Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Services => Topic started by: esclade on February 25, 2014, 02:05:57 AM

Title: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 25, 2014, 02:05:57 AM
the offer is basically where i give you investment advice in return you pay me 50% profits. all i need you to do from your end is buy and sell when i say. you only pay me when you have profited once i have been sent my cut i will send you the next advice.

what you need
Minimum funds required £1500
a broker account that will let you trade on UK markets
remember you do not send me any money. you fund your broker account and do as i say and send me my cut.

step 1 fund your broker account
step 2 buy into company
step 3 sell stock in company when i say
step 4 send me 50% profit for next advice

if interested PM me

Post by: TrailingComet on February 25, 2014, 02:08:39 AM
How can we be certain that we are not profiting from insider info that's gonna get us into trouble later?

Post by: esclade on February 25, 2014, 02:22:20 AM
insider trading is illegal. the gains you will make here varies it can take from few hours to days. my decisions are based on research and my experience. i provide factual info as to why i pick these companies.

if you look at this company

it rose 80% last friday on no news, we are expected news soon there but i do not know the outcome. it rose on speculation the news maybe good. these are one of many companies some companies rise 50% of a period of time. you will be investing from your account and once you have profited i get paid,

Post by: esclade on February 25, 2014, 08:37:43 AM
excellent trading day today report at the end of the day

Post by: Sheldor333 on February 25, 2014, 09:47:47 AM
Well if someone got in business with him I would like to hear what their experience was. Even though I doubt that system would work, since those transactions would be executed, seconds if not minutes after you tell the person to do so.

Post by: jambola2 on February 25, 2014, 11:31:20 AM
If you know how to invest in the best things so easily , why not invest by your self ?
The only reason you would need someone else to invest in something for you and give you a percentage of the profits anonymously would be if you were doing something illegal...
If you don't have the funds , just start an investment fund and give back 90% or so of the profits.

Post by: miztaziggy on February 25, 2014, 11:44:59 AM
I have the UK broker account with TDW and cash available, but as the guy above said - why not just invest yourself if it's not illegal?

Post by: esclade on February 25, 2014, 12:12:37 PM
i do invest myself, its a extra source of income. for example if i invest 5k and make 5k profit, that is good, if i tell someone else to invest in the company at the same time and sell when i say my profit increases. you keep half i keep half.

at the end of the day as long we are both making money it is all good.

the stock i bought yesterday was Castleton up 20%
another stock bought last week was Churchill Mining up 74%

i do not provide the info a second before it rises, most likely a couple of hours or a day before it will rise. i cannot say how quick it will rise but all i know is you will make money

Post by: esclade on February 25, 2014, 12:52:47 PM
see Churchill mining now up 32%, buying is no problem but selling at the right time is important.

Post by: MrPiggles on February 25, 2014, 12:57:17 PM
Did you used to advertise this on carding forums?

Post by: esclade on February 25, 2014, 01:06:03 PM
No there was another member running the same thing on that forum but he is not been active there for sometime.

Post by: MrPiggles on February 25, 2014, 01:07:05 PM
wish I'd stuck around to see how the last one ended.

Post by: esclade on February 25, 2014, 08:27:47 PM
great day today total profit that was made of a £1500 investment would be £450. if you invested last week your profit would be 125% meaning profit of £1875 this does not inc your original £1.5k investment

Post by: esclade on February 26, 2014, 08:46:22 AM
today trading paragaon diamonds continuing from yesterday   borders and suthern petroleum

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: nasik on February 26, 2014, 09:34:52 AM
interested in this service. i have a few questions i'd like to ask.

do you offer investment advice on coins too?
how much money can i make?
how much is the maximum investment i can make?

i have traded forex and binary but didn't give a thought to buying stocks, looking to make around $2000 a week with a investment of $8000 is that possible.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: ahmedjadoon on February 26, 2014, 09:56:06 AM
What if we lost following your advice? Do you offer compensation?

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 26, 2014, 10:01:11 AM
do you offer investment advice on coins too?

sorry no. coins are very volatile and majority of coins are victims of pumps and dumps. it is possible to make money on coins but risk is too high. its great as a long term investment. coins can easily be manipulated so its difficult to know if the rise will hold.

how much money can i make?

the amount you make varies as stock market is full of surprises. i have been trading for 1.5 years now and on average have been making around 50% a week, on a investment of £6000. £3000 a week is achievable wit much less risk. it is possible to make 100% on one trade but you may need to hold a little longer maybe a 2 week hold. last week is a good example company snoozebox rose 120% code ZZZ. with a amount of $8000 it would not be good to have your investment in one place so the max i would want you to invest would be around $4000. so on a $4000 investment you would make $4800 profit. churchill mining was another that rose 80% on tuesday. that was a 5 day hold. profit again there on $4000 would be $3200. so in a 1.5 weeks your profit would be $8000. this is on a really good week. on average your return would be 50% profit of your investment so $2000 is very possible with a $8000 investment in more than 1 stock.

how much is the maximum investment i can make?

maximum investment varies depending on how liquid the stock is.

i have traded forex and binary but didn't give a thought to buying stocks, looking to make around $2000 a week with a investment of $8000 is that possible.

yes i've answered that above

we will be chatting through ICQ. i will be online during market hours to update you regularly

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: MrPiggles on February 26, 2014, 10:05:19 AM
50% per week seems legit

George Soros returned an average of 30.5% per year between 1969 and 2000

I always thought a monkey could do better.

I am investing £5000, if I gain 50% per week and reinvest my earnings in one year I will have £7 trillion 173 billion 241 million 877 thousand 408 pounds

I look forward to being a partner in your trillion dollar hedge fund

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: MrPiggles on February 26, 2014, 10:06:24 AM
oh and 58 pence.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 26, 2014, 10:10:20 AM
What if we lost following your advice? Do you offer compensation?

yes i will refund your starting capital if you loose money. so if you start with £1500 and you loose £700 and want out i will refund the £700 when you want out.  now i am no genius so there may be some downs but i can guarantee you will make more than you will loose.

i have posted links to the stocks i invested in and its is evident it has risen, also this is not a pump and dump as the stocks i give rise for a reason and not pumped. if members invested last week in snoozebox or churchill mining you would already have doubled your money, if you wanted to be safe you can invest profits instead of personal money to minimize risk.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 26, 2014, 10:19:24 AM
50% per week seems legit

George Soros returned an average of 30.5% per year between 1969 and 2000

I always thought a monkey could do better.

I am investing £5000, if I gain 50% per week and reinvest my earnings in one year I will have £7 trillion 173 billion 241 million 877 thousand 408 pounds

I look forward to being a partner in your trillion dollar hedge fund

sorry may i ask how you got a figure of 7 TRILLION. you would not make £1million let alone 7 TRILLION on a investment of £5000.

i have posted links where two companies rose nearly 100% in a week. george soros invest billions not £5000. if he invests 1 billion and gives a return of 305m that is great.

may i ask do you trade the markets?

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: MrPiggles on February 26, 2014, 10:24:24 AM
50% per week seems legit

George Soros returned an average of 30.5% per year between 1969 and 2000

I always thought a monkey could do better.

I am investing £5000, if I gain 50% per week and reinvest my earnings in one year I will have £7 trillion 173 billion 241 million 877 thousand 408 pounds

I look forward to being a partner in your trillion dollar hedge fund

sorry may i ask how you got a figure of 7 TRILLION. you would not make £1million let alone 7 TRILLION on a investment of £5000.

i have posted links where two companies rose nearly 100% in a week. george soros invest billions not £5000. if he invests 1 billion and gives a return of 305m that is great.

may i ask do you trade the markets?

You said we could make 50% per week.

After week 1 I have £7500
2 I have £11250
3 I have £16875
4 I have £25,312.50

and so on.

By the end of 52 weeks I have several trillion pounds.

Put it into a calculator, 52 periods of 50% interest

You'll end up with £ 7,173,241,877,408.58

I can't wait.

Please start giving us these stock tips to make 50% per week

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: Sheldor333 on February 26, 2014, 10:27:40 AM
You said we could make 50% per week.

After week 1 I have £7500
2 I have £11250
3 I have £16875
4 I have £25,312.50

and so on.

By the end of 52 weeks I have several trillion pounds.

Put it into a calculator, 52 periods of 50% interest

You'll end up with £ 7,173,241,877,408.58

I can't wait.

Please start giving us these stock tips to make 50% per week
I think you explained it best why is it not possible. If the person offering this has even £100 they would be doing it themselves. This way other person is taking all the risks. I see this as a way if it works it's great. If not, at least I didn't risk my own money.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: MrPiggles on February 26, 2014, 10:31:50 AM
This is an old scam

He gives 2000 people a horse racing tip. 500 people each get a different tip

500 bet correctly

He gives those 500 a new set of tips

125 bet correctly

he gives those 125 a new set of tips

30 bet correctly

Then he starts charging per tip

etc etc

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 26, 2014, 10:34:54 AM
50% per week seems legit

George Soros returned an average of 30.5% per year between 1969 and 2000

I always thought a monkey could do better.

I am investing £5000, if I gain 50% per week and reinvest my earnings in one year I will have £7 trillion 173 billion 241 million 877 thousand 408 pounds

I look forward to being a partner in your trillion dollar hedge fund

sorry may i ask how you got a figure of 7 TRILLION. you would not make £1million let alone 7 TRILLION on a investment of £5000.

i have posted links where two companies rose nearly 100% in a week. george soros invest billions not £5000. if he invests 1 billion and gives a return of 305m that is great.

may i ask do you trade the markets?

You said we could make 50% per week.

After week 1 I have £7500
2 I have £11250
3 I have £16875
4 I have £25,312.50

and so on.

By the end of 52 weeks I have several trillion pounds.

Put it into a calculator, 52 periods of 50% interest

You'll end up with £ 7,173,241,877,408.58

I can't wait.

Please start giving us these stock tips to make 50% per week

sheldor and mr p

you have read it wrong yes i have said you will make 50% a week but where have i said you will be re-investing. there is no company on earth that is worth £7trillion so i cannot invest that much i would need to invest in millions if not 10 millions different companies to spread the investment which is not possible even with a army of traders i cannot do this

i am keeping this post forever it is legendary. when someone proof reads before posting surely they must go back to the original post and re-read the offer. maximum investment would be £5000

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 26, 2014, 10:42:04 AM
This is an old scam

He gives 2000 people a horse racing tip. 500 people each get a different tip

500 bet correctly

He gives those 500 a new set of tips

125 bet correctly

he gives those 125 a new set of tips

30 bet correctly

Then he starts charging per tip

etc etc

i will assume this post void as your previous calculations are to be laughed at.

there is no  money sent upfront plus sheldor i have posted tips already

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: nasik on February 26, 2014, 11:04:05 AM
do you offer investment advice on coins too?

sorry no. coins are very volatile and majority of coins are victims of pumps and dumps. it is possible to make money on coins but risk is too high. its great as a long term investment. coins can easily be manipulated so its difficult to know if the rise will hold.

how much money can i make?

the amount you make varies as stock market is full of surprises. i have been trading for 1.5 years now and on average have been making around 50% a week, on a investment of £6000. £3000 a week is achievable wit much less risk. it is possible to make 100% on one trade but you may need to hold a little longer maybe a 2 week hold. last week is a good example company snoozebox rose 120% code ZZZ. with a amount of $8000 it would not be good to have your investment in one place so the max i would want you to invest would be around $4000. so on a $4000 investment you would make $4800 profit. churchill mining was another that rose 80% on tuesday. that was a 5 day hold. profit again there on $4000 would be $3200. so in a 1.5 weeks your profit would be $8000. this is on a really good week. on average your return would be 50% profit of your investment so $2000 is very possible with a $8000 investment in more than 1 stock.

how much is the maximum investment i can make?

maximum investment varies depending on how liquid the stock is.

i have traded forex and binary but didn't give a thought to buying stocks, looking to make around $2000 a week with a investment of $8000 is that possible.

yes i've answered that above

we will be chatting through ICQ. i will be online during market hours to update you regularly

could you PM me details on how i can get started i have a broker account ready to go. i will be investing $4000

a few messages since i left. 7 TRILLION wow haha, only if that was possible. im ok with $2000 a week. if this works i will not let you go for life. 

