Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Vladdirescu87 on August 26, 2018, 07:37:58 PM

Title: [2018-08-26] BCH Have Ceased Exchanging Punches With BTC Core, It's Time to Move
Post by: Vladdirescu87 on August 26, 2018, 07:37:58 PM
BCH Have Ceased Exchanging Punches With BTC Core, It's Time to Move On Well

Bitcoin Core vs Bitcoin Cash (BCH) appears to have taken a new path. Not anymore are the Bitcoin Cash team concentrating on obliterating Bitcoin Core, they now appear to be baptising amongst themselves with fire, this time around within two mercenary groups, Bitcoin ABC and Bitcoin SV. It’s a strife, a civil war and it could result into a big change in a manner Bitcoin Cash is controlled and maintained.

Read the details in the article of Coinidol dot com, the world blockchain news outlet:

Title: Re: [2018-08-26] BCH Have Ceased Exchanging Punches With BTC Core, It's Time to Move
Post by: gentlemand on August 26, 2018, 10:43:11 PM
So project that splinters Bitcoin (in their own minds at least) splinters again.

Who'da thunk it?

The moment there's more than one BCH is the moment their cred flies down the toilet. Considering the fractiousness and sheer weirdness of the personalities involved it comes as no surprise.

Title: Re: [2018-08-26] BCH Have Ceased Exchanging Punches With BTC Core, It's Time to Move
Post by: InvoKing on August 26, 2018, 11:21:03 PM
I don't mind seeing a Bcash hard fork, after all who mind to get free money?
BTW, Bcash boys cannot agree with anyone including themselves, they will keep fighting each other for every single idea all the time tho...

Title: Re: [2018-08-26] BCH Have Ceased Exchanging Punches With BTC Core, It's Time to Move
Post by: DooMAD on August 28, 2018, 10:51:00 AM
This article is pretty weak.  Had to go read a few others to find out what the dispute actually was.  To save anyone else the effort, the devs of the SV client want 128MB blocks and don't want to introduce the new opcodes and features the ABC client devs want to add, in order to support things like atomic swaps.  Should be interesting to watch a consensus mechanism in action again.  Craig Steven "Scammer" Wright is supporting the SV client.

It's curious that ABC have their own ideas about how to implement atomic swaps.  I wonder if they can do it in a way that would be compatible with how Bitcoin and Lightning will do it.  If not, they could find themselves in a situation where lots of altcoins have made sure they're compatible with LN's implementation (because "network effects", so you'd clearly want to be compatible with BTC), leaving BCH isolated because they chose the wrong development path.  It doesn't look like SV will be aiming to support atomic swaps at all in the near future, so I don't rate their chances very highly.  I suspect interoperability between blockchains will become a key prerequisite, one which users will demand on having, over the course of the next few years.  Any coin that doesn't get it right could be jeopardising their survival.

Title: Re: [2018-08-26] BCH Have Ceased Exchanging Punches With BTC Core, It's Time to Move
Post by: 1Referee on August 28, 2018, 12:00:01 PM
I don't mind seeing a Bcash hard fork, after all who mind to get free money?
It's very expensive "free" money in this case. If BCash splits, it will lose a large chunk of its hashpower and instantly becomes more vulnurable to attacks than it already is.

In all cases, the only entity being responsible for granting BCash importance is Bitmain, so whatever chain Bitmain ends up supporting, that will become the most "successful" one. Roger Ver will follow his master Jihan everywhere, which again is a major plus for that specific chain with how much of an influential player he is.

BTW, Bcash boys cannot agree with anyone including themselves, they will keep fighting each other for every single idea all the time tho...
Instead of being happy with how certain parties within BCash don't agree with each other, because that's a part of decentralization, they blast each other off and throw around with mud. We're dealing with con artists who all want to have full control over something that's not meant to be controlled by anyone. They are going to ruin everything they worked so hard for and I absolutely love it! :D

Title: Re: [2018-08-26] BCH Have Ceased Exchanging Punches With BTC Core, It's Time to Move
Post by: dreamhouse on August 29, 2018, 02:05:02 AM
BCH is the only BTC clone that has survived, but for how long? interesting to see...

Title: Re: [2018-08-26] BCH Have Ceased Exchanging Punches With BTC Core, It's Time to Move
Post by: vit05 on August 29, 2018, 05:23:56 AM
This article is pretty weak.  Had to go read a few others to find out what the dispute actually was.  To save anyone else the effort, the devs of the SV client want 128MB blocks and don't want to introduce the new opcodes and features the ABC client devs want to add, in order to support things like atomic swaps.  Should be interesting to watch a consensus mechanism in action again.  Craig Steven "Scammer" Wright is supporting the SV client.

It's curious that ABC have their own ideas about how to implement atomic swaps.  I wonder if they can do it in a way that would be compatible with how Bitcoin and Lightning will do it.  If not, they could find themselves in a situation where lots of altcoins have made sure they're compatible with LN's implementation (because "network effects", so you'd clearly want to be compatible with BTC), leaving BCH isolated because they chose the wrong development path.  It doesn't look like SV will be aiming to support atomic swaps at all in the near future, so I don't rate their chances very highly.  I suspect interoperability between blockchains will become a key prerequisite, one which users will demand on having, over the course of the next few years.  Any coin that doesn't get it right could be jeopardising their survival.

