Bitcoin Forum

Local => Anunturi Monede Alternative => Topic started by: Tszunami98 on September 09, 2018, 12:31:30 PM

Title: [BOUNTY] LANEAXIS (Tehnologie patentata SUA):Optimizare Shipper -Carrier
Post by: Tszunami98 on September 09, 2018, 12:31:30 PM
ICO WEBSITE (    |    WHITEPAPER (    |    U.S PATENT (    |    PRODUCT WEBSITE (    |    ANN (

LaneAxis nunta campania oficiala de recompense. Programul va rula pana la sfarsitul vanzarii de jetoane. Un total de 3%  din rezerva de jetoane in jur de 500 de milioane, sunt rezervate pentru campania de recompense.
Apasati aici pentru liste (

Campania de recompense va fi impartita dupa cum urmeaza:


Publicati articolul pe Steemit,Medium si alte platforme care au legatura cu crypto pentru a primi recompense in aceasta campanie.
Recompensele depind in functie de calitatea articolului, unicitatea si numarul de urmaritori/vizitatori. Blogurile vor fi categorizate precum Normal, Bun si Excelent.
1. Urmariti Laneaxis pe Medium
2. Continutul ar trebui sa fie de calitate inalta, original si in Engleza.
3. Tags & Topic pentru publicarea articolului ar trebui sa aiba legatura cu cryptomonede, ICO si blockchain.
4. Articolele eliminate de pe canal inainte de finalul ICO nu vor fi luate in considerare.
5. Continutul duplicat va duce la descalificarea din programul de recompense.
6. Doar o inregistrare per participant va fi acceptate pe aceste platforme.
7. Articolul sau descrierea videoclipului trebuie sa contina cel putin 1 link catre site si 1 link catre cartea alba sau threadu ANN. Articolul sau descrierea trebuie sa contina adresa de ETH pentru a dovedi proprietatea.
8. Fiecare articol trebuie sa contina cel putin 275 de cuvinte & sa contina un link catre


Campania Youtube

Videoclipurile se vor puncta in functie de calitate, unicitate si vizualizari de la Normal, Mediu si Bun.

1. Videoclipul trebuie sa aiba minim 2 minute.
2. Videoclipul trebuie sa fie original.
3. Drepturile de aprobare sunt rezervate echipei LaneAxis.
4. Pentru a dovedi proprietatea videoclipului, adaugati adresa de ETH la finalul descrierii.
5. Like la acest Videoclip
6. Inregistrati-va canalului Cryptoguruu


Campanie Twitter

Reguli :
1. Urmariti
2. Retweet toate tweets (Minim 5 per saptamana)
3. Efectuati cel putin 3 tweets per saptamana si mentionati-ne in fiecare tweet folosind hashtag #LaneAxisIO
Plata :
200 - 500 Urmaritori : 1 stake/saptamana
501-2000 Urmaritori : 2 Stakes/saptamana
2001- 5000 Urmaritori : 4 Stakes/saptamana
5000+ Urmaritori : 8 Stakes/saptamana

Trebuie sa inregistrati rapoartele saptamanale in acest thread intr-un singur post. Nu creati o postare noua in fiecare saptamana


Rules :
2.Like all post (Minimum 5 per week)
3.Share all post (Minimum 3 per week)
4.Your profile must be public

payment :
200 - 500 FRIENDS : 1 stake/week
501-2000 FRIENDS : 2 Stakes/week
2001- 5000 FRIENDS : 4 Stakes/week
5000+ FRIENDS : 8 Stakes/week

You must submit your weekly report here on this thread in one single post.Do not create new post every week


How to Apply
1. Firstly, Follow our Subreddit Page here:
2. Using below given Creatives, Make posts about the LaneAxis Token Sale and include two links - one of the website and one of the Whitepaper.
3. Upvote & Comment all posts published on LaneAxis official Subreddit.
4. Write a minimum of 5 posts in a week with Website Link
5. Only 1 post will be considered as valid per account per day.
Rules :
1. For a post to be counted, it needs to be posted on one of the following subreddit, or Cryptocurrency subreddits :
r/bitcoin, r/ethereum, r/ethtrader, r/icocrypto, r/cryptocurrency
2. Post n Comments with negative karma will be considered invalid. Any kind of spam will not be considered for rewards either.
3. External post should link to either LaneAxis Website or LaneAxis Offical Announcement Thread.

Payment :
1 stakes per upvote
1 stakes per comment

You must submit your weekly report here on this thread in one single post.Do not create new post every week


Earn Tokens as a Reward for getting people to like LaneAxis LinkedIn Page and sharing LaneAxis Official Announcements.
Payment:  5% of Total Bounty will be allocated to LINKEDIN
1 Post : 5 stakes
How to Apply
1. Firstly, Like our LinkedIn Page here:
2. Using below given Creatives, Make a post about the LaneAxis Token Sale and include two links - one of the website and one of the whitepaper
3. Share all posts published on LaneAxis official LinkedIn Account.
5. Only 1 post will be considered as valid per account per day.
Rules :
3. You must be an active and regular LinkedIn user, and must share and like LaneAxis official posts and updates.
4. Your account must be open as a Public Profile and all posts shared need to be public as well.
5. Multiple accounts are not allowed. Anyone having multiple accounts will be disqualified from the bounty program, and no bounty will be rewarded for any of the accounts.
6. Don’t post all content on a single day. Plan the posts in a manner that enhances the followers’ knowledge about LaneAxis and keeps them updated them updated about all essential developments concerning LaneAxis.

You must submit your weekly report here on this thread in one single post.Do not create new post every week


Rules and payments :

1.Join our official group on telegram : 3 Stake
2.Join : 1 Stake
3.Stay in both telegram channels till ICO is over



1.Earn Tokens as a Reward for getting LaneAxis Listed one ICO Calendar/Rating/Listing Websites. : 1 Stake per listing
2.Visit this link and vote YES for LaneAxis (as shown in below image) : 1 Stake


Click here for spreadsheets (

Translate our bounty thread,ANN thread and whitepaper and get following stakes

Bounty thread : 200 Stakes
ANN thread : 400 Stakes
Whitepaper : 800 Stakes
Moderation of ANN thread : 1 stake per post
Posting of Bounty thread on other forums : 100 Stakes
Submit Here (