Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Hennesyjack21 on July 19, 2018, 11:33:10 AM

Title: Compensation Fund
Post by: Hennesyjack21 on July 19, 2018, 11:33:10 AM
Dear community! The  bounty sphere increase all the time with the of projects that have not fulfilled their payment promises!
This campaign, including!
Bittrade Group long time have been working in such ways -  trading, bounty, ico and we are going to offer you to receive compensation in our tokens by filling uncomplicated conditions.
Our team appreciates the time you spent on the work done and is ready to help you.
Together - we are stong!
Detailed information and conditions on the links below.

Увaжaeмoe cooбщecтвo! Cфepa бayнти кишит   пpoeктaми, кoтopыe нe выпoлнили  oбязaтeльcтвa пo выплaтaм! Этa кaмпaния, в тoм чиcлe!
Bittrade Group  дaвнo paбoтaeт в нaпpaвлeнияx тpeйдингa, бayнти, ico и  пpeдлaгaeт пoлyчить кoмпeнcaцию в нaшиx тoкeнax выпoлнив нecлoжныe ycлoвия. Haшa кoмaндa  цeнит вpeмя, кoтopoe былo пoтpaчeнo нa пpoдeлaннyю paбoтy и гoтoвы пoмoчь.
Bмecтe мы cилa ! Дeтaльнaя инфopмaция и ycлoвия пo ccылки нижe.

Title: Re: Compensation Fund
Post by: MoneyCryptor520 on July 23, 2018, 08:48:56 PM
Thats a really good decision and good initiative. I really like it.This type of campaign should be created more so that the unpayable projects decreases.I am always a big supporter of this type of campaign.

Title: Re: Compensation Fund
Post by: kingzpro on July 23, 2018, 08:59:03 PM
That is a very noble cause and campaign, often we hear that bounty campaigns do not pay after weeks of work, so i think their should be some sort of reserve fund or compensation for such bounty workers because most of them need that reward for living so deceiving them is very unethical act from some icos.

Title: Re: Compensation Fund
Post by: Byzantium101 on July 23, 2018, 09:05:55 PM
I wish you every success on this, but frankly I think that the idea is not very well polished and may need a large initial promotional investment. Very difficult I think.

Title: Re: Compensation Fund
Post by: kingofhell9008 on July 24, 2018, 12:51:22 PM
I think that such type of fund is really needed now. This will help to restore the confidence of the investors in the bounty as many people are getting cheated by the bounty. This is really a great move.

Title: Re: Compensation Fund
Post by: dreammoney710 on July 24, 2018, 02:24:18 PM
Such messages help us keep a positive mood and effort on working, thank you for bringing in the community as one. Cheers!

Title: Re: Compensation Fund
Post by: mandeepcrypto on July 24, 2018, 02:36:31 PM
It is really very needed  and helpful for those investors who are cheated by the bounty. It is really a good initiative.It help to built confidence of investors.

Title: Re: Compensation Fund
Post by: BitCoinDream247 on July 24, 2018, 03:51:22 PM
Such messages help us keep positive, thank you for bringing in the community as one whole. Cheers!

Title: Re: Compensation Fund
Post by: YuginKadoya on July 25, 2018, 04:58:52 PM
I am seeing a lot of bounty campaigns ditching their project along a lot of supporters that joined the campaign because they don't meet their expected hard cap, They sometimes leave the project with the investment of investors, But others choose the right path by returning all invested money or like this give compensation for all of those who joined the campaign or led them to success, I think this is a smart move and will be looking forward in seeing how can this campaign would do in the future.

Title: Re: Compensation Fund
Post by: Plumbank on July 25, 2018, 10:14:29 PM
Bittrade group are older than other in crypto market. It has bright future and more probability to get more profit. it also secure and trusted for bounty. it also committed to payment every bounty.

Title: Re: Compensation Fund
Post by: liripoop on July 25, 2018, 11:23:02 PM
From my point of view it’s a very good news. Everyone already face the problem that bounty sphere increase but it can not fulfilled their payment. It very god initiative trading bounty abd ico going to offer and get recompense from our token.

Title: Re: Compensation Fund
Post by: echodike on July 25, 2018, 11:45:55 PM
I don't really understand the above message, does it mean you guys are starting a bounty program for your project? can you explain to me the more of what you mean above. thank you.

Title: Re: Compensation Fund
Post by: obility on July 26, 2018, 03:02:33 PM
So meaning they will create their own tokens? Is their token already trading on any exchanges, how are they going to achieve that or verify that the ICO is legit, I think it will be abused. I need to understand more about Bittrade Group

Title: Re: Compensation Fund
Post by: Valay9836 on August 05, 2018, 05:25:43 PM
Quite an interesting idea . and if the developers fit seriously think success is guaranteed