Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Anonymous on October 07, 2011, 12:09:44 AM

Title: Bitcoin - The Future and How We Get There
Post by: Anonymous on October 07, 2011, 12:09:44 AM

In this video, I'll briefly describe my objective to get Bitcoin out in the mainstream and how we should plan to get there.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - The Future and How We Get There
Post by: BitcoinPorn on October 07, 2011, 12:37:14 AM
Security over getting Bitcoin in the mainstream.   More ways to either trust third parties or make it so trusting the third parties is no longer an issue.  These things must be solved, or no common person, or even a person who does know how to use a computer a little bit, will jump onto Bitcoin with the bullshit issues that continue to plague.   Growth is not the issue, these foundations need to be more stable.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - The Future and How We Get There
Post by: Anonymous on October 07, 2011, 12:38:56 AM
Security over getting Bitcoin in the mainstream.   More ways to either trust third parties or make it so trusting the third parties is no longer an issue.  These things must be solved, or no common person, or even a person who does know how to use a computer a little bit, will jump onto Bitcoin with the bullshit issues that continue to plague.   Growth is not the issue, these foundations need to be more stable.
The incentive for greater security will come when there is an actual market for Bitcoin. The profit doesn't exist for more secure infrastructure because there is hardly a market to use it. It will come AFTER people know about this innovation.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - The Future and How We Get There
Post by: BitcoinPorn on October 07, 2011, 12:50:55 AM
You take chicken, I take egg then.  I don't see the innovation as present until things are generally overall more secure, until then more and more I keep seeing Bitcoin as something really neat, but not the final word in digital currency.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - The Future and How We Get There
Post by: elggawf on October 07, 2011, 01:06:43 AM
Some of your statements are silly, and some are downright contradictory.

I keep asking people why the "health" of Bitcoin is determined by it's ever increasing value? This $5 thing is kinda cool: I'm personally starting to develop a nice frame-of-reference in my mind... when someone prices something in BTC it's getting to the point where I'm no longer having to convert it to USD in my head to judge the quality of the price or not. That's awesome.

You're another one of those jackasses telling people it's zero-fees. That's crap, and it only serves to turn around and bite people in the arse. #1 because they are likely within their first month of using it to encounter a non-free transaction anyway, and #2 because the long-term health of the Bitcoin network depends on fees on most transactions.

You were saying that it's going to increase in value if you hold it long enough (which is silly, that's not a given at all, if it was a given we wouldn't be having this conversation). You were saying that Bitcoin is not arbitrarily inflatable, and that a currency "should be to the wills of the market" - that's what the current price is, is it not?

The only logical conclusion to all this is that people want the ever-increasing value for the sole reason that they want to get rich without actually doing anything but holding Bitcoin. That kinda makes you a parasite - the fact that that's seemingly all you want out of it. For all Krugman's idiocy at times, he got one thing right describing Bitcoin: the purpose of a currency is not simply to make those holding it rich.

Sure, the stagnant price and climbing difficulty has sucked shit for a lot of miners, but you knew going into it that it was going to be a race to the bottom in terms of who could mine most efficiently. If you're a miner who dropped $10k in credit card debt on a mining farm that you now can't run at a profit because of the cost of cooling or electricity where you are is too high, that's your own stupid bloody fault.

Fact is that while I'm not getting rich off it, I'm making a profit right now. I'm mining at an extremely tiny profit, but mostly "just because", and I've scaled back the aggression and clocks on my card to keep it below 70C when mining. I'm accepting BTC for services, and it's nice to feel reasonably secure that the buying power isn't going to tank right after I accept them. I've been spending those Bitcoins on things. The end result is that through Bitcoin, counting in all factors, I'm at a net increase from what I've had and the price hasn't moved upwards much at all. I won't get rich off it, and it makes up a tiny portion of my business, but it's still there.

The price slumps when bad news hits the market are getting smaller and smaller - that's a good thing. That's healthy. Healthier than a 1000% increase in 12 months or whatever - in the real world no investment performs like that in a sustainable fashion. The economy doesn't need meddling, it needs more, sustainable growth. The lower the price goes, the less money needs to be injected into the economy for it to maintain it's price. So it's not a $250m economy - who cares?

It's working, give it some credit.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - The Future and How We Get There
Post by: FreeTrade on October 07, 2011, 01:08:42 AM
Bitcoin needs more CONTROVERSY.

Controversy -> Stories -> Interest -> Searches -> Users

Title: Re: Bitcoin - The Future and How We Get There
Post by: BitcoinPorn on October 07, 2011, 01:10:20 AM
Bitcoin needs more CONTROVERSY to hire someone from .

