Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Aio.Community on September 04, 2018, 01:01:53 PM

Title: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on September 04, 2018, 01:01:53 PM
Digest AIO.Community


Today, the market of the crypto currency is in the development stage and therefore many questions for its normal development are not sufficiently studied and considered.

The team of the AIO.Community project considers it right to put these issues for discussion and propose its own way of solving them. This will give the market a new positive impulse and create conditions for the transition to a new level of development. It will make it more transparent for participants. With the possibility of obtaining financial protection for the project participant and ensuring a unified approaches to holding crowdfunding.

AIO.Community is an intelligent platform for ICO projects, with the possibility of obtaining financial protection for the project participant and ensuring a unified approach to holding crowdfunding.

When creating the project, we identified the issues that will be solved after implementing the platform in a global sense.

1.                About the ICO.

We all know that the list of coins on the market is constantly growing, but for a potential investor the issue of buying a specific coin that will bring him a profit, requires studying the main questions about the project, namely: the goal of creating a project (the product being created) and the team that is working on it. This gives an understanding for the investor as far as his participation in the ICO for him can be profitable and safe.

Creation of the team takes quite a long time. Ensuring the creation of an effective team before the sale of coins is very difficult, so the leaders of the new project either form an inefficient team that consists of enthusiasts who are ready to work without payment, or the team is published only for information and does not match to reality.

What are the outstanding problems of this issue?

- Effectiveness of this team for the investor is not clear;

- Main functions of individual team members are not described and not regulated;

- Final product is not discussed by the community;

- Financial reporting for expenditure is rare, and non-targeted use is not stopped;

- The rules of the team, evaluation of effectiveness, compliance with deadlines, the system for assessing the performance of individual structures in the team is often created from scratch or not at all.

All this, we call structural problems, which often lead to unprofitability of the project, and the creation of the final product is delayed or does not happen at all.

AIO - completely solves these and other issues, we offer:

Creation of a platform where a team of specialists consists of:

- Financial experts who assess the costs of the project keep records and report to the community on the targeted and rational expenditure of funds. Prepare all the upcoming spending items in advance so that unnecessary funds are not uselessly accumulated in project accounts, while at the same time; it was understandable for the community to create the final product.

These specialists have sufficient skills to optimize and reduce the costs of the project.

This avoids attracting investors from unclaimed investments and reduces the amount of coin emission to the required limits.

- Legal specialists whose work is aimed at creating the correct legal form of the project, selection of appropriate jurisdiction for the registration of a future company, registration of intellectual and copyright. The consolidation of legal relations between investors and the ICO project with the subsequent transition to the status of shareholders, full support and protection of the interests of the project and investors.

- Marketers who study the economic model of the project development, advice on the choice of the optimal way of development, introduce clear and showed the highest conversion tools for the monetization of a future product created with the investors' funds.

- Technical personnel who accompany or fully assume the issues of safety, project development, design, infrastructure, and so on.

- Administrative staff, who fully accompanies the project from the initial idea stage, organizes the ICO, manages the creation of the project, represents the interests of the project, and accompanies the access to the relevant exchanges for subsequent trades.

- A security group that fully checks the ICO project, its creators, verifies them for participation in other projects, monitors information on various sources and databases in order to identify signs of unreliability for investors.

2.                About funds and budget AIO.Community

Considering a number of interesting projects, we see that many of them could be implemented, but the teams that conduct them often have a goal only to hold an ICO and raise investors' funds. After that the project is conducted in a low-flow mode, and the investor receives information only from public sources.

We believe that this situation can be corrected and the ICO market for startups is more transparent.

We propose the following model of financial relations between the investor and the ICO project, where the AIO.Community platform will act as a guarantor of these relations using the following tools:

- Creation of an insurance fund, in which at each ICO will be sent 5% of the collected funds for the safety of which the platform is responsible.

If the project fails and the investors' funds are threatened, the insurance fund will reimburse them in full.

- Creation of a stabilization fund, which also contributes 5% of the ICO. In order to create a reserve to maintain a stable course of released tokens of projects, work on which was carried out on the platform.

Maintaining a stable exchange rate of coins is the basis for maintaining demand for the purchase of coins, this fund will buy coins from projects on the market with a drop in demand and vice versa, to sell to reduce supply so as not to allow unjustified speculative growth in the value of coins.

- The rest of the funds will go to the ICO project fund.

The supervision will be carried out by the community and monitored by the platform in the following order:

a. The budget of any project will be calculated by the platform and for each phase of the project implementation, funds will be allocated sufficient for this stage in accordance with the project roadmap.

b. Based on the results of each stage, the platform generates an audit report and submits it to the community for consideration

c. Based on the results of the audit report, the community answers the question: has the team fulfilled its tasks assigned to it, have the investors' funds been rationally spent.

d. If the community response is positive, then the team automatically receives funds to implement the next stage.

If the community response is negative, the team is completely removed from the project and work on it is transferred to platform specialists whose task will be to organize the work to complete the project, transfer it to another team of specialists or finish the work independently.

Conclusion: Investors' funds will be under constant control of the community and the platform, any of the implemented projects will always be brought to the end product and in the event of an insured event, the investor will receive a payment from the insurance fund.

AIO.Community economic strategy.

Creating this platform, we are the team of founders, strictly defined for ourselves the basic principles, in accordance with which we will build the project.
These principles were established on the basis of our education, life experience, fundamental human values and unconditional knowledge that we possess about the cryptocurrencies, which we strive to, do better, more modern and more understandable.

We strive to improve ourselves and the world around us. We want to unite the maximum number of participants around our idea of creating the first unified and really decentralized platform for holding ICO.

We see how ICO are being held today, their main goal is to raise capital, in other words, to exchange issued tokens that do not have any liquidity for assets whose liquidity and value has already been confirmed today.

In short, this can be defined as the exchange of gold for stones.
How long can this model exist? We believe that the end has already come; more than 80% of ICO that have issued their tokens have lost their value, since it was not provided with real assets. The leaders rushed to spend the funds of investors at their discretion, considering that the true goal has been achieved and they have already ensured their well-being.
We understand that such an approach to business can be formed only from the lack of necessary knowledge in economics, management, law and technology, as well as from a lack of experience in real business.
We set ambitious goals for which we have visions, a strategy and a team capable of fulfilling them. But the more we are involved in this process, the more we understand that our main assets are not money, but people, in other words, our friends, colleagues, partners, and like-minded people. All those, who also support a common case, and openly strive to change their lives for better with us.
Since its creation we decided:

1. Never, under any conditions, spend the money that investors have entrusted to us to buy third-party services; we do not need those who want to provide us a service and leave. We need partners with whom we will work together, conducting all mutual settlements using only the internal settlement tool AIOT.
We understand that this will hinder our development. We will be forced to weed out many of the performers, but we act in the interests of the community and do not allow the expenditure of funds, save them and use them only for the intended purpose. As a result, community assets will only grow, the liquidity of the AIOT token will increase, and spontaneous fluctuations will be compensated by stabilization fund.

2. Our capital is not money, but people! For this reason, we decided to start an ICO with a preliminary registration of participants. We need to see how many partners support us and want to take part in the project. To participate in the maximum number of partners, we define the minimum and maximum entry thresholds, more information can be found in the White Paper.

3. The funds at the disposal of the community should be distributed among the community members for their decentralized storage. We do not seek to raise capital, becoming a potentially unsafe object of influence from third parties or pro-state structures. Community board should be not a vulnerable part in the overall work of the community.

4. The formation of a community board should be made after the completion of ICO, having elected the most active and initiative members of the community.

5. The work of the Community Board should be transparent and open, especially in terms of managing finances.
We are confident that the use of these measures will allow to avoid many potential mistakes of management, economic planning, and involve the maximum number of community members in the work.

Memorandum of decentralized storage
AIO.Community is a decentralized community, and our main task is to follow this rule, including the issues of economy and community management.
As a measure confirming our open intentions and desires to create a decentralized storage of funds for all participants of the closed round there are special conditions for the purchase of tokens.
We advocate a “distributed system” of storage, available resources and funds that will be collected through ICO. Therefore, we propose to return the listed ETH back to the community member’s wallet.

The smart contract for this round provides for a reserve in proportion to the amount of ETH transferred by you, according to the AIOT course set for the ICO time for the address of the purse from which the transfer was made and the automatic return of the amount ETH at the end of the ICO.
The balance of purchased AIOT will be frozen, and the amount of ETH will be transferred to storage. The holder can be any member of the community on the balance, which will be at least 750 000 AIOT.
In this case, the holder is responsible for the safety and security of the funds transferred by the community. As far as financial resources are used, the community, represented by the community council, has the right to request transfer of funds for safekeeping to another participant, or reassigned to implement the plans and tasks of the community.
The holder is entitled, on his own initiative, to defreeze the AIOT at any time after ICO. Apply for a return of funds held in storage. After that, implement AIOT through an internal platform exchanger, which is fully operational, at the time of writing this memorandum.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: NervousWolf on September 06, 2018, 07:40:40 PM
I really appreciate your statements. This is like the way I think also.  I think the most disturbing issue of ICOs is the failure of showing final product. This reduces my trust on ICOs

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: cryptofan999 on September 06, 2018, 07:45:27 PM
Well frankly speaking there are numerous problems regarding ICOs. Most common case is there are full of commitments but not any proof of activity or product. Fake price rising is another issue rising day by day

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Gboytee on September 06, 2018, 07:53:13 PM
This is a good write up,  sincerely i usually tells my friend that any ico without a purpose are bad ico. Why will there be a token in issue and investor will venture in while the coin will not be use for anything after so much people purchase it.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: TheBitcoinBadger10 on September 06, 2018, 08:16:08 PM
we all know this thing and believe that ICO has a very good reputation and development system but if you ask for better facilities then I will say that it needs to be bit more developed and progressive,  and increase the publicity is also highly needed

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: WaterSeal on September 06, 2018, 08:37:16 PM
one of the most important problem for ico is, Effectiveness of this team for the investor is not clear;. although i might be good for crypto in future.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: ChainFish on September 06, 2018, 08:54:29 PM
ICO Structural problems, which often lead to unprofitability of the project, and the creation of the final product is delayed.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: AutisticKid007 on September 06, 2018, 09:08:41 PM
ico's one of the problem is  final product is not discussed by the community and effectiveness of this team for the investor is not clear.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Billgates710 on September 07, 2018, 12:01:17 PM
Existing ICO is better in many sectors. I found a little problem over here that is it till now spread the scam news,. If ICO do it the investor will get huge advantage.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: zeze18 on September 07, 2018, 12:06:08 PM
Information digest on development of AIO.Community


Today, the market of the crypto currency is in the development stage and therefore many questions for its normal development are not sufficiently studied and considered.

The team of the AIO.Community project considers it right to put these issues for discussion and propose its own way of solving them. This will give the market a new positive impulse and create conditions for the transition to a new level of development. It will make it more transparent for participants. With the possibility of obtaining financial protection for the project participant and ensuring a unified approaches to holding crowdfunding.

AIO.Community is an intelligent platform for ICO projects, with the possibility of obtaining financial protection for the project participant and ensuring a unified approach to holding crowdfunding.

When creating the project, we identified the issues that will be solved after implementing the platform in a global sense.

1.                About the ICO.

We all know that the list of coins on the market is constantly growing, but for a potential investor the issue of buying a specific coin that will bring him a profit, requires studying the main questions about the project, namely: the goal of creating a project (the product being created) and the team that is working on it. This gives an understanding for the investor as far as his participation in the ICO for him can be profitable and safe.

Creation of the team takes quite a long time. Ensuring the creation of an effective team before the sale of coins is very difficult, so the leaders of the new project either form an inefficient team that consists of enthusiasts who are ready to work without payment, or the team is published only for information and does not match to reality.

What are the outstanding problems of this issue?

- Effectiveness of this team for the investor is not clear;

- Main functions of individual team members are not described and not regulated;

- Final product is not discussed by the community;

- Financial reporting for expenditure is rare, and non-targeted use is not stopped;

- The rules of the team, evaluation of effectiveness, compliance with deadlines, the system for assessing the performance of individual structures in the team is often created from scratch or not at all.

All this, we call structural problems, which often lead to unprofitability of the project, and the creation of the final product is delayed or does not happen at all.

AIO - completely solves these and other issues, we offer:

Creation of a platform where a team of specialists consists of:

- Financial experts who assess the costs of the project keep records and report to the community on the targeted and rational expenditure of funds. Prepare all the upcoming spending items in advance so that unnecessary funds are not uselessly accumulated in project accounts, while at the same time; it was understandable for the community to create the final product.