Atomic swap and the framework for smart contracts would be great advances for Bitcoin Cash. This obsession with Satoshi's supposed vision is really strange. Every defense of the SV is based on this. But what is really interesting is the possibility of seeing again the BCC ticker being widely used as this new Bitcoin led by Craig Wright as noted by Vitalik.

Just as Bitcoin got much bigger after the split. BCH will also grow up by abandoning this lunatic named Fake Satoshi.

Title: Re: [2018-08-26] BCH Have Ceased Exchanging Punches With BTC Core, It's Time to Move
Post by: veleten on August 29, 2018, 10:34:21 AM
If You Dig A Hole For Others, You're Sure To Fall In It Yourself comes to mind :)
but if you think they ceased to exchange punches with bitcoin core forever you are mistaken
the project was developped as the new,better bitcoin
if they accept their second tier position, they will have no reason to be popular or exist at all,so there will be a constant fight
but for now this "civil war" is what should keep BCH adepts busy for some time

Title: Re: [2018-08-26] BCH Have Ceased Exchanging Punches With BTC Core, It's Time to Move
Post by: TraderTimm on August 29, 2018, 03:41:35 PM
Is the article author serious?

Are they aware there's a thread in this VERY FORUM that has Ver spouting his usual bullshit?

They haven't "stopped" anything. All that is happening is Ver still being a sleazebag, Calvin Ayre/Faketoshi splitting off, Cobra suggesting another fork -- and Bitmain grasping at straws to remain profitable.

I won't rest until they're a memory, and I've been pushing back in every possible forum against their tide of bullshit.

If a month goes by where I don't have to refute yet another goddamn "Lighting is an alt-coin" or "Segwit is patented" kind of shitty propaganda, then I'll agree they've moved on. For now, the shit-blizzard is still in full force.

Title: Re: [2018-08-26] BCH Have Ceased Exchanging Punches With BTC Core, It's Time to Move
Post by: vy99 on August 29, 2018, 03:48:32 PM
This article is pretty weak.  Had to go read a few others to find out what the dispute actually was.  To save anyone else the effort, the devs of the SV client want 128MB blocks and don't want to introduce the new opcodes and features the ABC client devs want to add, in order to support things like atomic swaps.  Should be interesting to watch a consensus mechanism in action again.  Craig Steven "Scammer" Wright is supporting the SV client.

It's curious that ABC have their own ideas about how to implement atomic swaps.  I wonder if they can do it in a way that would be compatible with how Bitcoin and Lightning will do it.  If not, they could find themselves in a situation where lots of altcoins have made sure they're compatible with LN's implementation (because "network effects", so you'd clearly want to be compatible with BTC), leaving BCH isolated because they chose the wrong development path.  It doesn't look like SV will be aiming to support atomic swaps at all in the near future, so I don't rate their chances very highly.  I suspect interoperability between blockchains will become a key prerequisite, one which users will demand on having, over the course of the next few years.  Any coin that doesn't get it right could be jeopardising their survival.

Atomic swap and the framework for smart contracts would be great advances for Bitcoin Cash. This obsession with Satoshi's supposed vision is really strange. Every defense of the SV is based on this. But what is really interesting is the possibility of seeing again the BCC ticker being widely used as this new Bitcoin led by Craig Wright as noted by Vitalik.

Just as Bitcoin got much bigger after the split. BCH will also grow up by abandoning this lunatic named Fake Satoshi.

Man Vitalik is going full-on Trump on Wright (not that he doesn't deserve it)

Title: Re: [2018-08-26] BCH Have Ceased Exchanging Punches With BTC Core, It's Time to Move
Post by: gentlemand on August 29, 2018, 04:08:17 PM
Man Vitalik is going full-on Trump on Wright (not that he doesn't deserve it)

He'd better be careful or Craigy will go full billionaire mode on his ass and he doesn't look like he owns the type of ass that could survive it.

That's if Craig's mum topped up his mobile phone balance this month. I presume she's getting a bit bored of it by now. At the moment he's probably smashing his room up every day, let alone agreeing to keep it tidy.

Title: Re: [2018-08-26] BCH Have Ceased Exchanging Punches With BTC Core, It's Time to Move
Post by: vy99 on August 29, 2018, 04:35:07 PM
Man Vitalik is going full-on Trump on Wright (not that he doesn't deserve it)

He'd better be careful or Craigy will go full billionaire mode on his ass and he doesn't look like he owns the type of ass that could survive it.

That's if Craig's mum topped up his mobile phone balance this month. I presume she's getting a bit bored of it by now. At the moment he's probably smashing his room up every day, let alone agreeing to keep it tidy.

Fun fact: Apparent Craigy-boy can't tell the difference between bits, bytes, or download speeds/bandwidth (

Title: Re: [2018-08-26] BCH Have Ceased Exchanging Punches With BTC Core, It's Time to Move
Post by: betty12 on August 29, 2018, 04:56:14 PM
It's strange to me that bitcoin cash will be forking after just 1year of creation. But the developers of Bitcoin cash had speculated that it was the new improved form of bitcoin. I knew all these were propaganda geared towards getting support for the weak BCH. If they are forking, then some dude are going to make free money.