Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: yomofo on February 26, 2014, 08:03:22 PM

Title: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: yomofo on February 26, 2014, 08:03:22 PM

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: the_sunship on February 26, 2014, 08:11:04 PM
obviously doesn't understand that bitcoin would help most of the people who vote for him.

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: Hyena on February 26, 2014, 08:14:16 PM
I call for ban of the torrent network.

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: exponential on February 26, 2014, 08:14:24 PM
Can't blame him, probably still emotional from loosing his GOXcoins.

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: faiza1990 on February 26, 2014, 08:15:54 PM
Can't blame him, probably still emotional from loosing his GOXcoins.
he is not alone many emotional and upset just because of this these newses surrounding here

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: Hyena on February 26, 2014, 08:16:04 PM
Can't blame him, probably still emotional from loosing his GOXcoins.

or pirate40 coins :P

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: pungopete468 on February 26, 2014, 08:20:13 PM
Great idea, let's make a global reserve currency, call it the US Dollar, and then start banning the exchangability for other currencies because they compete with ours... Seriously?

He also supports gun control, the unilateral power for either the President or Attorney General to issue a drone strike on an American citizen, on American soil, who "may be involved in a terrorist plot." I think your days in office are numbered and we all hope you trip down the stairs once that door hits you on the way out.

Sad to see such misrepresentation these days...

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: Dalmar on February 26, 2014, 08:22:50 PM
I call for ban of the torrent network.

Obvious not possible, but banning US exchanges and services like Coinbase would be very easy for them.

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: Serge on February 26, 2014, 08:23:30 PM
politicians are useless species. i would rather have google optimizing and balancing nation's budget

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: miketonic on February 26, 2014, 08:31:14 PM
politicians are useless species. i would rather have google optimizing and balancing nation's budget
Lol'd  :D This would probably give better results..

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: Ibian on February 26, 2014, 08:32:17 PM
Oh my, yes. It is clear to me now that a currency that increases in value the longer I hold it is a Bad Thing. I am so glad this enlightened gentleman called it to our attention or I might never have seen it.

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: proudhon on February 26, 2014, 08:32:51 PM
As of December 2013, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) shows 1.3% inflation, while a recent media report indicated Bitcoin CPI has 98% deflation. In other words, spending Bitcoin now will cost you many orders of wealth in the future. This flaw makes Bitcoin’s value to the U.S. economy suspect, if not outright detrimental.

Alert!  You might actually preserve your wealth with bitcoin.  STAY AWAY!!!  STAY THE FUCK AWAY!!!

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: mb300sd on February 26, 2014, 08:33:20 PM
I forsee his opponent accepting bitcoins. Large donations incoming.

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: Hyena on February 26, 2014, 08:33:41 PM
politicians are useless species. i would rather have google optimizing and balancing nation's budget
Lol'd  :D This would probably give better results..

And Amazon suggesting laws and regulations :D

"Parties who have banned prostitution have also banned bitcoin, do you wish to ban bitcoin too?"

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: seldon on February 26, 2014, 08:39:18 PM
I forsee his opponent accepting bitcoins. Large donations incoming.

Can anyone check when the next elections are up? I can't make any sense of the US political system..

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: av123 on February 26, 2014, 08:42:23 PM
He won reelection in 2012:

Senators are up for reelection every six years.

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: Cyberlight on February 26, 2014, 08:46:16 PM
Gold is maybe 100% more expensive in 2028,  In other words, spending Gold now will cost you many orders of wealth in the future.

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: seldon on February 26, 2014, 08:54:33 PM
He won reelection in 2012:

Senators are up for reelection every six years.

Crap.. until then we will all have forgotten about this Bitcoin-thing and stuck our honest work into the dollar, where we can be sure it looses value.

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: dynodog on February 26, 2014, 08:58:25 PM
It's painfully obvious that the senator doesn't do this if the gox matter did not happen.  period.  and this is before the gox customers are officially told - YOU GET NOTHING - YOU LOSE...- this gox shit better get cleaned up sooner rather than later or it's going to get ugly (no matter what the die hard bitcoiners on this site think by pointing to its current price).  hopefully, some whales are stepping up (who realize the potential consequences of tons of people getting cheated out of tons of money).  try to see this from the point of view of the general public and governmental agencies set up to protect people, and not as a hard core bitcoiner (of which I am one too).  

This Senator's move is just the first of many spears to be thrown at us by the governments.  Put your shields up boys, and hopefully when the spears are done raining on us we will still be alive.  

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: C10H15N on February 26, 2014, 08:59:07 PM
The Senator must oppose a currency he can't get his greedy fat fingers on.

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: Walsoraj on February 26, 2014, 09:00:35 PM
politicians are useless species. i would rather have google optimizing and balancing nation's budget

Agree, they are reptilians.

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: Chalkbot on February 26, 2014, 09:25:07 PM
He won reelection in 2012:

Senators are up for reelection every six years.

This. Although the other senate seat in W. Virginia is up for election this year. Making bitcoin donations to elect someone in this race could likely have the same effect.

Here are the likely candidates, according to early polling results:

For the Republicans: Shelley Moore Capito ( (

and the Democrats:  Natalie Tennant ( (

It's not hard to choose which one to back (in terms of likelyhood of embracing bitcoin) if you spend 2 minutes reading their bios. Natalie is the underdog, younger, ran for governor (and lost) on a campaign of transparency, accountability, and embracing innovation.
Couple quotes from her wikipedia:

"Tennant has instituted a number of initiatives to make it easier for businesses to operate in West Virginia, including eliminating transaction fees for businesses that file online"

"In 2013, Tennant's department returned $3 million in unused revenue to the state after Tennant enacted cost-saving measures and favorably settled two lawsuits."

Meanwhile, Shelley is a member of the Judiciary and Banking and Insurance Committees, Chairman of Subcommittee on Financial Institutions & Consumer Credit.
Couple quotes from her wikipedia:

"Capito supports a federal prohibition on online poker. In 2006, she cosponsored H.R. 4777, the Internet Gambling Prohibition and Enforcement Act,[28] and supported H.R. 4411, the Goodlatte-Leach Internet Gambling Prohibition Act."

"Capito opposes legislation aimed at capping greenhouse gas emissions.[30] In January 2010 she reportedly asked the president if he would reconsider "job-killing" policies like limiting greenhouse gases."

So it would seem a perfect movie-like scenario exists here to back the underdog and fill the seat opposite of Joe Manchin with a pro-bitcoin senator. Haha, can you imagine the media headlines?

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: kireinaha on February 26, 2014, 10:12:07 PM
this is what concerns me the most about bitcoin: US regulation. it's probably going to happen, like it or not. i've been around and watched politics long enough to become a pessimestic asshole, but i'm usually right.

you can all say, 'well, we're going to have to vote him out of office, surely the next guy will understand!' but it's not true. average people outside this forum don't give a shit about bitcoin and have no problem with it being banned. most countries will likely follow suit, and bitcoin will be essentially done.

unless somehow the exchanges can be decentralized. this will need to happen for bitcoin to survive.

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: metstijl on February 26, 2014, 10:16:08 PM
Can someone shoot him like kennedy?

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: Skoupi on February 26, 2014, 10:19:02 PM
If you see bitcoin solely as a currency it's only normal to be sceptical or even against it.
Unfortunately for him if and when people decide to regulate bitcoin, will take into account that bitcoin is a protocol.

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: Serge on February 26, 2014, 10:23:18 PM
politicians are useless species. i would rather have google optimizing and balancing nation's budget
Lol'd  :D This would probably give better results..

And Amazon suggesting laws and regulations :D

"Parties who have banned prostitution have also banned bitcoin, do you wish to ban bitcoin too?"

heh, good one

we have all infrastructure to move forward, naturally, organically, prosperously , yet we are still standing still due to our governments "protecting" ourselves from evils and great unknowns while doing more economic damage themselves with their business associates.

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: KeyserSozeMC on February 26, 2014, 10:24:01 PM
I've already told him he's an idiot :)

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: rocks on February 26, 2014, 10:29:09 PM
I forsee his opponent accepting bitcoins. Large donations incoming.

Can anyone check when the next elections are up? I can't make any sense of the US political system..

Does it really matter?

The D team and the R team are one and the same, anyone who thinks different is a fool. The D team just believes that they are the only good guys and are morally superior but at the same time vote for this type of "protection". The R team tricks people into believing they are for small government, but in reality they are the biggest spenders and supporters of the banks. I say line them all up against the wall.

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: Skoupi on February 26, 2014, 10:29:40 PM
I've already told him he's an idiot :)

So what? You want cookie?

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: Richard Branson on February 26, 2014, 10:35:58 PM

He also supports gun control, the unilateral power for either the President or Attorney General to issue a drone strike on an American citizen, on American soil, who "may be involved in a terrorist plot." I think your days in office are numbered and we all hope you trip down the stairs once that door hits you on the way out.

Love basement kids from america  ;D

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: Obi-Wan Coinobi on February 26, 2014, 10:52:57 PM
I am calling a ban on money. Just give it all to me.

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: av123 on February 26, 2014, 11:28:29 PM
His call to ban bitcoin is ironic in light of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in the Citizens United case in 2010 which held that:

"Political spending is a form of protected speech under the First Amendment, and the government may not keep corporations or unions from spending money to support or denounce individual candidates in elections. While corporations or unions may not give money directly to campaigns, they may seek to persuade the voting public through other means, including ads, especially where these ads were not broadcast."

