Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Invites & Accounts => Topic started by: Vadskaer on February 27, 2014, 05:22:03 PM

Title: Selling great account
Post by: Vadskaer on February 27, 2014, 05:22:03 PM
Hi all, im new to bitcoins, but i thought i'd try to sell my account for bitcoins to get into the whole thing, so bear in mind this will be my first bitcoin deal.

The account in on EU and contains the following games:
Wow mist of pandaria.
Diablo 3.
Starcraft 2.

I'll start with the hearthstone account since that is where i think you will get the most value.
A total of 21 legendary cards, here goes:
Nat pagle
Lorewalker cho
Bloodmage thalnos
King mukla
Elite tauren chieftain (golden from blizzcon)
Gebin mekkatorque
Cairne bloodhoof
Illidan stormrage
The black knight
Archmage antonidas
Tirion fordring
Lord jaraxxus
Grom hellscream
Baron geddon
Leeroy jenkins
Old murk eye

Besides all the legendary cards, the account contains almost every epic and rare card available in the game. With this account you can make any type of deck you want.

The wow account has a level 90 priest with ~525 ilvl and ~7000 gold. not much more to say here, i haven't been playing wow for a while so i can't get into much more details.

The diablo 3 account contains a lvl 60 barbarian, wizard and whitch doctor. They are all 3 paragon lvl 20-45, and the barbarian was able to run MP10 back when i was playing, the account has about 70 gold.

I hope to see some interesting offers in bitcoin, and i would appreciate any advice you might want to add on a sale like this  :)

Title: Re: Selling great account
Post by: jump4ever on February 27, 2014, 05:23:59 PM
You might want to add some pictures.
And welcome to the world of bitcoin

Title: Re: Selling great account
Post by: Vadskaer on February 27, 2014, 05:29:49 PM
You might want to add some pictures.
And welcome to the world of bitcoin

I see your point but i wouldn't want to make the topic too huge, i feel that i would need a lot of picture place to show evverything i want to show, but i will of course be providing pictures for anyone interested in seing more, thanks for the advice and the welcome though :)