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: MrPiggles on February 26, 2014, 12:16:57 PM

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: MrPiggles on February 26, 2014, 12:34:13 PM
This is an old scam

He gives 2000 people a horse racing tip. 500 people each get a different tip

500 bet correctly

He gives those 500 a new set of tips

125 bet correctly

he gives those 125 a new set of tips

30 bet correctly

Then he starts charging per tip

etc etc

i will assume this post void as your previous calculations are to be laughed at.

there is no  money sent upfront plus sheldor i have posted tips already

You haven't posted tips, you posted stocks that did well in the past.

I could do that too.

10 years ago I was telling everyone to buy Apple.

And bitcoins, I was all over the bitcoins 10 years ago.

if people had listened to me they'd be millionaires.

Please send 1btc to 1yourstupidschemeispointless8jzua and I will share my next multi trillion tip.

Also my calculations are spot on, you never said we could not reinvest our profits.

You also never said maximum of £5000:

the offer is basically where i give you investment advice in return you pay me 50% profits. all i need you to do from your end i buy and sell when i say. you only pay me when you have profited once i have been sent my cut i will send you the next advice.

what you need
Minimum funds required £1500
a broker account that will let you trade on UK markets
remember you do not send me any money. you fund your broker account and do as i say and send me my cut.

an example of what you could make

£1500 you would have made £750 profit after my cut you are left with £375 for 8 hours work.

if interested PM me

You also said people can do it with £6000

i have been trading for 1.5 years now and on average have been making around 50% a week, on a investment of £6000.

maximum investment varies depending on how liquid the stock is.

So you can't even keep your story straight in a 2 page thread, and the only person getting excited and asking "buy" questions has 2 posts.

Both in this thread.

This seems so legit, I am so pumped to be a trillionaire

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: MrPiggles on February 26, 2014, 12:36:42 PM
You said we could make 50% per week.

After week 1 I have £7500
2 I have £11250
3 I have £16875
4 I have £25,312.50

and so on.

By the end of 52 weeks I have several trillion pounds.

Put it into a calculator, 52 periods of 50% interest

You'll end up with £ 7,173,241,877,408.58

I can't wait.

Please start giving us these stock tips to make 50% per week
I think you explained it best why is it not possible. If the person offering this has even £100 they would be doing it themselves. This way other person is taking all the risks. I see this as a way if it works it's great. If not, at least I didn't risk my own money.

Yeah it's just a variation of the horse race scheme I said earlier.

He'll tell 20 people to buy a different stock, a couple of them might make a profit, send him 50%. The other 18 are stuffed if they've lost anything.

He makes out either way

Total SCAM

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 26, 2014, 12:47:56 PM
do you offer investment advice on coins too?

sorry no. coins are very volatile and majority of coins are victims of pumps and dumps. it is possible to make money on coins but risk is too high. its great as a long term investment. coins can easily be manipulated so its difficult to know if the rise will hold.

how much money can i make?

the amount you make varies as stock market is full of surprises. i have been trading for 1.5 years now and on average have been making around 50% a week, on a investment of £6000. £3000 a week is achievable wit much less risk. it is possible to make 100% on one trade but you may need to hold a little longer maybe a 2 week hold. last week is a good example company snoozebox rose 120% code ZZZ. with a amount of $8000 it would not be good to have your investment in one place so the max i would want you to invest would be around $4000. so on a $4000 investment you would make $4800 profit. churchill mining was another that rose 80% on tuesday. that was a 5 day hold. profit again there on $4000 would be $3200. so in a 1.5 weeks your profit would be $8000. this is on a really good week. on average your return would be 50% profit of your investment so $2000 is very possible with a $8000 investment in more than 1 stock.

how much is the maximum investment i can make?

maximum investment varies depending on how liquid the stock is.

i have traded forex and binary but didn't give a thought to buying stocks, looking to make around $2000 a week with a investment of $8000 is that possible.

yes i've answered that above

we will be chatting through ICQ. i will be online during market hours to update you regularly

read the post again

see what is mentioned about the £6000 on   6k investment you make £3000 a week and that is me trading not you.

see where i have said if you have $8000 i would advise buying in only $4000

the fact is you know nothing about stock.

also here again your wrong the tips weren't in the past they are from today. what are you on about tips from 10 years ago if i posted a tip from 10 years ago it your comment is valid but you are making no sense at all. plus anyone who would think 7 trillion from £5000 is possible in one year even in theory is an idiot. that post proves your intelligence. churchill mining rose yesterday. it was hold from last week.

and as far as what your talking about a horse racing scheme is different from stocks. stocks cannot be pumped with £1500. or with £50000, even if i did it would only work once, what is the point of that i have got 18 members at the moment.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: lemfuture on February 26, 2014, 12:48:59 PM
you guys can try live paper tradingin thinkorswim as a start to gauge his skill

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: MrPiggles on February 26, 2014, 12:53:29 PM

see what is mentioned about the £6000 on   6k investment you make £3000 a week and that is me trading not you.

see where i have said if you have $8000 i would advise buying in only $4000

the fact is you know nothing about stock.

also here again your wrong the tips weren't in the past they are from today. what are you on about tips from 10 years ago if i posted a tip from 10 years ago it your comment is valid but you are making no sense at all. plus anyone who would think 7 trillion from £5000 is possible in one year even in theory is an idiot. that post proves your intelligence. churchill mining rose yesterday. it was hold from last week.

and as far as what your talking about a horse racing scheme is different from stocks. stocks cannot be pumped with £1500. or with £50000, even if i did it would only work once, what is the point of that i have got 18 members at the moment.

7 trillion from 5000 is possible when you're claiming 50% interest per week, the fact you say it isn't possible "even in theory" shows you're an idiot, since the only way it IS possible is "in theory".

And I never said you're pumping stocks.

You give random advice to strangers, if one gets lucky you get 50%

That's it.

There is no expert advice involved.

I could do it too, it's exactly the same as the horse racing scheme.

If you're wrong people lose money, you lose nothing. If you're right you get 50%

It's win win for you

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 26, 2014, 12:54:38 PM
you guys can try live paper tradingin thinkorswim as a start to gauge his skill

lemfuture i agree i am not even too bothered whether anyone joins yet as people will obviously want to know if it works. i am posting tips to show making money on the markets is possible. i do the research you pay me half

but when your coming with figures of 7 TRILLION in one year thats just EPIC.even if he misunderstood and posted 7 trillion come on anyone would think to themselves they have made a mistake somewhere


i know its possible in theory but it sounds so stupid saying it. who on earth  except MR piggles would even use it in a theory. i wouldn't even say it as a joke.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: MrPiggles on February 26, 2014, 12:57:00 PM
you guys can try live paper tradingin thinkorswim as a start to gauge his skill

lemfuture i agree i am not even too bothered whether anyone joins yet as people will obviously want to know if it works. i am posting tips to show making money on the markets is possible. i do the research you pay me half

but when your coming with figures of 7 TRILLION in one year thats just EPIC.even if he misunderstood and posted 7 trillion come on anyone would think to themselves they have made a mistake somewhere



you guys can try live paper tradingin thinkorswim as a start to gauge his skill

I'm willing to listen to his tips now and if he gives me three good ones I'll post a large apology in this thread saying he's definitely for real

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 26, 2014, 01:00:28 PM

see what is mentioned about the £6000 on   6k investment you make £3000 a week and that is me trading not you.

see where i have said if you have $8000 i would advise buying in only $4000

the fact is you know nothing about stock.

also here again your wrong the tips weren't in the past they are from today. what are you on about tips from 10 years ago if i posted a tip from 10 years ago it your comment is valid but you are making no sense at all. plus anyone who would think 7 trillion from £5000 is possible in one year even in theory is an idiot. that post proves your intelligence. churchill mining rose yesterday. it was hold from last week.

and as far as what your talking about a horse racing scheme is different from stocks. stocks cannot be pumped with £1500. or with £50000, even if i did it would only work once, what is the point of that i have got 18 members at the moment.

7 trillion from 5000 is possible when you're claiming 50% interest per week, the fact you say it isn't possible "even in theory" shows you're an idiot, since the only way it IS possible is "in theory".

And I never said you're pumping stocks.

You give random advice to strangers, if one gets lucky you get 50%

That's it.

There is no expert advice involved.

I could do it too, it's exactly the same as the horse racing scheme.

If you're wrong people lose money, you lose nothing. If you're right you get 50%

It's win win for you

just by saying "If you're wrong people lose money, you lose nothing. If you're right you get 50%"

does not compare me with a horse racing scheme, also that would only work once. i have just quoted two stocks that have risen recently, to say its not possible to make the money is where your wrong too.

also if your not accusing me of pumping the stock then what are you accusing me of i do not understand.

you say if i tell 20 people to buy, 2 will make money the rest loose. what are you talking about. this ain't betting its investing.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: MrPiggles on February 26, 2014, 01:01:44 PM
You have 18 members.

You tell each of the 18 to purchase a different penny stock.

If one makes 100% profit in a week he sends you 50% of that profit.

The other 17 lose money on your stupid suggestions.

I can't see any explanation other than this, or else you'd just be using your own money.

What do 18 people bring to the table that you don't?

After 1.5 years of trading 6k a week with 50% profits you surely have enough to cover the £90k they could be investing (maximum)

So what is the advantage of them putting in their 90k vs you putting in your own 90k?

you say if i tell 20 people to buy, 2 will make money the rest loose. what are you talking about. this ain't betting its investing.

Oh right, can't lose

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 26, 2014, 01:09:51 PM
You have 18 members.

You tell each of the 18 to purchase a different penny stock.

If one makes 100% profit in a week he sends you 50% of that profit.

The other 17 lose money on your stupid suggestions.

I can't see any explanation other than this, or else you'd just be using your own money.

What do 18 people bring to the table that you don't?

After 1.5 years of trading 6k a week with 50% profits you surely have enough to cover the £90k they could be investing (maximum)

So what is the advantage of them putting in their 90k vs you putting in your own 90k?

you say if i tell 20 people to buy, 2 will make money the rest loose. what are you talking about. this ain't betting its investing.

