Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Shyamthakur3 on August 26, 2018, 03:16:52 PM

Title: Architect Launches Bitcoin Hostel Near Rio De Janeiro in Brazil
Post by: Shyamthakur3 on August 26, 2018, 03:16:52 PM
Architect Launches Bitcoin Hostel Near Rio De Janeiro in Brazil

Title: Re: Architect Launches Bitcoin Hostel Near Rio De Janeiro in Brazil
Post by: YuginKadoya on August 26, 2018, 03:50:50 PM
This goes to show how really popular cryptocurrency is and mostly what bitcoin really has to offer in this kind establishment, I really think that the owner did a great job in really promoting the Cryptocurrency name and let the passerby wonder what really is bitcoin and other altcoins is, Both imagination and creativity of the owner I think is brilliant and well while for now bitcoin is the only Cryptocurrency that are accepted in this hostel for now they will eventually proceed in accepting further, Ripple’s XRP, Monero in the future.

Title: Re: Architect Launches Bitcoin Hostel Near Rio De Janeiro in Brazil
Post by: cellard on August 26, 2018, 04:41:31 PM
Interesting that they say they will accept Monero (XMR) in the future too. I wonder how a merchant is supposed to do taxes when you get paid in an untraceable cryptocurrency? I guess it's similar to getting paid in cash. The problem is what will happen once governments ban cash, interesting future ahead.

As far as BTC usage goes, I hope they start learning how to set up a lightning network node to receive LN payments for when the fees start going up again eventually.

Title: Re: Architect Launches Bitcoin Hostel Near Rio De Janeiro in Brazil
Post by: r1s2g3 on August 26, 2018, 08:17:11 PM
If travel and tourism start accepting cryto currency then International travelers will be most relieved. It will be headache to accumulate forex and return unused forex after the visit completes.   If we have some establishment that can accept cryto currencies in all over the world.
But sad part is some government do not see crypto currency as currency and do not take it as legal form of payment.

Anyway good article though article is seriously lacking with pictures.

Title: Re: Architect Launches Bitcoin Hostel Near Rio De Janeiro in Brazil
Post by: malekbaba on August 26, 2018, 08:52:16 PM
Can anybody inform me how much it costs to rent such property? Managing a hostel / hotel with crypto is interesting project, seems to me. Lets see how crypto acts in this real business. I prefer crypto while travelling. And have plan to run such business in future.
Currently I am also in health faculty that uses crypto as fuel to deliver health services.

Title: Re: Architect Launches Bitcoin Hostel Near Rio De Janeiro in Brazil
Post by: coinpedia240 on August 28, 2018, 08:00:40 PM
That's an interesting and innovative one. Like this idea a lot. It will definitely help to rise the ecosystem of cryptocurrency. If this news go viral than it will definitely help to grow cryptocurrency not only in Brazil but also in other countries around the world.

Title: Re: Architect Launches Bitcoin Hostel Near Rio De Janeiro in Brazil
Post by: BitcoinMaster555 on August 28, 2018, 08:28:28 PM
That's an amazing news. Bitcoin is now being used in literally every possible field. Hostel Bitcoin is a crypto themed hostel built by Alessandro Santos in Paraty of Brazil. The customers will be able to pay for every service including breakfast and tours through Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Architect Launches Bitcoin Hostel Near Rio De Janeiro in Brazil
Post by: jamesbondbd007 on August 28, 2018, 08:48:00 PM
This is really great news for the market of crypto currency. This proves that the popularity and the demand of the crypto currency as well as bitcoin in on the rise. Such initiative will make the crypto currency more mainstream and popular.

Title: Re: Architect Launches Bitcoin Hostel Near Rio De Janeiro in Brazil
Post by: cryptokingdom on August 28, 2018, 09:02:51 PM
I am an educationist that have passion for teaching and establishing a standard private school in my country where parent and guardian can pay their children or wards school fees with cryptocurrency. With this cryptocurrency will dominate if every cryptocurrency fans accept cryptocurrecny for thier goods and services.

Title: Re: Architect Launches Bitcoin Hostel Near Rio De Janeiro in Brazil
Post by: btcmaster999 on August 28, 2018, 09:17:22 PM
This is really great. Now bitcoin will be more popular in the Brazil and this will also help to increase the familiarity of the bitcoin to others. This proves that bitcoin has lot of opportunity and such steps will make it more mainstream.

Title: Re: Architect Launches Bitcoin Hostel Near Rio De Janeiro in Brazil
Post by: Sandus_Cryptolover on August 28, 2018, 09:30:22 PM
More of such wonderful news and use cases of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency at large will keep springing up on steady basis. The blockchain technology in no distance time will gain mass adoption sooner than expected. This job just the beginning.

Title: Re: Architect Launches Bitcoin Hostel Near Rio De Janeiro in Brazil
Post by: Athanasios Motok on August 28, 2018, 09:48:46 PM
It's a great idea! Bitcoin hostel. If they will accept cryptocurrency, then they can help in the development of the crypto world. The most important thing is that he would pay taxes and from the government there were no problems to the owner and the entrepreneur.

Title: Re: Architect Launches Bitcoin Hostel Near Rio De Janeiro in Brazil
Post by: Barrycuda007 on August 28, 2018, 10:03:14 PM
This is a really good news to see. This just shows that the market is getting more and more popular day by day. This is just the start that crypto will be taking over all the sectors in the industry soon.

Title: Re: Architect Launches Bitcoin Hostel Near Rio De Janeiro in Brazil
Post by: eni19888 on August 28, 2018, 10:07:38 PM
this demonstrates how extremely famous cryptocurrency is and for the most part what bitcoin truly brings to the table in this kind foundation, I truly believe that the proprietor completed an extraordinary activity in truly advancing the Cryptocurrency name and let the bystander ponder what truly is bitcoin and different altcoins is, Both creative ability and inventiveness of the proprietor I believe is splendid and well while for the time being bitcoin is the main Cryptocurrency that are acknowledged in this inn for the time being they will, in the long run, continue in tolerating further, Ripple's XRP, Monero later on.

