Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: ZenTiRon on September 11, 2018, 08:56:30 AM

Title: My account was banned. I do not agree with this.
Post by: ZenTiRon on September 11, 2018, 08:56:30 AM
My account was banned. I do not agree with this.
My account link;u=946355 was banned due to violation of paragraph 33 of the forum rules.
Sorry bojjan, you are banned from posting or sending personal messages on this forum.
You have been banned by a forum moderator.
But I did not do any plagiarism. All the messages were written by me personally. I consider this a mistake. Can we somehow reconsider this decision?

Title: Re: My account was banned. I do not agree with this.
Post by: SFR10 on September 11, 2018, 01:21:40 PM
My account link;u=946355 was banned due to violation of paragraph 33 of the forum rules.
But I did not do any plagiarism. All the messages were written by me personally.
Yeah, right (I'm not Russian but care to explain?)!

Copy (Archived (
Эфиp зa пocлeдниe 24 чaca нeoжидaннo oбoшeл биткoин пo oбъeмaм тopгoвыx cдeлoк и cocтaвил $8,3 млpд, в тo вpeмя кaк aнaлoгичный пoкaзaтeль y биткoинa cocтaвляeт чyть мeнee $6 млpд. Этo cтaлo вoзмoжным блaгoдapя peзкoмy pocтy cдeлoк в пape ETH/USDT нa мaлoизвecтнoй биpжe EXX.

Original (Archived (
Bтopaя пo кaпитaлизaции кpиптoвaлютa Ethereum зa пocлeдниe 24 чaca нeoжидaннo oбoшлa биткoин пo oбъeмaм тopгoвыx cдeлoк.

Этo cтaлo вoзмoжным блaгoдapя peзкoмy pocтy cдeлoк в пape ETH/USDT нa мaлoизвecтнoй биpжe EXX, иcпoльзyющaя иннoвaциoннyю мoдeль для cтимyлиpoвaния aктивнocти тpeйдepoв.

Coглacнo дaнным CoinMarketCap, oбъeм cдeлoк c Ethereum зa пocлeдниe cyтки cocтaвил $8,3 млpд, в тo вpeмя кaк aнaлoгичный пoкaзaтeль y биткoинa cocтaвляeт чyть мeнee $6 млpд.

I consider this a mistake.
How about now?

Can we somehow reconsider this decision?
Nope, it's permanent.

This thread belongs to "Meta".

Title: Re: My account was banned. I do not agree with this.
Post by: The Cryptovator on September 11, 2018, 02:23:38 PM
But I did not do any plagiarism.

How you know you got ban for plagiarism ?  ;D . This is not include in your massege that you received from forum. Anyway SFR10 already explained you in details. Hope you got your answer.

For your info, it's look you are trading merit on your current account. You might get red on this account also. At least save this account, don't lose it again.

Just 2 minute gap send and received. Also post has deleted.  (;u=2142143)

Title: Re: My account was banned. I do not agree with this.
Post by: markdario112616 on September 11, 2018, 02:27:40 PM
But I did not do any plagiarism.

How you know you got ban for plagiarism ?  ;D . This is not include in your massege that you received from forum.

Advance thinking, He/she knew this will come ;D

Title: Re: My account was banned. I do not agree with this.
Post by: MagicSmoker on September 11, 2018, 02:40:22 PM
My account was banned. I do not agree with this.
My account link;u=946355 was banned due to violation of paragraph 33 of the forum rules.
Sorry bojjan, you are banned from posting or sending personal messages on this forum.
You have been banned by a forum moderator.
But I did not do any plagiarism. All the messages were written by me personally. I consider this a mistake. Can we somehow reconsider this decision?

Quoted for posterity... I guess you didn't realize that getting banned for plagiarism is permanent, and that it applies to all your accounts... including ZenTiRon, you dolt.

Title: Re: My account was banned. I do not agree with this.
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on September 11, 2018, 02:46:21 PM
Quoted for posterity... I guess you didn't realize that getting banned for plagiarism is permanent, and that it applies to all your accounts... including ZenTiRon, you dolt.
I gave that account a neg just in case he decides he wants to keep posting with it, though I'm sure there are others with which he will.  If this somehow turns out to be a temp ban, I'll remove the feedback.

And yep, looks like merit abuse to me, though I can't view the posts in question.  Makes me slap my head thinking about why these people want to call attention to themselves.