Oh right, can't lose

i will happily agree to that il give you three good stocks.

and once you have seen they have risen post a large apology and open a new account as i wouldn't take you on as a member as everytime i see your username it just reminds me of 7 TRILLION

see again your confused why would i tell 18 members to buy different stocks i do not current have 18 stocks to give. i have 6 stocks at the moment. i understand what your saying now i am expecting these companies to rise on chance. out of the 20. 1 or 2 come good the rest. your confused mate.

i currently don't even have 20 stocks and also i would need 20 members first for even this to work, im not expecting a wave of members to start joining on the first day. like all other vendors they need to prove themselves and that is what i plan to do. i will post stocks and you can verify if they rise, if they go up great if they go down i have to close down.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 26, 2014, 01:15:01 PM
here is one stock

keep a eye on it

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 26, 2014, 01:43:12 PM
here is one stock

keep a eye on it

remember the price was .55 when i posted

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: MrPiggles on February 26, 2014, 01:47:39 PM
keep a eye on it

I'm watching

.552 when I saw it I think

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 26, 2014, 01:52:02 PM
keep a eye on it

I'm watching

.552 when I saw it I think

now price is .65 thats 20% more

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 26, 2014, 01:59:26 PM
keep a eye on it

I'm watching

.552 when I saw it I think

now price is .65 thats 20% more

20% profit in small amount time is good

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: MrPiggles on February 26, 2014, 02:05:41 PM
Yes, although .65 isn't 20% it's slightly under but I saw it hit .66

it's now .63

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 26, 2014, 02:14:28 PM
yes i have sold out at .64, mind you it was bought at .52. its falling due to profit taking, for now it may fall back to .55 as people take profits.

either way profit has been made 20% in 45 mins from when i posted i normally tell my members the day before or before market opens which companies to buy

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: MrPiggles on February 26, 2014, 02:19:23 PM
OK so that looked alright.

There was a long delay between it being .64 and you claiming to have sold out at .64 though. It's .58 already

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 26, 2014, 02:20:34 PM
keep a eye on it

I'm watching

.552 when I saw it I think

now price is .65 thats 20% more

20% profit in small amount time is good

this is when i sold.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 26, 2014, 05:14:04 PM
two more stocks

Karelian diamonds

current price:3.85


current price:0.29

the next big riser KDR, CHAR

in april PLAZ

GGP was a small trade im not hoping to prove myself with a 20% gain. you wait for the stock i give which will double your money. ggp was one tip i have made 20% in the next 4 trading days reaching the target of 50% weekly should not be a problem

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 26, 2014, 11:14:08 PM
keep a eye on those companies tomorrow, except PLAZ that will rise in april

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 27, 2014, 07:10:23 AM
Another one you can keep a eye on REM: Rare earth minerals

current price 0.43

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 27, 2014, 11:36:23 AM
snoozebox this rose 120% last week to 12p

still going strong

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 27, 2014, 12:00:54 PM
amphion innovations

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: Wendigo on February 27, 2014, 12:12:41 PM
Dude, why don't you just trade the stocks yourself? I am wondering ???

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: hjbuell on February 27, 2014, 12:25:42 PM
I have some former SAS friends in the UK I know from Afghanistan who would be interested in this. They'll want to meet you in person to confirm their funds, and more importantly that you are who you say you are, and that they can contact you.

Can you do that? If so, PM me, and I'll put you in touch. If they're happy, I'll post an update here.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 27, 2014, 12:35:38 PM
i do i have been doing it for 1.5 years if i share my trades and take a 50% cut i can get more profit. i would be working like your personal stock broker. in the real world there is a lot of paperwork involved to do this, also i get to earn bitcoins for giving out advice which i intend to hold.

the fact is this you will be making money. now regardless of why i have started this, the main thing should be that we are making money. you can see from the thread before i wasn't posting stock advice people were not doubting why i am doing this but whether or not it can work. i am posting stock advice to prove this. stocks can take time to rise but some do rise quickly.

see amphion it was posted when it was at 4.75 now its up to 5.5-5.75. a quick 10% profit but that has more to go. it is invested in a company called komek that has technology to detect restricted form of liquids when being scanned at the airport before traveling. as you know it is a huge problem for travelers as they cannot take drinks through you can only purchase it after you passed security checks. so once komek get's eu approval for this, im sure you can imagine it will be huge.

some stocks takes hours, days or weeks to rise but the end result is you will have made profit.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 27, 2014, 12:44:11 PM
I have some former SAS friends in the UK I know from Afghanistan who would be interested in this. They'll want to meet you in person to confirm their funds, and more importantly that you are who you say you are, and that they can contact you.

Can you do that? If so, PM me, and I'll put you in touch. If they're happy, I'll post an update here.

i am not interested in taking money of anyone in person. it is much easier to give advice via ICQ. once you profit you send me my profit and this is not something i can offer for everyone as i am only one person and can only talk to a certain amount of people at one time. not looking for this to consume my life but a bit of money on the side in the form of bitcoin's is not bad. if you knew how to make money on the stock market instead of sharing how you make it, teaching how its done, wouldn't you take a cut by offering advice.

i have offered to refund any loss made from your starting capital. so if your not happy and you make a loss il refund the amount you lost. only thing lost is time. if you know how to trade you can make money of the markets. this is not like bitcoin or altcoins which is mostly pump and dumps.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: MrPiggles on February 27, 2014, 12:51:03 PM
Will you put 5k in escrow as insurance against me losing 5k

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 27, 2014, 01:02:43 PM
look at it like this

you are funding £1500 into your broker account.
you buy into a company i tell, if the first trade goes bad, i pay you your loss and we both move on.
if you make a profit we do more business, after i get my share
the scam would only be there if i ask you to give me money first. if a stock falls 10% in value you loose only 10% of your investment so £150 in this case, it is not possible to loose all your money. everyone makes money on the markets, i am looking to share my trades to earn that extra and getting paid in bitcoin's and remember you pay me once you have made profit. from the stocks i have posted you would have made profit and two haven't moved yet. but its not a loss.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: MrPiggles on February 27, 2014, 01:09:22 PM
I remember a pump and dump involving implant sciences

Didn't they develop a bomb sniffer? It was just waiting for TSA approval.

Damn this is familiar;range=my;compare=;indicator=volume;charttype=area;crosshair=on;ohlcvalues=0;logscale=off;source=;

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 27, 2014, 01:10:36 PM
Will you put 5k in escrow as insurance against me losing 5k

the chances of you loosing 5k is impossible as that would only happen if a company goes into administration. you don't need to start off with 5k, start of with 1.5k and see how the first trade goes. MR P you asked me to provide stock tips hypothetically if you had placed your money in the companies i posted you can workout you would not have lost anything you would have made a decent amount of profit.

from your offer i guess you feel i am legit, your not fully convinced yet but we will get there.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 27, 2014, 01:18:31 PM
I remember a pump and dump involving implant sciences

Didn't they develop a bomb sniffer? It was just waiting for TSA approval.

Damn this is familiar;range=my;compare=;indicator=volume;charttype=area;crosshair=on;ohlcvalues=0;logscale=off;source=;

they detect explosive materials but Komek will be able to detect liquids. implant sciences does not solve the issue of travelers not being able to take liquids other wise there would be no ban currently.

but i wouldn't concentrate on AMPHION, its not as big as other companies. this is one of many. if your remember Churchill mining. the reason why that rose was because it is fighting against indonesia regarding a license they revoked for multi billion pound coal operation. they claiming $1billion. it rose recently because they won a case where indonesia were fighting a claim that Churchill has no right to claim any damages. Churchill won, now we await the decision of payout which will take a while but if they get paid out $1billion, it is huge they are currently worth £36m you workout how many times your investment will multiply when they get the cash. this is investing.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 27, 2014, 01:29:39 PM
karelian diamonds

is a company which has a mine near russian $12billion mine. they have partnership with mining titan rio tinto. we are expecting results which will give us a indication of how much we have. if your sitting next to $12billion mine im sure the dust around it would be worth 10s of millions current market cap £5m

mediazest is a company which has had a contract with coca cola worth 1.1m. we have additional contracts totaling 1.7m first half year. current market cap £2.6m on more contract news this should lift us to a realistic value.

i know what the company operations are. they are not picked out of a hat

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 27, 2014, 04:32:08 PM
another good day been slow but it has been profitable

Rare earth minerals and Karelian diamonds did good. have not sold yet. 5% profit on each. that takes me up to 30% in 2 days.

also note this does not include the stocks i have not posted. i cannot reveal everything at once.

but il reveal it you this time


Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 27, 2014, 09:09:30 PM
tomorrow stocks


Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 28, 2014, 12:49:05 AM
today will be the last day i will post on stocks on the boards. i believe i have shown that the advice given does give a return. i will provide a update on stocks advised when market closes. once i have the required amount of users i can work with, this thread will be inactive and continue to work with them off bitcoin talk

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 28, 2014, 08:39:57 AM

see the rise over the last 3 days 40% currently.

over a 3 month period 287%

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 28, 2014, 08:48:57 AM
snoozebox still rising

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 28, 2014, 01:00:57 PM
currently BHR

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 28, 2014, 02:02:10 PM
Central rand gold

price 12.25

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 28, 2014, 04:30:57 PM
end of week market closed for two days, see you Monday.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: kwest on February 28, 2014, 05:20:04 PM
Too bad I can't trade the UK market. If you ever have anything for the US, Canada, Germany, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway; I might be interested.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: jambola2 on February 28, 2014, 05:36:10 PM
If are so sure that you will not fail and that this is legal, why are you telling it to us?
You could just invest and reinvest until you become a millionaire.
Secondly, if this is both legal and sure, start a HYIP.
It will be easier and faster to collect funds.
Anyways, best of luck.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 28, 2014, 05:51:09 PM
Too bad I can't trade the UK market. If you ever have anything for the US, Canada, Germany, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway; I might be interested.

who is your broker, you can simply ask them to allow you trade on the uk markets

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 28, 2014, 06:05:04 PM
If are so sure that you will not fail and that this is legal, why are you telling it to us?
You could just invest and reinvest until you become a millionaire.
Secondly, if this is both legal and sure, start a HYIP.
It will be easier and faster to collect funds.
Anyways, best of luck.

i've said before why. its extra money i can make where i am paid in bitcoin's. yes i can invest and re-invest which i do. At the end of the day we are making money that is the most important thing. you can check the stocks i have posted everything is genuine the stock and its gains.

i am just doing what stockbroker does. the more money i have the more profit i make. in return for the funds and your time i give you 50%. i have proven that i do know what i am doing in the markets. of course until you do not make a real profit nothing is concrete but you will need to take a small risk, if you think you will loose your whole amount it is not possible if a stock falls 10% your loss is 10% at this point you can sell if you want to and from the stocks i've posted for the last three days your gains are above the minimum i aim to make which is 50% weekly, i have another 2 days of trading left so maybe it could hit 100% profit for the week.

