Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Armory => Topic started by: truebits on September 05, 2018, 02:24:49 AM

Title: only 1 second left??
Post by: truebits on September 05, 2018, 02:24:49 AM
I cannot seem to get my Armory 96.3 to sync so I can get access to view the wallets. I read here similar stories and it sounded like the problems were fixed in the 96.4 updates. So I updated to 96.4. Same issues persist see photo

I tried to attach the log, but could not  so it is located at

Title: Re: only 1 second left??
Post by: bob123 on September 05, 2018, 08:03:39 AM
I can not see core running on your screenshot. Do you have core synced and running ?
Armory needs core to be fully synced and running since it retrieves the data (incoming transations, balances, ..) from your local core installation.

I tried to attach the log, but could not

You can paste it between [ code] and [ /code] tags (ommitting the spaces).
If the log is too long, you can upload it to any pate site (e.g. (

Title: Re: only 1 second left??
Post by: PhoenixFire on September 05, 2018, 04:01:38 PM
I can not see core running on your screenshot. Do you have core synced and running ?
Armory needs core to be fully synced and running since it retrieves the data (incoming transations, balances, ..) from your local core installation.
Running bitcoind in the background - Note that Armory says connected, but 0 blocks - confirmed in the logs.

Going on the last entry in your logs, it was still scanning the blocks at this point:
-INFO - 23:31:19.719: (e:\users\goat\code\armory3\cppforswig\blockchainscanner.cpp:852) scanned from block #507886 to #508389
If I'm reading it right, you kept everything running overnight then exported the log?
2018-09-03 23:31:19 (INFO) -- - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2018-09-04 04:57:54 (INFO) -- - Log saved to D:/armorylog_20180904_0457.txt

Assuming Bitcoin Core is fully synced, ArmoryDB might be choking on some corrupt data... though there is or was something strange going on with the 2bW2mnkwH wallet.
I'd guess an Armory database rebuild, and failing that a reindex in Bitcoin Core. Running Bitcoin Core separately from Armory would be worth a shot too, but needs a little configuration to work.

Title: Re: only 1 second left??
Post by: HCP on September 06, 2018, 05:16:04 AM
It is quite possible that you had an "old" ArmoryDB process running.

Either restart the PC, start Bitcoin Core, then start Armory... or shutdown Armory, make sure that all the Armory related processes in Task Manager have been "killed". Then, try restarting Armory.

Title: Re: only 1 second left??
Post by: truebits on September 07, 2018, 12:47:33 AM
Thanks guys.

Normally I sync bitcoin core before I start Armory. Once core is sync'd I shut it down then start Armory. On this last round, I ran Bitcoin Core and got it updated. Shut it down and started Armory let it run all night and it would never finalize itself. 

Title: Re: only 1 second left??
Post by: goatpig on September 09, 2018, 09:03:53 AM
Just restart the whole stack. If it fails again, post your logs.

Title: Re: only 1 second left??
Post by: truebits on September 11, 2018, 02:00:14 AM
Rebooted the computer. restarted bitcoin core. Let it sync. Then restarted Armory let it sync all nite. Same issues?

Unfortunately, my armory log is so big paste bin will not let me post it.

So the log is reposted (

Title: Re: only 1 second left??
Post by: goatpig on September 12, 2018, 12:05:15 PM
Post dbLog.txt. If you have to cut it down, I'm more interested in the tail of the file than the head.

Title: Re: only 1 second left??
Post by: truebits on September 12, 2018, 12:51:31 PM

I am not sure I understand. Is the dblog.txt file different than what I posted? If so where do I find it? I posted the entire log at

Title: Re: only 1 second left??
Post by: goatpig on September 13, 2018, 07:25:49 AM

I am not sure I understand. Is the dblog.txt file different than what I posted?

Yes, what you posted is the aggregate log, I want the db specific log now.

If so where do I find it?

Armory's datadir, where your wallets reside.

Title: Re: only 1 second left??
Post by: truebits on September 16, 2018, 03:05:22 AM
Ok, Thanks for the info. Hopefully, I got you what you need. I have posted it at Imgur.

