Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: eurotalker on February 17, 2014, 03:53:24 PM

Title: Thinking of selling my services for BTC.
Post by: eurotalker on February 17, 2014, 03:53:24 PM
Hello to you all!

I read, on this forum, topics in which BTC is offered for your signature.
This got me to the idea of 'selling myself'. Either my signature, or some job(s), or ...

Before I do so, I would like to have tips/suggestions.
Are there things to watch out for? For example: getting paid fully/partly in front?
What are the experiences of other users here? And so on...

What I can offer is:
- renting my signature,
- translating (I'm a native Dutch speaker),
- create helpfiles or write other documents.

Other things I can maybe do something with are my hobby's, study and work-experience, but I don't see quite yet how I can turn them into BTC or in $.

So, before I start to sell my services, please do post your ideas, experience(s) and/or suggestions. You'd be very helpfull to me.
Thank you in advance.

Title: Re: Thinking of selling my services for BTC.
Post by: guybrushthreepwood on February 17, 2014, 04:48:09 PM
Hello to you all!

I read, on this forum, topics in which BTC is offered for your signature.
This got me to the idea of 'selling myself'. Either my signature, or some job(s), or ...

Before I do so, I would like to have tips/suggestions.
Are there things to watch out for? For example: getting paid fully/partly in front?
What are the experiences of other users here? And so on...

What I can offer is:
- renting my signature,
- translating (I'm a native Dutch speaker),
- create helpfiles or write other documents.

Other things I can maybe do something with are my hobby's, study and work-experience, but I don't see quite yet how I can turn them into BTC or in $.

So, before I start to sell my services, please do post your ideas, experience(s) and/or suggestions. You'd be very helpfull to me.
Thank you in advance.

Offer your services over on the Marketplace and see if anyone is interested. Use an escrow for the payment.

Title: Re: Thinking of selling my services for BTC.
Post by: Kiki112 on February 17, 2014, 04:50:58 PM
offer your services on the services section and use escrow if you think the other person could scam you..

for the signature, you get paid later and just check replies to the post to see if the OP is paying and legit ;)

Title: Re: Thinking of selling my services for BTC.
Post by: BitCoinDream on February 17, 2014, 05:31:18 PM
Hello to you all!

I read, on this forum, topics in which BTC is offered for your signature.
This got me to the idea of 'selling myself'. Either my signature, or some job(s), or ...

Before I do so, I would like to have tips/suggestions.
Are there things to watch out for? For example: getting paid fully/partly in front?
What are the experiences of other users here? And so on...

What I can offer is:
- renting my signature,
- translating (I'm a native Dutch speaker),
- create helpfiles or write other documents.

Other things I can maybe do something with are my hobby's, study and work-experience, but I don't see quite yet how I can turn them into BTC or in $.

So, before I start to sell my services, please do post your ideas, experience(s) and/or suggestions. You'd be very helpfull to me.
Thank you in advance.

I recommend u to try freelancing sites to get clients who r willing to pay in BTC. A marketplace listing may help u too...

Title: Re: Thinking of selling my services for BTC.
Post by: rohnearner on February 17, 2014, 05:59:52 PM
Hello to you all!

I read, on this forum, topics in which BTC is offered for your signature.
This got me to the idea of 'selling myself'. Either my signature, or some job(s), or ...

Before I do so, I would like to have tips/suggestions.
Are there things to watch out for? For example: getting paid fully/partly in front?
What are the experiences of other users here? And so on...

What I can offer is:
- renting my signature,
- translating (I'm a native Dutch speaker),
- create helpfiles or write other documents.

Other things I can maybe do something with are my hobby's, study and work-experience, but I don't see quite yet how I can turn them into BTC or in $.

So, before I start to sell my services, please do post your ideas, experience(s) and/or suggestions. You'd be very helpfull to me.
Thank you in advance.
I would seriously like to appreciate you for selling your skills and not begging on this forum like many do kudos for that i hope you get what you are looking for..

