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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: xuan87 on July 22, 2018, 01:54:43 PM

Title: We need more moral education
Post by: xuan87 on July 22, 2018, 01:54:43 PM
Nowadays all countries only pay attention to the academic, they never pay attention to the moral education anymore, now more people are very rude and don't respect elders anymore, and we come to one point where people hackers are cool, people are proud to be hacker, don't they realize that hacker are actually stealing from other people?

Nowadays scammers are everywhere, and they proud to be a scammer and called their victim an idiot who falls into their trap, they got no shame anymore to do bad things, I think all of this happen due to the lack of moral education

Moral education supposed to be taught at school and the parents also need to responsible to teach their children, moral education can make the world become better place to live

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: Squishy01 on July 22, 2018, 06:30:57 PM
I've never really thought about this but now that youve mentioned it, I believe youre right. The school system should focus more on moral education.

Morality and ethics are what really makes us function as a species. Some say that good morals are things that should only be taught at home, but I think it shouldnt stop there.

While academics are the purpose of education, it shouldnt mean that we get to neglect ethics. Whats the use of intelligence if youre gonna use it for bad purposes anyway? A good brain should also come with a good heart.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: aleksej996 on July 22, 2018, 06:39:09 PM
Nowadays all countries only pay attention to the academic, they never pay attention to the moral education anymore

They shouldn't. That is a responsibility of a parent and no one can objectively tell you what is moral and what is not.

and we come to one point where people hackers are cool, people are proud to be hacker, don't they realize that hacker are actually stealing from other people?

That is not even close to a definition of a hacker. People who steal are thieves, whether they use a method of pickpocket, lockpick, threat or hacking is just a tool they use. There are lockpickers that legally open people's houses when they get locked out. There are governments that take taxes under threat of imprisonment. There are hackers that test security of a network, hack and expose criminals or are just using their skills as a form of activism.

People are proud to be hackers because hacking something is not always easy, but it can still be very honest and honorable work.

Nowadays scammers are everywhere, and they proud to be a scammer and called their victim an idiot who falls into their trap, they got no shame anymore to do bad things, I think all of this happen due to the lack of moral education

You are having a selective memory. There where always scammers that were proud of what they do and there are still scammers that are ashamed of it.

Moral education supposed to be taught at school and the parents also need to responsible to teach their children, moral education can make the world become better place to live

Moral education is nothing more than training a person to be obedient to your values and beliefs without any reasonable explanation.
If it makes sense to do something, then it can be thought scientifically, but if you have no proof, no evidence and no reasoning to act a certain way, that is just brainwashing an individual to blindly follow your instructions.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: TheBiochemist on July 22, 2018, 06:43:46 PM
Indeed we need to stop pushing our children through competition for 15 years then make them compete for money, it only promotes egoism. Education must be based on cooperation and letting everyone contribute, since many different aspects is needed to solve the problems of earth, not just IQ.

The socially and emotionally complete or intelligent children rather(EQ), will be left out and feel miss adjusted or un-rewarded, but they often succeed just as fine later in life and solve just as many problems as do the ones with good grades and high IQ.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: charina on July 22, 2018, 09:20:28 PM
Nowadays all countries only pay attention to the academic, they never pay attention to the moral education anymore, now more people are very rude and don't respect elders anymore, and we come to one point where people hackers are cool, people are proud to be hacker, don't they realize that hacker are actually stealing from other people?

Nowadays scammers are everywhere, and they proud to be a scammer and called their victim an idiot who falls into their trap, they got no shame anymore to do bad things, I think all of this happen due to the lack of moral education

Moral education supposed to be taught at school and the parents also need to responsible to teach their children, moral education can make the world become better place to live
i think you’re right nowadays young ones doesn’t care anymore to as what they are doing if it is morally upright or wrong...when their parents scold them they answered back...more broken families also because of some married couples separates because of third party not even thinking about the future impact of their actions to their children...

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: KingScorpio on July 22, 2018, 11:00:59 PM
Nowadays all countries only pay attention to the academic, they never pay attention to the moral education anymore, now more people are very rude and don't respect elders anymore, and we come to one point where people hackers are cool, people are proud to be hacker, don't they realize that hacker are actually stealing from other people?

Nowadays scammers are everywhere, and they proud to be a scammer and called their victim an idiot who falls into their trap, they got no shame anymore to do bad things, I think all of this happen due to the lack of moral education

Moral education supposed to be taught at school and the parents also need to responsible to teach their children, moral education can make the world become better place to live

teaching people morals and respect, leads also to those people being abusable.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: Bigboss0912 on July 22, 2018, 11:17:39 PM
Nowadays all countries only pay attention to the academic, they never pay attention to the moral education anymore, now more people are very rude and don't respect elders anymore, and we come to one point where people hackers are cool, people are proud to be hacker, don't they realize that hacker are actually stealing from other people?

Nowadays scammers are everywhere, and they proud to be a scammer and called their victim an idiot who falls into their trap, they got no shame anymore to do bad things, I think all of this happen due to the lack of moral education

Moral education supposed to be taught at school and the parents also need to responsible to teach their children, moral education can make the world become better place to live
Yes it is true I agree with you that it is true that in any country where they found out they are academic, they are not even more interested in learning a moral education, they are about to be taught about breaking the old ones and not doing bad things to everyone like stealing your neighbor so no matter how it works like hackers do not choose to just do bad things it's ok to them, so to avoid this thing is really to be found by the parent's guidance to guide them not to to work badly, so for the sake of doing bad work no longer feel embarrassed.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: papasunkoh88 on July 23, 2018, 08:11:08 AM
Absolutely you'll right parent should be responsable to teach the children about moral education ad of course to we need to have a subject about moral education seriously , because we know that the children today  is the new generation  for the future ,,if this moral education will not seriously teaching to thier generation what about the future of the new generation?

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: RAMSHIVDEEPAK on July 23, 2018, 10:45:30 AM
Perfect example of this moral education ,you can seen in JAPAN...Their moral education is one of the reason of his growth.

latest example. In FIFA WORLD CUP 2018, After losing the game,their players cleaned their dressing room before leaving and also fans cleaned the stadium of their side.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: Impulseboy on July 23, 2018, 12:41:37 PM
Nowadays all countries only pay attention to the academic, they never pay attention to the moral education anymore, now more people are very rude and don't respect elders anymore, and we come to one point where people hackers are cool, people are proud to be hacker, don't they realize that hacker are actually stealing from other people?

Nowadays scammers are everywhere, and they proud to be a scammer and called their victim an idiot who falls into their trap, they got no shame anymore to do bad things, I think all of this happen due to the lack of moral education

Moral education supposed to be taught at school and the parents also need to responsible to teach their children, moral education can make the world become better place to live

First off, I think moral education should start inside the home. Kids should be taught good morals at an early age, because if you have a good foundation, then you will carry it with you through adulthood. Second, I agree on the scammers and hackers part. Sometimes you dont understand how and why people could do such a thing, and its a sad thought that there are those who would do that for easy money.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: xuan87 on July 31, 2018, 12:47:27 PM

They shouldn't. That is a responsibility of a parent and no one can objectively tell you what is moral and what is not.

I disagree with you, I think parents and school got the responsibility to teach moral education, school is the place to learn and guide the younger generation, and in some country the children spend almost 8 hours a day at school, so the teaching from the parents and school are equally important

That is not even close to a definition of a hacker. People who steal are thieves, whether they use a method of pickpocket, lockpick, threat or hacking is just a tool they use. There are lockpickers that legally open people's houses when they get locked out. There are governments that take taxes under threat of imprisonment. There are hackers that test security of a network, hack and expose criminals or are just using their skills as a form of activism.

People are proud to be hackers because hacking something is not always easy, but it can still be very honest and honorable work.
That is a very good point, the one that you mention is the white hat hacker, the one that I talk about is the black hat hacker

You are having a selective memory. There where always scammers that were proud of what they do and there are still scammers that are ashamed of it.
I never heard any scammers that ashamed of what they had done, they only regret when they got caught

Moral education is nothing more than training a person to be obedient to your values and beliefs without any reasonable explanation.
If it makes sense to do something, then it can be thought scientifically, but if you have no proof, no evidence and no reasoning to act a certain way, that is just brainwashing an individual to blindly follow your instructions
Moral education is not about train people to obedient, but more of respect the culture and how to behave in society, it got nothing to do with scientific things and you won't find any moral education in scientific book

Perfect example of this moral education ,you can seen in JAPAN...Their moral education is one of the reason of his growth.

latest example. In FIFA WORLD CUP 2018, After losing the game,their players cleaned their dressing room before leaving and also fans cleaned the stadium of their side.

Japan is certainly the country with high moral education, the children are trained to be polite from early age, in the early age there are no academic lesson, they were taught the moral education

And see how they respect people when they cross the road

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: criza on July 31, 2018, 04:32:16 PM
Every countries do have its own education system and is anchored to the global standard that is set arbitrarily. And these education system continuously improving and innovating in accordance to the need and trend when it comes to academic. We cannot deny that the government and the people of the countries themselves are focusing on the development of the academic matter and aspect of education. Not knowing that moral education is also important and is very significant to learn since it is more relevant nowadays. And that is how rhe problem starts. The government must also pay an attention about the moral aspect since it serves as the essence and heart of education. After all, education is simply not limited to the academic part of it,but also all of the other aspects of man and the universe.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: MileyPeardon on July 31, 2018, 10:31:57 PM
No, it shouldn't be up to schools to teach us values, ethics or morals. That is the responsibility of those around us, family and friends, and yourself once you are older. The last thing we need is schools teaching us more about how to act and behave, we need more critical thinking taught. With critical thinking comes long-term thinking and maturity, and values, ethics and morals will follow.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: Merritt_Baldric on July 31, 2018, 11:10:55 PM
Education is good. We need general education to progress and to develop ourselves. Without education, it is hard to get a decent job. It plays a great role in our society and in our lives. Talking about moral education, it helps us to be better. Moral is important in a society. Otherwise, we are similar to the caveman. I believe that parents must play their roles. Actually, many parents are to busy with work. Teachers at school teach general education not moral. In that case, parents, teachers and church priests or pastors, should come to help improve this aspect of our societies. Their roles are important.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: jossiel on August 01, 2018, 12:39:31 AM
I've come to see an image that's circulating on social media that says. "Kids nowadays are very well good with technology but poor with good manners." And the background of that image is an old woman standing inside a train while beside her some not so old people sitting.

Proud of being a scammer/hacker? they are proud of something that they shouldn't be - this is the milennials attitude.

The environment on where the kids are growing is also part of their building up, the schools has a big role on this and the parents as well.

