Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Service Announcements => Topic started by: BitMaximum on June 30, 2018, 10:51:52 AM

Title: BitMaximum Anonymous cryptoexchanger and BTC mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on June 30, 2018, 10:51:52 AM
BitMaximum first anonymous cryptoexchanger and BTC mixer (with the possibility of exchange from the exchanges and miners) (  

Once in the past, we respected the work of Localbitcoins, ShapeShift and other platforms, but they "betrayed" the ideals and philosophy of the blockchain when they implemented AML/KYC procedures on their service.

So we decided to give the world a completely secure and anonymous cryptocurrency service for exchange and transfer of cryptocurrency with technologies both classical and modified (innovative\complicated) mixing.

We're driven by an idea! We live and develop this idea. We breathe it and live every day from sunrise to sunset with thoughts of the real philosophy of blockchain ancestors, which unfortunately is lost in the minds of people.

We are a community of enthusiasts, bringing together the representatives of the IT industry, for whom the phrase "private life" is not an empty phrase. We understand that not everyone is ready to sacrifice the privacy for dubious benefits. That is why we have created a service that allows you to protect yourself from too close attention of third parties to your transactions in the Blockchain network!

"The philosophy and ideals of blockchain progenitors: global trust without intermediaries.
Anonymity and decentralization."(C) BitMaximum


Yes! Yes! We have like-minded people among the founders of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges! These are people who also care about the idea of payment privacy.

Now the BitMaximum system is integrated into several trading platforms. Now you can easily make an anonymous cryptocurrency exchange in various directions, through our hot connection to the exchanges.

 - Completely anonymous mixing service!
 - Without limits and restrictions!
 - Without KYC or AML and without registration!
 - Without tracking, logs and Javascript!
 - Higher liquidity and reserves.
 - Automatic deletion of information about all orders in 24 hours after the exchange!
 - Onion address in Tor exchanger
 - Highest speed of exchange
 - Best price on the market

Our advantages are your benefit!

 - Direct exchange from our selected trusted exchanges;
You get coins with an active trading history.

 - Guarantee of security;
Unlike others, we do not hold the customer deposits. It means you can avoid the risk of stealing your funds.

 - Profitable! Best price on the market;
We offer profitable cryptocurrency exchange rates without additional fees. Our liquidity is constantly increasing.

 - No limits and restrictions;
You can exchange any amount without restrictions.

 - Without registration and without verification;
We do not store your personal data and you do not need to create an account.

 - We work privately;
Without email or passwords, without registration, without accounts.

 - Safe and without tracking;
Without logs, without Javascript, without cookies, without fingerprints.

 - Philosophy of decentralization;
Sending your money is not carried out on a centralized exchange.

 - Complete anonymity of transactions;
We do not collect or share your data with third parties.

 - We are for freedom and privacy - without logs and tracking;
Automatic deletion of all exchange history from our servers in 24 hours after fulfillment of all exchange obligations.

 - True philosophy of blockchain
The privacy and security policy of the service is aimed for the absolute anonymity of customers.

 - Inability to influence on our ideology from the outside
Our slogan is " No fiat. No KYC. No AML".


We are strengthened and completely protected from the  influence and pressure from the OUTSIDE! site was switched off. Now we do not support work in Clearnet. Please use our special onion-address in the TOR network http://bitmaximumgnmsaf.onion

Due to the fact that we are the only one service in the world offering such services on the market - our site was constantly under the DDOS attacks from outdated mixing services. Before disabling CloudFlare and the Web version of the site a number of moves and changes of IP addresses were made, in order to confuse the chain.

Recall that:

- Our distributed servers, load balancers, and network infrastructure are located in different regions. It prevents transaction tracing.

- We provide the maximum protection for our system. Our service operates in a paranoid mode. Our servers are out of reach.

- We use TOR to push transactions in the blockchain network. It makes impossible tracking the source that generates the transactions and connecting them together according IP.

- The internal architecture of the project is designed by such a way that even if the server where the public part of the system is located is compromised, it will be impossible to replace the addresses given to the client.

- As mentioned above, the main priority is the security of users. Therefore, the main accent was placed on the creation of a multicomponent system with a strict separation of areas of responsibility, where each component is isolated from the other.

It was done a duplication of system of ranking wallets! The unprecedented wallet ranking system has become even more confusing.

It was added a new, more difficult formula of complexity of the algorithm and correlation of wallets
(direct correlation of a level of wallet with a level of privacy)!

It was updated and zeroized the ratings of wallets! The highest rating has the wallet, the money to which sent from the exchange or from the miner. With each new use of the wallet in the system, the rating of the wallet is lowered by some amount.

It was fully replaced the entire reserve on “pure” coins from exchanges!!!
Recall, that about 1 time in 10-15 days, we completely clean our coins at our own expense. We zeroize the coins, change them to trading coins from the exchange.

Due to the connection of new exchanges, the capitalization was increased.


BTC: 100
BCH: 9000
LTC: 9000
ETH: 3000
DASH: 12000

STANDARD tariff - 1080 BTC.
"EXCHANGE FROM MINERS" tariff of firstborn (mined) coins. This type of exchange works only via support. You order the required amount of coins,  we prepare coins for exchange. The minimum exchange size is 12.5 BTC + system fee.

If you need the special terms of exchange or a large amount, please contact the support service by writing to the mail.
Everything can be solved! We have access to OTC markets.
We can also easily make according your order, for example, fork DASH and list it on the exchange. This is in our competence!
Write to us. Everything can be solved!


Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF) and other commissions are constantly tightening the regulation of the cryptocurrency industry, obliging Bitcoin exchanges and other cryptocurrency service providers to comply with KYC,AML and CFT procedures, similar to traditional financial companies. Regulators have more freedom of action, with every year they control people's privacy more and more. As a result, the true ideals and technologies of blockchain are destroyed...

Identification of Bitcoins is not yet so common, however, taken into account the recent initiatives of FATF, there is a high probability of activation of regulators in this direction in the near future.

It is very important to have such “independent” projects that are created for the benefit of technology, so that there is development where there is continuous stagnation (It is impossible to call the current market conditions otherwise).

We (team BitMaximum and our sympathizers) do not allow to strangle technological revolution, designed to help free billions of people.

As you know, exchanges use tracking platforms and tools that allow them to check the purity of funds before allowing coins to be traded. They constantly check traders' deposits. There are many public trackers such as: Chainalysis, CipherTrace, Bitfury Crystal, Leonovus, Blockchain Alliance!, Coinfirm. Certainly there are unknown tools used by intelligence agencies.

You send your coins, and in return you get the coins from cryptocurrency exchanges. Our coins and wallets are not shown and do not appear in the above trackers. They have already been tested on the exchanges with which we cooperate.

Since the exchanges that we use do not allow to trade the coins of dubious origin, you get a totally clean cryptocurrency with an active trading history + stop the connection between your sent and received coins. Our unprecedented in the world innovative system of mixing and ranking of wallets (a direct correlation of a level of wallet with a level of privacy) does absolutely anonymous and private any exchange and transaction in blockchain network.

After using any classic mixer service, it will be difficult for the client to send money to the exchange to trade. The exchange will immediately block funds, as the money came from the mixer.

In our case, using our service, the client can safely send money to the exchange to trade, or quietly cash out and withdraw funds through any payment services, gateways and aggregators, without the fear that the security service of exchange or other services can block the money!
Feel the difference! With our service there will be no blocking or loss of funds, and with other services you can have a problem!
All our customers quietly send money to the exchanges, and no one troubles them and does not block! Exchange see that they received clean money. This fact is the proof of the work and efficiency of our platform.

We are the only one service on the market providing this kind of exchange!

We publicly work from 2017! We are the first service in the world that does not require javascript to work! No cookies, no fingerprints. TOR-mirror. API without registration and much more for your peace of mind. Taint analysis was carried out by many serious clients and the administration of closed sites! We provide the highest imaginable level of privacy!

Live a free life together with a team of BitMaximum service!

*** Rates (http://bitmaximumgnmsaf.onion/en/rates) *** FAQ (http://bitmaximumgnmsaf.onion/en/faq) ***
*** Partnership (http://bitmaximumgnmsaf.onion/en/partnership) *** Support (http://bitmaximumgnmsaf.onion/en/support) ***

We have activated a public API that does not require registration.


More information can be found on our website:

Address: (

TOR Mirror : http://bitmaximumgnmsaf.onion (http://bitmaximumgnmsaf.onion)

Any new generated wallet address is signed using our Bitcoin wallet unique address. The transaction is easy to verify against the blockchain 1BiTmaximumP5kKuEx7hgZkWwj13tvSNbo

We support our customers using a secure e-mail service. This service uses End-to-End encryption and Zero Access to user data, data being encrypted at all stages.

If you have questions about our service or the status of the operation, please contact us using the e-mail address below.

You can find current contacts here:

http://bitmaximumgnmsaf.onion/en/support (http://bitmaximumgnmsaf.onion/en/support)


If you share our values, if privacy is not an empty word for you, if you are ready to cooperate — join us.

If you are a miner, we are ready to offer you the exclusive conditions. If you want to become a partner, we are ready to send you an offer and answer to all your questions.

Join us and together we will make the Network truly free and secure!

Russian thread (  

Chinese thread (  


- do not use js. Be sure that there is no google Analytics, fingerprinting tools, xss. Use our site in a mode without js!

- do not use the withdraw by transferring private keys from pre-prepared addresses with the same amounts - it is easily to track and if your session is compromised, you may lose your funds!

- do not use coupons! Using the coupon you are linking all your addresses, otherwise no one can find it out!

- do not use sessions!

- we do not show the mixing status either on the basis of sessions or on the basis of any other indentifiers. If these data will compromised, your translation will be de-anonymized!

- do not use letters of guarantee. Generating a letter of guarantee requires location a private key from the wallet that creates the signature on the server of mixer. In case the mixer is compromised, its customers will be able to give out fake addresses and fake warranty letters. We sign the addresses that we give to clients on computers that are not connected to the Internet, then we unload the signatures together with the wallets
at our server. This ensures that addresses given to customers can in no way be compromised by a third party (intelligence agency or hackers), under the  term that the client will verify the signature.

- use every time random commission (within the tariff), charged for the services of our system. This makes it difficult to link incoming and
outcoming transactions

- use every time randomly commission, charge miner over the entire transaction in a block. This makes it difficult to link  incoming and
outcoming transactions

- use TOR for push transactions in the blockchain network. This does not allow you to track the source that generates the transactions and link them together by IP

- do not use external services to check the balance of incoming addresses!!!


- do not use 1:1 translations! It negates all your mixing efforts

- do not use fast translations! The greater is  the delay between incoming and outcoming transactions, the greater is the privacy

- do not use previously used addresses as a receiving addresses! It weaks the privacy of translation

- always use TOR!

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: SFR10 on July 01, 2018, 05:01:49 PM
I tried using it up to the "order page" and the way you sign a message, it's not that good (IMO, regardless of the signature that I'm wearing at the moment):
- You might want to consider adding more details in the signed message (the address/es you'll be sending to, the fee, the dates and other details with a better template).

On a side note: Most of the other similar service providers, offered few users a small amount to try their services in exchange for honest reviews (you might want to consider that as well).

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: ChipMixer on July 01, 2018, 10:47:14 PM
What is a difference between "wallet level high" and "wallet level infinite"?

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Aleksandra 81 on July 02, 2018, 11:55:59 AM
On the Internet, there is much less anonymity than it was in the same year 2015. So this service will be in demand among the clients of the crypto-currency market. Will the mixer of this project work with all crypto currency?

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Milamol on July 02, 2018, 07:07:44 PM
At the moment, apparently, only bitcoin. I would use this service for the blockchain ethereum.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: oficman on July 03, 2018, 04:19:54 PM
At the moment, apparently, only bitcoin. I would use this service for the blockchain ethereum.

I would also not have refused to translate the air with this mixer. But, perhaps, over time, the team will expand its list and add there TOP-10 crypto currency minimum.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: DeepChipolino on July 03, 2018, 04:20:28 PM
Oh, I see that this mixer has appeared in the english section. There are anonymous coins, there are exchanges with some volumes for withdraw without verification. I'm curious, who on this forum will still use these services?

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: felicita on July 03, 2018, 06:04:57 PM
great to see a new mixxing service its in need there are not much trusted ones out there .
i Will give ours soon  a try and will mix a bit:


Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on July 04, 2018, 09:34:35 AM
I tried using it up to the "order page" and the way you sign a message, it's not that good (IMO, regardless of the signature that I'm wearing at the moment):
- You might want to consider adding more details in the signed message (the address/es you'll be sending to, the fee, the dates and other details with a better template).

Thank you for your feedback and suggestion, we always glad to hear the suggestions of our customers and welcome any criticism. But I would like to know more detail. Would you like to receive accurate information about the % of commission charged on the page in order to send the exact amount and receive the exact amount to the accepted wallet? the exact date in minutes when your transfer will be made? Could you describe in more details what information do you need to add? or maybe show the examples for a better understanding.

On a side note: Most of the other similar service providers, offered few users a small amount to try their services in exchange for honest reviews (you might want to consider that as well).

Our service has been developed for a very long time (two years) and we are constantly updating it, we have an ambitious plans. During this time, the service repeatedly tested  not only by us, but also leading  crypto maniacal, IT specialists and analysts. A very difficult way has been done. We are well aware of your concerns and questions of trust to us. After all, the trust in such services is built up over the years. Why should you trust us?

To prevent any dispute, we are using the system of signatures. Any new generated wallet address is signed using our Bitcoin wallet unique address. The transaction is easy to verify against the blockchain. This keeps you safe from getting into a sticky situation when you transferred the coins, but never got them back. How does it work? With the deposit wallet, you get a signature generated by the private key of your address, the public key for which is the address of our unique wallet. You can verify this signature using our wallet address, which eliminates the risk of having the address changed by an attacker to deposit funds.

Thank you again for the idea and this offer, we will definitely think it over again by our team.
Perhaps we can pay for feedback and test exchange only to those customers who will use the exchange rate directly from the miners. This service is now made by hand only through the mail support on an individual basis. Just such tests would have helped us a lot and we would give a generously reward for them! Other rates are already tested and work fine.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on July 04, 2018, 10:36:28 AM
What is a difference between "wallet level high" and "wallet level infinite"?

Thank you very much for your interest in our topic. We are glad that there are others like you and we are crypto-enthusiasts who are ready to create such projects for the idea! for the freedom of private life and privacy on the Internet! The more are such services, the safer will live the Internet community)
In General, we have developed a complex system of ranking wallets. This is our own development, which is only a tiny part of the whole complex. All the technical details and formulas of the complexity of the algorithm we can not tell you, unfortunately, but shotly it looks like this: in "infinite" wallets, coins are used only from exchanges, not from anyone. The wallet with the money transferred directly from the exchange or from the miner ranks highest. In each new use in system the wallet rating goes down by a certain amount.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on July 04, 2018, 10:39:06 AM
On the Internet, there is much less anonymity than it was in the same year 2015. So this service will be in demand among the clients of the crypto-currency market. Will the mixer of this project work with all crypto currency?

At the moment, we mix and exchange only Bitcoin from exchanges and miners. Over time, we realize and other coins as well.
Soon it will be implemented in exchange for Ethereum.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Charisma359 on July 04, 2018, 01:33:16 PM
I tried using it up to the "order page" and the way you sign a message, it's not that good (IMO, regardless of the signature that I'm wearing at the moment):
- You might want to consider adding more details in the signed message (the address/es you'll be sending to, the fee, the dates and other details with a better template).

Thank you for your feedback and suggestion, we always glad to hear the suggestions of our customers and welcome any criticism. But I would like to know more detail. Would you like to receive accurate information about the % of commission charged on the page in order to send the exact amount and receive the exact amount to the accepted wallet? the exact date in minutes when your transfer will be made? Could you describe in more details what information do you need to add? or maybe show the examples for a better understanding.

Personally, I would like to see a specific example and understand how the Commission % will be calculated from different amounts.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: shield132 on July 04, 2018, 05:13:35 PM
At least not a clone of old and gold bitmixer, that's good, something different and unique is always appreciatable.
Firstly I want to tell you that you need to fix template for smartphones, on desktop PC it loads well.
Seems currently mixing doesn't works, at least I can't mix and get error page.
Also try to answer everyone in one post and not bump your thread more than once in every 24 hour or it can cause ban of your account.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: SFR10 on July 05, 2018, 05:06:58 AM
Would you like to receive accurate information about the % of commission charged on the page in order to send the exact amount and receive the exact amount to the accepted wallet?
Yes, that's a nice addition.

the exact date in minutes when your transfer will be made?
I like this one as well but AFAIK, you can only apply it to "Standard plan".

Could you describe in more details what information do you need to add? or maybe show the examples for a better understanding.
For templates used in signed messages, you can refer to "this (" or simply look for other templates in google images, using the following words:
letter of guarantee bitcoin mixers

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: berlinboy on July 05, 2018, 09:58:16 AM
At least not a clone of old and gold bitmixer, that's good, something different and unique is always appreciatable.
Firstly I want to tell you that you need to fix template for smartphones, on desktop PC it loads well.
Seems currently mixing doesn't works, at least I can't mix and get error page.
Also try to answer everyone in one post and not bump your thread more than once in every 24 hour or it can cause ban of your account.

I'm glad that I can visit the service from my PC. To be honest, we are already tired of projects that their applications are prepared exclusively for smartphones. I personally do not like to carry out money transactions using a smartphone. I use a PC for this.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Milamol on July 05, 2018, 12:56:25 PM
In this case, yes, mixing is best done with a PC. Mobile devices can be useful for small ordinary purchases.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: TryNinja on July 05, 2018, 01:29:52 PM
For templates used in signed messages, you can refer to "this (" or simply look for other templates in google images, using the following words:
I can't see anything because the quality of the image from your link is shit. Here ( is the HQ version of that screenshot.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Enchantment99 on July 06, 2018, 03:27:45 AM
For templates used in signed messages, you can refer to "this (" or simply look for other templates in google images, using the following words:
I can't see anything because the quality of the image from your link is shit. Here ( is the HQ version of that screenshot.

Something I can not understand what to look for in these templates and how to use them? Is it possible to use the service of crypto mixer without them?

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: TryNinja on July 06, 2018, 04:37:31 AM
Something I can not understand what to look for in these templates and how to use them? Is it possible to use the service of crypto mixer without them?
The point of having a Letter of Guarantee for every time someone uses your service is that you can guarantee the user that he has evidence of using your service. So, if you scam him, he can just post the Letter and prove that he really used your service and that he didn't receive any coins. That's why it's a good idea to put every detail in the Letter (deposit address, receiver address, amount, fees, delay set, etc...).

Here is a real example:

BitMixCoin exit scammed and stole at least 16 BTC from just one user. They claimed that it was a lie. But he had the Letter of Guarantee which proved he was saying the truth.
Thread: BITMIXCOIN.IO scam confirmed: 16+ Bitcoin stolen (

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: AltcoinsBattle on July 06, 2018, 04:20:46 PM
This may not help. Small payments will be processed. When they see a series of large payments, the irreparable can happen. If you use small amounts, then no Letters of Guarantee are needed.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on July 06, 2018, 08:38:39 PM
Would you like to receive accurate information about the % of commission charged on the page in order to send the exact amount and receive the exact amount to the accepted wallet?
Yes, that's a nice addition.

the exact date in minutes when your transfer will be made?
I like this one as well but AFAIK, you can only apply it to "Standard plan".

Could you describe in more details what information do you need to add? or maybe show the examples for a better understanding.
For templates used in signed messages, you can refer to "this (" or simply look for other templates in google images, using the following words:
letter of guarantee bitcoin mixers

Anonymity and convenience are mutually exclusive concepts. We've done some deep research. Yes and not only we, in literature and in networks there are a lot of studies on the blockchain. Any information of this kind about the commissions, accurate time of transfer, etc. is a direct path to the absence of anonymity. We are not endanger our client. We made a special random % commission not to be 'burned" by to the exact %.

The tariffs specify the maximum percentage, they can not be above. We hope that other services of mixers will take this to the note and will use our rich experience and stop to give to users the information that simplifies the work of research companies and destroy all anonymity. We eliminate any possibility of deanonymity!

We can only provide you with such information. This is a random percentage of the Commission "from" and " to " for each tariff.

     rate: { from: 0.005, to: 0.012 },
     rate: { from: 0.01, to: 0.015 },
     rate: { from: 0.02, to: 0.03 },
     rate: { from: 0.045, to: 0.06 },

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: zarad0 on July 06, 2018, 08:49:17 PM
This may not help. Small payments will be processed. When they see a series of large payments, the irreparable can happen. If you use small amounts, then no Letters of Guarantee are needed.

Letter of guarantee may not come to e-mail. Another thing is e-mail is usualy connected with mobile phone and a concrete  person. It becomes clear who mix the money. At least the mixer will know such information.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on July 06, 2018, 08:54:13 PM
At least not a clone of old and gold bitmixer, that's good, something different and unique is always appreciatable.
Firstly I want to tell you that you need to fix template for smartphones, on desktop PC it loads well.
Seems currently mixing doesn't works, at least I can't mix and get error page.
Also try to answer everyone in one post and not bump your thread more than once in every 24 hour or it can cause ban of your account.

Thank you for your feedback and comment. Correct display and work on smartphones will be fixed by Tuesday. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: ClickAuto on July 07, 2018, 04:08:00 PM
Something I can not understand what to look for in these templates and how to use them? Is it possible to use the service of crypto mixer without them?
The point of having a Letter of Guarantee for every time someone uses your service is that you can guarantee the user that he has evidence of using your service. So, if you scam him, he can just post the Letter and prove that he really used your service and that he didn't receive any coins. That's why it's a good idea to put every detail in the Letter (deposit address, receiver address, amount, fees, delay set, etc...).

Here is a real example:

BitMixCoin exit scammed and stole at least 16 BTC from just one user. They claimed that it was a lie. But he had the Letter of Guarantee which proved he was saying the truth.
Thread: BITMIXCOIN.IO scam confirmed: 16+ Bitcoin stolen (

That is, at the time of work with this service, a confirmation letter will be automatically generated and sent to the client by e-mail?

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: TryNinja on July 07, 2018, 04:14:57 PM
That is, at the time of work with this service, a confirmation letter will be automatically generated and sent to the client by e-mail?
No. I don't think asking for your user's email is a good idea.

It should just show up in the mixing screen along with the details (address to send the coins, maximum and minimum, etc...)

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on July 07, 2018, 07:26:21 PM
Would you like to receive accurate information about the % of commission charged on the page in order to send the exact amount and receive the exact amount to the accepted wallet?
Yes, that's a nice addition.

the exact date in minutes when your transfer will be made?
I like this one as well but AFAIK, you can only apply it to "Standard plan".

We didn't plan this in the interface. only in the API.

For templates used in signed messages, you can refer to "this (" or simply look for other templates in google images, using the following words:
letter of guarantee bitcoin mixers

No. to do this, at the front we need to keep the private from the address that sign the transaction, so the attacker can us very seriously
fuck. It is the easiest way to withdraw all the money and destroy the image of the project.

The system architecture for host and client security does not provide the technical ability to use keys on the server (not to be hacked).

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: optherium on July 07, 2018, 07:33:35 PM
Would you like to receive accurate information about the % of commission charged on the page in order to send the exact amount and receive the exact amount to the accepted wallet?
Yes, that's a nice addition.

the exact date in minutes when your transfer will be made?
I like this one as well but AFAIK, you can only apply it to "Standard plan".

We didn't plan this in the interface. only in the API.

For templates used in signed messages, you can refer to "this (" or simply look for other templates in google images, using the following words:
letter of guarantee bitcoin mixers

No. to do this, at the front we need to keep the private from the address that sign the transaction, so the attacker can us very seriously
fuck. It is the easiest way to withdraw all the money and destroy the image of the project.

The system architecture for host and client security does not provide the technical ability to use keys on the server (not to be hacked).

The matter is nobody trust each other. People want guarantee.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on July 07, 2018, 07:47:25 PM
A lot of questions was sent to our  mail and in private messages, acking us why we will not make a letter of guarantee, why we do not add information about the percentage and self-selection of % of commission, why we do not state time and other things....

Why we do not like other services.

Let me summarize for you. We're not a copy of the other mixers. We are not analogous of other mixers. The classic mixing you're all used with
convenient buttons and functions especially with the work on JS!!! is past age. I'm sorry if that sounds gruff, but  bitter truth is better than
sweet lie.

We have compiled the answers why we have so as we have!

Mixing strength meter from Bitmixer is also good, but the trouble is in js.
Checkboxes of agreement at Bitmixer is also OK, but the trouble is in js.