These specialists have sufficient skills to optimize and reduce the costs of the project.

This avoids attracting investors from unclaimed investments and reduces the amount of coin emission to the required limits.

- Legal specialists whose work is aimed at creating the correct legal form of the project, selection of appropriate jurisdiction for the registration of a future company, registration of intellectual and copyright. The consolidation of legal relations between investors and the ICO project with the subsequent transition to the status of shareholders, full support and protection of the interests of the project and investors.

- Marketers who study the economic model of the project development, advice on the choice of the optimal way of development, introduce clear and showed the highest conversion tools for the monetization of a future product created with the investors' funds.

- Technical personnel who accompany or fully assume the issues of safety, project development, design, infrastructure, and so on.

- Administrative staff, who fully accompanies the project from the initial idea stage, organizes the ICO, manages the creation of the project, represents the interests of the project, and accompanies the access to the relevant exchanges for subsequent trades.

- A security group that fully checks the ICO project, its creators, verifies them for participation in other projects, monitors information on various sources and databases in order to identify signs of unreliability for investors.

2.                About funds and budget AIO.Community

Considering a number of interesting projects, we see that many of them could be implemented, but the teams that conduct them often have a goal only to hold an ICO and raise investors' funds. After that the project is conducted in a low-flow mode, and the investor receives information only from public sources.

We believe that this situation can be corrected and the ICO market for startups is more transparent.

We propose the following model of financial relations between the investor and the ICO project, where the AIO.Community platform will act as a guarantor of these relations using the following tools:

- Creation of an insurance fund, in which at each ICO will be sent 5% of the collected funds for the safety of which the platform is responsible.

If the project fails and the investors' funds are threatened, the insurance fund will reimburse them in full.

- Creation of a stabilization fund, which also contributes 5% of the ICO. In order to create a reserve to maintain a stable course of released tokens of projects, work on which was carried out on the platform.

Maintaining a stable exchange rate of coins is the basis for maintaining demand for the purchase of coins, this fund will buy coins from projects on the market with a drop in demand and vice versa, to sell to reduce supply so as not to allow unjustified speculative growth in the value of coins.

- The rest of the funds will go to the ICO project fund.

The supervision will be carried out by the community and monitored by the platform in the following order:

a. The budget of any project will be calculated by the platform and for each phase of the project implementation, funds will be allocated sufficient for this stage in accordance with the project roadmap.

b. Based on the results of each stage, the platform generates an audit report and submits it to the community for consideration

c. Based on the results of the audit report, the community answers the question: has the team fulfilled its tasks assigned to it, have the investors' funds been rationally spent.

d. If the community response is positive, then the team automatically receives funds to implement the next stage.

If the community response is negative, the team is completely removed from the project and work on it is transferred to platform specialists whose task will be to organize the work to complete the project, transfer it to another team of specialists or finish the work independently.

Conclusion: Investors' funds will be under constant control of the community and the platform, any of the implemented projects will always be brought to the end product and in the event of an insured event, the investor will receive a payment from the insurance fund.

I think the problem of so many ICOs is because the ICO it self is too easy to made.
ERC-20 tokens, everyone could make it, with a copycat whitepaper and "whatever" roadmap. People can do a project with an ICO, then it will gone in months.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: OTC2018 on September 07, 2018, 12:07:51 PM
It is good to see someone giving proper thought to ICO's and how they could be improved. The problem we have the moment is that its not possible to see if an ico is genuine or not, the scammers outnumber those who are genuine. Its a bad way to be.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: olivia jane567 on September 07, 2018, 12:41:47 PM
My personal problem with ICOs is the technical terms they use. Most times I find it difficult to understand the technical terms used by the team in a whitepaper or the official website. There should be a very non-technical aspect of the whitepaper.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: SummerHamster on September 07, 2018, 12:59:38 PM
The community and platform of investor funds will have control over this ICO and any implementation project will always be the last product. Your idea was very nice to me. I would like to invest in it.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: butterfly8226 on September 07, 2018, 01:15:00 PM
An effective concept was found in your discussion about some problem of cryptocurrency. Since this ICO will work for a group of investors to describe and explain the functions of individual groups. The final product will be discussed by the community.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: MidnightNugget on September 07, 2018, 01:29:55 PM
Hopefully AIO.Community ICO will bring benefits for the ICO holders and investors. As well as new investors. Although I know a little about it. I got a good idea about AIO.Community through your presentation.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: btcmaster999 on September 07, 2018, 03:07:40 PM
To find out a promising ICO is  not easier now-a-days. So if ICO will developed and be friendly to investor to find out a promising project then many investors are benefitted. And that's will make investors interested to invest on ICO.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Dmcuibap on September 07, 2018, 03:14:37 PM
Promise, useless, FOMO, scam, Dead, No product, ... many and many. Not much ICOs keeping develop after 1 year. Investor dont trust ICOs any more, so scare

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: asder250 on September 07, 2018, 03:16:58 PM
Promise, useless, FOMO, scam, Dead, No product, ... many and many. Not much ICOs keeping develop after 1 year
And if you look on their roadmaps almost all ICOs promise the products in the oney year. And after one year no product will be developed as most cases.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Symproverse on September 07, 2018, 03:29:54 PM
I liked that you have elaborately expressed your opinion through this article. It has cleared some of my confusions about ICOs issues. I agree with you completely. ICOs are really getting out of hand

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: blackrain321 on September 07, 2018, 03:54:43 PM
ICO mean initials coin offering this is like Minning process. This is done just make people more aware about their coins like a bounty programs but slightly diffrent.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: cryptosmith03 on September 07, 2018, 05:57:45 PM
ICO is one of the  platform to invest with crypto and many newbie come here to invest and some of them are cheated by scammer. Is there any way to avoid scammers and scam projects?

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Gogi134156 on September 07, 2018, 08:10:37 PM
Perhaps in the future, projects in the ICO segment will be transferred to management companies. And the situation in that market will radically change, for the better!

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: petermike on September 07, 2018, 08:16:40 PM
The continuous rise of Bitcoin prices has led to the birth of hundreds of ICOS within just the first few months of the year. The SEC has warned of scams because of the increasing number of ICOS. Too many ICOS scams will do the investors' demand for coding in general decline.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: BADBITCH on September 07, 2018, 08:20:52 PM
Few problems of ico ranges from
Failed promises
Scam icos
Non delivery of tokens
Embezzlement of funds And more

Just focus on your research work
That’s the best I can tell

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: WrayburnBTC on September 08, 2018, 05:23:00 AM
Yes, there are many problems that still exist with Icos. Most of them are scam. Funds being stolen is one of the big issue with Icos. Beside this there are many problems exist that makes investment in ico dangerous.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Tobt on September 08, 2018, 05:30:24 AM
Nice article that you write here about Ico. Study say about 80% of ico are scams. Only 7-8% of Icos progress to trade on market but about 6% of icos were failed to raise money as required.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: RottenSteel on September 08, 2018, 05:37:14 AM
You are right. There are so many problems now in ICO projects.  Most of them are failed to show the product finally. All they do just fake promises and make the investors losing their money. 

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Tallay on September 08, 2018, 05:50:04 AM
Well it’s a good post. I like that you have cleared your statements properly and I am completely agree with you. Most of the ICOs are just making promise but cannot show the final product and thus people losing faith.   

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Jingjess on September 08, 2018, 05:59:58 AM
You almost mentioned all the problem exist in ICO mate and these are all true and these are all the main reasons why people are afraid to invest.But sad to say that there are many newbies that are not familiarize with ico  and yet they still invest with it and they end up losing their money.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: sh4dtechnr on September 08, 2018, 06:17:19 AM
One of the problems, in my opinion, is that there are too many fraudulent icos in this market. Although, the tendency of reducing the concentration of them in the market already exists - people are getting smarter, and for scammers is not so easy now to deceive people as before. it becomes simply not profitable to conduct such "projects".
Another problem is the high volatility of the Crypto-currency; this problem will gradually disappear with the growth of the market, I think.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Kryten12 on September 08, 2018, 06:20:16 AM
I think the main problems with ICO at the moment are projects being run by inexperienced business people and that have not done proper cost analysis of bringing their project to completion. Is there really room for any more chains that want to do crypto different or is it time to look at only project with real world application?

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Wale777 on September 08, 2018, 06:44:48 AM
There are different problems that exist in ICO, some are identified to the team while the others are associated with the ICO community,,  the ICO supposed to be focused not only on raising fund with big community but to be committed to invention and production of a working product as what Blockchain technology is to find solution  to existing problems of man, some ICOs are not committed to full development of the whitepaper according to their roadmap which is to the detriment of the investors and every other person that support the ICO

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: zhekinsp on September 08, 2018, 06:50:28 AM
The biggest problems of ICO investors were lot of scam ICOs so they are afraid to invest on the new projects which affects the total market but the issue comes with the investors who don't have enough knowledge about the crypto currencies but still trying to invest on the crypto currencies and ICOs so scammers use them as easy victims and steal all their money so they need to update themselves to differentiate legit and scam.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: warning_btc on September 08, 2018, 06:51:26 AM
ICO's collect moneys in ETH, i think is not right price of ETH very volatile.
Need to collect in some stable coins

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: SnodGrass74 on September 08, 2018, 10:07:09 AM
This is really nice issue and this post has addressed important issues that will help to develop the ICO of any project as well as the market of crypto currency. The concern and suggestions by the AIO community is really commendable and it needs to be implemented soon.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: louie69 on September 08, 2018, 10:26:37 AM
This has been a good issue that was brought to this forum regarding AIO community. I believe that there are still good ICO's that are legit and true to it's promises however, there are ICO's that had scammed many people to invest and just leave out of thin air. Most of these scam ICO's don't even bother to pay the bounty hunter's from their participation in the signature bounty campaign. I would suggest that prior to giving the ICO to join in this forum is that ICO should undergo strict screening in fairness to the ICO investors and bounty hunters.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: BCHachiman on September 08, 2018, 10:55:43 AM
Well that is true i invested to Helbiz a mobility provider platform they deceive many investor by dumping their coin , adding additional tokens to total supply , token burn wallet tokens are sold in idex instead of burning and told that someone hack the account no development transparency with their investor ! Thats why i switch with Trustedcars a well known company in Germany for automotive mobility provider . They are running their tokensale to mass adopt blockchain technology that will benefited both dealers and user by having cheaper cost , fast transaction and transparency . So i can say that they can deliver their decentralized platform because their car dealership platform is already implemented

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: elemosho.crypto on September 08, 2018, 12:05:03 PM
It’s really a great post, very informative and you explained it very well. You are right. Nowadays ICOs are really getting out of hand and people are facing many problems. The things you have mentioned for solution is really good.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: RobotNIK on September 08, 2018, 02:23:27 PM
In principle, everything is true, the biggest trouble is precisely that many investors do not see the final product!

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: maga-king on September 08, 2018, 02:25:36 PM
Now the big problem is that they want to collect a lot of investments, more than what the product is worth.
People are not ready to take risks and invest big money

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Bezobraznike on September 08, 2018, 04:15:38 PM
One of the biggest problems that the ICOs are plagued with right now is that the owners are often making selfish decisions and thinking of their own profit only in the long run. Having a proven product or prototype before starting the ICO would have easily solved the problems but ICOs are now more focused on reaching their soft/hard cap first more than anything.

   That's one problem directly connected with team leaders behind the ICO.
New projects have problems in beginning, they aim to become reputable
businesses one day, and road to that isn't easy. Great team with a great idea
needs to make sure product to be great too, for marketing cause like that
project will come to customers and supporters. Many things can go wrong,
competition is one of them.
   I think this list of possible problems can be very long. Problems exists to be
solved, good team can handle everything. When you invest in ICO watch the team
behind, good team deals with problems and makes progress.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: vual on September 09, 2018, 07:19:24 AM
Information digest on development of AIO.Community


Today, the market of the crypto currency is in the development stage and therefore many questions for its normal development are not sufficiently studied and considered.

The team of the AIO.Community project considers it right to put these issues for discussion and propose its own way of solving them. This will give the market a new positive impulse and create conditions for the transition to a new level of development. It will make it more transparent for participants. With the possibility of obtaining financial protection for the project participant and ensuring a unified approaches to holding crowdfunding.

AIO.Community is an intelligent platform for ICO projects, with the possibility of obtaining financial protection for the project participant and ensuring a unified approach to holding crowdfunding.