Controversy -> Stories -> Interest -> Searches -> Users

Title: Re: Bitcoin - The Future and How We Get There
Post by: repentance on October 07, 2011, 01:10:34 AM
Yep.  Larger numbers of people losing money to shonky Bitcoin ventures is definitely the path to mainstream adoption and acceptance.

If those starting Bitcoin exchanges don't have the capital to invest in security at the outset, then they shouldn't be in business to begin with.  It's absurd to suggest that it's OK for them to operate with lax security until they make enough profit to invest in better infrastructure.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - The Future and How We Get There
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on October 07, 2011, 01:13:15 AM
Great video, Atlas! While watching it, I kept thinking about this one:

and this one:

and this one:

and finally, this one (a must see):

Title: Re: Bitcoin - The Future and How We Get There
Post by: FreeTrade on October 07, 2011, 01:15:44 AM
I keep asking people why the "health" of Bitcoin is determined by it's ever increasing value?

The USD price of Bitcoin is the collective judgement of the market on whether Bitcoin will be successful. It represents people betting with their money as to the health of Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - The Future and How We Get There
Post by: elggawf on October 07, 2011, 01:28:42 AM
The USD price of Bitcoin is the collective judgement of the market on whether Bitcoin will be successful. It represents people betting with their money as to the health of Bitcoin.

That's only really true if all the people buying it are doing so to speculate, but I see where you're going with that. However it doesn't mean that a stagnating price is an immediate indictment of the ill-health of the economy, given that we're minting 50BTC more on average every 10 minutes.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - The Future and How We Get There
Post by: FreeTrade on October 07, 2011, 01:56:20 AM
That's only really true if all the people buying it are doing so to speculate, but I see where you're going with that. However it doesn't mean that a stagnating price is an immediate indictment of the ill-health of the economy, given that we're minting 50BTC more on average every 10 minutes.

Agreed - absorbing 50BTC every ten minutes while the price remains stable is a sign of confidence. Either there is money flowing in to support the price, or the miners are holding onto it (and paying in electricity). 

Title: Re: Bitcoin - The Future and How We Get There
Post by: Anonymous on October 07, 2011, 03:08:16 AM
I'll be making another video tomorrow addressing responses.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - The Future and How We Get There
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on October 07, 2011, 03:21:58 AM
I'll be making another video tomorrow addressing responses.

Shit! I thought I smelled a trap. I want to retract my video responses and replace them with only this one:

Title: Re: Bitcoin - The Future and How We Get There
Post by: jimbobway on October 07, 2011, 03:23:34 AM
Great stuff Immanual.  You are a natural.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - The Future and How We Get There
Post by: repentance on October 07, 2011, 03:32:48 AM

Title: Re: Bitcoin - The Future and How We Get There
Post by: danman87 on October 07, 2011, 03:50:15 AM
Great video, Atlas! While watching it, I kept thinking about this one:

and this one:

and this one:

and finally, this one (a must see):

lol, awesome. (

Title: Re: Bitcoin - The Future and How We Get There
Post by: genjix on October 07, 2011, 03:53:46 AM
lol he makes really good points.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - The Future and How We Get There
Post by: danman87 on October 07, 2011, 04:34:54 AM

Title: Re: Bitcoin - The Future and How We Get There
Post by: tvbcof on October 07, 2011, 04:45:11 AM
You take chicken, I take egg then.  I don't see the innovation as present until things are generally overall more secure, until then more and more I keep seeing Bitcoin as something really neat, but not the final word in digital currency.

I am sure that you are right because your porn is a lot better than the Woolongfinancial stuff.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - The Future and How We Get There
Post by: repentance on October 07, 2011, 04:47:12 AM
You take chicken, I take egg then.  I don't see the innovation as present until things are generally overall more secure, until then more and more I keep seeing Bitcoin as something really neat, but not the final word in digital currency.

I am sure that you are right because your porn is a lot better than the Woolongfinancial stuff.

Maybe there'd be greater adoption if there was a PornCoin blockchain.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - The Future and How We Get There
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on October 07, 2011, 05:07:13 AM
Great video, Atlas! While watching it, I kept thinking about this one:

and this one:

and this one:

and finally, this one (a must see):

lol, awesome. (

Either Atlas has a double or...

Title: Re: Bitcoin - The Future and How We Get There
Post by: BkkCoins on October 07, 2011, 06:34:00 AM
"Circling the drain"

Title: Re: Bitcoin - The Future and How We Get There
Post by: Litt on October 07, 2011, 09:24:04 AM
Anyone who is crazy enough to think he can change the world, is actually someone who can change the world. - Steve Jobs

I 100% agree with you on the fact that Bitcoin wasn't built to be tiptoeing around the politically correctness to sustain itself. The P2P decentralized aspect took care of the issue and gave the power to keep bitcoin running to the people that use it.  

