Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Speculation => Topic started by: hailtopitt on February 17, 2014, 12:02:58 AM

Title: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: hailtopitt on February 17, 2014, 12:02:58 AM
I'm no expert financial adviser or anything of the sort, but it's my observation that bitcoins priced in the hundreds of dollars is way overvalued.  And dogecoin priced at well under a penny is way undervalued. 

Just went to ( and checked out the 180 day trend.  It's pretty obvious to me, even as a rookie investor, that bitcoin will continue to decline and dogecoin will continue to go up.  More than the trends is the fact that bitcoin's image is now tarnished or tainted if you will.  Bitcoin's are used for illegal activities while dogecoin are not.  Bitcoins are being targeted by hackers because of their extreme value while dogecoins are not.  Bitcoins are supported by what appears to be greedy hodlers while dogecoin is supported by friendly, giving compassionate shibes.  The writing is on the wall.  As I've grown older over the years I've observed a human tendency to lie to oneself.  People tend to believe what they want to believe and not always what's true.  They let their emotions or feelings shape their beliefs.  It's my observation that bitcoin hodlers are lying to themselves thinking their bitcoins are going to increase to tremendous values of $10,000 or $100,000 or whatever.  Yeah right.  Even after piggy backing the largest nation in the world bitcoin could only muster up enough momentum to hit $1200.  Bitcoin is not an ally of law enforcement, governments or banks.  It's more like the enemy.  And those who hold the power will sooner than later flex their muscle and squash the bitcoin movement.  Nobody is going to want to use bitcoins as their method of currency.  It's not going to replace fiat.  Fiat in the future will move to 100% digital so all paper trails will be monitored and controlled by the government.  The converting of bitcoins to cash or cash to bitcoins will become illegal and impossible once paper money is gone.  Also, once paper money is gone, there is no need for bitcoin as the digital payments made will be as easy as they already are.  Just whip out your iPhone, open your bank of America or whatever bank app you have, and send someone some money. 

So my speculation in summary is this.  In the short term bitcoin will continue to decline in price and usage as dogecoin continues to increase in price and usage until regulations and laws squash the crypto movement at which point in time all cryptos will become illegal and worthless and cease to exist.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and this is mine.  I refuse to believe that an individual named Satoshi who wrote a computer program to basically copy a system that was already in place (a digital payment system via bank apps, paypal, etc. etc.) is going to change the way money is exchanged in the future.  There are far too many more powerful people who will be taking that role.  Sorry Satoshi.  Sorry investors. 

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: caratheodory on February 17, 2014, 12:18:00 AM
Pretty much the only thing you got right in your first post is the first half of your first sentence. I suggest you spend more time thinking to yourself so you can come up with an actual argument.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: Apostata on February 17, 2014, 12:23:13 AM
Dogecoin will never, EVER come even close to bitcoin in any way (price, market cap, adoption, any metric you want).  Doge coin is a joke.  Literally a joke.  100billion of them, with 5 billion more being created annually, it may continue to be used by childish meme lovers to tip each other every time they rhyme shibe with something, but other than that there is no future for it.

Ask yourself this; what problem does dogecoin solve? 

Mods instead of moving this to off topic it probably belongs in the trash.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: hailtopitt on February 17, 2014, 12:29:02 AM
I expected nothing less from bitcoin touts like yourselves.  I am curious to hear your side of the argument.  It seems that all you can bring to the table though is bashing. 

Cryptos don't solve problems they create them for the powers that be.  That was my argument.  Neither dogecoin nor bitcoin solves problems.  They are problems.  Problems that will in the future cease to exist. 

GL hodling your portfolios away to zero. 

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: Cyberlight on February 17, 2014, 12:30:51 AM
Dogecoin will never, EVER come even close to bitcoin in any way (price, market cap, adoption, any metric you want).  Doge coin is a joke.  Literally a joke.  100billion of them, with 5 billion more being created annually, it may continue to be used by childish meme lovers to tip each other every time they rhyme shibe with something, but other than that there is no future for it.

Ask yourself this; what problem does dogecoin solve? 

Mods instead of moving this to off topic it probably belongs in the trash.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: chesthing on February 17, 2014, 12:36:33 AM
I fail to see Dogecoin as a joke when it's completely kicked btc's ass as an investment since it was created. Check btc value in early Dec vs now, then Doge when it was created in Dec and now if you don't buy it. 
Aside from this complete ass kicking profit differential, people are stupid as we all know, and need to have things packaged like they are used to. They have a problem with a single coin being worth hundreds or thousands of dollars. The mainstream will take to Doge better because it will most likely end up being worth around a cent.
I've got 2 miners, about 2.5 mh/s each - one is and will continue to make Doge until it's worth real money or collapses. It's a better bet than BTC imo.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: Bitcoin BEAR on February 17, 2014, 12:36:36 AM
Dogecoin will never, EVER come even close to bitcoin in any way (price, market cap, adoption, any metric you want).  Doge coin is a joke.  Literally a joke.  100billion of them, with 5 billion more being created annually, it may continue to be used by childish meme lovers to tip each other every time they rhyme shibe with something, but other than that there is no future for it.

Ask yourself this; what problem does dogecoin solve? 

Mods instead of moving this to off topic it probably belongs in the trash.

Ask yourself this; What can a Bitcoin do that a Dog, Lite, PP coin can't?
Don't hurt yourself over this, it's a rhetorical question, and I'll answer it for you. NOTHING! Every one of these "Coins" can solve the exact same problems in exactly the same way. The only real difference is the total number of supply and the subtle change to the hashing algorithm. Otherwise they're identical.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: hailtopitt on February 17, 2014, 12:37:30 AM
Extremely volatility is the turnoff for most investors.  Such high risk investments are typically frowned upon especially for those who are a bit older and nearer to retirement.  I LOL at those who think the ETF is going to bring in all sorts of investment money.  Bitcoin isn't backed up by anything.  At least with stocks there are quarterly reports and goods and services being produced and that is what you are investing in.  What are you investing in with bitcoin other than a series of digital letters and numbers and and a prayer that your investment will turn a profit?  

Don't people realize that a ride up to $10,000 or $100,000 would be an extremely bumpy one.  The ride from a few dollars up to $1200 has been and will continue to be an extremely bumpy one.  Somehow people have it in their heads that everyday investors are going to want to invest in something that is so volatile.  Grandpa and grandma don't want to invest in a nontraditional investment that could overnight lose them everything.  Only idiots want to invest in an investment that could lose them everything overnight.  Do you think Warren Buffet is going to be buying bitcoins?  He's the smartest investor in the world and he shuns them.  He realizes that bitcoin is a bubble ready to burst.  For whatever reason we have a group on this forum that believes that they are smarter than Warren Buffet.  I'm with Warren.  I trust him.  

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: N12 on February 17, 2014, 12:39:05 AM
I'm sure Warren Buffet will approve of Dogecoins, however. :D

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: knightcoin on February 17, 2014, 12:39:10 AM
I'm no expert financial adviser or anything of the sort, but it's my observation that bitcoins priced in the hundreds of dollars is way overvalued.  And dogecoin priced at well under a penny is way undervalued.

Yes doge coin is a joke that's makes lot of people really angry ... doge was designed to be a penny ( or faction of penny ) coin so people could spread the idea to a very large group of people..

Bitcoin in other hand has reached a very high prices witch makes people think very serious as long term investment. The network diff makes BTC even more valued.

To be very honest I can have doge or any other coin on my mobile/cell phone but my btc are cold stored.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: stompix on February 17, 2014, 12:44:11 AM
I'm no expert financial adviser or anything of the sort, but it's my observation that bitcoins priced in the hundreds of dollars is way overvalued.  And dogecoin priced at well under a penny is way undervalued. 

Just went to ( and checked out the 180 day trend.  It's pretty obvious to me, even as a rookie investor, that bitcoin will continue to decline and dogecoin will continue to go up.  More than the trends is the fact that bitcoin's image is now tarnished or tainted if you will.  Bitcoin's are used for illegal activities while dogecoin are not.  Bitcoins are being targeted by hackers because of their extreme value while dogecoins are not. 

So my speculation in summary is this.  In the short term bitcoin will continue to decline in price and usage as dogecoin continues to increase in price and usage until regulations and laws squash the crypto movement at which point in time all cryptos will become illegal and worthless and cease to exist. 

Friendly advice , If you really believe that , stay away from cryptos or trading or investments.
And get some checkups where you're supposed to have a brain.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: hailtopitt on February 17, 2014, 12:45:18 AM
Dogecoin will never, EVER come even close to bitcoin in any way (price, market cap, adoption, any metric you want).  Doge coin is a joke.  Literally a joke.  100billion of them, with 5 billion more being created annually, it may continue to be used by childish meme lovers to tip each other every time they rhyme shibe with something, but other than that there is no future for it.

