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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Adecrypt83 on July 31, 2018, 01:20:55 PM

Title: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: Adecrypt83 on July 31, 2018, 01:20:55 PM
In less than two years time, Americans will go to the poll again and elect their president. Looking at how the event unfolded in the last election which brought Donald Trump as the president of the most powerful nation in the world, then many analyst predicted that Trump will not win the election which he later won, the prediction of 2020 election has started again but my question is will Trump go against the odds once again and win his re-election  bid?

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: Spendulus on July 31, 2018, 10:29:40 PM

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: KR$N on July 31, 2018, 10:50:29 PM
Who cares? It's gonna be fake news by 2020  ; ::)

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: MileyPeardon on July 31, 2018, 11:08:58 PM
No. He won't. Many people who stanned him before have even cringed at recent events. It is not a functioning government. There are consistent discrepancies between foreign policy and his social media, he often changes his opinions, does not follow through, has grandiose plans without structure or details given, has threatened to shut down government multiple times, and no, the US is not more respected now than before. I think that it may be close, but I do not believe he will be re-elected. It has been too messy. I believe a new candidate will arise, whom will have a lot of what people enjoy about Trump (a loud voice) with a more structured, detailed plan.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: popcorn1 on July 31, 2018, 11:45:16 PM
No. He won't. Many people who stanned him before have even cringed at recent events. It is not a functioning government. There are consistent discrepancies between foreign policy and his social media, he often changes his opinions, does not follow through, has grandiose plans without structure or details given, has threatened to shut down government multiple times, and no, the US is not more respected now than before. I think that it may be close, but I do not believe he will be re-elected. It has been too messy. I believe a new candidate will arise, whom will have a lot of what people enjoy about Trump (a loud voice) with a more structured, detailed plan.
4 MORE YEARS ;D..Why because I haven't seen the swamp monsters come out in so many numbers   keep him in we can catch even more :D..

I know for a fact that the swamps are pig sick because it was them making the monies and now they have lost it all   MR TRUMPS spoiling their little money pies that the public know nothing about..the swamp monsters are crying all sorts of things ..

We have them in the UK swamp monsters who think they are born to rule must of been told by the parents  ::)  mostly Londons way of thinking..
Now we have the Jewish people not all but some saying that Jeremy Corbyn is a Jew hater  you know like TOM and JERRY    jerry would always get tom in trouble

you would see the little mouse in his bed with a smile because tom is getting the blame for smashing the light when really it was jerry tormenting tom so he would get a beating by the cats owner ..

See Facebook got blamed for russian propaganda and said MR TRUMPS had russian bots on his side  BUT when the FACTS come out it was against MR TRUMPS ..

The whole thing is a JEWISH TAKE OVER FACT ;)..Not that they are the only ones  but they know how to play TOM and JERRY so well ;) ;)..
As long as it's not the ISLAM ruling i couldn't give a shits who rules..

But ask yourself this WHY did CLINTON sell this..

Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States’ Uranium ...

The Uranium One Deal Was Not Clinton’s to Veto or Approve Among the ways these accusations stray from the facts is in attributing a power of veto or approval to Secretary Clinton that she simply did not have. Clinton was one of nine cabinet members and department heads that sit on the CFIUS, and the secretary of the treasury is its chairperson.

Now Clinton talks to putin OH nothing of it  BUT Mr Trump talks to him Oh  SPYING WAR DEATH LOCUST ?...

See another thing that also is good doing 4 more years it's proves even big long words don't mean JACK SHIT to run a government :D..

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: Spendulus on August 01, 2018, 12:49:50 AM
In less than two years time, Americans will go to the poll again and elect their president. Looking at how the event unfolded in the last election which brought Donald Trump as the president of the most powerful nation in the world, then many analyst predicted that Trump will not win the election which he later won, the prediction of 2020 election has started again but my question is will Trump go against the odds once again and win his re-election  bid?

Gerald Ford wasn't re elected.

Bush Sr. wasn't re elected.

They were way, way different than Trump.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: cryptotrade007 on August 01, 2018, 03:31:50 AM
I find it hard to believe that Trump will be re-elected, however I found it hard to believe that he was elected the first time.  We will see how the things go, but it really depends on whether or not there will be a viable alternative this time around.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: percent on August 01, 2018, 11:50:01 AM
Long on Trump election.
Sentiment is bullish.
The sheer insanity of the Left and identity politics at the moment will ensure his re-election, probably with a greater share of the vote.
I might put a bet on it.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: uchechiboy on August 01, 2018, 12:35:14 PM
For me i will say yes. but that dopes not mean that am one of the trump fans but i believed that he is doing a great job.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: Badman-Crypto on August 01, 2018, 12:47:05 PM
America is respected again outside and people fear us. It is good in a way.

