Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: kobita333 on July 15, 2018, 05:19:16 AM

Title: Most of our moderators are inactive
Post by: kobita333 on July 15, 2018, 05:19:16 AM
Hello guys,
I was just watching the forum and moderator of a specific board. As a newbie, I was reading "Beginners & Help" and I came to know that MiningBuddy (Moderator of Beginners & Help) was last active at April 04, 2018.
It creates some questions on my mind. For moderating a forum, you must have to be active, imo.

So, let's see some inactive moderators. I think theymos need to re-organize those.

1. MiningBuddy(Beginners & Help, CPU/GPU Bitcoin mining hardware) - April 04, 2018

2. Andreas Schildbach (BTC Wallet for Android) - February 13, 2018

3. Mike Heam (BitcoinJ) - March 29, 2016

4. Rassah (Mycelium) - April 23, 2018

5. SomeoneWeird (BitcoinWiki) - December 13, 2017

6. Raoul Duke (Local- Portugal) - March 06, 2018

Should those be organized again or let it continue?

'Most' is an exaggeration  Most of those aren't proper mods anyway. The only two that are - or were - are MiningBuddy and Raoul but they were removed from staff a while ago which was probably due to inactivity. Theymos probably just forgot to manually remove their names from the sub boards which has happened a few times. If you check their profiles you'll see it doesn't say staff anymore.

Title: Re: Most of our moderators are inactive
Post by: digaran on July 15, 2018, 05:46:31 AM
Oh look, another newbie concerned about moderators, if we have many inactive and lazy mods, instead we have a really active global mod aka mprep, everytime I report something on his section, my reports gets handled very quickly. for other sections I agree that we need more mods. I think Jet Cash has been on his own agenda for months to be noticed for a moderation position, you could see that by his whining about B & H section issues. ;)

Title: Re: Most of our moderators are inactive
Post by: boysthanos12 on July 15, 2018, 08:52:01 AM
It should be re-organize and won't let those lazy mods continue but first let's give chance to mods to do their job in the forum for a certain amount of time before removing him/her as a mod (except for the mods who's last active is more than 4-6 months or more for being inactive). I'm sure there's someone who is capable of being a mod in the forum.

Title: Re: Most of our moderators are inactive
Post by: Jet Cash on July 15, 2018, 09:09:07 AM
It must be difficult for Theymos. There is a lot of turmoil in the world, and Bitcoin and cryptos are right in the centre of it. Mods have lives outside the forum, and they must have a lot of coflicts resulting from family and political issues. I haven't been as active as I should have been as a meit source, and this is partly due to May's Brexit fraud, and the visit of Donal Trump. I'm an outspoken Trump supporter, and I come under attack quite a bit from the politicalli naive.

It is obvious that many areas of the forum are causing the overloading of mods, and it is for this reason that I have suggested that some automatic restrictions are imposed on boards and new posters. The only alternative is to appoint a couple of hatchet men to clean up the boards, and that will cause a massive rise in complaints.

Title: Re: Most of our moderators are inactive
Post by: Welsh on July 15, 2018, 09:19:24 AM
It must be difficult for Theymos.
Yeah, I certainly don't envy him. Even with all the criticism he seems to approach things with a level head, and look out for the best of intentions for the forum, and Bitcoin. I have a lot of respect for theymos, because its far from easy running a forum like Bitcointalk.

It is obvious that many areas of the forum are causing the overloading of mods, and it is for this reason that I have suggested that some automatic restrictions are imposed on boards and new posters. The only alternative is to appoint a couple of hatchet men to clean up the boards, and that will cause a massive rise in complaints.

I'm not a fan of restrictions, but regarding the bump bots it might be the only way. I think I'm pissing off a few moderators by spamming them with reports.

Title: Re: Most of our moderators are inactive
Post by: Jet Cash on July 15, 2018, 09:39:11 AM
I saw the thread about banning all Venezuelans, and it must be difficult for Theymos to avoid appointing mods with such extremist views. As you know, the only member of FtT who is not a member of Bitcoin Talk is a Venezuelan girl. She is there by my invitation as I respect her for managing to gain an IT degree in a country that is beset with political turmoil. I hope that Bitcoin Talk can draw together the honest, industrious and innovative populations from all countries. Social interaction to build mutual respect is the only way to achieve a measure of world harmony. To achieve this, it is important to restrict the activities of the dishonest and the spammers who destroy the reputations of whole countries, and this is why the forum needs active moderation.

Just to clarify - the extreme view was that of a member, and not the mod who deleted the thread.

[edited addition]

If the mods won't clean up the beginners and the discussion boards. then I'm going to have to do it myself for my own convenience. I'm considering ignoring any member who includes the word twitter in a thread title. If other merit awarders start to do this, and to publicise the fact, then maybe we can reduce their spamming pollution on those boards.

Title: Re: Most of our moderators are inactive
Post by: hilariousetc on July 15, 2018, 10:54:19 AM
'Most' is an exaggeration  Most of those aren't proper mods anyway. The only two that are - or were - are MiningBuddy and Raoul but they were removed from staff a while ago which was probably due to inactivity. Theymos probably just forgot to manually remove their names from the sub boards which has happened a few times. If you check their profiles you'll see it doesn't say staff anymore.

Title: Re: Most of our moderators are inactive
Post by: kobita333 on July 15, 2018, 11:00:18 AM
Mods have lives outside the forum, and they must have a lot of coflicts resulting from family and political issues.
Of course but did you see Mike Heam is inactive since 2016? As they have been given a responsibility either they should do it correctly or they should contact with theymos to remove and replace them.
We do have some DT members. theymos can talk with them and make mods it they wish.

'Most' is an exaggeration  Most of those aren't proper mods anyway. The only two that are - or were - are MiningBuddy and Raoul but they were removed from staff a while ago which was probably due to inactivity. Theymos probably just forgot to manually remove their names from the sub boards which has happened a few times. If you check their profiles you'll see it doesn't say staff anymore.
Thanks. I didn't notice it.

Oh look, another newbie concerned about moderators.
I'm concerned because I can't take it.

Title: Re: Most of our moderators are inactive
Post by: Welsh on July 15, 2018, 12:37:36 PM
Mike hearn isn't a moderator either. He was likely given permissions there because hes the original author of BitcoinJ. Hes since quit Bitcoin, though. Shame, because he was one of the contributors to Bitcoin Core too.

Its not a very active section anymore even though their github still gets commits etc.

Title: Re: Most of our moderators are inactive
Post by: Crypto_Sassy on July 15, 2018, 08:50:08 PM
And there are many local Boards like India and French need the moderators.

Theymos might appoints moderator for these Board too.