Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Mining support => Topic started by: Tronlet on October 24, 2011, 01:42:43 AM

Title: XFX Radeon HD 6950, only 305-310 MH/s
Post by: Tronlet on October 24, 2011, 01:42:43 AM
According to the wiki article on mining hardware comparisons, I should be getting 360 MH/s.

i5-2500k CPU, 650W PSU, 8 gigs of RAM, Gigabyte's GA-P67A-D3-B3 MOBO. Temperature hovers around 100 to 126 degrees Fahrenheit or 37 to 52 Celsius, aside from one part that's down to 77/25 degrees.

It is a completely new card, not overclocked or modified, I've been mining with it for about a day and it's stayed steady at 305-310 MH/s. If there's any other info needed, just ask. Other than this oddity the rig does just fine, runs recent games on highest settings and all that.

Title: Re: XFX Radeon HD 6950, only 305-310 MH/s
Post by: phorensic on October 24, 2011, 01:47:46 AM
Your speed is right on par.  Look at the wiki again.  Notice those cards are overclocked to the max with unlocked extra shaders.  You're not overclocked and your temps are ice cold, meaning either your ambient is cold or your card isn't even being used 100% yet.  Lots of tweaking you can do just with miner options.  I suggest cgminer.

Title: Re: XFX Radeon HD 6950, only 305-310 MH/s
Post by: Tronlet on October 24, 2011, 02:16:02 AM

Title: Re: XFX Radeon HD 6950, only 305-310 MH/s
Post by: what@3 on October 25, 2011, 10:46:23 PM
~390 Mh/s all day long xfx 6950 NOT UNLOCKED

CC - 952
Mem - 390
Temp - 68 C

Title: Re: XFX Radeon HD 6950, only 305-310 MH/s
Post by: Tronlet on October 27, 2011, 01:16:07 AM
By the way, in case anyone else has the same question as I did, I just added the flags -v -w128 -f2 to an OpenCL miner in GUIminer. Increased to 340 Mh/s, took about 3 seconds.

Thanks for your advice also, what@3. I might try some overclocking later when I'm more knowledgeable.

Title: Re: XFX Radeon HD 6950, only 305-310 MH/s
Post by: Graet on November 19, 2011, 06:16:51 AM
I suggest cgminer.
you can do your overclocking, fan speeds and much more, easily, from within the miner :)

Title: Re: XFX Radeon HD 6950, only 305-310 MH/s
Post by: bronan on December 11, 2011, 02:11:58 AM
If i where you try cgminer and see how much that does ;)

For more options start cgminer as follows : cgminer --help

Its so full of options too much to mention here :D
I personally used on my 5870 : ()  means you need to replace it fully example -u tester -p x
cgminer.exe  -v 2 -w 128 -I 7 --gpu-engine 900 --gpu-memclock 450 -o -u (pool username) -p (password used)

If you run windows save it into a miner batch or cmd file so you can start it in a easy way
My sapphire 5870 toxic makes about 440 Mh/s running at 920 Mhz core and 450 Mhz memory with cgminer ofcourse the average speeds are not consistent cause there are too many factors involved
Now i have run this 5870 at 940 Mhz without problems but i see the usage of electra go up so high i think its not worh doing.
I think more important is have a efficient miner which uses not so much electra but with a good average.
Now lol i have a 4770 still running and i had made a copy error it ran 15 minutes at 940 Mhz on the cmd from my 5870 :D
Seeing such a small card doing 108 Mh/s scared the hell out of me :D
I know some people get these cards well near or over 1000 Mhz but i really think its not good to do so, even stronger i think my cards can run these speeds also but again its useless because the power usage goes through the roof.