It was indeed created to to challenge the current status quo and this failing financial system that is starting to collapse around us. It's wasn't bitcoin's fault that people are too afraid to say it like it is and avoid the issue out of fear. What is written in the genesis block isn't just some random musing, but a direct confirmation of what you are suggesting imo.

People fear being involved deeply in something that have a chance to fail. Why? Because losers don't take chances. And most of the world is made up of losers.
People also fear the unknown. The future of bitcoin is full of unknowns such as upcoming laws, not being backed by anything tangible, and etc, and many won't admit that they are too fearful to take a chance.

Winners don't care about what others tell them because they know deep inside their heart that they are right. It's this inextinguishable thirst for change that brings about inventions like Bitcoin to come along in the first place.

As another human being who also strive to challenge the status quo of today, I applaud you for standing up firmly on your beliefs and hope noone can ever discourage you to do otherwise. I am positively sure that thoughts you shared on your video weren't too far from what the creator of bitcoin had in mind before creating it in the first place.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - The Future and How We Get There
Post by: cbeast on October 07, 2011, 11:49:46 AM
Well said. You are right about taking chances. Nowadays most people go to the casino or buy lottery tickets on a fools errand. It's better to go with what you believe you understand to be the right thing to do. Even if you fail, you know you did the right thing.

Anyone who is crazy enough to think he can change the world, is actually someone who can change the world. - Steve Jobs

I 100% agree with you on the fact that Bitcoin wasn't built to be tiptoeing around the politically correctness to sustain itself. The P2P decentralized aspect took care of the issue and gave the power to keep bitcoin running to the people that use it.  

It was indeed created to to challenge the current status quo and this failing financial system that is starting to collapse around us. It's wasn't bitcoin's fault that people are too afraid to say it like it is and avoid the issue out of fear. What is written in the genesis block isn't just some random musing, but a direct confirmation of what you are suggesting imo.

People fear being involved deeply in something that have a chance to fail. Why? Because losers don't take chances. And most of the world is made up of losers.
People also fear the unknown. The future of bitcoin is full of unknowns such as upcoming laws, not being backed by anything tangible, and etc, and many won't admit that they are too fearful to take a chance.

Winners don't care about what others tell them because they know deep inside their heart that they are right. It's this inextinguishable thirst for change that brings about inventions like Bitcoin to come along in the first place.

As another human being who also strive to challenge the status quo of today, I applaud you for standing up firmly on your beliefs and hope noone can ever discourage you to do otherwise. I am positively sure that thoughts you shared on your video weren't too far from what the creator of bitcoin had in mind before creating it in the first place.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - The Future and How We Get There
Post by: BitcoinPorn on October 07, 2011, 11:58:53 AM
Maybe there'd be greater adoption if there was a PornCoin blockchain.

I feel if mass focus was put on Beertokens a lot more PornCoin will be going on.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - The Future and How We Get There
Post by: FAtlas on October 07, 2011, 02:42:59 PM

In this video, I'll briefly describe my objective to get Bitcoin out in the mainstream and how we should plan to get there.
So are you going to be organizing this ad campaign?  I seem to remember you trying something like that previously, collecting donations, and then never actually doing anything.  Then when someone asked for their donation back over the forums you got upset that they didn't PM you politely to ask for the money you took.

Why would this time be any different?

Title: Re: Bitcoin - The Future and How We Get There
Post by: Rassah on October 07, 2011, 09:34:17 PM
I think it would help if you set up a table with one column showing Bitcoin's strengths, the other weaknesses, put it public where people can give suggestions to add to the list, then rank them in order of importance, and have the group come up with ideas on how to address the issues. Your video was a good start, but it sort of just throws those thoughts out there without an easy way to see or organize them. If you want to take charge and help with that (and on this trolly forum we need all the help we can get), why not post a read-only copy of such a table in public somewhere (Google Docs?), start a thread where people can post comments, and screen those based on what you think is important.

For the record, I completely agree with you that very low fees and faster transactions don't compare to the convenience of whipping out and swiping plastic. Especially when it's still such a pain to refill your Bitcoin account. Also, most benefits of Bitcoin seem to be geared towards merchants, but most people out there are consumers, and customers are always right (even when they use 2.5% fee credit cards). BUT, I also don't think getting people angry or scared is necessarily the right answer. Sadly, most people out there just don't give a shit no matter what. Just look at the number of people who vote.

Hopefully, a more organized brainstorm of ideas will help bring out even better things to concentrate on, and you seem to be trusted enough, or at least well known enough, to be able to attract enough people to yourself and lead this thing.

Title: Re: Bitcoin - The Future and How We Get There
Post by: elggawf on October 07, 2011, 11:01:57 PM
Sounds eerily familiar to many Bitcoin ventures: