Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Announcements (Altcoins) => Topic started by: minds on August 15, 2018, 01:48:56 PM

Title: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: minds on August 15, 2018, 01:48:56 PM
Hey everyone! Minds another amazing blockchain social media platform that I've been on for several months is finally launching their "Minds" token and going fully live on the Ethereum Mainnet.

Here's a video to go along with this which generally explains the same concepts and I do an overview of Minds:

This article dives into the transition as well on CoinDesk:


They have managed to build such a great platform that includes groups, messaging, advertising and many other features. Their code is open source and peer reviewable which is great for transparency.

What Is Minds?

Well Minds is like Steemit, but the usage doesn't require as much technical understanding which I think is really important for onboarding people who have no previous experience with blockchain technologies which could then help them transition to using Steem as well. It's got the same basic features but also has a bit more.

There is an extremely in-depth FAQ you can go through to learn or find answers:

Basic Functions

Minds is bit closer to Twitter or on Steem with their UI and I really like it. It's very easy to use and you can identify explicit content, share with everyone, or just with specific people. They have a great deal of customization to your blogs and options for setting up your metadata.

It supports video, images, blogs, and short posts. Pretty much everything.

You can set rewards for people too and make premium content if you want.

And you can boost your posts using your earned tokens.

You can do so much more and this is just the tip of the ice berg! I highly encourage you to explore more on your own!

My Minds Blogs

Below are a few of my really informative blogs about Minds to help you learn more!

    7 Tips For New Minds Users -
    Boosting On Minds -
    Minds And Steemit Are Not Mutually Exclusive -
    What You Need To Know About Minds -
    Be Careful Who You Accept Boost From -

The reason why this is such a big deal is because now people can really get into investing as well as earning withdraw-able funds from Minds. They have an amazing and intuitive application for Android and iOS so they have covered pretty much everything.

If you're not already using Minds, now is the time to get in so you can get yourself established and really become a part of their community. I love Minds and Steemit and I would be thrilled to have everyone using both as they can both compliment each other and are on the same team for blockchain censorship resistant social.

Buying Tokens

Minds has an in-depth tutorial for you here:

They have screen shots and everything you need to know how to buy it, however what I'm suggesting is join in and participate first and foremost!

This table outlines the information about the launch and token sale provided by their whitepaper:

Earning Rewards

You can earn rewards from many different things you do on Minds from engagement to referrals to check-ins.

You essentially earn from everything you do and you can treat it like a normal social platform and all the while earn tokens which you can withdraw or use for boosting (promoting) yourself or your posts. You can even boost other people's content too or send tokens for premium content from creators!

You get your reward based on the multiplier to your total network score and you can see a history of all this in your contributions section of your wallet which acts as an accounting measure as well as an insight/analytics indicator for how well you are doing.

You can see an entire breakdown on Minds here:

They have countless resources and the devs are very involved and helpful so I highly recommend checking it out at the very least.

Title: Re: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: Tokenista on August 23, 2018, 08:07:57 AM
minds has been fully launched!

Title: Re: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: Tokenista on August 23, 2018, 02:17:52 PM
since I seem to be the only person on this website that even realizes what is happening I will mention some thing

it's all good to get people that will accept Minds token for example getting on the exchange is a big step then like maybe a gyft card company or something and then a random tech company and eventually like newegg or somebody is accepting it (that's what happened when we were emailing companies to get bitcoin accepted before it was accepted everywhere) but the big next step is:

Minds token for silver and gold

that is the next big step everything else is just leading up to that point


minds has been around for a while now they are on wikipedia and have been on fox news and stuff but they have kept a very low profile in the bitcoin community and have basically only gotten non-coiners to come to their platform

august 13th they switched from the rinkby testnet to being a real ethereum token so this is now an ethereum token

here is the announcement thread he has not been on bitcointalk because he is hiding from coin people


also bitcoin is not money according to the courts so ethereum is definitely not money and ethereum tokens are definitely definitely not money
Florida v Espinoza, No F14-2923 (11th Cir 2016)

Title: Re: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: Tokenista on August 23, 2018, 02:22:21 PM
watch this video to learn everything you need to know about buying silver and gold as assets and what you can do with them this video was made by the leader of a religious movement and he owns a gold mine in ghana

Title: Re: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: Tokenista on August 24, 2018, 01:04:43 AM
this article claims that there is a "migrate from facebook" button

where is the migrate button? will it take all your facebook posts and put them on minds?

Title: Re: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: Tokenista on August 24, 2018, 09:02:44 AM
I still can't believe that I am literally the only person on this website that understands what is going on here

here is an example of what we can do on

that link is for a token called kekls which is mainly on minds, someone just created a token and started selling it and giving it away to minds users and anyone can do this and we should all do this until there is a token for every group or celebrity on minds

Title: Re: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: Tokenista on August 25, 2018, 03:26:23 AM
this is how tokens go to exchanges the Minds Token is still not on an exchange yet

Title: Re: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: ARENA-DEV on August 25, 2018, 03:32:11 AM
Very interesting concept, not sure how well it will do in the long run but I will still watch it!!

Title: Re: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: Tokenista on August 25, 2018, 03:45:20 AM
this is where everything gets crazy minds is going to do fine on its own and this is going to last longer than steemit because you don't have to make Dan and Ned happy to get Minds Tokens you can just create a group and get like minded people in a group and become a large chunk of the activity on the site and you can even post in other groups

but here on bitcointalk we are going to be creating tokens also

so there is going to be discussion of minds token and the token getting on exchanges then there will be the creation of other tokens for example there has to eventually, very soon, be the first minds user to create an exchange for tokens that just has to happen

so that is what is about to happen here and we are all going to be creating tokens

Title: Re: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: Tokenista on August 25, 2018, 04:11:24 AM
also just as an example

this is a game that is going to be launched on ethereum soon where you can generate pgl gold tokens on the ethereum blockchain by playing a game and then you can take those coins and trade them on exchanges they are already on exchanges and it is a pretty big project comparable to minds

then there is decentraland which is going to take a lot more time and programming effort because it is a virtual reality world but right now they are just buying and selling land and it will take time for a large scale random virtual reality world to establish itself

but both of those projects could now join minds and people on minds will have Minds Tokens that they can use on the other platforms so they can invest back and forth and earn money as each one has big things launching, like insider trading but all public and open source and everything and the Minds Tokens can be used to fund other tokens and projects and everything

Title: Re: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: Tokenista on August 25, 2018, 04:30:58 AM
here are some examples of token creation services none of them have been launched yet but the last one is launching sept 1st

this one launches sept 1st

you can also use the guides in the other thread in order to create your own tokens and clone things like cryptokitties and that's another thing there is not even a cryptokitties group on yet and things like that there is literally no people from each website on the other website this is about to be a huge thing to happen when the 2 communities start to cross and there is going to be a huge market opening up no one has started using the Minds tokens for anything yet except the Kekl creator

Title: Re: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: Tokenista on August 25, 2018, 04:43:07 AM
I wrote this april 23rd but it applies to any ability to create tokens not just through aura youstocks; we are all going to be creating tokens now

I want to explain how a few different things I have been talking about tie together, so that anyone who is following along and who wants to be involved, or who doesn't know they want to be involved but do after reading this, can get involved.

First, since this post is being written on Minds, I will start with Minds. I originally Joined Minds after someone gave me the link and asked what I thought of it, and I eventually found out it was real even though their is no Bitcointalk thread about it (I actually like that it's not being targeted at people who already own Bitcoins, but in the Crypto-World not having a Bitcointalk thread is a Red Flag usually, but not in this case); I Joined in order to start posting about Cryptocurrency, because I figured "What better place than a place using Tokens, not targeted at people that already understand it". Then I began to notice that Minds has a lot of people who are interested in deeper subjects than just Hillary and Trump and the day to day things you see on Facebook. So I began posting other things, and after a few days I created the Bio-Hacking group on Minds.

That brings me to the second point, after a few days, and seeing people's interests, I created the Bio-Hacking group in order to take advantage of the Minds Model. The idea of Minds is that we will get paid in Tokens for the Likes, and Reminds, and Comments, and everything we get on our Pages, but if we have a Group, we can all go find each other a lot faster. So when we are all getting Tokens, and earning Money on this Platform, and you are a Bio-Hacker; you can fund your Bio-Hacking simply by posting about something in the Bio-Hacking Group, getting Tokens for it once the Group is larger and Minds moves off of Rinkby, use that to Buy Nootropics, or Herbs, or SARMs, or a 40Hz Lucid Dream Head Shocking Device, or anything. Then you can take that an post about it in the Bio-Hacking Group, get more Tokens, and continue on. And we can all help each other that way. (I also created the "Starting Temples" group on Minds now also)

Now, the third part does not relate Directly to Minds. Before I even knew Minds existed I was studying different Ethereum based Blockchains, and actually learned how to make them and have posted that information on Steemit and shared that Steemit post here on Minds (ask me for it and I can send it to you and you can make an Ethereum Clone or Ethereum Fork). And while doing that, I found AURA (ARA), an Ethereum Clone, and I got in on it on the first day. Their Plan is to be just like the Ethereum Blockchain, allowing people to create Tokens and dApps, but they are creating the YouStock Platform, which will allow you to fill in simple feilds like "Number of Tokens", "Name", "Ticker", etc, then click "Create" or whatever the button will say, and you will have a Token. That is the YouStock Platform. And the AURA Developer already created the AURADEX, which is where these Tokens will be traded. We will not have to work to get listed on an exchange, we can simply list our Tokens on the AURADEX. YouStocks should launch in May according to the AURA Roadmap.

