Bitcoin Forum

Other => Archival => Topic started by: BitcoinEXpress on October 26, 2011, 12:06:45 AM

Title: delete
Post by: BitcoinEXpress on October 26, 2011, 12:06:45 AM

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Vod on October 26, 2011, 02:26:43 AM
Comment:  Coinhunter is living rent free in your head my friend.   ;)

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Sannyasi on October 26, 2011, 02:33:25 AM
based on just this info- this totally sounds like he's trying to centralize his cryptocurrency with him owning the ultimate beatstick. but i don't know enough about any of this war to have an opinion so i guess this post doesn't matter

*shakes up another bag of freshly popped corn.....*

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Spacy on October 26, 2011, 03:26:18 AM
Facts? No? Ok, nothing to see here than FUD...

Title: Re: delete
Post by: BitterTea on October 26, 2011, 04:01:29 AM
Facts? No? Ok, nothing to see here than FUD...

Code? No? Ok, nothing to see on the SolidCoin website than FUD...

Title: Re: delete
Post by: ohforf on October 26, 2011, 05:46:32 AM
It would be great if certain people were blocked from the SC2 Network,
but i dont believe that this is the Case.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: makomk on October 26, 2011, 09:28:48 AM
This was originally an aside in the thread about Coinotron appearing to find even blocks which it shouldn't have been able to find, hence the lack of detail. From IRC on the 24th:

22:39 <@RealSolid> ah shit
22:40 <@RealSolid> looks like the artforz went away
22:40 < TimothyA> RealSolid: and the blockchain got hacked
22:40 <@AhimothMobile> yeah
22:40 <@RealSolid> oh?
22:40 <@RealSolid> hacked?
22:40 <@AhimothMobile> not hacked
22:41 < Sharky112065> !blockcount
22:41 < SCBot> The Current Block Is: 40106
22:41 <@RealSolid> it just got slower because his geforce 4 army went away
22:41 <@RealSolid> difficulty will adjust to it soon
22:55 <@RealSolid> the b7 just fucked over artforz and his polluting node
22:55 <@pho|> no, works perfect
22:55 <@mtrlt> wtf
22:55 < BrightSky> RealSolid: What exactly was wrong with before b7 nodes?
22:55 <@RealSolid> we now have capability to remove his malformed time blocks
22:55 <@mtrlt> it shouldn't matter at all what pool it is, for detecting hardware errors
22:55 <@RealSolid> BrightSky: artforz was setting time+1 on old block because there was no way to detect "oldblocks"
22:56 <@RealSolid> so if he took 40s to solve it, he was effectively saying it was only 1s
22:56 < BrightSky> lol
22:56 <@RealSolid> its just a minor thing really, not much damage can be done with it, difficulty gets a few percent higher than it should
22:57 <@RealSolid> but its a malformed time, so b7 added code to detect malformed time and deny the generates
22:57 <@RealSolid> and we can now also detect "old blocks" live, we will enable this sometime today
22:57 < Hadri3n> Hey at least their hatred causes bug fixes :)
22:57 <@RealSolid> yah well hes out a few thousand SC now
22:58 < dribbits> mtrlt: should squid and coino show the same target shares? its the only thing I see different between the two pools in reaper
22:58 <@RealSolid> and a corrupted wallet he will have to hand clean
I'm not exactly sure how RealSolid is remotely corrupting ArtForz's wallet; retroactively invalidating previously-confirmed generates is probably the obvious answer but if RealSolid can do that then we're all in big trouble. More from a couple of hours later:

00:04 <@RealSolid> we'll have to find out later how many blocks of artforz were "nulled" due to the change
00:04 <@RealSolid> seems he didnt realize for some time after the switch
00:04 < TimothyA> RealSolid: he probably doesn't know now..
00:05 <@RealSolid> TimothyA: well hes stopped mining
00:07 <@RealSolid> his last block 40055
00:07 <@pho|> rjb82: every hash you can squeeze out is worth it if you dont care aboot cost overhead (electricity)
00:07 <@RealSolid> hilarious
00:08 <@pho|> what did artforz do? i musta missed some drama?
00:08 <@RealSolid> hes been mining with incorrect times trying to drive difficulty about 5% higher than it should be
00:08 <@RealSolid> its not that big a deal in the scheme of things but i added code to null any shit blocks like that