When creating the project, we identified the issues that will be solved after implementing the platform in a global sense.

1.                About the ICO.

We all know that the list of coins on the market is constantly growing, but for a potential investor the issue of buying a specific coin that will bring him a profit, requires studying the main questions about the project, namely: the goal of creating a project (the product being created) and the team that is working on it. This gives an understanding for the investor as far as his participation in the ICO for him can be profitable and safe.

Creation of the team takes quite a long time. Ensuring the creation of an effective team before the sale of coins is very difficult, so the leaders of the new project either form an inefficient team that consists of enthusiasts who are ready to work without payment, or the team is published only for information and does not match to reality.

What are the outstanding problems of this issue?

- Effectiveness of this team for the investor is not clear;

- Main functions of individual team members are not described and not regulated;

- Final product is not discussed by the community;

- Financial reporting for expenditure is rare, and non-targeted use is not stopped;

- The rules of the team, evaluation of effectiveness, compliance with deadlines, the system for assessing the performance of individual structures in the team is often created from scratch or not at all.

All this, we call structural problems, which often lead to unprofitability of the project, and the creation of the final product is delayed or does not happen at all.

AIO - completely solves these and other issues, we offer:

Creation of a platform where a team of specialists consists of:

- Financial experts who assess the costs of the project keep records and report to the community on the targeted and rational expenditure of funds. Prepare all the upcoming spending items in advance so that unnecessary funds are not uselessly accumulated in project accounts, while at the same time; it was understandable for the community to create the final product.

These specialists have sufficient skills to optimize and reduce the costs of the project.

This avoids attracting investors from unclaimed investments and reduces the amount of coin emission to the required limits.

- Legal specialists whose work is aimed at creating the correct legal form of the project, selection of appropriate jurisdiction for the registration of a future company, registration of intellectual and copyright. The consolidation of legal relations between investors and the ICO project with the subsequent transition to the status of shareholders, full support and protection of the interests of the project and investors.

- Marketers who study the economic model of the project development, advice on the choice of the optimal way of development, introduce clear and showed the highest conversion tools for the monetization of a future product created with the investors' funds.

- Technical personnel who accompany or fully assume the issues of safety, project development, design, infrastructure, and so on.

- Administrative staff, who fully accompanies the project from the initial idea stage, organizes the ICO, manages the creation of the project, represents the interests of the project, and accompanies the access to the relevant exchanges for subsequent trades.

- A security group that fully checks the ICO project, its creators, verifies them for participation in other projects, monitors information on various sources and databases in order to identify signs of unreliability for investors.

2.                About funds and budget AIO.Community

Considering a number of interesting projects, we see that many of them could be implemented, but the teams that conduct them often have a goal only to hold an ICO and raise investors' funds. After that the project is conducted in a low-flow mode, and the investor receives information only from public sources.

We believe that this situation can be corrected and the ICO market for startups is more transparent.

We propose the following model of financial relations between the investor and the ICO project, where the AIO.Community platform will act as a guarantor of these relations using the following tools:

- Creation of an insurance fund, in which at each ICO will be sent 5% of the collected funds for the safety of which the platform is responsible.

If the project fails and the investors' funds are threatened, the insurance fund will reimburse them in full.

- Creation of a stabilization fund, which also contributes 5% of the ICO. In order to create a reserve to maintain a stable course of released tokens of projects, work on which was carried out on the platform.

Maintaining a stable exchange rate of coins is the basis for maintaining demand for the purchase of coins, this fund will buy coins from projects on the market with a drop in demand and vice versa, to sell to reduce supply so as not to allow unjustified speculative growth in the value of coins.

- The rest of the funds will go to the ICO project fund.

The supervision will be carried out by the community and monitored by the platform in the following order:

a. The budget of any project will be calculated by the platform and for each phase of the project implementation, funds will be allocated sufficient for this stage in accordance with the project roadmap.

b. Based on the results of each stage, the platform generates an audit report and submits it to the community for consideration

c. Based on the results of the audit report, the community answers the question: has the team fulfilled its tasks assigned to it, have the investors' funds been rationally spent.

d. If the community response is positive, then the team automatically receives funds to implement the next stage.

If the community response is negative, the team is completely removed from the project and work on it is transferred to platform specialists whose task will be to organize the work to complete the project, transfer it to another team of specialists or finish the work independently.

Conclusion: Investors' funds will be under constant control of the community and the platform, any of the implemented projects will always be brought to the end product and in the event of an insured event, the investor will receive a payment from the insurance fund.
The largest difficulties associated with ICO traders had been large amount of rip-off ICOs so that they are scared to get about the brand new tasks that impacts the entire marketplace however the concern includes the actual traders that do not have sufficient understanding of the actual crypto foreign currencies but nonetheless attempting to commit about the crypto foreign currencies as well as ICOs therefore con artists rely on them because simple sufferers as well as grab almost all their cash, therefore, they have to revise on their own in order to distinguish legitimate as well as rip-off.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: nniecan001 on September 09, 2018, 07:24:23 AM
For me, the common problem is not the ICO itself. The problem is the service or the product after the ICO, some are doing nothing which mean the development and roadmap will  definitely affected and the price will gonna dump as low as it can. This is the common thing why the existing coins/token become a shitcoins. The ICO is a good thing, specially if you understand the vision of the project. They need to get some funds to make the idea become reality.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: yndye on September 09, 2018, 07:29:54 AM
For me, the common problem is not the ICO itself. The problem is the service or the product after the ICO, some are doing nothing which mean the development and roadmap will  definitely affected and the price will gonna dump as low as it can. This is the common thing why the existing coins/token become a shitcoins. The ICO is a good thing, specially if you understand the vision of the project. They need to get some funds to make the idea become reality.

The problem is that some teams after ICO would not update the members of the community anymore as to what is happening with their project and some stop its development after the ICO completion that's why many of them do not want to get involved with ICO projects anymore. If they do not continue with it then many investors would be disappointed that's why some choose to just wait for the coins to get listed and that's the time they would buy the coins.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: toygama on September 09, 2018, 08:47:49 AM
It is good to see someone giving proper thought to ICO's and how they could be improved. The problem we have the moment is that its not possible to see if an ico is genuine or not, the scammers outnumber those who are genuine. Its a bad way to be.

It's make also down the reputation of signature bounty campaign but for us members and followers of this community its also our duty to check properly the legitimacy of certain ICO so that the scammers don't have a chance to continue their bad and unusual doings.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 01, 2018, 05:30:51 PM
I really appreciate your statements. This is like the way I think also.  I think the most disturbing issue of ICOs is the failure of showing final product. This reduces my trust on ICOs

Thanks for your words. That is why we are launching the platform for ICO. where the assessment of the community will be held, where the project will be voted for, where there will be no centralization. where the project will be approved by the community for listing on our platform, will be completed. and investors will not suffer losses due to fraud

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 01, 2018, 05:51:01 PM
Well frankly speaking there are numerous problems regarding ICOs. Most common case is there are full of commitments but not any proof of activity or product. Fake price rising is another issue rising day by day

absolutely agree with you. so we organized 2 tools. insurance fund and stabilization fund. This is a response to the ability to manipulate price. evidence of activity or product is determined at the community voting stage; from the very beginning, as much money is allocated as they really need (and not how much they want) for each stage of the roadmap. Many projects collect hundreds of millions, but in fact they need much less.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 01, 2018, 06:37:57 PM
This is a good write up,  sincerely i usually tells my friend that any ico without a purpose are bad ico. Why will there be a token in issue and investor will venture in while the coin will not be use for anything after so much people purchase it.
I agree, this is why we initially determined the place for our token in the platform: each token is a voting share for the holder, and a way to finance new projects.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 01, 2018, 06:49:39 PM
we all know this thing and believe that ICO has a very good reputation and development system but if you ask for better facilities then I will say that it needs to be bit more developed and progressive,  and increase the publicity is also highly needed

exactly. we also think so in AIO.Community

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 01, 2018, 07:13:52 PM
one of the most important problem for ico is, Effectiveness of this team for the investor is not clear;. although i might be good for crypto in future.

first you need to know about the team, the whole team must be constantly in touch. therefore, our project performs this task.
Today, consultants fulfill this role, in our opinion, this is the most painful place in ICO. consultants often do not know anything but marketing. In case of problems, our platform ensures that the project will be brought to a logical conclusion.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 01, 2018, 07:38:45 PM
ICO Structural problems, which often lead to unprofitability of the project, and the creation of the final product is delayed.

What do you think, why is this happening ??? this is a huge problem.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 01, 2018, 07:56:46 PM
ico's one of the problem is  final product is not discussed by the community and effectiveness of this team for the investor is not clear.

you are 100% right

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 01, 2018, 08:05:20 PM
Existing ICO is better in many sectors. I found a little problem over here that is it till now spread the scam news,. If ICO do it the investor will get huge advantage.

we can discuss it in our chat,

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: macit800 on October 01, 2018, 08:05:43 PM
For now is it very difficult to raise money, because people are afraid to invest in new projects. The reason is that the projects come easily under the ICO price.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 01, 2018, 08:13:14 PM
Information digest on development of AIO.Community


Today, the market of the crypto currency is in the development stage and therefore many questions for its normal development are not sufficiently studied and considered.

The team of the AIO.Community project considers it right to put these issues for discussion and propose its own way of solving them. This will give the market a new positive impulse and create conditions for the transition to a new level of development. It will make it more transparent for participants. With the possibility of obtaining financial protection for the project participant and ensuring a unified approaches to holding crowdfunding.

AIO.Community is an intelligent platform for ICO projects, with the possibility of obtaining financial protection for the project participant and ensuring a unified approach to holding crowdfunding.

When creating the project, we identified the issues that will be solved after implementing the platform in a global sense.

1.                About the ICO.

We all know that the list of coins on the market is constantly growing, but for a potential investor the issue of buying a specific coin that will bring him a profit, requires studying the main questions about the project, namely: the goal of creating a project (the product being created) and the team that is working on it. This gives an understanding for the investor as far as his participation in the ICO for him can be profitable and safe.

Creation of the team takes quite a long time. Ensuring the creation of an effective team before the sale of coins is very difficult, so the leaders of the new project either form an inefficient team that consists of enthusiasts who are ready to work without payment, or the team is published only for information and does not match to reality.

What are the outstanding problems of this issue?

- Effectiveness of this team for the investor is not clear;

- Main functions of individual team members are not described and not regulated;

- Final product is not discussed by the community;

- Financial reporting for expenditure is rare, and non-targeted use is not stopped;

- The rules of the team, evaluation of effectiveness, compliance with deadlines, the system for assessing the performance of individual structures in the team is often created from scratch or not at all.

All this, we call structural problems, which often lead to unprofitability of the project, and the creation of the final product is delayed or does not happen at all.

AIO - completely solves these and other issues, we offer:

Creation of a platform where a team of specialists consists of:

- Financial experts who assess the costs of the project keep records and report to the community on the targeted and rational expenditure of funds. Prepare all the upcoming spending items in advance so that unnecessary funds are not uselessly accumulated in project accounts, while at the same time; it was understandable for the community to create the final product.

These specialists have sufficient skills to optimize and reduce the costs of the project.

This avoids attracting investors from unclaimed investments and reduces the amount of coin emission to the required limits.

- Legal specialists whose work is aimed at creating the correct legal form of the project, selection of appropriate jurisdiction for the registration of a future company, registration of intellectual and copyright. The consolidation of legal relations between investors and the ICO project with the subsequent transition to the status of shareholders, full support and protection of the interests of the project and investors.

- Marketers who study the economic model of the project development, advice on the choice of the optimal way of development, introduce clear and showed the highest conversion tools for the monetization of a future product created with the investors' funds.

- Technical personnel who accompany or fully assume the issues of safety, project development, design, infrastructure, and so on.

- Administrative staff, who fully accompanies the project from the initial idea stage, organizes the ICO, manages the creation of the project, represents the interests of the project, and accompanies the access to the relevant exchanges for subsequent trades.

- A security group that fully checks the ICO project, its creators, verifies them for participation in other projects, monitors information on various sources and databases in order to identify signs of unreliability for investors.

2.                About funds and budget AIO.Community

Considering a number of interesting projects, we see that many of them could be implemented, but the teams that conduct them often have a goal only to hold an ICO and raise investors' funds. After that the project is conducted in a low-flow mode, and the investor receives information only from public sources.

We believe that this situation can be corrected and the ICO market for startups is more transparent.

We propose the following model of financial relations between the investor and the ICO project, where the AIO.Community platform will act as a guarantor of these relations using the following tools:

- Creation of an insurance fund, in which at each ICO will be sent 5% of the collected funds for the safety of which the platform is responsible.

If the project fails and the investors' funds are threatened, the insurance fund will reimburse them in full.

- Creation of a stabilization fund, which also contributes 5% of the ICO. In order to create a reserve to maintain a stable course of released tokens of projects, work on which was carried out on the platform.

Maintaining a stable exchange rate of coins is the basis for maintaining demand for the purchase of coins, this fund will buy coins from projects on the market with a drop in demand and vice versa, to sell to reduce supply so as not to allow unjustified speculative growth in the value of coins.

- The rest of the funds will go to the ICO project fund.

The supervision will be carried out by the community and monitored by the platform in the following order:

a. The budget of any project will be calculated by the platform and for each phase of the project implementation, funds will be allocated sufficient for this stage in accordance with the project roadmap.

b. Based on the results of each stage, the platform generates an audit report and submits it to the community for consideration

c. Based on the results of the audit report, the community answers the question: has the team fulfilled its tasks assigned to it, have the investors' funds been rationally spent.

d. If the community response is positive, then the team automatically receives funds to implement the next stage.

If the community response is negative, the team is completely removed from the project and work on it is transferred to platform specialists whose task will be to organize the work to complete the project, transfer it to another team of specialists or finish the work independently.

Conclusion: Investors' funds will be under constant control of the community and the platform, any of the implemented projects will always be brought to the end product and in the event of an insured event, the investor will receive a payment from the insurance fund.

I think the problem of so many ICOs is because the ICO it self is too easy to made.
ERC-20 tokens, everyone could make it, with a copycat whitepaper and "whatever" roadmap. People can do a project with an ICO, then it will gone in months.
BOOM 2017 has passed. we hope so. many projects, many losses, many disappointments.  we  invite you

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 01, 2018, 08:16:08 PM
It is good to see someone giving proper thought to ICO's and how they could be improved. The problem we have the moment is that its not possible to see if an ico is genuine or not, the scammers outnumber those who are genuine. Its a bad way to be.
therefore, our community appeared. we all went through a loss and a scam. we invite you

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 01, 2018, 08:20:35 PM
My personal problem with ICOs is the technical terms they use. Most times I find it difficult to understand the technical terms used by the team in a whitepaper or the official website. There should be a very non-technical aspect of the whitepaper.
Please let me know if it is difficult to read our document. ?? it is important for us to know your opinion, we invite you

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 01, 2018, 08:24:51 PM
The community and platform of investor funds will have control over this ICO and any implementation project will always be the last product. Your idea was very nice to me. I would like to invest in it.

You can get all the information on our website ( or ask all the questions in our chat, we invite you to

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Diced90 on October 01, 2018, 08:25:24 PM
Some issues I identify with many ICOs are things such as the team not expert enough and don't k now exactly how to advertise it properly particularly allocating the money for marketing which plays a massive factor since without it no one will know of the ICOs' existence. Plus the difficulty of having to thrive in such a competitive market by providing a product people will buy.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: irenegaming on October 01, 2018, 08:26:22 PM
Quite interesting, although for me one of the biggest problems with the ICOs is that they overpromise, they all believe that they are going to dethrone bitcoin and take their investors to the moon, but many fail miserably, I think that above all in this bearish market you have to be more conservative with what is promised, it is necessary to be realistic with our goals, to be able to manage well the expectations of investors.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 01, 2018, 08:34:59 PM
An effective concept was found in your discussion about some problem of cryptocurrency. Since this ICO will work for a group of investors to describe and explain the functions of individual groups. The final product will be discussed by the community.

Any decisions only through community voting, we invite you

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 01, 2018, 08:37:03 PM
Hopefully AIO.Community ICO will bring benefits for the ICO holders and investors. As well as new investors. Although I know a little about it. I got a good idea about AIO.Community through your presentation.

thank you for your kind words, we invite you

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: jackflag on October 01, 2018, 08:44:39 PM
I think the most important problem is the decrease in the number of investors, compared to 2017, their number has strongly decreased in 2018, as did the popularity of the ICO as a whole. I think first of all this is due to the increased number of scammers on the crypto market and this problem needs to be addressed first.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: DamilolaB on October 01, 2018, 09:05:38 PM
Digest AIO.Community


Today, the market of the crypto currency is in the development stage and therefore many questions for its normal development are not sufficiently studied and considered.

The team of the AIO.Community project considers it right to put these issues for discussion and propose its own way of solving them. This will give the market a new positive impulse and create conditions for the transition to a new level of development. It will make it more transparent for participants. With the possibility of obtaining financial protection for the project participant and ensuring a unified approaches to holding crowdfunding.

AIO.Community is an intelligent platform for ICO projects, with the possibility of obtaining financial protection for the project participant and ensuring a unified approach to holding crowdfunding.

When creating the project, we identified the issues that will be solved after implementing the platform in a global sense.

1.                About the ICO.

We all know that the list of coins on the market is constantly growing, but for a potential investor the issue of buying a specific coin that will bring him a profit, requires studying the main questions about the project, namely: the goal of creating a project (the product being created) and the team that is working on it. This gives an understanding for the investor as far as his participation in the ICO for him can be profitable and safe.

Creation of the team takes quite a long time. Ensuring the creation of an effective team before the sale of coins is very difficult, so the leaders of the new project either form an inefficient team that consists of enthusiasts who are ready to work without payment, or the team is published only for information and does not match to reality.

What are the outstanding problems of this issue?

- Effectiveness of this team for the investor is not clear;

- Main functions of individual team members are not described and not regulated;

- Final product is not discussed by the community;

- Financial reporting for expenditure is rare, and non-targeted use is not stopped;

- The rules of the team, evaluation of effectiveness, compliance with deadlines, the system for assessing the performance of individual structures in the team is often created from scratch or not at all.

All this, we call structural problems, which often lead to unprofitability of the project, and the creation of the final product is delayed or does not happen at all.

AIO - completely solves these and other issues, we offer:

Creation of a platform where a team of specialists consists of:

- Financial experts who assess the costs of the project keep records and report to the community on the targeted and rational expenditure of funds. Prepare all the upcoming spending items in advance so that unnecessary funds are not uselessly accumulated in project accounts, while at the same time; it was understandable for the community to create the final product.

These specialists have sufficient skills to optimize and reduce the costs of the project.

This avoids attracting investors from unclaimed investments and reduces the amount of coin emission to the required limits.

- Legal specialists whose work is aimed at creating the correct legal form of the project, selection of appropriate jurisdiction for the registration of a future company, registration of intellectual and copyright. The consolidation of legal relations between investors and the ICO project with the subsequent transition to the status of shareholders, full support and protection of the interests of the project and investors.

- Marketers who study the economic model of the project development, advice on the choice of the optimal way of development, introduce clear and showed the highest conversion tools for the monetization of a future product created with the investors' funds.

- Technical personnel who accompany or fully assume the issues of safety, project development, design, infrastructure, and so on.

- Administrative staff, who fully accompanies the project from the initial idea stage, organizes the ICO, manages the creation of the project, represents the interests of the project, and accompanies the access to the relevant exchanges for subsequent trades.

- A security group that fully checks the ICO project, its creators, verifies them for participation in other projects, monitors information on various sources and databases in order to identify signs of unreliability for investors.

2.                About funds and budget AIO.Community

Considering a number of interesting projects, we see that many of them could be implemented, but the teams that conduct them often have a goal only to hold an ICO and raise investors' funds. After that the project is conducted in a low-flow mode, and the investor receives information only from public sources.

We believe that this situation can be corrected and the ICO market for startups is more transparent.

We propose the following model of financial relations between the investor and the ICO project, where the AIO.Community platform will act as a guarantor of these relations using the following tools:

- Creation of an insurance fund, in which at each ICO will be sent 5% of the collected funds for the safety of which the platform is responsible.

If the project fails and the investors' funds are threatened, the insurance fund will reimburse them in full.

- Creation of a stabilization fund, which also contributes 5% of the ICO. In order to create a reserve to maintain a stable course of released tokens of projects, work on which was carried out on the platform.

Maintaining a stable exchange rate of coins is the basis for maintaining demand for the purchase of coins, this fund will buy coins from projects on the market with a drop in demand and vice versa, to sell to reduce supply so as not to allow unjustified speculative growth in the value of coins.

- The rest of the funds will go to the ICO project fund.

The supervision will be carried out by the community and monitored by the platform in the following order:

a. The budget of any project will be calculated by the platform and for each phase of the project implementation, funds will be allocated sufficient for this stage in accordance with the project roadmap.

b. Based on the results of each stage, the platform generates an audit report and submits it to the community for consideration

c. Based on the results of the audit report, the community answers the question: has the team fulfilled its tasks assigned to it, have the investors' funds been rationally spent.

d. If the community response is positive, then the team automatically receives funds to implement the next stage.

If the community response is negative, the team is completely removed from the project and work on it is transferred to platform specialists whose task will be to organize the work to complete the project, transfer it to another team of specialists or finish the work independently.

Conclusion: Investors' funds will be under constant control of the community and the platform, any of the implemented projects will always be brought to the end product and in the event of an insured event, the investor will receive a payment from the insurance fund.
I quite agree with this wonderful write up you have here. However with my little experience in the crypto community, I think the major problem of these icos is duplication of what has been done by other project and what attract a lot of people to an ICO is how unique is the idea behind the project.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 02, 2018, 11:31:08 AM
To find out a promising ICO is  not easier now-a-days. So if ICO will developed and be friendly to investor to find out a promising project then many investors are benefitted. And that's will make investors interested to invest on ICO.

This is one of our main tasks. only the return of investor confidence can return confidence in the crypto world. and remove in  future all  talk about crypto-bubbles ,we invite you

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 02, 2018, 11:34:13 AM
Promise, useless, FOMO, scam, Dead, No product, ... many and many. Not much ICOs keeping develop after 1 year. Investor dont trust ICOs any more, so scare
I completely agree. Today there is no investor protection tool, so it’s scary to invest. we invite you

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 02, 2018, 11:38:05 AM
Promise, useless, FOMO, scam, Dead, No product, ... many and many. Not much ICOs keeping develop after 1 year
And if you look on their roadmaps almost all ICOs promise the products in the oney year. And after one year no product will be developed as most cases.
the fact is that they promise. Many projects attract a lot of money for a product worth several hundred dollars, their marketing services work very well. and when it comes to product release, products with better functionality are already present in the market. we invite you

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Kanatanex on October 02, 2018, 12:22:26 PM
Now there is a lot of mistrust at people to different projects. All lose money on the investments and do not get profit. It is the main problem of all projects

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 02, 2018, 12:44:45 PM
I liked that you have elaborately expressed your opinion through this article. It has cleared some of my confusions about ICOs issues. I agree with you completely. ICOs are really getting out of hand
Thanks for the kind words. We can always discuss all issues related to ICO in our group, we invite you

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 02, 2018, 12:48:08 PM
ICO mean initials coin offering this is like Minning process. This is done just make people more aware about their coins like a bounty programs but slightly diffrent.

I disagree with you. projects may not produce coins. and do something else. And there are many such projects. they all want to raise money, but not everyone understands what to do with them. if there is no idea and realization of this idea, then the project will be closed within a year. and investors will incur losses.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 02, 2018, 12:51:48 PM
ICO is one of the  platform to invest with crypto and many newbie come here to invest and some of them are cheated by scammer. Is there any way to avoid scammers and scam projects?