Ask yourself this; what problem does dogecoin solve? 

Mods instead of moving this to off topic it probably belongs in the trash.

Ask yourself this; What can a Bitcoin do that a Dog, Lite, PP coin can't?
Don't hurt yourself over this, it's a rhetorical question, and I'll answer it for you. NOTHING! Every one of these "Coins" can solve the exact same problems in exactly the same way. The only real difference is the total number of supply and the subtle change to the hashing algorithm. Otherwise they're identical.

I think that's an argument for my topic subject.  Since they are all basically one in the same, there's no reason for one to be worth hundreds of dollars more than the other.  Let's set the price aside for a second, why should someone who knows nothing of the history of either coin choose one over the other?  Do they not offer the save advantages?  I believe the difference in price is #1 because bitcoin got a head start and #2 bitcoin for whatever reason was the chosen crypto for illegal activities on the darknet.  Silk Road helped make bitcoin what it is today.  One could even argue that there are other currencies that could process faster than the bitcoin block chain so for using them as payment methods it would be an advantage to use a crypto that processes faster.  

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: Miz4r on February 17, 2014, 12:53:28 AM
I fail to see Dogecoin as a joke when it's completely kicked btc's ass as an investment since it was created. Check btc value in early Dec vs now, then Doge when it was created in Dec and now if you don't buy it.

You're seriously comparing the entire lifespan of dogecoin (2 months lol) with the performance of bitcoin in only the last two months of its 4+ years of existence? Without bitcoin dogecoin wouldn't even exist, it's just an old copy of litecoin with a meme behind it and decent marketing. Let's talk again in a year from now, I'm willing to bet that even litecoin will easily outperform dogecoin in the course of an entire year. Silly hypes never last very long, and nobody is going to take a coin like dogecoin seriously. I give dogecoin 4 more months at most until people get bored of it and it will die a slow death. Good luck with your delusions.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: knightcoin on February 17, 2014, 12:58:17 AM
As I say about doge... It's a nice experiment in both marketing and the way coins are been mined (yes look insanity in both case ) ..but 2015 will be a funny year .. lets see how miners will keep the networking running or they all will migrate to another coin ...

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: meanig on February 17, 2014, 01:02:30 AM
I'm no expert financial adviser or anything of the sort, but it's my observation that bitcoins priced in the hundreds of dollars is way overvalued.  And dogecoin priced at well under a penny is way undervalued. 

  Bitcoin's are used for illegal activities while dogecoin are not. 

Dogecoin is the natural payment choice for canine bestiality porn

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: ltcifc on February 17, 2014, 01:04:30 AM
I'm no expert financial adviser or anything of the sort....

Why do you even bother posting financial stuff? <--retorical

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: knightcoin on February 17, 2014, 01:08:02 AM
You see, NXTcoin the reasons to not use confrontational marketing campaign  ? I've got many friends and relatives working in publicity field .. and guess what they think ( and the have data about it ) campaigns like microsoft against gmail ... and others as well... It's works for politicians though ;)

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: hailtopitt on February 17, 2014, 01:14:24 AM
I'm no expert financial adviser or anything of the sort....

Why do you even bother posting financial stuff? <--retorical

I hold a stake in both bitcoin and dogecoin and it interests me.  I'm just trying offer my speculation and I knew that it wasn't going to be popular because my speculation is bitcoin is trending down.  I get the feeling from reading around here for some time that  people expect that it's going to bounce back up to the $1200 and continue on up "to the moon" as you like to say.  I just don't see it.  If Apple's stock or Google's stock or Facebook's stock isn't worth $10,000 a share I don't see any reason why bitcoin should be worth $10,000 a coin.  Wishful thinking IMO.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: dropt on February 17, 2014, 01:19:21 AM
I'm no expert financial adviser or anything of the sort....

Why do you even bother posting financial stuff? <--retorical

I hold a stake in both bitcoin and dogecoin and it interests me.  I'm just trying offer my speculation and I knew that it wasn't going to be popular because my speculation is bitcoin is trending down.  I get the feeling from reading around here for some time that  people expect that it's going to bounce back up to the $1200 and continue on up "to the moon" as you like to say.  I just don't see it.  If Apple's stock or Google's stock or Facebook's stock isn't worth $10,000 a share I don't see any reason why bitcoin should be worth $10,000 a coin.  Wishful thinking IMO.

Bitcoin isn't a stock, and it's not a company.  Would you equate the use of e-mail to the successes of Outlook, thunderbird, and whatever other e-mail clients exist? No, because that would be retarded.  Much like your comparisons of the makret trends of bitcoin and dogecoin.  Call me if the DOHS ever has a panel hearing about what to do with Dogecoin.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: ltcifc on February 17, 2014, 01:21:38 AM
I'm no expert financial adviser or anything of the sort....

Why do you even bother posting financial stuff? <--retorical

I hold a stake in both bitcoin and dogecoin and it interests me.  I'm just trying offer my speculation and I knew that it wasn't going to be popular because my speculation is bitcoin is trending down.  I get the feeling from reading around here for some time that  people expect that it's going to bounce back up to the $1200 and continue on up "to the moon" as you like to say.  I just don't see it.  If Apple's stock or Google's stock or Facebook's stock isn't worth $10,000 a share I don't see any reason why bitcoin should be worth $10,000 a coin.  Wishful thinking IMO.
Bitcoin will go up, just a matter of time. Not sure why you bother with Doge.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: theonewhowaskazu on February 17, 2014, 01:24:13 AM
Dogecoin can go up, but only as a bottom feeder on bitcoin-related activity.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: gentlemand on February 17, 2014, 01:31:40 AM
I don't know why Dogecoin makes Bitcoin fans so sad. It has a few things to teach us.

The psychology of the desire to possess whole units is being proven in front of our eyes. Yes, that's irrational. It's also human nature.

It has also become unlimited in numbers. That'll be an interesting experiment in itself.

I've no idea whether it'll be here to stay. It is more probable that it'll make more money for those who hold any in the short term at least compared to BTC.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: hailtopitt on February 17, 2014, 01:32:46 AM
I'm no expert financial adviser or anything of the sort....

Why do you even bother posting financial stuff? <--retorical

I hold a stake in both bitcoin and dogecoin and it interests me.  I'm just trying offer my speculation and I knew that it wasn't going to be popular because my speculation is bitcoin is trending down.  I get the feeling from reading around here for some time that  people expect that it's going to bounce back up to the $1200 and continue on up "to the moon" as you like to say.  I just don't see it.  If Apple's stock or Google's stock or Facebook's stock isn't worth $10,000 a share I don't see any reason why bitcoin should be worth $10,000 a coin.  Wishful thinking IMO.

Bitcoin isn't a stock, and it's not a company.  Would you equate the use of e-mail to the successes of Outlook, thunderbird, and whatever other e-mail clients exist? No, because that would be retarded.  Much like your comparisons of the makret trends of bitcoin and dogecoin.  Call me if the DOHS ever has a panel hearing about what to do with Dogecoin.

My comparison of bitcoins to stock is because they're both investments.  I realize they're not the same financial instrument, but they're an investment right?  I thought that would just be obvious but some people obviously can't read between the lines.  Anyways, there was a panel hearing not because they're licking their chops like the "to the mooners" around these parts, they had a hearing because bitcoin is being used as a fiat and has a market cap of billions of dollars.  So they're trying to understand what it is, what it means, perhaps what taxes and regulations should be imposed.  I think some people tend to see this as very bullish and believe that the people behind these hearings are bullish and and are pro bitcoin.  But I don't.  It was just an information gathering session and they'll decide how they want to proceed.  See those people have something that us average Joes don't.  Power.  They have power because they have money and are in positions of authority.  And if they feel that bitcoin is a threat to banking institutions and money, they're going to squash it like a bug.  That or they'll just tax it heavily and profit from it.  Do you really think that they are going to welcome bitcoin with open arms when they already realize that it's used for money laundering, gambling, drug selling and buying amongst other things and that it would basically eliminate any bank of wire fees that people would have to pay which they already do?  The only way they're going to go for it is if it's in their best interest.  Capital gains taxes would be the only way.  And heavy regulations.  

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: smoothie on February 17, 2014, 01:36:57 AM
Who is paying with DOGE for goods and what merchants accept DOGE?

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: stompix on February 17, 2014, 01:39:01 AM
Who is paying with DOGE for goods and what merchants accept DOGE?

I think there is a bakery and a salt shop accepting doge =)))))))))

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: hailtopitt on February 17, 2014, 01:39:24 AM
I'm no expert financial adviser or anything of the sort....

