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Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Akpuv on September 18, 2018, 01:21:43 AM

Title: China-Africa Cooperation and Lack of National Ideology of African Leaders
Post by: Akpuv on September 18, 2018, 01:21:43 AM
I followed closely the recently concluded summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) which took place in Beijing, China. The summit was attended by the Leaders of the 53 member African Union (AU), where the Chinese President, Xi Jinping promised the Leaders that China will cooperate to help Africa achieve industrialization and infrastructural development, among several other promises.

Most of the African Leaders have been in euphoria about this, seeing it as a success story, and believing it will end their perennial problems.

With this, I see a complete Lack of ideology of most African leaders, which is why they continuously ran to foreign countries for help.

Enough is Enough. Africa is a continent with great potentials and abundant natural resources, what the African countries need is a national ideology to set a better economic path for itself.

This ideology would make the government of the day to realize that no nation has enough for her citizens, and that none is willing to play the father Christmas to any other nation; that salvation would never come from outside, it must come from within.

Africa should therefore be aware that no European, American or the Asians can truly help Africans to build Africa.

All what Africans and its Leaders need is ideology. They should all be purpose driven to save their countries.

If Africa wants to truly save itself, then Time to Act is Now!

Title: Re: China-Africa Cooperation and Lack of National Ideology of African Leaders
Post by: bitmover on September 18, 2018, 02:38:42 AM
Most developing countries around the world are ruled by globalist politicians.

Almost the entire Latin America policies supports globalist ideals, seeking to form larger blocks and ignoring their own countries necessities. This is also true for Africa, as you pointed.

China is is somehow supporting this globalist policies in the western, but I believe they are somehow nationalists.

Title: Re: China-Africa Cooperation and Lack of National Ideology of African Leaders
Post by: Hero213 on September 18, 2018, 10:47:30 AM
The Lack of ideology in leadership has often drawn Africa backward. They need to step up their game.

Title: Re: China-Africa Cooperation and Lack of National Ideology of African Leaders
Post by: btc_angela on September 18, 2018, 12:00:34 PM
The Lack of ideology in leadership has often drawn Africa backward. They need to step up their game.

Not only in Africa, but there are nations in Asia as well, who lacks ideology and always run for global politicians like US. It looks like though that China is positioning itself in the global affairs, but I do hope that they are sincere in helping African nation and not just overrun their resources which we have seen in the las 500 years or so.

Title: Re: China-Africa Cooperation and Lack of National Ideology of African Leaders
Post by: Akpuv on September 18, 2018, 07:50:08 PM
but I do hope that they are sincere in helping African nation and not just overrun their resources which we have seen in the las 500 years or so.

This has actually been one of my worries about the motives of some of this countries pledging to help Africa. Are they really sincere? I honestly don't think so. I believe most of this countries are mainly interested in running the continent dry. They only want something they can get from Africa.

Title: Re: China-Africa Cooperation and Lack of National Ideology of African Leaders
Post by: Theb on September 18, 2018, 08:07:12 PM
One thing that I have learned from news about China is never ever be in debt to the Chinese Government. They are known for targeting poor countries in which they let them borrow large sums of money with a ridiculous interest which they can never pay and the catch is the collateral is their own natural resources, this is what they did to Sri Lanka and hopefully African countries don't follow. Just like what OP said there is another way to rise up and loaning out money from abusive countries is not one of them

Title: Re: China-Africa Cooperation and Lack of National Ideology of African Leaders
Post by: pitiflin on September 18, 2018, 08:30:21 PM
This ideology would make the government of the day to realize that no nation has enough for her citizens, and that none is willing to play the father Christmas to any other nation; that salvation would never come from outside, it must come from within.

Africa should therefore be aware that no European, American or the Asians can truly help Africans to build Africa.

Africa put themselves into the spot they are in right now. Its funny to hear when I see China "trying to help" African countries to "industrialize",while China themselves are in a Trade war,but in reality its obviously not funny.