AFAIK in Japan, their focus in Elementary is about moral values and look on how they are very progressive not only because of technology but also because of their attitude.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: SkyFlakes on August 01, 2018, 02:01:19 PM
I think that we need moral education to everyone as we all should be educated about that matter. Regardless of age, gender, social status, etc., we should know the morality as we all are humans. We usually just focused more on giving education to students academically, but morality is left behind by this. Having this education makes all of us aware about the individuality of everyone, the emotions, feelings of other and knowing what is right and wrong. This are just some of the things that we can learn from it, that's why it is important for everyone to be informed about it.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: Badman-Crypto on August 01, 2018, 02:25:36 PM
Nowadays all countries only pay attention to the academic, they never pay attention to the moral education anymore, now more people are very rude and don't respect elders anymore, and we come to one point where people hackers are cool, people are proud to be hacker, don't they realize that hacker are actually stealing from other people?

Nowadays scammers are everywhere, and they proud to be a scammer and called their victim an idiot who falls into their trap, they got no shame anymore to do bad things, I think all of this happen due to the lack of moral education

Moral education supposed to be taught at school and the parents also need to responsible to teach their children, moral education can make the world become better place to live

I think scammers have always been everywhere and some part of human nature wants to exploit other people or society at any opportunity that arises. The thing to realize is that the human race revolves around selfishness in one way or another and although there are some exceptions, most people put their own needs and their family's needs as their first priority. When you give someone an easy opportunity don't be surprised when they take advantage of it.

Although all children need to learn right from wrong, Schools are often unable to reach much success in most cases. This kind of moral behavior is learned at an early age from the child's upbringing and surroundings and often this can even change after the person grows into and adult due to different circumstances. I think the main responsibility lies with the parents in the vast majority of cases, but things like poverty and lack of education can make a bad upbringing inevitable.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: alisongeer on August 07, 2018, 08:37:04 AM
Indeed we need to stop pushing our children through competition for 15 years then make them compete for money, it only promotes egoism. Education must be based on cooperation and letting everyone contribute, since many different aspects is needed to solve the problems of earth, not just IQ.

The socially and emotionally complete or intelligent children rather(EQ), will be left out and feel miss adjusted or un-rewarded, but they often succeed just as fine later in life and solve just as many problems as do the ones with good grades and high IQ.

That's the point. For so many years we've been taught that grades are everything. And that is just ridiculous. School, parents, our environment chained us, they put us in a cage, they created our goals. And those would be: study well - go to uni/college - have secure future/ make a lot of money and you'll be fine. And that is just a huge bubble of illusions, lies. So many artsy children never  ended up as talented sculptors just because their environment told them to have more "reliable", "safe" choice, as in, becoming, idk, a programmer. That's just absurd. They we're not taught to fight for their dreams by their parents AND school.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: Cole_Sanders on August 07, 2018, 04:26:10 PM
Teaching morals is a common responsibility, schools play the most important role. How patriotism is engrained in moral education decides the countries speed and breadth of growth.

Great quote from Mahatma Gandhi on moral education

"I do not want my house to be walled in on all sides and my windows to be stuffed. I want the culture of all lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible. But I refuse to be blown off my feet by any.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: imsotiredofmoviereboots on August 08, 2018, 03:07:11 AM
We are already too late because of 'Internet'. The people that they looked up to are mostly stupid like the Logan brothers. You can also see youtubers who curses a lot like saying bitch and fuck when they talk. Meanwhile, youtube put it in your recommendations and not thinking that 12 and younger kids will watch it.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: Bugsy22 on August 08, 2018, 07:08:36 AM
Nowadays all countries only pay attention to the academic, they never pay attention to the moral education anymore, now more people are very rude and don't respect elders anymore, and we come to one point where people hackers are cool, people are proud to be hacker, don't they realize that hacker are actually stealing from other people?

Nowadays scammers are everywhere, and they proud to be a scammer and called their victim an idiot who falls into their trap, they got no shame anymore to do bad things, I think all of this happen due to the lack of moral education

Moral education supposed to be taught at school and the parents also need to responsible to teach their children, moral education can make the world become better place to live

Your idea is good, but who is to determine what morals are? These could vary significantly from culture to culture. I don't know. This issue sounds insolvable to me, which doesn't make it less important.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: Cryptojuni on August 08, 2018, 08:23:22 AM
We need moral education in are various societies and the nations at large to enlighten the up coming youths which are our daily hope of tomorrow for proper development of our societies. Also, to regulate a peaceful and harmonized environment that adds value to the systems of education in our nation.     

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: Charles_Summers on August 08, 2018, 09:56:11 AM
Very very good stuff. I was scared many people now consider this a thing of the past. So many problems we see in the society today are truly a result of the absence of proper moral education. I know many people may disagree. But I think religion is a great tool in imparting moral education. That's religion in its pure state though. So, I think the more we disregard religion, the more immoral our society will end up being. Schools have to restore some focus on morality. The family setting too is a great platform for rectifying things. Sadly, divorce and many other increasingly prevalent factors render this platform useless.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: NeMa94 on August 08, 2018, 09:21:53 PM
I do believe that moral standards need and should be taught in schools like any other subjects. In some schools they learn kids dogmatic stuff while missing the point - being a good person is not bad, or uncool. I think people have lost direction since we "separated" from religion. I'm not a preacher, or religious in any particular way. I just think that moral was brought to us by religion and that now we need to think of a new way to teach our kids that it is good to be good.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: Honour423 on August 09, 2018, 02:40:34 AM
No, since nobody can come to a concensous on what is moral and what is not.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: Chestt on August 09, 2018, 08:19:17 AM
I agree, we need more moral education, but first we need to redefine the standards and "a list" of generally acceptable things, I believe.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: neliawesome on August 09, 2018, 09:17:26 AM
I agree that there should be a serious education regarding moral values.I think it will also learned first at home were your parents and family is responsible to every children to teach them moral values so that their children will grow up with good values and second is moral education will be seriously taught in school.All of us went through moral education classes right at school and for me it seems like its not given really importance.Thats why some children nowadays act differently and may grow up as what you said like a hacker/scammer because they doesnt care and nobody cares for them and teach them when they are still young.Good moral is more important than anything else because it is the measurement of what you are and what will you be and it is the key for everyones success.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: crouts on August 09, 2018, 12:06:33 PM
i don't think that all country are not focusing about moral education because in japan they don't teach their children academics in the first 3 levels of their education. because the number one thing they are teaching is the moral values.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: typertees on August 09, 2018, 12:27:32 PM
Education & Parenting programs is the most important things to build a Moral.
since early stage Parents must teach their child to have some manner & politeness, because Morals are build up since we are young.
but as they grow up. sometimes they changed. by the condition of economics, needs & lifestyle.

