Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Spoetflap on February 18, 2014, 02:05:47 PM

Title: Why Flap coin is bad
Post by: Spoetflap on February 18, 2014, 02:05:47 PM
Dear, Flap Fanboys and cheerleaders,

Your crappy shitcoin is nothing but a crappy clone of any one of the 100's of other scrypt clones
with an icon as it's only unique feature and redeeming quality.. which is just a picture some guy found online and used.
The dev / douche aka: coin cloner, could not even be bothered to create a new meme.jpg for his Coingen coin lol

i hope anyone supporting this coin gets cleaned out and loses all their money bad !

Flap coin is a scammy crap clone coin that is damaging to Bitcoin and the entire Altcoin scene.
When major news outlets online report on Bitcoin news and they start including news about Flap
it make Bitcoin look bad.. i can see clearly people who are not even in crypto are disgusted by this crap scam coin.
Never mind the guys like me who have been at it for a while and watched many other shitcoins like this come and go..

The only reason it has gotten popular is because noobs that showed up late to the Altcoin game
decided they would FLASH MINE this coin.. greedy stupid noobs are the problem and i kinda wish Bitcoin never exploded in popularity sometimes.

The intelligence level of Flap supporters is at best.. retarded.
They are too stupid to realize that their support of Flap and their damaging antics are undermining the very thing giving their shit coin any value at all.
Which is the ability to dump the shit coin for a REAL currency such as Bitcoin.. you make Bitcoin look bad by shouting Flap all over the web..
while making Bitcoin look bad while in turn making Flap look bad and worth less.. your smart guys lol

I just feel sorry for all the dev's out there that had gone to great lengths to create and support a REAL honest alternative to Bitcoin.
The lime light is stolen from them at every turn because of mouthy retard noobs screeching Flap and Much yes 'tard crap..

And yes it is in fact possible to trade and mine a coin AND not support it and make money of it..
after all you might as well if the stupid dumpy scamcoin exchanges are going to add the coin then ya go for it ..might as well make a few $$ with it.
You don't have to run around like a moron across the web screaming Flap every chance you get trying to lure new people into a ponzi scheme.

Never mind the long term implications of this clone coin crap.. you idiots are doing REAL supporters a dis-service
and i am going to make sure your shitty little scam coin goes nowhere by pointing to the new people how utterly scammy and useless Flap coin is.

My advice to new users is do a bit of research and find one of the other alternative crypto-currencies to get involved with
that offer something unique and have a real dev team with a real road map of goals.. just look for them there are many.

Title: Re: Why Flap coin is bad
Post by: matthona on February 18, 2014, 03:04:20 PM
Activity: 1

tell me again why your opinions matter???

Title: Re: Why Flap coin is bad
Post by: bramvnl on February 18, 2014, 03:07:57 PM
shut up

Why Flap coin is bad?
Why Doge coin is bad?

Shut up to do that, if you dont lik go away!!!   >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

Title: Re: Why Flap coin is bad
Post by: ReBoRn on February 18, 2014, 03:12:28 PM
shut up

Why Flap coin is bad?
Why Doge coin is bad?

Shut up to do that, if you dont lik go away!!!   >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
newbie and have no idea what is he saying so don't be rude take it easy man  :)

Title: Re: Why Flap coin is bad
Post by: matthona on February 18, 2014, 03:16:10 PM
shut up

Why Flap coin is bad?
Why Doge coin is bad?

Shut up to do that, if you dont lik go away!!!   >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
newbie and have no idea what is he saying so don't be rude take it easy man  :)

it's not really a noob, just an idiot using a 2nd account

Title: Re: Why Flap coin is bad
Post by: lionheart78 on February 18, 2014, 03:26:44 PM
why do people need to air his negativity? if you don't like the coin don't support it. you don't need to go into several stages of drama..  and besides some of the famous altcoin is just a clone of another one.. they just made modification along the road to have their distinction.

Title: Re: Why Flap coin is bad
Post by: rmines on February 18, 2014, 03:30:22 PM
Activity: 1

tell me again why your opinions matter???

Judging people by their postcount is so 2013..
He might be more active reading the forum than you are, and why should someone that's new not be allowed to express their opinion?

Title: Re: Why Flap coin is bad
Post by: Bfljosh on February 18, 2014, 03:40:17 PM
Spoetnik. Hello.

Title: Re: Why Flap coin is bad
Post by: hostmaster on February 18, 2014, 03:42:16 PM
Activity: 1

tell me again why your opinions matter???

Title: Re: Why Flap coin is bad
Post by: DanielVG on February 18, 2014, 03:48:14 PM
spoetflap sounds like a disorder.

A Hi, my kid has the measles.

B well, my kid has spoetflap.

A sorry to hear that...that's not strong..