HYIP is not something i will offer. im looking to earn bitcoins and keep them. HYIP would require me to buy them and send your profit.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: Lohoris on February 28, 2014, 06:11:02 PM
the offer is basically where i give you investment advice in return you pay me 50% profits. all i need you to do from your end is buy and sell when i say. you only pay me when you have profited once i have been sent my cut i will send you the next advice.
Quite a messy "contract".
What happens exactly if you give bad advice? (currently the investor would need to send you a negative amount of money in order to get your advice)
What happens if you say "buy" but never say "sell"? (currently undefined)

My guess is that you are clueless, otherwise you would not have posted a such ill-defined proposal.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 28, 2014, 06:27:10 PM
ok if its about the details of the offer il brush it up to make things more clearer.

as for if i tell you to buy and not too sell, why would i do that. i would want my share of the profit which i will get when you sell. i have written anything about bad advice as i wouldn't give it. there is no benefit in it for me if you loose i have stated if you loose anything from your starting capital i shall refund it so you have not lost anything.

but i understand where you are coming  in regards to the first post explaining what i am offering, it doesn't look professional. i shall update it over the weekend or today. i didn't give much thought to it as the response has been great so far and i am not looking for too many users to work with.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: Lohoris on February 28, 2014, 06:37:06 PM
ok if its about the details of the offer il brush it up to make things more clearer.

as for if i tell you to buy and not too sell, why would i do that. i would want my share of the profit which i will get when you sell. i have written anything about bad advice as i wouldn't give it. there is no benefit in it for me if you loose i have stated if you loose anything from your starting capital i shall refund it so you have not lost anything.

but i understand where you are coming  in regards to the first post explaining what i am offering, it doesn't look professional. i shall update it over the weekend or today. i didn't give much thought to it as the response has been great so far and i am not looking for too many users to work with.
Sorry, you are really clueless, though I give you the benefit of the doubt and think you are not a scammer, you look sincere.

1. you get 0 risks, which are entirely burden of the investors
2. if the investment goes up, you win and get your cut... if the investment goes down, you lose nothing
3. if an investment is down you have no reason to ever say "sell", you can just hope forever it will go up

this plan is so horribly flawed it is unsalvagable, I'm sorry.

We are at page 4 and we're still discussing if this makes any sense, and clearly there has been no investor? The reason is obvious.

Scratch this plan and make a new one which makes sense, using the advices here.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on February 28, 2014, 07:17:50 PM
ok if its about the details of the offer il brush it up to make things more clearer.

as for if i tell you to buy and not too sell, why would i do that. i would want my share of the profit which i will get when you sell. i have written anything about bad advice as i wouldn't give it. there is no benefit in it for me if you loose i have stated if you loose anything from your starting capital i shall refund it so you have not lost anything.

but i understand where you are coming  in regards to the first post explaining what i am offering, it doesn't look professional. i shall update it over the weekend or today. i didn't give much thought to it as the response has been great so far and i am not looking for too many users to work with.
Sorry, you are really clueless, though I give you the benefit of the doubt and think you are not a scammer, you look sincere.

1. you get 0 risks, which are entirely burden of the investors
2. if the investment goes up, you win and get your cut... if the investment goes down, you lose nothing
3. if an investment is down you have no reason to ever say "sell", you can just hope forever it will go up

this plan is so horribly flawed it is unsalvagable, I'm sorry.

We are at page 4 and we're still discussing if this makes any sense, and clearly there has been no investor? The reason is obvious.

Scratch this plan and make a new one which makes sense, using the advices here.

sorry i am not clueless. there is no way i can make this offer without you taking a risk. would it sound better if i say you give me your money il make it for you and give your cut. i have tried to reduce the risk as much as possible, as i am not a legitimate organization

you keep referring to, if investment goes down i lose nothing. i lose a client and a negative feedback on my page will shatter this thread altogether. i wouldn't want anyone to post who is working with me at the moment. it has only been three days since i have offered this, i wasn't expecting people to take my word for it and join. this will take a while and i will be patient.

you need to understand this is a offer over the internet, there is only so much i can do to reduce risk.

1. you get 0 risks, which are entirely burden of the investors
this a offer over the internet, there is bound to be some risk. in the real world this is how someone would go about signing up for a similar offer. you go to a broker he lays out ROI predictions. once you hand over money the broker invests it for you. now its great when he makes it but if he loses it he does not need to re-pay your investment. meeting a broker and using a reputable broker makes it easier to make the decision of handing over money. in this case there is no chance i'l meet and as far as my reputation for now the only posts being posted are doubt's about my offer. i have tried to clear this up by providing stock advice which i successfully have, you can go back and check this i have given the name of the company the night before, stocks are real and so are the gains.
2. if the investment goes up, you win and get your cut... if the investment goes down, you lose nothing
why would i give a bad investment, there is no profit in it for me if i do. i have said if you loose anything from your starting capital i will refund it when you want out. so this way you have not lost any money. also this misunderstanding of how much can be lost needs to be cleared. you cannot loose the whole investment it is impossible the only way that happens if a company is to go bankrupt. would i advise you to buy in a company which is on the brink of collapse.

you invest £1500, on the first trade if you make a loss simply get out. make a rule if the loss is greater than £300 you can sell. then simply i refund that loss and you can post i live up to my word of refunding the loss but it was bad advice.

3. if an investment is down you have no reason to ever say "sell", you can just hope forever it will go up

you say it like as i have picked the company out of a hat.

 i wouldn't do this, lets say for example a investment is going bad i can make you sell out of there and buy into another company which will get your profits back. until you do not profit i cannot make anything also it is very easy for you to post negative feedback.

what users are not understanding it has only been 3 days since i have started this offer give it some time. not all users are the same those that understand the markets and can take a risk are fine with what i offer as i am not taking money from no body. all money is kept in your accounts.

there is also no guarantee that when you profit i will get my share but i am hoping on the fact that to receive your next tip you will.

as i have said give it some time. it has only been three days, keep the thread on your watch list and see how it progresses, but again i say i cannot work with too many users.

so far i have proved i can provide stock advice which can give a return, in regards to users taking a risk, you would need to as there is no other way, you would be taking a risk even if you gave it to a reputable broker.

how many brokers have lost people money in the real world. too many too list.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: MrPiggles on March 01, 2014, 03:16:19 AM
So will you or will you not put the £1500 into escrow to cover any potential losses?

if you do that for each investor then we have zero risk as you promise and I'm sure you'll have a bunch of people signing up right away.

You've been doing this 1.5 years, with £6000 averaging £3000 profit a week. That's over £200,000 you have in profit apparently.

So it's not like you can't afford to put the money in escrow.

What would make a LOT more sense is if you simply used your own £200k. Didn't panhandle for small change (relatively speaking) on forums, and keep 100% of the profits.

Why would you want other people to keep 50% of profit when you can do it yourself with your own cash?

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 01, 2014, 09:08:56 AM
So will you or will you not put the £1500 into escrow to cover any potential losses?

if you do that for each investor then we have zero risk as you promise and I'm sure you'll have a bunch of people signing up right away.

You've been doing this 1.5 years, with £6000 averaging £3000 profit a week. That's over £200,000 you have in profit apparently.

So it's not like you can't afford to put the money in escrow.

What would make a LOT more sense is if you simply used your own £200k. Didn't panhandle for small change (relatively speaking) on forums, and keep 100% of the profits.

Why would you want other people to keep 50% of profit when you can do it yourself with your own cash?

it does not matter how much i make in year. 200k is not nearly enough money to trade on the markets, there are so many companies out there. as for the reason why i am doing this, i ask why not. if i share my trades with more people i can make more money at the same time when i am investing.this is a extra way of making money in the form of bitcoin's. the price of bitcoin dropping is not helping with motivation as if bitcoin dies so will this offer.

as for escrow i personally do not mind, but i am not going to put £1500 in escrow, i've said it before you cannot loose all your money. the offer has been posted for only 4 days. i am happy with the interest so far, if need be where i think it is absolutely necessary for me to provide escrow i will. you are the only one requesting it so i cannot cater to individual requests.

users are gonna have to take a bit of the risk. i did not start this program so you will just be investing £1500. that is the minimum there is no maximum. once there is a trusted relationship and you are convinced that i am a serious person looking to make you money who understands the market very well, your investment will only get bigger.

to trade the markets you need to be able to take a risk, if your not able to risk the minimum how will you be able to invest £5k-£10000(this will be your profit not money you need to add). also let me make it clear you are not risking £1500. you would be just risking £300. you can make a rule, where if you make a loss of 20% you sell and if you want out i pay your loss.

like i said its too early for me to provide escrow, if after 2 months i have not had the amount of members i require i shall place £3000 in escrow to cover members during that time you can wait and see how the thread evolves. until then i will keep things the way they are. i am ok with how many people i am working with so far. i wouldn't even need to provide escrow, once i am comfortable with those who are working with me to verify me on the thread i will tell them.

you said provide 3 stocks i've provided more than 3, that have given a profit. give this thread some time, you do not need to join right away, join when your comfortable. from stocks i have posted the profit made was 75%. you can verify all stocks posted

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 02, 2014, 11:48:30 AM
any loss incurred on your starting capital is paid via BTC. check your PM sent you the stock you will need to buy tomorrow.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 02, 2014, 10:58:05 PM
great week ahead. stock to rise 300%. i will take screenshots before and after. you gotta be in it to win it

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: TwinWinNerD on March 02, 2014, 11:07:43 PM
Very clever.

Let's say you Invest 5,000 $ and you sell at 10,000$

For the 5,000 capital gain you have to pay something like 1250 - 2000$ taxes. Now you want your 50% cut. Leaves you at ~1000$ .


Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 02, 2014, 11:44:59 PM

see an accountant, do you really think investors pay that much tax. i don't. also it depends how much you make a year, even with tax it is good. the amount is not bad considering all you need to do is buy and sell.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 03, 2014, 07:52:00 AM
wasn't going to post another stock but this one is worth it

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 04, 2014, 11:51:07 AM
yes yesterday was quiet but that is now up 10%. cannot say the same about today's stock i expected it to rise 300% but we have risen alot further. waiting for my share for the next stock.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 06, 2014, 08:56:03 AM
still going strong

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 06, 2014, 10:06:24 AM
and a little while later

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 16, 2014, 07:07:30 PM
so far so good working with the current users. i can add more users who wish to sign on.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: joshua3m on March 16, 2014, 07:20:51 PM
boiler room?

also some time ago we had a group of spammers which spam people with penny stock which they should get...
while people were buying they were dumping with profit....

if you can provide such a great profit why you not do this on your own... or get funds and hit high...

it can't so good if someone promising you such a great % on investment...