Then, about 2 Months after I found AURA, but before I found Minds, I found an Etheruem Fork called Expanse (EXP). Expanse is creating something called TokenLab, which is exactly like YouStocks, so we can also create Tokens there. TokenLab should Launch soon, and they are currently getting their EXP Token listed on an Exchange.

And soon after that I found EtherParty, which is actually just a Token on the Ethereum Blockchain and not its own Independent Blockchain, but they are creating something just like YouStocks and TokenLab, but it will be on the Ethereum Blockchain. So we can also use EtherParty. EtherParty is rebranding this week, with a new name and everything, and they will Launch their first product in June.

Now, while those are Launching and we begin creating our Tokens, Minds will move from Rinkby to Ethereum, and Minds users will start being paid in a Token, a Token that we can use to Buy each other's Tokens, or even our own Tokens. So we can literaly just earn Tokens from Minds, and use those to fund our own Tokens, and Vice-Versa. If we are all here on Minds talking about and Trading our Tokens, they Minds Token will go up in value.

That is not everything, but that should give everyone a good idea of what is about to happen.

I wrote this june 2nd but it applies to any capability to create tokens not just the aura youstocks any route works

For anyone wondering "how are we going to make money with AURA Tokens?", I want to explain it for you.

So firstly, to understand what this platform is even going to be, you should look at OpenLedger, the Bitshares Platform, and Bitshares Assets.

Those each cost about 1 Bitcoin to make, it fluctuates, but usually the price is about 1 BTC. That means it costs multiple thousands of Dollars to create one of those. Then look at Ethereum Tokens.

Those cost about 5 Ethereum to make, which is about $2500. So to create one of those, you still have to pay a good amount of money, and it is not already on an exhange like the Bitshares assets are automatically on the OpenLedger Exchange. You have to petition to get your Etheruem Tokens on an Exchange, or sometimes pay the Exchange tens of thousands of Dollars.

Aura YouStocks will cost 1 or 2 Aura to make, which if you buy them right now, is only 2 cents each. So we will be able to create something just like a Bitshares Asset, or an Ethreum Token, for about 2 Cents (the price may go up, but if you already have some then it really only cost you 2 cents).

So now you may say, "That makes sense, but how does that turn into money?"

Now on to the second part. Say I create a Token and call it Constitution Token (probably won't be an actual token, but maybe, this is just an example for now though), and we use it to Angel Invest in Court Cases that we think will have Constitutional Significance. So now I have this Coin, and I could do an ICO and say "Buy them for 1 cent each, there are 100,000,000 of them, and I will use the proceeds to fund Cases"; but that is not what I am going to do. Instead I will distribute the Token for Free to anyone who wants it, and we will all have some of this Token. And maybe Constitution Token goes up to 20 Cents or 1 Dollar or whatever. But that is not where the value comes from. Now that I have my Token and it is distributed, now you can create your Token, say you may a Token for your City and you live in Denver Colorado. You make Denver Coin, and you start giving it out for Free. Now we both have Tokens distributed for Free to many people (this exampe will only include 2 Tokens, but we will be doing this with a much larger number of individual Tokens). What happens now is since we are both automatically on the AURADEX, the Aura based Exchange, made specifically for these Tokens. We can begin to Trade Constitution Tokens for Denver Coins. And say that we trade them 1:1, so for 1 Denver Token you get 1 Constitution Token. Now there is an exchange rate.

Now say my Token gets attention from my Court Cases, and goes up in value (or maybe the guy who Developed AURA gets some value in his coin, or someone doing an ICO gets some value in their coin), now you have some Constitution Tokens, and you still can get more for Denver Coins. And say your Denver Tokens are worth 0.00000 Ethereum, absolutely no Ethereum, but are worth 1 Constitution Token, and Constitution Token is worth 0.00001 Ethereum. Now you can take your Denver Coins, use them to Buy Constitution Tokens 1:1 until the price changes as you meet all the Buy Orders, and you can then take those Constitution Coins and sell them for Ethereum and get Ethereum, and you can do that until the price evens out. And you can use that Ethereum to give your Token value. Now there is a Market, with 2 different Routes of Exchange, where people can make Money simply trading on the Market.

And once you have a Market that is all you need. Now you can start speculating whose Tokens are going to go up in value, and start using your Tokens to stock up on their Tokens. And they can do the same with yours. And everyone can use Minds, and Prospectors Gold and other Platforms to bring more money in, plus tons of people already own AURA, and AURA will begin to fluctuate as this is happening. And once we have Tokens with value, then we can start also spending 1 BTC to create a Bitshares Asset on OpenLedger, and an Ethereum Token, and we will already have a Community around our YouStock Tokens that we can bring to the new Currencies. So then we can start using multiple Platforms to trade between, and begin making tons of Money.

