Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Technical Support => Topic started by: jackg on September 07, 2018, 12:07:20 PM

Title: Coinomi TX Signing Issues
Post by: jackg on September 07, 2018, 12:07:20 PM
I tried to make a transaction with coinomi and sign it, the signed hex is

My electrum says it's signed but my core says there's something wrong with the crtiptpubkey, I need to broadcast it in core as I don't wnat to pay a fee with it and it's affordable to just leave it as is until the bitcoin developers realise they don't have to enforce adding a fee to transactions any more...

Title: Re: Coinomi TX Signing Issues
Post by: LoyceV on September 07, 2018, 01:05:32 PM
As far as I know, it can't be broadcasted and will be rejected by any node.

Relevant information:

Default fees are proposed to be lowered in Bitcoin 0.18.0 (

Basically, the minimum will drop from 1sat/vbyte to 0.2sat/vbyte.

0.18.0 is scheduled for release in March 2019, which assumes nothing delays the release. And it may take time for the full effects be felt on the network, as miners may still refuse transactions less than 1sat/vbyte for a while (until a large enough backlog of < 1sat/vbyte transactions develops, I should imagine). Maybe this time next year we could be celebrating even cheaper fees :D

Title: Re: Coinomi TX Signing Issues
Post by: Coding Enthusiast on September 07, 2018, 04:10:43 PM
It is so easy to broadcast your transaction, you don't even need a client :P
Just connect to a seed node IP and ask for a list of node IP addresses.
Take one of the addresses and open a socket over port 8333 and use that IP to connect to and say "hi" like this (you may want to change the IP in it but it doesn't matter because it is flexible):
Then wait to hear "hi" and a "handshake" back. Then "shake" the hand like this:

Now that the greeting is over you can start talking with that node. In your case you just wanna tell them about your transaction, so just do that:

Rejected? Try another IP.

This, although being correct steps, was posted just for fun. I may have made mistakes since I didn't use a code, I just made them by hand. If you are interested I can explain with more details.

Title: Re: Coinomi TX Signing Issues
Post by: jackg on September 07, 2018, 04:53:27 PM
It is so easy to broadcast your transaction, you don't even need a client :P
Just connect to a seed node IP and ask for a list of node IP addresses.
Take one of the addresses and open a socket over port 8333 and use that IP to connect to and say "hi" like this (you may want to change the IP in it but it doesn't matter because it is flexible):
Then wait to hear "hi" and a "handshake" back. Then "shake" the hand like this:

Now that the greeting is over you can start talking with that node. In your case you just wanna tell them about your transaction, so just do that:

Rejected? Try another IP.

This, although being correct steps, was posted just for fun. I may have made mistakes since I didn't use a code, I just made them by hand. If you are interested I can explain with more details.

I do have a node already running (not synced but still). It's an issue with broadcasting somewhow.
I used sendrawtransaction Hex_Signed_TX and it said there was a scriptpubkey error.
I'm not entirely sure if that code actually works but it looks quite funny anyway ;D.

Title: Re: Coinomi TX Signing Issues
Post by: Coding Enthusiast on September 07, 2018, 06:18:14 PM
I'm not entirely sure if that code actually works but it looks quite funny anyway ;D.

These are just bytes, think of it as another language between two computers talking to each other. This is what your bitcoin core node is doing in the background. It is sending and receiving thee messages to "communicate".
f9beb4d9 says start here.
76657273696f6e0000000000 says the type of message I am sending you is "version"
766572616b00000000000000 says the type of message I am sending you is "verak"
The rest is other information such as IP addresses, ports, latest block height you have,...
That's the "greeting" part.
747800000000000000000000 says the type of message I am sending you is a "tx"
The rest is the transaction itself.

Title: Re: Coinomi TX Signing Issues
Post by: simo25 on September 22, 2018, 08:57:53 AM
I'm not entirely sure if that code actually works but it looks quite funny anyway ;D.

These are just bytes, think of it as another language between two computers talking to each other. This is what your bitcoin core node is doing in the background. It is sending and receiving thee messages to "communicate".
f9beb4d9 says start here.
76657273696f6e0000000000 says the type of message I am sending you is "version"
766572616b00000000000000 says the type of message I am sending you is "verak"
The rest is other information such as IP addresses, ports, latest block height you have,...
That's the "greeting" part.
747800000000000000000000 says the type of message I am sending you is a "tx"
The rest is the transaction itself.

sorry but I did not find a new message button

guys I know I'm a little late, but if we want there was not 1 key-extraction terrestrial, then 1 part of the private keys pulled it out
automatically xapo from his wallet, instead the other I had on electrum, I have the doubt of having lost it, when I did also there late the extraction of private bitcoin cash keys, because once exported from bitcoin, the private keys to collect cash Btc, I did not trust and I created 1 other wallet on electrum, where I moved the traditional btc, about 2 months after the postfork bitcoin gold .. do you think I played there to redeem the bitcoin gold?
I have already tried to export the private keys from the old wallet almost empty with the bitcoins prefork, and tells me exporting it on app coinom that there are no funds ??? : - \, do you think it went like this?