- do not use js. Be sure that there is no google Analytics, fingerprinting tools, xss. Use our site in a mode without js!

- do not use the withdraw by transferring private keys from pre-prepared addresses with the same amounts - it is easily to track and if your session is compromised, you may lose your funds!

- do not use coupons! Using the coupon you are linking all your addresses, otherwise no one can find it out!

- do not use sessions!

- we do not show the mixing status either on the basis of sessions or on the basis of any other indentifiers. If these data will compromised, your translation will be de-anonymized!

- do not use letters of guarantee. Generating a letter of guarantee requires location a private key from the wallet that creates the signature on the server of mixer. In case the mixer is compromised, its customers will be able to give out fake addresses and fake warranty letters. We sign the addresses that we give to clients on computers that are not connected to the Internet, then we unload the signatures together with the wallets
at our server. This ensures that addresses given to customers can in no way be compromised by a third party (intelligence agency or hackers), under the  term that the client will verify the signature.

- use every time random commission (within the tariff), charged for the services of our system. This makes it difficult to link incoming and
outcoming transactions

- use every time randomly commission, charge miner over the entire transaction in a block. This makes it difficult to link  incoming and
outcoming transactions

- use TOR for push transactions in the blockchain network. This does not allow you to track the source that generates the transactions and link them together by IP

- do not use external services to check the balance of incoming addresses!!!


- do not use 1:1 translations! It negates all your mixing efforts

- do not use fast translations! The greater is  the delay between incoming and outcoming transactions, the greater is the privacy

- do not use previously used addresses as a receiving addresses! It weaks the privacy of translation

- always use TOR!

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: TryNinja on July 07, 2018, 08:06:31 PM
What a shit excuse. So, are you saying that you won't add an extra security measure that benefits your users because "you are not like the other mixers/you don't want to be like the other mixers"?

No one here is talking about Javascript. Everybody agrees that requiring Js is a bad thing. But what does this have to do with giving your users a proof that they used your mixer? What does this have to do with js functions and animated buttons?

Adding extra details also have nothing to do with js. You can't just print all the static information without any js.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: DarkStar_alt on July 08, 2018, 02:56:55 AM
Sign using a unfunded BTC address, maybe something like 1BitMax... Or better yet, generate a PGP key and sign the message using that. Don't email it to the user, instead, provide it to them in a text file once their deposit address is shown. Delete it after the user confirms they have downloaded it from the server. That way, users could just choose to now download, and state that they did, to avoid getting the signed message if they wish to not have the file touch any of their devices. Those who worry about being scammed can download it and delete it securely after they receive coins.

Don't Trust. Verify.

No money lost this way, and if someone were to hack into your server, they'd be able to see transaction info anyway.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Todaytech on July 08, 2018, 09:26:49 AM
That is, at the time of work with this service, a confirmation letter will be automatically generated and sent to the client by e-mail?
No. I don't think asking for your user's email is a good idea.

It should just show up in the mixing screen along with the details (address to send the coins, maximum and minimum, etc...)

It is clear that your box is better not to Shine, as craftsmen can calculate your identity if you are a public person on the network.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: ChipMixer on July 08, 2018, 08:42:16 PM
What a shit excuse. So, are you saying that you won't add an extra security measure that benefits your users because "you are not like the other mixers/you don't want to be like the other mixers"?
Being different than other mixers is valid excuse not to offer Letter of Guarantee. For example ChipMixer does not offer LoG because it is incompatible with chip withdrawal idea. It would be nice to have an additional security measure but sometimes you just cannot do that.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: TryNinja on July 09, 2018, 01:46:15 AM
Being different than other mixers is valid excuse not to offer Letter of Guarantee. For example ChipMixer does not offer LoG because it is incompatible with chip withdrawal idea. It would be nice to have an additional security measure but sometimes you just cannot do that.
Exactly. ChipMixer doesn't offer a LoG because it's incompatible with how you guys work

AFAIK, BitMaximum works exactly as the other mixers. Send to X address, receive in Y address. So I don't think the "I don't want to copy the other mixers" excuse is valid when this would benefit their users.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Aleksandra 81 on July 09, 2018, 07:23:36 AM
What a shit excuse. So, are you saying that you won't add an extra security measure that benefits your users because "you are not like the other mixers/you don't want to be like the other mixers"?
Being different than other mixers is valid excuse not to offer Letter of Guarantee. For example ChipMixer does not offer LoG because it is incompatible with chip withdrawal idea. It would be nice to have an additional security measure but sometimes you just cannot do that.

I agree that the principle of this mixer is fundamentally different from the work of similar companies. But at the same time, it turns out that everything will be based solely on trust between the clients and the project team, but confidenciality and anonimius are very important..

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Milamol on July 09, 2018, 06:44:02 PM
Here we are not talking about guarantees, but about the possibility of obtaining irrefutable evidence. Perhaps this is the only tool for managing such services.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: oficman on July 10, 2018, 07:45:00 PM
Here we are not talking about guarantees, but about the possibility of obtaining irrefutable evidence. Perhaps this is the only tool for managing such services.

For example, what can this irrefutable evidence be?

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: TryNinja on July 10, 2018, 07:51:26 PM
For example, what can this irrefutable evidence be?
The Letter of Guarantee. A cryptographic signature that can't be manipulated or faked. (minor copy-paste from Loyce (

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Charisma359 on July 11, 2018, 12:02:44 PM
For example, what can this irrefutable evidence be?
The Letter of Guarantee. A cryptographic signature that can't be manipulated or faked. (minor copy-paste from Loyce (

Then the team's programmers should use the blockchain system. Because without it, it will not be possible to create a cryptographic signature.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: berlinboy on July 12, 2018, 04:42:23 PM
Being different than other mixers is valid excuse not to offer Letter of Guarantee. For example ChipMixer does not offer LoG because it is incompatible with chip withdrawal idea. It would be nice to have an additional security measure but sometimes you just cannot do that.
Exactly. ChipMixer doesn't offer a LoG because it's incompatible with how you guys work

AFAIK, BitMaximum works exactly as the other mixers. Send to X address, receive in Y address. So I don't think the "I don't want to copy the other mixers" excuse is valid when this would benefit their users.

For me, the main thing is that the functionality of this mixer really covers its tracks and allows you to safely withdraw your earnings from the crypto-currency market without any traces.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Enchantment99 on July 13, 2018, 05:13:21 PM
For example, I send 1 bitcoin using your service. Will you use more than 1 bitcoin to cover your tracks in your transactions?

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: ClickAuto on July 14, 2018, 05:16:39 AM
For example, what can this irrefutable evidence be?
The Letter of Guarantee. A cryptographic signature that can't be manipulated or faked. (minor copy-paste from Loyce (

Then the team's programmers should use the blockchain system. Because without it, it will not be possible to create a cryptographic signature.

The work of such functional is based on the blockchain system, because it works with cryptocurrencies. All cryptocurrency transactions are recorded with the blockchain system and can be tracked if you do not use a service like this.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Todaytech on July 15, 2018, 09:59:37 AM
Personally, I believe that such services as this mixer are a real godsend for those users who have not yet learned to replace their financial traces in the network. After all, just these rich people are a tasty morsel for hackers.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: DeepChipolino on July 15, 2018, 02:48:47 PM
For example, what can this irrefutable evidence be?
The Letter of Guarantee. A cryptographic signature that can't be manipulated or faked. (minor copy-paste from Loyce (

Then the team's programmers should use the blockchain system. Because without it, it will not be possible to create a cryptographic signature.
LOL. And what's the point? Good joke. ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Aleksandra 81 on July 16, 2018, 01:39:36 PM
All transactions made in Bitcoin are available to the public on the website. On it anyone can trace any transaction from its source to the recipient. And when you finally decide to use the crypto currency to pay for goods and services, of course, you need to specify any of your personal data or even the address of delivery. This means that third parties can track your transactions and gain access to your personal data. To avoid this, it is best to use the services of this service

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: oficman on July 17, 2018, 05:18:20 PM
All transactions made in Bitcoin are available to the public on the website. On it anyone can trace any transaction from its source to the recipient. And when you finally decide to use the crypto currency to pay for goods and services, of course, you need to specify any of your personal data or even the address of delivery. This means that third parties can track your transactions and gain access to your personal data. To avoid this, it is best to use the services of this service

Exactly. And if you constantly use a couple of your wallets, then experienced fraudsters will someday calculate you. Therefore, it is better to take care of your safety and take advantage of the services of the mixer of this team.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: MoLoKo789 on July 18, 2018, 07:42:27 AM
Some banks plan to block the cards of those clients who create transfers related to crypto-currencies. But I think this can be avoided if we use the service of a crypto currency mixer.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: AltcoinsBattle on July 18, 2018, 07:52:05 AM
Also you can use anonymous coins in combination with exchanges without a personality verification or KYC.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: berlinboy on July 19, 2018, 12:10:38 PM
Also you can use anonymous coins in combination with exchanges without a personality verification or KYC.

Now many tokens creators introduce mandatory verification. Otherwise, you will not be able to invest or receive free tokens. This will no longer be anonymous accounts. Poem can be lighted.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Enchantment99 on July 20, 2018, 01:06:02 PM
Also you can use anonymous coins in combination with exchanges without a personality verification or KYC.

Now many tokens creators introduce mandatory verification. Otherwise, you will not be able to invest or receive free tokens. This will no longer be anonymous accounts. Poem can be lighted.

This is the situation with the tokens. For bitcoin, you can still pick up an anonymous purse. But we all know that he is not completely anonymous. And when you are engaged in mining, to deduce large sums of money. Independently for this purpose, wallets are not seized. So is not it easier to use the services of a mixer?

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on July 20, 2018, 05:58:34 PM
For example, I send 1 bitcoin using your service. Will you use more than 1 bitcoin to cover your tracks in your transactions?

You receive the sum minus the commission according rates.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: ClickAuto on July 21, 2018, 11:27:36 AM
Does the team plan to add a calculator to its website in the future, so that customers can calculate their future costs for commissions?

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: AltcoinsBattle on July 21, 2018, 03:40:10 PM
This is the situation with the tokens. For bitcoin, you can still pick up an anonymous purse. But we all know that he is not completely anonymous. And when you are engaged in mining, to deduce large sums of money. Independently for this purpose, wallets are not seized. So is not it easier to use the services of a mixer?
Perhaps this is an easy way. If there is a certainty that this service will work smoothly and honestly.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: bestmixer on July 21, 2018, 08:07:57 PM
Quote - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer






Location: United States (US), North America
ISP: Cloudflare

MORE PRIVACY???  ;D ;D ;D Before you defend someone's anonymity, take care of yourself.


Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Todaytech on July 22, 2018, 02:43:58 PM
This is the situation with the tokens. For bitcoin, you can still pick up an anonymous purse. But we all know that he is not completely anonymous. And when you are engaged in mining, to deduce large sums of money. Independently for this purpose, wallets are not seized. So is not it easier to use the services of a mixer?
Perhaps this is an easy way. If there is a certainty that this service will work smoothly and honestly.

An impeccable reputation of the resource is the guarantee of earnings for the team. Therefore, it is not advantageous for the team to deceive its customers. The team will conduct the transactions diligently and honestly.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: AltcoinsBattle on July 23, 2018, 02:31:05 PM

Location: United States (US), North America
ISP: Cloudflare

MORE PRIVACY???  ;D ;D ;D Before you defend someone's anonymity, take care of yourself.

Indeed ;D, a service that automatically (since you used this service) can lead you to suspicion, even if you have not violated the law. If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself!

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Aleksandra 81 on July 23, 2018, 03:06:15 PM
I like that everything in BitMaximum's work is cleverly thought through to trifles and there are own ratings and purse levels, a special, unparalleled, purse ranking system is developed, a direct correlation of the purse level with the level of privacy is provided.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: oficman on July 24, 2018, 02:56:07 PM
"Purchases" and "sales" are the most vulnerable parts of the transaction trace, as they are the most likely points where you can identify a coin holder. Therefore, you can not do without a sweep of the tracks, if you do not want to be calculated.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: MoLoKo789 on July 25, 2018, 12:34:32 PM
Who needs a bitcoin mixer and why? First of all, such resources should be of interest to ordinary users. After all, even in ordinary banks, no one can view your personal translation history or track a specific payment, but in a crypto-currency environment this information can be obtained by anyone.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: berlinboy on July 26, 2018, 07:44:37 AM
One of the main obstacles that stands in the way of the introduction of blocking technology in the Finnish-industry is the problem of data confidentiality. Therefore, now we can not do without mixing services.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Enchantment99 on July 27, 2018, 10:06:55 AM
The considered bitcoin mixer does not require creating an account in the service, entering any information about yourself, and also it does not collect data on user activity. The system already pre-prepared a large number of specially mixed bitcoins for each user.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Milamol on July 27, 2018, 06:19:55 PM
One of the main obstacles that stands in the way of the introduction of blocking technology in the Finnish-industry is the problem of data confidentiality. Therefore, now we can not do without mixing services.
Why such categorically? What about the anonymous coins?

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: ClickAuto on July 28, 2018, 09:18:08 AM
One of the main obstacles that stands in the way of the introduction of blocking technology in the Finnish-industry is the problem of data confidentiality. Therefore, now we can not do without mixing services.
Why such categorically? What about the anonymous coins?

Most likely, because the user wrote such a categorical answer, because the mixer is still working with bitcoin. Bitcoin transactions are all recorded and anonymity is not respected.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: TryNinja on July 28, 2018, 04:40:10 PM
Because there is a lot of bump bots here. It's not only pretty obvious as every day a new user comes here to shitpost a generic answer, but some are also neg tagged for being a "bump bot";

The question is: Is BitMaximum paying them to bump it every day?

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Todaytech on July 29, 2018, 11:04:00 AM
One of the main obstacles that stands in the way of the introduction of blocking technology in the Finnish-industry is the problem of data confidentiality. Therefore, now we can not do without mixing services.
Why such categorically? What about the anonymous coins?

Anonymous coins are good. But, unfortunately, not everywhere I accept them as payment. Therefore, it is often necessary to use coins bitcoin. These transactions leave traces. So we have to use such services as this cryptomixer.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: NowYouAreSee on July 29, 2018, 03:25:02 PM
This is the most incompetent promotion of the resource that I saw!
Such advertisers turn the respected forum into garbage!
It's just unbearable to read! >:(

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Milamol on July 29, 2018, 03:27:29 PM
Because there is a lot of bump bots here. It's not only pretty obvious as every day a new user comes here to shitpost a generic answer, but some are also neg tagged for being a "bump bot";

The question is: Is BitMaximum paying them to bump it every day?
Hehe, yes, it's obvious ;D
Anonymous coins are good. But, unfortunately, not everywhere I accept them as payment. Therefore, it is often necessary to use coins bitcoin. These transactions leave traces. So we have to use such services as this cryptomixer.
BTC->exchanger->Monero, ZCash, Dash ...->exchanger->BTC. w/o risk (if a reliable exchanger)
why not?

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Aleksandra 81 on July 30, 2018, 10:12:04 AM
Because there is a lot of bump bots here. It's not only pretty obvious as every day a new user comes here to shitpost a generic answer, but some are also neg tagged for being a "bump bot";

The question is: Is BitMaximum paying them to bump it every day?
Hehe, yes, it's obvious ;D
Anonymous coins are good. But, unfortunately, not everywhere I accept them as payment. Therefore, it is often necessary to use coins bitcoin. These transactions leave traces. So we have to use such services as this cryptomixer.
BTC->exchanger->Monero, ZCash, Dash ...->exchanger->BTC. w/o risk (if a reliable exchanger)
why not?

We can also use this scheme. Only first we will need to calculate, the more profitable, or rather the cheaper we will use: this scheme or the cryptomixer service? After all, your scheme involves 2 exchangers. This means that we will have to pay a commission 2 times.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: oficman on July 31, 2018, 06:05:45 PM
There is nothing to overpay on an equal place, using a double exchange, it's better that I pay for the services of a mixer once and calmly transfer the bitcoin coins from one address to another.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Charisma359 on August 01, 2018, 04:00:46 PM
Cryptomixers, recognized among the fans of the crypto-currency market, will always be in demand, because their services are beneficial and practical.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: MoLoKo789 on August 02, 2018, 06:51:14 PM
Cryptomixers, recognized among the fans of the crypto-currency market, will always be in demand, because their services are beneficial and practical.

I support your point of view. After all, we use all of the online exchangers to exchange and withdraw earnings from the network, then why should we form a different opinion about the mixers?

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: berlinboy on August 03, 2018, 10:23:49 AM
Working with a mixer is not much different from working with an exchanger. It is necessary to enter the address to which mixed bitcoins will be added, select the package and agree to the proposed commission (the speed of the operation depends on it) and proceed to transfer of coins.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Enchantment99 on August 04, 2018, 06:38:44 AM
Bitcoin mixers are also needed, as are online exchangers. It would be nice if there were still monitoring mixers, as well as monitoring online exchangers. Then many of us would reconsider our point of view regarding the usefulness of these resources.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: ClickAuto on August 05, 2018, 03:05:02 PM
Bitcoin mixers are also needed, as are online exchangers. It would be nice if there were still monitoring mixers, as well as monitoring online exchangers. Then many of us would reconsider our point of view regarding the usefulness of these resources.

That you rightly noticed. Once the mixing services have appeared on the network, it is time to create online monitoring for them. Then users would have more confidence in these services.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: lumierre on August 06, 2018, 12:53:56 PM
Because there is a lot of bump bots here. It's not only pretty obvious as every day a new user comes here to shitpost a generic answer, but some are also neg tagged for being a "bump bot";

The question is: Is BitMaximum paying them to bump it every day?
Hehe, yes, it's obvious ;D
Anonymous coins are good. But, unfortunately, not everywhere I accept them as payment. Therefore, it is often necessary to use coins bitcoin. These transactions leave traces. So we have to use such services as this cryptomixer.
BTC->exchanger->Monero, ZCash, Dash ...->exchanger->BTC. w/o risk (if a reliable exchanger)
why not?

And to pay commission to everybody. Echangers, Monero, ZCash, Dash - will be very happy. And you will have a big experience with work with Monero, ZCash, Dash. But you must have a lot of money to pay commission for everybody.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Todaytech on August 06, 2018, 04:21:21 PM
Because there is a lot of bump bots here. It's not only pretty obvious as every day a new user comes here to shitpost a generic answer, but some are also neg tagged for being a "bump bot";

The question is: Is BitMaximum paying them to bump it every day?
Hehe, yes, it's obvious ;D
Anonymous coins are good. But, unfortunately, not everywhere I accept them as payment. Therefore, it is often necessary to use coins bitcoin. These transactions leave traces. So we have to use such services as this cryptomixer.
BTC->exchanger->Monero, ZCash, Dash ...->exchanger->BTC. w/o risk (if a reliable exchanger)
why not?

And to pay commission to everybody. Echangers, Monero, ZCash, Dash - will be very happy. And you will have a big experience with work with Monero, ZCash, Dash. But you must have a lot of money to pay commission for everybody.

The proposed scheme is too expensive. Such a transfer will be much more expensive than paying for the bitcoin mixer service. So I'm for using a crypto currency mixer.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Aleksandra 81 on August 07, 2018, 02:58:03 PM
I think that so many users do and will do, because you do not want to just lose your money by not observing anonymity at the time you withdraw money from the network.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: zmeddy on August 07, 2018, 07:39:16 PM
I think that so many users do and will do, because you do not want to just lose your money by not observing anonymity at the time you withdraw money from the network.

Hackers so often steal the data, so the anonimity in the network is very important that nobody can steal the personal data.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Yuzhne on August 07, 2018, 09:33:03 PM

Are there users who used these services? I would like to know your opinion

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: veranika55 on August 08, 2018, 01:00:03 PM
I think that so many users do and will do, because you do not want to just lose your money by not observing anonymity at the time you withdraw money from the network.

Hackers so often steal the data, so the anonimity in the network is very important that nobody can steal the personal data.

Usually people wait until hackers steal their money or data, and then begin to look for antivirus or to use mixers.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on August 08, 2018, 01:05:28 PM
Does the team plan to add a calculator to its website in the future, so that customers can calculate their future costs for commissions?

We didn't plan to make this in the interface. only in the API.
We can only provide you with such information. This is a random percentage of the Commission "from" and " to " for each tariff.

     rate: { from: 0.005, to: 0.012 },
     rate: { from: 0.01, to: 0.015 },
     rate: { from: 0.02, to: 0.03 },
     rate: { from: 0.045, to: 0.06 },

Anonymity and convenience are mutually exclusive concepts.
We use each time random Commission (within the tariff), charged for the services of our system. This makes it difficult to connect incoming and
outgoing transactions. Our service is designed for paranoid people. Only the highest quality of security and anonymity.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: strongtree2505 on August 08, 2018, 04:20:15 PM
I think that so many users do and will do, because you do not want to just lose your money by not observing anonymity at the time you withdraw money from the network.

Hackers so often steal the data, so the anonimity in the network is very important that nobody can steal the personal data.

Usually people wait until hackers steal their money or data, and then begin to look for antivirus or to use mixers.
Unfortunately, this is true. First, people lose their data and money and then start thinking about security. People do not make such mistakes, do not give hackers easy money!

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: alexcraft1590 on August 09, 2018, 06:20:20 PM
I think that so many users do and will do, because you do not want to just lose your money by not observing anonymity at the time you withdraw money from the network.

Hackers so often steal the data, so the anonimity in the network is very important that nobody can steal the personal data.

Usually people wait until hackers steal their money or data, and then begin to look for antivirus or to use mixers.
Unfortunately, this is true. First, people lose their data and money and then start thinking about security. People do not make such mistakes, do not give hackers easy money!

It seems to me that most of ordinary users simply do not know how to properly protect themselves and their digital data from criminals

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on August 10, 2018, 09:01:24 AM
Quote - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer






Location: United States (US), North America
ISP: Cloudflare

MORE PRIVACY???  ;D ;D ;D Before you defend someone's anonymity, take care of yourself.


In this matter, everything is simple and clear:
1) we had a serious DDOS attack, and also got a letters with threats that we will been DDoS all the time and asked for a ransom! So we put the

2) we do not recommend to people to use the web version of the mixing services for complete anonymity. And if someone wants for real anonymity,
let him use the TOR version. And in General, in life, always use the TOR, that's all.

3) Even if you are concerned about the cloudflare protection - then be calm and confident in our work. Behinde the clowdflare is
"Magic.".. intricate arrangements, a real floating platform fastflux, bulletproof, powerful algorithms ensure the highest levels of
protection and safety.

Thanks for the anti-advertising. Black PR is also PR.
By the way! Maybe you were the one who DDoS us? then to blame us that we had to us the cloudflare DDoS protaction !!!

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Heptapolis on August 10, 2018, 09:10:51 AM
Quote - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer






Location: United States (US), North America
ISP: Cloudflare

MORE PRIVACY???  ;D ;D ;D Before you defend someone's anonymity, take care of yourself.


In this matter, everything is simple and clear:
1) we had a serious DDOS attack, and also got a letters with threats that we will been DDoS all the time and asked for a ransom! So we put the

2) we do not recommend to people to use the web version of the mixing services for complete anonymity. And if someone wants for real anonymity,
let him use the TOR version. And in General, in life, always use the TOR, that's all.

3) Even if you are concerned about the cloudflare protection - then be calm and confident in our work. Behinde the clowdflare is
"Magic.".. intricate arrangements, a real floating platform fastflux, bulletproof, powerful algorithms ensure the highest levels of
protection and safety.

Thanks for the anti-advertising. Black PR is also PR.
By the way! Maybe you were the one who DDoS us? then to blame us that we had to us the cloudflare DDoS protaction !!!

I thought DDoS protection is good, it protects the site from DDoS attacks. It is good that there is a representative in the thread and answer all questions. There are a lot of competitors in the thead too. Thanks to this topic, you can learn about all existing mixers.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: STORMIX on August 10, 2018, 05:25:50 PM
Quote - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer






Location: United States (US), North America
ISP: Cloudflare

MORE PRIVACY???  ;D ;D ;D Before you defend someone's anonymity, take care of yourself.


In this matter, everything is simple and clear:
1) we had a serious DDOS attack, and also got a letters with threats that we will been DDoS all the time and asked for a ransom! So we put the

2) we do not recommend to people to use the web version of the mixing services for complete anonymity. And if someone wants for real anonymity,
let him use the TOR version. And in General, in life, always use the TOR, that's all.

3) Even if you are concerned about the cloudflare protection - then be calm and confident in our work. Behinde the clowdflare is
"Magic.".. intricate arrangements, a real floating platform fastflux, bulletproof, powerful algorithms ensure the highest levels of
protection and safety.