The guy literally had thousands of people protesting in the street against his visit to England. Something that has happened to no other president in US history. If that doesn't tell you how much people disrespect him then I don't know what does. I personally don't think he has done too bad of a job with internal matters but from the outside perspective, he makes the USA look like a bad joke. No offense.

The thing about trump, apart from his questionable morals and borderline xenophobia, is his tendency to entirely fabricate the truth and tell his supporters exactly what they want to hear even when he doesn't follow through with it. The guy pretends to come across as anti-establishment but people forget that Trump IS the establishment. He is capitalism personified and has helped to build the social climate that all of middle America want to protest against.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: B1tUnl0ck3r on August 01, 2018, 12:50:09 PM

winner. better than kag 4 sure.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: BADecker on August 01, 2018, 06:02:25 PM
Will Trump Be Re-elected?

I sure hope so! Especially if some assassin bumps him off before the elections.


Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: Spendulus on August 02, 2018, 11:40:07 AM
America is respected again outside and people fear us. It is good in a way.

.... The guy pretends to come across as anti-establishment but people forget that Trump IS the establishment. He is capitalism personified ....

He's not the establishment, though. That's klepto-capitalists in league with world government socialists.

He's anti-establishment...

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: Dinushan_US on August 15, 2018, 06:35:18 AM
Yes he will.Most probably he will be the winner because he dealing well with employment and Military problems.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: fluxer on August 15, 2018, 10:17:14 AM
He probably will. The Democratic party went full retard and has alienated so many people. It's hard to pull in votes when everyone sees them as corrupt and they've swung so far left the party is unrecognizable from 20 years ago.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: BADecker on August 15, 2018, 05:52:44 PM
Trump isn't strong enough. We need Alex Jones for President.


Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: Sutters Mill on August 15, 2018, 07:20:18 PM
Probably, unless he fucks up colossally. Seems to be quite bulletproof at the minute though. I suppose it depends on who he's running against also. If he doesn't really do all the things he promised those who initially voted for him and believed his promises will probably turn against him. Don't really care either way to be honest though. Trump is a dunce, but whoever you have in office usually does the same sort of things just under a different brand and issued in a slightly different rhetoric.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: proload on August 15, 2018, 08:26:42 PM
I believe it is still too early to answer this question. He has a lot of opponents but many supporters as well. We need to do more of his moves in order to decide if he will be re-elected or not.

Personally i like him.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: Phomology on August 15, 2018, 08:42:22 PM
I would say yes, regardless of all the theater in the white house, his supporters mostly still stand behind him. In their eyes he delivers on all the promises he made, except for the wall.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: yogg on August 15, 2018, 09:50:26 PM
I think it depends on how well the USA does after his first presidential period.
If he's good to his people, maybe. However it's crazy to see that he got that much people protesting him in foreign countries such as the UK. :o

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: LuckyDestroyer on August 16, 2018, 06:53:58 PM
I think most likely yes. Most of the same people who voted him in the last time will do it again.And he might have just won some over again. Halfway into his tenure, the man hasn't done really badly. Jobs and the economy are working well for him. Plus him not losing out despite the fierce media opposition is winning him some more fans. But the major bonus he had on his side two years ago is gone. That shock element is no longer gonna work for him. Many things also depend on the candidate the DNC fields.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: MirzaofDaska on August 17, 2018, 10:38:35 AM
We're still a long way from President Donald Trump's 2020 re-election campaign, but with both Democrats and Republicans on edge about whether Trump can win again, it's never too early to start looking at his chances.

While most people focus on his approval rating, the best metric for determining Trump's odds of winning a second term may come from looking at consumer confidence in the economy.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: Spendulus on August 17, 2018, 04:46:55 PM
.... the best metric for determining Trump's odds of winning a second term may come from looking at consumer confidence in the economy.

And that's looking very good.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: groko271 on August 18, 2018, 02:50:03 AM
yes... in a big way.

the average person cares mostly about employment, interest rates, the economy, education etc in which Trump is clearly winning......... not what the fake news networks are trying to highlight.

people will vote with common sense and trump will win by more than 10%.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: Quickseller on August 18, 2018, 05:04:49 AM
He ran against a very weak candidate in 2016, so weak that she had to cheat to “win” the nomination. On the other hand, Obama very much had his thumb on the scale for Hillary, including weaponizing spying powers. Further Trump has done a very good job of getting his message out via Twitter and has probably improved since the election. He has also done a lot for the economy and the middle class.

If I had to bet, I would say he will serve another term.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: Brawnsugar on August 18, 2018, 01:59:32 PM
In less than two years time, Americans will go to the poll again and elect their president. Looking at how the event unfolded in the last election which brought Donald Trump as the president of the most powerful nation in the world, then many analyst predicted that Trump will not win the election which he later won, the prediction of 2020 election has started again but my question is will Trump go against the odds once again and win his re-election  bid?

Gerald Ford wasn't re elected.

Bush Sr. wasn't re elected.