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 16, 2014, 07:45:15 PM
boiler room?

also some time ago we had a group of spammers which spam people with penny stock which they should get...
while people were buying they were dumping with profit....

if you can provide such a great profit why you not do this on your own... or get funds and hit high...

it can't so good if someone promising you such a great % on investment...

i have repeatedly said why i am doing this. you can go through the thread and see the stocks i posted. they have given a return.

offering this allows me to make money on the side where i am paid in bitcoin. i am offering a service to be paid bitcoin's.

there is one true fact you need to be concerned about which is that you will make money. which i have shown i can do. before anyone asks i will not be posting more stocks on the board, as i happy with the current amount signed up. as far being vouched, i am really not too interested in being vouched as the interest has been great and once i have been vouched for, the interest may explode. those that took the risk, are happy. i do not see one bad post against my offer where users have lost money to vent there anger.

new users who are interested can read through the thread and decide for themselves.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: uteroulin on March 16, 2014, 07:56:38 PM
I'd like to become a new user. What is your requirements ? and what exactly do you offer ? And how high is risk of losing investments ? :)

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 16, 2014, 08:05:57 PM
I'd like to become a new user. What is your requirements ? and what exactly do you offer ? And how high is risk of losing investments ? :)

a trading account to buy/sell stocks on the london stock exchange. (no spreadbetting/cfds/forex)
min balance £1500
so far current users signed up have not lost any money.
i have said if you loose any money from your starting capital i shall refund it via bitcoin's.

when you get your first stock to buy, and you make a loss or its taking too long, we can agree to sell out, and i pay your loss and you can write a review of how it went.

when you make money, no review is required, i would just expect my payment for the next stock.

if you can fulfill the requirements we can start tomorrow

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 17, 2014, 12:19:19 AM

that's great but coins are really risky, majority are pump and dumps. you can make/loose alot with cryptocurrencies. in the city bitcoin is the only coin that is being watched, other coins are not really being taken seriously.

investing is much less riskier as they have legitimate reasons for gaining value. confidence in buying stocks is backed by assets, facts and figures. good luck with trading coins.

i will be online tomorrow. have sent you the next stock for tomorrow

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 17, 2014, 05:54:25 PM
nice stock coming up, be online

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: senorbendito on March 17, 2014, 09:04:12 PM
Let me know when this is offered for US exchanges :)

Do you do technical analysis to plan your trades?

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 17, 2014, 09:28:59 PM
Let me know when this is offered for US exchanges :)

Do you do technical analysis to plan your trades?

i do trade on the usa markets too, but it is difficult to monitor a lot of open positions, so i have chosen uk markets as i find them less volatile which give good gains. in the future i am looking to offer stocks on usa and canadian markets too, but not anytime soon.

if you have a broker it should allow you trade on uk markets even if your not in the uk.

i do use technical analysis but this is good for day trading only or knowing the best time to buy and sell.. investing is much safer than trading.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 18, 2014, 09:05:47 AM
should be a good end to the week

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: BitzMD on March 18, 2014, 03:12:08 PM
looks like today's pick is already doing well

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 18, 2014, 09:14:53 PM
it has just started, it has some time to go before it hits the target we discussed

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 19, 2014, 08:59:19 PM
guys i would appreciate if i can get paid on time. it is difficult for me to give the next stock, before i get payment. once we have worked together for a certain amount of time i will give a line credit, so you do not miss out on the next stock

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 22, 2014, 10:44:29 AM
this week was slow, but it is looking good to pick up speed on Monday, you can pay what is owed next week.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: manoamano on March 22, 2014, 02:46:55 PM
Any real feedback on this one?

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 22, 2014, 05:02:55 PM
i have received some requests to provide advice on trading coins. i do trade coins but this is only for myself as it is difficult to establish a genuine rise. i look for coins which can give me the best return in a short amount of time, but again it is very risky as majority are pump and dumps, also i do not spend to much time analyzing coins, so it is difficult to provide the right advice, i prefer to risk my own btc rather than anyone else's.

even if i were able to, it would look no more like pump and dumps, where some may loose and some may win. everyone signed up on stocks, makes money and no one is the victim of pump and dumps.

currently i have traded maxcoin, blackcoin. i may trade auroracoin, depending on what happens on 25th March. my opinion is you may not see a large sell off straight away as it will take time for icelanders to claim their coins, and then if you see a steady descent, sell and buy back, as coins have value based on investor confidence. if the market cap falls massively people will take it as a bargain considering the previous heights it has reached, when it goes up i cannot say if it will hold, but their is money to be made on auroracoin.

do not take this as advice but simply my take on things. in reply to the requests i cannot provide advice on coins, i will stick with my current program.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: g0re79 on March 23, 2014, 05:58:16 PM
i have received some requests to provide advice on trading coins. i do trade coins but this is only for myself as it is difficult to establish a genuine rise. i look for coins which can give me the best return in a short amount of time, but again it is very risky as majority are pump and dumps, also i do not spend to much time analyzing coins, so it is difficult to provide the right advice, i prefer to risk my own btc rather than anyone else's.

even if i were able to, it would look no more like pump and dumps, where some may loose and some may win. everyone signed up on stocks, makes money and no one is the victim of pump and dumps.

currently i have traded maxcoin, blackcoin. i may trade auroracoin, depending on what happens on 25th March. my opinion is you may not see a large sell off straight away as it will take time for icelanders to claim their coins, and then if you see a steady descent, sell and buy back, as coins have value based on investor confidence. if the market cap falls massively people will take it as a bargain considering the previous heights it has reached, when it goes up i cannot say if it will hold, but their is money to be made on auroracoin.

do not take this as advice but simply my take on things. in reply to the requests i cannot provide advice on coins, i will stick with my current program.

Novadays there are launched 2+ new coins every day, mostly IPO SCAMs. You may basically avoid pure scrypt only coins (which IMHO including LiteCoin and DogeCoin, although they have strong comunity, which on the other hand counts a lot), because they will be dead in < year due to incoming ASIC storm. You may do Your own research to find some special coins, but for start You can´t go wrong with Heavycoin ( You may also check excelent topic of what signals You have to avoid for not to drop in SCAM:

For long term investing I would put money in some average platform (known as Bitcoin 2.0) like Ripple or Mastercoin.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 23, 2014, 07:33:26 PM
i have received some requests to provide advice on trading coins. i do trade coins but this is only for myself as it is difficult to establish a genuine rise. i look for coins which can give me the best return in a short amount of time, but again it is very risky as majority are pump and dumps, also i do not spend to much time analyzing coins, so it is difficult to provide the right advice, i prefer to risk my own btc rather than anyone else's.

even if i were able to, it would look no more like pump and dumps, where some may loose and some may win. everyone signed up on stocks, makes money and no one is the victim of pump and dumps.

currently i have traded maxcoin, blackcoin. i may trade auroracoin, depending on what happens on 25th March. my opinion is you may not see a large sell off straight away as it will take time for icelanders to claim their coins, and then if you see a steady descent, sell and buy back, as coins have value based on investor confidence. if the market cap falls massively people will take it as a bargain considering the previous heights it has reached, when it goes up i cannot say if it will hold, but their is money to be made on auroracoin.

do not take this as advice but simply my take on things. in reply to the requests i cannot provide advice on coins, i will stick with my current program.

Novadays there are launched 2+ new coins every day, mostly IPO SCAMs. You may basically avoid pure scrypt only coins (which IMHO including LiteCoin and DogeCoin, although they have strong comunity, which on the other hand counts a lot), because they will be dead in < year due to incoming ASIC storm. You may do Your own research to find some special coins, but for start You can´t go wrong with Heavycoin ( You may also check excelent topic of what signals You have to avoid for not to drop in SCAM:

For long term investing I would put money in some average platform (known as Bitcoin 2.0) like Ripple or Mastercoin.

majority of the coins do quickly die and some do have promise. the thing with coins are is anything new a coin offers investors jump on the opportunity to make money. currently i am heavily invested in Blackcoin. i am up 300% up there, it will be a bumpy ride but it does show a lot of people have a interest in it. i regret not selling at 4500 and buying back in at 1500 again, but i bought as people over reacted.

i don't take trading coins seriously, so i do not spend too much time researching coins. i have my own guide i follow, and if all boxes are ticked i invest.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: g0re79 on March 23, 2014, 08:23:15 PM
i have received some requests to provide advice on trading coins. i do trade coins but this is only for myself as it is difficult to establish a genuine rise. i look for coins which can give me the best return in a short amount of time, but again it is very risky as majority are pump and dumps, also i do not spend to much time analyzing coins, so it is difficult to provide the right advice, i prefer to risk my own btc rather than anyone else's.

even if i were able to, it would look no more like pump and dumps, where some may loose and some may win. everyone signed up on stocks, makes money and no one is the victim of pump and dumps.

currently i have traded maxcoin, blackcoin. i may trade auroracoin, depending on what happens on 25th March. my opinion is you may not see a large sell off straight away as it will take time for icelanders to claim their coins, and then if you see a steady descent, sell and buy back, as coins have value based on investor confidence. if the market cap falls massively people will take it as a bargain considering the previous heights it has reached, when it goes up i cannot say if it will hold, but their is money to be made on auroracoin.

do not take this as advice but simply my take on things. in reply to the requests i cannot provide advice on coins, i will stick with my current program.

Novadays there are launched 2+ new coins every day, mostly IPO SCAMs. You may basically avoid pure scrypt only coins (which IMHO including LiteCoin and DogeCoin, although they have strong comunity, which on the other hand counts a lot), because they will be dead in < year due to incoming ASIC storm. You may do Your own research to find some special coins, but for start You can´t go wrong with Heavycoin ( You may also check excelent topic of what signals You have to avoid for not to drop in SCAM:

For long term investing I would put money in some average platform (known as Bitcoin 2.0) like Ripple or Mastercoin.

majority of the coins do quickly die and some do have promise. the thing with coins are is anything new a coin offers investors jump on the opportunity to make money. currently i am heavily invested in Blackcoin. i am up 300% up there, it will be a bumpy ride but it does show a lot of people have a interest in it. i regret not selling at 4500 and buying back in at 1500 again, but i bought as people over reacted.

i don't take trading coins seriously, so i do not spend too much time researching coins. i have my own guide i follow, and if all boxes are ticked i invest.

Agree on bumpy ride - I dumped all BCs at 2800 after doing some math and thinking that I won, since i mined and bought them at about 900 sats. 1% anual interest and original dev gone seemed to me like reason to leave silently, but then comunity took the reins and now up they go.. But I almost quad my investment, and thats all what its all about:)

EDIT: All about crypto investing is that its here and now - You can´t regret that You did not jumped Bitcoin train 2 years ago same as You can´t regret You miss SlothCoin launch 4 Days ago. If You do some research (huge time consumpting I must admit), You can make decent income even on downtrends.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 23, 2014, 08:45:52 PM
i have received some requests to provide advice on trading coins. i do trade coins but this is only for myself as it is difficult to establish a genuine rise. i look for coins which can give me the best return in a short amount of time, but again it is very risky as majority are pump and dumps, also i do not spend to much time analyzing coins, so it is difficult to provide the right advice, i prefer to risk my own btc rather than anyone else's.

even if i were able to, it would look no more like pump and dumps, where some may loose and some may win. everyone signed up on stocks, makes money and no one is the victim of pump and dumps.

currently i have traded maxcoin, blackcoin. i may trade auroracoin, depending on what happens on 25th March. my opinion is you may not see a large sell off straight away as it will take time for icelanders to claim their coins, and then if you see a steady descent, sell and buy back, as coins have value based on investor confidence. if the market cap falls massively people will take it as a bargain considering the previous heights it has reached, when it goes up i cannot say if it will hold, but their is money to be made on auroracoin.

do not take this as advice but simply my take on things. in reply to the requests i cannot provide advice on coins, i will stick with my current program.