Thanks for the anti-advertising. Black PR is also PR.
By the way! Maybe you were the one who DDoS us? then to blame us that we had to us the cloudflare DDoS protaction !!!

Perhaps a competing company  ordered this DDoS attack)) If this is so you work well!

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Yuzhne on August 11, 2018, 12:48:45 PM
I think that so many users do and will do, because you do not want to just lose your money by not observing anonymity at the time you withdraw money from the network.

Hackers so often steal the data, so the anonimity in the network is very important that nobody can steal the personal data.

Usually people wait until hackers steal their money or data, and then begin to look for antivirus or to use mixers.
Unfortunately, this is true. First, people lose their data and money and then start thinking about security. People do not make such mistakes, do not give hackers easy money!

It seems to me that most of ordinary users simply do not know how to properly protect themselves and their digital data from criminals

And I think that this is not due to ignorance, but more from laziness or from the belief that it will not happen to him

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: strongtree2505 on August 12, 2018, 09:27:52 PM
I think that so many users do and will do, because you do not want to just lose your money by not observing anonymity at the time you withdraw money from the network.

Hackers so often steal the data, so the anonimity in the network is very important that nobody can steal the personal data.

Usually people wait until hackers steal their money or data, and then begin to look for antivirus or to use mixers.
Unfortunately, this is true. First, people lose their data and money and then start thinking about security. People do not make such mistakes, do not give hackers easy money!

It seems to me that most of ordinary users simply do not know how to properly protect themselves and their digital data from criminals

And I think that this is not due to ignorance, but more from laziness or from the belief that it will not happen to him

You just replaced it. Many people think that they are invulnerable until the moment they are hacked

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on August 13, 2018, 04:35:05 PM
Because there is a lot of bump bots here. It's not only pretty obvious as every day a new user comes here to shitpost a generic answer, but some are also neg tagged for being a "bump bot";

The question is: Is BitMaximum paying them to bump it every day?
Hehe, yes, it's obvious ;D
Anonymous coins are good. But, unfortunately, not everywhere I accept them as payment. Therefore, it is often necessary to use coins bitcoin. These transactions leave traces. So we have to use such services as this cryptomixer.
BTC->exchanger->Monero, ZCash, Dash ...->exchanger->BTC. w/o risk (if a reliable exchanger)
why not?

When you use the private exchangers and exchanges, you put yourself at risk. Deanonimization is maximum!

1) I Will try to explain in simple language. When you go to the site (exchanger, exchange), you the fingerprint are taken. You are now recorded and located in big brother's database. Even if you change your IP and enter a new account, you will still be identified and associated with your past
actions (chains). (And also under certain conditions with your real identity, with your personal pages in soc.networks, other services, accounts that you used on Computer). To change the fingerprints you need to use different antidetect systems that need to be professionally configured.
This is a very deep topic and we can talk about it for hours.  There are many services to check for fingerprinting.

If you do not use any anonymization tools on the network, then in a detailed report of such a service, most likely, you will see that you are tracked by
type of system fonts, presence or absence of ad blocker and even by type and model of video card...
2) Sites that require enabled JS may collect a lot of information about you.
The operating system, installed fonts, graphics card, version of graphics cards will affect how your fingerprint will look like drivers, the antialiasing settings, type and browser version, as well as the features of the display. Subtle differences abound (PDF), but they hard to influence-the perfect combination for tracking. There are more than 30 options that can collect spyware sites!!!

3) Javascript Enabled in the browser — it's not a joke — it's a compromise of the browser, computer and ultimately the user. What to do,
it's up to you to decide, but I will not advise the enemy to include Javascript. And also avoid the mixing services that work through JS.

4) Most exchangers are "under the hood". Exchange and work with money and digital assets - their bread. Therefore, most of the exchange services are willing to work for a not to mention the exchanges that value their work.

5) to work with exchanges and exchangers, it is necessary to pass the verification procedure. No anonymity is out of the question!

6) Exchangers and exchanges are always under the gun not only, but also robbers.

7) other "anonymous" cryptocurrencies showed errors in their work during deep analysis. They also had various vulnerabilities (e.g.
as it was before in Monero). We are constantly reading and studying our colleagues, Blockchain researchers and leading specialists of various
Universities of the world, we are in the "epicenter of the Blockchain", visit Conferences, Valleys, and watch what is safe, and dont safe.

8) Monero, dash, ZCash not convenient for everyday use. They are not fully popularized.

In General, there are a lot of facts and it is possible to list the disadvantages of working with exchanges between different crypto-currencies for a long time, independent attempts to "clean" and so on. Be able to delegate. Let the professionals do their job. Use our service.
Our system will ensure your anonymity and security as much as possible.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: zmeddy on August 13, 2018, 04:39:07 PM
Because there is a lot of bump bots here. It's not only pretty obvious as every day a new user comes here to shitpost a generic answer, but some are also neg tagged for being a "bump bot";

The question is: Is BitMaximum paying them to bump it every day?
Hehe, yes, it's obvious ;D
Anonymous coins are good. But, unfortunately, not everywhere I accept them as payment. Therefore, it is often necessary to use coins bitcoin. These transactions leave traces. So we have to use such services as this cryptomixer.
BTC->exchanger->Monero, ZCash, Dash ...->exchanger->BTC. w/o risk (if a reliable exchanger)
why not?

When you use the private exchangers and exchanges, you put yourself at risk. Deanonimizatsiya maximum!

1) I Will try to explain in simple language. When you go to the site (exchanger, exchange), you the fingerprint are taken. You are now recorded and located in big brother's database. Even if you change your IP and enter a new account, you will still be identified and associated with your past
actions (chains). (And also under certain conditions with your real identity, with your personal pages in soc.networks, other services, accounts that you used on Computer). To change the fingerprints you need to use different antidetect systems that need to be professionally configured.
This is a very deep topic and we can talk about it for hours.  There are many services to check for fingerprinting.

If you do not use any anonymization tools on the network, then in a detailed report of such a service, most likely, you will see that you are tracked by
type of system fonts, presence or absence of ad blocker and even by type and model of video card...
2) Sites that require enabled JS may collect a lot of information about you.
The operating system, installed fonts, graphics card, version of graphics cards will affect how your fingerprint will look like drivers, the antialiasing settings, type and browser version, as well as the features of the display. Subtle differences abound (PDF), but they hard to influence-the perfect combination for tracking. There are more than 30 options that can collect spyware sites!!!

3) Javascript Enabled in the browser — it's not a joke — it's a compromise of the browser, computer and ultimately the user. What to do,
it's up to you to decide, but I will not advise the enemy to include Javascript. And also avoid the mixing services that work through JS.

4) Most exchangers are "under the hood". Exchange and work with money and digital assets - their bread. Therefore, most of the exchange services are willing to work for a not to mention the exchanges that value their work.

5) to work with exchanges and exchangers, it is necessary to pass the verification procedure. No anonymity is out of the question!

6) Exchangers and exchanges are always under the gun not only, but also robbers.

7) other "anonymous" cryptocurrencies showed errors in their work during deep analysis. They also had various vulnerabilities (e.g.
as it was before in Monero). We are constantly reading and studying our colleagues, Blockchain researchers and leading specialists of various
Universities of the world, we are in the "epicenter of the Blockchain", visit Conferences, Valleys, and watch what is safe, and dont safe.

8) Monero, dash, ZCash not convenient for everyday use. They are not fully popularized.

In General, there are a lot of facts and it is possible to list the disadvantages of working with exchanges between different crypto-currencies for a long time, independent attempts to "clean" and so on. Be able to delegate. Let the professionals do their job. Use our service.
Our system will ensure your anonymity and security as much as possible.

Thank you for so big and detailed answer. I amagine how big will be commissin if to use several ecxhenger tho hide the trunsactions. Monero, dash, ZCash not many people use. A lot of people do not know them buy everybody know the bitcoin.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: strongtree2505 on August 13, 2018, 07:59:05 PM
Because there is a lot of bump bots here. It's not only pretty obvious as every day a new user comes here to shitpost a generic answer, but some are also neg tagged for being a "bump bot";

The question is: Is BitMaximum paying them to bump it every day?
Hehe, yes, it's obvious ;D
Anonymous coins are good. But, unfortunately, not everywhere I accept them as payment. Therefore, it is often necessary to use coins bitcoin. These transactions leave traces. So we have to use such services as this cryptomixer.
BTC->exchanger->Monero, ZCash, Dash ...->exchanger->BTC. w/o risk (if a reliable exchanger)
why not?

When you use the private exchangers and exchanges, you put yourself at risk. Deanonimizatsiya maximum!

1) I Will try to explain in simple language. When you go to the site (exchanger, exchange), you the fingerprint are taken. You are now recorded and located in big brother's database. Even if you change your IP and enter a new account, you will still be identified and associated with your past
actions (chains). (And also under certain conditions with your real identity, with your personal pages in soc.networks, other services, accounts that you used on Computer). To change the fingerprints you need to use different antidetect systems that need to be professionally configured.
This is a very deep topic and we can talk about it for hours.  There are many services to check for fingerprinting.

If you do not use any anonymization tools on the network, then in a detailed report of such a service, most likely, you will see that you are tracked by
type of system fonts, presence or absence of ad blocker and even by type and model of video card...
2) Sites that require enabled JS may collect a lot of information about you.
The operating system, installed fonts, graphics card, version of graphics cards will affect how your fingerprint will look like drivers, the antialiasing settings, type and browser version, as well as the features of the display. Subtle differences abound (PDF), but they hard to influence-the perfect combination for tracking. There are more than 30 options that can collect spyware sites!!!

3) Javascript Enabled in the browser — it's not a joke — it's a compromise of the browser, computer and ultimately the user. What to do,
it's up to you to decide, but I will not advise the enemy to include Javascript. And also avoid the mixing services that work through JS.

4) Most exchangers are "under the hood". Exchange and work with money and digital assets - their bread. Therefore, most of the exchange services are willing to work for a not to mention the exchanges that value their work.

5) to work with exchanges and exchangers, it is necessary to pass the verification procedure. No anonymity is out of the question!

6) Exchangers and exchanges are always under the gun not only, but also robbers.

7) other "anonymous" cryptocurrencies showed errors in their work during deep analysis. They also had various vulnerabilities (e.g.
as it was before in Monero). We are constantly reading and studying our colleagues, Blockchain researchers and leading specialists of various
Universities of the world, we are in the "epicenter of the Blockchain", visit Conferences, Valleys, and watch what is safe, and dont safe.

8) Monero, dash, ZCash not convenient for everyday use. They are not fully popularized.

In General, there are a lot of facts and it is possible to list the disadvantages of working with exchanges between different crypto-currencies for a long time, independent attempts to "clean" and so on. Be able to delegate. Let the professionals do their job. Use our service.
Our system will ensure your anonymity and security as much as possible.

Thank you for such a full answer. I learned new information for myself, it is always useful

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: alexcraft1590 on August 14, 2018, 06:08:42 PM
Because there is a lot of bump bots here. It's not only pretty obvious as every day a new user comes here to shitpost a generic answer, but some are also neg tagged for being a "bump bot";

The question is: Is BitMaximum paying them to bump it every day?
Hehe, yes, it's obvious ;D
Anonymous coins are good. But, unfortunately, not everywhere I accept them as payment. Therefore, it is often necessary to use coins bitcoin. These transactions leave traces. So we have to use such services as this cryptomixer.
BTC->exchanger->Monero, ZCash, Dash ...->exchanger->BTC. w/o risk (if a reliable exchanger)
why not?

When you use the private exchangers and exchanges, you put yourself at risk. Deanonimization is maximum!

1) I Will try to explain in simple language. When you go to the site (exchanger, exchange), you the fingerprint are taken. You are now recorded and located in big brother's database. Even if you change your IP and enter a new account, you will still be identified and associated with your past
actions (chains). (And also under certain conditions with your real identity, with your personal pages in soc.networks, other services, accounts that you used on Computer). To change the fingerprints you need to use different antidetect systems that need to be professionally configured.
This is a very deep topic and we can talk about it for hours.  There are many services to check for fingerprinting.

If you do not use any anonymization tools on the network, then in a detailed report of such a service, most likely, you will see that you are tracked by
type of system fonts, presence or absence of ad blocker and even by type and model of video card...
2) Sites that require enabled JS may collect a lot of information about you.
The operating system, installed fonts, graphics card, version of graphics cards will affect how your fingerprint will look like drivers, the antialiasing settings, type and browser version, as well as the features of the display. Subtle differences abound (PDF), but they hard to influence-the perfect combination for tracking. There are more than 30 options that can collect spyware sites!!!

3) Javascript Enabled in the browser — it's not a joke — it's a compromise of the browser, computer and ultimately the user. What to do,
it's up to you to decide, but I will not advise the enemy to include Javascript. And also avoid the mixing services that work through JS.

4) Most exchangers are "under the hood". Exchange and work with money and digital assets - their bread. Therefore, most of the exchange services are willing to work for a not to mention the exchanges that value their work.

5) to work with exchanges and exchangers, it is necessary to pass the verification procedure. No anonymity is out of the question!

6) Exchangers and exchanges are always under the gun not only, but also robbers.

7) other "anonymous" cryptocurrencies showed errors in their work during deep analysis. They also had various vulnerabilities (e.g.
as it was before in Monero). We are constantly reading and studying our colleagues, Blockchain researchers and leading specialists of various
Universities of the world, we are in the "epicenter of the Blockchain", visit Conferences, Valleys, and watch what is safe, and dont safe.

8) Monero, dash, ZCash not convenient for everyday use. They are not fully popularized.

In General, there are a lot of facts and it is possible to list the disadvantages of working with exchanges between different crypto-currencies for a long time, independent attempts to "clean" and so on. Be able to delegate. Let the professionals do their job. Use our service.
Our system will ensure your anonymity and security as much as possible.

I did not even think that with the help of Javascript and a video card it is possible to recover the user. Yes to today, all users are as in the palm of a big brother

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on August 15, 2018, 03:40:12 PM
We have activated a public API that does not require registration.


Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: lumierre on August 15, 2018, 03:47:27 PM
We have activated a public API that does not require registration.


More and more privacy. It is very good that there is no registration - more simple to use and no information about the user.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Yuzhne on August 15, 2018, 08:06:44 PM
We have activated a public API that does not require registration.


More and more privacy. It is very good that there is no registration - more simple to use and no information about the user.

Anonymity first. This project is aimed at such users who appreciate it

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: denreddit on August 16, 2018, 09:19:05 AM
We have activated a public API that does not require registration.


The openness of this project suggests that the project has nothing to hide and they want to work honestly

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: strongtree2505 on August 17, 2018, 04:10:05 PM

Tell me how much time is spent on the whole process of exchange?

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on August 18, 2018, 05:47:17 PM

Tell me how much time is spent on the whole process of exchange?

Time delay depends from tariffs. Time of delay is random in the time frame of the tariff:
1) standard (1 sec - 30)
2) Exchanges Mix (2 hours - 5 hours)
3) Exchanges Only (6 Hours - 11 hours)
4) Miners Mix (6 Hours - 11 hours)
5) Miners Only (6 Hours - 11 hours)

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: zarad0 on August 18, 2018, 05:58:36 PM

Tell me how much time is spent on the whole process of exchange?

Time delay depends from tariffs. Time of delay is random in the time frame of the tariff:
1) standard (1 sec - 30)
2) Exchanges Mix (2 hours - 5 hours)
3) Exchanges Only (6 Hours - 11 hours)
4) Miners Mix (6 Hours - 11 hours)
5) Miners Only (6 Hours - 11 hours)

Tarifs very differnt. It is persible to choose an instant tariff if you do not want to wait.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: denreddit on August 18, 2018, 07:45:05 PM

Tell me how much time is spent on the whole process of exchange?

Time delay depends from tariffs. Time of delay is random in the time frame of the tariff:
1) standard (1 sec - 30)
2) Exchanges Mix (2 hours - 5 hours)
3) Exchanges Only (6 Hours - 11 hours)
4) Miners Mix (6 Hours - 11 hours)
5) Miners Only (6 Hours - 11 hours)

Tarifs very differnt. It is persible to choose an instant tariff if you do not want to wait.

Those users who are very important time of money transfer are willing to pay for speed and for anonymity

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: alexcraft1590 on August 19, 2018, 07:39:01 PM

Explain how the usual exchanges differ from mixers? only by that anonymity?

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Yuzhne on August 20, 2018, 05:01:46 PM

Explain how the usual exchanges differ from mixers? only by that anonymity?

I guess, yes. This is the one that deposits money, but only these transactions can not be tracked.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: lumierre on August 21, 2018, 11:05:44 AM

Explain how the usual exchanges differ from mixers? only by that anonymity?

As I understand exhangers exchange diffenent crytocurencies, but mixers mix one cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: strongtree2505 on August 21, 2018, 10:01:40 PM

Are there any users who have successfully used the services of this project?

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: denreddit on August 22, 2018, 10:43:39 PM
 do not use fast translations! The greater is  the delay between incoming and outcoming transactions, the greater is the privacy

You say do not use fast pioneers. But now everyone is striving for high-speed transactions. How does the speed of transactions relate to anonymity?

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Yuzhne on August 23, 2018, 09:43:26 PM
I think I do not know. Although there are many anonymous coins that can not be tracked

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: STORMIX on August 24, 2018, 03:47:39 PM
I think I do not know. Although there are many anonymous coins that can not be tracked

Some people do not trust anonymous coins because they know little about them. Everyone basically knows about bitcoin. That's just for such currencies and mixers are needed

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: cybitmedia on August 25, 2018, 10:53:26 AM

Are there any users who have successfully used the services of this project?

I used this service. It is a good one.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: alexcraft1590 on August 25, 2018, 08:29:50 PM

Are there any users who have successfully used the services of this project?

I used this service. It is a good one.

Tell me what amount you changed and what percentage of you took it?

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: strongtree2505 on August 26, 2018, 11:10:43 AM
Tell me if there is any positive news about the project. Or maybe you found some partners? What would interest users is the development of the project

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Yuzhne on August 27, 2018, 08:11:45 PM
Miners Mix
High security level. The coins are transferred to the client from miners and from exchanges. Will be available soon.

This is really an inter-ethnic approach to business. So you can not either track the coin. cool

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on August 28, 2018, 07:27:12 AM
Hi, i check your services and have few question/thoughts :
1. Any plans to use Schnorr Signature which improve user privacy when it's added to Bitcoin?
2. Do you have PGP/GPG key to contact you securely?
3. Do you support deposit from/withdraw to Bech32 address?

Anonymous coins are good. But, unfortunately, not everywhere I accept them as payment. Therefore, it is often necessary to use coins bitcoin. These transactions leave traces. So we have to use such services as this cryptomixer.
BTC->exchanger->Monero, ZCash, Dash ...->exchanger->BTC. w/o risk (if a reliable exchanger)
why not?

When you use the private exchangers and exchanges, you put yourself at risk. Deanonimization is maximum!

Not if you use decentralized exchange with secure connection.

7) other "anonymous" cryptocurrencies showed errors in their work during deep analysis. They also had various vulnerabilities (e.g.
as it was before in Monero). We are constantly reading and studying our colleagues, Blockchain researchers and leading specialists of various
Universities of the world, we are in the "epicenter of the Blockchain", visit Conferences, Valleys, and watch what is safe, and dont safe.

I strongly agree, but most privacy/anonymous cryptocurrency is a joke. They make privacy features optional which makes everyone can be deanonymized easily, few of them isn't private at all (such as Verge and DeepOnion which show all transaction information just like Bitcoin).

8) Monero, dash, ZCash not convenient for everyday use. They are not fully popularized.

I agree, however there are few services which let users make Bitcoin (or any popular cryptocurrency) payment with their own private cryptocurrency such as ( which preserve user's privacy to some degree while enjoy the benefit of popularity of major cryptocurrency.
IMO this gives users more privacy/anonymity compared to any mixer.

1) could You clarify the question please?
We do not really understand where in our system Schnorr Signature is needed and for what? It doesn't work anywhere else at all. This is a part of the fork of Bitcoin, when it will work fine no one knows! It seems to us that it is too early to talk about it. It have been talking for a year and a half about it, but still just toking. It's not even BIP yet. When this fork will be implemented and most nodes will support it, we will find a way to further maximize our customers with these new features, but now it is unnecessary.

2) PGP/GPG - OK. Will do.

3) Bech32 is a new format of SEGWIT addresses. Making a deposit in our direction, we don't care what addresses will be sent bitcoins. We do not withdraw Bitcoin for Bech32, we don't support it.
To do this we need a little time, in the first half of September we will do it.
It is also necessary to check with our clients whether they want us to provide  Bech32 address to withdraw, is it necessary for somebody? If someone wants, we will do it in September. No problem.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: PrivacyProtector on August 30, 2018, 07:24:50 PM
Well guys i've decided to check mixer before trying to mix something.
First of all i've noticed that this shit uses cloudflare, lol. But decided to go deeper!

So, lets assume what we have:
1) going to and simply enter
2) we have 2 direct ips (leaseweb/serverius is just hosters so it's 100% managed and bought by topic starter), we also can access mixer by
3) accessing both ips with https will return us cert for
4) hostname of is, looking to whois:
Whois Record for
How does this work?

 Domain Profile
Registrant   Mikhail A Kulyasov
Registrant Org   Mikhail A Kulyasov
Registrant Country   RU
Registrar   Regional Network Information Center, JSC dba RU-CENTER
IANA ID: 463
Whois Server:
Registrar Status   clientTransferProhibited
Dates   1,000 days old
Created on 2015-12-04
Expires on 2018-12-03
Updated on 2016-05-05     
Tech Contact   Mikhail A Kulyasov
Suvorova 157/36,
Penza, Penzenskaya obl., 440008, RU
Domain Status   Registered And No Website
IP History   10 changes on 10 unique IP addresses over 4 years     
Registrar History   3 registrars with 2 drops   Hosting History  
Hosting History   8 changes on 7 unique name servers over 5 years
Mikhail, how are things going?

Simply uses google we even can find his companies, such as:

such a good privacy, so, what's the point of using mixer if everyone knowns whos manage it? What will happen if Mikhail will be arrested? Right, he'll provide any information about mixer users.
Good luck with that service, strongly recommend not to use that.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: TryNinja on August 31, 2018, 02:13:48 AM
What else did you expect from someone who is paying shills to bump his thread every couple hours? ::)

Too many shit/scam mixers in the market these days.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: PrivacyProtector on August 31, 2018, 05:38:19 AM
What else did you expect from someone who is paying shills to bump his thread every couple hours? ::)

Too many shit/scam mixers in the market these days.
You're right.
At least with information i provided ppl may decide should they use that mixer or not.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: optherium on August 31, 2018, 10:20:49 AM
The topic becomes more and more interesting. It is not necessary to pay to rise up the thread. The competitors do it.  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Dorvei on September 01, 2018, 09:38:02 AM

I agree, just by ask them few technical questions/seeing reply, it's clear they they're not expert at manage privacy/anonymity. At this point, using private and fungible cryptocurrency is better.

But how many shops use private cryoptocurrency. Nobody wants to use Monero or Dash. But everybody wants to use bitcoin. It is necessary to make bitcoin  anonimiuse.

Private currencies for now is not the dicission of the problem.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: veranika55 on September 03, 2018, 05:33:01 PM

I agree, just by ask them few technical questions/seeing reply, it's clear they they're not expert at manage privacy/anonymity. At this point, using private and fungible cryptocurrency is better.

But how many shops use private cryoptocurrency. Nobody wants to use Monero or Dash. But everybody wants to use bitcoin. It is necessary to make bitcoin  anonimiuse.

Private currencies for now is not the dicission of the problem.

As i mentioned previously on few previous post, altcoin users have choice to use services which help you make Bitcoin payment by deposit altcoin to their website such as (
Altcoin adoption/usage isn't as low as you think since both cryptocurrency's community you mentioned are solid and there's decent amount of merchants[1][2] which accept those cryptocurrency.

Besides, even though it's possible to make Bitcoin fully private and fungible, that won't happen because :
1. Require acceptance by majority of community
2. Require hard-fork which means there's extra works for wallet/service developer
3. Most private/fungible technology sacrifice decentralization in different way (verification time/memory requirement, transaction size, etc.), expect for Schnorr Signature and MAST (CMIIW).
4. There's already few cryptocurrency which specialized in this matter

1. (
2. (

All this looks very difficult for use. It is more simple to use the bitcoin mixer.

1. (
2. (

And compare this with ecosystem of Bitcoin. How many shops use it, how many wallets work with bitcoin and how many exchangers. It is uncompare thing. The ecosystem of Bitcoin much more strong than the ecosystem of Monero and Dash.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: zmeddy on September 04, 2018, 11:52:28 AM
Well guys i've decided to check mixer before trying to mix something.
First of all i've noticed that this shit uses cloudflare, lol. But decided to go deeper!

So, lets assume what we have:
1) going to and simply enter
2) we have 2 direct ips (leaseweb/serverius is just hosters so it's 100% managed and bought by topic starter), we also can access mixer by
3) accessing both ips with https will return us cert for
4) hostname of is, looking to whois:
Whois Record for
How does this work?

 Domain Profile
Registrant   Mikhail A Kulyasov
Registrant Org   Mikhail A Kulyasov
Registrant Country   RU
Registrar   Regional Network Information Center, JSC dba RU-CENTER
IANA ID: 463
Whois Server:
Registrar Status   clientTransferProhibited
Dates   1,000 days old
Created on 2015-12-04
Expires on 2018-12-03
Updated on 2016-05-05     
Tech Contact   Mikhail A Kulyasov
Suvorova 157/36,
Penza, Penzenskaya obl., 440008, RU
Domain Status   Registered And No Website
IP History   10 changes on 10 unique IP addresses over 4 years     
Registrar History   3 registrars with 2 drops   Hosting History  
Hosting History   8 changes on 7 unique name servers over 5 years
Mikhail, how are things going?

Simply uses google we even can find his companies, such as:

such a good privacy, so, what's the point of using mixer if everyone knowns whos manage it? What will happen if Mikhail will be arrested? Right, he'll provide any information about mixer users.
Good luck with that service, strongly recommend not to use that.

I do not think that persons declaring the privecy in intrernet will show their passports data.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on September 05, 2018, 03:04:51 PM
Well guys i've decided to check mixer before trying to mix something.
First of all i've noticed that this shit uses cloudflare, lol. But decided to go deeper!

So, lets assume what we have:
1) going to and simply enter
2) we have 2 direct ips (leaseweb/serverius is just hosters so it's 100% managed and bought by topic starter), we also can access mixer by
3) accessing both ips with https will return us cert for
4) hostname of is, looking to whois:
Whois Record for
How does this work?

 Domain Profile
Registrant   Mikhail A Kulyasov
Registrant Org   Mikhail A Kulyasov
Registrant Country   RU
Registrar   Regional Network Information Center, JSC dba RU-CENTER
IANA ID: 463
Whois Server:
Registrar Status   clientTransferProhibited
Dates   1,000 days old
Created on 2015-12-04
Expires on 2018-12-03
Updated on 2016-05-05     
Tech Contact   Mikhail A Kulyasov
Suvorova 157/36,
Penza, Penzenskaya obl., 440008, RU
Domain Status   Registered And No Website
IP History   10 changes on 10 unique IP addresses over 4 years     
Registrar History   3 registrars with 2 drops   Hosting History  
Hosting History   8 changes on 7 unique name servers over 5 years
Mikhail, how are things going?

Simply uses google we even can find his companies, such as:

such a good privacy, so, what's the point of using mixer if everyone knowns whos manage it? What will happen if Mikhail will be arrested? Right, he'll provide any information about mixer users.
Good luck with that service, strongly recommend not to use that. is only the PTR record (, the name of the IP address for a reverse interpretation of the address in domain. Probably, the former renter  of this IP address placed there the mail server and for this purpose asked the owner of the address (the hoster) to establish this PTR record, but when stoped to rent  this IP address he did not notify the hoster. The renter of the address have changed, but PTR record for remained old.

In fact, this record does not make any sense and cannot be considered as a  valid. Records of type PTR are managed by the owner of this network, and the hoster can set any values of it.

To claim that the whois data of domain have some relevance to the present renter of IP addresses is absurd. Even more absurd is
the idea that the owner of the mix service will allow the presence of open data about the owner of the domain in whois.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Dorvei on September 07, 2018, 08:03:58 PM
Well guys i've decided to check mixer before trying to mix something.
First of all i've noticed that this shit uses cloudflare, lol. But decided to go deeper!

So, lets assume what we have:
1) going to and simply enter
2) we have 2 direct ips (leaseweb/serverius is just hosters so it's 100% managed and bought by topic starter), we also can access mixer by
3) accessing both ips with https will return us cert for
4) hostname of is, looking to whois:
Whois Record for
How does this work?

 Domain Profile
Registrant   Mikhail A Kulyasov
Registrant Org   Mikhail A Kulyasov
Registrant Country   RU
Registrar   Regional Network Information Center, JSC dba RU-CENTER
IANA ID: 463
Whois Server:
Registrar Status   clientTransferProhibited
Dates   1,000 days old
Created on 2015-12-04
Expires on 2018-12-03
Updated on 2016-05-05     
Tech Contact   Mikhail A Kulyasov
Suvorova 157/36,
Penza, Penzenskaya obl., 440008, RU
Domain Status   Registered And No Website
IP History   10 changes on 10 unique IP addresses over 4 years     
Registrar History   3 registrars with 2 drops   Hosting History  
Hosting History   8 changes on 7 unique name servers over 5 years
Mikhail, how are things going?

Simply uses google we even can find his companies, such as:

such a good privacy, so, what's the point of using mixer if everyone knowns whos manage it? What will happen if Mikhail will be arrested? Right, he'll provide any information about mixer users.
Good luck with that service, strongly recommend not to use that. is only the PTR record (, the name of the IP address for a reverse interpretation of the address in domain. Probably, the former renter  of this IP address placed there the mail server and for this purpose asked the owner of the address (the hoster) to establish this PTR record, but when stoped to rent  this IP address he did not notify the hoster. The renter of the address have changed, but PTR record for remained old.

In fact, this record does not make any sense and cannot be considered as a  valid. Records of type PTR are managed by the owner of this network, and the hoster can set any values of it.

To claim that the whois data of domain have some relevance to the present renter of IP addresses is absurd. Even more absurd is
the idea that the owner of the mix service will allow the presence of open data about the owner of the domain in whois.

I agree that it will be very strange if founders of coin-mixer will show their passports. Coin mixcer is not an ICO and founders must not show their faces.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on September 08, 2018, 09:02:36 PM
1) could You clarify the question please?
We do not really understand where in our system Schnorr Signature is needed and for what? It doesn't work anywhere else at all. This is a part of the fork of Bitcoin, when it will work fine no one knows! It seems to us that it is too early to talk about it. It have been talking for a year and a half about it, but still just toking. It's not even BIP yet. When this fork will be implemented and most nodes will support it, we will find a way to further maximize our customers with these new features, but now it is unnecessary.

AFAIK Schnorr Signature offers few features such as improved privacy and i simply thought people with privacy concern or privacy-centered services would be interested.

3) Bech32 is a new format of SEGWIT addresses. Making a deposit in our direction, we don't care what addresses will be sent bitcoins. We do not withdraw Bitcoin for Bech32, we don't support it.
To do this we need a little time, in the first half of September we will do it.
It is also necessary to check with our clients whether they want us to provide  Bech32 address to withdraw, is it necessary for somebody? If someone wants, we will do it in September. No problem.

While it's not really necessary since anyone just can use legacy/nested SegWit (using P2SH/address starts with '3'), i'm sure few people withdraw to Bech32 address use it if it's available. Besides, SegWit adaption slowly increasing.

What else did you expect from someone who is paying shills to bump his thread every couple hours? ::)

Too many shit/scam mixers in the market these days.

I agree, just by ask them few technical questions/seeing reply, it's clear they they're not expert at manage privacy/anonymity. At this point, using private and fungible cryptocurrency is better.

And how have you according our reply  made this conclusion?
AFAIK Schnorr Signature offers - it has not been launched anywhere else. This is not supported by any software yet.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on September 10, 2018, 04:51:03 PM
I can not understand why we are criticized by people who has chipmixer in the signature?

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: TryNinja on September 10, 2018, 05:18:07 PM
I can not understand why we are criticized by people who has chipmixer in the signature?
Don’t act like this matters. I’m not criticizing you because you are a competitor of the mixer that pays me for advertisement. Everything I said is completely unbiased and true.

All I said is that you are paying people to bump your thread (just check their trust feedback page), which is true, and that this is shady. Feel free to defend yourself instead of crying “our competitor is attacking us”, because thats just lame.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: cybitmedia on September 11, 2018, 07:40:53 PM
I can not understand why we are criticized by people who has chipmixer in the signature?

But thanks critics it is interesting to read the topic. I know a lot of new about coinmixers.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: optherium on September 13, 2018, 07:33:12 AM
I can not understand why we are criticized by people who has chipmixer in the signature?

But thanks critics it is interesting to read the topic. I know a lot of new about coinmixers.

Many people do not understand why privacy is important. Why it is necessary to use mixers at all. It is necessary to explain people that mixers are usefull and it is necessary to use them that nobody chect their thransactions.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on September 13, 2018, 02:42:44 PM
Implemented the letter of GUARANTEE.

In order that it was impossible to parse through the blockchain all letters of guarantee and consume us and our clients - the system is made in such a way that the letter of guarantee do not appear immediately after the transaction. It appears with a delay of 5-10 minutes.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Afina_22 on September 13, 2018, 07:49:51 PM
Do you plan to do a similar service for other coins, for example ETH? Many people are actively using Ethereum.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on September 14, 2018, 04:27:47 PM
Do you plan to do a similar service for other coins, for example ETH? Many people are actively using Ethereum.

Yes we plan to do similar service for Etherium and soon we will announce the news that we start to mix the Ethereum. Bitcoin and Ethereum are the most popular cryptocurrency and soon we will add the Ethereum.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Afina_22 on September 14, 2018, 06:02:06 PM
Do you plan to do a similar service for other coins, for example ETH? Many people are actively using Ethereum.

Yes we plan to do similar service for Etherium and soon we will announce the news that we start to mix the Ethereum. Bitcoin and Ethereum are the most popular cryptocurrency and soon we will add the Ethereum.
I ask because I often use ETH and I'm more interested in such a service as yours, but working with ETH.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: 2520 on September 15, 2018, 06:04:55 PM
I can not understand why we are criticized by people who has chipmixer in the signature?

But thanks critics it is interesting to read the topic. I know a lot of new about coinmixers.

Many people do not understand why privacy is important. Why it is necessary to use mixers at all. It is necessary to explain people that mixers are usefull and it is necessary to use them that nobody chect their thransactions.
Those who do not understand what a mixer is and why they are needed, most likely do not work with large sums. Therefore, they do not need such a service, their transactions do not attract attention.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on September 18, 2018, 08:02:44 AM
New article about BitMatimum

The opinion of the bloger about service Bitmaximum.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: 2520 on September 18, 2018, 08:49:42 PM
New article about BitMatimum

The opinion of the bloger about service Bitmaximum.
A good article written in a simple and accessible language, it has a lot of useful information for beginners.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on September 20, 2018, 05:29:46 PM
Innovative stealth system of

-  ::) This is a system of protection of personal data in the Bitcoin environment with a built-in mixing mechanism and the ability to exchange directly from miners and exchanges.
-  ::) This is not another copy of the sunk into oblivion Bitmixer, analogues of which have stopped in the development and daily expose their customers to danger and closer to deanonymization.
-  ::) We present you a new generation of mixer! Currently available for exchange: BTC, BCH, LTC, ETH.
-  ::) Really it is the best way to be calm about the origin of the crypto currency you get.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Afina_22 on September 20, 2018, 05:44:49 PM
Innovative stealth system of

-  ::) This is a system of protection of personal data in the Bitcoin environment with a built-in mixing mechanism and the ability to exchange directly from miners and exchanges.
-  ::) This is not another copy of the sunk into oblivion Bitmixer, analogues of which have stopped in the development and daily expose their customers to danger and closer to deanonymization.
-  ::) We present you a new generation of mixer! Currently available for exchange: BTC, BCH, LTC, ETH.
-  ::) Really it is the best way to be calm about the origin of the crypto currency you get.
I think that the more such services, that is better. Competition encourages the development and improvement of the services provided.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on September 24, 2018, 11:32:22 AM
What do we need for?

Various examples from the life:

- Imagine that you are engaged in charity! It is generally accepted that charity should be anonymous. The philanthropist may have different reasons to keep the anonymity: the desire not to disclose his financial state, the unwillingness of appearance of a personalized sense of gratitude, etc.

- Imagine that you are planning to buy an expensive painting or antique item in your collection, but your foes, business competitors or journalists are just waiting to write about you in the newspapers, tarnish your personality with a description of wastefulness, prosperity and wealth.  

- Imagine that you want to order yourself or a loved one an intimate gift that does not fit into the existing norms of morality of society. Therefore, Your person must remain anonymous.

- Imagine that you have a big business. We note the fact that most people and large companies have a desire (and often - the need) to keep the anonymity of their finances. And the reason for this is not that they are making something bad, but that they do not want to become the victims of other people's malicious or criminal plans.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: AKULAKOT on September 26, 2018, 08:27:21 PM
Do you plan to do a similar service for other coins, for example ETH? Many people are actively using Ethereum.

Yes we plan to do similar service for Etherium and soon we will announce the news that we start to mix the Ethereum. Bitcoin and Ethereum are the most popular cryptocurrency and soon we will add the Ethereum.
Well, I heard that you are now determined to earn credibility in the market. Extra coins will only add an influx of users.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Jammalan the Prophet on September 27, 2018, 07:05:48 PM
I recently met an article about the fact that transactions on the bitcoin network have long been no anonymous. Of course, I have known this for a long time, like any other person from the topic, but to the general review, it was just recently. From this it follows - the project will be very successful in the near future. After all, the demand for anonymity will always be.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on September 28, 2018, 10:13:37 AM
One more article about Bitmaximum

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: RenatMironov on September 28, 2018, 09:16:29 PM
One more article about Bitmaximum
You will not believe me, but I just looked for at least some information about you. And I found this article.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Tryam93 on October 01, 2018, 05:48:05 PM
I recently met an article about the fact that transactions on the bitcoin network have long been no anonymous. Of course, I have known this for a long time, like any other person from the topic, but to the general review, it was just recently. From this it follows - the project will be very successful in the near future. After all, the demand for anonymity will always be.
Indeed, anonymity now does not match its name. More and more projects require the identification of the individual thereby simply negate the very concept of anonymity. Initially, the crypto currency was created for this.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on October 03, 2018, 02:07:30 PM
Last week it was done an exchange from several cryptocurrency exchanges for the sum of $ 590 BTC.

- We are ready and open to cooperation! At the moment, our reserve is up to 3000 BTC per day of NETTO exchange coin.
- Your coins do not intersect with anything, have an active trading history, are collected from the wallet pool of several crypto-currency exchanges.
- These coins are impersonal! since they make up the capitalization of the exchange.

On request, we can organize more liquidity and reserves by connecting the additional exchanges.

Rate "Exchanges Only" is 3%

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Tryam93 on October 03, 2018, 08:41:08 PM
How can I do if I want to exchange cryptocurrency for Fiat money. Do you have such an opportunity? How to hide a withdrawal?

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: tor9 on October 03, 2018, 08:47:09 PM
tell, I correctly understand
the mixer is needed for complete anonymity of the coin transfer from one purse to another
and it is only needed for large amounts of coins to protect their savings in anonymity?
to transfer a small amount of coins, this mixer is not needed?

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Vangardo on October 07, 2018, 07:40:04 AM
Blockchain and was created for people and for anonymity. Anonymity projects are the future. Everyone knows that Bitcoin is no longer so anonymous as everyone remembers it. Therefore, such a project will be useful to society.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on October 10, 2018, 12:16:27 PM
Why is it dangerous to use usual mixer services?

Usual mixers to use for withdraw the money is really extremely dangerous. Typically, a usual  mixer mix "someone else's dirt" with your coins.  After that, it turns out that the user hoped to clear his Bitcoin but in a result he gets someone else's coins of dubious origin.

For withdrow to real use the methods (exchange from cryptocurrency exchanges, from miners), where your coins will be replaced by a completely new and clean coins (necessarily white), unrelated to your past coins. This will ensure the highest level of your safety. And together with the smart mixing it will give a synergy effect.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on October 12, 2018, 06:50:06 PM
How can I do if I want to exchange cryptocurrency for Fiat money. Do you have such an opportunity? How to hide a withdrawal?

We don't work with fiat money. But if you use our service, then in the subsequent exchange on fiat money in other services, no one will see the chain of transactions and no one will know where they came from and how the money appeared.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on October 14, 2018, 05:45:07 PM
tell, I correctly understand
the mixer is needed for complete anonymity of the coin transfer from one purse to another
and it is only needed for large amounts of coins to protect their savings in anonymity?
to transfer a small amount of coins, this mixer is not needed?

No, it is not so. No matter what are the transactions, big or small. All transactions can be seen in the network of blockchain. Therefore, if you want to be anonymous and secure to make a payment then use our service for all tansactions.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BTCdude007 on October 14, 2018, 05:55:55 PM
tell, I correctly understand
the mixer is needed for complete anonymity of the coin transfer from one purse to another
and it is only needed for large amounts of coins to protect their savings in anonymity?
to transfer a small amount of coins, this mixer is not needed?

No, it is not so. No matter what are the transactions, big or small. All transactions can be seen in the network of blockchain. Therefore, if you want to be anonymous and secure to make a payment then use our service for all tansactions.

Blockchain of bitcoin is absolutly clear and transparent. Small transactions do not attract so much atterntion how the big one. But big transaction attract a lot attention and everybody can check this transaction.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Tryam93 on October 17, 2018, 06:25:00 PM
tell, I correctly understand
the mixer is needed for complete anonymity of the coin transfer from one purse to another
and it is only needed for large amounts of coins to protect their savings in anonymity?
to transfer a small amount of coins, this mixer is not needed?

No, it is not so. No matter what are the transactions, big or small. All transactions can be seen in the network of blockchain. Therefore, if you want to be anonymous and secure to make a payment then use our service for all tansactions.

Blockchain of bitcoin is absolutly clear and transparent. Small transactions do not attract so much atterntion how the big one. But big transaction attract a lot attention and everybody can check this transaction.
Transactions can be verified but how to track the recipient and the recipient? I'm not sure how that's possible. IP addresses can be easily spoofed.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on October 20, 2018, 08:14:47 PM
Every day more and more nuts are tightened.

Here are the news

Bitcoin exchange Binance start to use the software from Chainalysis to combat the money laundering.
The largest cryptocurrency exchange in terms of daily trading volume, Binance, used the software from blockchain startup Chainalysis called Chainalysis KYT [know your transaction] to monitor the transactions in real time and identify transactions related to criminal activity. This is stated in the joint press release.
   Co-founder of Chainalysis Jonathan Levin expressed the opinion that other representatives of the cryptocurrency business will follow the example of Binance and will also implement the software solutions to ensure the legal compliance of their activities.
   Thus, the use of software from Chainalysis can not only guarantee the compliance with KYC - and AML-norms, but also simplify the process of opening Bank accounts.
news Source  (
information about Chainalysis KYT  (

This news is dedicated to those who do not fully understand the seriousness of the situation and firmly believe in the safety of exchange\cleaning on their accounts at exchanges and other exchangers, where you are shooted by such analyzers, implemented JS code removes your fingerprint (prints), and the lack of ONION mirror further simplifies the task.

By the way... Our service is able to bypass such analyzers.  ;)

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Vangardo on October 25, 2018, 06:13:35 PM
Privacy is very important. Such projects as you do not interfere. I hope that you will succeed.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Jammalan the Prophet on October 30, 2018, 07:33:32 PM
Hi guys. For a long time I have not heard from you news. What's new?

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on November 07, 2018, 05:39:37 PM

- On all tariffs (except for the Standard) you will able to tune the delay and shares of each wallet on the confirmation page.

- By default, the system will use random values for the delay and the share of distribution to your wallets. If you want to manually specify the data you need, check the box "Custom Settings".

- Important! Non numeric shares and delays will be ignored.

To improve the security of payments, the BitMaximum recommends using random delay and share values selected by the system.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: ZloiRediska on November 08, 2018, 08:30:38 PM
Transactions can be verified but how to track the recipient and the recipient? I'm not sure how that's possible. IP addresses can be easily spoofed.
IP address is really easy to get around with a banal VPN service, but alas it will not add you anonymity on the Internet. It all depends on who is interested in you. If an individual, then maybe you will succeed. But if the professionals here are much more complicated.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Hanna_Money on November 11, 2018, 04:07:12 PM
Hi guys. For a long time I have not heard from you news. What's new?
Pretty interesting project. It is strange that this topic is so quiet. Of course, I understand that now is not the best time for the promotion of projects, since most investors are pessimistic, but the project itself is in my opinion that it will be closer to them.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: DonProton on November 12, 2018, 04:57:14 PM
But I did not understand about 1 operation from 1 wallet. Like this? Do I need to download and install a new wallet after each transaction? But wouldn't the operating system notice these changes?

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: ZloiRediska on November 16, 2018, 08:23:25 PM
Unfortunately recently learned that the anonymity and confidentiality of projects such as Monero or ZCash is not a panacea. I used to think that it is a truly anonymous coin. Now all hope for such specialized projects.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Hanna_Money on November 17, 2018, 09:43:15 PM
Anonymity is a luxury nowadays. At the moment when users are monitored with the use of colossal resources and funds, it’s almost impossible to keep your life private.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: DonProton on November 18, 2018, 06:14:22 PM
Because it is not too equal forces. Ordinary users can only try to follow basic rules of hygiene on the Internet, but this can only partially obscure the user. In reality, all the power of such corporations as Google or Amazon is aimed at collecting data. Add a syuad of manufacturers of mobile phones and mobile operators and Internet providers.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: C|R|Y|P|T|O|M|A|N on November 26, 2018, 08:11:08 PM
The fact that yesterday was the lot of science fiction writers or the subject of study by futurologists has become our reality today. You look into the action algorithm tracking the citizens of China. Straight plot from the movie black mirror. So anonymity is now increasingly becoming a priority for many users!

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on December 03, 2018, 07:24:24 PM
We were interviewed. This is one of the largest resources in the network about the security in internet.
Here is the link to the article:

The article is in Russian. Here is translation:

Interview with the owner of the service BitMaximum. Bitcoin mixer of new generation!

In autumn, we began to cooperate with a Bitcoin mixer of new generation — BitMaximum. We wrote a detailed review about the service and the system of work, who has not seen - can be found here. Within a few months, users have accumulated a lot of questions to the owner of the service. Questions about the service came to us and to the owners of the mixer. We have decided to make a short interview with the Creator of BitMaximum service. It was interesting. Enjoy reading! 😉

Hi. Tell us how and why you have decided to create a Bitcoin mixer?
BitMaximum Team:
Hello! Projects that existed at the time of the decision did not meet our requirements as the users of the services. They, by the way, and now do not satisfy. For example, to make the API work without the need to register and through Tor.

Why is your product better than the other similar services?
BitMaximum Team:
We focus on user’s security. Our service does not require Java Script, does not require registration, we do not use Cookies, we offer an API that can be used completely anonymously.

The same applies to the payments — transactions are sent to the network only through the third-party services through Tor. Each time a random size of the commission of network is used. A random size of the commission of our system is used. Random delays between the outgoing transactions within one order are used.

We provide the maximum protection for our system. Our service works in paranoid mode. Our servers are inaccessible. But even if you just argue and admit the slightest possibility in the theory, in any case, the internal architecture of the project is arranged in such a way that even in the case of compromise of the server where the public part of the system is located, it will be impossible to replace the addresses given to the client. Of course, if the client does not forget to check the address signature before the payment. It is also worth to  note that the public XPub keys and private address keys are also not stored anywhere in the public part of the system.

That's interesting. Many people worry before they make transactions through the mixers. Why it is necessary do not worry, but on the contrary, it is necessary to use mixers?
BitMaximum Team:
First, it is necessary to find a reliable partner and work with him. Secondly, we would recommend to avoid the system where Google captcha is used or distribution of private keys from the pre-prepared addresses. This is certainly convenient, but only if you are not confused by the complete lack of security.

Many people have an opinion that it is impossible to connect an address in the blockchain with its user. This is a big misconception. There are companies that analyze blockchain and data obtained from the public sources and connect them together.

Confuse these guys you can only by following these rules:
- always use Tor;
- work with disconnected Java Script;
- NEVER use the same address again, the rest of transactions is also ALWAYS sent to a new address;
- do not aggregate funds from different addresses after they have been passed through the mixer. If you are not satisfied with the random distribution of outgoing payments, you need to use manual settings;
- always use random fees when making payments;
- distribute the logically related transactions over time if it is possible;
- do not publish your addresses in the public places, including private forums, because someone else can allow them to leak;
- do not use the services that require the regular payment to the same Bitcoin address;
- do not share the private keys with other people;
- do not use online wallet services;
- using the HD-wallets to create own ways of derivation;

You're talking about new technologies. What new technologies do you use?
BitMaximum Team:
As mentioned above, the main priority is the safety of users. Therefore, the main accent was placed on the creation of a multi-component system with a strict division of responsibility, where each component is isolated from the other. But details, for obvious reasons, we can't sound. In General, quite a lot of efforts are required to create a presentable design without the use of modern Java Script.

