Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Cesar22 on February 16, 2014, 02:11:49 PM

Title: What do you think is the future of altcoins?
Post by: Cesar22 on February 16, 2014, 02:11:49 PM
Since last summer a lot of altcoins came to the market...and till end of last year even more..

Now it seems, that intrest for new altcoins is shrinking enormous. Almost everybody tries to launch an own coin but crypto scene isnt big enough for that, and people not involved yet dont spend $$ for blabla-coin number 436...

So i think we see now the end of this trend that every launched coin find investors. its quite clear for everybody now, that 95% of this coins have no use at all and will never have, so the market gets tougher and the chance to find someone who buys this stuff shrinks with every day.

From now on, just coins which people really can use will have a chance. Bitcoin you can use to buy stuff and even if you do not like the mem and the tipo people also use DOGE for tipping. Now RDD is rising, another tipping currency for social networks.

Which other altcoins exist with a clear and realistic concept for being used by the people? And can devs please stop to launch coins which have'nt any concept at all for this? Who needs this stuff?

Title: Re: What do you think is the future of altcoins?
Post by: matthona on February 16, 2014, 02:20:22 PM
probably going to be cyclic for some time to come... as many new coins out, the incentive to make another new one diminishes. then as the weakest of the last round of coins fade away into oblivion, the incentive to make more new ones will probably rise. It is the free market at work

Title: Re: What do you think is the future of altcoins?
Post by: Cesar22 on February 16, 2014, 03:03:10 PM
probably going to be cyclic for some time to come... as many new coins out, the incentive to make another new one diminishes. then as the weakest of the last round of coins fade away into oblivion, the incentive to make more new ones will probably rise. It is the free market at work

free market at "work"...? ok, so i just launched No Coin! ...wanne buy? get it here:

Title: Re: What do you think is the future of altcoins?
Post by: Cesar22 on February 16, 2014, 07:39:45 PM
Designer needed for No Coin!!!

Title: Re: What do you think is the future of altcoins?
Post by: Ojanpera on February 16, 2014, 08:30:05 PM
There will be a day where bitcoin loses and 50% of its value and 95% of alt coins will lose 90% of their value and then after that people will start investing slowly and with more wisdom in the alt coin market.

Title: Re: What do you think is the future of altcoins?
Post by: JimJr386 on February 16, 2014, 09:01:15 PM
TeslaCoin has a good concept behind it and I think it'll stick around.

Title: Re: What do you think is the future of altcoins?
Post by: Amph on February 16, 2014, 09:10:26 PM
There will be a day where bitcoin loses and 50% of its value and 95% of alt coins will lose 90% of their value and then after that people will start investing slowly and with more wisdom in the alt coin market.

that day is already here, btc was at 1200 one time

Title: Dipshit BS
Post by: Spoetnik on February 16, 2014, 09:29:50 PM
the doge tipping is interesting but i still hate that coin and think its still a cancer.

and i was trading last summer too and i don't think it was as slow as you said or how your making it sound.. look at Cryptsy's graphs for volume ;)

free market is a catch all excuse to act like a sleaze bag and i am sooooo sick of hearing all you scam coin supporters parrot that like your official mantra
it's bs.
One thing you many of you don't like is when i remind you how other so called free markets often used in comparison
are actually in fact regulated.. so guys like BitJohn or whom ever would prob be doing jail time like Martha Stewart for using Exchange info to trade with..
Kinda funny how the guys that run exchanges add coins with no warning eh ? He can view your info and then go trade..
and has before shielded devs from their identity from the public and much much more with all his buddies of course.. you know the ones who hide from support now lol
You don't think their old good buddies who made the coins had anything to do with that do you ? Hell we had a chat moderator with account access and he had his own coin
that was made in part by a guy who has half the coins on cryptsy and they have the nerve to say there is no back room shit going on.. bull fucking shit !
Let me say one example randomly i heard word for word from iGotSpots and BitJohn..
They had admitted and privately discussed adding the coin and gave Spots the choice as to what market he wanted his coin on THEY SAID
and you don't think these guys hanging out for a year or two aren't going to use that info to their advantage ? duh...