Title: Re: Thinking of selling my services for BTC.
Post by: roslinpl on February 17, 2014, 06:00:49 PM
Hello to you all!

I read, on this forum, topics in which BTC is offered for your signature.
This got me to the idea of 'selling myself'. Either my signature, or some job(s), or ...

Before I do so, I would like to have tips/suggestions.
Are there things to watch out for? For example: getting paid fully/partly in front?
What are the experiences of other users here? And so on...

What I can offer is:
- renting my signature,
- translating (I'm a native Dutch speaker),
- create helpfiles or write other documents.

Other things I can maybe do something with are my hobby's, study and work-experience, but I don't see quite yet how I can turn them into BTC or in $.

So, before I start to sell my services, please do post your ideas, experience(s) and/or suggestions. You'd be very helpfull to me.
Thank you in advance.

very nice very nice.
Earning money by working is good thing!

You should read "services"

and keep checking for new bounties.

also reddit -> jobs4bitcoin

Wish you luck and all best!

Title: Re: Thinking of selling my services for BTC.
Post by: hilariousandco on February 17, 2014, 07:36:57 PM
Just choose a sig deal from here:

You can also try sell stuff on the marketplace or on sites like cryptothrift.

Title: Re: Thinking of selling my services for BTC.
Post by: fighter on February 17, 2014, 07:46:13 PM
Hello to you all!

I read, on this forum, topics in which BTC is offered for your signature.
This got me to the idea of 'selling myself'. Either my signature, or some job(s), or ...

Before I do so, I would like to have tips/suggestions.
Are there things to watch out for? For example: getting paid fully/partly in front?
What are the experiences of other users here? And so on...

What I can offer is:
- renting my signature,
- translating (I'm a native Dutch speaker),
- create helpfiles or write other documents.

Other things I can maybe do something with are my hobby's, study and work-experience, but I don't see quite yet how I can turn them into BTC or in $.

So, before I start to sell my services, please do post your ideas, experience(s) and/or suggestions. You'd be very helpfull to me.
Thank you in advance.

Selling yourself, I like that!!

There are threads where OP looks for signatures and he pays back every month or something like that with BTC.

Title: Re: Thinking of selling my services for BTC.
Post by: GrandBcn on February 17, 2014, 08:40:06 PM
In The Vegas Sand?

Title: Re: Thinking of selling my services for BTC.
Post by: eurotalker on February 17, 2014, 10:13:37 PM
Hello to [...] in advance.

Offer your services over on the Marketplace and see if anyone is interested. Use an escrow for the payment.

Thank you for the tip! Just one question..
Escrow? Do you have a link to a topic on the forum, or any other source, that explains me what escrow is? I'd like to read more about escrow.

Title: Re: Thinking of selling my services for BTC.
Post by: eurotalker on February 17, 2014, 10:17:09 PM
offer your services on the services section and use escrow if you think the other person could scam you..

for the signature, you get paid later and just check replies to the post to see if the OP is paying and legit ;)

Well.. Instead of 'if you think the other person could scam you..', let's put it another way..
How do you know if someone is trustworthy? Do you, yourself, always use escrow? Or maybe just sometimes? And if not, what are your criteria to decise so?

Title: Re: Thinking of selling my services for BTC.
Post by: eurotalker on February 17, 2014, 10:21:48 PM
Just choose a sig deal from here:

You can also try sell stuff on the marketplace or on sites like cryptothrift.

Thank you for the tip! I read the topic. But .. If I'm correct, I don't have the required amount of posts to apply to one of them (yet).

Title: Re: Thinking of selling my services for BTC.
Post by: roslinpl on February 17, 2014, 11:00:52 PM
Then gain +activity :)

you have to wait few weeks before it will became >+50

but till this time there is many offers that may suits you.

Just read #services :)

Title: Re: Thinking of selling my services for BTC.
Post by: JJKirsch on February 18, 2014, 04:21:35 AM

reddit -> jobs4bitcoin

This is a good place to check, lots of job offers.

