Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Scam Accusations => Topic started by: pissedatbitlaunder on February 10, 2014, 03:24:33 AM

Post by: pissedatbitlaunder on February 10, 2014, 03:24:33 AM
Please beware of this website.  Please note the background story of what this website has done to me can be found here:

Also, a simple search of this site with the keyword "bitlaunder" will turn up further information.

This website is still running full bore even with the bad posts.  People are still going to this site.

The owner of this site finally made contact with me however, after a few back and forth emails he called me absurd because when he wanted me to tell him what was going on I told him if he had read his emails from the past week he would have all the information he needed to get me my coins back that he lost.  I subsequently gave him the information he requested, as I just want my coins back, he has ignored me ever since.

Please beware of this site, read my original post(link is above), and tell everyone you know.  It may also be helpful to bombard this guy with email questions about why he is screwing people over and being an obstacle to bitcoin achieving mainstream status.

His email address is:

Any and all help is appreciated.  I am going to keep this fight going until I get my coins back or everyone of this guys sites are taken down.  Any help with this scammer is appreciated.

Post by: moriartybitcoin on February 10, 2014, 10:02:50 PM

It is not a scam.  Someone hacked this user's account (needinto) on and transferred his coins here:

I have paid the user out of my own pocket. 

Post by: pissedatbitlaunder on February 10, 2014, 10:25:53 PM

Mr. Moriarty just got in touch with me. 

I have to say that he is in the process of making things right with me.  He owed me .3234 BTC.  After a couple of back and forth emails, we agreed to the following.  I would remove the negative rating and he would deposit .20 BTC in my account.  Which he has done.  Further, once I update the posts I have made and let folks know the outcome, he will then release the balance of .1234 BTC to me.

After having talked with Mr. Moriarty, I was informed that somehow my account was hacked.  He does seem to be quite busy working to contain the situation.  The fact that he is reimbursing me out of his own pocket, in my opinion, does speak volumes to this man's character. seems to be making the effort to correct things.

Post by: campycoin on July 28, 2014, 10:25:41 AM
It doesn't speak volumes to shit!  The guy has no moral character. He made you agree to remove posts to get YOUR coin back? 

Even funnier, the address he says that the "hacker" sent coin to doesn't even have any transactions at all. 
How long are we going to let him get away with this crap?
Posted from - #QeTNq8rJCnGIeU15

Post by: campycoin on July 28, 2014, 10:26:48 AM
PM me your info and all proof.
Posted from - #ehbrNutTFtgVxdRe