and totally agree that parents have a responsibillty bout they child of being a bad moral person.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: beej on August 09, 2018, 02:09:40 PM
Moral education at home and at school would probably be the best approach.
Everything starts at home, our morals and values are reflections of how we
were raised by our parents and elders.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: jorse on August 09, 2018, 04:50:54 PM
Moral education is an important part of critical thought and helping people to understand themselves, the universe and their relationships with others. Fundamentally existence, life, and especially human life acts to create meaning for itself. While development of this framework is primarily a natural result of existing/living, it can be encouraged and catalyzed by education as a specific component of that existence. This is highly relevant for humans existing with one another as part of a society so as to maintain and cultivate both the individual members of the society and the society as a whole.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: enogheghase123 on August 11, 2018, 04:37:26 AM
lets find our way back to where we threw morality to the dust, beacause the society is becoming more immoral and we are handicap about the situation, immorality is now the order of the day, we now live in a society where thugs are celebrated and intellects are left behind closed doors. lets introduce morality into our curriculum in schools, lets catch them young, this i think is the way out.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: ClubXman on August 11, 2018, 01:57:50 PM
lets find our way back to where we threw morality to the dust, beacause the society is becoming more immoral and we are handicap about the situation, immorality is now the order of the day, we now live in a society where thugs are celebrated and intellects are left behind closed doors. lets introduce morality into our curriculum in schools, lets catch them young, this i think is the way out.

People will come to the same conclusion soon, I guess. We have to wait a couple of years before it happens, though. As soon as we come to realize it, we are going to be ready to find our way back to morality

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: katherin_panini on August 11, 2018, 06:15:16 PM
Nowadays all countries only pay attention to the academic, they never pay attention to the moral education anymore

They shouldn't. That is a responsibility of a parent and no one can objectively tell you what is moral and what is not.

Moral education supposed to be taught at school and the parents also need to responsible to teach their children, moral education can make the world become better place to live

Moral education is nothing more than training a person to be obedient to your values and beliefs without any reasonable explanation.
If it makes sense to do something, then it can be thought scientifically, but if you have no proof, no evidence and no reasoning to act a certain way, that is just brainwashing an individual to blindly follow your instructions.

If it's the responsibility of the parent, and the parent received no moral education, then where are the morals going to come from? How can we decide on a decent set of values and beliefs if we leave it up to the subjective will of the parents to decide? What if one family's values conflict with another's? Then how are we going to find a middle ground if these issues are not addressed in education? Who will mediate?

Education does not have to be brainwashing. It can be balanced and tolerant.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: Doctor4You on August 12, 2018, 07:32:28 PM
I agree, but I believe we need to find a new way to introduce it to our society because the society has changed and might not be ready to learn in an old-fashioned manner.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: ArmanShirinyan on August 12, 2018, 07:42:49 PM
100% agree. You will see in a future that liberterian side of mind will kill our society

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: FroggysDoggy on August 12, 2018, 08:08:38 PM
I agree, but I believe we need to find a new way to introduce it to our society because the society has changed and might not be ready to learn in an old-fashioned manner.

Yeah, you're right. The old way may not work with the kids who were born in the new Millennium...

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: maldini on August 13, 2018, 11:11:39 AM
yes now that all education is more focused on academics, I think if parents teach morality when they are adults it will be a little late because when children start to grow up, they begin to be affected by other children's delinquency. Moral education must be taught early on and the community environment must be maintained as well, so that the morality of the child is not carried away by the bad luck of other children

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: Buster2001 on August 14, 2018, 10:42:28 AM
I agree, but I believe we need to find a new way to introduce it to our society because the society has changed and might not be ready to learn in an old-fashioned manner.

Yeah, you're right. The old way may not work with the kids who were born in the new Millennium...

Sure. We must find new ways to do it.

Moreover, we must FIND people CAPABLE of DOING it in a new way, which might not be that easy....

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: SneakyLady on August 14, 2018, 03:45:00 PM
You're right, and in some places it's worse than others, but in general moral education is becoming increasingly nonexistent. This is why they say "the midwest (US) is a good place to be from." No one lives there to feed their vanity. The cities aren't that nice, etc, but it's a good place to raise a family and people are generally kind-hearted.