And then people can start creating Silver Backed Currencies, and Chocolate Backed Currencies, and T-Shirt Backed Currencies, and Coins for their God, Coins for their City, Coins for their University, Coins for their State, or Coins for their Country,

Here is an example of what I am talking about, look at this guy's account on OpenLedger. Watch the left hand side of the page as you scroll down.

This guy probably started with BTS, then created 1 Asset of his own called "Bridge.something" then that got some value, and he used the profits from that to create another Asset, and another and another and another. But it is costing him something between $3,000 and $10,000 to make each of those (he probably started when Bitcoin was cheaper, and therefor Bitshares was cheaper and the price to create Assets was cheaper).

We will be doing the same thing, for 2 Cents each. And it wone't just be me doing it and saying "Hey everyone, buy Sasha.something, and Sasha.2, and Sasha.3", it will be a large number of people creating Tokens, and many of us will have a number of Tokens. And we will all trade each other's Tokens for each other's Tokens, and with our own Tokens.

We will literally be controlling Markets. There are Laws against this kind of personal Control of the Market in Stocks, and Trump called China a "Currency Manipulator" because Markets can be Controlled, and forced up or down. There are no Laws against personally controlling the Market with Cryptocurrency. In Cryptocurrency that is just called being a Whale.

And for anyone who read this and is asking themselves "Are we benefiting from the loss of others?", the answer is "No, as long as you pay attention and get in early and if you come in late don't let the FUD allow you to lose money; and you should make your own Token so you aren't relying solely on other people's Tokens".

There will be multiple routes that money comes from. For example, once you create a Token, and your Token is 1 cent each, you could sell 100 of your Token to your friend in person, not on the Market, and they would give you $1 and you would send 100 Tokens to their account. And if that person has never used Cryptocurrency in their lives, now they have access to Cryptocurrency and can start speculating and Day Trading with the Tokens they got from you.

Another example, AURA holders, they will be creating Tokens, and Buying other people's Tokens with AURA and their Tokens. So they will have money going in to it, but if they are buying right now then they don't have to worry about the speculative fluctuations taking down the price, because once the YouStock Platform launches, the price of AURA will probably never go as low as it is now, again. So the only way we are benefiting from loss there is from people who come in later and Buy AURA at $1 or $5, they may lose money. But they could also create their own Token and become part of the economy.

Then there are current Bitcoin and Ethereum holders, they will invest randomly. And may lose some money, but if they are smart they will invest in Tokens when they are low in value, and do so when Ethereum or BTC is on the way down anyways. Then they can wait for their Tokens to go up in value, and trade out for more ETH or BTC than they started with.

Then there will be other exachanges. Because even though your Token is automatically on the AURADEX, that does not mean you can't do the petitioning, or paying the exchange to get listed on another exchange. And this will open up the Market to various Tokens and full Blockchained Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Doge, Litecoin, etc. So there will be Tokens that open us open to other Markets. For example, say we are all on the AURADEX, and I get my Token on Bittrex, or Etherdelta or Binance. Then suddenly we can all go on the AURADEX, use your Tokens to Buy my Tokens, then send my Tokens to the second exchange, and instead of just AURA and ETH being the way out of the Market, there will be tons of other Coins.

Title: Re: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: dennisch123 on August 25, 2018, 04:49:14 AM
Thanks for posting this, how large is the Minds community?

A friend of mine just mentioned it recently, I never heard of it before so quite curious as he kept on pushing for me to create an account on

Title: Re: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: dennisch123 on August 25, 2018, 04:51:00 AM
As for your rewards program

What do you do when you run out of tokens to reward.

Or is there an infinite amount same like at Steem? If so how much new coins (percentage wise) will be minted each year?

Title: Re: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: Tokenista on August 25, 2018, 05:07:29 AM
Thanks for posting this, how large is the Minds community?

A friend of mine just mentioned it recently, I never heard of it before so quite curious as he kept on pushing for me to create an account on

they have been on Fox News and they say they get at least 500,000 views a day minimum but this is like Steemit in July 2015 when it was all just expecting payment and never having been paid then July 2015 anyone who had posted on Steemit got paid and STEEM was actually on the market this same thing just happened with Minds and it is not even on exchanges yet still

Title: Re: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: Tokenista on August 25, 2018, 05:09:09 AM
As for your rewards program

What do you do when you run out of tokens to reward.

Or is there an infinite amount same like at Steem? If so how much new coins (percentage wise) will be minted each year?

here is the white paper

Title: Re: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: Tokenista on August 25, 2018, 05:15:32 AM

Title: Re: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: 3-tails on August 25, 2018, 05:41:54 AM
If you're not already using Minds, now is the time to get in so you can get yourself established and really become a part of their community. I love Minds and Steemit and I would be thrilled to have everyone using both as they can both compliment each other and are on the same team for blockchain censorship resistant social.