Novadays there are launched 2+ new coins every day, mostly IPO SCAMs. You may basically avoid pure scrypt only coins (which IMHO including LiteCoin and DogeCoin, although they have strong comunity, which on the other hand counts a lot), because they will be dead in < year due to incoming ASIC storm. You may do Your own research to find some special coins, but for start You can´t go wrong with Heavycoin ( You may also check excelent topic of what signals You have to avoid for not to drop in SCAM:

For long term investing I would put money in some average platform (known as Bitcoin 2.0) like Ripple or Mastercoin.

majority of the coins do quickly die and some do have promise. the thing with coins are is anything new a coin offers investors jump on the opportunity to make money. currently i am heavily invested in Blackcoin. i am up 300% up there, it will be a bumpy ride but it does show a lot of people have a interest in it. i regret not selling at 4500 and buying back in at 1500 again, but i bought as people over reacted.

i don't take trading coins seriously, so i do not spend too much time researching coins. i have my own guide i follow, and if all boxes are ticked i invest.

Agree on bumpy ride - I dumped all BCs at 2800 after doing some math and thinking that I won, since i mined and bought them at about 900 sats. 1% anual interest and original dev gone seemed to me like reason to leave silently, but then comunity took the reins and now up they go.. But I almost quad my investment, and thats all what its all about:)

EDIT: All about crypto investing is that its here and now - You can´t regret that You did not jumped Bitcoin train 2 years ago same as You can´t regret You miss SlothCoin launch 4 Days ago. If You do some research (huge time consumpting I must admit), You can make decent income even on downtrends.

i  bought as much as i can under 1500, the only problem im gonna have is selling as my target price will leave me with a mountain of BTC, there is plenty of money to be made with coins, there is alot of hype around it thanks to the latest altcoins reaching new heights. the kind of rises i see with coins is rarely seen on the stock market, but with the market a return on your investment is much more guaranteed if you follow rules and have good understanding of it.

nevertheless it is fun trading coins as the wild movements keep you on your toes.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 25, 2014, 08:23:12 AM
this last week coins daily movements have been more interesting than the markets. blackcoin doing reall well. havent reached my target yet, but hoping it is soon

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 25, 2014, 07:55:10 PM
things should pick up once the situation is resolved with Russia or there will plenty of money to made from the cheap stocks i can buy into

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: gondel on March 25, 2014, 08:01:00 PM
There is too much people offering investment with quick results, 1500 pounds are little too much to give to a jr member dont you think...



Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 25, 2014, 08:06:37 PM
There is too much people offering investment with quick results, 1500 pounds are little too much to give to a jr member dont you think...



your not sending me anything, you only send me my profit, also your investing in the stock market, everyone can make money on the markets if you know what your doing. all i require from your end is to follow my advice and buy and sell, when i tell you

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 25, 2014, 08:48:04 PM

great day for new zealand investors,

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 25, 2014, 10:29:15 PM
keep a eye on this stock. when the reverse takeover is completed you wanna be in it, it will mae you a decent amount of money if you have the right investment

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: g0re79 on March 25, 2014, 10:52:45 PM
Little free advise on Blackcoin - Party is over now due to recent news on Blackcoin (which by the way have just insanely poor 1% annual interest, much less than You can get in one day even if You are blindfolded deaf single handed monkey..) I would get rid of all of my blackcoins if I had any before more ppl notice the 120+ BTC flaw:

If You get onboard to Heavycoin with my previous 2 days old advice, You made about 65% profit so far (but its not over yet, so hold still and You won´t regret). If You are happy with that, You can tip me on following adress. And here is my next advice - for longer term grab and hold some MINT or ECC coins (as they are predecessors to BlackCoin but with stronger support* and comunity). If You want another short term profit advice with probably 300% in 2 weeks (in worst case) or more like 1k+ in about 2 months, You may want to invest in.. Ohh.. My memory is quite fuzzy now.. Maybe some tip to 1J8Z5dJuv1rSGQpdPC2zuAsToLgkJiVeg7 with PM about it will refresh my mind ;-)

* BlackCoin was good / cool somehow, but was killed by sudden hardfork (which was made because of "unpredictable" technicall difficulties and was not announced in reasonable timeframe to important persons involved).

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 25, 2014, 11:10:40 PM
Little free advise on Blackcoin - Party is over now due to recent news on Blackcoin (which by the way have just insanely poor 1% annual interest, much less than You can get in one day even if You are blindfolded deaf single handed monkey..) I would get rid of all of my blackcoins if I had any before more ppl notice the 120+ BTC flaw:

If You get onboard to Heavycoin with my previous 2 days old advice, You made about 65% profit so far (but its not over yet, so hold still and You won´t regret). If You are happy with that, You can tip me on following adress. And here is my next advice - for longer term grab and hold some MINT or ECC coins (as they are predecessors to BlackCoin but with stronger support* and comunity). If You want another short term profit advice with probably 300% in 2 weeks (in worst case) or more like 1k+ in about 2 months, You may want to invest in.. Ohh.. My memory is quite fuzzy now.. Maybe some tip to 1J8Z5dJuv1rSGQpdPC2zuAsToLgkJiVeg7 with PM about it will refresh my mind ;-)

* BlackCoin was good somehow, but was killed by sudden hardfork (which should be announced at least one week before in case of whale coin, which BC definitelly is).

that news was 10 hours has had no effect, that says lot. im holding. don't know about heavycoin. i appreciate it if you don't promote your services on my thread. keep it related to stocks.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: g0re79 on March 26, 2014, 12:08:19 AM
Little free advise on Blackcoin - Party is over now due to recent news on Blackcoin (which by the way have just insanely poor 1% annual interest, much less than You can get in one day even if You are blindfolded deaf single handed monkey..) I would get rid of all of my blackcoins if I had any before more ppl notice the 120+ BTC flaw:

If You get onboard to Heavycoin with my previous 2 days old advice, You made about 65% profit so far (but its not over yet, so hold still and You won´t regret). If You are happy with that, You can tip me on following adress. And here is my next advice - for longer term grab and hold some MINT or ECC coins (as they are predecessors to BlackCoin but with stronger support* and comunity). If You want another short term profit advice with probably 300% in 2 weeks (in worst case) or more like 1k+ in about 2 months, You may want to invest in.. Ohh.. My memory is quite fuzzy now.. Maybe some tip to 1J8Z5dJuv1rSGQpdPC2zuAsToLgkJiVeg7 with PM about it will refresh my mind ;-)

* BlackCoin was good / cool somehow, but was killed by sudden hardfork (which was made because of "unpredictable" technicall difficulties and was not announced in reasonable timeframe to important persons involved).

that news was 10 hours has had no effect, that says lot. im holding. don't know about heavycoin. i appreciate it if you don't promote your services on my thread. keep it related to stocks.

So You gave advice about altcoins here before and now You tell me to "keep it related to stocks"? Umm.. Nevermind.. Also I don´t promote any services here, I just thought that someone could be very happy for nice profit made by inadvertently advice from some humble 1y altcoin miner, as 0.000031 to 0.00005 is roughly 65% in 2 days and up we go. If this was Yours advice, everyone should pay You 32.5% of their profits, but this way its free money which anyone does not have to send anywhere. But if anyone want, don´t send them to me - choose some local BTC accepting charity instead and send them there. If I´ll get PM with TX info about so-like transaction, I´ll reply with next hot altcoin advice.
And esclade: I actually wanted to became a member as I am currently "mutating" from miner to (technical)trader, but You did not persuade me so far, nor with Your enemy attitude..

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 26, 2014, 12:23:29 AM
Little free advise on Blackcoin - Party is over now due to recent news on Blackcoin (which by the way have just insanely poor 1% annual interest, much less than You can get in one day even if You are blindfolded deaf single handed monkey..) I would get rid of all of my blackcoins if I had any before more ppl notice the 120+ BTC flaw:

If You get onboard to Heavycoin with my previous 2 days old advice, You made about 65% profit so far (but its not over yet, so hold still and You won´t regret). If You are happy with that, You can tip me on following adress. And here is my next advice - for longer term grab and hold some MINT or ECC coins (as they are predecessors to BlackCoin but with stronger support* and comunity). If You want another short term profit advice with probably 300% in 2 weeks (in worst case) or more like 1k+ in about 2 months, You may want to invest in.. Ohh.. My memory is quite fuzzy now.. Maybe some tip to 1J8Z5dJuv1rSGQpdPC2zuAsToLgkJiVeg7 with PM about it will refresh my mind ;-)

* BlackCoin was good / cool somehow, but was killed by sudden hardfork (which was made because of "unpredictable" technicall difficulties and was not announced in reasonable timeframe to important persons involved).

that news was 10 hours has had no effect, that says lot. im holding. don't know about heavycoin. i appreciate it if you don't promote your services on my thread. keep it related to stocks.

So You gave advice about altcoins here before and now You tell me to "keep it related to stocks"? Umm.. Nevermind.. Also I don´t promote any services here, I just thought that someone could be very happy for nice profit made by inadvertently advice from some humble 1y altcoin miner, as 0.000031 to 0.00005 is roughly 65% in 2 days and up we go. If this was Yours advice, everyone should pay You 32.5% of their profits, but this way its free money which anyone does not have to send anywhere. But if anyone want, don´t send them to me - choose some local BTC accepting charity instead and send them there. If I´ll get PM with TX info about so-like transaction, I´ll reply with next hot altcoin advice.
And esclade: I actually wanted to became a member as I am currently "mutating" from miner to (technical)trader, but You did not persuade me so far, nor with Your enemy attitude..

"If You want another short term profit advice with probably 300% in 2 weeks (in worst case) or more like 1k+ in about 2 months, You may want to invest in.. Ohh.. My memory is quite fuzzy now.. Maybe some tip to 1J8Z5dJuv1rSGQpdPC2zuAsToLgkJiVeg7 with PM about it will refresh my mind" i was just referring to this, if my response came as a enemy attitude it shouldn't have. you were asking someone to pay you for the advice. i have not provided advice on altcoins to make money, but simply gave my opinion, i have made it clear i will not be providing advice on altcoins due to its wild movements, i have not asked to be paid for it either, so i wouldn't charge for it. i enjoy a discussion but i didn't want our discussion filling up my thread which is about stocks. i am happy to continue it by PM.

i agree i have not tried to persuade you as there is only so much i can do. i cannot cater to an individual, i layout what i offer, and if you like it you will join. i have said i am happy with the interest so far, getting paid weekly, so i am patient and waiting for my program to grow to the limit i have set for myself.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 26, 2014, 05:18:01 PM
no progress on russia yet. stock market will react wildly on any news on the ukraine situation. anyway for now i have a fewcoins i have my eyes on, one of them being Mazacoin.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: cookiemonsterwhat on March 26, 2014, 05:24:45 PM
So its a bit confusing to follow this thread.. are we still trying to take stock advices from a complete stranger? or advice on alt coins?