Yes there is. between the investor and the project there must be a tool that will provide funding for the project, and investors will be protected from fraudsters with this tool or platform. we invite you

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 02, 2018, 12:54:07 PM
Perhaps in the future, projects in the ICO segment will be transferred to management companies. And the situation in that market will radically change, for the better!
We are working in this direction. Someone must put an end to this whole story of fraud. In our opinion, only a transparent discussion and collective project management can do this.
 we invite you

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 02, 2018, 12:56:21 PM
The continuous rise of Bitcoin prices has led to the birth of hundreds of ICOS within just the first few months of the year. The SEC has warned of scams because of the increasing number of ICOS. Too many ICOS scams will do the investors' demand for coding in general decline.
it is sad. but there is a solution to this problem. only together, only openly will we be able to change this trend.
 we invite you

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: pietro_B on October 02, 2018, 01:08:22 PM
The problem with ICOs is that they became suddenly the "thing" to invest in following Bitcoin's extraordinary price increase. Consequently, it suffers from a tight bond with Bitcoin's fortunes, but more importantly, it suffered (and sadly continues to suffer) from poor projects managing to collect money and not deliver products, services etc etc. The whole sector has seen months of pure speculations, some ICOs became famous for their ROIs, some because they were complete cons.
I think the ICOs are a great tool to raise money, I would love to see the sector more regulated so that poor, useless, scammy projects are eradicated.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 02, 2018, 01:13:16 PM
Few problems of ico ranges from
Failed promises
Scam icos
Non delivery of tokens
Embezzlement of funds And more

Just focus on your research work
That’s the best I can tell
KYC is a problem. this is not a solution. a lot of problems associated to this instrument.
Unsuccessful promises. The project should not promise that he will do it. The project should do something and provide a public assessment. In other cases, they should seek help from developers who will assist in the implementation of the alpha version for ICO. and then go on stage ico

Fraud. Our platform, together with our community, is considering a project. after reviewing this draft, approves or disapproves of listing on the platform. where after that funding will be allocated for each step of the roadmap. The project allocates funds to an insurance fund to protect investors' investments. This is one of the tools that we will use on our platform.
all info there

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: insidertradingeverywhere on October 02, 2018, 01:20:37 PM
The main problem existing in ICO is scam, because it means that a lot of crypto users got scammed and lose trust in crypto sphere. As a result they quit crypto forever

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 02, 2018, 01:25:09 PM
ICO like losing investors, perhaps because too much c now. Why are there are no rules to limit everybody makes project ico. It could be bad because of rampant fraud in the guise of project ico.
Now there is a rule. attracting consultants will attract investors. this rule is. collect money at the ICO stage, and then say that the project is listed on the exchange. After a while they say that our project is closed, they distribute their coins to investors and remain in the shadows. the adviser in his statistics gets a minus and lives without repentance. they got what they wanted. invested $ 5,000 and received several million. It is with this trend that our project will fight.
we invite you

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 02, 2018, 01:28:57 PM
Yes, there are many problems that still exist with Icos. Most of them are scam. Funds being stolen is one of the big issue with Icos. Beside this there are many problems exist that makes investment in ico dangerous.
absolutely agree with you. It is at this point that we solve this problem with the community.
we invite you

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 02, 2018, 01:32:40 PM
Nice article that you write here about Ico. Study say about 80% of ico are scams. Only 7-8% of Icos progress to trade on market but about 6% of icos were failed to raise money as required.
Thank you for your opinion .. Here you can see all our tools.
we invite you

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: mirawantirinjana on October 02, 2018, 01:33:15 PM
making an ICO project is not difficult to do because it is so many ICO projects that are now emerging, that this is a problem when it is easy to make an ICO project misused by some people who have evil intentions

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: trash321 on October 02, 2018, 01:38:58 PM
If we talk about today, the problems today are only in the scam projects that have flooded this sphere today, since today many people are really going to deceive other people, how are we going to move on if deception is everywhere.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: doanlang on October 02, 2018, 01:49:39 PM
Your article has covered all the things I was thinking. I think the most worrisome issue of the ICO today is capital mobilization and community selling. This causes severe damage to the ICO.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: satgoldan on October 02, 2018, 02:18:31 PM
making an ICO project is not difficult to do because it is so many ICO projects that are now emerging, that this is a problem when it is easy to make an ICO project misused by some people who have evil intentions

Well, it is for this purpose that distinction identification procedures are carried out for project developers, I think that today many people pay attention to this: honest developers will not hide their team, on the contrary, professionals need to show themselves to investors. For this we need DECENTRALIZED ICO-trackers, which are not dependent on anyone. Scammers can simply pay the administrators of a platform for a good rating.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: RockBar0 on October 02, 2018, 02:20:57 PM
At present, some issues that exist in the ICO are quite complex, there are quite a few ICO projects that exist anonymously and deceive users, some members involved in the ICO program always seek to deceive us. So we should be careful, do not let them cheat

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 05, 2018, 12:20:26 PM
You are right. There are so many problems now in ICO projects.  Most of them are failed to show the product finally. All they do just fake promises and make the investors losing their money. 
That is why we are collecting a decentralized community that can break this vector of fraudulent schemes.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 05, 2018, 12:23:42 PM
Well it’s a good post. I like that you have cleared your statements properly and I am completely agree with you. Most of the ICOs are just making promise but cannot show the final product and thus people losing faith.   
Thank you. we just started a long job in the ICO market. together we can achieve a lot. Now scammers are getting smarter, and many people participate in their schemes.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 05, 2018, 12:26:59 PM
You almost mentioned all the problem exist in ICO mate and these are all true and these are all the main reasons why people are afraid to invest.But sad to say that there are many newbies that are not familiarize with ico  and yet they still invest with it and they end up losing their money.
the problem is that everyone is consumed by the gold rush. everyone wants to make money fast, and fraudulent projects are aimed at such investors. in the crypto world there are no supporters to protect investors.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 05, 2018, 12:31:55 PM
One of the problems, in my opinion, is that there are too many fraudulent icos in this market. Although, the tendency of reducing the concentration of them in the market already exists - people are getting smarter, and for scammers is not so easy now to deceive people as before. it becomes simply not profitable to conduct such "projects".
Another problem is the high volatility of the Crypto-currency; this problem will gradually disappear with the growth of the market, I think.
we all count on it. there is such a tendency, but the projects that were made to steal funds gained the support of well-known advisers. it was and will be more than once. we say that a project without paid consultants is more profitable than projects that buy interest in their project. .

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 05, 2018, 12:35:59 PM
I think the main problems with ICO at the moment are projects being run by inexperienced business people and that have not done proper cost analysis of bringing their project to completion. Is there really room for any more chains that want to do crypto different or is it time to look at only project with real world application?
such projects have great ideas, but no team, no finance. and after they collect some money they do not understand what to do with them. 90% of all projects do not survive and 1 year.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: trash321 on October 05, 2018, 12:38:50 PM
Speaking about today, I think that the biggest problem is that today people are very much exposed to scam projects, which today clearly imply theft of money. It’s obvious that many people are simply swallowed up by greed and they very often just don’t understand what they are doing.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 05, 2018, 12:39:02 PM
There are different problems that exist in ICO, some are identified to the team while the others are associated with the ICO community,,  the ICO supposed to be focused not only on raising fund with big community but to be committed to invention and production of a working product as what Blockchain technology is to find solution  to existing problems of man, some ICOs are not committed to full development of the whitepaper according to their roadmap which is to the detriment of the investors and every other person that support the ICO
totally agree with you. TNX

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 05, 2018, 12:40:52 PM
The biggest problems of ICO investors were lot of scam ICOs so they are afraid to invest on the new projects which affects the total market but the issue comes with the investors who don't have enough knowledge about the crypto currencies but still trying to invest on the crypto currencies and ICOs so scammers use them as easy victims and steal all their money so they need to update themselves to differentiate legit and scam.
good and bold words. and how to achieve this ??

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Tarion on October 05, 2018, 12:41:21 PM
Great article! Thank you very much for sharing this! 2018 was very hard for the ICOs but with the new wave of fresh investors, the market will recover, as well as the ICOs is general.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: dimonarka on October 05, 2018, 12:42:10 PM
The first problem is to find a quality and good ICO, because it is not easy. as well as users and investors have no guarantee in security and authenticity of the project

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 05, 2018, 12:44:14 PM
ICO's collect moneys in ETH, i think is not right price of ETH very volatile.
Need to collect in some stable coins
it's not about the coins, it's about the matter. if fraudsters are identified before the release of the project to the trackers, then we will be able to reduce the risk of losses from investors. and we have that solution.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 05, 2018, 12:49:34 PM
This is really nice issue and this post has addressed important issues that will help to develop the ICO of any project as well as the market of crypto currency. The concern and suggestions by the AIO community is really commendable and it needs to be implemented soon.
Thank you. You can find more information about our ideas and tools. I in no way urge you to participate in our project, but it will be interesting to see. we guarantee it)) our website

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 05, 2018, 12:53:40 PM
This has been a good issue that was brought to this forum regarding AIO community. I believe that there are still good ICO's that are legit and true to it's promises however, there are ICO's that had scammed many people to invest and just leave out of thin air. Most of these scam ICO's don't even bother to pay the bounty hunter's from their participation in the signature bounty campaign. I would suggest that prior to giving the ICO to join in this forum is that ICO should undergo strict screening in fairness to the ICO investors and bounty hunters.
It seems to me that in the bounty hunt there is a problem. they earn on attraction. they are not interested in the project, they bring people into the project and take their money. Do you think this is correct ??

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Svarora on October 05, 2018, 12:54:56 PM
what i observe while investing in an ico is that most of the product does not match with reality. team generally offer an incomplete product or service and then suddenly found it unsuitable according to reality. many investor are now understanding that whether particular project complete the need of market or not. so the project unable to raise the fund properly

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 05, 2018, 12:56:44 PM
Well that is true i invested to Helbiz a mobility provider platform they deceive many investor by dumping their coin , adding additional tokens to total supply , token burn wallet tokens are sold in idex instead of burning and told that someone hack the account no development transparency with their investor ! Thats why i switch with Trustedcars a well known company in Germany for automotive mobility provider . They are running their tokensale to mass adopt blockchain technology that will benefited both dealers and user by having cheaper cost , fast transaction and transparency . So i can say that they can deliver their decentralized platform because their car dealership platform is already implemented
everyone went through that. many lost hundreds of thousands of $. therefore we create a platform where there will be a guarantee before the investor and the project.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 05, 2018, 12:58:00 PM
It’s really a great post, very informative and you explained it very well. You are right. Nowadays ICOs are really getting out of hand and people are facing many problems. The things you have mentioned for solution is really good.
TNX.  join

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 05, 2018, 01:11:04 PM
In principle, everything is true, the biggest trouble is precisely that many investors do not see the final product!
Thank you. but there are still many problems before the product. join

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 05, 2018, 01:12:48 PM
Now the big problem is that they want to collect a lot of investments, more than what the product is worth.
People are not ready to take risks and invest big money
people will always invest their funds. it is a fear to miss profit

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 05, 2018, 01:14:45 PM
One of the biggest problems that the ICOs are plagued with right now is that the owners are often making selfish decisions and thinking of their own profit only in the long run. Having a proven product or prototype before starting the ICO would have easily solved the problems but ICOs are now more focused on reaching their soft/hard cap first more than anything.

   That's one problem directly connected with team leaders behind the ICO.
New projects have problems in beginning, they aim to become reputable
businesses one day, and road to that isn't easy. Great team with a great idea
needs to make sure product to be great too, for marketing cause like that
project will come to customers and supporters. Many things can go wrong,
competition is one of them.
   I think this list of possible problems can be very long. Problems exists to be
solved, good team can handle everything. When you invest in ICO watch the team
behind, good team deals with problems and makes progress.
yes you are completely right. A strong team is the key to success.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 05, 2018, 01:19:24 PM
Information digest on development of AIO.Community


Today, the market of the crypto currency is in the development stage and therefore many questions for its normal development are not sufficiently studied and considered.

The team of the AIO.Community project considers it right to put these issues for discussion and propose its own way of solving them. This will give the market a new positive impulse and create conditions for the transition to a new level of development. It will make it more transparent for participants. With the possibility of obtaining financial protection for the project participant and ensuring a unified approaches to holding crowdfunding.

AIO.Community is an intelligent platform for ICO projects, with the possibility of obtaining financial protection for the project participant and ensuring a unified approach to holding crowdfunding.

When creating the project, we identified the issues that will be solved after implementing the platform in a global sense.

1.                About the ICO.

We all know that the list of coins on the market is constantly growing, but for a potential investor the issue of buying a specific coin that will bring him a profit, requires studying the main questions about the project, namely: the goal of creating a project (the product being created) and the team that is working on it. This gives an understanding for the investor as far as his participation in the ICO for him can be profitable and safe.

Creation of the team takes quite a long time. Ensuring the creation of an effective team before the sale of coins is very difficult, so the leaders of the new project either form an inefficient team that consists of enthusiasts who are ready to work without payment, or the team is published only for information and does not match to reality.

What are the outstanding problems of this issue?

- Effectiveness of this team for the investor is not clear;

- Main functions of individual team members are not described and not regulated;

- Final product is not discussed by the community;

- Financial reporting for expenditure is rare, and non-targeted use is not stopped;

- The rules of the team, evaluation of effectiveness, compliance with deadlines, the system for assessing the performance of individual structures in the team is often created from scratch or not at all.

All this, we call structural problems, which often lead to unprofitability of the project, and the creation of the final product is delayed or does not happen at all.