With regards to hackers, I think this stems from the fact that we live in an age where we don't interact with people face-to-face as much, so we don't feel the harm we do to others is actually happening or is as problematic. Out of sight out of mind.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: cuteinces on August 14, 2018, 05:02:58 PM
in the present era of Government thus more concerned with academic value than a moral and ethical value. This is because the system used is a system of liberal education. You are right, if only relying on academic values without moral successor Nations will be damaged due to criminality. But the moral Education go hand in hand with academic value, can form an intelligent man and can advance the country.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: katherin_panini on August 14, 2018, 07:03:45 PM
I agree, but I believe we need to find a new way to introduce it to our society because the society has changed and might not be ready to learn in an old-fashioned manner.

Yeah well things are much more hands-on now. We need reliable, practice, real life examples that are anchored in our reality rather than being told fluffy ideas that have no application. We need to do rather than hear what we should do.

There's a huge cap between the authorities and the common folk simply because the authorities do not know what the common folk like to do in their everyday lives. They cannot connect because they think that just explaining ideas and giving rules is enough to make it work. This is especially true in academia as "experts" get too wrapped up in their theories rather than the implications or consequences of these concepts.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: TheCoinGrabber on August 15, 2018, 02:32:55 PM
Please kindly educate us sir... what is morality and who gets to decide what is moral and not?

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: Applechild on August 27, 2018, 09:48:42 PM
This is another good one i happen to stumble on and I must say it is on point. Wish I can publish this on pages on newspapers and air it for the world to hear. All sort of evil is happening and people will come up with one sweet name and turn it to profession and not even the law will call them to book. The first time I knew about hackers, my first reaction was "what for" then a friend of mine told me they are used them to combat cyber-crimes. and stop malicious activities online. But today they are the ones generating the malicious activities. Scammer is actually a profession in the part of the world where I reside. they see themselves as smart and intelligent and their victim weak and stupid. I receive calls most times from scammers telling me i have problem with my ATM Card or Bank BVN and that I should tell them the pin and other secret information so they can help me fix my bank account to enable me withdraw money. Imagine the length they go to. some have called me that they just arrived at the airport from overseas and need me to come pick them from the airport to avoid entering the wrong cabs and get rob of their dollars. The recent one is that I should come for interview for jobs I know I never applied for. My pain is that some of those behind these issues are teenagers. they feel they are smarter and can do what the elders cannot do, in that case, How can someone that feel he or she knows more than the elders, ever have respect for them? Over the news you see teenagers involved in untold crimes. no conscience anymore. They see elders as their equals because they are of the same height and stature. My house sometimes is like war zone because the 'young adults' here dont want to do the right thing you tell them to do. They will intentional do the opposite and tell you, 'those are old fashion, we are in computer age' It is just so sad honestly speaking.

When I was their age, I dare not contribute to any discussion of the elders, you keep quiet and listen or you go to your room. But kids these days are the opposite. the so called freedom of expression is being abused by our young adults. they dive into conversions with no regards. In my time, it was the elders that will stretch their hands to shake the little ones but now the reverse is the case. then we knew what shame meant but now there is nothing called shame in their dictionary. so they go wild!

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: Idol_Network on August 28, 2018, 06:05:34 AM
Nowadays all countries only pay attention to the academic, they never pay attention to the moral education anymore, now more people are very rude and don't respect elders anymore, and we come to one point where people hackers are cool, people are proud to be hacker, don't they realize that hacker are actually stealing from other people?

Nowadays scammers are everywhere, and they proud to be a scammer and called their victim an idiot who falls into their trap, they got no shame anymore to do bad things, I think all of this happen due to the lack of moral education

Moral education supposed to be taught at school and the parents also need to responsible to teach their children, moral education can make the world become better place to live

I agree there needs to be more focus on the lesson "how to be a nice person". But maybe formal education isn't the way to go.

The most effective education is the one at home and the one that starts from a young age. Toddlers and young children grow up watching adults around them behave. It can be the case that because parents are now separated from their children for a big chunk of the day (one at work, one at school), there is less time to hand down their sense of moral.

While school is indeed important in a child's upbringing (they spend a lot of their life there), parents are the most influential person in their life.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: hengha on August 28, 2018, 08:07:37 AM
It’s quite right. I think moral education goes beyond any learning, even if it’s a low-cultural person, but if he/she can have good morals, then he/she will bring joy to the side!

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: screwedit on August 29, 2018, 08:11:56 AM
On the one hand, you're right! there is a definitely downshift of morality among people. And something needs to be done.
On the other hand, such things as respecting others should be taught in families.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: YXIN02 on August 29, 2018, 10:10:43 PM
Schools are the second home for every people wherein they're spending a lot of time in schooling. Therefore, people become academically excellent, hence, people become knowledgeable to various things and matter. On the other hand, people may become disrespectful because there's a tendency people may become arrogant.

 Moral education must be introduce and give an importance for us people to achieve of well-being and make this world much better.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: DooMAD on August 29, 2018, 10:43:48 PM
How patriotism is engrained in moral education decides the countries speed and breadth of growth.

It's arguable that patriotism and nationalism are often immoral if taken to extremes.  Where do you draw the line?  As others have said, there's no one person who gets to decide what is or isn't immoral.  Patriotism can also decide the country's capability of causing vile acts of depravity if left unchecked.  Morality has too many grey areas for it to be something you can indoctrinate without risks.  There have been many times in history when humans have got this so monumentally wrong.

"Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious." - Oscar Wilde

"Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind." - Albert Einstein

“Pride should be reserved for something you achieve or obtain on your own, not something that happens by accident of birth. Being Irish isn't a skill... it's a fucking genetic accident. You wouldn't say I'm proud to be 5'11"; I'm proud to have a predisposition for colon cancer.” - George Carlin

"Nationalism is a form of collective narcissism, where the citizens possess an inflated self-love of "their own people," to the exclusion of other human beings." - Bryant McGill

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: Psec on August 30, 2018, 08:45:07 AM
You get it right Senior, we need moral to live peacefully together and I think teaching of morals to young generations should not be limited to homes and religion places.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: hotforblockchain on August 30, 2018, 09:03:09 PM
Nowadays all countries only pay attention to the academic, they never pay attention to the moral education anymore, now more people are very rude and don't respect elders anymore, and we come to one point where people hackers are cool, people are proud to be hacker, don't they realize that hacker are actually stealing from other people?

Nowadays scammers are everywhere, and they proud to be a scammer and called their victim an idiot who falls into their trap, they got no shame anymore to do bad things, I think all of this happen due to the lack of moral education

Moral education supposed to be taught at school and the parents also need to responsible to teach their children, moral education can make the world become better place to live

Moral education wont get to scammers, I guarantee that.
Think deeper, where do scammers come from? Scammers are pole who do not have sense of morals but this goes back to their childhood and their families. Mostly of them will come form bad families were their parents do not care, or they dont have one or both parents or they are alcoholics. Possibly they have been living in bad environment also, poor and have not went to school at all.

But I agree with you with the overly academic thinking big time. I think that this is madness not because calculus or languages are bad but because there are fundamentals which are not taken seriously in school which later in life makes huge difference and these things are philological. Kids should be made to learn different coping mechanism in school like mediation , Yoga and do sports. Do sports not to trough some tests how much one can do against another. These things are essential for healthy life, otherwise a lot of kids grow up with severe  psychological problems. Then starts the story of how to fix that. to fix broken adult is 100 times harder than educate and nurse kid to be healtly adult/.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: needcryptos on September 04, 2018, 08:31:54 AM
Indeed, education is indispensable in life. having an education, social life will be text, nice and more developed. For example, without education, we think that there will be many terrible things happening on Earth.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: ASNAKU on September 04, 2018, 02:54:17 PM
Nowadays all countries only pay attention to the academic, they never pay attention to the moral education anymore, now more people are very rude and don't respect elders anymore, and we come to one point where people hackers are cool, people are proud to be hacker, don't they realize that hacker are actually stealing from other people?

Nowadays scammers are everywhere, and they proud to be a scammer and called their victim an idiot who falls into their trap, they got no shame anymore to do bad things, I think all of this happen due to the lack of moral education

Moral education supposed to be taught at school and the parents also need to responsible to teach their children, moral education can make the world become better place to live
Really what you say here, indeed now a bad activity or things that are wrong actually become a very proud thing, though it is clear that this is a very bad thing ...
Hopefully with the morality of children will be better, parents teach good things.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: popcorn1 on September 04, 2018, 05:21:17 PM
Yes get morals..Learn how to speak nice then steal everyone's monies..
Remember a scammer is nice that's how they scam you by being nice..Should see how nice our queen speaks and her lot oh and they got educated in morals < Nice to have morals   maybe i be nice by slashing you then sell you a plaster aid  BUT remember i was nice while i slashed you ..
The amount of devs on here with so called morals would rob the eyeballs out the back of your head while being nice..

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: BTCeminjas on September 06, 2018, 10:39:18 AM
Some people assume that a lack of religious upbringing is central to the plight of our misguided society. Others reason that our value crises stems from future shock. erosion of family life, cosmopolitan effects of mass media, revolution in science and technology, and the complexity of ecological problems.We are advised that many people, young and old, are unaware of their moral responsibilities to themselves and to other people.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: lockes007 on September 06, 2018, 11:52:51 AM
Attention of schools in teaching morality has not shifted over time,but rather it is social standards and parenting  that has dwindled.
In recent times,the role of parenting and moral teachings to children and society at large has been left to children themselves,our peer and the internet(social media).
In so doing,there is limited or no control over what we learn or unlearn.Consequentially,a continues hiking of immortality on the internet(social media) and transferred to the real world.
So it is society as whole that has wake up from the slumber and up morality levels in society instead of only liking up to only schools and worship centers

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: Spiritless13 on September 07, 2018, 11:48:43 AM
Nowadays all countries only pay attention to the academic, they never pay attention to the moral education anymore, now more people are very rude and don't respect elders anymore, and we come to one point where people hackers are cool, people are proud to be hacker, don't they realize that hacker are actually stealing from other people?

Nowadays scammers are everywhere, and they proud to be a scammer and called their victim an idiot who falls into their trap, they got no shame anymore to do bad things, I think all of this happen due to the lack of moral education

Moral education supposed to be taught at school and the parents also need to responsible to teach their children, moral education can make the world become better place to live
Yes, I agree to you that both the school and the parents are responsible in teaching their children about moral education.. It is important to them to learn how to respect other specially the elders. Children nowadays need to teach about the good values and ethics because  some of them doesn't care to it anymore but I don't think so that all countries do not pay attention to it. Other countries still practice it and teach it whether in school or at home.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: rutherford on September 08, 2018, 03:16:14 PM
I think you're right. School these days don't even pay attention to moral education anymore which i thought is more important than academic education. Moral should be taught ever since we were kids, so when we all grow up, we already know how to act around other people.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: Obeng Plusss on September 09, 2018, 03:38:14 AM
in life we must learn not only in terms of academic education, but we also must pay attention to what is meant by moral education, namely education that teaches about non-academic, especially about how good daily behavior and attitudes are the basis of human life and society.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: BlockTreeClub on September 09, 2018, 07:15:03 AM
Nowadays all countries only pay attention to the academic, they never pay attention to the moral education anymore, now more people are very rude and don't respect elders anymore, and we come to one point where people hackers are cool, people are proud to be hacker, don't they realize that hacker are actually stealing from other people?