This takes me to another question, are African countries really that stupid to understand something that's common knowledge and has been happening for years? Sure, the sentences may be twisted,and the hype can make people believe into something but multiple governments falling for the same thing again and again is really just pathetic. If this goes on, and before you know it,Africa will soon be out of their very precious resources.

Title: Re: China-Africa Cooperation and Lack of National Ideology of African Leaders
Post by: Olalomi on September 19, 2018, 01:46:23 AM
The Chinese government are  so much interested in the vast natural resources abound in Africa thus capitalized on the lack of ideology of those African leaders, the Chinese believed the resources that could project them to a leading world power is in abundance in Africa that is why they are collaborating with the African leaders to actualize there aims and ambitions while promising to develop Africa

Title: Re: China-Africa Cooperation and Lack of National Ideology of African Leaders
Post by: sana54210 on September 22, 2018, 07:47:28 AM
I followed closely the recently concluded summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) which took place in Beijing, China. The summit was attended by the Leaders of the 53 member African Union (AU), where the Chinese President, Xi Jinping promised the Leaders that China will cooperate to help Africa achieve industrialization and infrastructural development, among several other promises.

Most of the African Leaders have been in euphoria about this, seeing it as a success story, and believing it will end their perennial problems.

With this, I see a complete Lack of ideology of most African leaders, which is why they continuously ran to foreign countries for help.

Enough is Enough. Africa is a continent with great potentials and abundant natural resources, what the African countries need is a national ideology to set a better economic path for itself.

This ideology would make the government of the day to realize that no nation has enough for her citizens, and that none is willing to play the father Christmas to any other nation; that salvation would never come from outside, it must come from within.

Africa should therefore be aware that no European, American or the Asians can truly help Africans to build Africa.

All what Africans and its Leaders need is ideology. They should all be purpose driven to save their countries.

If Africa wants to truly save itself, then Time to Act is Now!
Well, there is politics going on everywhere and even on the international scale and I am sure even the government of these African countries will know that nothing goes for nothing and mostly, all these things about industrialization will only help boost the Chinese economy as well, talking about how some of them are already looking into adopting Yuan for usage as against USD.

I certainly feel you with the statement that the leaders lack ideology, but what do we really expect from non-visionary leaders, who only care about themselves and their family in the first place and not how they are going to bring the country to shape. The natural resources are there, but corruption will just not let things work out perfectly.

Title: Re: China-Africa Cooperation and Lack of National Ideology of African Leaders
Post by: setupbounds on September 22, 2018, 10:04:30 AM
Most developing countries around the world are ruled by globalist politicians.

Almost the entire Latin America policies supports globalist ideals, seeking to form larger blocks and ignoring their own countries necessities. This is also true for Africa, as you pointed.

China is is somehow supporting this globalist policies in the western, but I believe they are somehow nationalists.
It is really funny to see the African Leaders trying to find every means to industrialize their nation when they have everything they can utilize to make that happen in the first place and then corruption that has so much dug into the system ends up affecting them that they certainly do not know their left from their center.

China will obviously not be a father Christmas as they have so much to gain from all these, but I guess as it is, since Africa lacks visionary leaders who can take hold of things on their own without having to rely on international bodies, then, they are just going to be in a begging state.

Title: Re: China-Africa Cooperation and Lack of National Ideology of African Leaders
Post by: Baofeng on September 22, 2018, 10:33:46 AM
The Chinese government are  so much interested in the vast natural resources abound in Africa thus capitalized on the lack of ideology of those African leaders, the Chinese believed the resources that could project them to a leading world power is in abundance in Africa that is why they are collaborating with the African leaders to actualize there aims and ambitions while promising to develop Africa

Are you saying that Chinese will also milk them up to the last resources? I haven't witnessed China did this to any other country except perhaps in the local Asian region. Remember that this have this on-going
territorial disputes in the South China Sea ( So them moving to Africa might be an indication that they are slowly building up something that can rival US or Russia for being the most powerful and influential country in the world. African nations should be wary of any help being extended to them. They should really learn their lessons not to trust anyone but themselves. They won't grow if they kept on believing that those nations will help them for nothing. There must be something that China see in them that they can exploited big time.