Whoever you are, you aren't from Minds' staff. You're clearly a Steemit user and trying to use Minds to make money. Frankly, Minds is not supposed to be like Steemit and encouraging people to turn it into another commercial mess like Steemit won't help anything.

1) The tokens are a token (riding on ETH no less) with a specific use in mind, not a generalized crypto currency.

2) They aren't made to be resold. You can't even resell tokens you get from activity. It was literally against the TOS up until this month and now the TOS warns against trying it.

3) Steemit culture is all about making money. Minds is about spreading info. When you try to make Minds into Steemit you lose what made Minds special. If you want steemit, stay on Steemit.

Title: Re: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: Tokenista on August 25, 2018, 06:21:28 AM
If you're not already using Minds, now is the time to get in so you can get yourself established and really become a part of their community. I love Minds and Steemit and I would be thrilled to have everyone using both as they can both compliment each other and are on the same team for blockchain censorship resistant social.

Whoever you are, you aren't from Minds' staff. You're clearly a Steemit user and trying to use Minds to make money. Frankly, Minds is not supposed to be like Steemit and encouraging people to turn it into another commercial mess like Steemit won't help anything.

1) The tokens are a token (riding on ETH no less) with a specific use in mind, not a generalized crypto currency.

2) They aren't made to be resold. You can't even resell tokens you get from activity. It was literally against the TOS up until this month and now the TOS warns against trying it.

3) Steemit culture is all about making money. Minds is about spreading info. When you try to make Minds into Steemit you lose what made Minds special. If you want steemit, stay on Steemit.

I hardly use steemit and I am not just trying to make money I am showing everyone how money is about to be made this thread will have 1,000,000 views very very quickly and I just want everyone to know that we should all have the goal of getting Minds Tokens traded for Gold

1) I am pretty sure I have been the one telling everyone that it is an ETH token, so I am not sure how you are acting like this is a point against me, good job expanding on my point

2) Look at Kekls, I can say "send me 500 Minds Tokens and I will send you this piece of art I created", or, you can say "send me any amount of Minds Tokens and I will send you 1,000 of my tokens per Mind Token that you send me" and now everyone is holding currencies.

3) Steemit is not all about making money, I share most of my steemit posts on Twitter not ever expecting anyone on Steemit to vote on them, just having a place to post for people to read. The currency thing is extra, and again I am just pointing out what we can all do, and that the real goal is Minds Token for Gold.

Title: Re: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: Tokenista on August 25, 2018, 06:32:03 AM
It's not hard to create an Ethereum token and there are a LOT of Minds users so this is all about to happen

Apris moi le deluge
if anyone wants to get started doing custom stuff you can use metamask and truffle suite just connect it to the aura mainnet this is what ethereum is meant for not just creating smart contracts but creating blockchains so its not hard to connect ethereum tools to the new blockchains

here are some more tools

if you have heard of bitshares that is where a lot of this blockchain stuff is coming from and moving forward out of they have assets instead of tokens

here is another ethereum game

ethereum projects

example of an ethereum game on a website requiring a wallet on the blockchain

here is an example of a script that could be used as the basis for a smart contract that pays users to write on a website

smart contract security

here are a bunch of ethereum smart contracts


Title: Re: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: Tokenista on August 25, 2018, 06:35:36 AM
It's not hard to create an Ethereum token and there are a LOT of Minds users so this is all about to happen

Apris moi le deluge
if anyone wants to get started doing custom stuff you can use metamask and truffle suite just connect it to the aura mainnet this is what ethereum is meant for not just creating smart contracts but creating blockchains so its not hard to connect ethereum tools to the new blockchains

here are some more tools

if you have heard of bitshares that is where a lot of this blockchain stuff is coming from and moving forward out of they have assets instead of tokens

here is another ethereum game

ethereum projects

example of an ethereum game on a website requiring a wallet on the blockchain

here is an example of a script that could be used as the basis for a smart contract that pays users to write on a website

smart contract security

here are a bunch of ethereum smart contracts


this thread is going to be for creating ethereum blockchains so everyone can start making them it is not hard at all

here is how to do it

Ethereum Cookbook

Download MetaMask


Truffle Ganache


Here are dApps

And dApps can be used on the Ethereum Mist Network

Guide to create a Crypto Kitties type Game

how to create ethereum tokens

part 2

cryptokitties clone in 20 min

cloning ethereum smart contracts might be cheaper soon with EIP 1167

guide for creating eth clones without touching code

cloning ethereum smart contracts

clone factory

Title: Re: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: dennisch123 on August 25, 2018, 08:00:32 AM
As for your rewards program

What do you do when you run out of tokens to reward.