AIO - completely solves these and other issues, we offer:

Creation of a platform where a team of specialists consists of:

- Financial experts who assess the costs of the project keep records and report to the community on the targeted and rational expenditure of funds. Prepare all the upcoming spending items in advance so that unnecessary funds are not uselessly accumulated in project accounts, while at the same time; it was understandable for the community to create the final product.

These specialists have sufficient skills to optimize and reduce the costs of the project.

This avoids attracting investors from unclaimed investments and reduces the amount of coin emission to the required limits.

- Legal specialists whose work is aimed at creating the correct legal form of the project, selection of appropriate jurisdiction for the registration of a future company, registration of intellectual and copyright. The consolidation of legal relations between investors and the ICO project with the subsequent transition to the status of shareholders, full support and protection of the interests of the project and investors.

- Marketers who study the economic model of the project development, advice on the choice of the optimal way of development, introduce clear and showed the highest conversion tools for the monetization of a future product created with the investors' funds.

- Technical personnel who accompany or fully assume the issues of safety, project development, design, infrastructure, and so on.

- Administrative staff, who fully accompanies the project from the initial idea stage, organizes the ICO, manages the creation of the project, represents the interests of the project, and accompanies the access to the relevant exchanges for subsequent trades.

- A security group that fully checks the ICO project, its creators, verifies them for participation in other projects, monitors information on various sources and databases in order to identify signs of unreliability for investors.

2.                About funds and budget AIO.Community

Considering a number of interesting projects, we see that many of them could be implemented, but the teams that conduct them often have a goal only to hold an ICO and raise investors' funds. After that the project is conducted in a low-flow mode, and the investor receives information only from public sources.

We believe that this situation can be corrected and the ICO market for startups is more transparent.

We propose the following model of financial relations between the investor and the ICO project, where the AIO.Community platform will act as a guarantor of these relations using the following tools:

- Creation of an insurance fund, in which at each ICO will be sent 5% of the collected funds for the safety of which the platform is responsible.

If the project fails and the investors' funds are threatened, the insurance fund will reimburse them in full.

- Creation of a stabilization fund, which also contributes 5% of the ICO. In order to create a reserve to maintain a stable course of released tokens of projects, work on which was carried out on the platform.

Maintaining a stable exchange rate of coins is the basis for maintaining demand for the purchase of coins, this fund will buy coins from projects on the market with a drop in demand and vice versa, to sell to reduce supply so as not to allow unjustified speculative growth in the value of coins.

- The rest of the funds will go to the ICO project fund.

The supervision will be carried out by the community and monitored by the platform in the following order:

a. The budget of any project will be calculated by the platform and for each phase of the project implementation, funds will be allocated sufficient for this stage in accordance with the project roadmap.

b. Based on the results of each stage, the platform generates an audit report and submits it to the community for consideration

c. Based on the results of the audit report, the community answers the question: has the team fulfilled its tasks assigned to it, have the investors' funds been rationally spent.

d. If the community response is positive, then the team automatically receives funds to implement the next stage.

If the community response is negative, the team is completely removed from the project and work on it is transferred to platform specialists whose task will be to organize the work to complete the project, transfer it to another team of specialists or finish the work independently.

Conclusion: Investors' funds will be under constant control of the community and the platform, any of the implemented projects will always be brought to the end product and in the event of an insured event, the investor will receive a payment from the insurance fund.
The largest difficulties associated with ICO traders had been large amount of rip-off ICOs so that they are scared to get about the brand new tasks that impacts the entire marketplace however the concern includes the actual traders that do not have sufficient understanding of the actual crypto foreign currencies but nonetheless attempting to commit about the crypto foreign currencies as well as ICOs therefore con artists rely on them because simple sufferers as well as grab almost all their cash, therefore, they have to revise on their own in order to distinguish legitimate as well as rip-off.
in a sense, you are right. but there are many questions in your post.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 05, 2018, 01:24:19 PM
For me, the common problem is not the ICO itself. The problem is the service or the product after the ICO, some are doing nothing which mean the development and roadmap will  definitely affected and the price will gonna dump as low as it can. This is the common thing why the existing coins/token become a shitcoins. The ICO is a good thing, specially if you understand the vision of the project. They need to get some funds to make the idea become reality.
We do not believe that the main task of ICO is to sell on the exchange. any good idea on the stock exchange can easily turn into dust. Exchange is a very difficult decision for the project. open water is full of big sharks

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 05, 2018, 01:26:10 PM
For me, the common problem is not the ICO itself. The problem is the service or the product after the ICO, some are doing nothing which mean the development and roadmap will  definitely affected and the price will gonna dump as low as it can. This is the common thing why the existing coins/token become a shitcoins. The ICO is a good thing, specially if you understand the vision of the project. They need to get some funds to make the idea become reality.

The problem is that some teams after ICO would not update the members of the community anymore as to what is happening with their project and some stop its development after the ICO completion that's why many of them do not want to get involved with ICO projects anymore. If they do not continue with it then many investors would be disappointed that's why some choose to just wait for the coins to get listed and that's the time they would buy the coins.
not fulfilling the roadmap, not wanting to develop and scale a direct path to the scam

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 05, 2018, 01:28:34 PM
It is good to see someone giving proper thought to ICO's and how they could be improved. The problem we have the moment is that its not possible to see if an ico is genuine or not, the scammers outnumber those who are genuine. Its a bad way to be.

It's make also down the reputation of signature bounty campaign but for us members and followers of this community its also our duty to check properly the legitimacy of certain ICO so that the scammers don't have a chance to continue their bad and unusual doings.
glad to hear it. we could be useful for each other as well for the ICO market

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Juggy777 on October 05, 2018, 01:30:19 PM
At present, some issues that exist in the ICO are quite complex, there are quite a few ICO projects that exist anonymously and deceive users, some members involved in the ICO program always seek to deceive us. So we should be careful, do not let them cheat

There're various issues when it comes to ICO most notably there're very fee trust worth ico's others are made to scam users, and because of these miscreants ICO industry has taken a beating. I have personally seen all scam type of Ico's which makes me avoid even the legit ones if they show up, the entire industry of Ico's has been tarnished and till they don't make their workings mor transparent users shall not trust them with their money.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: bennypagulayan on October 05, 2018, 01:32:00 PM
I find the ICO now has a lot of inadequacies, many projects are poor quality, deceptive, they always seek to appropriating the property of others, unlike before, ICO works for the purpose of product development. .

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 05, 2018, 01:33:24 PM
For now is it very difficult to raise money, because people are afraid to invest in new projects. The reason is that the projects come easily under the ICO price.
I repeat. This is not about the price of the project. the cost of the project will not increase if they do nothing and produce nothing. when you raise money for ICO, the project collects not a profit, but debt obligations, and you have to pay for them in the future. many don't understand it

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 05, 2018, 01:38:40 PM
Some issues I identify with many ICOs are things such as the team not expert enough and don't k now exactly how to advertise it properly particularly allocating the money for marketing which plays a massive factor since without it no one will know of the ICOs' existence. Plus the difficulty of having to thrive in such a competitive market by providing a product people will buy.
marketing is a headache. they attract investors who often kill the project. at ICO, investors buy large amounts and then sell them on the exchange. A team that is not ready for this closes the project.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 05, 2018, 01:41:57 PM
Quite interesting, although for me one of the biggest problems with the ICOs is that they overpromise, they all believe that they are going to dethrone bitcoin and take their investors to the moon, but many fail miserably, I think that above all in this bearish market you have to be more conservative with what is promised, it is necessary to be realistic with our goals, to be able to manage well the expectations of investors.
I agree. bloated promises are an acute problem of today's ICO market.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 05, 2018, 01:45:10 PM
I think the most important problem is the decrease in the number of investors, compared to 2017, their number has strongly decreased in 2018, as did the popularity of the ICO as a whole. I think first of all this is due to the increased number of scammers on the crypto market and this problem needs to be addressed first.
This is the main task of our platform. save and increase the number of investors.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 05, 2018, 01:47:50 PM
Digest AIO.Community


Today, the market of the crypto currency is in the development stage and therefore many questions for its normal development are not sufficiently studied and considered.

The team of the AIO.Community project considers it right to put these issues for discussion and propose its own way of solving them. This will give the market a new positive impulse and create conditions for the transition to a new level of development. It will make it more transparent for participants. With the possibility of obtaining financial protection for the project participant and ensuring a unified approaches to holding crowdfunding.

AIO.Community is an intelligent platform for ICO projects, with the possibility of obtaining financial protection for the project participant and ensuring a unified approach to holding crowdfunding.

When creating the project, we identified the issues that will be solved after implementing the platform in a global sense.

1.                About the ICO.

We all know that the list of coins on the market is constantly growing, but for a potential investor the issue of buying a specific coin that will bring him a profit, requires studying the main questions about the project, namely: the goal of creating a project (the product being created) and the team that is working on it. This gives an understanding for the investor as far as his participation in the ICO for him can be profitable and safe.

Creation of the team takes quite a long time. Ensuring the creation of an effective team before the sale of coins is very difficult, so the leaders of the new project either form an inefficient team that consists of enthusiasts who are ready to work without payment, or the team is published only for information and does not match to reality.

What are the outstanding problems of this issue?

- Effectiveness of this team for the investor is not clear;

- Main functions of individual team members are not described and not regulated;

- Final product is not discussed by the community;

- Financial reporting for expenditure is rare, and non-targeted use is not stopped;

- The rules of the team, evaluation of effectiveness, compliance with deadlines, the system for assessing the performance of individual structures in the team is often created from scratch or not at all.

All this, we call structural problems, which often lead to unprofitability of the project, and the creation of the final product is delayed or does not happen at all.

AIO - completely solves these and other issues, we offer:

Creation of a platform where a team of specialists consists of:

- Financial experts who assess the costs of the project keep records and report to the community on the targeted and rational expenditure of funds. Prepare all the upcoming spending items in advance so that unnecessary funds are not uselessly accumulated in project accounts, while at the same time; it was understandable for the community to create the final product.

These specialists have sufficient skills to optimize and reduce the costs of the project.

This avoids attracting investors from unclaimed investments and reduces the amount of coin emission to the required limits.

- Legal specialists whose work is aimed at creating the correct legal form of the project, selection of appropriate jurisdiction for the registration of a future company, registration of intellectual and copyright. The consolidation of legal relations between investors and the ICO project with the subsequent transition to the status of shareholders, full support and protection of the interests of the project and investors.

- Marketers who study the economic model of the project development, advice on the choice of the optimal way of development, introduce clear and showed the highest conversion tools for the monetization of a future product created with the investors' funds.

- Technical personnel who accompany or fully assume the issues of safety, project development, design, infrastructure, and so on.

- Administrative staff, who fully accompanies the project from the initial idea stage, organizes the ICO, manages the creation of the project, represents the interests of the project, and accompanies the access to the relevant exchanges for subsequent trades.

- A security group that fully checks the ICO project, its creators, verifies them for participation in other projects, monitors information on various sources and databases in order to identify signs of unreliability for investors.

2.                About funds and budget AIO.Community

Considering a number of interesting projects, we see that many of them could be implemented, but the teams that conduct them often have a goal only to hold an ICO and raise investors' funds. After that the project is conducted in a low-flow mode, and the investor receives information only from public sources.

We believe that this situation can be corrected and the ICO market for startups is more transparent.

We propose the following model of financial relations between the investor and the ICO project, where the AIO.Community platform will act as a guarantor of these relations using the following tools:

- Creation of an insurance fund, in which at each ICO will be sent 5% of the collected funds for the safety of which the platform is responsible.

If the project fails and the investors' funds are threatened, the insurance fund will reimburse them in full.

- Creation of a stabilization fund, which also contributes 5% of the ICO. In order to create a reserve to maintain a stable course of released tokens of projects, work on which was carried out on the platform.

Maintaining a stable exchange rate of coins is the basis for maintaining demand for the purchase of coins, this fund will buy coins from projects on the market with a drop in demand and vice versa, to sell to reduce supply so as not to allow unjustified speculative growth in the value of coins.

- The rest of the funds will go to the ICO project fund.

The supervision will be carried out by the community and monitored by the platform in the following order:

a. The budget of any project will be calculated by the platform and for each phase of the project implementation, funds will be allocated sufficient for this stage in accordance with the project roadmap.

b. Based on the results of each stage, the platform generates an audit report and submits it to the community for consideration

c. Based on the results of the audit report, the community answers the question: has the team fulfilled its tasks assigned to it, have the investors' funds been rationally spent.

d. If the community response is positive, then the team automatically receives funds to implement the next stage.

