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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: TheIrishman on February 11, 2014, 12:25:16 AM

Title: The city that told Google to get lost
Post by: TheIrishman on February 11, 2014, 12:25:16 AM
The city that told Google to get lost (

"Highly paid employees are pushing up rents near the tech giant's California headquarters, forcing locals out and destroying communities, say activists. Now Oakland's residents are fighting back – hard. But are they too late?"

Title: Re: The city that told Google to get lost
Post by: Mike Christ on February 11, 2014, 02:20:05 AM

My advice is to leave to better places.

Title: Re: The city that told Google to get lost
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 11, 2014, 05:03:33 AM
So far, the residents have benefited immensely from Google (increased business, facilities and job availability). It will be really ungrateful if they ask Google to vacate. No wonder that California is about to go bankrupt.... the people there have IQ in single digits.

Title: Re: The city that told Google to get lost
Post by: frankenmint on February 11, 2014, 09:21:26 AM
smh I get where the employees are coming from with trying to find affordable housing.  This is similar to the BART strikes that happened last year. 

What do you tell the poor folks?  Leave?  That's not cool at all.

Title: Re: The city that told Google to get lost
Post by: Lethn on February 11, 2014, 09:29:32 AM
I can understand wanting to turn a profit through housing but pushing the prices up so high that nobody can realistically afford it is something that really is destroying entire areas especially here in the UK, why do people have to be such douchebags about it? If we're going to look at it purely from an economic standpoint the problem is partly because you have these people coming in and buying cheap houses, doing them up and then trying to sell or rent them for several times what they're actually worth ( I'm not kidding ) and wondering why they can't get any customers.

There's going to be another major housing correction again, so if anybody is on the receiving end of this bullshit just find somewhere cheap to live even if it's not where you want to be and buy the houses off the fools who will be forced to drop their prices back to what they're supposed to be.

fyi: The housing market is what you would call a bubble

Title: Re: The city that told Google to get lost
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 11, 2014, 01:39:38 PM
There's going to be another major housing correction again, so if anybody is on the receiving end of this bullshit just find somewhere cheap to live even if it's not where you want to be and buy the houses off the fools who will be forced to drop their prices back to what they're supposed to be.

fyi: The housing market is what you would call a bubble

You think there will be another correction? Oh lord... the prices are still stuck at the post-Recession levels with no improvements in sight. Another correction would be disastrous.

Title: Re: The city that told Google to get lost
Post by: Lethn on February 11, 2014, 02:27:45 PM
The current market we're in is being propped up by the central banks which is why you'll never see them stop money printing entirely, while it certainly is disastrous in the short term, it's necessary so people get back to the real world, kind of like with Bitcoin getting pumped up to $1000, even as somebody who really supports Bitcoin I always think twice when I see those kind of prices especially if there's a lot of volatility but that's just using technical trading skills.

It's going to keep happening so long as our money is created through fraud rather than being honestly traded like cryptocurrencies and precious metals are.

Title: Re: The city that told Google to get lost
Post by: guybrushthreepwood on February 11, 2014, 05:59:32 PM
The city that told Google to get lost (

"Highly paid employees are pushing up rents near the tech giant's California headquarters, forcing locals out and destroying communities, say activists. Now Oakland's residents are fighting back – hard. But are they too late?"

Surely it's not the employees pushing up the rents but the landlords?

Title: Re: The city that told Google to get lost
Post by: strunberg on February 12, 2014, 04:58:01 AM
I don't see what's the big deal.
Blacks and their thug culture caused white flight in Oakland,now whites are returning to their old neighborhoods.

It's "white flight" when families flee the gang violence.
Yet it's "gentrification", when whites move back, and push up the property value through the evil known as home and improvement..

Could you imagine the outrage if the races were switched with the Trader Joe's scandal?
"We can't have X open shop, because  too many blacks would come."

The black community desperately needed the jobs, and healthy food with the obesity rate of inner cities.
Yet they didn't want Trader Joe's to open shop because of white people.
I bet MLK would be so damn proud of them. ::)

But hey, I'm a "KKKNAZI who want's to put the black man on the plantation".jpeg for pointing out the hypocrisy and double standards.

Title: Re: The city that told Google to get lost
Post by: Holliday on February 12, 2014, 05:03:34 AM
The city that told Google to get lost (

"Highly paid employees are pushing up rents near the tech giant's California headquarters, forcing locals out and destroying communities, say activists. Now Oakland's residents are fighting back – hard. But are they too late?"

Surely it's not the employees pushing up the rents but the landlords?

Perhaps it's simply supply and demand.

When you can sell something for $5, do you sell it for $1 instead?

Title: Re: The city that told Google to get lost
Post by: Kaligulax on February 24, 2014, 07:37:02 PM
Google are an NSA backed money making machine - if they ever feel things are unfair they can chuck money at the problem until it goes away.

Title: Re: The city that told Google to get lost
Post by: Kiki112 on February 24, 2014, 10:32:20 PM
good location = good money

sell the place and make them deal with it, buy a new place a little bit further ;)

problem solved :)

Title: Re: The city that told Google to get lost
Post by: Lethn on February 24, 2014, 11:00:51 PM
But hey, I'm a "KKKNAZI who want's to put the black man on the plantation".jpeg for pointing out the hypocrisy and double standards.

I'm not trying to start a flame war here if any coloured people happen to be watching this, but you find this kind of hypocrisy everywhere, for example, sexism, totally okay to be completely sexist towards men, but you say one thing to a woman and it's a travesty :P What I have found in regards to race though, you can be as racist as you like towards people who are the same colour as you just as long as it isn't to somebody different, which is pretty baffling, for instance I could say a bunch of bullshit about white people and the Irish because I'm half-irish and white and you can see black people saying totally outrageous things about their own people too because for some reason it's totally okay when they do it just because.

Funny fucking world we live in, that said, my concern with the whole housing situations is economical because it also makes it much more expensive and difficult for the younger generation to get out of their parents' houses e.g. People my age

Title: Re: The city that told Google to get lost
Post by: hilariousandco on February 25, 2014, 05:27:44 AM
But hey, I'm a "KKKNAZI who want's to put the black man on the plantation".jpeg for pointing out the hypocrisy and double standards.

I'm not trying to start a flame war here if any coloured people happen to be watching this, but you find this kind of hypocrisy everywhere, for example, sexism, totally okay to be completely sexist towards men, but you say one thing to a woman and it's a travesty :P What I have found in regards to race though, you can be as racist as you like towards people who are the same colour as you just as long as it isn't to somebody different, which is pretty baffling, for instance I could say a bunch of bullshit about white people and the Irish because I'm half-irish and white and you can see black people saying totally outrageous things about their own people too because for some reason it's totally okay when they do it just because.

Funny fucking world we live in, that said, my concern with the whole housing situations is economical because it also makes it much more expensive and difficult for the younger generation to get out of their parents' houses e.g. Me

Well it's not racist if you say something about your own race, is it?  ::) And 'couloured people'? Jeez, you really are oblivious sometimes, Lethn.

Title: Re: The city that told Google to get lost
Post by: Kiki112 on February 25, 2014, 10:10:20 PM
I'm not trying to start a flame war here if any coloured people happen to be watching this

damn niggah, u racist :D

you can talk shizzle against your own people but not some other race ;)
deal with it :D