Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Speculation => Topic started by: Tosmekop on February 15, 2014, 04:14:35 PM

Title: A Glimpse into the Future.
Post by: Tosmekop on February 15, 2014, 04:14:35 PM
In the year 2014, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $1,455.
In the year 2015, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $5,862.
In the year 2016, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $12,652.
In the year 2017, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $28,328.
In the year 2018, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $56,812.
In the year 2019, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $413,067.
In the year 2020, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $1,000,000.
In the year 2035, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $1,000,000,000.

Cryptocurrency shall be the very fabric in which the "middle-class" will be destroyed.
Many cryptocurrencies will be worth a far greater amount than will ever be seen by a dollar.
In fact, all dollars and other forms of currency will either be owned in bulk (collected by the wealthy enthusiasts) or none (by the poor).

Because within the next ten years, the price of the Bitcoin, and several other cryptocurrencies, will be so far out of reach for most people,
they will have no choice but to turn in the dollars they do have, in exchange for digital currency, as major corporations will no longer support the physical currency.

Grocery stores will no longer accept physical currency, for example, and if you don't pay them via digital, you're likely to starve.
There will be digital gangs, and crime will be less about violence, and more about theft.

Major corporations, that own skyscraping buildings, will run petaHash/s (and eventually exaHash/s) setups at the base of their buildings.
Building such machinery, will become one of the most lucrative jobs that a low-level investor could have.

All forms of cryptocurrency will be accepted everywhere, except for very small minority of rebel farmers that don't believe in going digital.
Even the now famed, Dogecoin, will hold a little value, though it will be nothing like it will be, in late 2014/early 2015, when it reaches its peak.
Doge will, for the most part, go the route of Tickle Me Elmo, Slinkies, My Buddy, Beanie Babies, and the likes..
It will have a very strong 2014, and perhaps a good 2015, but I don't see it lasting as strong, much longer than that, though it will always be respected, favored, and remembered in high regards, as one of the most influential of the cryptocurrencies. It's language will live on for decades to come (you have been warned).
By the end of this year, Doge will be mainstreamed, and will be HUGE!
But, when we're in 2017, and everyone's trying to get ahold of [coin removed], people will still use the [then] old, but modified phrase, "[coin removed] makes much rich!", as well as other similar phrases.

Within the next few months, the price of the Bitcoin will drop to as low as mid-to-high $2xx/low $3xx. When this happens, it will be time to BUY, because such prices will NEVER be seen again, and next year, you WILL kick yourself, for not investing. Pay very close attention to my warning, for it will be your last!

Title: Re: A Glimpse into the Future.
Post by: thecoinjournal on February 15, 2014, 04:20:48 PM
To the moon!

Title: Re: A Glimpse into the Future.
Post by: Bitcoinpro on February 15, 2014, 04:24:01 PM
sub 1000 was never supposed to be seen again its become pretty clear many groups are working together to swindle it from shaky hands


Title: Re: A Glimpse into the Future.
Post by: 7Priest7 on February 15, 2014, 04:29:57 PM
Grocery stores will no longer accept physical currency, for example, and if you don't pay them via digital, you're likely to starve.
There will be digital gangs, and crime will be less about violence, and more about theft.

I don't know about you.
I will never starve.
Nature has a near unlimited supply of edible wild plants, if there is ever a point where I cannot buy food I will forage for it.
Hunting is prohibited w/o licenses, foraging is not.

Title: Re: A Glimpse into the Future.
Post by: Tripjammer on February 15, 2014, 04:51:38 PM
So many predictions....hmm looks like I am gonna be rich one

Title: Re: A Glimpse into the Future.
Post by: theonewhowaskazu on February 15, 2014, 05:03:02 PM
There will be digital gangs, and crime will be less about violence, and more about theft.
This actually seems like an improvement.

Title: Re: A Glimpse into the Future.
Post by: bitcoinlitcoinbtcltc on February 15, 2014, 05:09:38 PM
''In the year 2035, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $1,000,000,000.''

Fucking idiot.

That would mean that a moron who purchased 10,000 bitcoins in 2009 & waits until 2035, would have a net worth of $10,000,000,000,000

The entire European Union has a GDP of less than 10 trillion dollars, you fucking moron.
Let this sink in: the economy of the entire European Union. Millions of factories, offices, banks, hundreds of millions of people working every day. All of that, would be worth less than 10,000 fucking useless bitcoins which can be hacked by an amateur hacker. YOU FOOL.

That prediction alone is enough to never take you seriously again!

