Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: HappyFunnyFoo on October 17, 2011, 07:27:54 PM

Title: Awesome. I was SOOOO RIGHT!
Post by: HappyFunnyFoo on October 17, 2011, 07:27:54 PM
Who here put their live savings into bitcoin?

oh gawsh

Title: Re: Awesome. I was SOOOO RIGHT!
Post by: Transisto on October 17, 2011, 07:42:36 PM

Title: Re: Awesome. I was SOOOO RIGHT!
Post by: MoonShadow on October 17, 2011, 07:46:45 PM
Who here put their live savings into bitcoin?

oh gawsh

I'm still up over 500%.

Title: Re: Awesome. I was SOOOO RIGHT!
Post by: rTech on October 17, 2011, 07:47:22 PM
Wow another Troll found. Get a life!

Title: Re: Awesome. I was SOOOO RIGHT!
Post by: allten on October 17, 2011, 10:37:34 PM
Who here put their live savings into bitcoin?

oh gawsh

The market is mature enough to short.
How much of your savings did you use to short bitcoin?
If none, then next time put your money where your mouth is.

Life savings into bitcoin is unwise, but I do have my mind and heart invested fully to make it succeed.

Title: Re: Awesome. I was SOOOO RIGHT!
Post by: cypherdoc on October 18, 2011, 11:18:47 AM
i thought Bitcoin was bad b/c its a deflationary currency, rising in value with time, thus encouraging hoarding?

now Bitcoin is bad b/c its an inflationary currency, dropping in value with time, thus encouraging selling?

Title: Re: Awesome. I was SOOOO RIGHT!
Post by: Boussac on October 18, 2011, 12:58:59 PM
Who here put their live savings into bitcoin?

oh gawsh


Watch out when you get out of the office at night: Wall Street may be occupied.

Title: Re: Awesome. I was SOOOO RIGHT!
Post by: HappyFunnyFoo on October 25, 2011, 10:25:13 PM
The difference between a troll and a non-troll is hard to tell until the troll is proven right. :)  I just choose the path of less risk and hold things with value - less money is made, but less is lost.  I did lose $15 on bitcoin though, granted.

Title: Re: Awesome. I was SOOOO RIGHT!
Post by: Boussac on October 28, 2011, 10:18:07 PM
The difference between a troll and a non-troll is hard to tell until the troll is proven right. :)  I just choose the path of less risk and hold things with value - less money is made, but less is lost.  I did lose $15 on bitcoin though, granted.
I feel sorry for you: your wealth (if you have any) is your prison.
Bitcoin is not a speculation vehicle.
Bitcoin is about regaining a degree of freedom that has been taken away from the people legally but illegitimately.

Title: Re: Awesome. I was SOOOO RIGHT!
Post by: kiyote on October 30, 2011, 05:30:31 AM
Trolololol  ;)

Title: Re: Awesome. I was SOOOO RIGHT!
Post by: HappyFunnyFoo on November 04, 2011, 12:27:01 AM
LOL @ bitcoin is not a speculation vehicle.

95%+ of bitcoins are held by speculators.  You guys should go buy gold with the rest of your money so that you can lose another 90% of your value over the next three years.

How does it feel getting slowly wiped out guys?  Good?  I wouldn't know.

Title: Re: Awesome. I was SOOOO RIGHT!
Post by: MoonShadow on November 04, 2011, 08:31:02 PM
Fun? Informative? Exciting?
How does it feel being so poor you can't even throw away a few grand on crazy ideas without worrying about loosing money, just for the heck of it? Bad? I wouldn't know.

Trying investing in Solidcoin, and you'll have a pretty good idea.

Title: Re: Awesome. I was SOOOO RIGHT!
Post by: Melbustus on November 04, 2011, 09:29:00 PM
Who here put their live savings into bitcoin?

oh gawsh

I don't know whether you'll be proven right or wrong, but it's surely absurd to be making calls one way or another right now. Or a year from now. Or five years from now. In about 10 years, I'll call it a fair time period over which to make the assessment.

Title: Re: Awesome. I was SOOOO RIGHT!
Post by: Rassah on November 04, 2011, 09:38:57 PM
Fun? Informative? Exciting?
How does it feel being so poor you can't even throw away a few grand on crazy ideas without worrying about loosing money, just for the heck of it? Bad? I wouldn't know.

Trying investing in Solidcoin, and you'll have a pretty good idea.

I said "crazy ideas," not "stupid ideas."

Title: Re: Awesome. I was SOOOO RIGHT!
Post by: Vandroiy on November 05, 2011, 02:40:20 AM
How does it feel getting slowly wiped out guys?  Good?  I wouldn't know.

I'm still feeling quite good, thanks for asking. Yay Bitcoin! 8)

If you want to see me in a less positive mood, wait for another >50% down. But unless Bitcoin really looks in danger of dying, I'm not so much shaken. Bubbles don't have soft landings, doesn't everyone know that? Relax 'n watch the touchdown.

Picking a better topic text would improve the thread btw.

Title: Re: Awesome. I was SOOOO RIGHT!
Post by: chickenado on November 08, 2011, 02:56:08 PM
95%+ 100% of bitcoins money is held by speculators.  

By definition.

Title: Re: Awesome. I was SOOOO RIGHT!
Post by: Melbustus on September 21, 2018, 12:37:22 AM
LOL @ bitcoin is not a speculation vehicle.

95%+ of bitcoins are held by speculators.  You guys should go buy gold with the rest of your money so that you can lose another 90% of your value over the next three years.

How does it feel getting slowly wiped out guys?  Good?  I wouldn't know.