Nowadays scammers are everywhere, and they proud to be a scammer and called their victim an idiot who falls into their trap, they got no shame anymore to do bad things, I think all of this happen due to the lack of moral education

Moral education supposed to be taught at school and the parents also need to responsible to teach their children, moral education can make the world become better place to live

I am all for moral education.

But as a rule, if your school tells you "don't hack" then... I mean... most hackers don't take the authority of schools very seriously.

Remember the D.A.R.E. campaign?

I think we can safely say that campaign caused more drug use than it stopped.

The effect of a school on moral development is pretty much null when compared to the effects of parents for the first decade and peer groups after that.

Your best bet when it comes to schools would be teaching children critical thinking so they can personally challenge groupthink.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: #dhabitamartha on September 09, 2018, 02:15:06 PM
Nowadays all countries only pay attention to the academic, they never pay attention to the moral education anymore, now more people are very rude and don't respect elders anymore, and we come to one point where people hackers are cool, people are proud to be hacker, don't they realize that hacker are actually stealing from other people?

Nowadays scammers are everywhere, and they proud to be a scammer and called their victim an idiot who falls into their trap, they got no shame anymore to do bad things, I think all of this happen due to the lack of moral education

Moral education supposed to be taught at school and the parents also need to responsible to teach their children, moral education can make the world become better place to live

this is like we have fallen and cannot see the future if we never give up with all conditions there must be positive results if we get into trouble, but if moral education has been trained early and we can only do good or be carried away by this moment which leads to bad things but all need to learn from life experiences then be the best.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: aleksej996 on September 12, 2018, 10:30:07 AM
Moral education is not about train people to obedient, but more of respect the culture and how to behave in society, it got nothing to do with scientific things and you won't find any moral education in scientific book

And if the culture is to listen to the government officials then what do you do?

I think anything that makes any sense has to do with science. Maybe for a lot of people moral values aren't something that they make a lot of sense of, but for me it is very clear and simple that honesty and good intentions are crucial for almost any life goal that most of us have.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: mhine07 on September 14, 2018, 12:57:35 AM
Nowadays all countries only pay attention to the academic, they never pay attention to the moral education anymore, now more people are very rude and don't respect elders anymore, and we come to one point where people hackers are cool, people are proud to be hacker, don't they realize that hacker are actually stealing from other people?

Nowadays scammers are everywhere, and they proud to be a scammer and called their victim an idiot who falls into their trap, they got no shame anymore to do bad things, I think all of this happen due to the lack of moral education

Moral education supposed to be taught at school and the parents also need to responsible to teach their children, moral education can make the world become better place to live
We know that education is important to each and everyone of us but the reality now is , education is only important to people who have the dream in life. Most people now needs good character and good values because nowadays people lacks respect to older ones and other people. Giving respect to other people specially to women are is a must to teach in schools.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: phandinhtrungtruc on September 14, 2018, 04:18:45 AM

In today's world of 4.0, countries only focus on academics and train their students for knowledge in order to serve the development of the country but they do not know that besides those who are provided with knowledge This is used to deceive the moral doings that do not cause the country to flourish, want the country to flourish, it must educate both knowledge and ethics. Therefore, in schools, attention should be paid to ethical education, not just to the school, but to every family instead of teaching their children the knowledge of the school teaches them moral virtues. The future owners of the country are fully developed :D :D

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: locsta123 on September 14, 2018, 05:12:20 AM
Nowadays all countries only pay attention to the academic, they never pay attention to the moral education anymore, now more people are very rude and don't respect elders anymore, and we come to one point where people hackers are cool, people are proud to be hacker, don't they realize that hacker are actually stealing from other people?

Nowadays scammers are everywhere, and they proud to be a scammer and called their victim an idiot who falls into their trap, they got no shame anymore to do bad things, I think all of this happen due to the lack of moral education

Moral education supposed to be taught at school and the parents also need to responsible to teach their children, moral education can make the world become better place to live

I completely agree I think education should focus a lot more on morals as well as other USEFUL skills in society (not just learning algebra and what not things well never use in the real world) but I think morals are almost more imporant than 90% of the other subjects taught in school. But I don't think it should be religious at all people often confuse religion and morals....

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: NeMa94 on September 14, 2018, 10:06:40 AM
I agree strongly on this one. Children are taught through media that mafia and other similar is good, popular and that that is the way the should behave. School should teach more about stuff that they actually need, not repeat over and over nonsense that they can google for a second if they need it. Problem-solving and moral is what needs to be taught in school. The moral standards have changed completely over the years and it is sad what we learn our kids to wish for.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: KirunBarber on September 14, 2018, 01:33:24 PM

revolving around the world a number of people only think about technology, lack of moral fertilization in children makes the smaller number of human harmony ... I am concerned that ..
at this time there needs to be a superhero who wants to fight for this ... besides the government let's start from our small family ..
Greetings of peace  ;) ;)