Why do you even bother posting financial stuff? <--retorical

I hold a stake in both bitcoin and dogecoin and it interests me.  I'm just trying offer my speculation and I knew that it wasn't going to be popular because my speculation is bitcoin is trending down.  I get the feeling from reading around here for some time that  people expect that it's going to bounce back up to the $1200 and continue on up "to the moon" as you like to say.  I just don't see it.  If Apple's stock or Google's stock or Facebook's stock isn't worth $10,000 a share I don't see any reason why bitcoin should be worth $10,000 a coin.  Wishful thinking IMO.
Bitcoin will go up, just a matter of time. Not sure why you bother with Doge.

It's been my observation that when bitcoin goes down, dogecoin goes up.  It appears investors flock to dogecoin during bitcoin drops and drive the price up only to flock back to bitcoin once the drop is over.  That was the reasoning of my thread subject.  As bitcoin continutes to decline like I think it will, dogecoin will probably end up going up.  What makes dogecoin different than the other 100 something cryptos (aside from bitcoin and litecoin) is that it is extremely popular.  Just like bitcoin bulls love positive media attention, so do other crypto bulls and dogecoin has received a lot of positive media attention.  It's certainly not on the level of bitcoin yet, but I don't see why it couldn't honestly.  It might have started as a joke, but do you think a $71 million market cap is a joke now?  It seems pretty legit to me. That's why I diversified my crypto portfolio.  Just like a savvy investor would any stock portfolio.  To me it just seems like a good idea.  Hold a little of each ya know?  

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: Hyena on February 17, 2014, 01:41:24 AM
Only idiots want to invest in an investment that could lose them everything overnight.  Do you think Warren Buffet is going to be buying bitcoins?  He's the smartest investor in the world and he shuns them.  He realizes that bitcoin is a bubble ready to burst.  For whatever reason we have a group on this forum that believes that they are smarter than Warren Buffet.  I'm with Warren.  I trust him.

He sure isn't the smartest investor in the world if he fails to see the potential of crypto currencies. I'd say he's just another old fuck who has gotten rich and takes the credit from the idiots who can't live without idols, authorities and geniuses to follow.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: ltcifc on February 17, 2014, 01:42:24 AM
I'm no expert financial adviser or anything of the sort....

Why do you even bother posting financial stuff? <--retorical

I hold a stake in both bitcoin and dogecoin and it interests me.  I'm just trying offer my speculation and I knew that it wasn't going to be popular because my speculation is bitcoin is trending down.  I get the feeling from reading around here for some time that  people expect that it's going to bounce back up to the $1200 and continue on up "to the moon" as you like to say.  I just don't see it.  If Apple's stock or Google's stock or Facebook's stock isn't worth $10,000 a share I don't see any reason why bitcoin should be worth $10,000 a coin.  Wishful thinking IMO.
Bitcoin will go up, just a matter of time. Not sure why you bother with Doge.

It's been my observation that when bitcoin goes down, dogecoin goes up.  It appears investors flock to dogecoin during bitcoin drops and drive the price up only to flock back to bitcoin once the drop is over.  That was the reasoning of my thread subject.  As bitcoin continutes to decline like I think it will, dogecoin will probably end up going up.  What makes dogecoin different than the other 100 something cryptos (aside from bitcoin and litecoin) is that it is extremely popular.  Just like bitcoin bulls love positive media attention, so do other crypto bulls and dogecoin has received a lot of positive media attention.  It's certainly not on the level of bitcoin yet, but I don't see why it couldn't honestly.  It might have started as a joke, but do you think a $71 million market cap is a joke now?  It seems pretty legit to me. That's why I diversified my crypto portfolio.  Just like a savvy investor would any stock portfolio.  To me it just seems like a good idea.  Hold a little of each ya know?  
Doge will crack soon, but i do believe in Infinitecoin. Might add that to your portfolio. No pump and dumps, just steady grow.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: gentlemand on February 17, 2014, 01:44:03 AM
I think Mr Buffet would be the first to admit he's pretty old school. I'm not going to be taking advice on this subject at least.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: stompix on February 17, 2014, 01:44:14 AM
I'm no expert financial adviser or anything of the sort....

Why do you even bother posting financial stuff? <--retorical

I hold a stake in both bitcoin and dogecoin and it interests me.  I'm just trying offer my speculation and I knew that it wasn't going to be popular because my speculation is bitcoin is trending down.  I get the feeling from reading around here for some time that  people expect that it's going to bounce back up to the $1200 and continue on up "to the moon" as you like to say.  I just don't see it.  If Apple's stock or Google's stock or Facebook's stock isn't worth $10,000 a share I don't see any reason why bitcoin should be worth $10,000 a coin.  Wishful thinking IMO.
Bitcoin will go up, just a matter of time. Not sure why you bother with Doge.

It's been my observation that when bitcoin goes down, dogecoin goes up.  It appears investors flock to dogecoin during bitcoin drops and drive the price up only to flock back to bitcoin once the drop is over.  That was the reasoning of my thread subject.  As bitcoin continutes to decline like I think it will, dogecoin will probably end up going up.  What makes dogecoin different than the other 100 something cryptos (aside from bitcoin and litecoin) is that it is extremely popular.  Just like bitcoin bulls love positive media attention, so do other crypto bulls and dogecoin has received a lot of positive media attention.  It's certainly not on the level of bitcoin yet, but I don't see why it couldn't honestly.  It might have started as a joke, but do you think a $71 million market cap is a joke now?  It seems pretty legit to me. That's why I diversified my crypto portfolio.  Just like a savvy investor would any stock portfolio.  To me it just seems like a good idea.  Hold a little of each ya know?  
Doge will crack soon, but i do believe in Infinitecoin. Might add that to your portfolio. No pump and dumps, just steady grow.

Oh really , infinitecoin , and what's so special about this one?

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: stompix on February 17, 2014, 01:44:45 AM
I think Mr Buffet would be the first to admit he's pretty old school. I'm not going to be taking advice on this subject at least.

He already admitted that when talking about his investments.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: ltcifc on February 17, 2014, 01:48:15 AM
I'm no expert financial adviser or anything of the sort....

Why do you even bother posting financial stuff? <--retorical

I hold a stake in both bitcoin and dogecoin and it interests me.  I'm just trying offer my speculation and I knew that it wasn't going to be popular because my speculation is bitcoin is trending down.  I get the feeling from reading around here for some time that  people expect that it's going to bounce back up to the $1200 and continue on up "to the moon" as you like to say.  I just don't see it.  If Apple's stock or Google's stock or Facebook's stock isn't worth $10,000 a share I don't see any reason why bitcoin should be worth $10,000 a coin.  Wishful thinking IMO.
Bitcoin will go up, just a matter of time. Not sure why you bother with Doge.

It's been my observation that when bitcoin goes down, dogecoin goes up.  It appears investors flock to dogecoin during bitcoin drops and drive the price up only to flock back to bitcoin once the drop is over.  That was the reasoning of my thread subject.  As bitcoin continutes to decline like I think it will, dogecoin will probably end up going up.  What makes dogecoin different than the other 100 something cryptos (aside from bitcoin and litecoin) is that it is extremely popular.  Just like bitcoin bulls love positive media attention, so do other crypto bulls and dogecoin has received a lot of positive media attention.  It's certainly not on the level of bitcoin yet, but I don't see why it couldn't honestly.  It might have started as a joke, but do you think a $71 million market cap is a joke now?  It seems pretty legit to me. That's why I diversified my crypto portfolio.  Just like a savvy investor would any stock portfolio.  To me it just seems like a good idea.  Hold a little of each ya know?  
Doge will crack soon, but i do believe in Infinitecoin. Might add that to your portfolio. No pump and dumps, just steady grow.

Oh really , infinitecoin , and what's so special about this one?
Launched June 3rd, 2013 and keep getting stronger and stronger.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: Miz4r on February 17, 2014, 01:51:36 AM
Oh really , infinitecoin , and what's so special about this one?
Launched June 3rd, 2013 and keep getting stronger and stronger.

Wow that is very special indeed! Looks like the best investment ever.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: stompix on February 17, 2014, 02:00:24 AM
Oh really , infinitecoin , and what's so special about this one?
Launched June 3rd, 2013 and keep getting stronger and stronger.

Wow that is very special indeed! Looks like the best investment ever.