They were way, way different than Trump.

There's a pattern here and look them all, Republicans if I'm not mistaken. Huge possibility he won't be reelected.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: SimonOdell on August 20, 2018, 02:44:00 AM
It strikes me that the reason America elected a president whose main motto is "Make America Great Again" is because deep down they realise that America is not the greatest country in the world anymore and they have been going down the wrong path for some time, correction is needed. Will Trump accomplish this? That's a different question.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: byteball on August 20, 2018, 08:36:47 AM
What do you think of "the Trump cult" by Douglas Rushkov?

My personal opinion: Trump will be re-elected mainly because he is propped by Israel.
Whereas the author believes it's the "choice of the people" (1/2 consisting of cult members, according to him).
A big question is posed though in the last sentence: which half is in a Cult?

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: Spendulus on August 21, 2018, 03:06:08 AM
In less than two years time, Americans will go to the poll again and elect their president. Looking at how the event unfolded in the last election which brought Donald Trump as the president of the most powerful nation in the world, then many analyst predicted that Trump will not win the election which he later won, the prediction of 2020 election has started again but my question is will Trump go against the odds once again and win his re-election  bid?

Gerald Ford wasn't re elected.

Bush Sr. wasn't re elected.

They were way, way different than Trump.

There's a pattern here and look them all, Republicans if I'm not mistaken. Huge possibility he won't be reelected.

Look a bit deeper for the pattern....

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: Psec on August 21, 2018, 07:52:09 AM
There is high possibility that trump will win his reelection bid, common citizens love what heis doing

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: percent on August 21, 2018, 09:09:17 AM
Depends if Kanye runs.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: Lizzyflower on August 21, 2018, 11:02:41 AM
Although am not a Yankees, I would support the re-election of President Trump. I love his style of leadership: he says and matches his words with actions.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: woofre on August 21, 2018, 12:53:38 PM
D.Trump brings jobs to Americans, restoring America's position. I think he will be elected next term.  ;D

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: byteball on August 21, 2018, 02:01:32 PM
Although am not a Yankees, I would support the re-election of President Trump. I love his style of leadership: he says and matches his words with actions.
But official media say he lies every day about everything.
As if he promised to tell truth, and only the truth to every oligarch-owned nosy hack, and not to guard interests of the US when he took his vows.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: fedben on August 21, 2018, 05:33:36 PM
I believe it is still too early to answer this question. He has a lot of opponents but many supporters as well. We need to do more of his moves in order to decide if he will be re-elected or not.

Personally i like him.

You're definitely right. Its too soon to tell. Winning an election is determined by a lot of factors. Presently, his administration is very rocky. Nevertheless, he has done some things right, for which he deserves some accolades. The Democratic party nominee will matter much.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: icy season on August 22, 2018, 03:46:41 AM
I do not think that can happen, and I do not expect it to happen to American people. That was bad when President Trumd re-elected

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: suzerain-SR on August 22, 2018, 05:04:55 AM
I do not think that can happen. With the American people, I believe President Trumd will not be re-elected in the next term. That is reflected in many polls of reputable media outlets

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: RuBro on August 22, 2018, 07:57:33 AM
I don't know why you're all so worried? Vladimir Vladimirovich P. has already decided everything for you

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: Rawted on August 22, 2018, 08:46:40 AM
No. He won't. Many people who stanned him before have even cringed at recent events. It is not a functioning government. There are consistent discrepancies between foreign policy and his social media, he often changes his opinions, does not follow through, has grandiose plans without structure or details given, has threatened to shut down government multiple times, and no, the US is not more respected now than before. I think that it may be close, but I do not believe he will be re-elected. It has been too messy. I believe a new candidate will arise, whom will have a lot of what people enjoy about Trump (a loud voice) with a more structured, detailed plan.
Most people shared this same view, but in light of recent events giving conclusive evidence the election was in one way or another tampered with, that did not matter. What's to say that the same thing, in the same or a much more sophisticated way, will not happen this time around?

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: Juggy777 on August 22, 2018, 09:14:07 AM
In less than two years time, Americans will go to the poll again and elect their president. Looking at how the event unfolded in the last election which brought Donald Trump as the president of the most powerful nation in the world, then many analyst predicted that Trump will not win the election which he later won, the prediction of 2020 election has started again but my question is will Trump go against the odds once again and win his re-election  bid?

