Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Technical Support => Topic started by: grabber on February 12, 2014, 02:33:51 PM

Title: Sent bitcoins not showing in blockchain
Post by: grabber on February 12, 2014, 02:33:51 PM
Hello, I made some transactions from my Bitcoin QT wallet, like usual (I do it weekly) but the last transactions seems to be stucked. It is not showing in blockchain, I paid the fee, it shows in the otugoing transactions with ? mark and it is not appeared and no confirmations yet. it was happened on the 10th february, so like 2 days ago. Any idea? I updated the wallet, made a rescan and it seems it is not resolving the problem.

Any idea? Thanks!

Title: Re: Sent bitcoins not showing in blockchain
Post by: roslinpl on February 12, 2014, 07:59:27 PM
Hello, I made some transactions from my Bitcoin QT wallet, like usual (I do it weekly) but the last transactions seems to be stucked. It is not showing in blockchain, I paid the fee, it shows in the otugoing transactions with ? mark and it is not appeared and no confirmations yet. it was happened on the 10th february, so like 2 days ago. Any idea? I updated the wallet, made a rescan and it seems it is not resolving the problem.

Any idea? Thanks!

post tx than we can tell some more.
post any proof that you realy did transaction.