If the community response is negative, the team is completely removed from the project and work on it is transferred to platform specialists whose task will be to organize the work to complete the project, transfer it to another team of specialists or finish the work independently.

Conclusion: Investors' funds will be under constant control of the community and the platform, any of the implemented projects will always be brought to the end product and in the event of an insured event, the investor will receive a payment from the insurance fund.
I quite agree with this wonderful write up you have here. However with my little experience in the crypto community, I think the major problem of these icos is duplication of what has been done by other project and what attract a lot of people to an ICO is how unique is the idea behind the project.
Thanks for the kind words. The main idea of ICO is the uniqueness and decentralization of the project.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 05, 2018, 01:53:11 PM
Now there is a lot of mistrust at people to different projects. All lose money on the investments and do not get profit. It is the main problem of all projects
That is why we can only change it together. large investors will always give a damn about midsize investors. they do not pity the cannon fodder.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 05, 2018, 01:55:49 PM
The main problem existing in ICO is scam, because it means that a lot of crypto users got scammed and lose trust in crypto sphere. As a result they quit crypto forever
Unfortunately this is the case. but the crypto world has just begun to evolve. and many more people will want to enter these waters.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: CrazeCoinz on October 05, 2018, 01:59:33 PM
I really appreciate your statements. This is like the way I think also.  I think the most disturbing issue of ICOs is the failure of showing final product. This reduces my trust on ICOs

This is the common problem in investing ICO once those developer get the money the development is too slow and the price will collapse as those investors will dumps their token due to no progress on making the real product. Investors will be the loser as those developer will enjoy their collected funds.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: maxim000 on October 05, 2018, 02:04:10 PM
The main problem is that there is a lot of projects that are just same. Then there is no MVP or a product before the ICO. People invest in blank promises. Sometimes their is new team and it becomes tough to believe that. Also, the market is decentralized, people have not much option left after getting scammed.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Mahanton on October 05, 2018, 02:05:46 PM
At present, some issues that exist in the ICO are quite complex, there are quite a few ICO projects that exist anonymously and deceive users, some members involved in the ICO program always seek to deceive us. So we should be careful, do not let them cheat

There're various issues when it comes to ICO most notably there're very fee trust worth ico's others are made to scam users, and because of these miscreants ICO industry has taken a beating. I have personally seen all scam type of Ico's which makes me avoid even the legit ones if they show up, the entire industry of Ico's has been tarnished and till they don't make their workings mor transparent users shall not trust them with their money.
Due to scams ICO reputation it do really give out tarnish which in result it do make lots of investors confidence on making investment or support into projects and legit ones is mainly affected due to lots of scam projects.
We have seen the difference of success rate of projects on last years and of this year. Lots of garbage projects and only a few legit ones but still failed up because of that effect.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Cmoh on October 05, 2018, 02:08:01 PM
There are many problems exist in the recent ICOs. Most of the ICOs are subscribed at very overpriced. Which later erode in value unbelievable price and the investors are wasting their money over the night.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Flamebellow on October 05, 2018, 02:23:56 PM
In my opinion, the main problem of the ICO sector is that it is catastrophically crowded. Most of the projects copy each other and do not contain absolutely no fresh ideas and technologies, I will not even speak for the number of scammers on the market. The industry has become a hostage of last year's HYIP, and still go here with the goal of simply making money. It will take some time until the ICO industry will get reformatted and will be able to give life to new ideas and technologies.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: S-triple-C on October 05, 2018, 02:33:56 PM
The problem with ICO is that when there is not enough promotion and the project didn't reach the soft cap, usually they tend to slow down the development and sometimes they disappear. This is just based on my experience as I have been a victim of some shady ICO's.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: cattano on October 05, 2018, 02:51:11 PM
I think the main problem for crypto ICO is?.the  most severe problem would be SCAM project, that doesn't just making all the investors to to leave and avoid any project with (ICO)and they want' us to hellp fro them.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: martin1221 on October 05, 2018, 03:21:23 PM
Great reviews of the problems in ICO. With the enormous development of blockchain and crypto, many project also jumped into the bandwagon. And most of these project has really no practical and feasible product to start with and just hoping that the hype will just move their ICOs on top. But I think people are getting smart right now that they become picky with what there are investing.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: mariogomer on October 05, 2018, 03:33:37 PM
ICOs currently have many problems. Everyone should be careful in their ICO investments. At this moment the money cycle is very little so the ICO processes are failing.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 08, 2018, 01:30:38 PM
I really appreciate your statements. This is like the way I think also.  I think the most disturbing issue of ICOs is the failure of showing final product. This reduces my trust on ICOs

This is the common problem in investing ICO once those developer get the money the development is too slow and the price will collapse as those investors will dumps their token due to no progress on making the real product. Investors will be the loser as those developer will enjoy their collected funds.
Today it is one of the most acute problems. In our AIO.Community platform, we have developed a mechanism for solving this obvious problem. join

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 08, 2018, 01:36:50 PM
The main problem is that there is a lot of projects that are just same. Then there is no MVP or a product before the ICO. People invest in blank promises. Sometimes their is new team and it becomes tough to believe that. Also, the market is decentralized, people have not much option left after getting scammed.
agree with you. A third party must be added to this relationship, which will take over the protection of the investor and protect the project team from difficulties.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 08, 2018, 01:42:57 PM
At present, some issues that exist in the ICO are quite complex, there are quite a few ICO projects that exist anonymously and deceive users, some members involved in the ICO program always seek to deceive us. So we should be careful, do not let them cheat

There're various issues when it comes to ICO most notably there're very fee trust worth ico's others are made to scam users, and because of these miscreants ICO industry has taken a beating. I have personally seen all scam type of Ico's which makes me avoid even the legit ones if they show up, the entire industry of Ico's has been tarnished and till they don't make their workings mor transparent users shall not trust them with their money.
Due to scams ICO reputation it do really give out tarnish which in result it do make lots of investors confidence on making investment or support into projects and legit ones is mainly affected due to lots of scam projects.
We have seen the difference of success rate of projects on last years and of this year. Lots of garbage projects and only a few legit ones but still failed up because of that effect.
Evolution of ico market is just beginning. cryptocurrencies are just entering our life. Strong will remain,  weak will go into oblivion. First three years are not at all an indicator of a decline in interest in ICO.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Barbatos on October 09, 2018, 02:52:37 PM
Digest AIO.Community


Today, the market of the crypto currency is in the development stage and therefore many questions for its normal development are not sufficiently studied and considered.

The team of the AIO.Community project considers it right to put these issues for discussion and propose its own way of solving them. This will give the market a new positive impulse and create conditions for the transition to a new level of development. It will make it more transparent for participants. With the possibility of obtaining financial protection for the project participant and ensuring a unified approaches to holding crowdfunding.

AIO.Community is an intelligent platform for ICO projects, with the possibility of obtaining financial protection for the project participant and ensuring a unified approach to holding crowdfunding.

When creating the project, we identified the issues that will be solved after implementing the platform in a global sense.

1.                About the ICO.

We all know that the list of coins on the market is constantly growing, but for a potential investor the issue of buying a specific coin that will bring him a profit, requires studying the main questions about the project, namely: the goal of creating a project (the product being created) and the team that is working on it. This gives an understanding for the investor as far as his participation in the ICO for him can be profitable and safe.

Creation of the team takes quite a long time. Ensuring the creation of an effective team before the sale of coins is very difficult, so the leaders of the new project either form an inefficient team that consists of enthusiasts who are ready to work without payment, or the team is published only for information and does not match to reality.

What are the outstanding problems of this issue?

- Effectiveness of this team for the investor is not clear;

- Main functions of individual team members are not described and not regulated;

- Final product is not discussed by the community;

- Financial reporting for expenditure is rare, and non-targeted use is not stopped;

- The rules of the team, evaluation of effectiveness, compliance with deadlines, the system for assessing the performance of individual structures in the team is often created from scratch or not at all.

All this, we call structural problems, which often lead to unprofitability of the project, and the creation of the final product is delayed or does not happen at all.

AIO - completely solves these and other issues, we offer:

Creation of a platform where a team of specialists consists of:

- Financial experts who assess the costs of the project keep records and report to the community on the targeted and rational expenditure of funds. Prepare all the upcoming spending items in advance so that unnecessary funds are not uselessly accumulated in project accounts, while at the same time; it was understandable for the community to create the final product.

These specialists have sufficient skills to optimize and reduce the costs of the project.

This avoids attracting investors from unclaimed investments and reduces the amount of coin emission to the required limits.

- Legal specialists whose work is aimed at creating the correct legal form of the project, selection of appropriate jurisdiction for the registration of a future company, registration of intellectual and copyright. The consolidation of legal relations between investors and the ICO project with the subsequent transition to the status of shareholders, full support and protection of the interests of the project and investors.

- Marketers who study the economic model of the project development, advice on the choice of the optimal way of development, introduce clear and showed the highest conversion tools for the monetization of a future product created with the investors' funds.

- Technical personnel who accompany or fully assume the issues of safety, project development, design, infrastructure, and so on.

- Administrative staff, who fully accompanies the project from the initial idea stage, organizes the ICO, manages the creation of the project, represents the interests of the project, and accompanies the access to the relevant exchanges for subsequent trades.

- A security group that fully checks the ICO project, its creators, verifies them for participation in other projects, monitors information on various sources and databases in order to identify signs of unreliability for investors.

2.                About funds and budget AIO.Community

Considering a number of interesting projects, we see that many of them could be implemented, but the teams that conduct them often have a goal only to hold an ICO and raise investors' funds. After that the project is conducted in a low-flow mode, and the investor receives information only from public sources.

We believe that this situation can be corrected and the ICO market for startups is more transparent.

We propose the following model of financial relations between the investor and the ICO project, where the AIO.Community platform will act as a guarantor of these relations using the following tools:

- Creation of an insurance fund, in which at each ICO will be sent 5% of the collected funds for the safety of which the platform is responsible.

If the project fails and the investors' funds are threatened, the insurance fund will reimburse them in full.

- Creation of a stabilization fund, which also contributes 5% of the ICO. In order to create a reserve to maintain a stable course of released tokens of projects, work on which was carried out on the platform.

Maintaining a stable exchange rate of coins is the basis for maintaining demand for the purchase of coins, this fund will buy coins from projects on the market with a drop in demand and vice versa, to sell to reduce supply so as not to allow unjustified speculative growth in the value of coins.

- The rest of the funds will go to the ICO project fund.

The supervision will be carried out by the community and monitored by the platform in the following order:

a. The budget of any project will be calculated by the platform and for each phase of the project implementation, funds will be allocated sufficient for this stage in accordance with the project roadmap.

b. Based on the results of each stage, the platform generates an audit report and submits it to the community for consideration

c. Based on the results of the audit report, the community answers the question: has the team fulfilled its tasks assigned to it, have the investors' funds been rationally spent.

d. If the community response is positive, then the team automatically receives funds to implement the next stage.

If the community response is negative, the team is completely removed from the project and work on it is transferred to platform specialists whose task will be to organize the work to complete the project, transfer it to another team of specialists or finish the work independently.

Conclusion: Investors' funds will be under constant control of the community and the platform, any of the implemented projects will always be brought to the end product and in the event of an insured event, the investor will receive a payment from the insurance fund.

There is no organization to punish fake or weak projects. ICO gives too much freedom for teams, they do no need to pass any verifications and most of projects are too weak, you can get it right after reading WP, but, unfortunately, most of people do not get it.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Eleven86 on October 09, 2018, 03:02:59 PM
I think the main problem for crypto ICO is?.the  most severe problem would be SCAM project, that doesn't just making all the investors to to leave and avoid any project with (ICO)and they want' us to hellp fro them.