I hope for the worlds sake he doesn't get re elected, he's caused lots of problems with his trade wars. However I'm not sure that'll happen. In his defence he's the first president who's got North Korea under control, Russia has gone from being a foe to a friend, considering this it'll be difficult to take him down. If you see the odds they're balanced, and he certainly has a good chance of continuing.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: byteball on August 22, 2018, 03:17:40 PM
I don't know why you're all so worried? Vladimir Vladimirovich P. has already decided everything for you
Yup, they came to agreement with Bibi (Benjamin Bentsiyonovich Netanyahu-Mileikowsky) on this over coffee.
Probably not exactly, but the reality might be similar.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: Ahmed Ahmedov on August 23, 2018, 01:56:49 PM
Undoubtly. Fancy Bear and Guccifer 2.0. still afloat, if you know what I mean :)

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: Ladysmith on August 28, 2018, 05:47:11 PM
Unfortunately, I think he will be re-elected. He represents the general beliefs of the American masses and knows how to play on their patriotic emotions. Even those who have been royally screwed over by Trump (farmers for ex.), still support him somehow.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: BADecker on August 28, 2018, 11:16:40 PM
The solid, peaceful majority is way in favor of Trump. The people might even hold a Constitutional Convention just to give Trump a third term. By then, anti-age formulas hooked to NAD+ will have been made practical, and Trump will become younger. Then the people will hold another Constitutional Convention just to give Trump a few more terms.


Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: agus_sna on August 29, 2018, 01:28:25 AM
In less than two years time, Americans will go to the poll again and elect their president. Looking at how the event unfolded in the last election which brought Donald Trump as the president of the most powerful nation in the world, then many analyst predicted that Trump will not win the election which he later won, the prediction of 2020 election has started again but my question is will Trump go against the odds once again and win his re-election  bid?
In my opinion, this is impossible, because the president trumped the interests of some of his people, not all of his people, he put too much importance on white people and ignored blacks,
I apologize if my words are not pleasing to you, thank you

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: BADecker on August 29, 2018, 07:40:27 PM
Most likely Trump will be reelected, the democrats are super weak and he is super populistic, amazingly his ratings are always high.

However, there are multitudes of democrats that will vote for Trump next time, because he is finding jobs for them, or doing many other things that they like... like making America independently great again.


Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: MickLikeJagger on August 29, 2018, 10:46:31 PM
Surprised so many responded with a resounding "yes." I could see why some think that. Would need both Democratic leaders and Republicans to get him out before 2020.

Trump paid hush money to porn stars and Playboy models in violation of campaign finance laws, and Republicans don’t care. He’s refused to divest himself of his businesses and is clearly making (YUGE) money from the presidency, and they don’t care. He’s naively blowing up the nation’s alliances and kissing up to adversaries without the vaguest clue about what he’s doing, and they don’t care. He’s ruthlessly attacked the U.S. intelligence community and the Department of Justice, purely for self-serving reasons, and they don’t care. He's racist, xenophobic, not a critical thinker who imagines the impact of decisions. Most importantly, he is suspected of conspiring with a foreign government. And Republicans really don’t care.

All Democrats care. Trump base less than 1/3 of US population now.

Predictive markets says 10/3 odds he's out in 2019. Spiked since he cowed to Putin on camera.

I say no, he won't be re-elected.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: hotforblockchain on August 30, 2018, 03:48:38 PM
OH, gosh I certainly hope not, this something unseen in the history of politics, rich moron is stearing one of the biggest and powerful nations in the world.
I hope that by that time Stock market would have bursted and Trump will be forgotten completely in next election.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: Spendulus on August 30, 2018, 10:29:33 PM

Predictive markets says 10/3 odds he's out in 2019. Spiked since he cowed to Putin on camera.

I say no, he won't be re-elected.

If there's a place and a way to place bets on whether Trump is in office in 2019, I will be happy to bet on the side that is wagering "Yes, he will be in office in 2019!"

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: groko271 on August 30, 2018, 10:34:06 PM

Predictive markets says 10/3 odds he's out in 2019. Spiked since he cowed to Putin on camera.

I say no, he won't be re-elected.

If there's a place and a way to place bets on whether Trump is in office in 2019, I will be happy to bet on the side that is wagering "Yes, he will be in office in 2019!"

yeah, me too. Remember when he won the chances of him being elected was 2% lol. IMO people with common sense will vote him in, however they remain silent because of the fascist left not allowing anyone pro trump to speak, calling them names because they have no valid argument.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: GreenBits on August 30, 2018, 11:22:08 PM

Predictive markets says 10/3 odds he's out in 2019. Spiked since he cowed to Putin on camera.

I say no, he won't be re-elected.

If there's a place and a way to place bets on whether Trump is in office in 2019, I will be happy to bet on the side that is wagering "Yes, he will be in office in 2019!"

Hey Spend, it's been quite a while  ;D I hope you have been well

See here to bet on your pal:

You'll have to download the client and whatnot. Otherwise, you will have to trust one of the myriad crypto sports betting sites out there atm..

And hell to the no, there is a Dippin Dot's chance in Hell Trump will be elected.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: Spendulus on August 31, 2018, 02:12:26 AM

Predictive markets says 10/3 odds he's out in 2019. Spiked since he cowed to Putin on camera.

I say no, he won't be re-elected.