Does It happen that the transaction is lost. What to do in this case and how to get your money back?
BitMaximum Team:
It is necessary to clearly understand what is "lost"! As have mentioned above, if the signature of the address is verified, that the system does when creating an order, the customer can be sure that the address belongs to our system. And then you need to carefully read the terms of service and  follow them.
For example, do not send more than one transaction to the given address or send less than 0.01 BTC. We ignore such transactions and do not send them back. Sometimes glitch the outgoing transactions. For example, before the recent BCH hard fork, miners transferred a lot of capacity to new networks and transactions in the BTC network took several hours. In all cases, please contact us at support, we try to answer as quickly as possible. In any case, we always process all transactions that comply with the rules of the service.

Do you have difficulties in the market? Pressure from competitors? Unfair competition?
BitMaximum Team:
Competitors are constantly trying to put pressure. The main vector of attack is the mass creation of orders. If you noticed, we didn't have a captcha until the last moment. We had to introduce it precisely because of the pressure of competitors. But do not worry, we generate captcha ourselves, third-party services and Java Script are not used for this. We believe that the competitive advantage can only be the level of services provided. We prefer not to start sofa wars and pour mud on someone, but simply try to constantly improve our service.

What is the benefit to the owner of such a service to keep and promote the service? Nothing is ever done for nothing. What's wrong?
BitMaximum Team:
There is no trick. We charge a commission for the services provided. Moreover, the more the customer agrees to pay, the greater level of security we can provide for him.

What are your plans for the further development? What interesting things do you plan to make the service better?
BitMaximum Team:
The plans are quite extensive:
- expand the list of exchanged cryptocurrencies. Soon we will add BCH, LTC, ETH, DASH;
- open for all more expensive rates that will allow you to buy coins directly from the miners. Now this feature is in closed beta mode, please contact support if you are interested in this service;
— add the exchange of cryptocurrency, including instant;

Thank you for your time. It was interesting. We wish success and prosperity to the service!
BitMaximum Team:
We hope that this information was useful for you and you got answers to some questions.
Thank you for your attention!

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on February 13, 2019, 11:15:14 PM

February 4, 2004: Facebook was launched. Youtube started on February 14, 2005 to become part of Google in 2006. In June 2013, Edward Snowden shared documents with The Guardian and The Washington Post about extensive surveillance of citizens of various states being performed by the US intelligence agencies including PRISM, X-Keyscore and Tempora project data. Meanwhile, Visa and Mastercard started blocking payments for services by several VPN providers. In 2015, the facial recognition algorithm developed by NTechLab won The Megaface Benchmark while the number of surveillance cameras on New York streets exceeded 100,000, according to PwC. In 2016, the European Central bank develops plans to withdraw €500 banknotes; two years earlier, Italy, France and Spain set severe limits on cash payments.

2017... The age of privacy is over. Keep this mind.
Any action you do, any transaction you perform online is being recorded. Your email provider is looking through your emails, mobile applications are sending stats to their developer, the government and multinational corporations are watching each step of yours. They know all about you.
We are a community of passionate IT enthusiasts to whom privacy is not a mere word. We realize that not all people are willing to sacrifice their privacy for the sake of a dubious advantage. That is why we developed a service that will let you safeguard yourself from too close an attention of third parties to your transactions in the cryptocurrencies networks.

Privacy is something you can sell, but you can't buy it back.
Bob Dylan. Poet, musician, singer, actor.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Jannn1410 on February 19, 2019, 10:03:24 AM
Can you explain how to use your API? Where and when do i need it?

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: TryNinja on February 19, 2019, 10:52:05 AM
Can you explain how to use your API? Where and when do i need it?

You could use it to automate your mixing proccess, create your own mixer using Bitmaximum as your backend, implement them in your website or service, etc...

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: on February 21, 2019, 03:08:51 PM
On the 'order created' page, i see the address to send my BTC to, then I see a signature and letter of gaurantee.

What do i do with the signature on the order page? You don't really say what to compare this to.

If i look at the letter of gaurantee, the sig in that letter DOESNT match the signature in the order created page. Is this what I should be comparing it to?

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on February 24, 2019, 04:29:12 PM

The most valuable asset Bitcoin showed to the world is the Blockchain technology. The Blockchain technology substantially increases the speed, privacy and security of money transfers. Bitcoins can be transferred from one person to another without any intermediary party involved, eg, a bank; the identity of each participant is safely hidden behind the long chain of the wallet address characters. That is its major competitive advantage over conventional payment tools.

However, few users realize that the address alone does not ensure absolute anonymity in the network.
To start with, many cryptocurrency exchanges require identification to be able to link the wallet address to a user. This happens chiefly due to the fact that Bitcoin has earned a reputation of a tool heavily used for illegal activities, therefore, there’s always a big chance that you can get ‘dirty’ coins in your wallet.

Considering the fact that the Blockchain technology by itself provides the fundamental ability to trace all transactions, in most cases deanonymizing a user isn’t that complicated. You always run the risk of getting in the crosshairs of intelligence agencies or cyber criminals which we regard as direct violation of rights and freedoms of an individual.

That is why we developed a service of Bitcoins exchange that uses conventional mixing techniques thus ensuring privacy and enabling you to be sure of the origin of the bitcoins you get.

We give you assurance.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on March 01, 2019, 04:47:34 PM
On the 'order created' page, i see the address to send my BTC to, then I see a signature and letter of gaurantee.

What do i do with the signature on the order page? You don't really say what to compare this to.

If i look at the letter of gaurantee, the sig in that letter DOESNT match the signature in the order created page. Is this what I should be comparing it to?

We duplicate the answer from email:

You do not need to verify the signatures. This is just additional information. The service works in automatic mode, the money arrives in your wallet with a delay.
"To prevent any dispute, we are using the system of signatures.  Any new generated wallet address is signed using our Bitcoin wallet unique address. The transaction is easy to verify in the blockchain. This keeps you safe from getting into a situation when you transferred the coins, but never got them back.

How does it work? With the deposit wallet, you get a signature generated by the private key of your address, the public key for which is the address of our unique wallet. You can verify this signature using our wallet address, which eliminates the risk of having the address changed by an attacker to deposit funds."

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Dorvei on March 04, 2019, 06:04:24 PM
At a time when all personal information is easily hacked the anonymity is  particular important.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: on March 04, 2019, 08:45:03 PM
You can verify this signature using our wallet address, which eliminates the risk of having the address changed by an attacker to deposit funds."

I don't understand what you mean by this. You don't make it clear what I should be verifying. I see all these unique signatures your creating but you don't tell me how to verify them.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on March 05, 2019, 12:46:27 AM
What do we need for?  Various examples from the life:

- Imagine that you are engaged in charity! It is generally accepted that charity should be anonymous. The philanthropist may have different reasons to keep the anonymity: the desire not to disclose his financial state, the unwillingness of appearance of a personalized sense of gratitude, etc.

- Imagine that you are planning to buy an expensive painting or antique item in your collection, but your foes, business competitors or journalists are just waiting to write about you in the newspapers, tarnish your  personality with a description of wastefulness, prosperity and wealth. 

- Imagine that you want to order yourself or a loved one an intimate gift that does not fit into the existing norms of morality of society. Therefore, Your person must remain anonymous.

- Imagine that you have a big business. We note the fact that most people and large companies have a desire (and often - the need) to keep the anonymity of their finances. And the reason for this is not that they are making something bad, but that they do not want to become the victims of other people's malicious or criminal plans.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Alexxo on March 07, 2019, 05:05:39 PM
What do we need for?  Various examples from the life:

- Imagine that you are engaged in charity! It is generally accepted that charity should be anonymous. The philanthropist may have different reasons to keep the anonymity: the desire not to disclose his financial state, the unwillingness of appearance of a personalized sense of gratitude, etc.

- Imagine that you are planning to buy an expensive painting or antique item in your collection, but your foes, business competitors or journalists are just waiting to write about you in the newspapers, tarnish your  personality with a description of wastefulness, prosperity and wealth. 

- Imagine that you want to order yourself or a loved one an intimate gift that does not fit into the existing norms of morality of society. Therefore, Your person must remain anonymous.

- Imagine that you have a big business. We note the fact that most people and large companies have a desire (and often - the need) to keep the anonymity of their finances. And the reason for this is not that they are making something bad, but that they do not want to become the victims of other people's malicious or criminal plans.

There are a lot of cases of use of mixer. There are a lot of hackers who wants to steal your money and mixers is a good way for protection of money.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on March 08, 2019, 06:00:24 PM
Can you explain how to use your API? Where and when do i need it?

You could use it to automate your mixing proccess, create your own mixer using Bitmaximum as your backend, implement them in your website or service, etc...

TryNinja, Thanks so much for helping me answer. Our topic is open on more than 200 forums, and for some reason the notification did not come to the mail that someone asked a question in this topic. Therefore, we support customers only through secure support mail. And you prompted all right instead of us! ) Thanks again.

We remind you that the tariff "only from exchanges" is becoming more and more popular. Very often, we change bitcoins through guarantors in personal escort through jabber. At the moment it is possible to exchange up to 3000 btc every day. Of course, by prior request. This also applies to altcoins. In exchange, you receive a pure digital currency with an active trading history from our trusted exchanges.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: CoffeOfficial on March 09, 2019, 05:12:38 PM
Can you explain how to use your API? Where and when do i need it?

You could use it to automate your mixing proccess, create your own mixer using Bitmaximum as your backend, implement them in your website or service, etc...

TryNinja, Thanks so much for helping me answer. Our topic is open on more than 200 forums, and for some reason the notification did not come to the mail that someone asked a question in this topic. Therefore, we support customers only through secure support mail. And you prompted all right instead of us! ) Thanks again.

We remind you that the tariff "only from exchanges" is becoming more and more popular. Very often, we change bitcoins through guarantors in personal escort through jabber. At the moment it is possible to exchange up to 3000 btc every day. Of course, by prior request. This also applies to altcoins. In exchange, you receive a pure digital currency with an active trading history from our trusted exchanges.

200 forums it is good for the promotion of the service. It is necessary that people will understand how is important to be anonymous. Very often anonimity becomes the part of safety.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on March 10, 2019, 04:12:44 PM
What does your service do?

The major disadvantage associated with Bitcoin is that any transaction can be traced through the blockchain. Our service combines coins of different participants thus confusing the trails of transactions. The downside associated with using a regular service is that when paying out 'dirty money' you can get coins with a ‘dark’ history from other participants. We added the cleanup feature into the service so now you get funds from the Bitcoin exchange.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Enyanha on March 11, 2019, 05:26:20 PM
What does your service do?

The major disadvantage associated with Bitcoin is that any transaction can be traced through the blockchain. Our service combines coins of different participants thus confusing the trails of transactions. The downside associated with using a regular service is that when paying out 'dirty money' you can get coins with a ‘dark’ history from other participants. We added the cleanup feature into the service so now you get funds from the Bitcoin exchange.

It is not only disadvantage of Bitcoin, it is desadvantage of many cryptocurrencies. Everybody can see how many money is on your wallet and check all your transactions. It is not comfortable when everybody knows about all your money transactions.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Dorvei on March 13, 2019, 07:35:06 PM
What does your service do?

The major disadvantage associated with Bitcoin is that any transaction can be traced through the blockchain. Our service combines coins of different participants thus confusing the trails of transactions. The downside associated with using a regular service is that when paying out 'dirty money' you can get coins with a ‘dark’ history from other participants. We added the cleanup feature into the service so now you get funds from the Bitcoin exchange.

It is not only disadvantage of Bitcoin, it is desadvantage of many cryptocurrencies. Everybody can see how many money is on your wallet and check all your transactions. It is not comfortable when everybody knows about all your money transactions.

The authorities of the states wants to controll more and more cryptocurrency. The anonimity is necessary.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: lylya75 on March 15, 2019, 06:14:58 PM
What does your service do?

The major disadvantage associated with Bitcoin is that any transaction can be traced through the blockchain. Our service combines coins of different participants thus confusing the trails of transactions. The downside associated with using a regular service is that when paying out 'dirty money' you can get coins with a ‘dark’ history from other participants. We added the cleanup feature into the service so now you get funds from the Bitcoin exchange.

It is not only disadvantage of Bitcoin, it is desadvantage of many cryptocurrencies. Everybody can see how many money is on your wallet and check all your transactions. It is not comfortable when everybody knows about all your money transactions.

The authorities of the states wants to controll more and more cryptocurrency. The anonimity is necessary.

It is good that there are a lot of tariffs and every person can change the necessary tariff with the necessary level of anonimity and safety.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on March 17, 2019, 05:40:17 PM
Why there is no manual selection of commissions and time delays?

Anonymity and convenience are mutually exclusive concepts. We've done some deep research. Yes and not only we, in literature and in networks
there are a lot of studies on the blockchain. Any information of this kind about the commissions, accurate time of transfer, etc. is a direct path to the absence of anonymity. We are not endanger our client. We made a special random % commission not to be 'burned" by to the exact %.
The tariffs specify the maximum percentage, they can not be above. We hope that other services of mixers will take this to the note and will use our rich experience and stop to give to users the information that simplifies the work of research companies and destroy all anonymity. We eliminate any possibility of deanonymity!
We can only provide you with such information. This is a random percentage of the Commission "from" and " to " for each tariff.

1) rate: { from: 0.005, to: 0.012 },
2) rate: { from: 0.01, to: 0.015 },
3) rate: { from: 0.02, to: 0.03 },
4) rate: { from: 0.045, to: 0.06 }

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Enyanha on March 18, 2019, 05:14:17 PM
Why there is no manual selection of commissions and time delays?

Anonymity and convenience are mutually exclusive concepts. We've done some deep research. Yes and not only we, in literature and in networks
there are a lot of studies on the blockchain. Any information of this kind about the commissions, accurate time of transfer, etc. is a direct path to the absence of anonymity. We are not endanger our client. We made a special random % commission not to be 'burned" by to the exact %.
The tariffs specify the maximum percentage, they can not be above. We hope that other services of mixers will take this to the note and will use our rich experience and stop to give to users the information that simplifies the work of research companies and destroy all anonymity. We eliminate any possibility of deanonymity!
We can only provide you with such information. This is a random percentage of the Commission "from" and " to " for each tariff.

1) rate: { from: 0.005, to: 0.012 },
2) rate: { from: 0.01, to: 0.015 },
3) rate: { from: 0.02, to: 0.03 },
4) rate: { from: 0.045, to: 0.06 }

I agree that anonimity is on the 1st place and it is good that comissions change and it is not the same price.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Dorvei on March 21, 2019, 05:16:40 PM
My suggestion is to make a special blog and explain to people why mixer is necessary. Many people do not understand this.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on March 22, 2019, 06:18:01 PM
My suggestion is to make a special blog and explain to people why mixer is necessary. Many people do not understand this.

Thanks for the suggestion. We'll think about it. We try to improve our service and make our site more convenient for use.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on March 22, 2019, 06:18:42 PM
What data is stored on your servers?

We do not collect and keep any logs, personally identifying information or any other data relating to your BitMaximum activity. Once the coins have been transferred to your receiving address, all the related data gets permanently erased both from our DB and your Bitcoin wallet. All data regarding the receiving address will be deleted after a 72-hour period.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: barabeku on March 23, 2019, 05:52:44 PM
What data is stored on your servers?

We do not collect and keep any logs, personally identifying information or any other data relating to your BitMaximum activity. Once the coins have been transferred to your receiving address, all the related data gets permanently erased both from our DB and your Bitcoin wallet. All data regarding the receiving address will be deleted after a 72-hour period.

It is very good that you do not store the data on servers. If it will be no information on serves nobody will hack it.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: CryptoFlowers on March 25, 2019, 05:23:50 PM
What data is stored on your servers?

We do not collect and keep any logs, personally identifying information or any other data relating to your BitMaximum activity. Once the coins have been transferred to your receiving address, all the related data gets permanently erased both from our DB and your Bitcoin wallet. All data regarding the receiving address will be deleted after a 72-hour period.

It is very good that you do not store the data on servers. If it will be no information on serves nobody will hack it.

Hackers often hark the servers of the different agencies and steal the users' personal information, and then use the data as they want. Often thye blackmail the users that they will publish all the stolen information in the Internet.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Dorvei on March 28, 2019, 12:34:00 PM
What data is stored on your servers?

We do not collect and keep any logs, personally identifying information or any other data relating to your BitMaximum activity. Once the coins have been transferred to your receiving address, all the related data gets permanently erased both from our DB and your Bitcoin wallet. All data regarding the receiving address will be deleted after a 72-hour period.

It is very good that you do not store the data on servers. If it will be no information on serves nobody will hack it.

Hackers often hark the servers of the different agencies and steal the users' personal information, and then use the data as they want. Often thye blackmail the users that they will publish all the stolen information in the Internet.

The best way not to be hacked is not to have information on the servers. It is really very good because hackers pays to much attention to crypto they hack the exchanges, wallets steal the money and data on them.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on March 29, 2019, 12:30:47 PM
Why can you trust?

Our service has been developed for a very long time (two years) and we are constantly updating it, we have an ambitious plans. During this time, the service repeatedly tested  not only by us, but also leading  crypto maniacal, IT specialists and analysts. A very difficult way has been done. We are well aware of your concerns and questions of trust to us. After all, the trust in such services is built up over the years. Why should you trust us?

To prevent any dispute, we are using the system of signatures. Any new generated wallet address is signed using our Bitcoin wallet unique address. The transaction is easy to verify against the blockchain. This keeps you safe from getting into a sticky situation when you transferred the coins, but never got them back. How does it work? With the deposit wallet, you get a signature generated by the private key of your address, the public key for which is the address of our unique wallet. You can verify this signature using our wallet address, which eliminates the risk of having the address changed by an attacker to deposit funds.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: lumierre on March 29, 2019, 05:35:33 PM
Why can you trust?

Our service has been developed for a very long time (two years) and we are constantly updating it, we have an ambitious plans. During this time, the service repeatedly tested  not only by us, but also leading  crypto maniacal, IT specialists and analysts. A very difficult way has been done. We are well aware of your concerns and questions of trust to us. After all, the trust in such services is built up over the years. Why should you trust us?

To prevent any dispute, we are using the system of signatures. Any new generated wallet address is signed using our Bitcoin wallet unique address. The transaction is easy to verify against the blockchain. This keeps you safe from getting into a sticky situation when you transferred the coins, but never got them back. How does it work? With the deposit wallet, you get a signature generated by the private key of your address, the public key for which is the address of our unique wallet. You can verify this signature using our wallet address, which eliminates the risk of having the address changed by an attacker to deposit funds.

From one site when everybody can check all the payments and transactions it is not good, from another side such clear and transparancy helps against the froud.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Alexxo on April 02, 2019, 06:43:45 PM
Today is very good day for cryptoentusiasts. During the day the price for Bitcoin was growing for 15%. If the price for crypto will continue to grow the people will use it more often and they will need more anonimity.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on April 03, 2019, 08:50:56 PM
Information about possible risks
BTC->exchanger->Monero, ZCash, Dash ...->exchanger->BTC.

When you use the private exchangers and exchanges, you put yourself at risk. Deanonimization is maximum!

1) I Will try to explain in simple language. When you go to the site (exchanger, exchange), you the fingerprint are taken. You are now recorded and located in big brother's database. Even if you change your IP and enter a new account, you will still be identified and associated with your past actions (chains). (And also under certain conditions with your real identity, with your personal pages in soc.networks, other services,  accounts that you used on Computer). To change the fingerprints you need to use different antidetect systems that need to be professionally configured.
This is a very deep topic and we can talk about it for hours.  There are many services to check for fingerprinting.

If you do not use any anonymization tools on the network, then in a detailed report of such a service, most likely, you will see that you are tracked by type of system fonts, presence or absence of ad blocker and even by type and model of video card...
2) Sites that require enabled JS may collect a lot of information about you.
The operating system, installed fonts, graphics card, version of graphics cards will affect how your fingerprint will look like drivers, the antialiasing settings, type and browser version, as well as the features of the display. Subtle differences abound, but they hard to influence-the perfect combination for tracking. There are more than 30 options that can collect spyware sites!!!

3) Javascript Enabled in the browser — it's not a joke — it's a compromise of the browser, computer and ultimately the user. What to do, it's up to you to decide, but I will not advise the enemy to include Javascript. And also avoid the mixing services that work through JS.

4) Most exchangers are "under the hood". Exchange and work with money and digital assets - their bread. Therefore, most of the exchange services are willing to work for a not to mention the exchanges that value their work.

5) to work with exchanges and exchangers, it is necessary to pass the verification procedure. No anonymity is out of the question!

6) Exchangers and exchanges are always under the gun not only, but also robbers.

7) other "anonymous" cryptocurrencies showed errors in their work during deep analysis. They also had various vulnerabilities (e.g. as it was before in Monero). We are constantly reading and studying our colleagues, Blockchain researchers and leading specialists of various Universities of the world, we are in the "epicenter of the Blockchain", visit Conferences, Valleys, and watch what is safe, and dont safe.

8 ) Monero, dash, ZCash not convenient for everyday use. They are not fully popularized.

In General, there are a lot of facts and it is possible to list the disadvantages of working with exchanges between different crypto-currencies for a long time, independent attempts to "clean" and so on. Be able to delegate. Let the professionals do their job. Use our service. Our system will ensure your anonymity and security as much as possible.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: PlayInfinity on April 07, 2019, 06:33:06 PM
Control is everywhere, It remains  less space for anonymity.

I agree that Monero, Dash and other cryptocurrencies are not popular. A very small amont of shops accept this cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin much more popular that Monero. And Bitcoin needs anonimity.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on April 08, 2019, 07:47:47 PM
How long does the entire process take?

Although the tumbling process may take a while, BitMaximum will perform this in a jiff. BitMaximum has a coin reserve of its own, so we send you our coins instantly and process yours after. To prevent time-based analysis of your transactions, our service sets random time delays for your forward address to receive bitcoins. New bitcoins are sent to you instantly upon receiving your money unless you’ve set time delay.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: lylya75 on April 12, 2019, 04:37:30 PM
Some people prefer the instant transactions because they efraid to lost their money. But as I understand instant transactions are not instant. They depends from the conformation of blockhain Bitcoin and it is very slow.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on April 13, 2019, 07:39:38 PM
What is the maximum transaction amount?

The maximum transaction amount depends on our current reserve. You will see the current maximum transaction amount every time you place an order. However, please note that large transactions can be traced. Therefore, we strongly recommend our clients to spread out large amounts across various wallets and manage these smaller amounts separately.

What is the minimum transaction amount?
The minimum transaction amount is subject to service plan and is never less than 0.01 BTC. Transaction amounts smaller than indicated in the service plans are considered donations. You can check our service plans on the corresponding page.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: OPEXinfo on April 15, 2019, 07:04:11 PM
What is the maximum transaction amount?

The maximum transaction amount depends on our current reserve. You will see the current maximum transaction amount every time you place an order. However, please note that large transactions can be traced. Therefore, we strongly recommend our clients to spread out large amounts across various wallets and manage these smaller amounts separately.

What is the minimum transaction amount?
The minimum transaction amount is subject to service plan and is never less than 0.01 BTC. Transaction amounts smaller than indicated in the service plans are considered donations. You can check our service plans on the corresponding page.

Hackers check the big transactions. It is better to devide the transactions. But blockhain of Bitcoin is very slow and if you devide a big transaction for 10 part for example it will take a lot of time to make all the transactions. That is why people prefer not to devide.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on April 18, 2019, 04:17:37 PM

- On all tariffs (except for the Standard) you will able to tune the delay and shares of each wallet on the confirmation page.

- By default, the system will use random values for the delay and the share of distribution to your wallets. If you want to manually specify the data you need, check the box "Custom Settings".

- Important! Non numeric shares and delays will be ignored.

To improve the security of payments, the BitMaximum recommends using random delay and share values selected by the system.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Dorvei on April 18, 2019, 07:10:44 PM
It is very comportable to work with Bitmaximum. Different tariffs, the posibility to delay the payment for more security. It is very good.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: zarad0 on April 21, 2019, 07:05:01 PM
It is very comportable to work with Bitmaximum. Different tariffs, the posibility to delay the payment for more security. It is very good.

Government authorities are tightening the control over the cryptocurrency, so mixers also need to develop to ensure the safety of transactions.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on April 23, 2019, 07:41:55 PM
Last week it was done an exchange from several cryptocurrency exchanges for the sum of $ 520 BTC.