Well , the launch date might be special , only two or three coins launched that day. Now you can count 10-20. =))))

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: knightcoin on February 17, 2014, 02:07:35 AM
altscoins are really funny ... they always end up in ...

and the argumentations are even worse ;D

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: NWOreptilian on February 17, 2014, 02:13:57 AM
altcoins are meant to be mined and exchanged for bitcoin so you actually get a return on your investment

hilarious if you decide to save them.  :D

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: Cluster2k on February 17, 2014, 02:15:24 AM
The problem with dogecoin is that it's popular because it tickled people's funny bone and became a meme.  Much popular, wow funny, very laugh.  What's to stop someone releasing an even more popular meme with cute icon tomorrow?  Nothing.  The meme chasing crowd will move onto CatCoin or whatever pops up next.  There will be no one left to pump money into dogecoin and those who hold them will dump to whoever is left willing to buy.  Much crash, wow fall, very cry.

Want to create real value for the next cryptocurrency?  Solve these three problems:

1.  Make it truly anonymous
2.  Exponential blockchain growth
3.  Long and random length confirmation times that sometimes stretch into hours, while also maintaining network security

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: jagd on February 17, 2014, 02:20:11 AM
Dogecoin will never, EVER come even close to bitcoin in any way (price, market cap, adoption, any metric you want).  Doge coin is a joke.  Literally a joke.  100billion of them, with 5 billion more being created annually, it may continue to be used by childish meme lovers to tip each other every time they rhyme shibe with something, but other than that there is no future for it.

Ask yourself this; what problem does dogecoin solve? 

Mods instead of moving this to off topic it probably belongs in the trash.

You need some love.
+/u/dogetipbot 60 doge verify

BTW where am I?

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: dropt on February 17, 2014, 02:22:47 AM
He sure isn't the smartest investor in the world if he fails to see the potential of crypto currencies. I'd say he's just another old fuck who has gotten rich and takes the credit from the idiots who can't live without idols, authorities and geniuses to follow.

WB doesn't trade in currencies, it's not his gig.  It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that WB isn't interested in Bitcoin, dogecoin, etc.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: PirateHatForTea on February 17, 2014, 02:26:09 AM

Ask yourself this; what problem does dogecoin solve? 

Ask yourself this; what problem does Bitcoin solve that Dogecoin does not?

I'm bullish BTC long-term but I recently bought some DOGE cos I like em and think they're funny. Perhaps the joke will get old and people will walk away, but people thought Bitcoin was a joke in 2011, and it's still here. Gode also have a way stronger community than BTC, less full of trolls and jaded types. They also have a decent dev community - though not as adept as Bitcoin's.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: Chemistry1988 on February 17, 2014, 02:45:15 AM
Who is paying with DOGE for goods and what merchants accept DOGE?

I think there is a bakery and a salt shop accepting doge =)))))))))


Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: pungopete468 on February 17, 2014, 02:50:05 AM

Ask yourself this; what problem does dogecoin solve?  

Ask yourself this; what problem does Bitcoin solve that Dogecoin does not?

I'm bullish BTC long-term but I recently bought some DOGE cos I like em and think they're funny. Perhaps the joke will get old and people will walk away, but people thought Bitcoin was a joke in 2011, and it's still here. Gode also have a way stronger community than BTC, less full of trolls and jaded types. They also have a decent dev community - though not as adept as Bitcoin's.

I can answer that quickly...

Dogecoin will never be more than a joke. It was designed as a joke, launched as a joke, and based off of a joke. Bitcoin isn't a joke to me and countless others... It's actually something I feel worthwhile; something bigger than just another form of fiat. Bitcoin has the support of my core ideology.

The same psychology that drives people to Dogecoin is driving me to Bitcoin and Litecoin; unlike Dogecoin though, Bitcoin isn't just a joke... Litecoin has my attention primarily as a hedge just in case there is a flaw in Bitcoin some day; I like the scrypt mining too. Litecoin was also developed with the same ideology within its user base.

Ask anybody who suffers from the unilateral decision to empty their bank accounts or bail-in their central banks about how funny that is. This isn't a joke to people who have been under the magnifying glass...

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: stompix on February 17, 2014, 02:53:09 AM
Who is paying with DOGE for goods and what merchants accept DOGE?

I think there is a bakery and a salt shop accepting doge =)))))))))


Really :)

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: chesthing on February 17, 2014, 02:54:23 AM
I fail to see Dogecoin as a joke when it's completely kicked btc's ass as an investment since it was created. Check btc value in early Dec vs now, then Doge when it was created in Dec and now if you don't buy it.

You're seriously comparing the entire lifespan of dogecoin (2 months lol) with the performance of bitcoin in only the last two months of its 4+ years of existence? Without bitcoin dogecoin wouldn't even exist, it's just an old copy of litecoin with a meme behind it and decent marketing. Let's talk again in a year from now, I'm willing to bet that even litecoin will easily outperform dogecoin in the course of an entire year. Silly hypes never last very long, and nobody is going to take a coin like dogecoin seriously. I give dogecoin 4 more months at most until people get bored of it and it will die a slow death. Good luck with your delusions.
What's remarkable is in only 2 months (lol) dogecoin daily transactions have surpassed btc, which as been around 4+ years.
You are the delusional one if you really think bitcoin will be the top coin forever.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: stompix on February 17, 2014, 03:00:31 AM
I fail to see Dogecoin as a joke when it's completely kicked btc's ass as an investment since it was created. Check btc value in early Dec vs now, then Doge when it was created in Dec and now if you don't buy it.

You're seriously comparing the entire lifespan of dogecoin (2 months lol) with the performance of bitcoin in only the last two months of its 4+ years of existence? Without bitcoin dogecoin wouldn't even exist, it's just an old copy of litecoin with a meme behind it and decent marketing. Let's talk again in a year from now, I'm willing to bet that even litecoin will easily outperform dogecoin in the course of an entire year. Silly hypes never last very long, and nobody is going to take a coin like dogecoin seriously. I give dogecoin 4 more months at most until people get bored of it and it will die a slow death. Good luck with your delusions.
What's remarkable is in only 2 months (lol) dogecoin daily transactions have surpassed btc, which as been around 4+ years.
You are the delusional one if you really think bitcoin will be the top coin forever.

I'm pretty sure that doge has a bright future , with a dev that doesn't have a clue how many coins he has created in the first place.
A clone is a clone , destined to lurk in the shadows forever.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: pungopete468 on February 17, 2014, 03:01:52 AM
I fail to see Dogecoin as a joke when it's completely kicked btc's ass as an investment since it was created. Check btc value in early Dec vs now, then Doge when it was created in Dec and now if you don't buy it.

You're seriously comparing the entire lifespan of dogecoin (2 months lol) with the performance of bitcoin in only the last two months of its 4+ years of existence? Without bitcoin dogecoin wouldn't even exist, it's just an old copy of litecoin with a meme behind it and decent marketing. Let's talk again in a year from now, I'm willing to bet that even litecoin will easily outperform dogecoin in the course of an entire year. Silly hypes never last very long, and nobody is going to take a coin like dogecoin seriously. I give dogecoin 4 more months at most until people get bored of it and it will die a slow death. Good luck with your delusions.
What's remarkable is in only 2 months (lol) dogecoin daily transactions have surpassed btc, which as been around 4+ years.
You are the delusional one if you really think bitcoin will be the top coin forever.

You neglect the content of these transactions which is the most important part of the function for which a transaction serves.

How many DOGE transactions were actually payment for labor? How about goods? Just because people throw DOGE around as a tip speaks more truth about the perception of value in Dogecoin. People hold it as worthless and as such are eager to tip it away...

How many Deutschmarks do you think were spammed around after the hyper-inflationary period of the Wiemar Republic? Do you think that the huge volume gave them some additional store of value?

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: meanig on February 17, 2014, 03:12:30 AM
The Dogecoin co-founder has a hard on for regulation and he's somehow in talks with supposed VC people about getting them involved about doing some too secret to talk about serious business. He also thinks Bitcoiners are assholes. Very classy from the leader of the friendliest and most loved up group on the internet. (


Dogecoin founder Jackson Palmer has thrown down the gauntlet to the cryptocurrency community declaring that neither he nor his digital currency are for sale, despite huge offers of investment from Australian venture capitalists.

At an Australian meet-up on Thursday night organised via Reddit, where Dogecoin’s community was started, the Sydney-based founder told Techly he is also calling for government regulation of cryptocurrencies – a move that’s unlikely to make him any friends in the Bitcoin community.

Palmer characterised Bitcoin types as “an elitist little group you have to ask for an invite to, whereas Dogecoin is more a grassroots community thing.”

“You can go to a Bitcoin meet up and meet people who are like ‘I have 100 BitCoins, I’m a multimillionaire’,” he said.

“Dogecoin is the community’s currency, open to everyone, and that’s how I want to keep it.”
The big end of town wants in – but Palmer isn’t interested

It’s clear Palmer is totally disinterested in any short-term gain Dogecoin could afford him. A purist, he believes Dogecoin is “the internet’s currency” and end users will decide its success or failure.