Title: Re: A Glimpse into the Future.
Post by: Tosmekop on February 15, 2014, 05:14:27 PM
''In the year 2035, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $1,000,000,000.''

Fucking idiot.

That would mean that a moron who purchased 10,000 bitcoins in 2009 & waits until 2035, would have a net worth of $10,000,000,000,000

The entire European Union has a GDP of less than 10 trillion dollars, you fucking moron.
Let this sink in: the economy of the entire European Union. Millions of factories, offices, banks, hundreds of millions of people working every day. All of that, would be worth less than 10,000 fucking useless bitcoins which can be hacked by an amateur hacker. YOU FOOL.

That prediction alone is enough to never take you seriously again!

I am glad the person that spells "Litecoin" incorrectly in his own username, fails to take me seriously.  More power to you.
Also, the people that purchased 10,000 bitcoins in 2009, would be considered "morons", because of what, exactly?

It humors me that you speak with such conviction, in ways that make you seem less intelligent than you probably aren't.  Read that again.

Title: Re: A Glimpse into the Future.
Post by: bitcoinlitcoinbtcltc on February 15, 2014, 05:20:04 PM
''In the year 2035, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $1,000,000,000.''

Fucking idiot.

That would mean that a moron who purchased 10,000 bitcoins in 2009 & waits until 2035, would have a net worth of $10,000,000,000,000

The entire European Union has a GDP of less than 10 trillion dollars, you fucking moron.
Let this sink in: the economy of the entire European Union. Millions of factories, offices, banks, hundreds of millions of people working every day. All of that, would be worth less than 10,000 fucking useless bitcoins which can be hacked by an amateur hacker. YOU FOOL.

That prediction alone is enough to never take you seriously again!

I am glad the person that spells "Litecoin" incorrectly in his own username, fails to take me seriously.  More power to you.
Also, the people that purchased 10,000 bitcoins in 2009, would be considered "morons", because of what, exactly?

It humors me that you speak with such conviction, in ways that make you seem less intelligent than you probably aren't.  Read that again.

The fact that you mention a spelling mistake in my username, without even considering that it might have been a typo, says enough about your intellectual capacity; you don't have any. In fact, I am surprised that your brains even know how to keep you alive. Are you aware that you are breathing? I advise you to drink some water (if you know what water is), it will help you stay alive. Eating something might be a good idea as well. No, wait. Disregard everything I just said. I just realized it's better for humanity if you ceased to exist.

Also, learn how to read. People who bought 10,000 bitcoins are not morons because they bought 10,000 bitcoin. They are morons because the way you put your predictions, it would make them (people who bought 10,000 bitcoins in 2009) look like brilliant investors, while in fact most of them ARE morons who just played around and didn't have any idea of how much bitcoin would be worth in the future.

You are an incredibly stupid human being. That is, if someone with your intellectual capabilities is even regarded a human being. If you truly believe that 1 bitcoin could be worth 1 BILLION dollars in the future, than I have to inform you that you do not fit the profile of a human being. Maybe that of a worm. No, even worms know better. A parasite. Yes, a parasite.

Title: Re: A Glimpse into the Future.
Post by: sir faps on February 15, 2014, 05:22:37 PM
While I think everyone is entitled to their own opinion, your opinion is ridiculous. We will never see a billion dollar bitcoin. Never. Ever. You can quote me on that one

Title: Re: A Glimpse into the Future.
Post by: chakra74 on February 15, 2014, 08:43:44 PM
Actually it's very possible that one bitcoin could be worth billions.  A billion in todays dollars would never happen of course, but very high inflation for the next 20 years or a spout of hyperinflation could easily make a loaf of bread cost billions.  Just ask anyone who lives in Zimbabwe what hyperinflation can do to a currency.

With all the printing happening in the USA right now, coupled with all the future entitlements mixed with a huge baby boomer generation about to retire, who knows what the next 20 years holds.

Title: Re: A Glimpse into the Future.
Post by: 7Priest7 on February 15, 2014, 10:35:08 PM
For these predictions to hold any chance, bitcoin needs to be more in demand.

Right now you can buy drugs and gamble with it.
Everything else you can do with BTC you can do with FIAT minus the need for conversion.
You can of course buy drugs/gamble with FIAT, but you lack the anonymity.

Title: Re: A Glimpse into the Future.
Post by: Cyberlight on February 15, 2014, 10:45:42 PM
Less than 100 percent growth this year? That's quite bearish and conservative.

We will see much more.

Title: Re: A Glimpse into the Future.
Post by: podyx on February 15, 2014, 11:02:45 PM

In the year 2035, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $1,000,000,000.