Title: Re: Thinking of selling my services for BTC.
Post by: Sonny on February 18, 2014, 05:45:40 AM
The best way to earn is to sell your skills (programming, translation, etc.), so you can see the service board from time to time, to see if someone need a Dutch language class or translation. :)

Apart from that, it is pretty good to get some bitcoin with those sig ad program.
You can get as much as 20000 satoshi a post. :)

Title: Re: Thinking of selling my services for BTC.
Post by: eurotalker on February 20, 2014, 07:05:32 PM
In The Vegas Sand?

 ??? explain

Title: Re: Thinking of selling my services for BTC.
Post by: eurotalker on February 20, 2014, 07:34:09 PM
The best way to earn is to sell your skills (programming, translation, etc.), so you can see the service board from time to time, to see if someone need a Dutch language class or translation. :)

I can see what you're aiming at (I think), but those were just examples of what I thought I could do. Everyone is free to make the list of examples longer, and if so ... please do!

Not everyone has skills that can be used online. For example; if ones workexperience is in the field of .. ADR (alternative dispute resolvement). How would you think that could be made into a BTC-service? No matter how good a mediator one would be, it's not much use if the client is in Mexico, Iran or the United States, and the mediator would be situated in the Netherlands.
And I guess it's the same for if someone studied .. eh .. labor law, or would be an dentist.

And that is a bit what my problem is. I do have skills, but not the kind of skills that is asked for in the BTC for goods/services section of this forum (or any other I came across till so far).

But ... I can write & I can learn.

So, there must be 'something' I could do. Now, or in time. I looked at the services page. I saw that there quite a few jobs for writing articles about BTC. I would like that, but at this moment I don't think I know enough about BTC (yet) to do so. And it's my opinion that first I should improve my use of the english language a bit more.

So, for now I'll just keep on learning and reading about BTC, and try to make some short articles on a personal blog I made to help me with that. Hopefully, in time, I can apply succesfully to one of the BTC related jobs.
Nonetheless, the BTC for good/services section of this forum gave me a lot of new ideas. So, no ... I don't think I'll be bored in the next coming months! :D

Title: Re: Thinking of selling my services for BTC.
Post by: roslinpl on February 20, 2014, 08:32:22 PM
Have you found anything yet??

Title: Re: Thinking of selling my services for BTC.
Post by: eurotalker on February 20, 2014, 08:57:53 PM
Have you found anything yet??


I did came across som sig-deals that seem trustworthy (but I don't have the required amount of posts to apply yet), and another topic in the BTC for services section ( seems interesting. I'd like to write articles. About all sorts of subjects. But that one is really BTC-related and I'm afraid I don't know enough (yet) about BTC to apply.

Title: Re: Thinking of selling my services for BTC.
Post by: roslinpl on February 20, 2014, 09:11:16 PM
Have you found anything yet??


I did came across som sig-deals that seem trustworthy (but I don't have the required amount of posts to apply yet), and another topic in the BTC for services section ( seems interesting. I'd like to write articles. About all sorts of subjects. But that one is really BTC-related and I'm afraid I don't know enough (yet) about BTC to apply.

Why don't sell your sig?

Title: Re: Thinking of selling my services for BTC.
Post by: roslinpl on February 20, 2014, 09:12:33 PM

reddit -> jobs4bitcoin

This is a good place to check, lots of job offers.

Yes I found there few nice jobs :)
Worth checking daily.

Title: Re: Thinking of selling my services for BTC.
Post by: eurotalker on February 20, 2014, 09:44:07 PM

Why don't sell your sig?

Know what? You're right! And, I can do more than that. I could not only sell my sig, but also offer to promote on my blog&promotion page. It has about 3000 hits a week, since I started it. And I post about 20 postings a month on a Dutch forum I'm a member of. I could offer to sell my sig there as well, and make that part of the 'package-deal' or so.

But, if I would sell it ... are there other things to keep in mind then? Like the time of the agreement. For example; I sell my signature for a period of X months/weeks with the right not to prolong the agreement to me as well as the buyer?
What are your experiences? (or those from others??)