Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: ThomasV on October 07, 2011, 07:41:14 PM

Title: [ANNOUNCE] Bitcoin Fundraiser Widgets
Post by: ThomasV on October 07, 2011, 07:41:14 PM
You are organizing a fundraiser, and you would like to display something more appealing than a raw bitcoin address?

Here is a set of fundraiser widgets (counters, progress bars) that can be included in your web page: (

Widgets can be included as embedded HTML, images or through javascript calls.

For example, here is the amount of bitcoins donated to Occupy Wall Street ( ( : ( (1EUqkFmL9HNpBRvbWRAqCiUjepaR7Vbryp)

Note: this is different from the #operationbitcoin fundraiser (see ( ), which has raised the following amount: ( (18E7852e1q3UFHjyNwddzydJ4uv7ZY2t7b)

Title: Re: [ANNOUNCE] Bitcoin Widgets
Post by: ThomasV on October 11, 2011, 11:06:24 AM
edit:please note that the syntax for counters has changed. the new syntax is:


Title: Re: [ANNOUNCE] Bitcoin Fundraiser Widgets
Post by: ThomasV on October 16, 2011, 07:41:14 AM
here is another donation address for Occupy Wall Street (see

Occupy Wall Street General Assembly, ( were donated

Title: Re: [ANNOUNCE] Bitcoin Fundraiser Widgets
Post by: mila on October 25, 2011, 10:30:42 PM
hi, like your idea.
on related note: do you plan support multiple btc addresses in future versions?
to avoid a possible privacy attacks by pooling donations to a single address it is a good practice to use new address for each transaction. a widget should be able to sum funds for all known addresses without the need to reuse them.

interesting application could be a deterministic wallet, using a secret (string, like password) to generate receiving addresses only on the server side while allowing to generate private keys of those addresses on a secure client.
the transaction records are in the blockchain anyway. no need to store them on server and bother with protection.

or (alternative) pool receiving addresses uploaded from fund raiser.
thanks for reading