Title: Re: Architect Launches Bitcoin Hostel Near Rio De Janeiro in Brazil
Post by: MarshMagpie on August 28, 2018, 10:31:27 PM
If the travel and tourism starts to accept the crypto currency the most relieved people will be the international travelers. If the crypto currency is accepted all over the world, it will be a great initiative. But one sad part is, not every country’s govt. accept the crypto currency as a legal form of payment.

Title: Re: Architect Launches Bitcoin Hostel Near Rio De Janeiro in Brazil
Post by: CrazyBTC7800 on August 29, 2018, 05:57:29 PM
The international travelers would be the most relieved one if the crypto currency is accepted by the travel and tourism. But it’s very unfortunate that, all county’s government doesn’t accept the crypto currency and consider as a legal form of payment. But if it happens, it will be a great initiative.

Title: Re: Architect Launches Bitcoin Hostel Near Rio De Janeiro in Brazil
Post by: CorneliaMarket on August 29, 2018, 06:15:16 PM
Crypto currency is now being accepted by everyone and travel and tourism are also in it. But sadly, government of all country doesn’t accept this and they consider it as a illegal form of payment.  It will really be a great initiative if things happen like this.

Title: Re: Architect Launches Bitcoin Hostel Near Rio De Janeiro in Brazil
Post by: Nicolaus Copernicus on August 29, 2018, 07:03:11 PM
I think these things clearly represents how popular bitcoin is! And this is interesting thing and looks like a really promising project. I wish it to be successful very fast.

Title: Re: Architect Launches Bitcoin Hostel Near Rio De Janeiro in Brazil
Post by: ss890 on August 29, 2018, 07:17:13 PM
Architect Launches Bitcoin Hostel Near Rio De Janeiro in Brazil

Great, why they did not make it when I was in the college. Lolz. I could just get my bitcoins over the campaigns and bounties and then get myself enrolled into the hostel by showing up the bitcoin QR code. Who wouldn't love that? I guess thats the best thing these architecture have done and I am sure that he must be the crypto enthusiast and thus making it go green. A crypto currency acceptance will have to grow like this only then only there will be real world applications real soon. There will come time when the crypto gonna need big infra to work properly. Waiting for such instance to happen soon.

Title: Re: Architect Launches Bitcoin Hostel Near Rio De Janeiro in Brazil
Post by: MetalCoinMTC on August 29, 2018, 07:32:56 PM
Sound like a very cool project to me. These types of attempts are really important for the betterment of the cryptoworld. This will influence more investors to join the market.

Title: Re: Architect Launches Bitcoin Hostel Near Rio De Janeiro in Brazil
Post by: Bourn1993 on August 29, 2018, 07:53:03 PM
This is a very great initiative. I hope we will see more hostels like this. These can more attention from people those who don't know properly about bitcoin or not interested yet.

Title: Re: Architect Launches Bitcoin Hostel Near Rio De Janeiro in Brazil
Post by: aoluain on August 29, 2018, 08:09:16 PM
What a theme to have a bitcoin hostel. Great idea and nice to hear about
bitcoin adoption and promotion. From the article it says that it was set up
in 2016, i wonder how it has progressed in 2 years.

"Initially, Santos revealed, the hostel will only accept BTC payments, but will eventually accept Ripple’s XRP, Monero, and “what we can get through a simple account at an exchange like Bittrex.” The engineer further revealed he plans on selling bitcoin at the hostel, although he “can’t speak [about it] because of a confidentiality agreement.”"

I like this jdea of only accepting bitcoin payments and the fact that bitcoin
can also be bought on site.

Title: Re: Architect Launches Bitcoin Hostel Near Rio De Janeiro in Brazil
Post by: markluis on August 30, 2018, 12:47:13 AM
This is really interesting incident. I think this will increase the popularity of crypto. And people will be more interested to crypto. I hope more contribution like this happens for crypto in future.

Title: Re: Architect Launches Bitcoin Hostel Near Rio De Janeiro in Brazil
Post by: bond07 on August 30, 2018, 02:00:02 AM
that is very interesting news, well I have to admit that this kind of thing will help bitcoin to establish among the world and very soon the world will be familiar with it ,  but I am still  not sure about it validity cause I haven't seen any updates regarding this so I think we should until we don't get any updates.

Title: Re: Architect Launches Bitcoin Hostel Near Rio De Janeiro in Brazil
Post by: goldSkylark on August 30, 2018, 02:28:47 AM
Oh, sounds fancy! But on a serious note, I've noticed how bitcoin is more popular in the tourism industry. Why is that? Shouldn't we focus on more commonly used businesses like shops and cafes so we could practice the use of the currency everyday? I think incorporating it into our daily life will help hasten its mass adoption. What do you think?

Title: Re: Architect Launches Bitcoin Hostel Near Rio De Janeiro in Brazil
Post by: earnetheasy on August 30, 2018, 02:08:31 PM
I think this grow not so fast but bitcoin made this establishment. The owner did a huge job to promote the crypto and the passer by wonder what really bitcoin and altcoin is. Those who thought it I think the did a brilliant job. I think it’s future is very good.

Title: Re: Architect Launches Bitcoin Hostel Near Rio De Janeiro in Brazil
Post by: annasadia on August 30, 2018, 04:31:31 PM
This is worth a news as it spread all of the worlds which will make hello to BTC with many of the people who actually did not even know cryptocurrency. It will be great if this Bitcoin Hostel accepts BTC as well as altcoins as the mode of payment.