Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Development & Technical Discussion => Topic started by: vints998 on February 12, 2014, 09:29:28 PM

Title: mystery deposits of 1 satoshi appearing in my wallet
Post by: vints998 on February 12, 2014, 09:29:28 PM
This evening I have had two deposits of 1 satoshi each appear. So far unconfirmed, seen by 1 peer.
I have put the transaction hash into, and they appear to be part of blocks containing hundreds of single satoshi transactions.
Is this some kind of attack on the blockchain?
I noticed that one of the addresses in one transaction contains the characters "enjoy", and in the other on "sochi".
What are the chances of real words occuring in a bitcoin address?
I could post the transaction hashes here if it is safe to do so.


Title: Re: mystery deposits of 1 satoshi appearing in my wallet
Post by: goosoodude on February 12, 2014, 09:37:13 PM
Happening to everyone. It's I'm getting tired of it too.

Title: Re: mystery deposits of 1 satoshi appearing in my wallet
Post by: vints998 on February 12, 2014, 09:47:06 PM
Just had a look to see what "bitwars" is, am none the wiser.
Still don't understand how it can be affecting me if I have never had any contact with them.
Did they harvest my address from somebody else that I had contact with? Like some kind of infectious bit-disease!

Title: Re: mystery deposits of 1 satoshi appearing in my wallet
Post by: goosoodude on February 12, 2014, 09:51:51 PM
They find addresses from Most likely they look for the newest TX's and scrape addresses. Then, they spam them. It's advertising to millions of people. Think of it as viral marketing on YouTube, just this time, it's forced onto people. When you do that, people start to HATE the service.

Title: Re: mystery deposits of 1 satoshi appearing in my wallet
Post by: Localbtcbuyer on February 12, 2014, 09:54:04 PM
A problem will occur if you need to spend your entire buitcoin balance, but they sent you this 1 satoshi.  Since it wont confirm, your new transaction will not confirm either, until it is dropped from the nodes.  I almost transferred my balance elsewhere, but then I saw that I had 2 of those satoshi transactions, so i didnt send full balance. 

Title: Re: mystery deposits of 1 satoshi appearing in my wallet
Post by: vints998 on February 12, 2014, 10:05:23 PM
Sounds like there is a good opportunity here for somebody to develop a "spam filter" to put a stop to this. A wallet that did that would be worth having.

Title: Re: mystery deposits of 1 satoshi appearing in my wallet
Post by: tacotime on February 12, 2014, 10:05:38 PM
Edit: Mea culpa. This attack described by Localbtcbuyer shouldn't work because most wallets will never allow you to incorporate an unconfirmed tx originating from an address you don't own, so spending is safe unless I'm missing something.

So, I'm not totally sure where these are coming from or why, aside from simply being advertisements or spam containing messages to end users of clients.

The malleability issue is described further here:

Remind me to sleep tonight because I'm clearly verging on incoherence X)

Title: Re: mystery deposits of 1 satoshi appearing in my wallet
Post by: vints998 on February 12, 2014, 10:09:40 PM
Wish I understood that tacotime.
So, should I avoid using the address thats been spammed?
I have read that deleting addresses from your wallet can cause problems- is that true...

Title: Re: mystery deposits of 1 satoshi appearing in my wallet
Post by: tacotime on February 12, 2014, 10:12:43 PM
Wish I understood that tacotime.
So, should I avoid using the address thats been spammed?
I have read that deleting addresses from your wallet can cause problems- is that true...

edit: My mistake, see above.  You shouldn't ever be allowed to spend these unless your client is really broken, and the 1 satoshi tx should never enter a block.

Title: Re: mystery deposits of 1 satoshi appearing in my wallet
Post by: Localbtcbuyer on February 12, 2014, 10:19:18 PM
Wish I understood that tacotime.
So, should I avoid using the address thats been spammed?
I have read that deleting addresses from your wallet can cause problems- is that true...

Avoid using it until the spam has one confirmation, unless you get new spam.