So we have corruption.. scams.. no regulation and an endless stream of pyramid schemes essentially that have to cave in on themselves
because when you run out of new guys the thing collapses.. same reason why Bitcoin went to $1200 and fell down and stayed down i think..
not enough new users at the same or higher rate as before coming in basically.

I see nothing but the usual greedy people making poor excuses for destroying this scene slowly.. like wringing out a cloth until they can get that last dollar
and then they will scatter.. NONE of them will accept any responsibility for anything at all and in fact they will join in later with a pitch fork
and pretend they wanna get the bad guys too, when in fact they are one of them and know it.

I think a key issue is the antics of coin cloners and their supporters are getting so bad that they are turning heads across the globe
and banks and governments etc are taking notice and they are not seeing anything good if they come here and look at the altcoin forum section lol
Hell these guys long ago use to at least *try and make it look like a real coin.. now you can't even call them coins.. their scams.. pretty much a like a ponzi scheme.

Is TrollCoin going to be accepted instead of Bitcoin anywhere ? nope. then what is the point ?
Imagine having to run a till at a retail store and having 900 currencies in there lol

I could write a phone book sized list of scummy dipshit bs i see in this scene prob daily.. it's that bad.
And what is worse is most guys see NOTHING bad at all and tell you to quit saying anything negative. (or attack you / troll you etc)

Your on the titanic and many cocky pricks deserve to drown and i won't feel sorry for them.

I see greedy people taking as much as they can as fast as they can, *rather than thinking long term.
Regulation needs to come in and clean house and a lot of guys need to change their ways or get busted for fraud.
A couple arrests and watch how fast your eBuddies and "communities" stab your in the back.. it will be anarchy and it's coming soon.
I guarantee the FBI is actively involved in this community/scene and many others prob form government branches.

The Titanic is unsinkable though right ?

Title: Re: What do you think is the future of altcoins?
Post by: Nullu on February 16, 2014, 09:40:37 PM
Oh but how I love the greed, the sleezy cons and underhanded deals. Isn't that the very foundation of Capitalism? The goal is to get wealthy, isn't it? Why pretend otherwise?

Because if you're smart, you can see what's really going on and use that to your advantage. This isn't a game for people who can't read between the lines or get the dirt on what's really happening behind closed doors.

It's an absolute cesspit in here at times, but sometimes you've got to be knee deep in crap before you can expect to find gold.

I do have morals and standards, though. I just buy, trade and mine, and that's pretty much it. If we all cared whether a coin was shady or not there'd be very few altcoins to profit from indeed.

Title: Re: What do you think is the future of altcoins?
Post by: davidpbrown on February 16, 2014, 10:00:08 PM
I felt that way for a while but had a change of heart recently.

For a coin to succeed it needs good developers; good support; and good options to spend as currency. LTC has that and if ATMs and PoS allow multiple choices then many others will do later on too. Regardless of whether it is only a small change from BTC or no change, people like alternatives; LTC perhaps already has critical mass to continue for the long term. Others offer alt options that are more than just copying others and those differences might appeal - so the more environmentally friendly 100% PoS might strike a cord with enough people that don't care about the technical criticisms.

My approach now is more that if a coin has three of four elements [substaintial offering something difference and potentially better then other coins; good developers; good support; and good options to spend as currency], then it's worth supporting, as it could take off alongside BTC.

Coins you might have shunned previously may come alive with additional support, making those differences practical and useful. For example, see Namecoin now with Firefox plugin

Also then, you shouldn't mistake all options as being copy coins. There are now Bitcoin 2.0 - looking beyond currency, and instead to trade; those could be really important: see Master (MSC); Next (NXT); ProtoShares (PTS); Counterparty (XCP)

Title: Re: What do you think is the future of altcoins?
Post by: kalus on February 16, 2014, 10:23:51 PM

Title: Altcoins are Doomed
Post by: Spoetnik on February 16, 2014, 10:37:19 PM
I had to evolve quickly what i would or would not do joining in and i won't claim to be a perfect angel either lol
I accept we all have a choice of how moral we wanna do this stuff and that does not bug me at all.
We make a choice on what is available coin-wise dev-wise right..

but what does the future hold ? (for Altcoins)
if the lowest guys in our world wide scene make a bad enough mess don't you think the authorities are going to come down harshly on the Altcoin scene ?