In fact on Thursday, Palmer told Techly he turned down half a million dollars from two venture capitalist (VC) firms.

“I’ve been approached by VCs lately who want to cash in on this Dogecoin thing and they’re offering me what in reality is ridiculous amounts of money.

“And I’m sitting there quietly with them saying ‘I want to throw X amount of dollars at this’ and I’m like, ‘take a step back, it’s a dog on a coin’. Has the world gone mad?”

Techly can confirm Palmer met with one Australian VC firm, which shall remain nameless. A spokesperson did not discuss how much money the firm offered Palmer for Dogecoin but confirmed to Techly a meeting did indeed take place.

“The firm’s inquiries into Dogecoin are in the preliminary stage,” the spokesperson said.

Palmer claims a second meeting was held with a US firm, which has failed to return Techly’s emails for confirmation.

And if that throw down wasn’t already enough, Palmer has laid down the gauntlet to the Bitcoin community – which is fiercely anti-regulation – advocating for the Australian government (and others) to regulate and legitimise cryptocurrencies.

“I do ultimately think we need to regulate around this stuff otherwise you will not gain the trust of the average Joe who wants to put $100 into whatever digital currency they’re using.

“That said, we shouldn’t be putting all our faith in centralised institutions because that gets us to where we have landed today.

“The Canadian Government has already decided to regulate against cryptocurrencies and I think that’s absolutely awesome. The fact that a government is even talking about cryptocurrency in the first place is like, booyah. That’s a massive boon for the whole thing.”

Mr Palmer’s hope is that governments will learn about virtual currencies like Dogecoin, understand how they work and eventually see it’s a currency that is facilitating good.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: stompix on February 17, 2014, 03:19:28 AM
I fail to see Dogecoin as a joke when it's completely kicked btc's ass as an investment since it was created. Check btc value in early Dec vs now, then Doge when it was created in Dec and now if you don't buy it.

You're seriously comparing the entire lifespan of dogecoin (2 months lol) with the performance of bitcoin in only the last two months of its 4+ years of existence? Without bitcoin dogecoin wouldn't even exist, it's just an old copy of litecoin with a meme behind it and decent marketing. Let's talk again in a year from now, I'm willing to bet that even litecoin will easily outperform dogecoin in the course of an entire year. Silly hypes never last very long, and nobody is going to take a coin like dogecoin seriously. I give dogecoin 4 more months at most until people get bored of it and it will die a slow death. Good luck with your delusions.
What's remarkable is in only 2 months (lol) dogecoin daily transactions have surpassed btc, which as been around 4+ years.
You are the delusional one if you really think bitcoin will be the top coin forever.

You neglect the content of these transactions which is the most important part of the function for which a transaction serves.

How many DOGE transactions were actually payment for labor? How about goods? Just because people throw DOGE around as a tip speaks more truth about the perception of value in Dogecoin. People hold it as worthless and as such are eager to tip it away...

How many Deutschmarks do you think were spammed around after the hyper-inflationary period of the Wiemar Republic? Do you think that the huge volume gave them some additional store of value?

It would be interesting to see how many of those transactions are payout for the miners and people rushing their coins to exchangers.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: stompix on February 17, 2014, 03:21:04 AM
The Dogecoin co-founder has a hard on for regulation and he's somehow in talks with supposed VC people about getting them involved about doing some too secret to talk about serious business. He also thinks Bitcoiners are assholes. Very classy from the leader of the friendliest and most loved up group on the internet. (


Dogecoin founder Jackson Palmer has thrown down the gauntlet to the cryptocurrency community declaring that neither he nor his digital currency are for sale, despite huge offers of investment from Australian venture capitalists.

At an Australian meet-up on Thursday night organised via Reddit, where Dogecoin’s community was started, the Sydney-based founder told Techly he is also calling for government regulation of cryptocurrencies – a move that’s unlikely to make him any friends in the Bitcoin community.

Palmer characterised Bitcoin types as “an elitist little group you have to ask for an invite to, whereas Dogecoin is more a grassroots community thing.”

“You can go to a Bitcoin meet up and meet people who are like ‘I have 100 BitCoins, I’m a multimillionaire’,” he said.

“Dogecoin is the community’s currency, open to everyone, and that’s how I want to keep it.”
The big end of town wants in – but Palmer isn’t interested

It’s clear Palmer is totally disinterested in any short-term gain Dogecoin could afford him. A purist, he believes Dogecoin is “the internet’s currency” and end users will decide its success or failure.

In fact on Thursday, Palmer told Techly he turned down half a million dollars from two venture capitalist (VC) firms.

“I’ve been approached by VCs lately who want to cash in on this Dogecoin thing and they’re offering me what in reality is ridiculous amounts of money.

“And I’m sitting there quietly with them saying ‘I want to throw X amount of dollars at this’ and I’m like, ‘take a step back, it’s a dog on a coin’. Has the world gone mad?”

Techly can confirm Palmer met with one Australian VC firm, which shall remain nameless. A spokesperson did not discuss how much money the firm offered Palmer for Dogecoin but confirmed to Techly a meeting did indeed take place.

“The firm’s inquiries into Dogecoin are in the preliminary stage,” the spokesperson said.

Palmer claims a second meeting was held with a US firm, which has failed to return Techly’s emails for confirmation.

And if that throw down wasn’t already enough, Palmer has laid down the gauntlet to the Bitcoin community – which is fiercely anti-regulation – advocating for the Australian government (and others) to regulate and legitimise cryptocurrencies.

“I do ultimately think we need to regulate around this stuff otherwise you will not gain the trust of the average Joe who wants to put $100 into whatever digital currency they’re using.

“That said, we shouldn’t be putting all our faith in centralised institutions because that gets us to where we have landed today.

“The Canadian Government has already decided to regulate against cryptocurrencies and I think that’s absolutely awesome. The fact that a government is even talking about cryptocurrency in the first place is like, booyah. That’s a massive boon for the whole thing.”

Mr Palmer’s hope is that governments will learn about virtual currencies like Dogecoin, understand how they work and eventually see it’s a currency that is facilitating good.

Do you think the average doge user has the required attention span to go through all that text ?

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: chesthing on February 17, 2014, 04:59:23 AM
I fail to see Dogecoin as a joke when it's completely kicked btc's ass as an investment since it was created. Check btc value in early Dec vs now, then Doge when it was created in Dec and now if you don't buy it.

You're seriously comparing the entire lifespan of dogecoin (2 months lol) with the performance of bitcoin in only the last two months of its 4+ years of existence? Without bitcoin dogecoin wouldn't even exist, it's just an old copy of litecoin with a meme behind it and decent marketing. Let's talk again in a year from now, I'm willing to bet that even litecoin will easily outperform dogecoin in the course of an entire year. Silly hypes never last very long, and nobody is going to take a coin like dogecoin seriously. I give dogecoin 4 more months at most until people get bored of it and it will die a slow death. Good luck with your delusions.
What's remarkable is in only 2 months (lol) dogecoin daily transactions have surpassed btc, which as been around 4+ years.
You are the delusional one if you really think bitcoin will be the top coin forever.

You neglect the content of these transactions which is the most important part of the function for which a transaction serves.

How many DOGE transactions were actually payment for labor? How about goods? Just because people throw DOGE around as a tip speaks more truth about the perception of value in Dogecoin. People hold it as worthless and as such are eager to tip it away...

How many Deutschmarks do you think were spammed around after the hyper-inflationary period of the Wiemar Republic? Do you think that the huge volume gave them some additional store of value?
I don't know what the transactions are used for and I don't care. What matters is people are paying attention to it and using it, and spreading the word. No matter how annoying it is to bitcoin snobs, this is what needs to happen on a huge scale for any crypto to ever come close to being mainstream. Marketing rule of 7 - people need to see something 7 times before it registers and all that rot.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: pungopete468 on February 17, 2014, 05:27:55 AM
I don't know what the transactions are used for and I don't care. What matters is people are paying attention to it and using it, and spreading the word. No matter how annoying it is to bitcoin snobs, this is what needs to happen on a huge scale for any crypto to ever come close to being mainstream. Marketing rule of 7 - people need to see something 7 times before it registers and all that rot.

This is true for most consumer products or brands. The rule of 7 is a good rule, but it mostly applies in situations where consumers are complacently making day-to-day transactions and not really paying close attention to anything outside of their little bubble.

If you apply the rule of 7 to things based on ideology or necessity it falls apart quickly. I think many people will realize the necessity of decentralized crypto currencies while using Dogecoin or Bitcoin; the only difference is that Dogecoin has no hope of maintaining a consumer base once the users determine crypto currency is considered a necessity.