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: TwinWinNerD on March 26, 2014, 06:37:33 PM
The thing with investment advise from a total stranger is, that he is the one proifiting the most. he will buy before you, and sell before you.

Must be nice!

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 26, 2014, 07:47:03 PM
So its a bit confusing to follow this thread.. are we still trying to take stock advices from a complete stranger? or advice on alt coins?

well the majority of the thread is about stocks, as for the altcoins, im not really giving out advice ive only mentioned a few when replying to posts. i have not said i will be charging for any advice on altcoins as im not giving any. just merely stating a coin name would not amount to advice. you need targets reasons and projection for that

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 26, 2014, 08:33:31 PM
The thing with investment advise from a total stranger is, that he is the one proifiting the most. he will buy before you, and sell before you.

Must be nice!

as long as you make the amount promised does that matter

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: TwinWinNerD on March 26, 2014, 10:40:58 PM
The thing with investment advise from a total stranger is, that he is the one proifiting the most. he will buy before you, and sell before you.

Must be nice!

as long as you make the amount promised does that matter

Well, it is illegal ( not that anyone cares about that in here...) and yes, because if this thing gets bigger, the last guys to sell will be the bagholders.

Just look at the volumes of his posted shares.

50million shares of a pennystock for 0.001-0.01 AUD. That means that on average maybe 250.000 AUD in value were traded (maybe even half if this program double counts). Now lets say he moves 20k himself, and 20k are his follower sheep. Than you have 40k invested at start, and maybe 200k at the end. He may very well be able to cashout his immense gains, but as the number of the stake of the followers grows, the chance for all of them to come out ahead will sink significantly.

Basically it is a ponzi. Many people were already convicted for this. for example

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: TwinWinNerD on March 26, 2014, 10:41:52 PM
also, google slippage ;)

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 26, 2014, 11:12:25 PM
The thing with investment advise from a total stranger is, that he is the one proifiting the most. he will buy before you, and sell before you.

Must be nice!

as long as you make the amount promised does that matter

Well, it is illegal ( not that anyone cares about that in here...) and yes, because if this thing gets bigger, the last guys to sell will be the bagholders.

Just look at the volumes of his posted shares.

50million shares of a pennystock for 0.001-0.01 AUD. That means that on average maybe 250.000 AUD in value were traded (maybe even half if this program double counts). Now lets say he moves 20k himself, and 20k are his follower sheep. Than you have 40k invested at start, and maybe 200k at the end. He may very well be able to cashout his immense gains, but as the number of the stake of the followers grows, the chance for all of them to come out ahead will sink significantly.

Basically it is a ponzi. Many people were already convicted for this. for example

the term i believe your looking for is Pump and Dumps, people can research it, or just watch the film wolf of wall street, but your wrong again, i think you have not read the thread, when you say AUD do you mean australian dollar. i have not given advice on any australian company, i only trade UK, canada and USA stocks.

see the stock VMP, that rose 700% and look at the current price, are you telling me that was a pump and dump, people can still sell for the massive profit today when they bought in when i told them. that can't be a pump and dump, secondly, your right where if i were pumping and dumping there are always casualties, i cannot see anyone posting they have been victim of this method. i do not play with pump and dumps, it will only bring in short term profit. after the first trade the game is over as there are people who have lost money. i give advice where you invest your money on credible and factual info, you hold and sell out when i say. everyone makes a profit not just some. there are thousands of companies on lse. users are not piled into one company, investments are spread out. some of the stocks may rise more than others, so as long as your making money that shouldn't be a problem for that person.

you are going wrong, where you think that i make everyone buy into one company.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: TwinWinNerD on March 26, 2014, 11:20:09 PM
The thing with investment advise from a total stranger is, that he is the one proifiting the most. he will buy before you, and sell before you.

Must be nice!

as long as you make the amount promised does that matter

Well, it is illegal ( not that anyone cares about that in here...) and yes, because if this thing gets bigger, the last guys to sell will be the bagholders.

Just look at the volumes of his posted shares.

50million shares of a pennystock for 0.001-0.01 AUD. That means that on average maybe 250.000 AUD in value were traded (maybe even half if this program double counts). Now lets say he moves 20k himself, and 20k are his follower sheep. Than you have 40k invested at start, and maybe 200k at the end. He may very well be able to cashout his immense gains, but as the number of the stake of the followers grows, the chance for all of them to come out ahead will sink significantly.

Basically it is a ponzi. Many people were already convicted for this. for example

the term i believe your looking for is Pump and Dumps, people can research it, or just watch the film wolf of wall street, but your wrong again, i think you have not read the thread, when you say AUD do you mean australian dollar. i have not given advice on any australian company, i only trade UK, canada and USA stocks.

see the stock VMP, that rose 700% and look at the current price, are you telling me that was a pump and dump, people can still sell for the massive profit today when they bought in when i told them. that can't be a pump and dump, secondly, your right where if i were pumping and dumping there are always casualties, i cannot see anyone posting they have been victim of this method. i do not play with pump and dumps, it will only bring in short term profit. after the first trade the game is over as there are people who have lost money. i give advice where you invest your money on credible and factual info, you hold and sell out when i say. everyone makes a profit not just some. there are thousands of companies on lse. users are not piled into one company, investments are spread out. some of the stocks may rise more than others, so as long as your making money that shouldn't be a problem for that person.

I was refering to that pic: ( i jumbled up NZD and AUD)

Well, ponzi might be the wrong word, but i am not a native speaker.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 26, 2014, 11:47:32 PM
The thing with investment advise from a total stranger is, that he is the one proifiting the most. he will buy before you, and sell before you.

Must be nice!

as long as you make the amount promised does that matter

Well, it is illegal ( not that anyone cares about that in here...) and yes, because if this thing gets bigger, the last guys to sell will be the bagholders.

Just look at the volumes of his posted shares.

50million shares of a pennystock for 0.001-0.01 AUD. That means that on average maybe 250.000 AUD in value were traded (maybe even half if this program double counts). Now lets say he moves 20k himself, and 20k are his follower sheep. Than you have 40k invested at start, and maybe 200k at the end. He may very well be able to cashout his immense gains, but as the number of the stake of the followers grows, the chance for all of them to come out ahead will sink significantly.

Basically it is a ponzi. Many people were already convicted for this. for example

the term i believe your looking for is Pump and Dumps, people can research it, or just watch the film wolf of wall street, but your wrong again, i think you have not read the thread, when you say AUD do you mean australian dollar. i have not given advice on any australian company, i only trade UK, canada and USA stocks.

see the stock VMP, that rose 700% and look at the current price, are you telling me that was a pump and dump, people can still sell for the massive profit today when they bought in when i told them. that can't be a pump and dump, secondly, your right where if i were pumping and dumping there are always casualties, i cannot see anyone posting they have been victim of this method. i do not play with pump and dumps, it will only bring in short term profit. after the first trade the game is over as there are people who have lost money. i give advice where you invest your money on credible and factual info, you hold and sell out when i say. everyone makes a profit not just some. there are thousands of companies on lse. users are not piled into one company, investments are spread out. some of the stocks may rise more than others, so as long as your making money that shouldn't be a problem for that person.

I was refering to that pic: ( i jumbled up NZD and AUD)

Well, ponzi might be the wrong word, but i am not a native speaker.

ah i see, you were talking about TRS investment in new Zealand. again your wrong that is not a pump and dump, also i had not even mentioned that to my users as their brokers would not let them buy on that market. if you think it is a pump and dump it is not, the reason why it went up is because im sure you must have heard of dotcom the guy who created megaupload, he is floating his new company mega on the stock market through a reverse takeover through TRS investments, which has caused a stir in the market. the guy made $175m profit from his previous venture which resulted him being raided but he is back again. i won't give all my research away as to why i think its a good long term investment, but i strongly suggest you look into it.

to even prove it is not a pump and dump here is a screenshot of it today

you can still sell all your holding today if you wanted. it has risen more today

again it was not provided to users as i their brokers would not allow it. i have explained this to them.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: TwinWinNerD on March 26, 2014, 11:53:03 PM
I don't really  want to focus on single stocks to prove a point. Just wanted to point out that this is leagally very thin ice and also i hope you don't exploit the sheep.

Take care

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 27, 2014, 12:00:41 AM
I don't really  want to focus on single stocks to prove a point. Just wanted to point out that this is leagally very thin ice and also i hope you don't exploit the sheep.

Take care

i understand where you are coming from, but programs like pump and dumps, are short lived. if im in it for a quick buck then it is my thing but i am looking at the bigger picture, much more bitcoins to be made in the long run.

why would i even do something like that when the stocks i have posted have given me and my users a excellent return when investing. i am only mentioning the stock you mentioned.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: TwinWinNerD on March 27, 2014, 12:04:25 AM
I don't really  want to focus on single stocks to prove a point. Just wanted to point out that this is leagally very thin ice and also i hope you don't exploit the sheep.

Take care

i understand where you are coming from, but programs like pump and dumps, are short lived. if im in it for a quick buck then it is my thing but i am looking at the bigger picture, much more bitcoins to be made in the long run.

why would i even do something like that when the stocks i have posted have given me and my users a excellent return when investing. i am only mentioning the stock you mentioned.

i am not even saying that you are doing that now. I don't know what you tell your people. Just saying that this can be exploitet by you and many people have fallen for their greed.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 27, 2014, 12:10:46 AM
I don't really  want to focus on single stocks to prove a point. Just wanted to point out that this is leagally very thin ice and also i hope you don't exploit the sheep.

Take care

i understand where you are coming from, but programs like pump and dumps, are short lived. if im in it for a quick buck then it is my thing but i am looking at the bigger picture, much more bitcoins to be made in the long run.

why would i even do something like that when the stocks i have posted have given me and my users a excellent return when investing. i am only mentioning the stock you mentioned.

i am not even saying that you are doing that now. I don't know what you tell your people. Just saying that this can be exploitet by you and many people have fallen for their greed.

agree many people can do this, but like i said it can only work once, by the time you are giving your second stock any members who have lost out due to a pump and dump would warn others. so far so good for me, but for a one off profit, i would not risk missing out on providing a legitmate service that could make both the user and me very happy.

greed is not good sometimes, but if you just invest rather than day trade. you can make money.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: durrrr on March 27, 2014, 03:28:03 AM
i dont think anyione sould take stock advice from anyone that isnt license professional otherwise your just letting someone else gamble with your money.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 27, 2014, 08:09:09 AM
i dont think anyione sould take stock advice from anyone that isnt license professional otherwise your just letting someone else gamble with your money.

i would disagree with that statement. i am just doing what a licensed profession would do. if you give your money to a stockbroker and if he loses that money he does not pay you anything back. anyone who understands the market can offer this as long as they can make you money. it is not a gamble, as if the first trade goes bad you can stop right there, with stockbrokers you have given them money for some time. with me i usually aim to double your money on the first trade. once you have doubled it you can take your original capital out and use the profit to invest but users normally don't as i have just proven myself by making them money. i do agree it requires risk but it is far less if you were to go about it alone. 50% profit cut is attractive i would not want you too loose money. you would get 50% for just clicking the buy/sell button at the right time.

people do make money on the stock market, they make boat loads.

again if your making money should there be a problem

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 27, 2014, 02:16:35 PM
bitcoin is taking a beating, just read china exchanges being closed down. not good. if there is no bitcoin, there is no point in me offering this

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: g0re79 on March 27, 2014, 03:02:57 PM
bitcoin is taking a beating, just read china exchanges being closed down. not good. if there is no bitcoin, there is no point in me offering this

It has been here before, with various exchanges hacks / frauds / country bans.. As I admit that full ban in china would (and could) cause huge price drop, BTC proove many times that its here to stay  8)

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: E.exchanger on March 27, 2014, 06:38:31 PM
Hey have you tried this with anybody yet??? if yes then please ask your investor to post a feedback on you here so that might help in favor. Else it sound like a scam, I know you won't take the money but its somehow like the same you are trading with other's money if they have profit you will get your cut if they suffer loss you will still be safe, So isn't it either good to trade our self and bear the whole profit or loss ???