If the address is otherwise unused, remove the keypair from your wallet, as it costs more to spend than it's worth anyway.  Deleting keypairs (addresses) is not consequential for well implemented software, but might be bad for poorly implemented software.

It seems once they send one spam to you, they monitor the address, and send a spam everytime.  I now have 3.

Title: Re: mystery deposits of 1 satoshi appearing in my wallet
Post by: tacotime on February 12, 2014, 10:21:28 PM
You should be able to get away with spending quantities that don't include these satoshis, it depends on how your client builds the tx script.  You can only spend it if you generate a tx script that doesn't spend the spam outputs.

Title: Re: mystery deposits of 1 satoshi appearing in my wallet
Post by: medUSA on February 12, 2014, 10:24:08 PM
I have 4 of them now, from 2 different spammers.
I have a feeling that this kind of satoshi spam advertising is going to be here for a while.
So, get used to them. They should disappear from wallet in a week (only my guess).

Title: Re: mystery deposits of 1 satoshi appearing in my wallet
Post by: goosoodude on February 12, 2014, 10:27:24 PM
Ok, here's my advice. Keep record on your "Satoshi Spam." DO NOT SPEND THAT!!! It's fine if you don't use the spam, but if you do, it remains unconfirmed. Right now I have 8 Satoshis that I'm not going to spend. I have over 0.4 BTC in my wallet. This means I can use all of them, OTHER THAN THE LAST 8 SATOSHIS in my wallet.

Title: Re: mystery deposits of 1 satoshi appearing in my wallet
Post by: vints998 on February 12, 2014, 10:29:55 PM
When you say don't spend from that address, do you mean that "wallet"?
When I used the term "address", I meant receiving address.
If you can't spend from the wallet, then thats a pain if you have all your coins in one wallet.


Title: Re: mystery deposits of 1 satoshi appearing in my wallet
Post by: vints998 on February 12, 2014, 10:33:03 PM
aah, thats ok then if you can spend any but the spam that remains.


Title: Re: mystery deposits of 1 satoshi appearing in my wallet
Post by: tacotime on February 12, 2014, 11:01:53 PM
If these are 1 satoshi (0.00000001 BTC), then they will never actually enter a block on the network because they're below the spam threshold (54.3 uBTC) for pretty much every miner out there.  In this case, the txid will never make it into a block, so trying to spend it will result in your tx having a non-existing input and being invalidated.  This costs the sender nothing as an attack, but this should never happen as clients do not allow you to spend unconfirmed outputs from addresses you don't own.

So, probably these are just ads. :)

Title: Re: mystery deposits of 1 satoshi appearing in my wallet
Post by: vints998 on February 13, 2014, 09:41:28 AM
Thanks for your answers, I still don't really understand, but I guess you are saying that it's not really a problem and the transactions will get cancelled on their own in a few days any way.
This could be a real nuisance though if it gets worse and everybody starts getting dozens or even thousands of these things.
That is exactly the kind of thing which would put people off using BTC and probably kill it off.

Title: Re: mystery deposits of 1 satoshi appearing in my wallet
Post by: Webnet on February 13, 2014, 10:19:52 AM
Cant be spent either. Someone should let them know their blowing up the blockchain

Title: Re: mystery deposits of 1 satoshi appearing in my wallet
Post by: medUSA on February 13, 2014, 10:43:34 AM
Cant be spent either. Someone should let them know their blowing up the blockchain

The transactions don't actually get into the blockchain, they are rarely (close to never) get accepted.
They just cause lots of trouble for the novice users, who included the satoshis into subsequent transactions.

Title: Re: mystery deposits of 1 satoshi appearing in my wallet
Post by: vints998 on February 13, 2014, 04:55:20 PM
Today I noticed that these transactions are not found any more using
I did a "reset blockchain and transactions" operation and they have now disappeared from the wallet.
I am using Multibit.

Thanks for all the responses, and apologies that I had not noticed that this issue had already been raised several times before.