Definitely this scam project creates a very bad impact on the investors. Most of them lose trust and avoid some good projects. People need a protection in ICO to avoid scammers if it done then assume it will become a big success.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: xonecoinlovers on October 09, 2018, 03:14:39 PM
That is indeed true if ICO has many kind of potential, from the good and the bad.
The good would be it can give benefits for the project and the people who were investing in that project.
The bad news would be if the ICO is just a scam, it will makes many people suffer loss, and their trust toward cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Alexeu00011 on October 09, 2018, 04:15:53 PM
Teams do not pass KYC. They may place any photos, write several pages about every team member, but it turns out that this person had never participated this ICO and have nothing in common with it. Idenity theft is one of the easiest crimes all over the world.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Dancing_Lion on October 10, 2018, 10:46:32 AM
Absence of any punishment for teams behind the ICOs. It is the main problem and we could not hope that ICO market will recover untill it would be solved. People do not want to make any kind of unreliable investments and it is easy to understand them.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: ryanfromrethink on October 10, 2018, 11:11:16 AM
After the investment, you loose any opportunity to track it or to make some impact and motivate the team to work faster. There were several times, when teams took long vacation right after the ICO ended, so investors shoudl wait for too long to get some info at all.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: zhanyiguai261315 on October 10, 2018, 11:17:54 AM
A considerable part of the ICO is a niche project, and most people still don't believe in this ico cryptocurrency!
If the project is narrow, then many other investors will not understand, so its demand will be low.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: frausoft on October 10, 2018, 07:42:15 PM
I think that the main problem of the ICO is that this year a lot of scam has appeared. Bench projects reduce investor confidence in ICO. Thus, normal projects to collect the necessary funds becomes more problematic.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: fukkkxdfs on October 12, 2018, 11:23:49 AM
I don't see any serisou problems in ICOs unlike having scam. But it takes place almost everywhere so it is not surprising at all. This is the one problem from my point.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: jpaul on October 17, 2018, 10:39:56 AM
There are different kinds of problems that can arise with icos but I think that the most common one now is that they do not have any good products to offer the investors anymore. There are already thousands of coins in the market already offering so many kinds of projects that the ones that are coming out now are finding it difficult to come up with new ideas

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Correlll on October 17, 2018, 10:53:48 AM
Great statement! I hope it would help a lot of newbies to understand that the ICOs world isn't perfect and you do not need to invest in every project that comes to the market. I hope, as soon as the market recovers, we will see better ICO projects.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 20, 2018, 04:40:28 PM
In my opinion, the main problem of the ICO sector is that it is catastrophically crowded. Most of the projects copy each other and do not contain absolutely no fresh ideas and technologies, I will not even speak for the number of scammers on the market. The industry has become a hostage of last year's HYIP, and still go here with the goal of simply making money. It will take some time until the ICO industry will get reformatted and will be able to give life to new ideas and technologies.
What tools do you think can do this?

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 20, 2018, 04:45:17 PM
The problem with ICO is that when there is not enough promotion and the project didn't reach the soft cap, usually they tend to slow down the development and sometimes they disappear. This is just based on my experience as I have been a victim of some shady ICO's.
In our opinion, advertising is the driving force behind the fact that many of them are victims of fraudsters. scammers buy the most expensive consultants who lead investors. investing from $ 5,000, any scammer buys investor confidence through consultants.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 20, 2018, 04:53:27 PM
I think the main problem for crypto ICO is?.the  most severe problem would be SCAM project, that doesn't just making all the investors to to leave and avoid any project with (ICO)and they want' us to hellp fro them.
I completely agree. therefore, our community decided to start a fight with such projects. we started, others will see results and join us. our website:

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Daliloz on October 20, 2018, 04:55:23 PM
It seems to me that the most important problem of ico of projects is their uselessness and impracticality for today. It if to tell in general for all existing ico projects for today.
Many projects just don't solve those problems which the cryptocurrency and a blockchain technology in general has to solve.
New coins are created only to raise money from investors and to disappear with them. The ideas repeat each other or those which exist for a long time and work very well. On it I consider this reason most important, but it is of course not only.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 20, 2018, 04:56:38 PM
Great reviews of the problems in ICO. With the enormous development of blockchain and crypto, many project also jumped into the bandwagon. And most of these project has really no practical and feasible product to start with and just hoping that the hype will just move their ICOs on top. But I think people are getting smart right now that they become picky with what there are investing.
Yes, this is a very positive trend. when the concept of lost profits ends, another stage in the development of the ICO market will begin.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 20, 2018, 04:58:25 PM
ICOs currently have many problems. Everyone should be careful in their ICO investments. At this moment the money cycle is very little so the ICO processes are failing.
What do you mean by speaking about  money cycle ???

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: ryker6688 on October 20, 2018, 05:03:49 PM
ICO is very difficult to say. I appreciate your article, it is really helpful to me. thank you. Good luck!!

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 20, 2018, 05:06:00 PM
Digest AIO.Community


Today, the market of the crypto currency is in the development stage and therefore many questions for its normal development are not sufficiently studied and considered.

The team of the AIO.Community project considers it right to put these issues for discussion and propose its own way of solving them. This will give the market a new positive impulse and create conditions for the transition to a new level of development. It will make it more transparent for participants. With the possibility of obtaining financial protection for the project participant and ensuring a unified approaches to holding crowdfunding.

AIO.Community is an intelligent platform for ICO projects, with the possibility of obtaining financial protection for the project participant and ensuring a unified approach to holding crowdfunding.

When creating the project, we identified the issues that will be solved after implementing the platform in a global sense.

1.                About the ICO.

We all know that the list of coins on the market is constantly growing, but for a potential investor the issue of buying a specific coin that will bring him a profit, requires studying the main questions about the project, namely: the goal of creating a project (the product being created) and the team that is working on it. This gives an understanding for the investor as far as his participation in the ICO for him can be profitable and safe.

Creation of the team takes quite a long time. Ensuring the creation of an effective team before the sale of coins is very difficult, so the leaders of the new project either form an inefficient team that consists of enthusiasts who are ready to work without payment, or the team is published only for information and does not match to reality.

What are the outstanding problems of this issue?

- Effectiveness of this team for the investor is not clear;

- Main functions of individual team members are not described and not regulated;

- Final product is not discussed by the community;

- Financial reporting for expenditure is rare, and non-targeted use is not stopped;

- The rules of the team, evaluation of effectiveness, compliance with deadlines, the system for assessing the performance of individual structures in the team is often created from scratch or not at all.

All this, we call structural problems, which often lead to unprofitability of the project, and the creation of the final product is delayed or does not happen at all.

AIO - completely solves these and other issues, we offer:

Creation of a platform where a team of specialists consists of:

- Financial experts who assess the costs of the project keep records and report to the community on the targeted and rational expenditure of funds. Prepare all the upcoming spending items in advance so that unnecessary funds are not uselessly accumulated in project accounts, while at the same time; it was understandable for the community to create the final product.

These specialists have sufficient skills to optimize and reduce the costs of the project.

This avoids attracting investors from unclaimed investments and reduces the amount of coin emission to the required limits.

- Legal specialists whose work is aimed at creating the correct legal form of the project, selection of appropriate jurisdiction for the registration of a future company, registration of intellectual and copyright. The consolidation of legal relations between investors and the ICO project with the subsequent transition to the status of shareholders, full support and protection of the interests of the project and investors.

- Marketers who study the economic model of the project development, advice on the choice of the optimal way of development, introduce clear and showed the highest conversion tools for the monetization of a future product created with the investors' funds.

- Technical personnel who accompany or fully assume the issues of safety, project development, design, infrastructure, and so on.

- Administrative staff, who fully accompanies the project from the initial idea stage, organizes the ICO, manages the creation of the project, represents the interests of the project, and accompanies the access to the relevant exchanges for subsequent trades.

- A security group that fully checks the ICO project, its creators, verifies them for participation in other projects, monitors information on various sources and databases in order to identify signs of unreliability for investors.

2.                About funds and budget AIO.Community

Considering a number of interesting projects, we see that many of them could be implemented, but the teams that conduct them often have a goal only to hold an ICO and raise investors' funds. After that the project is conducted in a low-flow mode, and the investor receives information only from public sources.

We believe that this situation can be corrected and the ICO market for startups is more transparent.

We propose the following model of financial relations between the investor and the ICO project, where the AIO.Community platform will act as a guarantor of these relations using the following tools:

- Creation of an insurance fund, in which at each ICO will be sent 5% of the collected funds for the safety of which the platform is responsible.

If the project fails and the investors' funds are threatened, the insurance fund will reimburse them in full.

- Creation of a stabilization fund, which also contributes 5% of the ICO. In order to create a reserve to maintain a stable course of released tokens of projects, work on which was carried out on the platform.

Maintaining a stable exchange rate of coins is the basis for maintaining demand for the purchase of coins, this fund will buy coins from projects on the market with a drop in demand and vice versa, to sell to reduce supply so as not to allow unjustified speculative growth in the value of coins.

- The rest of the funds will go to the ICO project fund.

The supervision will be carried out by the community and monitored by the platform in the following order:

a. The budget of any project will be calculated by the platform and for each phase of the project implementation, funds will be allocated sufficient for this stage in accordance with the project roadmap.

b. Based on the results of each stage, the platform generates an audit report and submits it to the community for consideration

c. Based on the results of the audit report, the community answers the question: has the team fulfilled its tasks assigned to it, have the investors' funds been rationally spent.

d. If the community response is positive, then the team automatically receives funds to implement the next stage.

If the community response is negative, the team is completely removed from the project and work on it is transferred to platform specialists whose task will be to organize the work to complete the project, transfer it to another team of specialists or finish the work independently.

Conclusion: Investors' funds will be under constant control of the community and the platform, any of the implemented projects will always be brought to the end product and in the event of an insured event, the investor will receive a payment from the insurance fund.

There is no organization to punish fake or weak projects. ICO gives too much freedom for teams, they do no need to pass any verifications and most of projects are too weak, you can get it right after reading WP, but, unfortunately, most of people do not get it.
There are special writers who write white paper for money, and there will be a hidden call for purchase. and  investor will buy. All this is done for money, plus the project buys an adviser who will create a HYIP around this project.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 20, 2018, 05:07:27 PM
I think the main problem for crypto ICO is?.the  most severe problem would be SCAM project, that doesn't just making all the investors to to leave and avoid any project with (ICO)and they want' us to hellp fro them.

Definitely this scam project creates a very bad impact on the investors. Most of them lose trust and avoid some good projects. People need a protection in ICO to avoid scammers if it done then assume it will become a big success.
I agree. the main thing is not to fall under regulation)))

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Komandor8957 on October 20, 2018, 05:09:58 PM
It seems to me that the investor begins to buy coins mainly when a “name” appears in the coin and the developers are actively working not on advertising the project but on its implementation.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 20, 2018, 05:10:09 PM
That is indeed true if ICO has many kind of potential, from the good and the bad.
The good would be it can give benefits for the project and the people who were investing in that project.
The bad news would be if the ICO is just a scam, it will makes many people suffer loss, and their trust toward cryptocurrency.
2017 came to an end like a hyip around. now investors and scammers have become smarter.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 20, 2018, 05:13:11 PM
Teams do not pass KYC. They may place any photos, write several pages about every team member, but it turns out that this person had never participated this ICO and have nothing in common with it. Idenity theft is one of the easiest crimes all over the world.
I agree, but KYC is a tool that unleashed hands of scammers. it's easy to get around, and  developers of this tool have guaranteed everyone that this is most reliable tool in fight against fraudsters.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 20, 2018, 05:15:27 PM
Absence of any punishment for teams behind the ICOs. It is the main problem and we could not hope that ICO market will recover untill it would be solved. People do not want to make any kind of unreliable investments and it is easy to understand them.
cryptocurrency sector is decentralized !!! how can you punish them? regulation ????

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 20, 2018, 05:17:17 PM
After the investment, you loose any opportunity to track it or to make some impact and motivate the team to work faster. There were several times, when teams took long vacation right after the ICO ended, so investors shoudl wait for too long to get some info at all.
I agree. no transparency !!!! but we have a solution to this problem. written about it here

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 20, 2018, 05:20:01 PM
A considerable part of the ICO is a niche project, and most people still don't believe in this ico cryptocurrency!
If the project is narrow, then many other investors will not understand, so its demand will be low.
This topic can be a long discussion. which project will bring money. which benefits the whole world of  crypt, etc.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: Aio.Community on October 20, 2018, 05:22:10 PM
I think that the main problem of the ICO is that this year a lot of scam has appeared. Bench projects reduce investor confidence in ICO. Thus, normal projects to collect the necessary funds becomes more problematic.
problem is that projects inflate  importance and at  same time  amount they need.

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: sergey1301 on November 11, 2018, 05:16:38 AM
Good article!! The main problem of ico projects is fraud. In 2018, a 90% ico is a Scam!

Title: Re: what problems exist in ICO
Post by: bakermaker123 on November 11, 2018, 10:24:28 AM
That's a well done statement, I also see a problem that exist in some ICOs and this is they are not providing updates and they are not talking to their community. There is a saying, communication is the key, and without communication, there will be FUD to the investors and to the people in the community.