- We are ready and open to cooperation! At the moment, our reserve is up to 3000 BTC per day of clear exchange coin.
- Your coins do not intersect with anything, have an active trading history, are collected from the wallet pool of several crypto-currency exchanges.
- These coins are impersonal! since they make up the capitalization of the exchange.

On request, we can organize more liquidity and reserves by connecting the additional exchanges.

Rate "Exchanges Only" is 3%

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: CryptoFlowers on April 24, 2019, 06:59:08 PM
Last week it was done an exchange from several cryptocurrency exchanges for the sum of $ 520 BTC.

- We are ready and open to cooperation! At the moment, our reserve is up to 3000 BTC per day of clear exchange coin.
- Your coins do not intersect with anything, have an active trading history, are collected from the wallet pool of several crypto-currency exchanges.
- These coins are impersonal! since they make up the capitalization of the exchange.

On request, we can organize more liquidity and reserves by connecting the additional exchanges.

Rate "Exchanges Only" is 3%

3000 BTC it is a rather big reserve for mixer. Many exchanges and mixers have problems with reserve and liquidity and it is very good they Bitmaximum does not have such problems.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: TryNinja on April 24, 2019, 07:13:11 PM
3000 BTC it is a rather big reserve for mixer. Many exchanges and mixers have problems with reserve and liquidity and it is very good they Bitmaximum does not have such problems.
I'm not trying to spread FUD, but keep in mind that there is no way for anyone to verify if this is true. They can have something like 10 BTC and put numbers like this to charge 3% for doing nothing (while claiming they use a super private pool of clean coins) and even wait until someone deposits a big number to scam. I'm not saying that's the case, but keep in mind that this is entirely possible and you shouldn't trust no one.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: CoffeOfficial on April 27, 2019, 05:12:54 PM
3000 BTC it is a rather big reserve for mixer. Many exchanges and mixers have problems with reserve and liquidity and it is very good they Bitmaximum does not have such problems.
I'm not trying to spread FUD, but keep in mind that there is no way for anyone to verify if this is true. They can have something like 10 BTC and put numbers like this to charge 3% for doing nothing (while claiming they use a super private pool of clean coins) and even wait until someone deposits a big number to scam. I'm not saying that's the case, but keep in mind that this is entirely possible and you shouldn't trust no one.

In cryptocurrency market no one trusts anyone at all. Therefore, an ANN tread on the Bitcointalk is necessary to people, if they are cheated they can write a complaint in it.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on April 29, 2019, 10:05:03 AM
Bitcoin exchange Binance start to use the software from Chainalysis to combat the money laundering.

The largest cryptocurrency exchange in terms of daily trading volume, Binance, used the software from blockchain startup Chainalysis called Chainalysis KYT [know your transaction] to monitor the transactions in real time and identify transactions related to criminal activity. This is stated in the joint press release.
   Co-founder of Chainalysis Jonathan Levin expressed the opinion that other representatives of the cryptocurrency business will follow the example of Binance and will also implement the software solutions to ensure the legal compliance of their activities.
   Thus, the use of software from Chainalysis can not only guarantee the compliance with KYC - and AML-norms, but also simplify the process of opening Bank accounts.
News  (
About o Chainalysis KYT (

This news is dedicated to those who do not fully understand the seriousness of the situation and firmly believe in the safety of exchange\cleaning on their accounts at exchanges and other exchangers, where you are shooted by such analyzers, implemented JS code removes your fingerprint (prints), and the lack of ONION mirror further simplifies the task.

By the way... Our service is able to bypass such analyzers. 

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: AlexIsNice on April 30, 2019, 06:20:24 AM

Really BitMaximum?You are operating a mixer and using cloudflare?

Quite clearly you do not understand what privacy means,that leads me to believe that your mixer also doesnt do anything for privacy,I advise everyone to NOT use this until they get off cloudflare.Your service might be able to bypass Chainanalysis but it cant bypass cloudflare analysis.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on April 30, 2019, 11:56:12 AM

Really BitMaximum?You are operating a mixer and using cloudflare?

Quite clearly you do not understand what privacy means,that leads me to believe that your mixer also doesnt do anything for privacy,I advise everyone to NOT use this until they get off cloudflare.Your service might be able to bypass Chainanalysis but it cant bypass cloudflare analysis.

In this matter, everything is simple and clear:
1) we had a serious DDOS attack, and also got a letters with threats that we will been DDoS all the time and asked for a ransom! So we put cloudflare.

2) we do not recommend to people to use the web version of the mixing services for complete anonymity. If someone wants the real anonymity, use the TOR version. And in general, in life, always use TOR, that's all.

3) Even if you are concerned about the cloudflare protection - then be calm and confident in our work. Behinde the clowdflare is "Magic.".. intricate arrangements, a real floating platform fastflux, bulletproof, powerful algorithms ensure the highest levels of protection and safety.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: CoffeOfficial on April 30, 2019, 06:05:20 PM
And what is a problem in cloudflare? It is rather famous DDoS protection. Many sites use it. Or it will be better not to have DDoS protection at all?

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: TryNinja on April 30, 2019, 06:32:22 PM
And what is a problem in cloudflare? It is rather famous DDoS protection. Many sites use it. Or it will be better not to have DDoS protection at all?
Do you know what is Cloudflare and what it does?

Basically, you put a service/big company in the middle of you and your customer. Customer -> Cloudflare-> Mixer server. What does that mean? Means that Cloudflare (which is a big company located in the US and that answers to governments and even security agencies) can see EVERYTHING his users do. This means: they have everything related to the mixing process (addresses, amount, transactions, IP addresses, etc). How about that for a mixer?

They can see that I went to the website, sent X BTC to the address X and received Y BTC in the address Y. All of that connected to my IP address. You leave the website with less privacy than you had before joining it and mixing.

Btw, please don’t come with the “you’re just a competitor attacking the competition” bs.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: NowYouAreSee on May 01, 2019, 08:27:32 AM
And what is a problem in cloudflare? It is rather famous DDoS protection. Many sites use it. Or it will be better not to have DDoS protection at all?

In this post, everything is very clearly written:

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on May 01, 2019, 01:58:03 PM
3000 BTC it is a rather big reserve for mixer. Many exchanges and mixers have problems with reserve and liquidity and it is very good they Bitmaximum does not have such problems.
I'm not trying to spread FUD, but keep in mind that there is no way for anyone to verify if this is true. They can have something like 10 BTC and put numbers like this to charge 3% for doing nothing (while claiming they use a super private pool of clean coins) and even wait until someone deposits a big number to scam. I'm not saying that's the case, but keep in mind that this is entirely possible and you shouldn't trust no one.

1. We have deposits in large closed forums. They trust us!
2. We work through guarantors for large sums. We send money to the client in advance, and only then we receive payment from the client. In this algorithm, the client is always safe. Working conditions with the guarantor are discussed individually.
3. I would not say that it is a "reserve". This is not the right word. This is money from the capitalization of large trusted exchanges. They are traded daily. These bitcoins have an active trading history. And our exchanges do not allow coins of dubious origin to be traded. These are clean coins. Today we can make 3000 btc, tomorrow only 2000, for example. Always different. We can prepare any amount for exchange upon request and conduct a private transaction with personal escort through the guarantors-arbitrators via secure communication channels.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Jating on May 01, 2019, 02:05:29 PM
^^. How can you say that your coins are clean? Do you mine it? How can we be so sure that we are not receiving tainted coins? Reserve means to have bitcoin in your wallet in case something went wrong or it just reserves you minted every day?

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on May 02, 2019, 11:24:48 AM
And what is a problem in cloudflare? It is rather famous DDoS protection. Many sites use it. Or it will be better not to have DDoS protection at all?
Do you know what is Cloudflare and what it does?

Basically, you put a service/big company in the middle of you and your customer. Customer -> Cloudflare-> Mixer server. What does that mean? Means that Cloudflare (which is a big company located in the US and that answers to governments and even security agencies) can see EVERYTHING his users do. This means: they have everything related to the mixing process (addresses, amount, transactions, IP addresses, etc). How about that for a mixer?

They can see that I went to the website, sent X BTC to the address X and received Y BTC in the address Y. All of that connected to my IP address. You leave the website with less privacy than you had before joining it and mixing.

Btw, please don’t come with the “you’re just a competitor attacking the competition” bs.

Anyone who doubts that we use Cloudflare, please  Wellcome to TOR. If you do not like TOR - do not use our service! But know that you will not find the better one.

Here is a link to our Tor version: http://bitmaximumgnmsaf.onion/en/

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: xtests on May 02, 2019, 03:20:29 PM
Anyone who doubts that we use Cloudflare, please  Wellcome to TOR. If you do not like TOR - do not use our service! But know that you will not find the better one.

Here is a link to our TOR version: http://bitmaximumgnmsaf.onion/en/

Man, the network you're referring to is called 'Tor', not 'TOR'.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on May 03, 2019, 09:57:48 AM
^^. How can you say that your coins are clean? Do you mine it? How can we be so sure that we are not receiving tainted coins? Reserve means to have bitcoin in your wallet in case something went wrong or it just reserves you minted every day?

1) A taint analysis was done by many serious clients and administration of closed sites.
Also, we worked with some VIP clients through the guarantors (arbitrators) for large sums at the tariff "only from exchanges". These clients usually a thousand times check before they will trust us the financial transactions.

Communicating with the client, or with the guarantors - people by themselves come to the conclusion that they are dealing with a very competent and serious team! And after that, no one has any questions about the trust to our service, the purity of money and if bitcoins are taken from the capitalization of exchanges.

Now people trust us to solve any financial issues, whether it is the exchange of btc to btc, or the exchange of other altcoins to altcoins, or the exchange directly from miners.

2) If you try to use our service through the "Technical support" you will quickly understand the specifics of the exchange from the the cryptocurrency exchanges. You will be sure that we do not mix the bitcoins of customers, because one day 3000 BTC is available for exchange, and the other day only 1000 BTC is available, for example.  We do not always have BTC from cryptocurrency exchanges in large volumes. There are downtime in a week or a few days unfortunately. This is due to the trading activity on the cryptocurrency exchanges and it is connected with the exchange rate of BTC.

3) You should understand that we are not some kind of traders who register constantly the accounts on the cryptocurrency exchanges for the exchange through the anti-detect systems. Cryptocurrency exchanges can ban their accounts with the client's money. They think that it will protect them exchanging BTC for example on Monero through the cryptocurrency exchange or exchanger, thinking that no one will make the fingerprints and will not log their exchange operations....You must know that not fools are working on cryptocurrency exchanges. They have built-in systems that highlight your wallets in case if they are suspicious or for example will have origins from btc-e...

4) In our case, you get a really clean cryptocurrency with a trading history.
All this and other interesting moments\details you can find out communicating with the support via e-mail.


5) As you know, cryptocurrency exchanges use the tracking platforms and tools that allow them to check the purity of coins before allow the coins to be traded. They constantly check traders ' deposits.

There are many public trackers such as: Chainalysis, Bitfury Crystal, Leonovus, Blockchain Alliance! And certainly there are unknown tools that are used by the security services.

After using any classic mixer service (all examples can be seen in your signatures) it will be difficult for the client to transfer money to the exchange to trade. The exchange will immediately block the money, since the money came from the mixer.

In our case, using our service, the client will be able to transfer money to the cryptocurrency exchange to trade, or safely cash out and withdraw funds without the fear that the security services of the cryptocurrency exchange or other authorities will come to him!!! is like a healing pill for the blockchain community.

"We are for the true philosophy and ideals of blockchain. Global trust without intermediaries. Anonymity and decentralization»

Feel the difference! With our service it will be no locks and bans, and with the services of competitors will be a problem!
Becouse a lot of our customers transfer the money to the cryptocurrency exchanges, and no one is worried about it and their money does not block! Exchanges see that they get a clean money.

6) Why do we speak so confidently in the last paragraph?

Because, the mixer that advertise for example TryNinja in his signature is easily "can by found" by same Bitfury Crystall.

You don't have to go so far. Here's, for a example, a public article about how it has been proven that all ChipMixer wallets are known to the authorities and tracking platforms. In this very interesting article describes and visualizes the route of funds withdrawal from the Zaif exchange. Part of the funds went to accounts on exchanges such as Binance, Bitstamp and Livecoin. Another part of funds went to the mixers, such as

The wallets of these mixers have long been known, both input and output. Where is the anonymity offered in your signature?

Here is the link to the article "Crystal Blockchain Analytics: Investigation of the Zaif Exchange Hack"


PS. To TryNinja and other antiPR posters in our topic.

We do not promote ourself in the topics of competitors. You attract in our thread attention to them. Very strongly promote their signatures. Ask the same questions with the same accounts.
Want more??? We can uncover more truth...But everything is in the public. Do not complicate their survival, promote in our thread anti-advertising. There is no need to come to our thread and pour mud. It is not comme Il faut. About it below:


Competitors are constantly trying to put pressure. The main vector of attack is the mass creation of orders. If you noticed, we didn't have a captcha until the last moment. We had to introduce it precisely because of the pressure of competitors. But do not worry, we generate captcha ours, third-party services and Java Script are not used for this. We believe that the competitive advantage can only be the level of services provided. We prefer not to start sofa wars and pour mud on someone, but simply try to constantly improve our service.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Alexxo on May 03, 2019, 03:55:59 PM
This topics become more and more interesting for me. I think that it is good that there is a competion because thanks competion a very important things are discussed by professionals and it is explained why anonimity is so important for users.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on May 03, 2019, 04:30:13 PM
Is there any difference between "wallet level high" and "wallet level infinite"?

We have developed our own complex system of ranking wallets. This is our own development, which is only a tiny part of the whole complex. We can not tell you all the technical details and formulas of the complexity of the algorithm, but it looks like this: in the "infinite" wallets, the coins are used only from exchanges.
The walltet with money transferred directly from the exchange or from the miner takes the highest place. With each new use in the system, the rating of wallet is reduced by a certain amount.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: barabeku on May 06, 2019, 07:19:15 PM
Excellent service and it is very necessary, especially considering in the attention the tightening of control over the origin of funds from the large exchanges.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on May 08, 2019, 05:31:24 PM
Why should I set multiple payout addresses?

In all tariffs except for the Standard rate, the system does not allow to use fewer than two wallets for funds withdrawal to enhance transaction anonymity, this is why we recommend using as many addresses as possible to transfer the entire amount. Also, please note that using too many addresses you can face a situation when the transaction fee in the Bitcoin network will be identical or even exceed the wallet amount. For instance, do not use 100 wallets to transfer 1 BTC, while two wallets for this amount will be insufficient. The best option is using 4-5 wallets so that each wallet could have 0,2-0,25 BTC landed. Please NEVER MERGE funds in one wallet address after having them processed! This will lead all of your effort to naught. Keep your coins in as many wallet addresses as possible and never combine your transfers from these wallets into one transaction.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: simpsons_support on May 09, 2019, 01:07:35 PM
It is better to have several wallets to ensure the safety of funds. It's like diversification in investments. Money should not be stored in one wallet.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Enyanha on May 12, 2019, 01:19:54 PM
Now the rate of cryptocurrencies is growing and their popularity is growing. Hackers are activated. Already hackers have stolen funds for $1.35 billion since the beginning of the 2019 year, while for the whole of 2018 $1.7 billion was stolen. Therefore, the issue of safe storage of funds is very acute.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Dorvei on May 15, 2019, 04:18:19 PM
Crypto-currency exchanges began to track the origin of transactions, so now traders have a double risk: money from exchanges can be stolen by hackers, and exchanges can freeze the money by themselves, since the origin of money is suspicious.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Heptapolis on May 19, 2019, 09:57:12 AM
Crypto-currency exchanges began to track the origin of transactions, so now traders have a double risk: money from exchanges can be stolen by hackers, and exchanges can freeze the money by themselves, since the origin of money is suspicious.

Exchanges develop the technology to track the transactions mixers develop the techologies to hide and mix the transactions. Who win in this game of techologies?

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on May 19, 2019, 01:04:54 PM
Crypto-currency exchanges began to track the origin of transactions, so now traders have a double risk: money from exchanges can be stolen by hackers, and exchanges can freeze the money by themselves, since the origin of money is suspicious.

Exchanges develop the technology to track the transactions mixers develop the techologies to hide and mix the transactions. Who win in this game of techologies?

That is why Bitmaximum constantly develops its technology.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: vera152515 on May 22, 2019, 05:22:39 PM
I use mixer Bitmaximum and think it is a good mixer. For me it is comfortable to work with it.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on May 23, 2019, 08:03:15 PM
Dear customers! team apologises for the delay of transactions that has occurred last day. The reason of it was the instability of TOR. On our servers is created "some magic" and each node is reliably protected in all aspects of anonymity and security. We have a very elaborate and sophisticated chain. We only use the best technologies and knowledge. But unfortunately the anonymity and convenience  are mutually exclusive consept  with the speed of work. Therefore because of the bugs of TOR there was a small delay in making exchanges.

Thank You for your understanding.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Heptapolis on May 25, 2019, 11:53:09 AM
Good thing you warned me about the delay. I've used this mixer a few times. I liked how it works.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on May 26, 2019, 11:07:20 AM
I want to send a large transaction, can I be sure I will get my money back?

First and foremost, we are doing our best to maintain our positive reputation. It would be shortsighted of us to steal your money as we are sure to earn considerably more over the longer term. Besides, we don’t want to run the risk of losing our customers and wasting all our time and energies put in BitMaximum. Furthermore, all of our transactions are signed with a digital certificate. Last but not the least, you can process your coins in subsequent transactions, splitting them into smaller parts. With the BitMaximum algorithm, you will never get your own coins back regardless of the number of transactions you’ve made.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Dorvei on May 28, 2019, 12:14:45 PM
I want to send a large transaction, can I be sure I will get my money back?

First and foremost, we are doing our best to maintain our positive reputation. It would be shortsighted of us to steal your money as we are sure to earn considerably more over the longer term. Besides, we don’t want to run the risk of losing our customers and wasting all our time and energies put in BitMaximum. Furthermore, all of our transactions are signed with a digital certificate. Last but not the least, you can process your coins in subsequent transactions, splitting them into smaller parts. With the BitMaximum algorithm, you will never get your own coins back regardless of the number of transactions you’ve made.

Repulation is very important for every project. There is a thead on Bitcointalk and everybody who is dissatisfied with the service of Bitmaximum can write about it on the forum.  Usually, if the service works well, people are lazy to write a good review, but if they are dissatisfied they write bad reviews obligatory.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: EthereumNova on May 31, 2019, 11:05:27 AM
I want to send a large transaction, can I be sure I will get my money back?

First and foremost, we are doing our best to maintain our positive reputation. It would be shortsighted of us to steal your money as we are sure to earn considerably more over the longer term. Besides, we don’t want to run the risk of losing our customers and wasting all our time and energies put in BitMaximum. Furthermore, all of our transactions are signed with a digital certificate. Last but not the least, you can process your coins in subsequent transactions, splitting them into smaller parts. With the BitMaximum algorithm, you will never get your own coins back regardless of the number of transactions you’ve made.

Repulation is very important for every project. There is a thead on Bitcointalk and everybody who is dissatisfied with the service of Bitmaximum can write about it on the forum.  Usually, if the service works well, people are lazy to write a good review, but if they are dissatisfied they write bad reviews obligatory.

I use this service and it is a good mixer. Another thing is that sometimes people are afraid to say that they are using a mixer as if they are doing something bad. Therefore, there are not many good reviews about Bitmixer. But if Bigmaximum worked dishonest, I think the bad reviews were.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: AdolfinWolf on May 31, 2019, 11:57:36 AM
Are these spambots or sockpuppets?   :-\
They're not making much sense anyhow.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on May 31, 2019, 08:11:12 PM
What should I do if I close my browser before my transaction is confirmed?
As long as you have the receiving address, you have nothing to worry about. All Bitcoin transfers will be automatically processed within the next 72 hours.

When does the receiving address expire?
All automatically generated wallet addresses are valid for 72 hours to prevent reuse. After the expiration of this period the address as well as all order details will be completely deleted, future payments to this address will be ignored.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: lylya75 on June 03, 2019, 03:19:46 PM
Are these spambots or sockpuppets?   :-\
They're not making much sense anyhow.

And how do you understand if post make sense or it does not make sense? What criteria of sense do you use?

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on June 05, 2019, 07:39:22 PM
How many transactions can be used for one payout?

To 'reinforce' the exchange process, the payout may be split into two transactions at no additional charge. This is a way to enhance your privacy.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: OPEXinfo on June 06, 2019, 08:05:53 PM
Are these spambots or sockpuppets?   :-\
They're not making much sense anyhow.

And how do you understand if post make sense or it does not make sense? What criteria of sense do you use?

It just the work of competitors. They want to show their signature that users can see information about their mixer.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: CoffeOfficial on June 09, 2019, 08:36:35 PM
Are these spambots or sockpuppets?   :-\
They're not making much sense anyhow.

And how do you understand if post make sense or it does not make sense? What criteria of sense do you use?

It just the work of competitors. They want to show their signature that users can see information about their mixer.

I think it is good that there is a compitition.This causes the project to achieve the best results.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on June 10, 2019, 06:30:57 PM
Why is it dangerous to use usual mixer services?

Usual mixers to use for withdraw the money is really extremely dangerous. Typically, a usual  mixer mix "someone else's dirt" with your coins.  After that, it turns out that the user hoped to clear his Bitcoin but in a result he gets someone else's coins of dubious origin.

For withdrow to real use the methods (exchange from cryptocurrency exchanges, from miners), where your coins will be replaced by a completely new and clean coins (necessarily white), unrelated to your past coins. This will ensure the highest level of your safety. And together with the smart mixing it will give a synergy effect.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Alexxo on June 12, 2019, 06:41:22 PM
Now the state control over cryptocurrencies is increasing. The authorities do not like the anonymity of cryptocurrencies. Now state authorities try to control mixers.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on June 15, 2019, 06:06:03 PM
ShapeShift "betrayed" the ideals and philosophy of Bitcoin!

They implement AML / KYC procedures. Now they will collect personal data of all their customers. This means that there can be no anonymity. Now all users of ShapeShift are under surveillance.

There is one more reason to consider ShapeShift unsafe. This use of JS on site and the absence of .onion mirrors (for TOR).

1) I Will try to explain in simple language. When you go to the site (exchanger, exchange), you the fingerprint are taken. You are now recorded and located in big brother's database. Even if you change your IP and enter a new account, you will still be identified and associated with your past actions (chains). (And also under certain conditions with your real identity, with your personal pages in soc.networks, other services,  accounts that you used on Computer). To change the fingerprints you need to use different antidetect systems that need to be professionally configured.
This is a very deep topic and we can talk about it for many many hours.  There are many services to check for fingerprinting.

If you do not use any anonymization tools on the network, then in a detailed report of such a service, most likely, you will see that you are tracked by type of system fonts, presence or absence of ad blocker and even by type and model of video card...
2) Sites that require enabled JS may collect a lot of information about you.
The operating system, installed fonts, graphics card, version of graphics cards will affect how your fingerprint will look like drivers, the antialiasing settings, type and browser version, as well as the features of the display. Subtle differences abound, but they hard to influence-the perfect combination for tracking. There are more than 30 options that can collect spyware sites!!!

3) Javascript Enabled in the browser — it's not a joke — it's a compromise of the browser, computer and ultimately the user. What to do, it's up to you to decide, but I will not advise the enemy to include Javascript. And also avoid the mixing services that work through JS.

Very soon we will provide the world with the most secure and anonymous cryptocurrency exchanger! There will be a lot of liquidity, large volumes, high speed and different directions for exchange. And most importantly - your calm.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: Heptapolis on June 15, 2019, 11:41:35 PM
Now everybody wants to implement AML / KYC procedures - exchanges, ICO. Soon it will be no anonimity at all.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: sweden666 on June 17, 2019, 06:11:34 PM
I have soon been waitng for 4 hours for a standard mix ? have still not recived any coins.

Should i be worried ?

edit: Contacted support, they had some problems. But they solved it.


Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on June 17, 2019, 07:59:14 PM
I have soon been waitng for 4 hours for a standard mix ? have still not recived any coins.

Should i be worried ?

edit: Contacted support, they had some problems. But they solved it.


We apologize for any inconvenience.

We use TOR to push up the transactions on the blockchain network. It makes impossible to trace the source that generates the transactions and link them together by IP. Due to the unstable work of TOR, sometimes unplanned delays can occur.

Do not worry, all coins will come to you in the near future.
It was the update of core and then the setting of hosting. Now everything is working fine.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: cybitmedia on June 18, 2019, 06:34:59 PM
I like to see how here the support service work. They asked all the questions as soon as possible and explain everything.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: kfuhn on June 20, 2019, 07:03:15 AM

I am waiting for over 12hrs for a standard mix and also the "Letter of guarentee" was suddenly gone - anybody had similar experience? Anything to worry about?


Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on June 20, 2019, 06:06:25 PM
How we differ from other services:

- First, we are driven by an idea! We are a community of enthusiasts, gathered together the representatives of the IT industry, for whom the phrase "private life" is not an empty phrase. We understand that not everyone is ready to sacrifice the privacy for dubious benefits. That is why we have created a service that allows you to protect yourself from too close attention of third parties to your transactions in the Bitcoin network.

- Second: usual (the other) mixing services are morally old. The disadvantage of the usual service is that you giving a "dirty money" at the result you can also get a " dirty money", only not yours. We have added a cleaning function to the service, as a result, you get money from Bitcoin exchanges or mining. We have developed the innovative methods of mixing, improving the classical algorithms. In fact, we have everything cleverly thought out and everything is difficult (our ratings and wallet levels; unique ranking system of the wallets (the direct correlation of the level of wallet with the level of privacy); a powerful strong algorithm of randomization (at the depth of the chain, time and size of the commission); protection against Sybil Attack, etc.. And it is only a small part of the list!!! Everything is thought out to the smallest details! There is no way to trace the transaction chain using the existing services.

- The third: the distinctive feature is our variety of tariffs. Depending on the amount of funds and the level of privacy you need, we offer different rates, the parameters of which you can study on the page

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on June 21, 2019, 10:04:52 AM

I am waiting for over 12hrs for a standard mix and also the "Letter of guarentee" was suddenly gone - anybody had similar experience? Anything to worry about?


The fact is that you sent an amount less than 0.01 btc. Our service skips such transactions and does not process them. Please read the rules of our service. What is the minimum transaction amount?
The minimum transaction amount depends of service plan and can not be less than 0.01 BTC. Transaction amounts smaller than indicated in the service plans are considered donations. You can check our service plans on the corresponding page.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: cryptomia62 on June 21, 2019, 07:55:19 PM
I made a mix and wait a quaranty letter about 5 minits. Is it normal to wait quaranty letter so long?

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on June 21, 2019, 08:22:32 PM
I made a mix and wait a quaranty letter about 5 minits. Is it normal to wait quaranty letter so long?

There is no mistake. Everything works as it is planned.

- In order to make it impossible to parse through the blockchain all the guarantee letters and hit us and customers with it - the system is made in such a way that the guarantee letters do not appear immediately after the transaction, but with a delay of 5-10 minutes.

PS. We strongly recommend that other services follow these rules, if they are not indifferent to the idea of anonymity.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: TryNinja on June 21, 2019, 09:09:25 PM
There is no mistake. Everything works as it is planned.

- In order to make it impossible to parse through the blockchain all the guarantee letters and hit us and customers with it - the system is made in such a way that the guarantee letters do not appear immediately after the transaction, but with a delay of 5-10 minutes.

PS. We strongly recommend that other services follow these rules, if they are not indifferent to the idea of anonymity.
Could you explain more?

How is delaying the generation of the letter of guarantee (which is only accessible to the costumer) helping with making "parsing through the blockchain" impossible? I don't see the point (?)

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: stomachgrowls on June 21, 2019, 10:56:03 PM
Im not aware on this Mixing service and seeing those plans is quite new but on first time on trying out it do already error even
i have just put up my address once.

I don't see the point (?)
It do also boggles my mind. :'(

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on June 23, 2019, 10:39:54 AM
Im not aware on this Mixing service and seeing those plans is quite new but on first time on trying out it do already error even
i have just put up my address once.

I don't see the point (?)
It do also boggles my mind. :'(

DDoS protection worked. You probably quickly clicked the wizard (delay less than 3 seconds) or double-clicked on some of the steps.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on June 25, 2019, 07:34:06 PM
There is no mistake. Everything works as it is planned.

- In order to make it impossible to parse through the blockchain all the guarantee letters and hit us and customers with it - the system is made in such a way that the guarantee letters do not appear immediately after the transaction, but with a delay of 5-10 minutes.

PS. We strongly recommend that other services follow these rules, if they are not indifferent to the idea of anonymity.
Could you explain more?

How is delaying the generation of the letter of guarantee (which is only accessible to the costumer) helping with making "parsing through the blockchain" impossible? I don't see the point (?)

There are three different points.

1) We do not store the masterkey on the server, so we can not make guarantee letters immediately. We generate them on others computers after creating an order within 5-10 minutes (this is a lag to load the order and send the letter back).
2) we do not store it, as it is not safe. Remember the mixer closed by the Dutch police. They took everything from there everything they can. Therefore, we do not store anything there longer than the time required to process the order. After the order is done (the outgoing transaction is done, or the order is expired all information is deleted - incoming and outgoing addresses, guarantee letters.
3) If a person uses a web version, his sessions may be compromised. Leaks through the browser, mitm, etc. Then having the url of the guarantee letter, you can find out the parameters of the order - from where and to where.

Well, not only the master key (masterkey is private from addresses which are signed with).

We upload to the server all addresses that are issued to clients, one at a time. In case of server compromise, there will be no possibility to find out which addresses were used before.

Usually loaded xpub and derived from it (derivation path). We don't do this.


We thought of everything. Generating a guarantee letter requires location a private key from the wallet that creates the signature on the server of mixer. In case the mixer is compromised, its customers will be able to give out fake addresses and fake guarantee letters. We sign the addresses that we give to clients on computers that are not connected to the Internet, then we unload the signatures together with the wallets at our server. This ensures that addresses given to customers can in no way be compromised by a third party (intelligence agency or hackers), under the  term that the client will verify the signature.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: TryNinja on June 25, 2019, 07:54:12 PM

We thought of everything. Generating a guarantee letter requires location a private key from the wallet that creates the signature on the server of mixer. In case the mixer is compromised, its customers will be able to give out fake addresses and fake guarantee letters. We sign the addresses that we give to clients on computers that are not connected to the Internet, then we unload the signatures together with the wallets at our server. This ensures that addresses given to customers can in no way be compromised by a third party (intelligence agency or hackers), under the  term that the client will verify the signature.
Are you saying that when I go to your mixer and start mixing, you or one of your employees sign the Letter of Guarantee manually in the offline PC? 24 hours a day?

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: coinbitcoin91 on June 27, 2019, 10:34:21 AM
There is no mistake. Everything works as it is planned.

- In order to make it impossible to parse through the blockchain all the guarantee letters and hit us and customers with it - the system is made in such a way that the guarantee letters do not appear immediately after the transaction, but with a delay of 5-10 minutes.

PS. We strongly recommend that other services follow these rules, if they are not indifferent to the idea of anonymity.
Could you explain more?

How is delaying the generation of the letter of guarantee (which is only accessible to the costumer) helping with making "parsing through the blockchain" impossible? I don't see the point (?)

There are three different points.

1) We do not store the masterkey on the server, so we can not make guarantee letters immediately. We generate them on others computers after creating an order within 5-10 minutes (this is a lag to load the order and send the letter back).
2) we do not store it, as it is not safe. Remember the mixer closed by the Dutch police. They took everything from there everything they can. Therefore, we do not store anything there longer than the time required to process the order. After the order is done (the outgoing transaction is done, or the order is expired all information is deleted - incoming and outgoing addresses, guarantee letters.
3) If a person uses a web version, his sessions may be compromised. Leaks through the browser, mitm, etc. Then having the url of the guarantee letter, you can find out the parameters of the order - from where and to where.

Well, not only the master key (masterkey is private from addresses which are signed with).

We upload to the server all addresses that are issued to clients, one at a time. In case of server compromise, there will be no possibility to find out which addresses were used before.

Usually loaded xpub and derived from it (derivation path). We don't do this.


We thought of everything. Generating a guarantee letter requires location a private key from the wallet that creates the signature on the server of mixer. In case the mixer is compromised, its customers will be able to give out fake addresses and fake guarantee letters. We sign the addresses that we give to clients on computers that are not connected to the Internet, then we unload the signatures together with the wallets at our server. This ensures that addresses given to customers can in no way be compromised by a third party (intelligence agency or hackers), under the  term that the client will verify the signature.
You have everything so thought out and safe. It seems that the market for such services is now a new leader .

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on June 27, 2019, 02:47:04 PM
What does give the tariff with miners, what is it necessary for? In general, please clarify in more details what is the difference between the tariffs, except for the price, of course.

The main disadvantage of Bitcoin is that any transaction can be tracked on the blockchain. The disadvantage of usual service of mixing is that you giving a "dirty money" at the result you can also get a " dirty money", only not yours. We have added to the service cleaning function, as a result, you get money from Bitcoin exchanges and miners. As for mining, the coins are deposited into your wallet as a reward for the creation of block, as if you are a miner.

The coins got by the technology of mining, never have the incoming transactions. It means you get newly created completely anonymous coins with no history. Everything is from a clean page!

Our solutions are really the best way to be sure of the origin of the coins!

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: sweden666 on June 27, 2019, 10:43:04 PM
exchanged about 1btc today. very fast.

will keep doing my business here.

when you use the standard service its coins from other users that are using  the same service right ? that gets "mixed" in a "pool" and then sent out to people like "me" right ?

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on June 28, 2019, 07:35:51 PM

We thought of everything. Generating a guarantee letter requires location a private key from the wallet that creates the signature on the server of mixer. In case the mixer is compromised, its customers will be able to give out fake addresses and fake guarantee letters. We sign the addresses that we give to clients on computers that are not connected to the Internet, then we unload the signatures together with the wallets at our server. This ensures that addresses given to customers can in no way be compromised by a third party (intelligence agency or hackers), under the  term that the client will verify the signature.
Are you saying that when I go to your mixer and start mixing, you or one of your employees sign the Letter of Guarantee manually in the offline PC? 24 hours a day?

We did not write this, read carefully. Word  manually we haven't used anywhere. We wrote: We generate guarantee letters on others computers  that are not connected to the Internet after creating an order within 5-10 minutes.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: TryNinja on June 28, 2019, 07:43:06 PM
We did not write this, read carefully. Word  manually we haven't used anywhere. We wrote: We generate guarantee letters on others computers  that are not connected to the Internet after creating an order within 5-10 minutes.
I assumed that because how else would you do that if the computer isn’t connected to the internet? Isn’t that how air gapped computers/cold wallets work?

Also, why would it take 5-10 minutes if not that way?

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on June 28, 2019, 07:45:24 PM
There is no mistake. Everything works as it is planned.

- In order to make it impossible to parse through the blockchain all the guarantee letters and hit us and customers with it - the system is made in such a way that the guarantee letters do not appear immediately after the transaction, but with a delay of 5-10 minutes.

PS. We strongly recommend that other services follow these rules, if they are not indifferent to the idea of anonymity.
Could you explain more?

How is delaying the generation of the letter of guarantee (which is only accessible to the costumer) helping with making "parsing through the blockchain" impossible? I don't see the point (?)

There are three different points.

1) We do not store the masterkey on the server, so we can not make guarantee letters immediately. We generate them on others computers after creating an order within 5-10 minutes (this is a lag to load the order and send the letter back).
2) we do not store it, as it is not safe. Remember the mixer closed by the Dutch police. They took everything from there everything they can. Therefore, we do not store anything there longer than the time required to process the order. After the order is done (the outgoing transaction is done, or the order is expired all information is deleted - incoming and outgoing addresses, guarantee letters.
3) If a person uses a web version, his sessions may be compromised. Leaks through the browser, mitm, etc. Then having the url of the guarantee letter, you can find out the parameters of the order - from where and to where.

Well, not only the master key (masterkey is private from addresses which are signed with).

We upload to the server all addresses that are issued to clients, one at a time. In case of server compromise, there will be no possibility to find out which addresses were used before.

Usually loaded xpub and derived from it (derivation path). We don't do this.


We thought of everything. Generating a guarantee letter requires location a private key from the wallet that creates the signature on the server of mixer. In case the mixer is compromised, its customers will be able to give out fake addresses and fake guarantee letters. We sign the addresses that we give to clients on computers that are not connected to the Internet, then we unload the signatures together with the wallets at our server. This ensures that addresses given to customers can in no way be compromised by a third party (intelligence agency or hackers), under the  term that the client will verify the signature.
You have everything so thought out and safe. It seems that the market for such services is now a new leader .

Yes, we are the only ones in the world who provide such exchange services from cryptocurrency exchanges, from miners and in such volumes...But we don'T NEED a leadership. The service is not created for commercial benefits! We need followers of our idea! The idea of the inviolability of private life. We are for true philosophy blockchain creators: anonymity and decentralization.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on June 29, 2019, 03:23:25 PM
exchanged about 1btc today. very fast.

will keep doing my business here.

when you use the standard service its coins from other users that are using  the same service right ? that gets "mixed" in a "pool" and then sent out to people like "me" right ?

Standard tariff provides absolutely any coins that the system chooses. Including those that were previously sent by other clients of the system.
At the Exchanges Mix tariff are available coins equally mixed with the coins directly from exchangers.

But we have built into our system a great bonus for fans of the Standard tariff!

About 1 time in 15 days, we completely clean coins at our own expense. Reset the coins, changing them to the coins with the exchange. That is, we are constantly updating the pool for coins with a trading history!

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: nshrd on July 01, 2019, 07:29:55 AM
I heard that your service is popular ... you have been on the market for a long time and have already recommended yourself from the good side and many people agree with your reliability.

How do you plan to develop your service in the future? As the market grows, more and more people are ready to exchange their bitcoins "without any fuss"

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on July 02, 2019, 11:23:17 AM
What data is stored on your servers? How long will they be stored?

The information about the addresses to which you need to withdraw funds are either stored for the time specified in the line - Time to send or until the withdrawal is completed. It depends what of two options will happen faster.  After that the data is deleted.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: sweden666 on July 02, 2019, 01:13:44 PM
The system is under maintenance
The system is in the global update and implementation of new functionality

When will you get back online ?

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: sweden666 on July 02, 2019, 01:32:43 PM
Topicstarter and its mixer paid me the funds that I transferred in several stages, that is, when choosing "Exchange Mix", he paid directly from the deposit addresses of my previous transfers for their benefit, for that all privacy was lost and funds for a commission.


Nice Profit BitMaximum

ps. russian native language

WTF !?! I was thinking about using this exchangemix service today...but they site where down and I went to this forum to read about it...instead i reading this WTF!?!??!

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on July 02, 2019, 07:43:33 PM
I heard that your service is popular ... you have been on the market for a long time and have already recommended yourself from the good side and many people agree with your reliability.

How do you plan to develop your service in the future? As the market grows, more and more people are ready to exchange their bitcoins "without any fuss"

Yes, it is true. We have been working since 2017 and have passed a lot of checks of serious customers and companies. We do not plan to stop on our results and try to constantly improve our service, adding new technologies and directions. For example, in a few days we will provide the world with a truly anonymous and secure cryptocurrency exchanger without AML\KYC!

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on July 02, 2019, 08:06:24 PM
Topicstarter and its mixer paid me the funds that I transferred in several stages, that is, when choosing "Exchange Mix", he paid directly from the deposit addresses of my previous transfers for their benefit, for that all privacy was lost and funds for a commission.


Nice Profit BitMaximum

ps. russian native language

WTF !?! I was thinking about using this exchangemix service today...but they site where down and I went to this forum to read about it...instead i reading this WTF!?!??!

We're fine. We are preparing a powerful system update with new features. After a few days, the service will restore its work.

PS. As for what is written above:

Scroll down and read our topic completely and you will see how competitors work in our thread. This man under different nicknames writes periodically negative. He does not even change the style of text, uses the CapsLock, has an account inactive, specially registered under "custom posts of a negative nature."

Well, what he said sounds also terrible if he said that planet Earth is not round)) It's just ridiculous. We have already immune to competition. We simply do not pay attention to such posts. There is no evidence, there is no taint analysis, there are no facts, it's just attacks of competitors. Lip service.

Do not worry, we keep our brand, the service works exactly as stated. Coins are from the exchanges with a trading history. Do not belive in everything that is written without proofs. We are the only people on the planet who provide such services. We have a lot of envious people...

PSS. As for the evidence from our part, if you are so concerned, please email us, we will provide you with feedback and the results of our inspections from serious and respected people from private forums (guarantors and arbitrators), who have "picked", tested and checked us hundreds of times.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on July 02, 2019, 08:10:54 PM
What data is stored on your servers? How long will they be stored?

The information about the addresses to which you need to withdraw funds are either stored for the time specified in the line - Time to send or until the withdrawal is completed. It depends what of two options will happen faster.  After that the data is deleted.

You ignore me, i want for refund. I lost 0.7 BTC in fee and receive 0% privacy.

You're already confused about what you write. Service has not fulfilled its obligations? or have you lost 0.7 btc in some way ? Usually people first of all write to support and only if there is no answer starts to write everywhere. So it looks like the naked accusation.

Please write us to e-mail In case you have any problems, we will solve. We always help our clients with any questions. Starting from the banal advice on security questions to helping in pushing the confirmation of transaction. But first let's first understand what your problem is, but for now it looks like a provocation from competitors.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: nshrd on July 02, 2019, 09:38:36 PM
I do not believe a single word of this guy, he most likely registered an account to deceive new users ...

My friends had to use these services - they were satisfied and recommend ....

That's all I wanted to say...

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on July 03, 2019, 08:51:26 PM
I do not believe a single word of this guy, he most likely registered an account to deceive new users ...

My friends had to use these services - they were satisfied and recommend ....

That's all I wanted to say...

You dont understand what is cryptographically proof and blockchain?

We see that you want to destabilize our service and ruin the reputation by such way. Otherwise, in the case of some acute problem, you contacted the support. It turns out that you have no problems.

On the wallets that you have specified the second withdrawal was made after 10 days. Therefore, even to deep dig is not necessary and check that your guarantee letter is a fake one. Since in our service the maximum delay on the transfer rate "Only from exchanges" is 12-20 hours! What you posted here has a delay of 10 days. This is impossible in principle. So it's not ours.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: TryNinja on July 03, 2019, 10:49:18 PM
We see that you want to destabilize our service and ruin the reputation by such way. Otherwise, in the case of some acute problem, you contacted the support. It turns out that you have no problems.

On the wallets that you have specified the second withdrawal was made after 10 days. Therefore, even to deep dig is not necessary and check that your guarantee letter is a fake one. Since in our service the maximum delay on the transfer rate "Only from exchanges" is 12-20 hours! What you posted here has a delay of 10 days. This is impossible in principle. So it's not ours.
Hm... I know you're probably going to say I'm a competitor trying to ruin your reputation, but it looks like the signature of the Letter matches? (with the address 1BiTmaximumP5kKuEx7hgZkWwj13tvSNbo which can be found in your thread - archive:

please, attack the arguments and not the person.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on July 04, 2019, 06:25:54 PM

I want to thank TryNinja for the help. You convinced us and reasonably provided the facts testifying that the client provided really our guarantee letter.

"Why didn't we deal with this issue immediately?"

1) Client did not contact support. No one request to solve any  problem was sent to our e-mail. In result, we decided that this is a groundless provocation. The psychology of a person is  that he usually first of all solves the issues peacefully and asks help to support service. It was not any requests to support service or questions to us. So we decided, that the service does not have any problems. It works normally and everything is OK.

2) the Client clearly overdid the pressure and used CapsLock. It happened repeatedly in our topic. We thought it was another "order from competitors".
But not only he, but also other respected members of this forum many times attacked us in collusion. You have blunted our attention to customers, especially those who SHARPLY blames us indiscriminately and without arguments.

3) the Client initially did not provide any facts, but only frightened. "Show proofs or don't show proofs or show proofs to moderators"...That also pushed us away. Such guarantee letters, details or problems should be immediately sent to the mail support.

It is not necessary to argue. It is necessary to solve everything peacefully!

4) Client sent wallets, which show that he sent funds on June 20. And they withdrew on June 30. That's in exactly 10 days. We do not have such delays in tariffs. It also at the first glance led us to think that "it is not ours at all, and it is  a fake." The maximum delay in our service is 20 hours! but not 240!!! Neither theoretically nor practically it is impossible in our service! Turns out not. That's possible....About this below.

"What did happen?"

We don't store the wallets of customers. We don't store the guarantee letters. We don't have logs or sessions or anything. Therefore, we can not prohibit the client to use each time for exchange "the same wallet for withdrawal", which he used last time (in his past exchanges). We can't check it at all as this information we don't collect and we don't store. No way!

Moreover, we ask that this should never be done for security reasons. But the client collected payments every time on the same wallet. But it is his right. This confused the support service of the English thread on Bitcointalk.

We have developed a complex system of ranking wallets. This is our own development, which is only a small part of the whole complex. All the technical details and formulas of the complexity of algorithm, correlation, etc. we can not tell you, unfortunately, but in common it looks like this: in "infinite" wallets, coins are used only from exchanges, not from anyone.

The highest rating has the wallet, that has money received from the exchange or from the miner. With each new use of the wallet in the system, the rating of the wallet is lowered by some value.

We are preparing a great news for the society - an anonymous cryptocurrency exchange service (No Fiat, No KYC, NO AML). On the server at that time downloaded the update. During the update accidentally was tagged some of the old wallets as a new one. And since our turnover is very large, none of the monitoring did not notice it.

We buy liquidity from the exchange in advance, not online. Therefore, this extremely unpleasant situation happened with the client who at that time made the exchange.

The lesson has learned.
We will during the update of system  turn off the service publicly, so it was no exchanges. But we ask you in case of any unsolved problems immediately write to the support service by e-mail! And not on forum! Our topic is open on more than 200 forums. We physically cannot keep track of everything happened on forums. The more "ordered negative PR" from competitors dulled our attention.  

"Problem solution"

Team of apologizes the client who is experiencing this problem! We really "hand on heart" ask for your forgiveness for any inconvenience. We sincerely believe that you will forgive us and continue to cooperate with us. We are ready to exchange (transfer) you all the coins at the rate of "only with exchanges" absolutely free of charge, without any fees!  1 to 1. Please email us at and we'll work it out!

PS. TryNinja thanks again!

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: nshrd on July 05, 2019, 06:12:12 PM
I do not believe a single word of this guy, he most likely registered an account to deceive new users ...

My friends had to use these services - they were satisfied and recommend ....

That's all I wanted to say...

You dont understand what is cryptographically proof and blockchain?

The maximum delay in this service - 20 hours. Have you any proof, or only words?

For now I see, that this guy make something like black guerilla marketing.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: denis.boyko.2 on July 06, 2019, 11:45:59 AM

Team of apologizes the client who is experiencing this problem! We really "hand on heart" ask for your forgiveness for any inconvenience. We sincerely believe that you will forgive us and continue to cooperate with us. We are ready to exchange (transfer) you all the coins at the rate of "only with exchanges" absolutely free of charge, without any fees!  1 to 1. Please email us at and we'll work it out!

PS. TryNinja thanks again!

Im trying to contact with you in short time, if you can me help only. On the results, I will write here about.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: AB de Royse777 on July 06, 2019, 11:58:25 AM
I heard that your service is popular ... you have been on the market for a long time and have already recommended yourself from the good side and many people agree with your reliability.

How do you plan to develop your service in the future? As the market grows, more and more people are ready to exchange their bitcoins "without any fuss"

Yes, it is true. We have been working since 2017 and have passed a lot of checks of serious customers and companies. We do not plan to stop on our results and try to constantly improve our service, adding new technologies and directions. For example, in a few days we will provide the world with a truly anonymous and secure cryptocurrency exchanger without AML\KYC!

Honestly speaking I spotted you guys today. Not sure if I seen you before but seeing 278 posts so far in the topic, I thought to check the responses and found that you guys are from this long time but never caught my eyes.

Anyway, I may try your service sometimes. I do Bitcoin tx frequently.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: bellicose on July 06, 2019, 08:11:20 PM
I used the service before. My funds were quickly transferred without any problems. Recommend.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on July 07, 2019, 08:59:01 PM
Tell me about the tariff Standard, what kind of coins is there? What is the difference between it and Exchanges Mix?

The tariff Standard is available for any coins that choose the system. Including those that were previously sent by other clients of the system.

The tariff Exchanges Mix is available for the coins evenly mixed with the coins directly from the crypto-exchanges.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on July 08, 2019, 09:21:12 AM
Hm... I know you're probably going to say I'm a competitor trying to ruin your reputation, but it looks like the signature of the Letter matches? (with the address 1BiTmaximumP5kKuEx7hgZkWwj13tvSNbo which can be found in your thread - archive:

please, attack the arguments and not the person.

Thank you very much for your work, I do not speak English, but they ignored me and did not listen to me.