Imagine Dogecoin as a Global Reserve Currency... It's absolutely not going to happen. Human psychology would literally block it out with full force.

I'm not saying Dogecoin is bad; on the contrary. It's like a doorway to crypto for a large number of people. It's a good thing for the long term.

I'm illustrating my opinion as to why I don't consider it to be a contender with Bitcoin in the global finance arena...

Psychologically, people would rather put their life's wealth into a currency used by all manners of snobby, greedy, and elitist people rather than a currency based on a funny dog meme...

I'm sure there are plenty of people here who will disagree with my opinion.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: PirateHatForTea on February 17, 2014, 05:36:10 AM

Ask yourself this; what problem does Bitcoin solve that Dogecoin does not?

I can answer that quickly...

<Doesn't answer it at all, just talks about Doge and how it's a joke>

I'll ask again. What problem does *Bitcoin* solve that Doge does not?

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: traderCJ on February 17, 2014, 05:47:35 AM

Ask yourself this; what problem does Bitcoin solve that Dogecoin does not?

I can answer that quickly...

<Doesn't answer it at all, just talks about Doge and how it's a joke>

I'll ask again. What problem does *Bitcoin* solve that Doge does not?

None, really.  It has more to do with public consensus than anything else.  Assets like gold and real estate arguably have the strongest value consensus behind them, just given historical momentum.  Similarly, Bitcoin has stronger value consensus than Dogecoin.  But lets not kid ourselves .. The internet has been around in some form for roughly 30 years.  Bitcoin has been around 5 years.  Dogecoin, a few months.  On the human timeline, these are mere blips.  They are all nascent technologies and there is little reason to assume one will definitely triumph over the other given such short incubation periods.  Everything, and I mean everything in this cryptocurrency universe is still in beta testing.  Invest accordingly.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: pungopete468 on February 17, 2014, 05:49:04 AM

Ask yourself this; what problem does Bitcoin solve that Dogecoin does not?

I can answer that quickly...

<Doesn't answer it at all, just talks about Doge and how it's a joke>

I'll ask again. What problem does *Bitcoin* solve that Doge does not?

I guess I need to simplify.

Bitcoin can be psychologically accepted by people who wish to solve the problem we are trying to solve. Bitcoin potentially has the tools to solve this problem and the ideologically motivated workers to accomplish this goal.

Dogecoin has a built in psychological wall around itself that can never be breached. Dogecoin has the same tools but without the ideologically motivated workers to utilize them. They're all turned off because it's just a joke.

Dogecoin can never solve the problem that Bitcoin hopes to solve because it will always be a joke which fundamentally repels legitimate business and the "store of wealth" property of a currency...

I hope this is a more satisfactory answer.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: chesthing on February 17, 2014, 05:58:03 AM
Who the hell is talking about it becoming the world currency? all it needs to do is be worth a penny someday and anyone taking it seriously as an investment today will be rich. Bitcoin needs to make it to $10k for the same payoff with todays investment. Considering they both do the same thing, I think the odds of each case favors Doge.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: derpinheimer on February 17, 2014, 06:03:44 AM
lol dogecoin.

Go tell your mom and pop to invest in Dogecoin ok?

Its never going to become anything. The name alone is the reason for its success, and why it cant ever be significant.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: pungopete468 on February 17, 2014, 06:06:29 AM
Who the hell is talking about it becoming the world currency? all it needs to do is be worth a penny someday and anyone taking it seriously as an investment today will be rich. Bitcoin needs to make it to $10k for the same type of payoff. Considering they both do the same thing, I think the odds of each case favors Doge.

I thought you were asking about solving problems, not getting rich faster. Bitcoin as a future reserve currency would actually solve several problems.

Solving a problem has a binary output, 1 or 0. Getting rich on speculation is a blind guess based on probability and timing vs. reality.

Bitcoin has supporters who have no interest of ever selling for centralized currency. If we hope to get rich, it will be rich in Bitcoin and not in pennies.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: traderCJ on February 17, 2014, 06:09:26 AM
I think you guys are missing his point, or I'm giving him too much credit .. he is suggesting that from a technical standpoint, there isn't anything one coin can do that another can't do.  In fact, it's sort of a self-evident statement, assuming that the source code is public.  Technical strengths and weaknesses aside, it's simply a matter of what "the people" choose.  Marketing, that is.  This should concern anyone who invests heavily in one coin expecting it to be "teh winnar".

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: pungopete468 on February 17, 2014, 06:13:33 AM
I think you guys are missing his point, or I'm giving him too much credit .. he is suggesting that from a technical standpoint, there isn't anything one coin can do that another can't do.  In fact, it's sort of a self-evident statement, assuming that the source code is public.  Technical strengths and weaknesses aside, it's simply a matter of what "the people" choose.  Marketing, that is.  This should concern anyone who invests heavily in one coin expecting it to be "teh winnar".

No, you're right. That is his point.

Technically Doge has the tools to solve the problem, but it's like tossing a hand gun on a quadriplegic's lap and demanding a duel.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: derpinheimer on February 17, 2014, 06:15:08 AM
I think you guys are missing his point, or I'm giving him too much credit .. he is suggesting that from a technical standpoint, there isn't anything one coin can do that another can't do.  In fact, it's sort of a self-evident statement, assuming that the source code is public.  Technical strengths and weaknesses aside, it's simply a matter of what "the people" choose.  Marketing, that is.  This should concern anyone who invests heavily in one coin expecting it to be "teh winnar".

Bitcoin wont end up being the main virtual currency; but it will probably remain #1 for awhile yet.

Some of the more interesting coins like Ultracoin/Vertcoin will end up taking Bitcoins place.

Although I suppose it is possible for bitcoin to "win", it really shouldnt.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: chesthing on February 17, 2014, 06:15:47 AM
Doge doesn't have to be 'the winner', it just needs to form a niche and be useful to achieve a value of a penny or more. Moving value around quickly and cheaply is the whole point to this, no? or are you naive enough to think bitcoin will create a transfer of wealth and freedom back into the hands of the people? please.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: derpinheimer on February 17, 2014, 06:18:38 AM
Doge doesn't have to be 'the winner', it just needs to form a niche and be useful to achieve a value of a penny or more. Moving value around quickly and cheaply is the whole point to this, no? or are you naive enough to think bitcoin will create a transfer of wealth and freedom back into the hands of the people? please.

So either the Doge/BTC exchange rate increases nearly 700%, or Bitcoin goes up 700%... so Doge can cost 1c.

Makes total sense. I should go make a coin with a cap of 100 trillion. Dimwits like you will be convinced its undervalued at 1/1000th of a cent. IT HAS TO BE WORTH A CENT!?!? IT JUST HAS TO!!!

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: pungopete468 on February 17, 2014, 06:33:49 AM
Doge doesn't have to be 'the winner', it just needs to form a niche and be useful to achieve a value of a penny or more. Moving value around quickly and cheaply is the whole point to this, no? or are you naive enough to think bitcoin will create a transfer of wealth and freedom back into the hands of the people? please.

I'm having a hard time keeping up with your point here...

We must have been thinking of two completely different problems when you asked about Bitcoin and Dogecoin referring to the problems that one could solve absent the other...

I hope Doge does get a niche, and I hope plenty of people can prosper from it. People can learn about the "ease of use" with Dogecoin because they can just toss it around without feeling any remorse and then graduate into Bitcoin.

Bitcoin might not win the currency race, but you can guarantee whatever currency prevails will be a better "transfer of wealth and freedom back into the hands of the people" as you put it. The roots within that statement are the most powerful human force on Earth. You can be very sure that people will choose to use whichever contender suits that purpose the best.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: knightcoin on February 17, 2014, 06:42:25 AM
I don't know what the transactions are used for and I don't care. What matters is people are paying attention to it and using it, and spreading the word. No matter how annoying it is to bitcoin snobs, this is what needs to happen on a huge scale for any crypto to ever come close to being mainstream. Marketing rule of 7 - people need to see something 7 times before it registers and all that rot.

This is true for most consumer products or brands. The rule of 7 is a good rule, but it mostly applies in situations where consumers are complacently making day-to-day transactions and not really paying close attention to anything outside of their little bubble.

If you apply the rule of 7 to things based on ideology or necessity it falls apart quickly. I think many people will realize the necessity of decentralized crypto currencies while using Dogecoin or Bitcoin; the only difference is that Dogecoin has no hope of maintaining a consumer base once the users determine crypto currency is considered a necessity.

Imagine Dogecoin as a Global Reserve Currency... It's absolutely not going to happen. Human psychology would literally block it out with full force.

