Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: curt.rowland on February 12, 2014, 07:25:31 PM

Title: why?
Post by: curt.rowland on February 12, 2014, 07:25:31 PM
so much in this community seems to be dedicated to enabling the scum that go around stealing form peoples wallets, and so many seem opposed to anything that might stop them


Title: Re: why?
Post by: yatsey87 on February 12, 2014, 07:53:15 PM
How are people enabling them? There's not much you can to to stop thieves or scammers really.

Title: Re: why?
Post by: Holliday on February 12, 2014, 07:56:36 PM
There's not much you can to to stop thieves or scammers really.

Sure there is! Take the time to learn how to secure your private keys! If I can do it, anyone can do it.

Title: Re: why?
Post by: howzar on February 12, 2014, 07:57:15 PM
How are people enabling them? There's not much you can to to stop thieves or scammers really.

Its just easier to do when you are anonymous with bitcoin.

Title: Re: why?
Post by: BitcoinBobbeh on February 12, 2014, 07:57:53 PM

Don't give untraceable money to an anonymous stranger who could live half a world away.

Look, I just solved 99% of the scamming that goes on here.

Title: Re: why?
Post by: Holliday on February 12, 2014, 07:59:15 PM

Don't give untraceable money to an anonymous stranger who could live half a world away.

Look, I just solved 99% of the scamming that goes on here.

Pretty much. If you are going to do business with someone, make sure that you've verified their identity and can find them in meat space if needed.

Title: Re: why?
Post by: DooMAD on February 12, 2014, 08:10:20 PM
so much in this community seems to be dedicated to enabling the scum that go around stealing form peoples wallets, and so many seem opposed to anything that might stop them

If you're referring to Exchanges or any other third parties like web wallets, the only thing that's enabling theft is people being too trusting.  If some scruffy looking guy at a bus stop offered to let you trade your cash for a variety of magical beans, would you trust them?  Would you go into a shady looking club and play a few hands of poker with people you've never met?  No?  So why would you hand over Bitcoin to complete strangers in an Exchange?  

Exchanges = Gambling

Only put into an Exchange what you can afford to lose.  Problem solved.

Be responsible with your money, no one's here to babysit you.

Title: Re: why?
Post by: Aswan on February 12, 2014, 08:19:13 PM
so much in this community seems to be dedicated to enabling the scum that go around stealing form peoples wallets, and so many seem opposed to anything that might stop them


Because it is time people relearn to take responsibility for their mistakes. If you use the same pass everywhere and your coind get stolen because someone got your login from a private 100-men forum where the admin logs passwords, then that was a mistake you have to take responsibility for.
If you leave your Coins with anyone else and he refuses to give them back, the mistake is to leave your coins with someone else in the first place. Sure if you want to exchange your coins you might have to send them to an exchange, but you don't have to do it with all your coins at once, you can do it in small amounts and never leave coins with anyone else except yourself.

You do not own any bitcoins if you don't control the private keys to them. This kind of responsibility is hard to re-learn for some people since there has always been someone protecting them with chargebacks etc.

That being said, you might want to check out for an easy and secure solution to store in a way that leaved the private keys only to yourself. offline! :)

Title: Re: why?
Post by: crypto2k on February 12, 2014, 09:28:14 PM
so much in this community seems to be dedicated to enabling the scum that go around stealing form peoples wallets, and so many seem opposed to anything that might stop them


Easy, the lonesome, pathetic, and jealous hackers who dont have a job lives with their parents down in the basement stealing our ltc/btc!  :-[

Title: Re: why?
Post by: Cryptopher on February 12, 2014, 09:34:42 PM
so much in this community seems to be dedicated to enabling the scum that go around stealing form peoples wallets, and so many seem opposed to anything that might stop them


This forum is all about education - there are threads knocking around which give security guidelines on top of the common sense security steps that people should take.

As for scams, that's another common sense one for the most-part, although some scams are rather elaborate. I just stay clear from things like trades on the forum.

It's all about enabling ourselves to limit the likelihood of such an event occurring.

Title: Re: why?
Post by: jongameson on February 12, 2014, 10:03:26 PM
lets put tracking numbers on every $100 bill.  then we can find the most attractive member of the band and make him popular like Pharrell

Title: Re: why?
Post by: Raize on February 12, 2014, 10:14:04 PM
If someone cannot explain how they are going to make you money, you are the way they make money.

Title: Re: why?
Post by: DooMAD on February 13, 2014, 07:46:04 PM
Also, people seem to be forgetting that there's already less theft in Bitcoin than there is in fiat currency.

If you have savings in a bank account, you're effectively being stolen from right now.  The rate of interest on your savings in the majority of places in the world is currently less than the rate of inflation.  Most governments are manipulating the "official" inflation figures, so don't pay any attention to those.  The value of your money is becoming less and less by the day.  The more our central banks print money in their race to the bottom, the more our cost of living increases.  Bitcoin has none of that, because there's no third party in control.

By all means keep making the argument that we need third parties to "protect" us and I'll keep making the argument that you're an idiot and you'll get ripped off in the long run.

Title: Re: why?
Post by: GhostPlayer on February 13, 2014, 09:12:17 PM
so much in this community seems to be dedicated to enabling the scum that go around stealing form peoples wallets, and so many seem opposed to anything that might stop them

If you're referring to Exchanges or any other third parties like web wallets, the only thing that's enabling theft is people being too trusting.  If some scruffy looking guy at a bus stop offered to let you trade your cash for a variety of magical beans, would you trust them?  Would you go into a shady looking club and play a few hands of poker with people you've never met?  No?  So why would you hand over Bitcoin to complete strangers in an Exchange?  

Exchanges = Gambling

Only put into an Exchange what you can afford to lose.  Problem solved.

Be responsible with your money, no one's here to babysit you.

Thats a very nice argument when you can pay for rent and food and tax directly with BTC. Until then, who on earth would rely on localbitcoins over fiat?That would be the biggest irresponsibility of them all... (right now  of course!!)