Like the name changing copy and paste fest going on in the Altcoin release section has just gotten out of control.
They don't even *try to make the stuff look legit anymore.

Anyway i find it a bit odd how i very rarely see a name i recognize anymore and i have to wonder if almost all the old guys simply left ?
I kind of did and came back.. Doge coin sickened me so much i just quit this crap for a few months.

All i ever get is people thinking i am against everything and i am not and i have fast and loose morals myself too
so i say yeah lets trade and mine etc all kinds of stuff and we can each pick and choose how moral you want to get about it
but are we allowing things to get out of hand is what i ask.

Are we allowing kids in grade 5 with $5/10/20/50,000 to run our scene ? we are :(
And we have a handful of corrupt adults silently capitalizing on it all and letting the mouthy kids defend them and do their dirty work.

Bottom line is i have said all along for ages i think this scene is doomed,
and we all play a part.. pool op's, exchanges and users that support bad coins or don't but sit silently making money.
I think its a make as much as you can now and kill the scene soon or make a bit less and ensure we can profit for a long time to come type thing (making more in the long run)

But never mind me, i am crazy and this is one of my "crazy rants" ;)

Title: Re: What do you think is the future of altcoins?
Post by: Don007 on February 16, 2014, 11:09:50 PM
I think some of them will survive, but the most will die.

I think the older altcoins (such as LiteCoin and DigitalCoin) do have a future, together with a bit newer coins such as TagCoin.  The newest altcoins such as DogeCoin (unfortunately) will crash one day, in my opinion.

Title: Re: Dipshit BS
Post by: Cesar22 on February 16, 2014, 11:12:36 PM
the doge tipping is interesting but i still hate that coin and think its still a cancer.

and i was trading last summer too and i don't think it was as slow as you said or how your making it sound.. look at Cryptsy's graphs for volume ;)

free market is a catch all excuse to act like a sleaze bag and i am sooooo sick of hearing all you scam coin supporters parrot that like your official mantra
it's bs.
One thing you many of you don't like is when i remind you how other so called free markets often used in comparison
are actually in fact regulated.. so guys like BitJohn or whom ever would prob be doing jail time like Martha Stewart for using Exchange info to trade with..
Kinda funny how the guys that run exchanges add coins with no warning eh ? He can view your info and then go trade..
and has before shielded devs from their identity from the public and much much more with all his buddies of course.. you know the ones who hide from support now lol
You don't think their old good buddies who made the coins had anything to do with that do you ? Hell we had a chat moderator with account access and he had his own coin
that was made in part by a guy who has half the coins on cryptsy and they have the nerve to say there is no back room shit going on.. bull fucking shit !
Let me say one example randomly i heard word for word from iGotSpots and BitJohn..
They had admitted and privately discussed adding the coin and gave Spots the choice as to what market he wanted his coin on THEY SAID
and you don't think these guys hanging out for a year or two aren't going to use that info to their advantage ? duh...

So we have corruption.. scams.. no regulation and an endless stream of pyramid schemes essentially that have to cave in on themselves
because when you run out of new guys the thing collapses.. same reason why Bitcoin went to $1200 and fell down and stayed down i think..
not enough new users at the same or higher rate as before coming in basically.

I see nothing but the usual greedy people making poor excuses for destroying this scene slowly.. like wringing out a cloth until they can get that last dollar
and then they will scatter.. NONE of them will accept any responsibility for anything at all and in fact they will join in later with a pitch fork
and pretend they wanna get the bad guys too, when in fact they are one of them and know it.

I think a key issue is the antics of coin cloners and their supporters are getting so bad that they are turning heads across the globe
and banks and governments etc are taking notice and they are not seeing anything good if they come here and look at the altcoin forum section lol
Hell these guys long ago use to at least *try and make it look like a real coin.. now you can't even call them coins.. their scams.. pretty much a like a ponzi scheme.

