Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Electrum => Topic started by: jackg on September 16, 2018, 09:26:39 PM

Title: Electrum gives me a seed and then won't accept it
Post by: jackg on September 16, 2018, 09:26:39 PM
I have been using electrum and was trying to make a 14 of 15 multisig (I'm aware of the high fees, and am hoping it'll make me less likely to spend those bitcoins)...

Although, I go to put in a random file name (to make it go through the create wallet stages) and put in to create a multisig wallet > generate 14 require 15 > create new seed and write down my seed in my notebook. I then hit next and get taken to a screen, I put my seed in and the nexxt button doesn't highligh. I delete that seed that I inputted and go through each word to test with the predicted text but that similarly doesn't work (I'm on my third crossed out seed now, if anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated).

I am using electrum V3.2.3 and V2.2.2

Title: Re: Electrum gives me a seed and then won't accept it
Post by: pooya87 on September 17, 2018, 03:43:16 AM
try this, when the wallet creates the "new seed" for you instead of writing it down on a notebook copy it and paste it in a text file1 then click next and go to that text file copy the seed and paste it in the box. if now the next button is enabled then obviously you were typing a wrong seed word!

1. the way things work is that electrum is forcing you to write down the seed elsewhere so if you copy it when you click next it clears the clipboard so you can't paste it anymore in the next window.

edit: i read your post 3 times now and i can't say for sure whether you are entering a seed of your own in the next window or are you entering the seed that electrum generated for you? if you are entering a seed of your own then we are talking about a whole different scenario here. because you can't just put random words as seed, Electrum seeds have checksum so random sequence is not going to be always correct.

Title: Re: Electrum gives me a seed and then won't accept it
Post by: jackg on September 17, 2018, 11:30:40 AM
Huh it works today.

I'm going to check the other seeds now and see if they run into any issues...

Title: Re: Electrum gives me a seed and then won't accept it
Post by: nc50lc on September 18, 2018, 07:17:03 AM
This might be the cause of it:

(I'm on my third crossed out seed now, if anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated).

The SEED that you have to put in the very first "confirm seed" text box is the newly created seed, not the other cosigners' seeds.
Next button will always gray-out even when you entered a valid seed, it needs the correct same seed as displayed in the previous page.

Huh it works today.
You must be drunk last night ;D

Title: Re: Electrum gives me a seed and then won't accept it
Post by: jackg on September 18, 2018, 07:51:22 AM
(I'm on my third crossed out seed now, if anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated).

The SEED that you have to put in the very first "confirm seed" text box is the newly created seed, not the other cosigners' seeds.
Next button will always gray-out even when you entered a valid seed, it needs the correct same seed as displayed in the previous page.
Yeah I get that, but even when I was going on "I already have a seed" it still wasn't working...

Huh it works today.
You must be drunk last night ;D
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