as it doesn't enroach on anybody elses freedom or cause them harm. Governments don't like people to be truly free or do what they want as it'd cause them a lot of problems. The laws and fear they spread are how they keep their power.

I couldn't agree more with this. As an example, some people go around saying that the government is taking away their people's freedom by not allowing them to use some drugs. In my opinion, this is more of a safety precaution than preventing freedom. I don't care about what people do with themselves, but I do care about what the people who take them can do to others. I'm going to stop here because else, I will just send this discussion completely off-topic.

Title: Re: Why you American's hate freedom?
Post by: sana8410 on February 12, 2014, 05:57:30 PM
Freedom is only a perception. In reality it is not.

Title: Re: Why you American's hate freedom?
Post by: pungopete468 on February 13, 2014, 01:47:38 AM
America loves freedom.

The majority of Americans have no voice; everything we say or do will fall on deaf ears. The MSM wouldn't cover a story about people speaking out against government oppression now would they?

The majority is being desensitized and corralled into feeling inept or disconnected from one other. It weakens us and removes the strength we feel as a community.

The truth is; Americans love freedom but you'll never hear it from the MSM. The people who speak out louder than others are labeled as political extremists and added to the terrorist watch list.

None of this would be possible if it weren't for the monopoly on money...

Rest assured; Americans are picking sides right now. I've never seen anything like this before in my life...

Title: Re: Why you American's hate freedom?
Post by: Coldchurch on February 13, 2014, 10:09:48 AM
If it wasn't for the americans I would still kiss german feet each morning. they love freedom so much they came all the way here to maintain it for us. problem they have now is that goldman sachs is running the show. And they don't care about any of us, just the dollar.

Title: Re: Why you American's hate freedom?
Post by: Kaligulax on February 24, 2014, 07:32:41 PM
Americans love freedom... but only their own freedom... the rest of the world for them is a training ground for their weapons

Title: Re: Why you American's hate freedom?
Post by: Duane Vick on February 25, 2014, 02:49:37 AM
Everybody wants freedom as long as that level of freedom is contained within their own worldview.

It starts with people who think "there ought to be a law against...(whatever they oppose).

My version of freedom is to allow people to make mistakes. All rights belong to the individual and end at the next man's nose. That level of freedom scares a lot of people because they think chaos would reign.  For example, what if there were no DUI laws? We would have to punish drivers who kill people while intoxicated by charging them with the proper charge...murder. We punish people whose actions hurt no one simply because what they did COULD have hurt someone.

Title: Re: Why you American's hate freedom?
Post by: mgburks77 on February 25, 2014, 02:53:44 AM
Americans like their own freedom, they just hate yours

Title: Re: Why you American's hate freedom?
Post by: groggin on February 25, 2014, 06:18:22 AM

  1. government run schools that train to favor competition over cooperation
  2. we are taxed to death, might find some bread in your back yard
  3. corrupt media - twisted news (9/11, Kennedy's magic bullet)
  4. MIND CONTROL  (government) -->govern-->to control   ment--mental, mind


  [edit]  just came across this on rt

Title: Re: Why you American's hate freedom?
Post by: TonyZX on February 25, 2014, 07:38:34 AM
At the moment when America will cease to love the freedom it will cease to be america

Title: Re: Why you American's hate freedom?
Post by: Kiki112 on February 25, 2014, 10:05:52 PM
Americans love freedom... but only their own freedom... the rest of the world for them is a training ground for their weapons

this described everything I feel about USA..

Title: Re: Why you American's hate freedom?
Post by: groggin on February 26, 2014, 12:19:37 PM

   liberty will reign for all when greed is vanquished

                                  aka, we all have some work to do!   ;)