If there's a place and a way to place bets on whether Trump is in office in 2019, I will be happy to bet on the side that is wagering "Yes, he will be in office in 2019!"

Hey Spend, it's been quite a while  ;D I hope you have been well

See here to bet on your pal:

You'll have to download the client and whatnot. Otherwise, you will have to trust one of the myriad crypto sports betting sites out there atm..

And hell to the no, there is a Dippin Dot's chance in Hell Trump will be elected.
Howdy, Green.

But to explain a bit, I am unable to place bets otherwise than as above described regarding 2019. The election in question is 11-3-2020.

All sides of political spectrums can unite on this just to win $$$.


Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: on September 05, 2018, 04:16:47 AM
In less than two years time, Americans will go to the poll again and elect their president. Looking at how the event unfolded in the last election which brought Donald Trump as the president of the most powerful nation in the world, then many analyst predicted that Trump will not win the election which he later won, the prediction of 2020 election has started again but my question is will Trump go against the odds once again and win his re-election  bid?
OK first of all, that's exactly what they said right down to the last second of the election. Complete with false poles that said 90% chance hillary will win. But he won by far the most states. And the recount proved she was cheating. So my honest feelings are after such lies and attempted deception by the main stream media, how can anyone still act as if they deal in facts? I guess you weren't paying attention at all last year. Look at the youtube videos of all of the predictions stating there is no way he will win. And yet, you still believe them? So now that we've established that main stream media has nothing to do with honest reporting and it just supports it's 5 corporate sponsors and foreign states that wish to decimate America, I ask you this, do some reasoning for yourself. If Trump isn't going to win in two years then WHO is campaigning hard right now that even stands a chance? He very well could lose because of his tweets and main stream media's constant false accusations, but it will take someone truly GREAT to out do him. Especially considering, in spite of some bad moves, many feel he did pretty good. Much Much better than Obama. How long did it take Obama to deal with ISIS? they just got bigger and bigger. Which I think was his plan. Now how long did it take Trump? 45 days and they were wiped out like the plague they were. So you tell me who's going to compete with him in reality? A man that can take on the entire press and still win. Oprah? HAHAHAHAH not a chance. She would stand a chance but her speeches are racist hate speeches. So good luck there. I wish Ron Paul would run again.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: byteball on September 05, 2018, 02:04:41 PM
a) Trump paid hush money to porn stars and Playboy models in violation of campaign finance laws, and Republicans don’t care.

b) He’s refused to divest himself of his businesses and is clearly making (YUGE) money from the presidency, and they don’t care.

c) He’s naively blowing up the nation’s alliances and kissing up to adversaries without the vaguest clue about what he’s doing, and they don’t care.

d) He’s ruthlessly attacked the U.S. intelligence community and the Department of Justice, purely for self-serving reasons, and they don’t care.

e) He's racist, xenophobic, not a critical thinker who imagines the impact of decisions.

f) Most importantly, he is suspected of conspiring with a foreign government. And Republicans really don’t care.
a) Hillary received millions from SA in order to win and lost. Hillary sold Uranium to Russians. Democrats don't care.

b) How much has GW Bush made? What about Bill C? Nobody cares.

c) Blowing NATO that is protecting from inexistent threat? Kissing up to the enemies of his enemies and of enemies of American people?

d) As if NSA is not spying on each and every US citizen, plus Angela Merkel. As if CIA is not sponsoring ISIS and al-Qaeda. As if all those were "conspiracy theories".

e) American people (and people of the World) are fed up with identity politics and left-wing BS. That is why they support him.

f) see a), Uranium One deal. It's all in DNC emails.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: 3acaga on September 05, 2018, 07:44:07 PM
I live in Ukraine and if anyone will be interested in my opinion, I will be grateful ...
I see that Donald Trump is not yet clear how your choices went, I believe in American democracy and I think that the charges are justified.
My country is now waging war with Russia, on the territory of Ukraine.
You can blame America for having pledged to defend the inviolability of Ukraine after the dismantling of the USSR (which was in Ukraine for the time of the collapse of the USSR), but it's politics and it's always dirty ...
My opinion is that it is not a fact if another president comes to America after the elections, then another vector appears about Russia (more aggressive).
P.S. The Americans must understand that Hitler was not stopped during and a huge tragedy occurred.
Putin must be stopped on time ...

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: byteball on September 06, 2018, 08:36:01 AM
My country is now waging war with Russia, on the territory of Ukraine.
While also trying to remain the only way of transit for Russian gas to Europe.
While also sending millions of migrant labourers to Russia.
While not properly declaring the war according to international law.
So how do you want next US president to "stop Putin"? Propaganda pressure is futile, and any military pressure
once above a certain level will result in all-out World War III.
And don't pretend you don't know what has to be done to stop your Civil War in Donbass.
Elect a different president yourselves, first.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: lockes007 on September 06, 2018, 12:34:21 PM
It does not require rocket science to knot hat Donald Trump is not going to be given a second term in office considering the whole controversy surrounding his administration,him self in connection to Espionage allegations connected to Russia

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: robbietobby on September 06, 2018, 02:15:02 PM
For me i will say yes. but that dopes not mean that am one of the trump fans but i believed that he is doing a great job.