Title: Re: A Glimpse into the Future.
Post by: redwraith on February 16, 2014, 05:55:47 AM
''In the year 2035, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $1,000,000,000.''

Fucking idiot.

That would mean that a moron who purchased 10,000 bitcoins in 2009 & waits until 2035, would have a net worth of $10,000,000,000,000

The entire European Union has a GDP of less than 10 trillion dollars, you fucking moron.
Let this sink in: the economy of the entire European Union. Millions of factories, offices, banks, hundreds of millions of people working every day. All of that, would be worth less than 10,000 fucking useless bitcoins which can be hacked by an amateur hacker. YOU FOOL.

That prediction alone is enough to never take you seriously again!

Don't you realize that the post you're replying to is just a mirror image in extremes of YOUR posts?  In other words, YOUR posts are just as extreme as the OP, but in the opposite direction.  Your vitriolic responses seem to indicate you're under the assumption that your opinion is the only valid one.  What? is there not enough room for more crackpots in the speculation thread other than yourself? 

BTW, in your attack in the above quote, you compared the CURRENT European GDP to the speculated FUTURE bitcoin value.  This is logically inconsistent.  In the context you so eloquently stated, of course it seems ridiculous, but you need to compare speculated FUTURE European GDP (in 2035) to the speculated FUTURE value of BTC.  I would imagine that the European GDP in 2035 is going to significantly greater than 10 trillion dollars than it is now, making a billion dollar bitcoin value at the same time seem small.

That prediction alone is enough to never take you seriously again!

LOL!!  Your hypocrisy would be funny if it wasn't so damn sad.  I stopped taking you seriously a LONG time ago.  FOOL.

Title: Re: A Glimpse into the Future.
Post by: BittBurger on February 16, 2014, 06:13:24 AM
Full Disclosure:

The ranting lunatic above (mr bitcoin"litcoin"ltcbtcomgwtf!) is extremely vocal about bitcoin ultimately never amounting to a hill of beans.

This is the true motivation behind his anger.  Not the isolated prediction in the original post.  

He posts things about Bitcoin ultimately failing, all the time.

k thanks.


Title: Re: A Glimpse into the Future.
Post by: Mythul on February 16, 2014, 07:59:59 AM
Finally a positive post. What can I say other than....To the Moon !

Title: Re: A Glimpse into the Future.
Post by: Wilhelm on February 16, 2014, 08:39:53 AM
Full Disclosure:

The ranting lunatic above (mr bitcoin"litcoin"ltcbtcomgwtf!) is extremely vocal about bitcoin ultimately never amounting to a hill of beans.

This is the true motivation behind his anger.  Not the isolated prediction in the original post.  

He posts things about Bitcoin ultimately failing, all the time.

k thanks.


Funny to see these people post in a bitcoin forum.
It's like being a vicar on forum about whoring you shouldn't be there.

But then again maybe he lost a shitload of btc or wants in but he's poor. Ultimately he's trying and hoping to make BTC fail with his posts so everyone will be just as poor as him.

Sidenote: 1billion in 2035 WOOTT!!!! HODL DEM COINZ!!! :D

Title: Re: A Glimpse into the Future.
Post by: americanpegasus on April 15, 2015, 03:21:17 PM
Hello.   This is the future calling. 
It seems we have a minor discrepancy.

Title: Re: A Glimpse into the Future.
Post by: mrhelpful on April 15, 2015, 03:31:04 PM
It seems that op had high hopes lol.

Cause we are no where near those #`s at all. IF anything its the total reverse, like 2015 possible double digit crash?

Those prices would of been forced to be back by huge events, not blind hope.

Title: Re: A Glimpse into the Future.
Post by: RodeoX on April 15, 2015, 03:35:16 PM
I like how the price predictions years from now are down to the dollar.  :D

Title: Re: A Glimpse into the Future.
Post by: farting_shot on April 15, 2015, 09:49:55 PM
I will fix it for you.

In the year 2015, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $62.
In the year 2016, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $12.
In the year 2017, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $2.
In the year 2018, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $0.12.
In the year 2019, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $0.07.
In the year 2020, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $0.001.
In the year 2035, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $0.00000001.

Title: Re: A Glimpse into the Future.
Post by: Taras on April 15, 2015, 10:04:49 PM
In the year 2015, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $200.
In the year 2016, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $200.
In the year 2017, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $200.
In the year 2018, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $200.
In the year 2019, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $200.
In the year 2020, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $201.

It has slowed down a bit...