Or is there an infinite amount same like at Steem? If so how much new coins (percentage wise) will be minted each year?

here is the white paper

Thanks, they are rather vague about it:

Minds will designate a capped supply of tokens for both sales and contribution rewards. Tokens will
only be minted as needed on an ongoing basis, determined by the demand and activity from the
network. The following table describes the allocation of the token supply cap of ​one billion tokens​:

On one hand they say capped supply of 1 billion, and on the other hand they say it will be minted as needed...

Title: Re: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: Tokenista on August 25, 2018, 08:04:19 AM
As for your rewards program

What do you do when you run out of tokens to reward.

Or is there an infinite amount same like at Steem? If so how much new coins (percentage wise) will be minted each year?

here is the white paper

Thanks, they are rather vague about it:

Minds will designate a capped supply of tokens for both sales and contribution rewards. Tokens will
only be minted as needed on an ongoing basis, determined by the demand and activity from the
network. The following table describes the allocation of the token supply cap of ​one billion tokens​:

On one hand they say capped supply of 1 billion, and on the other hand they say it will be minted as needed...

so 1 Minds Token = 1,000 views on the platform so right now that shouldn't be worth much because it's newer and everything but eventually there will be say 100,000,000 users on minds and if you want to get 1,000,000 views it shouldn't be as easy as spending like 1 or 2 ethereum and it should cost more for companies like say whataburger or someone to come on to in the year 2020 or 2021 and buy 50,000,000 views for an advertisement it will be a lot more by then

so right now you can get Minds Tokens for a really good price and get a bunch of views on your profile

Title: Re: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: Tokenista on August 25, 2018, 08:06:01 AM
right now is still new there is not an established hierarchy yet and it may never emerge but it probably will and if you get a ton of views right now you will be in a position in the future to have a larger voice because you will have a larger audience who has seen your posts

Title: Re: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: Tokenista on August 25, 2018, 08:14:51 AM
and say the Token goes to like $20 each within the next month and the creators aren't happy with that high price they could do an airdrop and give everyone a bunch of Minds Tokens and the price would drop and because people use them to get views there will always be a burnoff the Minds company will always be getting a bunch of them back in exchange for views and they can do whatever they want with them but whenever they did airdrops it would lower the price on the market and whenever they did burnoffs it would raise the price

Title: Re: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: Tokenista on August 25, 2018, 08:30:21 AM
and like I was talking about before there is a game called prospectors and there is a currency called pgl that you can get in the game an on the exchanges it is 6 cents like 0.06 USD each but when the game launches instead of the maybe 20-50 people that are buying it randomly while waiting for the game right now there will be probably 250-500 maybe 1,000 or 10,000 people trying to buy it so they can level up in the game and have a better gold mine in order to generate more currency in the game so at that point the people that started off with 100 pgl or 500 pgl or 1,000 pgl right now while it is 0.06 USD each will have a huge advantage over all of those people and they will be trying to get gold to trade out of the game.

And inside the game there are rocks and water and metal and wood and all those things that people can trade for gold and everyone who has at least 100 pgl right now waiting to transfer into the game will have a tiny foothold above everyone else that joins the game 1 week later and has 0 pgl or 1 month later and has 0 pgl that 100 pgl allows you to have that small advantage and they could do it later also but maybe in 1 week it is $0.50 USD and then in 1 month it is $1.00 and that is $100 just to get the same advantage you have in the game and they have to buy it from someone like you who already has property in the game, etc

and there can be a pgl group on

there could be a whole community of people that use both pgl and Minds Tokens and they can trade back and forth and create something like a Foreign Exchange Market where 2 Tokens are traded against each other and against Ethereum and Bitcoin and Litecoin, etc

and we are all in on Minds in the beginning right now it is basically worth $0.00 right now exchange that you can buy it at

Title: Re: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: Tokenista on August 25, 2018, 09:05:26 AM
there is a token creation service called CEth coming out in a few days

Title: Re: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: Tokenista on August 25, 2018, 09:21:03 AM
and just by the mere fact that our coins are "on chain" means that we could go on myetherwallet and we could exchange eth addresses and we could send Minds Tokens back and forth "on chain" so that means anyone who wants to can build a Minds Token wallet outside of and myetherwallet and then they could make that wallet do trades for different currencies and allow people to trade currencies back and forth

there could be Minds Token faucets and all kinds of Minds Token things off of the website because they are "on chain" meaning that they are full blown Tokens on the Ethereum Blockchain

everyone look up "etherdelta" there was something called the "etherdelta hack" where someone created a website called etherdelta to trade tokens and etherdelta today is still a popular website to trade tokens but etherdelta was hacked at one point and there was a decision made to go backwards in the blockchain and remove all transactions back to the hack so the hacker would have no coins and start over with Ethereum from there and they did that and there was a schism and Ethereum Class (ETC) was made and people thought that Ethereum might crash or that ETC was a joke and wouldn't be anything but nothing dramatic happened except that ETC established itself over time and ETC is just the old Ethereum Blockchain that includes the etherdelta hack.

