Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Tokens (Altcoins) => Topic started by: krach on July 20, 2018, 07:30:22 PM

Title: Chamapesa: the open network for social savings communities
Post by: krach on July 20, 2018, 07:30:22 PM

Another day. Another alt-coin announcement. But one with several major differences:

A  new, hybrid blockchain - light enough to run on low-powered handsets and 2G mobile networks - without compromising security or functionality
A ready-made market, where 75% of adults use digital currency in daily life
An ambition to stimulate economies with a new ERC20 Token - Chamacoin - that supports Savings Circles.

Explore the impact of Kenyan Saving Circles in this short documentary (  

Kenya has one of the world’s most advanced digital payment economies, thanks to the launch of M-Pesa mobile money in 2007. M-Pesa is now used by 75% of adult Kenyans in daily life.

Further Reading: (

Unlocking the full potential of Chamas
Chamapesa will make running Chamas easier and more secure by offering:

An immutable ledger: digitised bookkeeping will reduce errors (Chama transactions are recorded by hand in paper ledgers), and eliminate fraud and theft.
A new, hybrid technology: Ricardian Litechains adapt blockchain technology to run on low-powered handsets and 2G networks without compromising security, convenience or anonymity.

Chamacoin:  a utility token to collect and distribute fees. A low 0.5% transaction fee will encourage adoption.

Read the Chamapesa White Paper (

The Token Sale
Chamas - a powerful economic force
In Kenya, Saving Circles are called Chamas. Their collective savings are equal to 46% of Kenya’s GDP. Many Chamas offer low-cost loans, to start and grow businesses, or improve community infrastructure with education, transport, healthcare and agriculture projects.

An advanced digital economy


Title: Re: Chamapesa: the open network for social savings communities
Post by: Jordan_Hodge on July 23, 2018, 11:25:43 AM
Hey Guys, just thought I'd let you know that friends of mine in Kenya are very excited about your project. I just listened to the CEO, you guys seem solid to me (a relative noob)  ;D

Title: Re: Chamapesa: the open network for social savings communities
Post by: dragunfly on July 23, 2018, 11:36:38 AM
Is there any more info on the actual token sale? when it will happen, what is the hard/soft caps etc

Title: Re: Chamapesa: the open network for social savings communities
Post by: krach on July 23, 2018, 03:10:37 PM
Is there any more info on the actual token sale? when it will happen, what is the hard/soft caps etc

You can read all details regarding the token sale here:

Some important details regarding the token sale auction:

40 million Chamacoin tokens will be offered for a combined pre-sale and public sale in an uncapped auction, staged over eight days.

Pre-sale participants will receive a 35% - 50% discount (individually negotiated) for locking their tokens up for one year, or until the Chamapesa Network launches - whichever comes first. While pre-sale funds will be included in the auction, Chamacoins paid out to pre-sale participants will be held in escrow by the Solidus CFO until the lockup period expires.

32 million Chamacoin tokens will be sold in eight daily auctions, so four million tokens will be available each day. Pre-sale funds will be divided into eight equal portions and entered in the daily auctions

At the end of each auction, four million tokens will be distributed to the Ethereum addresses that paid in, including the pre-sale portion. This way, we ensure everyone receives the same price per token.

After the final auction, eight million bonus tokens will be awarded in an ‘ORCA’: Open Reverse Cascading Auction.

The day with the highest price will receive bonus tokens until its price is brought down to that of the second highest day (or the bonus tokens are exhausted). Any remaining bonus tokens will be applied equally to the two highest days, until they meet the price from the third highest day (or, again, until the tokens run out).

If we find there are still some remaining bonus tokens, they’ll be applied to the next three highest days to bring the price down, or the tokens run out. Bonus tokens will cascade in this manner until all have been distributed.

Title: Re: Chamapesa: the open network for social savings communities
Post by: HairyGinger on July 23, 2018, 08:04:34 PM
Very excited project with cryptocurrency OG Ian Grigg

Title: Re: Chamapesa: the open network for social savings communities
Post by: Afrikoin on July 23, 2018, 10:10:30 PM
Great African project! I love the team

I see you have Michael Kimani, Africa's crypto evangelist on your team, awesome!

Cant wait guys!

Title: Re: Chamapesa: the open network for social savings communities
Post by: Jordan_Hodge on July 30, 2018, 12:47:38 PM
Really interesting article, you guys are getting good traction. keep up the fine work.

Title: Re: Chamapesa: the open network for social savings communities
Post by: Jordan_Hodge on August 31, 2018, 01:48:47 PM
Good article.