Title: Re: A Glimpse into the Future.
Post by: rjclarke2000 on April 15, 2015, 10:18:10 PM
In the year 2015, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $200.
In the year 2016, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $200.
In the year 2017, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $200.
In the year 2018, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $200.
In the year 2019, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $200.
In the year 2020, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $201.

It has slowed down a bit...

I have noticed there Is a pump in 2020 then! 😉

Title: Re: A Glimpse into the Future.
Post by: pereira4 on April 15, 2015, 10:40:07 PM
In the year 2015, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $200.
In the year 2016, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $200.
In the year 2017, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $200.
In the year 2018, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $200.
In the year 2019, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $200.
In the year 2020, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $201.

It has slowed down a bit...
That's a good estimate, but you are missing several zeroes in the 2020 prediction.

Title: Re: A Glimpse into the Future.
Post by: Taras on April 15, 2015, 11:52:03 PM
It may take a decade for the $1,000 mark, but it is imminent.
I was wrong that time ;D

Title: Re: A Glimpse into the Future.
Post by: Gibbs187x on April 16, 2015, 03:44:32 AM
2020 1 bitcoin is gonna be worth $56

Title: Re: A Glimpse into the Future.
Post by: maku on April 16, 2015, 03:59:20 AM
In the year 2015, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $200.
In the year 2016, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $200.
In the year 2017, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $200.
In the year 2018, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $200.
In the year 2019, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $200.
In the year 2020, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $201.

It has slowed down a bit...
Actually it is not that far from my expectancy. Seeing how bitcoin price oscillates currently around $200-$250 this sure can happen. I guess people like Op who on a wave of optimism right after that mega spike of bitcon we had in 2013 are not be happy with this scenario of constant price.

Title: Re: A Glimpse into the Future.
Post by: cbeast on April 16, 2015, 04:11:02 AM
If anything, Bitcoin will be valued in CNY, not the devalued USD.

Title: Re: A Glimpse into the Future.
Post by: Amph on April 16, 2015, 06:35:59 AM
2020 1 bitcoin is gonna be worth $56


based on some simply math i do, we are rising about 0.15 cent a day, so the price will double at the worst case scenario by the 220

Title: Re: A Glimpse into the Future.
Post by: Okurkabinladin on April 16, 2015, 06:43:53 AM
''In the year 2035, 1 Bitcoin will be worth approximately $1,000,000,000.''

Fucking idiot.

That would mean that a moron who purchased 10,000 bitcoins in 2009 & waits until 2035, would have a net worth of $10,000,000,000,000

The entire European Union has a GDP of less than 10 trillion dollars, you fucking moron.
Let this sink in: the economy of the entire European Union. Millions of factories, offices, banks, hundreds of millions of people working every day. All of that, would be worth less than 10,000 fucking useless bitcoins which can be hacked by an amateur hacker. YOU FOOL.

That prediction alone is enough to never take you seriously again!

I am glad the person that spells "Litecoin" incorrectly in his own username, fails to take me seriously.  More power to you.
Also, the people that purchased 10,000 bitcoins in 2009, would be considered "morons", because of what, exactly?

It humors me that you speak with such conviction, in ways that make you seem less intelligent than you probably aren't.  Read that again.

His grammar is irrelevant, when making price analysis. Math is what counts and it is more, than clear from OP, that basic math isnt your virtue.

By the way, I am bullish on BTC, but there is just virtually no reason, why should it be adopted as worlds reserve currency (meaning currency of fractional banksters).

Title: Re: A Glimpse into the Future.
Post by: hellscabane on April 16, 2015, 02:31:06 PM
It really is fascinating how the last mania conjured up such wild expectations and emotions. Everyone was hoping for continued exponential growth (because so many people bought in at prices around $1000), but naturally that can't happen.

I still like a prediction made tying M0 to the price of bitcoin. At a 0.1% equivalency to market cap at the second halving, that would make a bitcoin worth ~$440 at this point next year. Let's see what happens...

Title: Re: A Glimpse into the Future.
Post by: thejaytiesto on April 16, 2015, 02:35:53 PM
It really is fascinating how the last mania conjured up such wild expectations and emotions. Everyone was hoping for continued exponential growth (because so many people bought in at prices around $1000), but naturally that can't happen.

I still like a prediction made tying M0 to the price of bitcoin. At a 0.1% equivalency to market cap at the second halving, that would make a bitcoin worth ~$440 at this point next year. Let's see what happens...

People said it was insane for BTC to reach 10 USD back in the day, so you can't blame people calling them out and saying they were insane that we would keep growing from 1000.
Everything is possible with Bitcoin, thats why the future is very exciting.