He's a New Type of Leader that America Needs President Donald Trump, the current president, should be respected and treated nicely. Unfortunately, the liberals tend to dislike him at a huge degree and lack care for his successes, which include a boosted economy, less illegal immigrants, and more jobs, and pick on his tiny mistakes, THAT EVERYONE MAKES. No, Trump is not a racist, sexist man. Rather, he's a clever businessman that the country needed in order to fix the 10 trillion dollars the US increased in debt under the (democrat) Obama presidency.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: cheeseandcrackers on September 07, 2018, 05:03:17 PM
I think there's a strong possibility he will be elected unfortunately.  I don't think he's a very good president but, democrats aren't really bringing anything to the table in terms of actual policy to help or even consider the people that voted for Trump.  They constantly just gesture wildly at Trump saying, "How could you vote for this racist!  Vote for us!"  without actually appealing to any of their needs.  There are areas of the country that are dying because there are no longer any jobs nearby, and Trump promised to bring back manufacturing jobs, as well as other things like coal mining.  They were obvious lies, but the people who live in these areas had no other options other than to hope that Trump wasn't full of shit, so they voted for him.  Without actual policy to sway these voters and help their lives out, there's really no way they will vote democrat.  It's just not good enough to say how shitty the other candidate is, you have to have an actual platform and policy to back it up.  Trump won basically because democrats got too complacent, and they still are. 

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: Spendulus on September 08, 2018, 12:07:12 AM
For me i will say yes. but that dopes not mean that am one of the trump fans but i believed that he is doing a great job.

He's a New Type of Leader that America Needs....

Trump will be re elected in a landslide like this country has never seen.

Because he made promises and kept them.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: upandtotheright96 on September 08, 2018, 12:40:26 AM
I think he will be re-elected for a couple keys reasons:

1) His base loves him.
2) He is resilient to controversy through his use of media redirection.  (He can do and say stuff that other presidents never could.. for some reason.)
3) He did actually lower taxes, so that will keep the fiscal conservatives with him.

His weaknesses/shortcomings (perceived or otherwise) are not probably not going be enough.

With that said, the democrats are obviously quite motivate now...

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: byteball on September 10, 2018, 08:51:09 AM
I think there's a strong possibility he will be elected unfortunately.
Another possibility would be just to stop this pretence named "democracy", make a coup and bring in some hereditary dictators like Bushes and Clintons.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: Spendulus on September 11, 2018, 01:20:53 AM
I think there's a strong possibility he will be elected unfortunately.
Another possibility would be just to stop this pretence named "democracy", make a coup and bring in some hereditary dictators like Bushes and Clintons.
Naw. We'll just vote in Ivanka.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: hihelen on September 12, 2018, 08:38:06 AM
In my opinion, Trump has done already too much to the US economis system. Look at what he's done. Lower taxes, national businesses protection, the meeting with NK leader to prevent furter conflict escalation and many other things. I understand well that this is his team and not only him personally to conduct all those activities. However, apparently, US economics is doing well currently, while the EU, for example, is still divorsing with the UK. China is in a constant crisis as the inner market is still very weak and the infrastructure needs titanic efforts and much more money to be invested.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: hihelen on September 12, 2018, 08:42:19 AM
Most likely Trump will be reelected, the democrats are super weak and he is super populistic, amazingly his ratings are always high.

However, there are multitudes of democrats that will vote for Trump next time, because he is finding jobs for them, or doing many other things that they like... like making America independently great again.


Yep, here I agree with you. The unemployment rate continues to go down while the number of new jobs rises. He knows how to stimulate business and I think he did it well already.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: Moloch on September 12, 2018, 12:25:17 PM
Trump celebrating the 9/11 tragedy?

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: khordination on September 12, 2018, 05:08:31 PM
I think he will be re-elected for a couple keys reasons:

1) His base loves him.
2) He is resilient to controversy through his use of media redirection.  (He can do and say stuff that other presidents never could.. for some reason.)
3) He did actually lower taxes, so that will keep the fiscal conservatives with him.

His weaknesses/shortcomings (perceived or otherwise) are not probably not going be enough.

With that said, the democrats are obviously quite motivate now...

It's all about the economy. If it's up like it is now, he's in for another 4.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: Spendulus on September 12, 2018, 08:49:17 PM

Gosh, I don't know the context of that. But here is his speech. Do you have any problem with it?

Flight 93 National Memorial
Shanksville, Pennsylvania

10:41 A.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you very much.  Thank you very much, Ryan.  So beautiful.