Answered to you to the mail.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: denis.boyko.2 on July 09, 2019, 06:10:04 PM
Hm... I know you're probably going to say I'm a competitor trying to ruin your reputation, but it looks like the signature of the Letter matches? (with the address 1BiTmaximumP5kKuEx7hgZkWwj13tvSNbo which can be found in your thread - archive:

please, attack the arguments and not the person.

Thank you very much for your work, I do not speak English, but they ignored me and did not listen to me.

Answered to you to the mail.

We completely solved the problem that we had, I deleted my old posts. Thanks to the team BitMaximum.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on July 09, 2019, 08:09:47 PM
Hey, are you going to create mixer for ethereum? It seems for me that competency for bitcoin mixer is higher, I've seen a lot of btc mixers, like Chip mixer  and as for eth mixers I know only 1-2 mixers.

We are thinking about Ethereum mixer. It is in the process of developing.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on July 10, 2019, 03:53:32 PM
Service closed for update.

We are currently testing new features in closed mode. Support will be unavailable at this time. The site will work in 10 days with new advanced functionality.

Follow the news.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on July 12, 2019, 05:35:57 PM
Security of the service

 Service was been developing for a very long time and we are constantly updating it. We have big plans. During this time, the service was repeatedly  tested the efficiency not only by us, but also by leading cryptomaniacs, IT specialists, auditors and analysts. A very difficult way has been done. We understand your concerns and trust issues. The trust to such services are accumulate by the  years.

- Our team only consists of professionals. We are constantly developing, reading and studying the colleagues, Blockchain researchers and leading experts from various Universities of the world. We are in the thick of things, in the "epicenter of the Blockchain", visit Conferences, Valleys, and monitor what is safe and what is not safe. 

- Our distributed servers, load balancers, and network infrastructure are located in multiple regions, preventing the tracing of transactions.

- We do not collect or store any logs, personal information or any other data related to your activity on BitMaximum. Once the coins have been transferred to your wallets, all related data will be permanently erased both from our database and from your wallet. All the information about the host address will be removed after a 72-hour period.

- To prevent any dispute, we use a signature system. Each new generated address is signed using our unique Bitcoin address. The transaction is easy to check in the blockchain. This allows you not to get into a situation where you have transferred the coins, but never got them back. How it works? Together with the wallet for withdraw, you get a signature formed from the address given to you with the help of a private key, the public key to which is the address of our wallet. This signature you can check using the address of our wallet, it eliminates the possibility of replacement the address to deposit funds by an hacker.

- Protection from Sybil Attack. No one will be able to mix his/her coins to the coins of customers.

You can also read the "theses" on the first page of this topic, and the description of our service, after which you will understand that our system is the most thought out and safe.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: on July 13, 2019, 10:05:39 AM
What is someone wants to mix illegal money stolen from exchange or something like that?
Perhaps it is the main reason why people use bitcoin mixer, but I am just wondering if you mix this transaction

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: hamster fat on July 14, 2019, 10:27:06 AM
Which features have you been testing in your service? What would you like to add, will you share with us?
How can you guarantee that you send me bitcoins and won't cheat with me?

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: CloudflareBot on July 15, 2019, 08:28:32 AM
holy shit TS can you stop talking about anonymity and other shit you never able to follow?
this mixer still unsecure and uses cloudflare, they provide all IPs and information to US and other authorities, enjoy the game.


Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on July 15, 2019, 09:19:23 AM
When we will start working with our new update we will answer to all your questions. Stay tuned with us.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: CloudflareBot on July 15, 2019, 09:28:49 AM
you already provided enough customers information to cloudflare/etc, your answers will not help

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on July 17, 2019, 11:01:47 AM
What is someone wants to mix illegal money stolen from exchange or something like that?
Perhaps it is the main reason why people use bitcoin mixer, but I am just wondering if you mix this transaction

How do we know where the coins came from? Our service is fully automatic. We do not check the transactions, we do not conduct KYC\AML. We are only for the freedom of private life! The main purpose of our service is the freedom of private life in Internet.  We will definitely come to our own DASH fork and something similar, but a little bit later. Now we engaged with Ethereum mixer and cryptocurrency exchanger. We are crypto enthusiasts and we only care about the true philosophy of the blockchain creators!

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: lylya75 on July 17, 2019, 07:54:43 PM
It is very good that it will be an Ethereum mixer. There are a lot of mixers of Bitcoin but no mixers of Ethereum.  Ethereum is a second cryptocurrency on capitalization and it needs mixer too.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on July 17, 2019, 08:01:52 PM
holy shit TS can you stop talking about anonymity and other shit you never able to follow?
this mixer still unsecure and uses cloudflare, they provide all IPs and information to US and other authorities, enjoy the game.


When you stop beating us up and asking for ransom, we'll be happy to remove cloudflare.))

We do not recommend people to use the web version of the services-mixers and exchangers for complete anonymity. And if anyone wants the real anonymity, they can use the Tor version. And in general, in life, always use Tor, that's all.

Anyone who doubts that we use cloudflare - Wellcome to Tor, if you do not like Tor - then do not use our service, but know that you will not find better.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: on July 17, 2019, 08:54:29 PM
I've never used bitcoin mixers, but I used ethereum mixers and actually that is what I need from your sight.
Hope you will show us quality product, so I am waiting for ethereum mixer release

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: CloudflareBot on July 18, 2019, 10:18:01 AM
holy shit TS can you stop talking about anonymity and other shit you never able to follow?
this mixer still unsecure and uses cloudflare, they provide all IPs and information to US and other authorities, enjoy the game.


When you stop beating us up and asking for ransom, we'll be happy to remove cloudflare.))

We do not recommend people to use the web version of the services-mixers and exchangers for complete anonymity. And if anyone wants the real anonymity, they can use the Tor version. And in general, in life, always use Tor, that's all.

Anyone who doubts that we use cloudflare - Wellcome to Tor, if you do not like Tor - then do not use our service, but know that you will not find better.
oh boi you're so stupid
nobody needs your privacy unprotected service, a lot of mixers working w/o using cloudflare w/o any problems, and only your poor service beating 24/7 and needs cloudflare, lol )))))0)00
the true is you just wanna save few hundreds of dollars and use free shit and put in danger your customers anonymity.

i'll duplicate link already was sent in this topic:

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: LeGaulois on July 18, 2019, 11:09:18 PM
You said you recommend to people to not use your website, seriously? :D What about putting that on the home page for the clearnet?
I don't get the idea to use Cloudflare for such website. If you wanted to add a layer to hide your servers or something else, then you're not anonymous behind CF. And after reading your replies, I'm sorry but I don't buy your stories about conferences, universities, and other makeup.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: ^BuTcH^ on July 19, 2019, 11:40:02 AM
Do you have any signature bounty for your mixer? As I see you have Bitmaximum signature in your account , so I wonder
Also adding ethereum mixer would attract new users. So i am waiting for reply

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on July 21, 2019, 10:05:47 PM
Now we are updating our services. When everything will be ready we will open the site of and you can see our new updated site. Stay tuned with us.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on July 22, 2019, 09:13:44 AM
Blockchain technology gives a possibility to monitor all transactions and to de-anonymize the person in most cases is not difficult.

You always have the risk of being under the control of intelligence agencies or criminal elements. In our opinion it is a direct violation of the rights and freedoms of an individual.
All information is completely in the public access! We are for the freedom of private life in  Internet!
Therefore, our service will be useful not only for the crypto investors and traders who does not want that strangers will know about their assets and movements of funds, but also for charitable foundations, media persons, businessmen and ordinary people who want to shop online privately!  Live by a free life!

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: nshrd on July 24, 2019, 06:23:39 PM
Do you have any signature bounty for your mixer? As I see you have Bitmaximum signature in your account , so I wonder
Also adding ethereum mixer would attract new users. So i am waiting for reply

Just wondering why the team does not launch marketing development in larger volumes. The service itself works well enough, which would entail a stream of new users.

Guys, you have a working product - this is a good chance to trample competitors.

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on July 27, 2019, 09:21:48 AM
Prevalence of "Exchanges Only" tariff.

Increasingly we get the applications for exchange coins at a tariff from exchanges. In this version of the tariff Exchanges Only provides an increased level of security. Coins are transferred to the client only from exchanges. Selected by us  exchanges do not trade by questionable coins. You get a really clean crypto currency with a good history.
You will not get your old coins (sent to us) or coins of other people. Brand new clean source!
The Commission of this tariff is 3%.
Ready for large volumes! If your volumes exceed our deposits on the forums, we can arrange the transfer through the guarantor!

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: on August 01, 2019, 01:22:03 PM
Prevalence of "Exchanges Only" tariff.

Increasingly we get the applications for exchange coins at a tariff from exchanges. In this version of the tariff Exchanges Only provides an increased level of security. Coins are transferred to the client only from exchanges. Selected by us  exchanges do not trade by questionable coins. You get a really clean crypto currency with a good history.
You will not get your old coins (sent to us) or coins of other people. Brand new clean source!
The Commission of this tariff is 3%.
Ready for large volumes! If your volumes exceed our deposits on the forums, we can arrange the transfer through the guarantor!

This is a new level of privacy. I think people would pay 3% just for trying this feature. What do you think? I would try this product for sure. Once I changed deposited btc with dirty history on Binance and since that time they locked my account! So clear money is what people need

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: hamster fat on August 04, 2019, 04:04:12 PM
Just wondering why the team does not launch marketing development in larger volumes. The service itself works well enough, which would entail a stream of new users.
Guys, you have a working product - this is a good chance to trample competitors.
That's it, marketing is required to let people know about your product.
Hope you will launch both bounty and promotion in telegram/other sources of crypto relevant traffic

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: BitMaximum on September 18, 2019, 11:35:04 AM
Once in the past, we respected the work of Localbitcoins, ShapeShift and other platforms, but they "betrayed" the ideals and philosophy of the blockchain when they implemented AML/KYC procedures on their service.

So we decided to give the world a completely secure and anonymous cryptocurrency service for exchange and transfer of cryptocurrency with technologies both classical and modified (innovative\complicated) mixing.

We're driven by an idea! We live and develop this idea. We breathe it and live every day from sunrise to sunset with thoughts of the real philosophy of blockchain ancestors, which unfortunately is lost in the minds of people.

We are a community of enthusiasts, bringing together the representatives of the IT industry, for whom the phrase "private life" is not an empty phrase. We understand that not everyone is ready to sacrifice the privacy for dubious benefits. That is why we have created a service that allows you to protect yourself from too close attention of third parties to your transactions in the Blockchain network!

"The philosophy and ideals of blockchain progenitors: global trust without intermediaries.
Anonymity and decentralization."(C) BitMaximum


Yes! Yes! We have like-minded people among the founders of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges! These are people who also care about the idea of payment privacy.

Now the BitMaximum system is integrated into several trading platforms. Now you can easily make an anonymous cryptocurrency exchange in various directions, through our hot connection to the exchanges.

 - Completely anonymous mixing service!
 - Without limits and restrictions!
 - Without KYC or AML and without registration!
 - Without tracking, logs and Javascript!
 - Higher liquidity and reserves.
 - Automatic deletion of information about all orders in 24 hours after the exchange!
 - Onion address in Tor exchanger
 - Highest speed of exchange
 - Best price on the market

Our advantages are your benefit!

 - Direct exchange from our selected trusted exchanges;
You get coins with an active trading history.

 - Guarantee of security;
Unlike others, we do not hold the customer deposits. It means you can avoid the risk of stealing your funds.

 - Profitable! Best price on the market;
We offer profitable cryptocurrency exchange rates without additional fees. Our liquidity is constantly increasing.

 - No limits and restrictions;
You can exchange any amount without restrictions.

 - Without registration and without verification;
We do not store your personal data and you do not need to create an account.

 - We work privately;
Without email or passwords, without registration, without accounts.

 - Safe and without tracking;
Without logs, without Javascript, without cookies, without fingerprints.

 - Philosophy of decentralization;
Sending your money is not carried out on a centralized exchange.

 - Complete anonymity of transactions;
We do not collect or share your data with third parties.

 - We are for freedom and privacy - without logs and tracking;
Automatic deletion of all exchange history from our servers in 24 hours after fulfillment of all exchange obligations.

 - True philosophy of blockchain
The privacy and security policy of the service is aimed for the absolute anonymity of customers.

 - Inability to influence on our ideology from the outside
Our slogan is " No fiat. No KYC. No AML".


We are strengthened and completely protected from the  influence and pressure from the OUTSIDE! site was switched off. Now we do not support work in Clearnet. Please use our special onion-address in the TOR network http://bitmaximumgnmsaf.onion

Due to the fact that we are the only one service in the world offering such services on the market - our site was constantly under the DDOS attacks from outdated mixing services. Before disabling CloudFlare and the Web version of the site a number of moves and changes of IP addresses were made, in order to confuse the chain.

Recall that:

- Our distributed servers, load balancers, and network infrastructure are located in different regions. It prevents transaction tracing.

- We provide the maximum protection for our system. Our service operates in a paranoid mode. Our servers are out of reach.

- We use TOR to push transactions in the blockchain network. It makes impossible tracking the source that generates the transactions and connecting them together according IP.

- The internal architecture of the project is designed by such a way that even if the server where the public part of the system is located is compromised, it will be impossible to replace the addresses given to the client.

- As mentioned above, the main priority is the security of users. Therefore, the main accent was placed on the creation of a multicomponent system with a strict separation of areas of responsibility, where each component is isolated from the other.

It was done a duplication of system of ranking wallets! The unprecedented wallet ranking system has become even more confusing.

It was added a new, more difficult formula of complexity of the algorithm and correlation of wallets
(direct correlation of a level of wallet with a level of privacy)!

It was updated and zeroized the ratings of wallets! The highest rating has the wallet, the money to which sent from the exchange or from the miner. With each new use of the wallet in the system, the rating of the wallet is lowered by some amount.

It was fully replaced the entire reserve on “pure” coins from exchanges!!!
Recall, that about 1 time in 10-15 days, we completely clean our coins at our own expense. We zeroize the coins, change them to trading coins from the exchange.

Due to the connection of new exchanges, the capitalization was increased.


BTC: 100
BCH: 9000
LTC: 9000
ETH: 3000
DASH: 12000

STANDARD tariff - 1080 BTC.
"EXCHANGE FROM MINERS" tariff of firstborn (mined) coins. This type of exchange works only via support. You order the required amount of coins,  we prepare coins for exchange. The minimum exchange size is 12.5 BTC + system fee.

If you need the special terms of exchange or a large amount, please contact the support service by writing to the mail.
Everything can be solved! We have access to OTC markets.
We can also easily make according your order, for example, fork DASH and list it on the exchange. This is in our competence!
Write to us. Everything can be solved!


Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF) and other commissions are constantly tightening the regulation of the cryptocurrency industry, obliging Bitcoin exchanges and other cryptocurrency service providers to comply with KYC,AML and CFT procedures, similar to traditional financial companies. Regulators have more freedom of action, with every year they control people's privacy more and more. As a result, the true ideals and technologies of blockchain are destroyed...

Identification of Bitcoins is not yet so common, however, taken into account the recent initiatives of FATF, there is a high probability of activation of regulators in this direction in the near future.

It is very important to have such “independent” projects that are created for the benefit of technology, so that there is development where there is continuous stagnation (It is impossible to call the current market conditions otherwise).

We (team BitMaximum and our sympathizers) do not allow to strangle technological revolution, designed to help free billions of people.

As you know, exchanges use tracking platforms and tools that allow them to check the purity of funds before allowing coins to be traded. They constantly check traders' deposits. There are many public trackers such as: Chainalysis, CipherTrace, Bitfury Crystal, Leonovus, Blockchain Alliance!, Coinfirm. Certainly there are unknown tools used by intelligence agencies.

You send your coins, and in return you get the coins from cryptocurrency exchanges. Our coins and wallets are not shown and do not appear in the above trackers. They have already been tested on the exchanges with which we cooperate.

Since the exchanges that we use do not allow to trade the coins of dubious origin, you get a totally clean cryptocurrency with an active trading history + stop the connection between your sent and received coins. Our unprecedented in the world innovative system of mixing and ranking of wallets (a direct correlation of a level of wallet with a level of privacy) does absolutely anonymous and private any exchange and transaction in blockchain network.

After using any classic mixer service, it will be difficult for the client to send money to the exchange to trade. The exchange will immediately block funds, as the money came from the mixer.

In our case, using our service, the client can safely send money to the exchange to trade, or quietly cash out and withdraw funds through any payment services, gateways and aggregators, without the fear that the security service of exchange or other services can block the money!
Feel the difference! With our service there will be no blocking or loss of funds, and with other services you can have a problem!
All our customers quietly send money to the exchanges, and no one troubles them and does not block! Exchange see that they received clean money. This fact is the proof of the work and efficiency of our platform.

We are the only one service on the market providing this kind of exchange!

We publicly work from 2017! We are the first service in the world that does not require javascript to work! No cookies, no fingerprints. TOR-mirror. API without registration and much more for your peace of mind. Taint analysis was carried out by many serious clients and the administration of closed sites! We provide the highest imaginable level of privacy!

Live a free life together with a team of BitMaximum service!

Title: Re: - More privacy during Bitcoin exchange / Coin mixer
Post by: nshrd on September 23, 2019, 06:58:26 PM
Once in the past, we respected the work of Localbitcoins, ShapeShift and other platforms, but they "betrayed" the ideals and philosophy of the blockchain when they implemented AML/KYC procedures on their service.

So we decided to give the world a completely secure and anonymous cryptocurrency service for exchange and transfer of cryptocurrency with technologies both classical and modified (innovative\complicated) mixing.

We're driven by an idea! We live and develop this idea. We breathe it and live every day from sunrise to sunset with thoughts of the real philosophy of blockchain ancestors, which unfortunately is lost in the minds of people.

We are a community of enthusiasts, bringing together the representatives of the IT industry, for whom the phrase "private life" is not an empty phrase. We understand that not everyone is ready to sacrifice the privacy for dubious benefits. That is why we have created a service that allows you to protect yourself from too close attention of third parties to your transactions in the Blockchain network!

"The philosophy and ideals of blockchain progenitors: global trust without intermediaries.
Anonymity and decentralization."(C) BitMaximum


Yes! Yes! We have like-minded people among the founders of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges! These are people who also care about the idea of payment privacy.

Now the BitMaximum system is integrated into several trading platforms. Now you can easily make an anonymous cryptocurrency exchange in various directions, through our hot connection to the exchanges.

 - Completely anonymous mixing service!
 - Without limits and restrictions!
 - Without KYC or AML and without registration!
 - Without tracking, logs and Javascript!
 - Higher liquidity and reserves.
 - Automatic deletion of information about all orders in 24 hours after the exchange!
 - Onion address in Tor exchanger
 - Highest speed of exchange
 - Best price on the market

Our advantages are your benefit!

 - Direct exchange from our selected trusted exchanges;
You get coins with an active trading history.

 - Guarantee of security;
Unlike others, we do not hold the customer deposits. It means you can avoid the risk of stealing your funds.

 - Profitable! Best price on the market;
We offer profitable cryptocurrency exchange rates without additional fees. Our liquidity is constantly increasing.

 - No limits and restrictions;
You can exchange any amount without restrictions.

 - Without registration and without verification;
We do not store your personal data and you do not need to create an account.

 - We work privately;
Without email or passwords, without registration, without accounts.

 - Safe and without tracking;
Without logs, without Javascript, without cookies, without fingerprints.

 - Philosophy of decentralization;
Sending your money is not carried out on a centralized exchange.

 - Complete anonymity of transactions;
We do not collect or share your data with third parties.

 - We are for freedom and privacy - without logs and tracking;
Automatic deletion of all exchange history from our servers in 24 hours after fulfillment of all exchange obligations.

 - True philosophy of blockchain
The privacy and security policy of the service is aimed for the absolute anonymity of customers.

 - Inability to influence on our ideology from the outside
Our slogan is " No fiat. No KYC. No AML".


We are strengthened and completely protected from the  influence and pressure from the OUTSIDE! site was switched off. Now we do not support work in Clearnet. Please use our special onion-address in the TOR network http://bitmaximumgnmsaf.onion

Due to the fact that we are the only one service in the world offering such services on the market - our site was constantly under the DDOS attacks from outdated mixing services. Before disabling CloudFlare and the Web version of the site a number of moves and changes of IP addresses were made, in order to confuse the chain.

Recall that:

- Our distributed servers, load balancers, and network infrastructure are located in different regions. It prevents transaction tracing.

- We provide the maximum protection for our system. Our service operates in a paranoid mode. Our servers are out of reach.

- We use TOR to push transactions in the blockchain network. It makes impossible tracking the source that generates the transactions and connecting them together according IP.

- The internal architecture of the project is designed by such a way that even if the server where the public part of the system is located is compromised, it will be impossible to replace the addresses given to the client.

- As mentioned above, the main priority is the security of users. Therefore, the main accent was placed on the creation of a multicomponent system with a strict separation of areas of responsibility, where each component is isolated from the other.

It was done a duplication of system of ranking wallets! The unprecedented wallet ranking system has become even more confusing.

It was added a new, more difficult formula of complexity of the algorithm and correlation of wallets
(direct correlation of a level of wallet with a level of privacy)!

It was updated and zeroized the ratings of wallets! The highest rating has the wallet, the money to which sent from the exchange or from the miner. With each new use of the wallet in the system, the rating of the wallet is lowered by some amount.

It was fully replaced the entire reserve on “pure” coins from exchanges!!!
Recall, that about 1 time in 10-15 days, we completely clean our coins at our own expense. We zeroize the coins, change them to trading coins from the exchange.

Due to the connection of new exchanges, the capitalization was increased.


BTC: 100
BCH: 9000
LTC: 9000
ETH: 3000
DASH: 12000

STANDARD tariff - 1080 BTC.
"EXCHANGE FROM MINERS" tariff of firstborn (mined) coins. This type of exchange works only via support. You order the required amount of coins,  we prepare coins for exchange. The minimum exchange size is 12.5 BTC + system fee.

If you need the special terms of exchange or a large amount, please contact the support service by writing to the mail.
Everything can be solved! We have access to OTC markets.
We can also easily make according your order, for example, fork DASH and list it on the exchange. This is in our competence!
Write to us. Everything can be solved!


Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF) and other commissions are constantly tightening the regulation of the cryptocurrency industry, obliging Bitcoin exchanges and other cryptocurrency service providers to comply with KYC,AML and CFT procedures, similar to traditional financial companies. Regulators have more freedom of action, with every year they control people's privacy more and more. As a result, the true ideals and technologies of blockchain are destroyed...

Identification of Bitcoins is not yet so common, however, taken into account the recent initiatives of FATF, there is a high probability of activation of regulators in this direction in the near future.

It is very important to have such “independent” projects that are created for the benefit of technology, so that there is development where there is continuous stagnation (It is impossible to call the current market conditions otherwise).

We (team BitMaximum and our sympathizers) do not allow to strangle technological revolution, designed to help free billions of people.

As you know, exchanges use tracking platforms and tools that allow them to check the purity of funds before allowing coins to be traded. They constantly check traders' deposits. There are many public trackers such as: Chainalysis, CipherTrace, Bitfury Crystal, Leonovus, Blockchain Alliance!, Coinfirm. Certainly there are unknown tools used by intelligence agencies.

You send your coins, and in return you get the coins from cryptocurrency exchanges. Our coins and wallets are not shown and do not appear in the above trackers. They have already been tested on the exchanges with which we cooperate.

Since the exchanges that we use do not allow to trade the coins of dubious origin, you get a totally clean cryptocurrency with an active trading history + stop the connection between your sent and received coins. Our unprecedented in the world innovative system of mixing and ranking of wallets (a direct correlation of a level of wallet with a level of privacy) does absolutely anonymous and private any exchange and transaction in blockchain network.

After using any classic mixer service, it will be difficult for the client to send money to the exchange to trade. The exchange will immediately block funds, as the money came from the mixer.

In our case, using our service, the client can safely send money to the exchange to trade, or quietly cash out and withdraw funds through any payment services, gateways and aggregators, without the fear that the security service of exchange or other services can block the money!
Feel the difference! With our service there will be no blocking or loss of funds, and with other services you can have a problem!
All our customers quietly send money to the exchanges, and no one troubles them and does not block! Exchange see that they received clean money. This fact is the proof of the work and efficiency of our platform.

We are the only one service on the market providing this kind of exchange!

We publicly work from 2017! We are the first service in the world that does not require javascript to work! No cookies, no fingerprints. TOR-mirror. API without registration and much more for your peace of mind. Taint analysis was carried out by many serious clients and the administration of closed sites! We provide the highest imaginable level of privacy!

Live a free life together with a team of BitMaximum service!

You did a good job of updates and reserve currency volumes are also pleasing
Considering that I used your services several times, you grew up quite well in terms of development, respect