Title: transaction fees for transfer of the change to new receiving address Post by: joe1234 on September 15, 2018, 12:23:53 PM Hello forum
to my understanding changes/receiving transactions are always transferred to a new receiving address in Mycelium (with HD-account). Does that move cost me transaction fees? Thank you! Joe Title: Re: transaction fees for transfer of the change to new receiving address Post by: TryNinja on September 15, 2018, 12:32:49 PM Yes, it's an extra output, so it will increase the size of your transaction (increasing the fees).
But you must send the change somewhere. Either to a new change address, back to the same address of origin, or to a second receiver (the cost will be the same for all 3 options). Title: Re: transaction fees for transfer of the change to new receiving address Post by: joe1234 on September 20, 2018, 03:29:21 PM Hmm but I heard that many transaction were not "executed" during the time BTC was so expensive
( e.g. December 2017). (especially when the user was not ready to pay high transaction feeds) - will Mycellium ask how much I am ready to pay (transaction-fees) for such (internal move of BTC funds to a new address)? Thank you! Joe Title: Re: transaction fees for transfer of the change to new receiving address Post by: BitMaxz on September 20, 2018, 10:03:58 PM - will Mycellium ask how much I am ready to pay (transaction-fees) for such (internal move of BTC The transaction fee depends on transaction size sat./byte. If you are sending bitcoin to another bitcoin address in your HD wallet it will ask for a fee from low priority, Economic, normal and priority. Just choose priority to make your transaction faster and low priority if you are not in a hurry. Since you are just transferring your bitcoin into the same wallet the transaction fee doesn't matter.funds to a new address)? Title: Re: transaction fees for transfer of the change to new receiving address Post by: bob123 on September 21, 2018, 06:58:52 AM - will Mycellium ask how much I am ready to pay (transaction-fees) for such (internal move of BTC funds to a new address)? Are you talking about a normal transaction or about the change of a transaction? The change of a transaction simply just is an additional output. So an usual transaction has at least 1 Input and 2 Output (Receiver / Change). Each transaction requires a fee (based on the size) to be included into a block. It doesn't matter whether you are sending the coins to an address owned by you, or someone else. Noone except you knows that you are owning the receiving and sending address. A transaction between 2 of your addresses is a normal transaction for everyone in the network. You will be able to choose the fee, just like with each other transaction inside mycelium. |