Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Goods => Topic started by: deslok on October 18, 2011, 09:18:17 PM

Title: Older Games
Post by: deslok on October 18, 2011, 09:18:17 PM
i've got a box of older PC games that's really just taking up space for me i know some people do still like to play the classics though, they're all avilable for best offer plus shipping (shipping for everything is usps flat rate small 5.20usd conus/13.95 international, unless marked with a * then the game has a box/case too large to fit in a small flat rate and then ships medium 10.95 conus) i'll add photos of them when i have room to lay them out.
GTA Vice City
no one lives forever 2 a spy in harms way
Shogo movile armor division
The sims
Mech warrior
Mech warrior 2
Total anilation
Black&white *
Baulders gate II *
Star wars Jedi knight II, Jedi Outcast *
Tom clanceys rainbow 6 rogue spear platnium pack *