We’re gathered together on these hallowed grounds to honor the memory of nearly 3,000 souls who were murdered on this day 17 years ago.  We’re here to pay solemn tribute to the 40 passengers and crewmembers on Flight 93 who rose up, defied the enemy, took control of their destiny, and changed the course of history.

Today, we mourn their loss.  We share their story.  And we commemorate their incredible valor.

On September 11th, 2001, a band of brave patriots turned the tide on our nation’s enemies, and joined the immortal ranks of American heroes.

At this memorial, on this sacred earth, in the field beyond this wall, and in the skies above our heads, we remember the moment when America fought back.

Melania and I are grateful to be joined for today’s ceremony by Governor Tom Wolf and Governor Mark Schweiker.  I also want to thank the members of Congress in attendance: Senator Bob Casey, Congressmen Lou Barletta, Keith Rothfus, Bill Shuster, and along with the president of the Families of Flight 93, Gordon Felt.

We’re also joined by members of the National Park Service, along with firefighters, first responders, and incredible people from law enforcement.  These are truly great people.  (Applause.)  Some of you here today answered the call and raced to this field 17 years ago.  You fill our hearts with pride, and I want to thank you on behalf of our country.  Thank you very much.  (Applause.)

Most importantly, to the family members of Flight 93:  Today, all of America wraps up and joins together.  We close our arms to help you shoulder your pain and to carry your great, great sorrow.  Your tears are not shed alone, for they are shared grief with an entire nation.  We grieve together for every mother and father, sister and brother, son and daughter, who was stolen from us at the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and here in this Pennsylvania field.  We honor their sacrifice by pledging to never flinch in the face of evil, and to do whatever it takes to keep America safe.  (Applause.)

Seventeen years ago, your loved ones were among The Forty of Flight 93 — the 40 passengers and crewmembers onboard the 8:00 a.m. United Airlines flight from Newark to San Francisco.  They were men and women from every background.  They were young people returning from visiting family, moms and dads on business trips, and friends going and coming from birthdays and weddings.

They boarded the plane as strangers — and they entered eternity linked forever as true heroes.  (Applause.)

Soon after takeoff, Flight 93 was hijacked by evil men bent on terror and conquest.  Passengers and crewmembers began using their phones to call home.  They learned that two planes had already crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City.

Immediately, those onboard Flight 93 started planning a response.  Sandy Bradshaw, a flight attendant, called her husband and told him they were in the back of the plane preparing hot water to throw onto the hijackers.  Passenger Jeremy Glick explained the plan to his wife and said, “Stay on the line.  I’ll be back.”

The passengers and crew members came together, took a vote, and they decided to act.  At that moment, they took their fate — and America’s fate –- back into their own hands.

In the last 20 minutes, many placed their final calls home, whispering those eternal words: “I love you.”  Some said the Lord’s Prayer.  And then they bravely charged the cockpit.  They attacked the enemy.  They fought until the very end.  And they stopped the forces of terror and defeated this wicked, horrible, evil plan.

Flight 93 crashed yards from where we stand, just 20 minutes flying time from the United States Capitol.

Through their sacrifice, The Forty saved the lives of countless Americans, and they saved our capital from a devastating strike.

In the days after the attack, tens of thousands of fire fighters, police officers, and recovery workers traveled to New York and Arlington to crawl through the rubble in search for survivors.

There were prayer vigils, memorials, and charity drives all across our nation.

Here in Shanksville, many of you raised up the first memorial –- a wooden cross, a chain-linked fence, mementos and tributes pouring in, and dozens and dozens of American flags.

A piece of America’s heart is buried on these grounds but in its place has grown a new resolve to live our lives with the same grace and courage as the heroes of Flight 93.

This field is now a monument to American defiance.  This memorial is now a message to the world: America will never, ever submit to tyranny.  (Applause.)

Since September 11th, nearly 5.5 million young Americans have enlisted in the United States Armed Forces. Nearly 7,000 service members have died facing down the menace of radical Islamic terrorism.  (Applause.)

Today, we also think of the more than 200,000 service members now serving overseas.  And we think of every citizen who protects our nation at home, including our state, local, and federal law enforcement.  These are great Americans.  These are great heroes.  We honor and thank them all.  (Applause.)

As Commander-in-Chief, I will always do everything in my power to prevent terrorists from striking American soil.

Here with us today is Dorothy Garcia Bachler.  Her husband Sonny was one of the passengers on Flight 93.  On September 11th, 2001 — just over a month after their 32nd wedding anniversary — Sonny was on his way back from a business meeting.  He called Dorothy — who he loved so much — called her on the plane and uttered her name before the line went dead silent.

In the days after the attack, Dorothy told the investigators there was only one thing she wanted from this field: her husband’s wedding ring.  They would know it by the inscription etched inside.  “All my love,” it said, followed by the number “8/2/69” –- the date of their anniversary.  The officers — great people — promised to try.  But in this field of wreckage, it seemed certainly impossible.