I'm not saying Dogecoin is bad; on the contrary. It's like a doorway to crypto for a large number of people. It's a good thing for the long term.

I'm illustrating my opinion as to why I don't consider it to be a contender with Bitcoin in the global finance arena...

Psychologically, people would rather put their life's wealth into a currency used by all manners of snobby, greedy, and elitist people rather than a currency based on a funny dog meme...

I'm sure there are plenty of people here who will disagree with my opinion.

:D who knows?? may be in 500 years or less LoL
Remeber Idiocracy_money ?

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: knightcoin on February 17, 2014, 06:49:04 AM
To resume ...

idiocracy Dr. Lexus


Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: pungopete468 on February 17, 2014, 06:51:56 AM

That's a perfect example of a world with a Dogecoin Reserve Currency!

We could change the title of the thread.

/World intelligence trending down. Dogecoin trending up.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: TPN on February 17, 2014, 07:12:29 AM
Dogecoin will for sure be the 2. Coin after BTC

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: stompix on February 17, 2014, 03:07:43 PM
Dogecoin will for sure be the 2. Coin after BTC

Yeah , probably both 2 and 3 right now as it's experiencing one nice hardfork.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: DanielVG on February 17, 2014, 03:38:50 PM
I wouldn't be surprised when dogecoin becomes a religion.
doing great, i'd say.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: eltopo on February 17, 2014, 04:51:57 PM

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: stompix on February 17, 2014, 04:54:34 PM

Serious and Dogecoin in one phrase. And you don't see anything wrong with it ? :)))

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: chesthing on February 17, 2014, 05:57:28 PM
Doge doesn't have to be 'the winner', it just needs to form a niche and be useful to achieve a value of a penny or more. Moving value around quickly and cheaply is the whole point to this, no? or are you naive enough to think bitcoin will create a transfer of wealth and freedom back into the hands of the people? please.

I'm having a hard time keeping up with your point here...

We must have been thinking of two completely different problems when you asked about Bitcoin and Dogecoin referring to the problems that one could solve absent the other...

I hope Doge does get a niche, and I hope plenty of people can prosper from it. People can learn about the "ease of use" with Dogecoin because they can just toss it around without feeling any remorse and then graduate into Bitcoin.

Bitcoin might not win the currency race, but you can guarantee whatever currency prevails will be a better "transfer of wealth and freedom back into the hands of the people" as you put it. The roots within that statement are the most powerful human force on Earth. You can be very sure that people will choose to use whichever contender suits that purpose the best.
Quote from 'Wallstreet' "the rich have been sticking it to the poor since the beginning of time." Bitcoin isn't going to change that, sorry. By the time we have a crypto as the world currency you can bet the same bastards who own everything now will own that.
Basically I give btc a very small shot at being worth $10k someday, I give Doge a bigger chance to reach a penny. Doge does not need btc to succeed, fiat currency and doge will trade easily soon. That's all, I'm done with this discussion - Doge may be worthless in a couple months but I really doubt it - if it is I'll mine the next harmless but useful coin that takes it's place.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: stompix on February 17, 2014, 06:00:05 PM
Doge doesn't have to be 'the winner', it just needs to form a niche and be useful to achieve a value of a penny or more. Moving value around quickly and cheaply is the whole point to this, no? or are you naive enough to think bitcoin will create a transfer of wealth and freedom back into the hands of the people? please.

I'm having a hard time keeping up with your point here...

We must have been thinking of two completely different problems when you asked about Bitcoin and Dogecoin referring to the problems that one could solve absent the other...

I hope Doge does get a niche, and I hope plenty of people can prosper from it. People can learn about the "ease of use" with Dogecoin because they can just toss it around without feeling any remorse and then graduate into Bitcoin.

Bitcoin might not win the currency race, but you can guarantee whatever currency prevails will be a better "transfer of wealth and freedom back into the hands of the people" as you put it. The roots within that statement are the most powerful human force on Earth. You can be very sure that people will choose to use whichever contender suits that purpose the best.
Quote from 'Wallstreet' "the rich have been sticking it to the poor since the beginning of time." Bitcoin isn't going to change that, sorry. By the time we have a crypto as the world currency you can bet the same bastards who own everything now will own that.

And you think doge coin will bring equilibrium and wealth redistribution.
Top 100 Richest Addresses    22,185,998,666 DOGE ($31,353,896 USD) 43.45% Total
Top 100 Richest Addresses    2,634,329 BTC ($1,681,655,602 USD) 21.24% Total

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: chesthing on February 17, 2014, 06:02:33 PM
No, I don't have those aspirations about any crypto - you do. Now I'm really done with this, let's just see what happens and report back a year from now.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on February 17, 2014, 06:03:25 PM
I'll ask again. What problem does *Bitcoin* solve that Doge does not?

It isn't that Bitcoin solves a different problem it is that is solves it better.

How many merchants accept Bitcoin, how many accept Doge?  How many well run, highly capitalized solution providers like BitPay are building infrastructure around Bitcoin?  How many around doge?  Building large scalable businesses requires capital.  How many private equity offering for companies that build Bitcoin related services have happened vs doge?  I think you get the point.

There is something called the network effect and no passing a few pennies between users isn't a network effect.  Bitcoin is still in the infancy but the number of merchants willing to accept it is growing.  As long as it is growing the network effect will grow with it.  When an Overstock, Wordpress, or even Kongregate starts accepting Doge you might have a point.  Does this mean Bitcoin is the one currency to rule them all? No.  I think it is possible superior alternatives will either co-exist or replace Bitcoin but they will need to be truly superior alternatives.

Your logical fallacy would be like me inventing a totally incompatible cellphone called a dogephone and this dogephone works just like a cellphone except the only people you can call is other people who have a dogephone.  Most of the people on the planet, have no interest in getting a dogephone because their cellphone works just fine.  When you point that out to me I say "what problem does a cellphone solve that Dogephone does not?"  It is a logical fallacy because while the answer may be none, it is a completely meaningless answer.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: stompix on February 17, 2014, 06:06:29 PM
I'll ask again. What problem does *Bitcoin* solve that Doge does not?

It isn't that Bitcoin solves a different problem it is that is solves it better.

How many merchants accept Bitcoin, how many accept Doge?
How many well run, highly capitalized solution providers like BitPay are building infrastructure around Bitcoin?  How many around doge?

There is something called the network effect and no passing a few pennies between users isn't a network effect.  Bitcoin is still in the infancy but the number of merchants willing to accept it is growing.  As long as it is growing the network effect will grow with it.  When an Overstock, Wordpress, or even Kongregate starts accepting Doge you might have a point.

Your logical fallacy would be like me inventing a totally incompatible cellphone called a dogephone and this dogephone could only be used to call other people who have dogephones.  Right now 99.99999999999999999% of the people on the planet have no interest in getting a dogephone because their cellphone works just fine.  When you point that out to me I say "what problem does a cellphone solve that Dogephone does not?"

Loved that.
Besides , I would think we should focus more on the problem that doge creates , transforming the whole crypto system in a laughing joke.
Bitcoin has just got ridden of a lot of ponzi scheme and drug coin accusation , and now , this. :(((

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on February 17, 2014, 06:07:49 PM
Doge doesn't have to be 'the winner', it just needs to form a niche and be useful to achieve a value of a penny or more. Moving value around quickly and cheaply is the whole point to this, no? or are you naive enough to think bitcoin will create a transfer of wealth and freedom back into the hands of the people? please.

I'm having a hard time keeping up with your point here...

We must have been thinking of two completely different problems when you asked about Bitcoin and Dogecoin referring to the problems that one could solve absent the other...

I hope Doge does get a niche, and I hope plenty of people can prosper from it. People can learn about the "ease of use" with Dogecoin because they can just toss it around without feeling any remorse and then graduate into Bitcoin.

Bitcoin might not win the currency race, but you can guarantee whatever currency prevails will be a better "transfer of wealth and freedom back into the hands of the people" as you put it. The roots within that statement are the most powerful human force on Earth. You can be very sure that people will choose to use whichever contender suits that purpose the best.
Quote from 'Wallstreet' "the rich have been sticking it to the poor since the beginning of time." Bitcoin isn't going to change that, sorry. By the time we have a crypto as the world currency you can bet the same bastards who own everything now will own that.

And you think doge coin will bring equilibrium and wealth redistribution.
Top 100 Richest Addresses    22,185,998,666 DOGE ($31,353,896 USD) 43.45% Total
Top 100 Richest Addresses    2,634,329 BTC ($1,681,655,602 USD) 21.24% Total

The situation will get even worse over time.  Doge was designed with an incredibly steep subsidy drop off.  50% of coins were mined in the first month.  75% will be mined in the first couple months.  99%+ in the first year.   Someone getting involve in doge in 2015 would be like someone getting involved in Bitcoin in 2108.    The first block subsidy was up to 1M coins (random).  Less than a year later it will be a fixed 1 coin. 