Is TrollCoin going to be accepted instead of Bitcoin anywhere ? nope. then what is the point ?
Imagine having to run a till at a retail store and having 900 currencies in there lol

I could write a phone book sized list of scummy dipshit bs i see in this scene prob daily.. it's that bad.
And what is worse is most guys see NOTHING bad at all and tell you to quit saying anything negative. (or attack you / troll you etc)

Your on the titanic and many cocky pricks deserve to drown and i won't feel sorry for them.

I see greedy people taking as much as they can as fast as they can, *rather than thinking long term.
Regulation needs to come in and clean house and a lot of guys need to change their ways or get busted for fraud.
A couple arrests and watch how fast your eBuddies and "communities" stab your in the back.. it will be anarchy and it's coming soon.
I guarantee the FBI is actively involved in this community/scene and many others prob form government branches.

The Titanic is unsinkable though right ?

So its possible that Cryptsy adds No Coin? Development is quite fast, by the way. First pool added, still designer needed:

Title: Re: What do you think is the future of altcoins?
Post by: Cesar22 on February 16, 2014, 11:36:04 PM
I think some of them will survive, but the most will die.

I think the older altcoins (such as LiteCoin and DigitalCoin) do have a future, together with a bit newer coins such as TagCoin.  The newest altcoins such as DogeCoin (unfortunately) will crash one day, in my opinion.

in the end everything which has no use dies: life.

Title: Re: What do you think is the future of altcoins?
Post by: Don007 on February 16, 2014, 11:40:31 PM
I think some of them will survive, but the most will die.

I think the older altcoins (such as LiteCoin and DigitalCoin) do have a future, together with a bit newer coins such as TagCoin.  The newest altcoins such as DogeCoin (unfortunately) will crash one day, in my opinion.

in the end everything which has no use dies: life.

Yeah, you're right. Allthough, I hope I do live longer than most of the altcoins do, as I don't want to die this year.

What do you guys think an altcoin must have (which features) to have potential?  Great dev team, great support, many miners, working pools, stable network, possibilities to use the coin for etc.

Title: Re: What do you think is the future of altcoins?
Post by: stompix on February 17, 2014, 01:00:49 AM
I think some of them will survive, but the most will die.

I think the older altcoins (such as LiteCoin and DigitalCoin) do have a future, together with a bit newer coins such as TagCoin.  The newest altcoins such as DogeCoin (unfortunately) will crash one day, in my opinion.

in the end everything which has no use dies: life.

Yeah, you're right. Allthough, I hope I do live longer than most of the altcoins do, as I don't want to die this year.

What do you guys think an altcoin must have (which features) to have potential?  Great dev team, great support, many miners, working pools, stable network, possibilities to use the coin for etc.

To have true potential , it has to do something that bitcoin can't do.
And no clone is able to do this :).

Title: Re: What do you think is the future of altcoins?
Post by: DanielVG on February 17, 2014, 02:26:37 AM
I think an alt coin will some day surpass bitcoin.
Bitcoin is just the first attempt in crypto currencies & block chain technology.

Title: Re: What do you think is the future of altcoins?
Post by: Ganefull on February 17, 2014, 02:34:02 AM
Thank you for make mention of RDD  ;)

Title: Re: What do you think is the future of altcoins?
Post by: stompix on February 17, 2014, 02:35:53 AM
I think an alt coin will some day surpass bitcoin.
Bitcoin is just the first attempt in crypto currencies & block chain technology.

Altcoins are all clones of bitcoin  , so no altcoin will ever surpass it.
Another kind of coin , a stand alone one , maybe.

Title: Re: What do you think is the future of altcoins?
Post by: mymenace on February 17, 2014, 03:25:03 AM
my speculation

as with current currencies, metal and commodities there are varied denominations and types

e.g. cent, dollar, pound, peso, stocks, bonds, shares, bullion etc

this will also occur for bitcoin with various denominations used for industry, genres, companies etc

Title: Re: What do you think is the future of altcoins?
Post by: Cesar22 on February 17, 2014, 04:53:12 AM
Logo contest for No Coin finished. We have logo:

Title: Re: What do you think is the future of altcoins?
Post by: lexicon on February 17, 2014, 06:21:00 PM
NEM will stand alone!