Title: Re: mystery deposits of 1 satoshi appearing in my wallet
Post by: quone17 on February 13, 2014, 06:35:39 PM
I'm getting it sent to me like every day now.  Then it disappears at some point only to be sent again a day or two later.  This should be like "illegal" or whatever.  They are doing double spends - couldn't they be doing like "one million spends" so they only need 1 satoshi and they are getting all this advertising sending it to millions of addresses?  We gotta stop that BS.

Title: Re: mystery deposits of 1 satoshi appearing in my wallet
Post by: leckey on February 13, 2014, 06:40:14 PM
Yeah it's a pain in the arse. But you should be able to safely ignore them and they'll disappear in time. Still better than viagra emails.

Title: Re: mystery deposits of 1 satoshi appearing in my wallet
Post by: vints998 on February 13, 2014, 08:28:36 PM
Uh Oh, another two have appeared.
They have happened at around the same time as yesterday and using the same address.
Hope this is not a pattern that is going to repeat..........

Title: Re: mystery deposits of 1 satoshi appearing in my wallet
Post by: whatsthestory on February 22, 2014, 07:55:33 PM
Excuse me for bothering you but I think I didn't get the point of doing this - is it about attacking the blockchain? Than how they attack it? how is it possible?

Title: Re: mystery deposits of 1 satoshi appearing in my wallet
Post by: leckey on February 23, 2014, 12:28:18 AM
Excuse me for bothering you but I think I didn't get the point of doing this - is it about attacking the blockchain? Than how they attack it? how is it possible?

No, it's simply about advertising their website.

Title: Re: mystery deposits of 1 satoshi appearing in my wallet
Post by: vints998 on February 23, 2014, 12:45:20 PM
Does not seem like a very effective form of advertising. If you look at the transaction at it is "not found".
I would never have known that they came from bit***s unless I had read it here!

Title: Re: mystery deposits of 1 satoshi appearing in my wallet
Post by: grifferz on February 23, 2014, 02:43:28 PM
It got you to look into it. It cost them almost nothing to do. That's more reward than many trolls and miscreants require to do their thing.

Title: Re: mystery deposits of 1 satoshi appearing in my wallet
Post by: THOUROUGH on February 23, 2014, 11:28:51 PM
a little birdie told me this could be a method for the pigs to ping every bitcoin user?...hmmm =(

Title: Re: mystery deposits of 1 satoshi appearing in my wallet
Post by: grifferz on February 24, 2014, 04:18:48 AM
The birdie was incorrect. Since none of the transactions will get confirmed the sender has no idea what happened with any of them.

The rumour going around was that this could be used to link addresses together. That could only happen if you spent these coins in another transaction. Since they will never confirm you will never be spending them. So that doesn't work.

AFAIK the spam/griefer hypothesis is the best anyone has come up with.

Title: Re: mystery deposits of 1 satoshi appearing in my wallet
Post by: THOUROUGH on February 24, 2014, 05:22:54 AM
The birdie was incorrect. Since none of the transactions will get confirmed the sender has no idea what happened with any of them.

The rumour going around was that this could be used to link addresses together. That could only happen if you spent these coins in another transaction. Since they will never confirm you will never be spending them. So that doesn't work.

AFAIK the spam/griefer hypothesis is the best anyone has come up with.

what about if/when one satoshi = 1 USD ? eventually we will see them being confirmed...hmmm food for thought ~~~ ;-)

Title: Re: mystery deposits of 1 satoshi appearing in my wallet
Post by: grifferz on February 24, 2014, 07:24:52 AM
Unless a large portion of the software running the network is altered to not consider these as non-standard dust transaction within the next few days, no they will not get a confirmation regardless of the fiat value of a satoshi.

Payments (transaction outputs) of 0.543 times the minimum relay fee
(0.00005430 BTC) are now considered 'non-standard'

Non-standard transactions are not relayed across the network, are not included
in blocks by most miners, and will not show up in your wallet until they are
included in a block.