Then really interesting bit is this:
00:10 <@RealSolid> so now we wait and see if he comes back to enable more measures that are in b7
00:11 <@RealSolid> shall be interesting
00:11 <@RealSolid> i enjoy wasting his time and money
Which implies that there are more "measures" in the latest SolidCoin that RealSolid can use to invalidate ArtForz's blocks. And then, a few hours later:
08:50 <@RealSolid> artforz is back it seems using coinotron minerid
08:50 <@RealSolid> "fooled us'
08:52 <@RealSolid> see how we make artforz behave?
08:52 <@RealSolid> no much malformed time
08:52 <@RealSolid> good boy artforz
Entirely coincidentally, later that day trusted nodes later started intermittently refusing to approve blocks actually mined by Coinotron:
23:05 < TheHarbinger> Coinotron, but it's still not showing any rewards for the current round.
23:05 < Coinotron> That is completly different issue
23:06 < TheHarbinger> Well, fix it.  :P
23:07 < Coinotron> We are currently in mode "Trusted node doesn't like Coinotron's blocks"
23:08 < d34th> OH SHI
23:08 < Coinotron> Only RealSolid can fix it
23:08 < TheHarbinger> Sigh, back to solo mining.  lol
23:08 < d34th> become trusted node
23:08 < d34th> sign own blocks
23:09 < bulanula> how do you become  a trusted node without the 1.2 million coins ? impossible ?
23:09 < Coinotron> but after a while our blocks will be accepted again, then not accepted  and so on
23:09 < BrightSky> what did you do to piss of RealSolid, Coinotron?
23:10 < Coinotron> Maybe this small pool of  LiteCoins ? ;)

Title: Re: delete
Post by: norulezapply on October 26, 2011, 11:25:07 AM
Why do people still use SC. I don't get it.
It's completely centralized around CoinHunter, and thus when it becomes big enough the powers that be can squash it completely, defeating the entire point of BitCoin. Think e-gold and napster.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: makomk on October 26, 2011, 01:35:53 PM
OK, so finally asked RealSolid and my guess was correct: his changes intentionally rendered unspendable the generation transactions of some blocks that are still in the current longest chain and meet all the validation rules at the time, but have timestamps that have retroactively been declared too wonky:

14:21 < makomk> RealSolid: so to be entirely clear, have you rendered any existing generation transactions that are still in the longest chain unspendable as part of your removal of ArtForz's generates?
14:22 <@RealSolid> what
14:23 <@RealSolid> anyone who doesnt hack their "time" wont have unspendable generates
14:23 <@RealSolid> people must remember now we have accurate ways to detect time infringements and artforz was abusing it
14:23 < bulanula> this was introduced in b7 right ?
14:23 < makomk> So ArtForz does have generates that are still part of blocks in the longest chain but are unspendable?
14:24 <@RealSolid> because he was wilfully abusing it those blocks which abused it are now unable to be spent, it isnt an artforz deny but a general "dont have shit time" deny
14:25 <@RealSolid> makomk: his generates are in the blockchain, but unable to be used
14:26 <@RealSolid> at least the ones which were "Faked"
14:26 <@RealSolid> in regards to time
14:26 <@RealSolid> anyone who wants to fuck with the SC protocol will pay
14:26 <@RealSolid> and artforz attempted to fuck with (did no damage but he attempted to)

That's why ArtForz's wallet is "corrupt"; some of the generate transactions that are in it and are still in the blockchain have since been declared invalid, which isn't something the Bitcoin code is ever designed to handle for the simple reason that it's impossible in Bitcoin.

Edit: The fun part is that of course pools get their timestamps from their workers, which means that if any pool solved a block using work with a timestamp that matches RealSolid's "shit time" criteria their wallet is now corrupt. I don't think he'd be daft enough to roll out this change without checking that first, though.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Spacy on October 26, 2011, 02:26:38 PM
Good for RS, Artforz attempts another attack and this time is less than successful.  I for one am glad his ill gotten gains are for naught.  Artforz is a F*tard and this is further alleged proof.  Granted I have not seen definitive proof one way or another that Artforz did it but in this case history sets a precedent.

No, Artforz seems ok, he challanges the technical aspects. He is working together with RS to make SC better. It's just BCX who is the clown :)

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Detritus on October 26, 2011, 03:34:15 PM
You know would be cool? Is if we waited until someone actually tries an attack against the sc2 chain before we try to blame it on someone.

Mining more than everyone else isn't an attack.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: zerokwel on October 26, 2011, 07:32:21 PM
You know would be cool? Is if we waited until someone actually tries an attack against the sc2 chain before we try to blame it on someone.