So if bitcoin is considered a currency (in additional to being a protocol), it should be legal to spend it as a form of protected political speech.

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: pungopete468 on February 27, 2014, 12:58:06 AM

He also supports gun control, the unilateral power for either the President or Attorney General to issue a drone strike on an American citizen, on American soil, who "may be involved in a terrorist plot." I think your days in office are numbered and we all hope you trip down the stairs once that door hits you on the way out.

Love basement kids from america  ;D

I don't have a basement. - Strike one
I'm not a kid either, but I do have a child. - Strike two

So care to guess wrong a third time?

I'm guessing you're not an American. I'm guessing you don't remember last years filibuster demanding the AG clarify the scope of power regarding drone strikes. I'm guessing you don't remember how absurd the debate was about wheather American citizens on American soil should be included under the law regarding the power to call a drone strike on a potential terrorist.

Luckily the filibuster was successful and the scope of power is clear...

You don't believe this happened? I wouldn't either if I didn't see it...

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: BitDreams on February 27, 2014, 01:19:51 AM

We've already had a senator speak favorably about bitcoin, now we have one speak in disfavor. Neither side will achieve absolute victory.

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: af_newbie on February 27, 2014, 01:44:19 AM

I vote for formal licensing of politicians.  Introduce some minimal entry requirements (educational, experience, moral and ethical standards) into this profession.
Doctors, engineers, nurses, truck drivers and pretty much all other trades need licenses.  But not politicians.  Politicians make important decisions, only the brightest
of the brightest should be allowed to enter this profession.

In Canada, a real-estate agent with a high school diploma and a 6 month real estate course can be a Minister of Health or Education  ;D
Same is true in US.  Popular morons end up on Capitol Hill.

He or his croonies had money on mtgox and now he is pissed.  He is a greedy moron.  Nothing against football players.
But football players from rich families on Capitol Hill?  Please.

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: DieJohnny on February 27, 2014, 03:20:57 AM
why do politicians take it upon themselves to be the saviors of men.

politicians are almost universally corrupt and incompetent, nothing more than shills for those that keep them in power. That goes for the USA as well as any dictatorship anywhere. It is all the same.

This guy wants to ban bitcoin to protect against bad actors??? What's next Cash????

stupid as hell.

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: g35fan on February 27, 2014, 04:13:49 AM
Just a "wow" when I read that letter. Hey he's a politician, so he definitely has an agenda, and it's obviously not bitcoin friendly. Talking about criminals and USA "allies" like China banning bitcoin. Ugh, what a disaster this guy is.

I like the part about the "detrimental effect" of the deflation. Because, you know, if bitcoin jumped up to $10k USD in a few months, none of the holders of bitcoin would sell for fiat, or purchase a bunch of items online with that new fiat or bitcoin during that rise all the way up to $10k. They'd all just sit and HOLD on everything they own and not spend anything to keep the economy going, right? I just don't see that happening.

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: tss on February 27, 2014, 06:31:25 AM
not sure the world you live in.. but NOBODY in the real one knows about bitcoin.. in general you hope they know the word bitcoin and say.. ohh yea.. i hear people talking about it

obviously doesn't understand that bitcoin would help most of the people who vote for him.

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: tss on February 27, 2014, 06:41:17 AM
noob bet.. or is it?

ill take moore to get more votes than tennant if both make it on the ballot. 

.25 btc and a max of 4 bets
(also.. from seeing issues with forum bets.. i have to confirm i accept your bet for it to be valid)


Here are the likely candidates, according to early polling results:

For the Republicans: Shelley Moore Capito ( (

and the Democrats:  Natalie Tennant ( (

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: segeln on February 27, 2014, 08:18:03 AM
As of December 2013, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) shows 1.3% inflation, while a recent media report indicated Bitcoin CPI has 98% deflation. In other words, spending Bitcoin now will cost you many orders of wealth in the future. This flaw makes Bitcoin’s value to the U.S. economy suspect, if not outright detrimental.
Alert!  You might actually preserve your wealth with bitcoin.  STAY AWAY!!!  STAY THE FUCK AWAY!!!
Hi proudhon
no FUD,no confirmations of unconfirmed News ?
pity, because I very much appreciated your witty comments

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: segeln on February 27, 2014, 08:18:55 AM
Senator Joe Manchin’s Letter About Bitcoin is Outrageous and Un-American

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: anu on February 27, 2014, 08:25:25 AM
obviously doesn't understand that bitcoin would help most of the people who vote for him.

I am sure he understands that perfectly well. That is the reason he calls for a ban.

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: CrashX on February 27, 2014, 09:10:17 AM
I call for ban of the torrent network.

Hell no, I support Torrent... Long live TPB!