B *starts crying*

Title: Re: Why Flap coin is bad
Post by: InsanityDev on February 18, 2014, 03:49:23 PM
spoetflap sounds like a disorder.

A Hi, my kid has the measles.

B well, my kid has spoetflap.

A sorry to hear that...that's not strong..

B *starts crying*

I lol'd

Title: Re: Why Flap coin is bad
Post by: ghur on February 18, 2014, 03:51:13 PM
I'm not sure if Spoetnik is a terrible troll or genuinely pissed off 100% of the time.

Also: Hi mom, posting in a parody thread.

Title: Re: Why Flap coin is bad
Post by: matthona on February 18, 2014, 03:56:52 PM
Activity: 1

tell me again why your opinions matter???

Judging people by their postcount is so 2013..
He might be more active reading the forum than you are, and why should someone that's new not be allowed to express their opinion?

I'll be happy to answer you as soon as you show me where i said ANYTHING about him/her not being 'allowed' to express their opinion

Title: Re: Why Flap coin is bad
Post by: rmines on February 18, 2014, 04:03:21 PM
You're questioning the authority of the TS posts based upon his activity.
Why should his opinion matter less or more than mine or yours?

Title: Re: Why Flap coin is bad
Post by: baka on February 18, 2014, 04:04:05 PM

Title: Re: Why Flap coin is bad
Post by: matthona on February 18, 2014, 04:05:44 PM
You're questioning the authority of the TS posts based upon his activity.
Why should his opinion matter less or more than mine or yours?

that's exactly what I asked him/her... and as soon as I get an answer, I'll be sure to pass it along

Title: Re: Why Flap coin is bad
Post by: hellscabane on February 18, 2014, 04:14:29 PM
Spoetnik. Hello.
Ya know, I was going to say this. I think Spoetnik made a post exactly like this on DOGE.

Then again, it could be just a troll imitating Spoetnik. It's kinda funny, it's basically the same exact post just all the inputs of DOGE/Dogecoin have been replaced by Flap.

Part of me kinda lol'd while reading through the OP. It was just like deja vu...

Title: Re: Why Flap coin is bad
Post by: aneki on February 18, 2014, 04:47:37 PM
Flapping to the moon!

Title: Re: Why Flap coin is bad
Post by: pisko on March 18, 2016, 10:51:28 AM
is flapcoin alive?

Title: Re: Why Flap coin is bad
Post by: BitcoinNational on March 18, 2016, 04:44:01 PM
spoetflap sounds like a disorder.

A Hi, my kid has the measles.

B well, my kid has spoetflap.

A sorry to hear that...that's not strong..

B *starts crying*

is spoetflap kid alive? :/

i mean it's been a year & no one even talks about that poor spoetflap kid.

Title: Re: Why Flap coin is bad
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on March 21, 2016, 01:28:53 AM
2 year old thread gets bumped, and I'm sure that's against the rules of this forum. However I like to read about these old coins and I too am wondering if this one is still alive. And I have a strong suspicion that op is Spoetnik.  Lol.  He's still trolling hard.

Title: Re: Why Flap coin is bad
Post by: BitcoinNational on March 21, 2016, 06:04:06 PM
I'm not sure if Spoetnik is a terrible troll or genuinely pissed off 100% of the time.

Also: Hi mom, posting in a parody thread.
missed this bit of gold

Title: Re: Why Flap coin is bad
Post by: Spoetnik on March 21, 2016, 06:27:30 PM
why do people need to air his negativity? if you don't like the coin don't support it. you don't need to go into several stages of drama..  and besides some of the famous altcoin is just a clone of another one.. they just made modification along the road to have their distinction.

i wish i had my replies bound to a key scripted.
It would save me so much time typing out replies that prove your all wrong constantly.
So here i go again with Spoetnik's classic retort #43

If you seen a man-hole cover missing on the side walk and someone was walking up behind you
and you were sure they would not notice.. would you warn them ?
You will say Yes of course.

Then, come to Bitcointalk and defend scams.  ::)

"and besides.." your comment is pure bullshit and a cliche at this point.
Do you realize how many time that has been said before ?

Why don't you show some consideration for the vulnerable people who are getting ripped off?
Fuck 'em.. i want Lambo's?

Title: Re: Why Flap coin is bad
Post by: Spoetnik on March 21, 2016, 06:40:28 PM
Spoetnik. Hello.

Wasn't me who made this topic.
He also copied it all from my Why Doge coin is bad ( topic.

Which fails for one reason.
I tried to point out that the POPULARITY aspect to Doge was a key reason it was so "Bad"
This just can not be applied the same to Flappy Coin (although Flappy is shit too)

Also, I have never posted a comment here under any other name here even once.
Why would i ? (I am not a coward hiding)