Title: Re: China-Africa Cooperation and Lack of National Ideology of African Leaders
Post by: Dimon8 on September 22, 2018, 12:17:24 PM
I think that the Chinese view Africa as a huge continent with large reserves of natural resources and industrial raw materials, as well as cheap labor. "Leaders" of African countries will not miss the opportunity to earn from Chinese investment.

Title: Re: China-Africa Cooperation and Lack of National Ideology of African Leaders
Post by: hugeblack on September 23, 2018, 05:21:48 AM
Most of the African Leaders have been in euphoria about this, seeing it as a success story, and believing it will end their perennial problems.
Do you know why they feel ecstatic? They will be able to get more money and loot the wealth of their country in exchange for their interest.

Many African leaders have taken over the government through force and military coups, so they are waging war and poverty to improve their power.

Most of these countries are under US and European sanctions, so China finds it a comfortable place to get investment, especially as it backs those leaders to get cheap raw materials.
+ China turns to Africa to mitigate impact of US trade war (

Title: Re: China-Africa Cooperation and Lack of National Ideology of African Leaders
Post by: beerlover on September 23, 2018, 06:28:40 AM
Not all countries built at the same time with the same opportunities.

Simple example I heard from an american, was that New York was built perfectly for street and infrastructure ways because people who came from other countries has seen those problems back in the day so when they started to build the city they took all precautions, kinda like a "reset" button for them to make a decent infrastructure.

Same ideology applies here, UK had over two thousand years of development and managed to get this big over time, USA was improved with amazing trading profits as well, France has colonized others properly.

Africa do need outside help because it is underdeveloped and all by itself without trades or resources its impossible to improve within self.

Title: Re: China-Africa Cooperation and Lack of National Ideology of African Leaders
Post by: TravelMug on September 23, 2018, 06:51:19 AM
Not all countries built at the same time with the same opportunities.

Simple example I heard from an american, was that New York was built perfectly for street and infrastructure ways because people who came from other countries has seen those problems back in the day so when they started to build the city they took all precautions, kinda like a "reset" button for them to make a decent infrastructure.

Same ideology applies here, UK had over two thousand years of development and managed to get this big over time, USA was improved with amazing trading profits as well, France has colonized others properly.

Africa do need outside help because it is underdeveloped and all by itself without trades or resources its impossible to improve within self.

But you can't compare them to what has happened in Africa for the last 200 years or so. People don't go there to build infrastracture but to totally take advantage of the natural resources of the region.

That's why you will see warlords taking over, because governments are inadequate to really do their jobs because they are like puppets for colonizers.

Yes, Africa needed help a lot of country has been extending their hands on them, but why they are not progressing? Its because one way or another nations are slowly eating up their resources.

Title: Re: China-Africa Cooperation and Lack of National Ideology of African Leaders
Post by: Akpuv on September 23, 2018, 11:14:56 PM
Not all countries built at the same time with the same opportunities.

Simple example I heard from an american, was that New York was built perfectly for street and infrastructure ways because people who came from other countries has seen those problems back in the day so when they started to build the city they took all precautions, kinda like a "reset" button for them to make a decent infrastructure.

Same ideology applies here, UK had over two thousand years of development and managed to get this big over time, USA was improved with amazing trading profits as well, France has colonized others properly.

Africa do need outside help because it is underdeveloped and all by itself without trades or resources its impossible to improve within self.
I do agree that Africa needs the trades with other countries to aid in development, but it does not stop the leaders of the continent from having a clear ideology on governance, and utilizing its own inner resources. Most of them even wait for the outsiders to help them identify their own potentials.