Dorothy began to pray, and she asked her friends to do the same.  Days went by, then months.  Still no ring.  A week before Christmas, on December 19th, she heard a knock at the door.  Two officers were standing with a — really beautiful to her — she saw it was so beautiful; she knew what was happening — a beautiful, small white box.  Inside it was a wallet, a luggage tag, a driver’s license, a small bag with the wedding ring inscribed with those three precious words: “All my love.”

Those words echo across this field.  And those words tell the story of 40 men and women who gave all their love for their families, their country, and our freedom.

To Dorothy, and to every family here today, America will never forget what your loved ones did for all of us.  (Applause.)

Earlier this week, you dedicated the final part of this memorial: the Tower of Voices.  Standing at 93 feet tall, the Tower of Voices is now the first structure visitors see when they come to this now sacred ground.  It will hold 40 beautiful chimes that ring throughout these fields — each a unique note, but all in perfect harmony.

Every time we hear those chimes playing in the wind, we will remember The Forty.  We will remember their faces, their voices, their stories, their courage, and their love.

And we will remember that free people are never at the mercy of evil because our destiny is always in our hands.  (Applause.)  America’s future is not written by our enemies.  America’s future is written by our heroes.  (Applause.)

As long as this monument stands, as long as this memorial endures, brave patriots will rise up in America’s hours of need, and they too will fight back.  (Applause.)

Seventeen years ago, forty incredible men and women showed the whole world that no force on Earth will ever conquer the American spirit.  We treasure their memory.  We cherish their legacy.  And we ask God to forever bless the immortal heroes of Flight 93.

Thank you.  God bless you.  God bless the families.  And God bless the United States of America.  Thank you very much.  (Applause.)


10:56 A.M. EDT

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: criptix on September 15, 2018, 08:40:41 PM
Would be nice if trump gets reelected.

The decline of the USA cant be stopped and the world has enough with a near century of US american domination.

Trump will accelerate this process with his isolationalist policies.

I just hope that the yellow man wont fuck the world like the US for another century.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: Spendulus on September 16, 2018, 03:16:01 AM
.... trump is just a puppet.....
Maybe he's the only one that's not a puppet. Certainly in business, Trump was the guy that pulled the strings.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: EmmaBen on September 16, 2018, 09:57:50 PM
The same question was asked when Obama was president. He had a second term.
And in my opinion, trump has done very well internally to deserve a second term, irrespective of propaganda or his seemingly bad foreign policies.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: groko271 on September 16, 2018, 10:14:15 PM

CNN celebrating hurricane tragedy? trump WILL get back in because everybody knows he is not only right about CNN, he is right about most things. Economy going well I see.

What did trump say about CNN again. Right again Mr President ... give the guy another term lol

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: BLAST2MARS on September 17, 2018, 03:11:12 AM
The media as a whole hates Donald Trump. Even a supporter of Trump would change his minds because the media only release negative news about him. Trump would not even have a chance and if we conduct a survey, only those 1% that are retarded would pick him.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: byteball on September 17, 2018, 08:33:58 AM
I do not think, because he is too old, plus he is very rich. Therefore he will most possible just relax after White House.  ;)
I hope during his 2nd term he'll go vegan. This will allow him to relax even more.

I would prefer vegan POTUS even now, but right now vegan wouldn't stand a chance against the Deep State.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: kokofromdablock on October 10, 2018, 11:45:29 PM
I hope he don't gets the chance to be a president again. Not a good choice.

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: Spendulus on November 14, 2018, 06:39:48 PM
The same question was asked when Obama was president. He had a second term.
And in my opinion, trump has done very well internally to deserve a second term, irrespective of propaganda or his seemingly bad foreign policies.
Yes he certainly has. And I think the foreign policies are looking pretty good!

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: niko337 on November 15, 2018, 05:02:09 AM
I think this should be:
"Does the dems have any credible and competent candidate to go against Trump?"

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: cryptodv on November 15, 2018, 02:31:46 PM
He might, he has a strong White Evangelical base. Plus, his immigration rhetoric resonates more and more with them.  ::)

"White, evangelicals have been the base of the Republican Party for more than a decade already. Probably closer to two decades. They are older, they are white, they are less likely to be college educated, and so they have been the base of the party,"
       — Julia Manchester

Title: Re: Will Trump Be Re-elected?
Post by: Spendulus on November 15, 2018, 03:16:33 PM
He might, he has a strong White Evangelical base. Plus, his immigration rhetoric resonates more and more with them.  ::)

By no means just those people. Many, many people like it because it's the basic historical reality.

There's no CHANGE from historical reality in Trump's immigration platform.

The CHANGE, the people that want something new and different, is the far left international manipulators of the US Democratic Party pushing "Open Borders."

Simply stated, they are enemies of the US.