Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: inBitweTrust on February 25, 2014, 02:24:59 PM

Title: Wall Street Con Artist gearing up to use Bitcoin as vehicle to defraud investors
Post by: inBitweTrust on February 25, 2014, 02:24:59 PM
I am a web-developer who was contacted a while ago by one of my clients who has teamed up with a new partner described as a "World Class, expert Trader". I was immediately skeptical as experts rarely have to boast about their accomplishments as their reputations precede them.

After starting a dialogue with them I attained his name and immediately began DOXing his background to either assuage my concerns or verify them before doing business. After doing a little homework I did indeed verify that this was a high profile individual who has been involved in FOREX, Futures trading, Arbitrage trading, and works with many exchange and trading application companies.

.....Than I started to uncover his legal history, and all the lawsuits, arrests, and judgments made against him. He isn't quite the hustler that Madoff was but certainly has swindled millions over the years.  In the past he has focused on using trading software scams, and as an investor running boiler rooms and stealing millions with futures trading and currency investments. Now it looks like he is wanting to use bitcoin as a new tool to defraud investors.

I became infuriated at first. Bitcoin while can be used by honest and dishonest actors has at its heart noble and pure intentions that transcend the importance of any opportunity for personal gain. We have enough work and problems to resolve to not have to worry about investment scumbags infiltrating our ecosystem. I immediately began writing a response indicating that I was immediately terminating my business with him on all other projects(legal) and informing him of his partners history and I would be warning  others in the community of his actions. Than I stopped and saved the draft thinking there may be an opportunity here...

Even if I did put the word out he would still manage to con many in the community. This is an expert grifter who knows what he is doing and will ultimately tarnish bitcoins reputation even further. This is definitely not something we need now. He currently lives in foreign country to protect himself from the charges and crimes of his past. I still need to do further research into if he has any outstanding judgments or warrants.

The question I propose to you is what should I do in this situation to further lead him on with the intentions of either scaring him away from his ill conceived intentions with bitcoin or getting him arrested or back on the run?

Title: Re: Wall Street Con Artist gearing up to use Bitcoin as vehicle to defraud investors
Post by: CtrlAltBernanke420 on February 25, 2014, 02:39:34 PM
But you refuse to tell who to watch out for?

you could place a hit on him on bit-assassination, that has always sounded like an interesting concept, one day the price may rise high enough his head on a platter is worth it for a high end mercenary to deliver.

Title: Re: Wall Street Con Artist gearing up to use Bitcoin as vehicle to defraud investors
Post by: TheEmperor on February 25, 2014, 02:41:10 PM
He'll fit right in round here then!!

Title: Re: Wall Street Con Artist gearing up to use Bitcoin as vehicle to defraud investors
Post by: inBitweTrust on February 25, 2014, 02:51:30 PM
But you refuse to tell who to watch out for?

you could place a hit on him on bit-assassination, that has always sounded like an interesting concept, one day the price may rise high enough his head on a platter is worth it for a high end mercenary to deliver.

I follow the non-aggression principle and am an ethical person. I would never kill a person outside of personal defense from immediate danger. I would never conspire to have someone assassinated as that goes against my fundamental core morals. Any person advocating this and is also a proponent of bitcoin does the rest of us a disservice as Bitcoin was born from the roots of the cypherpunk anarchist movement which foundations rest upon the NAP.

If he was already scamming our community I would feel obligated to immediately release all info. Currently he is forming a team, looking for investors and partners and hasn't released the new software yet.

 I have a little bit of time and possibly an opportunity to gather more info or to setup a sting. Thus I am asking for your ideas and thoughts in doing so. Otherwise I will eventually release all info gained thus far.

Title: Re: Wall Street Con Artist gearing up to use Bitcoin as vehicle to defraud investors
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on February 25, 2014, 02:56:59 PM
i know it! it is mark with his new site !

Title: Re: Wall Street Con Artist gearing up to use Bitcoin as vehicle to defraud investors
Post by: bbit on February 25, 2014, 03:04:51 PM
Any chance his name is Mark Karples ?

Title: Re: Wall Street Con Artist gearing up to use Bitcoin as vehicle to defraud investors
Post by: inBitweTrust on February 25, 2014, 03:49:26 PM
Any chance his name is Mark Karples ?

I get that you are being "tongue and cheek" but Mark's profile would be better described as grossly incompetent executive whose lack of disclosures and mistakes over the years amount to a level of fraud. Already convicted in the public's opinion and yet to be convicted by any state.

Unfortunately, there are more psychopaths out there willing to take advantage of the credulous. Our social responsibility is to make their life hell for these actions and minimize their impact.