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: Shaftdel on September 15, 2018, 06:54:16 AM
Moral education need to be re-emphasis in the educational system once again. Because with time, has given birth to a lot of society decadence which has introduced crime of various degrees to the venerable youths. Given it more consideration will reduced the rate of crime and danger and bring sanity to the society.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: coolcoinz on September 15, 2018, 04:38:58 PM
I don't agree with OP that morals are to be taught at school. Morals should be taught by your parents from the moment you are very young. When you see the child lying which they often do or when you see it hurting an animal which is also what they often do, you should react. This is the crucial moment. A teacher is always a stranger. A parent has much greater authority.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: Sealis on September 16, 2018, 04:57:33 AM
Morals are still taught in schools. But they are just ineffective. Even if parents teach them, the effects are all the same. Instead of amplifying the teachings by repeating them over and over again, I suggest adopting a new style of teaching morals, one that can make students listen attentively and one that can make them accept it as a principle of their lives.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: #dhabitamartha on September 16, 2018, 01:51:17 PM
Nowadays all countries only pay attention to the academic, they never pay attention to the moral education anymore, now more people are very rude and don't respect elders anymore, and we come to one point where people hackers are cool, people are proud to be hacker, don't they realize that hacker are actually stealing from other people?

Nowadays scammers are everywhere, and they proud to be a scammer and called their victim an idiot who falls into their trap, they got no shame anymore to do bad things, I think all of this happen due to the lack of moral education

Moral education supposed to be taught at school and the parents also need to responsible to teach their children, moral education can make the world become better place to live

I agree that moral education is very much needed once we start from ourselves. Do not be easily influenced by other people. We must have confidence and confidence about all of our decisions that we definitely choose a day and life that is better than the past and correct our mistakes, not vice versa. have a good inner bond in the heart

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: condura150 on October 09, 2018, 02:27:17 PM
Nowadays all countries only pay attention to the academic, they never pay attention to the moral education anymore, now more people are very rude and don't respect elders anymore, and we come to one point where people hackers are cool, people are proud to be hacker, don't they realize that hacker are actually stealing from other people?

Nowadays scammers are everywhere, and they proud to be a scammer and called their victim an idiot who falls into their trap, they got no shame anymore to do bad things, I think all of this happen due to the lack of moral education

Moral education supposed to be taught at school and the parents also need to responsible to teach their children, moral education can make the world become better place to live

Moral education should be thought to kids at a very young age, I really think that moral education should go first before kids deal with academic subjects like, science, math, etc. Moral education is important, it doesn't really matter if you're not that smart as long as you know how to treat other people right and how to do things the right way without hurting anyone.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: BitcoinGuruOne on October 09, 2018, 04:49:31 PM
I dont think that moral eduaction wil lhelp with the scammers.
Scammers ,cons and criminals are born in harsh families and enviroment and thus grow up to be a bad people.

But i agree that our religion is fundementally flawed, we need more other types of education. The most simple way to increase the level of life would be to make students excersise every single day, run, do yoga then teach meditation this would not only make them healthier but better poeople in general.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: NgoLina on October 12, 2018, 10:00:41 AM
I agree with you, we really need more moral education. Moral education should begin at home right from the toddler development stage through preschool, school to adolescent development stages. Both the family and  school have a role to play in moral education, but i think that the family has more. A child character/behaviour speaks  alot about his/her upbringing. Character is beauty!   Our children are our future generation, let us educate them at home and in school to be honest, care and respect for themselves and others,  the importance of hardwork, our cultures and values etc.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: Ngoziwealth on October 12, 2018, 12:31:52 PM
lack of morals is the bane of our society, the effects cannot be quantified.Some persons debate that moral values should be taught mainly at home by parents but i totally disagree with this opinion and therefore opine that morals should not only be taught at home but much more in schools.

Most children from age two spend more time in school than at home and its  obviously the formative years of the child, this is not to put the burden on teachers rather schools should be encouraged to amplify whatever moral lessons the child is being taught at home.

Upholding more morals in school will equally help children who are not taught at home.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: batch2016 on October 12, 2018, 12:41:18 PM
Educators influence students' moral development not simply by being good role models, but also by what they bring to their relationships with students day by day their ability to appreciate students perspectives and to disentangle them from their own, their ability to admit and learn from moral error, their moral energy and idealism, their generosity, and their ability to help students develop moral thinking without shying away from their own moral authority.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: Ngoziwealth on October 12, 2018, 01:03:20 PM
we do really need more moral education in schools compared to what we have now. I have seen schools were teachers are not allowed to discipline pupils when they err and so these kids are left to themselves. some teachers who correct lovingly are either disciplined or dismissed. this in turn brings problems to the society.

though some parents contribute to this problem, the schools should make such parents see why their kids should be disciplined

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: af_newbie on October 13, 2018, 02:43:49 PM
Nowadays all countries only pay attention to the academic, they never pay attention to the moral education anymore, now more people are very rude and don't respect elders anymore, and we come to one point where people hackers are cool, people are proud to be hacker, don't they realize that hacker are actually stealing from other people?

Nowadays scammers are everywhere, and they proud to be a scammer and called their victim an idiot who falls into their trap, they got no shame anymore to do bad things, I think all of this happen due to the lack of moral education

Moral education supposed to be taught at school and the parents also need to responsible to teach their children, moral education can make the world become better place to live

Are you sure moral education is the only problem?

4 in 10 Americans believe God created Earth 10,000 years ago.

I think the education system is failing on multiple fronts.

Title: Re: We need more moral education
Post by: Becksinsky on October 29, 2018, 11:22:20 AM
I think moral education is necessary. Because a person who owns knowledge becomes very influential. It is necessary that his knowledge was not aimed at harm and evil. Therefore, along with science, one must always teach morality.
This does not necessarily need a separate lesson. For this, it is enough for a teacher to find contact with the child and explain important things about life. In ancient times, it was always like that. A teacher was a mentor.