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: Snail2 on February 27, 2014, 11:40:14 AM
He should call a ban on USD as well. USD is widely abused by criminals, used by pedophiles,  it can be disruptive for the US and world economy (as we seen in 2007-2008).

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: DoomDumas on February 27, 2014, 02:06:25 PM
Can't blame him, probably still emotional from loosing his GOXcoins.

LOL, +1

I hope everyone that have/had coin/$ in Gox recover those..  Maybe someone, or some entity will buy MtGox for the brand, completely re-build it like a professional exchange, and fund back each account to it's balance.

Maybe I'm a bit too optimistic, but there is many person/entity with too much money arround the world.. Maybe one will see a good business opportunity there... IMO, it's not the end of the GOX story !

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: DoomDumas on February 27, 2014, 02:13:05 PM
I forsee his opponent accepting bitcoins. Large donations incoming.

Can anyone check when the next elections are up? I can't make any sense of the US political system..

Does it really matter?

The D team and the R team are one and the same, anyone who thinks different is a fool. The D team just believes that they are the only good guys and are morally superior but at the same time vote for this type of "protection". The R team tricks people into believing they are for small government, but in reality they are the biggest spenders and supporters of the banks. I say line them all up against the wall.

I like your point of view, you may enjoy this video : (

Kinda funny, and so true !

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: Miz4r on February 27, 2014, 02:16:37 PM
Can't blame him, probably still emotional from loosing his GOXcoins.

LOL, +1

I hope everyone that have/had coin/$ in Gox recover those..  Maybe someone, or some entity will buy MtGox for the brand, completely re-build it like a professional exchange, and fund back each account to it's balance.

Maybe I'm a bit too optimistic, but there is many person/entity with too much money arround the world.. Maybe one will see a good business opportunity there... IMO, it's not the end of the GOX story !

I'm not so sure myself, the MtGox brand is tainted right now and many want nothing to do with it anymore. Must be a philantropist with many billions lying around who would want to buy it up and bail out its users. Bill Gates maybe? lol

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: anu on February 27, 2014, 02:42:08 PM
I forsee his opponent accepting bitcoins. Large donations incoming.

Can anyone check when the next elections are up? I can't make any sense of the US political system..

Does it really matter?

The D team and the R team are one and the same, anyone who thinks different is a fool. The D team just believes that they are the only good guys and are morally superior but at the same time vote for this type of "protection". The R team tricks people into believing they are for small government, but in reality they are the biggest spenders and supporters of the banks. I say line them all up against the wall.

I like your point of view, you may enjoy this video : (

Kinda funny, and so true !

In an interview with Stefan Molineux he introduced himself jokingly as "Peter Joseph Stalin". After listening to him I feel the nick is appropriate.

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: dynodog on February 27, 2014, 03:03:19 PM
not sure the world you live in.. but NOBODY in the real one knows about bitcoin.. in general you hope they know the word bitcoin and say.. ohh yea.. i hear people talking about it

obviously doesn't understand that bitcoin would help most of the people who vote for him.

that has been my experience too.  people in general know almost nothing about it, but they sure as hell heard that people were cheated out of lot of money.  their response will be to go nowhere near it.  the response of politicians who hear about people getting cheated is to do something about it whether it's regulating it to death or banning it. 

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: Khadaji on March 06, 2014, 02:06:47 AM
The Senator must oppose a currency he can't get his greedy fat fingers on.

You put your finger on the problem. If the government cannot regulate and tax it - it should be illegal.

Freedom is lost in small increments...

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: testcoin on March 06, 2014, 03:09:22 AM
That's not a good news anyway.

Imagine if the US really bans bitcoin one day, bitcoin price must fall sharply.

And probably less people will visit this forum as well.

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: Schleicher on March 06, 2014, 04:57:17 AM
He should call a ban on USD as well. USD is widely abused by criminals, used by pedophiles,  it can be disruptive for the US and world economy (as we seen in 2007-2008).
You mean like this?
Today, U.S. Congressman Jared Polis (D-CO) sent a letter to federal regulators seeking a ban on United States dollar bills, a currency that is unregulated and unstable, and has been used in illicit activity, including drug trafficking and money laundering.

Title: Re: senator-calls-for-bitcoin-ban-2014
Post by: kizzoboy on March 07, 2014, 03:27:44 AM
His call to ban bitcoin is ironic in light of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in the Citizens United case in 2010 which held that:

"Political spending is a form of protected speech under the First Amendment, and the government may not keep corporations or unions from spending money to support or denounce individual candidates in elections. While corporations or unions may not give money directly to campaigns, they may seek to persuade the voting public through other means, including ads, especially where these ads were not broadcast."

So if bitcoin is considered a currency (in additional to being a protocol), it should be legal to spend it as a form of protected political speech.

You are correct.  I work at a political action committee (IRS 527) that focuses specifically on accepting bitcoin as contributions.