Title: Re: only 1 second left??
Post by: bob123 on September 16, 2018, 03:11:27 PM
Ok, Thanks for the info. Hopefully, I got you what you need. I have posted it at Imgur.

This snippet is useless.

The best would be to post the complete log. And please use ( and provide us the link.
Images are a pain in the ass to look for errors inside a log.

Title: Re: only 1 second left??
Post by: truebits on September 17, 2018, 03:39:21 AM
OK, here you are:

Title: Re: only 1 second left??
Post by: truebits on September 19, 2018, 08:45:56 PM

Title: Re: only 1 second left??
Post by: HCP on September 20, 2018, 09:33:03 AM
Is what you posted on pastebin the ENTIRE contents of dbLog.txt? ???

Title: Re: only 1 second left??
Post by: truebits on September 21, 2018, 02:27:38 AM
Yes , near as I can tell? I am NOT technical.

So guide me through how to pull more and I will pull it?

Title: Re: only 1 second left??
Post by: PhoenixFire on September 21, 2018, 01:06:14 PM
Yes , near as I can tell? I am NOT technical.

So guide me through how to pull more and I will pull it?
Shouldn't be much technical magic to it - just a text file and either you've copy/pasted it all or not :)
Generic path to that file is
or in your specific case

Title: Re: only 1 second left??
Post by: truebits on September 22, 2018, 06:19:52 PM
Yes , near as I can tell? I am NOT technical.

So guide me through how to pull more and I will pull it?
Shouldn't be much technical magic to it - just a text file and either you've copy/pasted it all or not :)
Generic path to that file is
or in your specific case

OK, I tried to pull it with the code given above and only got a bunch of gibberish. 

Then I pulled it another way. (Note the text at the top almost matches the text line you gave me). It is here

Per goatpig.

The last half of the long log file is posted at

Title: Re: only 1 second left??
Post by: PhoenixFire on September 23, 2018, 01:54:41 PM
OK, I tried to pull it with the code given above and only got a bunch of gibberish. 

Then I pulled it another way. (Note the text at the top almost matches the text line you gave me). It is here

Per goatpig.

The last half of the long log file is posted at
Thanks for the logs. Definitely odd that the dblog is that short.
I just realised that nobody has asked which version of Bitcoin Core are you running. Please make sure you do have the latest version (0.16.3)
If it wasn't 0.16.3, it could be helpful to know which version you had installed.

My best guess is still that the Armory database has gotten corrupted somehow.
Relatively easy fix to try, but will take time to rebuild.
Make sure Armory isn't running. If you can, check for ArmoryDB.exe in task manager's processes, and if it is there end it.

Press the Windows Key & the R key together. You'll get a popup to "Run". Enter this into the box (exactly as it is) and hit OK:
The Armory datadir folder should open and inside will be a lot of files including your logs and wallet files. Leave those alone, but there should be a "databases" folder there.
You want to delete the just "databases" folder (and anything in it).

You could reboot your PC at this point for good measure if you're not sure if Armory might be running still.
Start up Armory once this is done. It should start the process of building & scanning again. Fingers crossed that once it rebuilds you'll be connected and up to date.

Title: Re: only 1 second left??
Post by: truebits on September 24, 2018, 03:23:04 AM
Thanks for the update as I am running Bitcoin core 16.0. I will update ASAP.

Title: Re: only 1 second left??
Post by: truebits on September 25, 2018, 12:10:24 AM
Thank you! That Solved it! (updating to Bitcoin core 16.3.

Title: Re: only 1 second left??
Post by: PhoenixFire on September 25, 2018, 06:07:15 PM
Thank you! That Solved it! (updating to Bitcoin core 16.3.
You're welcome. I'm surprised that alone made a difference but I'm glad it did.
Hope it remains problem free for you from now on.

Title: Re: only 1 second left??
Post by: HCP on September 28, 2018, 09:17:44 PM
I'm not that surprised. As far as I can tell, older versions of Bitcoin Core just fail to sync properly now...

I was away from home when the 0.16.3 update became mandatory... and my node effectively just got stuck for 2 weeks :P