but the point is someone could create the etherdelta of the Minds community and there could be an entire alternative Ethereum Blockchain that Minds users use, and it could be called the MindChain or something and it could have all kinds of apps on it and they could all work side-by-side with the Ethereum Token apps that are created on the regular Ethereum Blockchain and the MindChain could even just be 1 of many different blockchains and even with just ethereum there would be tons of Tokens

there are a ton of Minds users this is going to be bigger than Steemit

Title: Re: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: Tokenista on August 26, 2018, 05:33:28 AM
everyone here in this thread needs to go join

the best way to do it is this so first go to and create an account then once you have a name and a profile picture and maybe post some things that you have posted on here or on facebook or something and post 10-15 things on your account then go to the tab that lets you follow other people's profiles, it is called "subscribing" on and just go through and subscribe to as many people as you possibly can because there are not that many people on the platform yet so right now there are still communities being created through the groups. So first go and subscribe to as many people as possible then other people will subscribe to you and once you have a few subscribers you can start posting more stuff and it will show up in their feeds and they can start liking and sharing (reminding) your stuff and you will get a ton of point from the subscribers you get and the likes and reminds and you will earn minds tokens

for Minds users who are reading this thread the Minds Token is an Ethereum Token so here is the link to the main Ethereum thread where the Ethereum creator posts updates and stuff about ethereum and other people complain about and celebrate the price changes

Title: Re: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: Tokenista on August 27, 2018, 01:48:36 AM

Title: Re: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: Tokenista on August 27, 2018, 03:13:32 AM
now that is on the Ethereum Blockchain there are going to be new projects launching on instead of on Bitcointalk this is going to become a large phenomenon it is just bound to happen that eventually many projects like these are going to be on the Minds website instead of the Bitcointalk website, or both

examples of tokens

examples of tokens and coins

from the aura thread
since we are about to start having youstocks everyone should have more resources for creating contracts on the blockchain

for anyone wondering what youstocks are going to be and are not sure exactly what aura is here is an example of what is about to happen here is a list of ethereum github repositories that allow you to create ethereum tokens these same smart contracts can be copied and pasted off of the ethereum blockchain and people can start creating youstock tokens and the developer of aura is most likely going to create a platform that is better than any of these but this is an example someone could copy and paste these right now and have people start launching tokens but that is what is going to be happening soon anyways

here is how people create tokens on the ethereum platform

this is a web browser similar to mozilla or google chrome or internet explorer that exists on the ethereum blockchain

token generators

qr code generators for smartphones

resources for solidity users

here is an example of a pretty detailed smart contract token

here are some other ethereum blockchains if we can all start creating tokens on the various blockchains as our youstock platform comes out we can have tokens that can be traded across platfroms for example say someone from the aura community goes on the ethereum blockchain right now and creates a token on the ethereum blockchain they would not even have to do an ico they could just hand out the token or tell people that they can earn the token by posting about aura on twitter or by posting about aura on steemit for all the steemit users to see or by writing on a blog website that the creator of the coin creates so that he can populate his new website whatever the reason is it would be an aura goal for an ethereum token and we could all start using it today instead of waiting for the youstock platform and I am not pushing saying that someone absolutely needs to do this I am just pointing out how cross pollination works

but then say after someone created an ethereum token another person created an etherzero token or some other kind of ethereum token like on the soil or victorium blockchains at that point instead of being the competitors of aura those blockchains become pools of new users that can come to aura and the tokens they are using will be tokens that are used both by that blockchain and aura users which is not something that another blockchain has no other ethereum blockchain is connected to all the other ethereum blockchains except for ethereum and only because of the fact that all of the new blockchains came from the ethereum blockchain and just have different IDs and genesis blocks

other ethereum blockchains we could benefit from making tokens on various blockchains and have them all being traded by aura users it will bring capital to the aura exchanges and bring in new aura holders

if anyone wants to create an ethzero token here is how

is there a website or app to create tokens on the etherzero blockchain and what is the etherdelta equivalent on the etherzero blockchain?

Download metamask extansion for chrome browser, and add custom node by url
Keep balance 0.01 etz at least in your account at metamask
Connect web3 by Remix(, now u can code and create tokens in Remix

Not yet token exchanges like etherdelta on ETZ, but soon it will be, please wait.