Title: Re: What do you think is the future of altcoins?
Post by: stompix on February 17, 2014, 06:22:52 PM
NEM will stand alone!


And most probable , alone will die in a basement. Another copycat that claims to change the world while he has no idea how the world works.

Title: Re: What do you think is the future of altcoins?
Post by: lexicon on February 17, 2014, 06:27:47 PM
NEM will stand alone!


And most probable , alone will die in a basement. Another copycat that claims to change the world while he has no idea how the world works.

It's not a copycat at all

You are misinformed


Will be out way ahead of ether

You need to open you eyes and mind

Tomorrow will come if you scream and put your fingers in your ears or not


Title: Re: What do you think is the future of altcoins?
Post by: stompix on February 17, 2014, 06:29:33 PM
NEM will stand alone!


And most probable , alone will die in a basement. Another copycat that claims to change the world while he has no idea how the world works.

It's not a copycat at all

You are misinformed


Will be out way ahead of ether

You need to open you eyes and mind

Tomorrow will come if you scream and put your fingers in your ears or not


Does it come with appropriate English or any understandable language? At this moment seems not.

Title: Re: What do you think is the future of altcoins?
Post by: Cesar22 on February 17, 2014, 08:45:30 PM
if i cant use it, i dont need it  8)

Title: Re: What do you think is the future of altcoins?
Post by: hellscabane on February 17, 2014, 10:10:55 PM
Despite the fact that Bitcoins are still stepping out of the infancy stage, I think altcoin forks are starting to show signs of decline (when compared to market share percentage of Bitcoins). I think we're getting to the point where we will soon have three distinct tiers of altcoin forks (at least more distinct than they currently are): the major alts (probably 2-3), a few that are widely used because of various fundamental factors (probably 4-6), and the obscure clones that have virtually no vested interest in anymore.

As for all non-Bitcoin cryptocurrencies, I think we're about the hit the beginning of a new wave of innovative alt-currencies that will be more than just simplistic forks. Personally, I feel that crapcoins are about to hit the point of decline and in terms of returns, pumping and dumping them will not be as profitable as becoming involved with some of the new protocols.

Title: Re: What do you think is the future of altcoins?
Post by: StewartJ on February 17, 2014, 10:16:19 PM
The oldest, more innovative and prominent Alt Coins will survive... Litecoin, Peercoin, Primecoin, and a handful more.

All the others, with no innovation, cloned to the hilt with premines / instamines / hidden mines will wither on the vine (ie Cryptsy)
to die a miserable lingering death with nary a whimper of a hype, nor even a whisper of a pump.

"Bring out your dead! Bring out your dead!"

Title: Re: What do you think is the future of altcoins?
Post by: Cesar22 on February 18, 2014, 12:30:58 AM
The oldest, more innovative and prominent Alt Coins will survive... Litecoin, Peercoin, Primecoin, and a handful more.

All the others, with no innovation, cloned to the hilt with premines / instamines / hidden mines will wither on the vine (ie Cryptsy)
to die a miserable lingering death with nary a whimper of a hype, nor even a whisper of a pump.

"Bring out your dead! Bring out your dead!"

might be right!

...and guys i still need help with No Coin. I can not make this revolutionizing Coin by myself!!! [ANN]:

Title: Re: What do you think is the future of altcoins?
Post by: Shintax on February 18, 2014, 12:49:17 AM
I am relatively new to the scene, but have been aware of Bitcoin for a few years now (kickin myself for not mining sooner). I agree that doge and other fadcoins (hint hint) are going to hit a peak and die as soon as they were born (hopefully), the sooner this happens the better we are. Maybe this will leave only the most reputable (LTC) and innovative (VTC) coins standing, maybe it will set a standard for which all future Altcoins should be based. When i recently decided to stop lollygagging and start mining, I found it very difficult to choose which coin to setup camp, going from coin to coin. I had to stop and ask myself "what coin will stand the test of time?" and decided to browse the forums and see what other people are talking about, in terms of coin legitimacy. Thanks for your opinions, guys, and choose wisely.