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 27, 2014, 06:56:11 PM
Hey have you tried this with anybody yet??? if yes then please ask your investor to post a feedback on you here so that might help in favor. Else it sound like a scam, I know you won't take the money but its somehow like the same you are trading with other's money if they have profit you will get your cut if they suffer loss you will still be safe, So isn't it either good to trade our self and bear the whole profit or loss ???

i have a few trusted users who have been working with me for a while now. i have my reasons for them not posting which i have discussed with them but if need be i will have users who can be trusted to write a review.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: esclade on March 27, 2014, 07:03:45 PM
Hey have you tried this with anybody yet??? if yes then please ask your investor to post a feedback on you here so that might help in favor. Else it sound like a scam, I know you won't take the money but its somehow like the same you are trading with other's money if they have profit you will get your cut if they suffer loss you will still be safe, So isn't it either good to trade our self and bear the whole profit or loss ???

i have my reasons for them not posting which have been discussed with them. i have a few trusted users who can write a review. if need be i will request them to write one. i totally understand where your coming from, but note one thing, as i can stop my users from posting a good review about me, i cannot stop them writing something bad, so far i have not received no bad comments. just curious posts.

i am happy with the interest so far, if interest drops i will get that post to verify my services, as i am not looking to take on the whole community, legitimizing my services would cause a tsunami of interest, something i will not  be able to keep up with, so it is limited.

stick around and see how the thread evovles

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: BitzMD on March 29, 2014, 04:52:17 PM
Be very careful before investing in anything he says.

I got in touch with him two weeks ago and gave his service a try. I invested in the stock he told me too only to have it crash, I waited about one week and cashed out before the price tanked to the ground. I have been sending him messages only to recieve delayed communictaion from him.

In his reply he said he would reimburse me.

Its been about 24 hours already and I havent heard from him, lets see the outcome.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: MrPiggles on March 30, 2014, 04:42:55 AM
No offense to you but I pointed out this was an obvious scam early on.

This same guy was posting on TorCardingForum some time ago, it took a while for me to find some stuff on what he was doing there but I eventually found it:

TCF reached a low point earlier this year, and I just happen to be in the middle of the story. A popular scheme over the past few years on forums has been a very simple ponzi scheme aimed at members of gaming forums, hardware acceleration forums, etc. There was a user on TCF who was semi-known and semi-reputable. He posted a scheme that looked something like this (original post gone) on the forum:
I've been involved in a lot of penny stock trading recently on the London OTC exchange after meeting a banker in a bar who told me about how to manipulate the market. I've made over £10,000 this month. He taught me how to read the markets and how to know what is going on. Here are some of my trades that I earned on this month:
*shows trades in the past with stock increasing 100%+
I'm now prepared to scale up this scheme and invite a select group of users to invest along side me and realize the same sort of returns I am. I am offering two investment packages:
Option 1. Minimum investment £5000. 5 slots available. I will send you a link to signup for a brokerage account and every few days I will send you a stock to buy and then notify you when to sell it. You don't pass me the money, you invest yourself. In return I get 20% of your profits.
Option 2. Minimum investment £100. I invest your money for you and you join my fund and I guarantee you a 14% return per week. 20 slots available (3 sold!)
Users would normally be skeptical, but the fears would be allayed by sock puppet accounts who would talk about the returns on Option 1. "Hey, try option 1 if you are nervous". Option 1 is just a distraction from the real ponzi scheme - which is option 2. Over the next few days he will post updated trades from option 1 showing their returns, with sockpuppet accounts talking up how much they made. Since option 1 then 'sells out' (but hey, we have a waiting list!) most users then signup for option 2, a little at first then bit by bit more and more.
Here is the ultimate irony of this ponzi scheme. Were you to go to the section of TCF where all those shitty tutorials are for sale (just as they are now on Evolution market) one of the tutorials for sale for a few hundred dollars was 'How to make $10,000 per month'. The tutorial was an exact description of how to run this ponzi scheme, word-for-word pasted in introduction section, the terms to use to make it appear like you know what you are talking about with trading (the guy who ran this scheme on TCF was an unemployed web designer) how to find the 'winning' stocks for Option 1, how to convince people to part with their money etc.
There is a brilliant writeup on WeirderWeb about the exact same scheme taking hold on the BlackHatSEO forums, the original article is down but the mirror on is still available and it really is worth a read.
Had anybody on TCF bothered to check their own tutorials they would have seen this. Worse yet, had anybody bothered to copy that original message and paste it into a search engine they would see hundreds of hits for the exact same original message on thousands of forums around the web. In 99% of those cases the thread is ignored, someone replies with 'scam!' or a moderator removes the thread.
But not on TCF. Not only were there plenty of people who bought into the scheme, the administrators of the site 'vouched' for option 1 as a legitimate offer. This is a rubber stamp meaning that the offer is safe. All throughout the forum thread whenever there was a doubter pointing out the obvious ponzi scheme elements of the scheme they would always be shouted down with 'but it is vouched!'.
The guy running the scheme would make some payouts, but he would setup the scheme with capacity slots, and if you withdrew money you would go back into the queue. The number of people actually invested was 25 times larger than the number of people he said were invested. The amount of money invested was around 100 times larger than the revealed amount of money invested.
The OP of the thread was late on payments just as TCF was shutdown for the last time and everybody was migrated to the new Evolution forums. At this time with the migration to Evolution, TCF had been down from their hack for a couple of weeks and nobody had heard from Samuraiprint - the guy running the ponzi scheme (or 'investment opportunity', in TCF parlance).
The old thread is lost, but here is a link to the new thread where the scheme continued on Evolution (thread title changed when it was realized that it was a scam):
Title: Samuraiprint/TCF topic: Invest and Multiply your money

Hi all,
Anyone tried this ?
I took option 2.
The 1 st payment and communication with Samuraiprint were perfect, but from last saturday and tcf down, it seems that it's not even the same person behind his icq.
Brief history : Saturday : On icq, he told me he will pay at 3PM, nothing... Same time, I registered to hbb, find that he had an old topic there under the pseudo stocktrading, and send him a pm. Pm was read but never answered. On icq, he told me to check at 9PM, nothing... All of that using some words that don't go with Samuraiprint usual language. Sunday : No icq cnx. The name of his tread on hbb was modified to fit the same exact tcf's one. Some posts from the op were also modified. Monday : I received an add from another icq # 653196796, telling me his other account got hacked and to give him 24 hrs to fix everything. He was able to give me the amount I invested to identify himself...but that could maybe be found in the history of the other icq... Today: He was online on icq but doesn't answer to me. Now he doesn't stop login and logout just few seconds after... Something wrong with Samuraiprint. 1/ He got hacked for real or 2/ It's a pretty scam. Who said : "what is too good to be true..." ?
reply 1:
MrMouse Member
Sounds like a scam.
reply 2:
well.. his thread at TCF actually in verified section. i did chat with him yesterday thou.. hes basically saying want to get rid of some members from option1, especially who doesnt have knowledge in stock market, probably impatient client or some sort he did tell me his icq acc and including email is hacked. so i ask him several questions,etc.. he got it right thou.. so i assumed his new icq account is not impostor. ive asked him if he will register here, he said no.. dont > have time for that, and registration already closed for new member long time ago anyway
reply 3:
I also invested with Samurai for option 2. This last weekend was supposed to be my first payout and pretty much what you said happened.
reply 5:
I know what you mean. Nothing about him pointed to being a scammer and he definitely knows his stuff. I really do hope this is just a speed bump and I receive the rest of my payouts and on time.
Samuraiprint shows up at reply #25, apologetic:
samuraiprint reply #1 screenshot
and so on .. the thread continues with "investors" not wanting to give up on the dream of untold riches, despite all the obvious clues. There are some sock puppet accounts that talk about being paid. It drags on for 7 pages, and eventually some users figure out that this guy has taken them for hundreds of thousands of dollars.
The guys who signed up to a carding forum with dreams of becoming rich with credit card fraud had been scammed themselves by the simplest of ponzi schemes. Like most ponzi schemes there are still victims who in the end refuse to believe they were scammed - it must be because samuraiprint was taken by the Mafia, or arrested for insider trading, or perhaps the Russians got to him.
On around the 25th of January the thread starts fading out. The admins come back in and post that it isn't their fault users got scammed with option 2 - they had only verified option 1! They also accepted no blame for not banning the user, and one admin admits that he himself had money tied up in the scheme.
What happens next takes this story from a crazy ironic incidents where amateur scammers got scammed to something that is borderline sheer lunacy. There was a semi-known user on the forums called 'Gold'. He was the type of user who would reply to almost any thread, just to get noticed and build up his post count. In 3 months he went from a nobody to being known on the forum, he sold stolen card data in the markets.
This is what he posted on the 31st of January, about a week after the last ponzi scheme collapsed:
gold post #1 screenshot
The sheer audacity of this guy - a week after the last ponzi scheme and another user who was obviously waiting his turn tries his hand at a similar scam.
You'd think these users would be wary by now, but here are the first 3 replies - reproduced verbatim:
Vouch for this user, have worked with him on various things with big money involved. I think I might buy a few slots soon!
Extremely interested. Should have the funds to do this very soon.
I vouch for him as well, he knows what he is doing and i am buying one for myself. cheers.
Here is a private message I got a day after this was posted:
Hey You really opened my eyes in regards to samuraiprint, but it was too late. However now a new listing that smells the same to me came up and I want to know your opinion. I would really like to avoid losing more money, what do you think of this?
He linked to the Gold scheme above. You can't make this shit up - these idiots are falling for the same thing twice in less than 2 weeks. I messaged the admins and after a long chain of messages going back and forward involving me trying to convince them that this was just another scam, they locked the thread:
I personally am not going to allow any type of investing here or on TCF regardless of status.

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: TwinWinNerD on March 31, 2014, 11:47:53 PM
In poker there is a term for what OP was doing: Freerolling.

Participation on all the upside, with no downside for him!

Title: Re: Invest and make money -[ MUST READ]
Post by: BitzMD on March 31, 2014, 11:48:46 PM
Wow had no idea, thanks for sharing that with me. This scheme seems elaborate.
I just hope that punks like this that cheat people  eventually reap what they sow.