If you have legger just connect to wallet.ethezero,then chose send tokens,connect your wallet and it should be ok. Dont forget in legger select etherum>settings>browser suport>yes

Should be ok.

here is what the people on the expanse blockchain said

is there any kind of way to create tokens on the expanse blockchain by just typing in values and the ticker and everything and putting it through an app that has been created on the blockchain? if there is a way to create tokens on the expanse blockchain that is simple for people to create tokens then I will share the app with everyone and have people create new tokens on this blockchain I am currently holding aura and waiting for them to create the aura youstock platform to share but the more places people can create tokens the more there can be cross pollination of markets

You can create tokens on the Expanse blockchain through Tokenlab!

here is tokenlab

here are some social media blockchains that are on ethereum right now everyone should go to them and start asking them to create social media products on the aura blockchain

we can also use these platform to get tokens that we can then use to fund own youstocks as well as use them to spread the youstock platform because platforms where people are already earning tokens are the perfect places to tell people how to make their own tokens using youstocks

this one plans to overtake facebook

this one allows people to create challenges and put more money towards challenges other people have created in order to get people to do them

this one says you can mine tokens using existing social media accounts like facebook

a few more social media platforms

thug coin

these are ethereum contracts that aura should be aware of as aura could have smart contracts just like these and anyone can launch them on the aura blockchain

these are similar to the youstock idea but different

review writing token

article writing token

social media like facebook

japanese social media

like youtube but with a token

a virtual reality with tokens

a smart contract meant to unify exchanges in some cross platform way

an exchange that seems to have some new ideas

supposedly this token allows you to monetize your email address by accepting random emails

content market

a social media thing to meet new people

a currency that watches the market and changes its value

like kickstarter or gofundme

create mesh networks for tokens

this is like cloud mining but you can buy a share in any monetized machine so a robot that does labor could be owned by 100 people who profit from the labor whether they are directly involved with the company or not or it could be used for cloud mining services

I am going through and looking at all the eth tokens so I will be adding more here so that people can see what the possibilities are for aura

here are some more interesting smart contracts just to show everyone what exists and what can be created on the aura blockchain

bitcoin as an ethereum token meaning a blockchain on a blockchain

minereum a self mining blockchain

300 token is a token that exists on minereum which exists on ethereum meaning it is something like a blockchain on a blockchain on a blockchain

a proof-of-stake ethereum token

this is basically the exact same thing as youstocks

another youstock type platform

a youstock type exchange where you can supposedly create tokens

airdrop as a service

a social market currency

another article writing token

a book publishing token

like soundcloud on the blockchain

this is a trading bot like the gunbot thing that you purchase except it runs on a token

this is a virtual reality where you either mine gold or do things to make money from the people mining gold

a lottery

another lottery

bounty token connected to an ico bounty website

another youtube with a token

here is a poll taking token but I am not sure if they pay the people that take the polls that is not clear

this seems to be a token that watches all the other tokens for you

this token is putting games on a blockchain so gamers can pay miners for running the game and everything

internet and cloud type services on the blockchain

this is something called mercury protocol and has something called the global messaging token (gmt) I am not sure this is the main thread but I can't find a main on

this is a coin you supposedly get when you buy certain things

like a mining stock that represents a certain amount of mining power in a mining facility and can be rented or sold

indorse is meant to get you paid for sharing your online data

proof-of-time blockchain

a gaming token that pays you not to die

another virtual reality token

a token that pays you to participate

a token to help students find jobs

tokenizing assets like silver

pay in any cryptocurrency using 1 token platform

senderon is helping fund crypto projects

crypto hedge fund creation

a token for elearning and teaching each other and helping each other

these are like youstocks but they cost a lot more to create because they are on the ethereum blockchain

Title: Re: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: Tokenista on September 02, 2018, 05:02:30 AM
Here are some websites we can contact to gets the token listed

Title: Re: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: plastick on October 01, 2018, 07:08:44 AM
When binance?

Title: Re: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: xtrump101 on November 01, 2018, 02:51:15 AM
minds and otherdecentralized  social network base on blockchain will replace facebook soon,

Title: Re: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: JungleOnion on November 18, 2018, 05:30:46 AM
right now is still new there is not an established hierarchy yet and it may never emerge but it probably will and if you get a ton of views right now you will be in a position in the future to have a larger voice because you will have a larger audience who has seen your posts

Supposedly in the white paper it says that mind has been in beta since 2015. There's a lot of users using minds I'm surprised it hasn't gained more traction. Is undervalued and unlike sola which is plagued with spam, minds actually has a beautiful UI and it's a good platform overall.

Title: Re: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: Stackbit on April 23, 2019, 04:59:27 PM
what you guys say? buy this token ? there is any exchange where we can buy it?

Title: Re: Token Launch Today! Earn For Contributions Or Buy
Post by: plastick on August 12, 2019, 11:25:54 AM
Forkdelta is the only exchange I have seen with minds token activity but it is based on the old etherdelta contract and etherdelta is currently under investigation for an ICO exit scam.