Mining more than everyone else isn't an attack.


nowt wrong with having more hash than others :)

Title: Re: delete
Post by: grndzero on October 26, 2011, 07:34:17 PM
You know would be cool? Is if we waited until someone actually tries an attack against the sc2 chain before we try to blame it on someone.

Mining more than everyone else isn't an attack.


nowt wrong with having more hash than others :)

depends on what country you're in and how butt hurt people get that you're not sharing.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: ElectricMucus on October 26, 2011, 07:38:08 PM
BTCX, Artforz and CH are either buddies or possible only 1 or 2 persons, I can't decide exactly which is the case.

But I'm willing to bet one of these 3 possibilities holds true.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: BitterTea on October 26, 2011, 07:44:47 PM
But I'm willing to bet one of these 3 possibilities holds true.

So put your money where your mouth is. I'll bet against you.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: ElectricMucus on October 26, 2011, 07:46:11 PM
But I'm willing to bet one of these 3 possibilities holds true.

So put your money where your mouth is. I'll bet against you.
I would be willing to do that but how do we find out?

Title: Re: delete
Post by: ElectricMucus on October 26, 2011, 08:18:14 PM
Right, and I am Jeri Ellsworth.


You know how it's done, several photos with a written timestamp posted on an anonymous messagboard would suffice. But we all know this will never gonna happen :)

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Starlightbreaker on October 26, 2011, 08:32:07 PM
Right, and I am Jeri Ellsworth.


You know how it's done, several photos with a written timestamp posted on an anonymous messagboard would suffice. But we all know this will never gonna happen :)
you're forgetting watermelon helmet, a shoe on the left hand, and a pineapple on the right hand.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: ElectricMucus on October 26, 2011, 08:40:12 PM
Right, and I am Jeri Ellsworth.


You know how it's done, several photos with a written timestamp posted on an anonymous messagboard would suffice. But we all know this will never gonna happen :)
you're forgetting watermelon helmet, a shoe on the left hand, and a pineapple on the right hand.

That would be the ticket  ;D

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Bitcoin Oz on October 26, 2011, 08:50:10 PM
You two need to get a room then lol

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Raoul Duke on October 26, 2011, 08:59:46 PM
Right, and I am Jeri Ellsworth.


You know how it's done, several photos with a written timestamp posted on an anonymous messagboard would suffice. But we all know this will never gonna happen :)
you're forgetting watermelon helmet, a shoe on the left hand, and a pineapple on the right hand.

He already has the pineapple, but it's stuck on his ass, not on his right hand... ::)
God forbid if we ever lay our eyes on something as horrendous as that.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: ElectricMucus on October 26, 2011, 09:02:22 PM
What's up with the pineapple anyway?

I mean the rest seems to be a welcome variation but srsly? what?  ???

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Starlightbreaker on October 26, 2011, 10:31:07 PM
Right, and I am Jeri Ellsworth.


You know how it's done, several photos with a written timestamp posted on an anonymous messagboard would suffice. But we all know this will never gonna happen :)
you're forgetting watermelon helmet, a shoe on the left hand, and a pineapple on the right hand.

He already has the pineapple, but it's stuck on his ass, not on his right hand... ::)
God forbid if we ever lay our eyes on something as horrendous as that.
you mean, up your ass?

...or probably, solidcoin.

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Raoul Duke on October 26, 2011, 11:06:43 PM
Right, and I am Jeri Ellsworth.


You know how it's done, several photos with a written timestamp posted on an anonymous messagboard would suffice. But we all know this will never gonna happen :)
you're forgetting watermelon helmet, a shoe on the left hand, and a pineapple on the right hand.

He already has the pineapple, but it's stuck on his ass, not on his right hand... ::)
God forbid if we ever lay our eyes on something as horrendous as that.
you mean, up your ass?

...or probably, solidcoin.

Hello BCX puppy, how are you?

Title: Re: delete
Post by: Starlightbreaker on October 27, 2011, 05:38:23 AM
Right, and I am Jeri Ellsworth.


You know how it's done, several photos with a written timestamp posted on an anonymous messagboard would suffice. But we all know this will never gonna happen :)
you're forgetting watermelon helmet, a shoe on the left hand, and a pineapple on the right hand.

He already has the pineapple, but it's stuck on his ass, not on his right hand... ::)
God forbid if we ever lay our eyes on something as horrendous as that.
you mean, up your ass?

...or probably, solidcoin.

Hello BCX puppy, how are you?
bcx puppy?


you must be mistaken.