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: stompix on February 17, 2014, 06:12:20 PM
Doge doesn't have to be 'the winner', it just needs to form a niche and be useful to achieve a value of a penny or more. Moving value around quickly and cheaply is the whole point to this, no? or are you naive enough to think bitcoin will create a transfer of wealth and freedom back into the hands of the people? please.

I'm having a hard time keeping up with your point here...

We must have been thinking of two completely different problems when you asked about Bitcoin and Dogecoin referring to the problems that one could solve absent the other...

I hope Doge does get a niche, and I hope plenty of people can prosper from it. People can learn about the "ease of use" with Dogecoin because they can just toss it around without feeling any remorse and then graduate into Bitcoin.

Bitcoin might not win the currency race, but you can guarantee whatever currency prevails will be a better "transfer of wealth and freedom back into the hands of the people" as you put it. The roots within that statement are the most powerful human force on Earth. You can be very sure that people will choose to use whichever contender suits that purpose the best.
Quote from 'Wallstreet' "the rich have been sticking it to the poor since the beginning of time." Bitcoin isn't going to change that, sorry. By the time we have a crypto as the world currency you can bet the same bastards who own everything now will own that.

And you think doge coin will bring equilibrium and wealth redistribution.
Top 100 Richest Addresses    22,185,998,666 DOGE ($31,353,896 USD) 43.45% Total
Top 100 Richest Addresses    2,634,329 BTC ($1,681,655,602 USD) 21.24% Total

The situation will get even worse over time.  Doge was designed with an incredibly steep subsidy drop off.  50% of coins were mined in the first month.  75% will be mined in the first couple months.  99%+ in the first year.   Someone getting involve in doge in 2015 would be like someone getting involved in Bitcoin in 2108.    The first block subsidy was up to 1M coins (random).  Less than a year later it will be a fixed 1 coin.  

Well , I can't agree with you on the last thing.
The doge creator is known for not having a clue about what the variables were supposed to mean. He has mistaken those for months and suddenly decided that is better with an uncapped coin rather than a capped one , like he originally thought he has created.
With this , and the amount of hardforks this coin gets , i'm sure that by 2015 we will have more than 5 trilions doge and a 10% inflation , to please the crowd , more coins such wow etc.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: on February 17, 2014, 07:06:03 PM
I've read all these replies, and to be honest there's alot of speculation here being touted as fact. No one knows the future, I mean how likely did it seem for bitcoin to be worth the amount it is right now in the beginning? I remember back when people were under the impression that it had no inherent value, which is plausible because it's not backed by anything of real worth; yet, it's value increased solely by virtue of the value people attached to it.

The value of bitcoin could tank or it could go further up, the same as Dogecoin, the future is undetermined. So the common phrase, "don't put all your eggs in one basket" rings true for me here. Considering that Dogecoin is a small investment in comparison to bitcoin, it certainly appears less risky, a small amount of money could potentially give hefty gains later on, if not no big deal. I believe this is the mentality of alot of people buying into dogecoin right now.

Lastly, I personally see Dogecoin and Bitcoin as two completely different markets. Bitcoin with its emphasis on limited supply gives the impression of a store of value somewhat akin to gold hoarders. Whereas DogeCoin with its yearly increase in supply will rather act as a currency people will be willing to use and transact with on a daily basis much like regular fiat currency.  Both have their pros and cons...

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: eltopo on February 17, 2014, 07:30:05 PM

Serious and Dogecoin in one phrase. And you don't see anything wrong with it ? :)))

So you've managed to read the headline! Congrats! Much wow!

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: stompix on February 17, 2014, 07:33:28 PM

Serious and Dogecoin in one phrase. And you don't see anything wrong with it ? :)))

So you've managed to read the headline! Congrats! Much wow!

Did you read the news? The clone has issues with a bug fixed a year ago by bitcoin :)))))))))))

Trust these guys? devs? LMAO
Even a duck fight is more productive

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: WompRat on February 17, 2014, 08:14:51 PM

Serious and Dogecoin in one phrase. And you don't see anything wrong with it ? :)))

So you've managed to read the headline! Congrats! Much wow!

Did you read the news? The clone has issues with a bug fixed a year ago by bitcoin :)))))))))))

Trust these guys? devs? LMAO
Even a duck fight is more productive

Thankfully bitcoin doesn't have any bugs. 

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: Dafar on February 17, 2014, 08:49:08 PM

Doge coin has no cap, it will be subject to inflation based on the new specs, no more 100 billion limit. But it is far from a joke, it is becoming very successful in its own way. The devs themselves said that they are not trying to have it compete with serious investment coins like bitcoin, they want to keep the price low and stable so it can become a popular tipping utility on the internet, and that's exactly where it's going.

Lol at OP saying bitcoin can't be valued at $10,000... there are only 21million coins, it doesn't have a price limit until it replaces all of global wealth.

Lol at paper currency disappearing and all fiat becoming digital... yeah ok good luck shifting everyone over to that plan within our lifetime. No internet = no form of payment.

I'm no expert financial adviser or anything of the sort....

Why do you even bother posting financial stuff? <--retorical

I hold a stake in both bitcoin and dogecoin and it interests me.  I'm just trying offer my speculation and I knew that it wasn't going to be popular because my speculation is bitcoin is trending down.  I get the feeling from reading around here for some time that  people expect that it's going to bounce back up to the $1200 and continue on up "to the moon" as you like to say.  I just don't see it.  If Apple's stock or Google's stock or Facebook's stock isn't worth $10,000 a share I don't see any reason why bitcoin should be worth $10,000 a coin.  Wishful thinking IMO.

Have you ever heard of stock splitting? Lol at comparing google shares to bitcoin's price like it's apples to apples. First of all Apple and Google's market cap is far greater than bitcoin's... and that will probably change
because a GLOBAL currency should have a higher market cap than a company.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: fonzie on February 17, 2014, 08:52:59 PM
A doge thread without meme ain´t worth shit!

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: Undone on February 17, 2014, 09:19:28 PM
I refuse to believe that an individual named Satoshi who wrote a computer program to basically copy a system that was already in place (a digital payment system via bank apps, paypal, etc. etc.) is going to change the way money is exchanged in the future.  There are far too many more powerful people who will be taking that role.  Sorry Satoshi.  Sorry investors. 

It's posts like this that make it almost impossible to tell whether it's the work of an ultra-troll, or someone that's been paying so little attention to the situation that it's almost unbelievable.

Copy a system that was already in place? gtfo. You're either trolling for a rise, or you're just completely clueless.

Far too many more powerful people who will be taking that role? Bitcoin's trading value may tank, it may be regulated out of existence, etc., but you just clearly don't understand the bitcoin model.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: dropt on February 17, 2014, 09:41:18 PM
The value of bitcoin could tank or it could go further up, the same as Dogecoin, the future is undetermined. So the common phrase, "don't put all your eggs in one basket" rings true for me here. Considering that Dogecoin is a small investment in comparison to bitcoin, it certainly appears less risky, a small amount of money could potentially give hefty gains later on, if not no big deal. I believe this is the mentality of alot of people buying into dogecoin right now.

This is absolutely, one-hundred precent, in your head.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: knightcoin on February 17, 2014, 09:41:37 PM
I still betting in doge marketing, but 2 things makes me uncomfortable... wealth distribution, miners reward.

Regards google apple stokes/mak.cap .. ask your self why  theses stokes is about $1000 and microsoft is $37 ..

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: cbeast on February 17, 2014, 11:41:54 PM
Doge is the Jerry Lewis of coins. Nobody takes it seriously. It is always considered a sidekick to Bitcoin. Nobody thinks it's funny anymore, except the French.

*Apologies to Mr. Lewis, I still think he's a little funny, but I'm half-French.

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: on February 18, 2014, 12:56:21 AM
The value of bitcoin could tank or it could go further up, the same as Dogecoin, the future is undetermined. So the common phrase, "don't put all your eggs in one basket" rings true for me here. Considering that Dogecoin is a small investment in comparison to bitcoin, it certainly appears less risky, a small amount of money could potentially give hefty gains later on, if not no big deal. I believe this is the mentality of alot of people buying into dogecoin right now.

This is absolutely, one-hundred precent, in your head.

Care to elaborate?

Title: Re: Bitcoin trending down. Dogecoin trending up.
Post by: johnyj on February 18, 2014, 04:46:07 AM
I heard that doge just had a fork, what happened since then?  ;)